NOTE: This list was created on Mon, 9 Dec 91 11:35:01 MST. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file MSDOS/FILEDOCS/AAAREAD.ME for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory MSDOS/CATALOG/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== ACAT138.ZIP B 143581 910122 Autocat v1.38 - disk cataloging program BJF_210.ARC B 57267 890907 BJF v2.10 - diskette and hard disk cataloger CATDISK.ARC B 30381 871205 PC-FILE+ disk catalog template CDISK463.ZIP B 167829 910831 Disk catalog system also does ARC/PAK/ZIP/LBR CNTNTS20.ARC B 34264 900120 CONTENTS v2.0, fast, easy disk cataloger COVER.ARC B 2630 871231 Prints disk directory - fits floppy sleeve CUDM321.ZIP B 116181 910909 Colorado Utilities Disk Manager disk cataloger DCPCOV41.ZIP B 38765 900430 Makes floppy disk cover sheets on ANY printer DIR405.ARC B 49342 871206 Diskette cataloging utility DISKVR46.ARC B 64729 890411 Print sleeve inserts for floppy disks DLS200.ZIP B 117729 910312 Disk labeling system, interfaces w/catalogers DOSCAT.ARC B 2587 880829 Text: Use DOS for simple, useful file catalog DSKLBL22.ZIP B 63045 910126 Disk Label Maker v2.2: Disk label print util. DSKTRK70.ZIP B 99829 910628 DiskTrak 7.0: Diskette cataloger/database EZCAT101.ARC B 185097 890104 All purpose software library management system LABELLEX.ZIP B 41121 900412 Print disk labels/inserts from PmCat 5.2 & up LBL420.ARC B 53984 900202 Disk label print utility LC173.ZIP B 128256 900719 LogiCat v1.73 floppy diskette file cataloger PIBCAT17.ARC B 100441 890513 Catalog contents of most cmprs. format files PMCAT53.ZIP B 96753 900317 Disk cataloger, reads archive files too SLIPCOVR.ARC B 16050 880910 Makes diskette cover printouts of directories WSSI513A.ZIP B 149538 910621 Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,1of2 WSSI513B.ZIP B 119705 910621 Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,2of2