NOTE: This list was created on Mon, 25 Nov 91 10:06:05 MST. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file MSDOS/FILEDOCS/AAAREAD.ME for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory MSDOS/ADA/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== ADA_LRM1.ARC B 231947 890411 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (1/4) ADA_LRM2.ARC B 320086 890411 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (2/4) ADA_LRM3.ARC B 85812 890411 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (3/4) ADA_LRM4.ARC B 11156 890411 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (4/4) ADA_MET1.ZIP B 114926 910513 Ada metric analyzer & software cost estimator ADATU200.CMM A 804 910406 Comments on installing Ada tutor system v2.00 ADATU200.EXE B 244671 910403 Interactive ADA tutor system, v2.00, self-extr BD3.ARC B 116096 890430 Demo and tutorial on Ada tasking for PCs NAPP.ZIP B 224000 890829 NASA Ada source code reformatter PAGER2.ARC B 94080 890617 Manipulates paged files for ADA SR descrips.