NOTE: This list was created on Mon, 9 Dec 91 11:37:44 MST. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file MSDOS/FILEDOCS/AAAREAD.ME for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory MSDOS/PASCAL/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== MYSTIC.ARC B 108125 881003 Interactive Pascal compiler NRPAS13.ZIP B 303762 910503 'Numerical Recipes in Pascal' code (shareware) PASCSRC.ARC B 89450 890114 Coronado's Pascal tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) PASCTXT.ARC B 113513 890114 Coronado's Pascal tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) PNL001.ZIP B 7485 900425 The Pascal Newsletter: Programming in Pascal PNL002.ZIP B 20194 900520 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #2 PNL003.ZIP B 43700 900706 The Pascal Newsletter: Sorting, OOP in TPascal PNL004.ZIP B 31896 901017 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #4 PNL005.ZIP B 31695 901223 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #5 PNL006.ZIP B 62650 910326 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #6 PNLUPD1.ZIP B 823 910124 Update for PNL004.ZIP Pascal NewsLetter #4 QPARSER.ARC B 204672 881003 Parses 'C' or Pascal QP_PAINT.ARC B 32677 890919 OOP paint program source in QuickPascal SURPAS.ARC B 151646 880614 Shareware Pascal Compiler, from Australia