Filename |
Author/Subject |
Title |
etext93/2sqrt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of Two, 100,000 digits |
etext93/32pri10.txt | Math | The 32nd Mersenne Prime, Mersenne Prediction |
etext93/ee610.txt | Math | The Number "e" (Natural Log to 100,000 places) |
etext93/pimil10.txt | Math | Pi (circumference/diameter) million places |
etext93/prime12.txt | Math | The First 100,000 Prime Numbers |
etext94/2sqrt10a.txt | Math | The Square Root of Two, 100,000 digits |
etext94/ee710.txt | Math | Number e "Natural Log" 1 million places |
etext95/factr10.txt | Math | A List of Factorial Math Constants |
etext95/fibns10.txt | Math | The Fibonacci Number Series |
etext96/10srt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of 10, to 1 million digits |
etext96/3sqrt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of 3, to 1 million digits |
etext96/5sqrt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of 5, to 1 million digits |
etext96/6sqrt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of 6, to 1 million digits |
etext96/7sqrt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of 7, to 1 million digits |
etext96/8sqrt10.txt | Math | The Square Root of 8, to 1 million digits |
etext96/ctcst10.txt | Math | Catalan's Constant (Ramanujan's Formula) |
etext96/gmean11.txt | Math | The Golden Mean or Ratio (1+sqrt(5))/2 |
etext96/miscc10.txt | Math | Miscellaneous Mathematical Constants Etc |
etext96/onepi10.txt | Math | One Divided by Pi, To A Million Digits |