TAKEOFF AND LANDING PERFORMANCE CAPABILITIES OF TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIR- CRAFT ( NASA Langley Research Center ) One of the most important considerations in the design of a commer- cial transport aircraft is the aircraft's performance during takeoff and landing operations. The aircraft must be designed to meet field length con- straints in accordance with airworthiness standards specified in the Fed- eral Aviation Regulations. In addition, the noise levels generated during these operations must be within acceptable limits. This computer program provides for the detailed analysis of the takeoff and landing performance capabilities of transport category aircraft. The program calculates air- craft performance in accordance with the airworthiness standards of the Federal Aviation Regulations. The aircraft and flight constraints are rep- resented in sufficient detail to permit realistic sensitivity studies in terms of either configuration modifications or changes in operational pro- cedures. This program provides for the detailed performance analysis of the takeoff and landing capabilities of specific aircraft designs and allows for sensitivity studies. The program is not designed to synthesize config- urations or to generate aerodynamic, propulsion, or structural character- istics. This type of information must be generated externally to the pro- gram and then input as data. The program's representation of the aircraft data is extensive and includes realistic limits on engine and aircraft op- erational boundaries and maximum attainable lift coefficients. The take- off and climbout flight-path is generated by a stepwise integration of the equation of motion. Special features include options for nonstandard- day operation, for balanced field length, for derated throttle to meet a given field length for off-loaded aircraft, and for throttle cutback dur- ing climbout for community noise alleviation. Advanced takeoff procedures for noise alleviation such as programmed throttle and control flaps may be investigated with the program. Approach profiles may incorporate advanced procedures such as two segment approaches and decelerating approaches. The landing performance considers the application of wheel brakes, spoilers, and thrust reversers. This program is written in FORTRAN IV for batch execution and has been implemented on a CDC CYBER 170 series computer with a central memory re- quirement of approximately 105K (octal) of 60 bit words. This program was developed in 1979. COSMIC, and the COSMIC logo are registered trademarks of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All other brands and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders. 1 LANGUAGE: FORTRAN IV MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: CDC CYBER 170 SERIES PROGRAM SIZE: APPROXIMATELY 4,452 SOURCE STATEMENTS DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: 9 Track 1600 BPI CDC NOS Internal Format Magnetic Tape PROGRAM NUMBER: LAR-13086 DOMESTIC - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $19.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $500.00 INTERNATIONAL - DOCUMENTATION PRICE: $38.00 PROGRAM PRICE: $1000.00 2