ANALYTICAL COMPARISONS OF ABLATIVE NOZZLE MATERIALS ( GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ) This program is designed to analytically predict the ablation perfor- mance of rocket nozzle heat protection materials. The program is based on the use of nonsymmetrical difference equations that are employed to solve systems of complex partial differential equations. The program can be used to predict the thermal degradation of a wide va- riety of materials exposed to an external source of heat. It can be gener- ally adapted to the simulation of processes involving heat and mass trans- fer by substituting specific parameters into the basic equations. In the kiln drying of lumber, for example, profiles of temperature, humidity, and drying time for woods of different types can be simulated to predict minimum process cost and loss of material. The program could also be adapted to the simulation of the manufacture of ceramics, the casting of large concrete structures, and the propagation of forest fires (to determine optimum meth- ods of control). The program also includes the effects of mass addition on heat trans- fer, the calculation of internal gas pressure and internal material stresses, and a number of other options for surface or char removal. The program has previously been used to compare performance of pheno- lic nylon, phenolic graphite, and phenolic refrasil as rocket nozzle heat protection materials. COSMIC, and the COSMIC logo are registered trademarks of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All other brands and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders. LANGUAGE: FORTRAN IV MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: IBM 7000 SERIES PROGRAM SIZE: APPROXIMATELY 7,360 SOURCE STATEMENTS DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: 9 Track 1600 BPI EBCDIC Card Image Format Magnetic Tape PROGRAM NUMBER: LEW-00240 DOMESTIC - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $64.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $500.00 INTERNATIONAL - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $128.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $1000.00 1