NASA Engineering Source Code Series Pacific HiTech and COSMIC, NASA's official software repository and center for technology transfer, have teamed up to bring you source code from the US space program. The NASA Engineering Source Code series represents the first release of the NASA software archives on CD-ROM. These programs have been in actual use in the design and implementation of key parts of America's space program, including the Apollo space craft, flights to Mars, and the Space Shuttle. Most of the programs are written in Fortran, with a few in C, Pascal, Lisp and BASIC. Some of the programs have been implemented on specific computer architectures and will need modification to be used on other platforms. Although several of these were written over 10 years ago, the algorithms embedded in the programs should be as valid now as when they were first put into use. INTERFACE We have provided an html interface to help you navigate the CD-ROM. It includes a search function for finding key words included in the abstracts of programs. The search function is a Java applet that is still in beta testing, and may not work with all browsers or platforms. CD-ROM CONTENTS This CD-ROM is organized into the following sections: Directories programs: the source code for the programs abstracts: html abstracts for the programs for the entire series clustor: distributed computing program (see section below) images: gifs for the html interface search: Java applet files for searching via the html interface Files readme.txt: plain text version of this file readme.html: html version of this file program_index.html: listing of the programs CLUSTOR As an additional bonus, we have included a pre-release version of Clustor, a state-of-the-art distributed computing interface from Active Tools, Inc. This program allows you to run multiple copies of a program with varied input data on a network of PCs, workstations or supercomputers. Clustor will prove particularly useful for simulation programs and other engineering applications in which the goal is to obtain optimal values or to test results for a wide range of input data. Active Tools can be reached at: REGISTRATION You are encouraged to register at the following URL and give us your comments regarding this CD-ROM. We'd be particularly interested in knowing which programs on this disc you found to be the most useful. CONTACT INFORMATION Please note that neither Pacific HiTech nor COSMIC are able to provide technical support for the programs on this disc. For some programs, COSMIC has more detailed documentation. Pacific HiTech, Inc 3855 South 500 West, Suite M Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Tel: 801-261-1024 Fax: 801-261-0310 Web: COSMIC (NASA Software Technology Transfer Center) University of Georgia 382 East Broad Street Athens GA 30602-4272 Tel: 706-542-3265 Fax: 706-542-4807 Web: DISCLAIMER THE PROGRAMS INCLUDED IN THIS SERIES ARE NOT GUARANTEED TO BE ERROR-FREE OR APPLICABLE FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE, AND THE ENTIRE RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY IN USING THEM IS YOURS. NEITHER PACIFIC HITECH NOR COSMIC ARE ABLE TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR THE PROGRAMS ON THESE DISCS. IN SOME CASES, HOWEVER, MORE DETAILED DOCUMENTATION MAY BE AVAILABLE FROM COSMIC AT (706) 542-3265. IF ANY OF THE FOREGOING IS UNACCEPTABLE TO YOU, PLEASE RETURN THE PRODUCT WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE TIME OF PURCHASE TO THE PLACE YOU PURCHASED IT FOR A REFUND.