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AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a free replacement for Tripwire(tm). It generates a database that can be used to check the integrity of files on server. It uses regular expressions for determening which files get added to the database. You can use several message digest algorithms to ensure that the files have not been tampered with.
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Screenshot auto-autofs is a Perl script which searches block- devices (via /proc) and disk partitions (via fdisk) and generates an automounter map. It can also work as an automounter program. It also generates an HTML file for easy access to the devices.
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Cheops-ng is a network management tool for mapping and monitoring your network. It has host/network discovery functionality and OS detection, and does a port scan of each computer to tell what services are running. It can probe FTP, HTTP, ssh, email (port 25), news, IMAP, and VNC to see what version and type of server is running on those ports.
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CPS (Coherent Printing System) is a Foomatic/GhostScript-based print spooling system for Linux which controls printers correctly even when the same physical printer is used in several different modes under different names (e.g., draft, colour, and greyscale on the same inkjet). All spooling is handled by the central daemon which allows network job submission to work without installing the print daemon, Foomatic, or GhostScript on the client machines. Samba printing is also catered for.
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CUPS provides a portable printing layer for UNIX(r)- based operating systems. It has been developed to promote a standard printing solution for all UNIX vendors and users. CUPS provides the System V and Berkeley commandline interfaces, uses the Internet Printing Protocol ("IPP") as the basis for managing print jobs and queues, supports (with reduced functionality) the Line Printer Daemon ("LPD"), Server Message Block ("SMB"), and AppSocket (a.k.a. JetDirect) protocols, and adds network printer browsing and PostScript Printer Description ("PPD")-based printing options to support real-world printing under UNIX. CUPS also includes a customized version of GNU Ghostscript and an image file RIP that are used to support non- PostScript printers. Sample drivers for HP and EPSON printers are included that use these filters.
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Fireflier is a firewall tool which is built on top of the iptables framework. It allows you to create rules based on single incoming network packets or to simply allow/deny single packets to pass. It features a client-server approach for administering from another PC, SSL connection between client and server, rules with timeouts (rules are deleted after some time or when fireflier-server shuts down), and filtering based on applications.
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ibackup lets you automate (with cron) the backup of system configurations. It is easy to extend it for your systems and adapt to your needs. It supports exclude lists, upload, and encryption of your backups.
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idxldapaccounts is a Webmin module that manages user and group accounts in an LDAP directory.
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Screenshot Webmin-kimberlite is a Webmin module for managing a Kimberlite cluster. It can be used to edit the cluster configuration or to manage a running Kimberlite cluster. The current status of the cluster can be displayed, and services can be started, stopped, or moved.
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Lilo is a Boot loader for Linux/x86 and other PC operating systems. Lilo is responsible for loading your Linux kernel from either a floppy or a hard drive and giving it control of the system. It can also be used to boot many other operating sysetms, including the BSD variants, DOS, and OS/2. The Lilo distribution includes full source, documentation and support files, but no pre-compiled binaries. Lilo is capable of booting beyond cylinder 1024 of a hard disk if the BIOS supports EDD packet call extensions to the int 0x13 interface.
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Linux NTFS provides Linux drivers for the proprietary filesystem used by Windows NT, 2000, and XP. It also provides support for the Logical Disk Manager (LDM) that controls Windows' Dynamic Disks and is used to create software Mirrors, Stripes, RAID, etc.
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mkautosmb autodiscovers the local SMB (Windows) network using smbclient, sets up an autofs configuration, and can optionally create a "virtual" directory hierarchy. This makes the network completely transparent for all applications. Most of the autofs mount options are supported. Requires autofs and samba for operation.
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Screenshot MonitorIT! is a multi-purpose monitoring tool.
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NewSyslog is an updated version of a package put together by Theodore Tso of MIT Project Athena (which is included in NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.). It manages the rotation and archiving of log files (primarily those written to by syslogd). This version has a mix of features from all of the other versions, and it has been made more portable than any of the others with the help of GNU Autoconf.
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Sky-Fire is a secure, easy-to-use Linux firewall. It is a dynamic script that supports forwarding to two different subnets and running servers on the firewall. The script is designed to be as user friendly as possible. A setup script guides the user through the setup process.
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Screenshot sonar is a network reconnaissance utility. It pings a specified host at a specified interval and reports when that host is online. As soon as the host comes online, you can have sonar automatically run a command. With the option to log to a file, fork to the background, and specify a payload and datasize, sonar is the first in a line of automated security tools (autosec).
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The EDDIE Tool is a system and network monitoring, security, and performance analysis tool developed entirely in threaded Python. Its key features are portability, powerful configuration, and ease of expansion.
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xinetd is a replacement for inetd, the internet services daemon. Anybody can use it to start servers that don't require privileged ports because xinetd does not require that the services in its configuration file be listed in /etc/services. It can do access control on all services based on the address of the remote host and time of access. Access control works on all services, whether multi-threaded or single-threaded and for both the TCP and UDP protocols. xinetd supports both internal access control, and the use of the libwrap library. IPv6 with access control is also supported.
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