Assignment #2a (supplement6. Describe a method of estimating the variance of a random variable. Try out your method on some of the problems in the first assignment, where you already have both the simulation and the expected value.7. Estimate the expectation and variance of the random variable simulated below. Describe your method. Try your method on the problems that you did for the previous question but don't use your knowledge of the exact expectation. Does your method tend to overestimate or underestimate the variance as compared to the estimate using the exact expectation? Or is it an unbiased method? BeatPrev := func(); local prev, curr, useRand; prev := random(1.0); curr := random(1.0); useRand := 2; while prev > curr do useRand := useRand +1; prev := curr; curr := random(1.0); end; return useRand; end;