The Ada Programming Archive
1300 MB of Ada source code, programs and documentation on 2 CDROMS!
Ada users should not be without this library! This CDROM is a copy of the
Internet's Public Ada Library (PAL). With over 1.3 GB of documentation,
information, source code, and ready-to-run tools and compilers, this two-disc
set is a valuable resource for any serious Ada programmer. Several thousand
files added or updated since the August 96 edition.
You'll find:
- Major Addition! The Ada Advocacy Package, or Making the Business Case for Ada. This is a collection of refined, tested, best-of-breed Ada advocacy materials created for the need of the Ada community.
- Management/business briefings
- Technical briefings
- A concise monograph (equivalent to the briefings)
- A catalog of vendors providing Ada products and services
- A set of Ada success stories in various domains
- FAQ's about Ada, its availability, and results of its usage
- Resource lists (including education/training materials and providers) and Web pointers
- Tailoring & selection guidelines for using the package's contents
Major Tool! GNAT 3.05, the GNU NYU Ada95 Translator sponsored by the Free
Software Foundation and the DoD+s Ada Joint Program Office. The first
VALIDATED free Ada95 compiler! Fully integrated with the GNU C compiler,
allowing mix of Ada95 and C code. Src included! Ready-to-run ports of GNAT for
DOS, Windows 95, Windows NT, OS/2, Solaris, SunOS, Linux, Silicon Graphics &
Major Tool! EZ2LOAD, Plug-and-Play for DOS and Windows 95/Windows NT that
includes a complete Ada83 and Ada95 software development environment and
installs directly from the CDROM.
Major Enhancement! The Lovelace Ada95 Tutorial now in a more portable form!
This tutorial is written in HTML for use by a World Wide Web browser. Lovelace
is unpacked, ready to run directly off the CDROM. Lovelace also includes a
distribution using the Cello brower for MSDOS (including the Cello browser
itself), ready to copy, unpack, and run under MSDOS.
Update! A large set of Ada bindings, including bindings to OSI, ADAR, ASIS,
CICS, DCE, GKS, GPEF, GPPF, IRDS, PCTE, PHIG, POSIX, X11, Motif, and Microsoft
Over 300 MB of information on Ada83 and Ada95, including:
- Guide to compiling Ada83 programs using Ada95 compilers
- An Ada95 transition guide
- An adoption handbook
- Reference manuals & tutorials
- Rational for the design of Ada
- 80 courses in Ada, Software Engineering, Software Reuse, OOD, OOP, Domain Engineering, real-time, concurrent programming, and other current topics. Hundreds of technical reports and references, including over 200 MB of material from the Software Engineering Institute.
- A catalog of the Public Ada Library (over 2,000 pages covering this CDROM). The catalog is in text, Postscript, HTML, and an Interactive reader that runs under DOS. You can print the catalog out, view it using a World Wide Web browser, or run it on your PC!
- An Ada CDROM World Wide Web home page, complete with access to the catalog of the Public Ada Library and the PAL Frequently Asked Questions List.
This CDROM can be browsed using Netscape and other Web browsers! Start with
the file 00_cd.html or 00_cd_a.htm. See also the directory ada/how2use on Disc
We used the Certifier_1 tool (also available in binary on this CDROM) to
certify the software on this CDROM. This disk is in ISO-9660 with Rock Ridge
extensions. You can read it on 30 platforms, including: DOS, Mac, Sun, and HP.
Click here to order!
Price: $39.95
Subscription: $24.95
Released: December 1996