MISER2- MISTUNING EFFECTS ON TURBOFAN CASCADES ( NASA Lewis Research Center ) In the development of modern aircraft turbofan engines, the aeroelas- tic stability and response of bladed-disk assemblies have been among the most difficult problems encountered. The study of stability and response in these assemblies is complicated by the presence of small differences be- tween the individual blades, known as mistuning. The Mistuning Effects on Turbofan Cascades program, MISER2, was developed to improve the basic un- derstanding of the effects of mistuning on aeroelastic stability and re- sponse. The MISER2 program calculates the flutter boundaries and aeroelas- tic response of a cascade of arbitrarily mistuned airfoils. It is based on a formulation incorporating incompressible subsonic and supersonic, un- steady, two-dimensional aerodynamic theories. Each blade is modeled as a two degree-of-freedom oscillator having inertial coupling between the bending and torsional motions. It is possible to consider any type of un- coupled bending and torsional frequencies, damping ratios, mass ratios, and elastic axis and center of gravity positions. Special cases which can be treated by MISER2 include: tuned and mistuned cases; uncoupled bending and uncoupled torsion cases; and the tuned coupled bending-torsion case. MISER2 was developed for the IBM 370 with VM/SP and requires 200K of memory. The program was written in FORTRAN 77. The IMSL subroutines are re- quired. MISER2 was developed in 1986. COSMIC, and the COSMIC logo are registered trademarks of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All other brands and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders. LANGUAGE: FORTRAN 77 MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: IBM 370 SERIES PROGRAM SIZE: APPROXIMATELY 2,623 SOURCE STATEMENTS DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: 9 Track 1600 BPI EBCDIC Card Image Format Magnetic Tape PROGRAM NUMBER: LEW-14380 DOMESTIC - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $17.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $700.00 INTERNATIONAL - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $34.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $1400.00 1