VELOCITIES AND STREAMLINES ON A BLADE-TO-BLADE STREAM SURFACE OF A TANDEM BLADE TURBOMACHINE ( NASA Lewis Research Center ) This computer program gives the blade-to-blade solution of the two- dimensional, subsonic, compressible (or incompressible), nonviscous flow problem for a circular or straight infinite cascade of tandem or slotted turbomachine blades. The blades may be fixed or rotating. The flow may be axial, radial , or mixed. The method of solution is based on the stream function using an itera- tive solution of nonlinear finite-difference equations. These equations are solved using two major levels of iteration. The inner iteration con- sists of the solution of simultaneous linear equations by successive over- relaxation, using an estimated optimum over-relaxation factor. The outer iteration then changes the coefficients of the simultaneous equations to correct for compressibility. The program input consists of the basic blade geometry, the merid- ional stream channel coordinates, fluid stagnation conditions, weight flow and flow split through the slot, and inlet and outlet flow angles. The out- put includes blade surface velocities, velocity magnitude and direction throughout the passage, and the streamline coordinates. COSMIC, and the COSMIC logo are registered trademarks of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All other brands and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders. LANGUAGE: FORTRAN IV ( 99 %); ASSEMBLER ( 01 %); MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: IBM 7000 SERIES PROGRAM SIZE: APPROXIMATELY 2,536 SOURCE STATEMENTS DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: 9 Track 1600 BPI Card Image Format Magnetic Tape PROGRAM NUMBER: LEW-10743 DOMESTIC - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $25.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $500.00 INTERNATIONAL - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $50.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $1000.00 1