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Screenshot 123tkShop is an e-Business framework which allows small companies like giftshops, boutiques, bookshops, etc. to set up their own e-Commerce webshops without knowledge of any programming languages. Maintainance is done over an integrated Web interface. 123tkShop provides plugin-based extensibility for multiple languages and themes. The admin interface allows backups of database and table structures, and backups of the complete database with all data.
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Screenshot Liquid Bytes Adaptive Website Framework (AWF) is aimed at software developers and webmasters. It helps you to create dynamical personalized Web sites with community functions, database powered content management, and an administration interface. AWF includes advanced features like exporting to static HTML, caching, and URL rewriting.
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Bounceweb is a Perl-based solution for approving bounced Majordomo messages through a Web interface. It also comes with a CLI-based admin tool.
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Screenshot CGIForum is a highly configurable template-based discussion board. It supports expandable/collapsible threads of unlimited depth, name registration with password encryption, multiple sections from within a single script, previewing, searching, and marking of new entries. It also lets you specify date-ranges to limit the number of displayed entries. The included administration script lets you change, delete, and restore entries at any time.
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Screenshot Chat Everywhere is a set of programs to build a powerful but easy-to-use chat area on a Web site. A server, written in C, communicates with clients (only a Java applet as of now, but some C clients are in development). Its main goals are to be easy to use but powerful, to have an out-of-the-box working installation, a small footprint, no requirement for the client to install software, and IRC-like commands.
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DCVS is a Perl/MySQL CVS server supporting the pserver protocol. It can import/export RCS files and has a cvsweb-like interface. It has a branch-based permissions model with access control lists, and failed merges produce unidiff patches (not diff3 output).
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Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder designed to provide DNS (domain name) services to a small network where using BIND would be overkill. It can be have its upstream DNS servers automatically configured by PPP or DHCP and it can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. It can integrate with the ISC DHCP daemon to serve the names of local machines which are configured using DHCP. Dnsmasq is ideal for networks behind NAT routers and connected via modem, ISDN, ADSL, or cable-modem connections.
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Screenshot DNSTools is an easy to use browser-based DNS configuration and DNS administration utility. It stores all information in a MySQL database and creates the BIND v8 configuration files from the data. It eliminates errors and dramatically reduces administration time. It also supports delegation and user/group-based data access, and has many features, including a log file, an easy to use configuration screen, massive scalability, and support for secondary DNS servers.
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Screenshot Drupal is a full-featured content management/discussion engine using Apache, PHP, and MySQL developed for drop.org. Its features include discussion forums, Web-based administration, theme support, an open submission queue, content management, a modularized design, PHP sessions, user management with access control and username/profanity/hostname filters, error logging, a public diary module, a FAQ module, an affiliate site module, backend/headline generation (RSS/RDF), localization support, and much more.
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Gween is a hierarchical template system entirely written in PHP. It is something like a Mason port to PHP. It is used to build Web site where some parts (e.g., the navigation bar) are static or very similar. It compiles and caches the templates so there is no performance loss. Learning Gween is very easy because there is no new template language to learn; you can use PHP in the component.
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Screenshot John Siwen's Hit Count is a pretty CGI counter. It allows management of several URLs in an easy manner. It uses JPEG images as output and doesn't need SSI. Cookies are used to avoid multiple hits for the same client session. There is also a Win32 port.
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Screenshot ibWebAdmin is a web based admin tool for the InterBase/Firebird database servers. Beside creating, modifying, and deleting of databases, tables, domains, generators, triggers, indices, and users, it supports import and export of data in CSV file format. It features browsing through tables and entering/editing of data, including BLOBs.
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Screenshot Informium is an advanced news script intended for use within a Web site. It was programmed in PHP 4 and uses a MySQL backend for its database. Among its many features is its ability to add, edit, or delete articles, comments, and users.
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Screenshot Lurker is a mailing list archiver designed for capacity, speed, simplicity, and configurability, in that order. Noteworthy features include: Google-style searching on all fields, chronology preserving threads, multilingual support, and attachment support.
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MHonArc is a Perl mail-to-HTML converter. MHonArc provides HTML mail archiving with index, mail thread linking, etc. It also has other capabilities including support for MIME and powerful user customization features.
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MiddleMan is a fast HTTP/HTTPS proxy server with features designed to remove unwanted content and increase privacy. It uses an XML configuration file, and fully implements the HTTP 1.1 protocol, including persistent proxy connections.
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MIMEDefang is a flexible MIME email scanner designed to protect Windows clients from viruses. However, it can do many other kinds of mail processing, such as replacing parts of messages with URLs, adding boilerplate disclaimers, and so on. It can alter or delete various parts of a MIME message according to a very flexible configuration file. It can also bounce messages with unacceptable attachments. MIMEDefang works with Sendmail 8.11/8.12's new "Milter" API, which makes it more flexible and efficient than procmail-based approaches.
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mimetypes is a utility that generates mime.types files for Apache. The standard file does not include many of the common Linux document MIME types (such as StarOffice, and KDE and GNOME apps). This script automates the extraction of MIME type information from the a combination of running KDE and GNOME applications and displays it in a manner appropriate for Apache.
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mmftpd is a secure FTP server that runs as a normal user, and supports virtual users only. Each user may have specific permissions, including the maximum home directory size limit and download/upload speeds. The daemon uses libpth for portable threads instead of fork(). It runs on both BSD and Linux systems, and is ideal for a setup with many Web virtual host customers. It was written from scratch, with no borrowed code.
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MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries.
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Screenshot NotFTP is a fully-featured and easy-to-use Web-based HTTP-FTP gateway written in PHP. It supports all common FTP functions and allows the administrator to set a maximum transfer size and a daily transfer quota for users. It is particularly well-suited for making FTP accessible to users behind an HTTP-only proxy.
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OASIS is a high-performance ad server built using PHP on top of MySQL. It is designed to handle many hundreds of thousands of ad impressions per hour. OASIS handles rich media as well as IMG-based ad banners. It can be incorporated into your Web server for seamless delivery, or it can be used as a standalone server. A full invoicing backend is provided, along with thorough documentation.
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Open DC Hub is a version of the hub software for the Direct Connect network that should run on all POSIX-compliant operating systems.
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phpMySearch is a personal search engine that one can use to provide a search feature for one's own Web site. It is very easy to install, and the configuration can be changed via a Web browser. phpMySearch is easy to integrate into an existing site because it uses templates. Supported document formats include HTML, PDF, and plain text. Outdated documents are automatically detected and deleted from the database.
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pircd is an IRC daemon written in Perl which aims to be compatible with existing clients. It is one of the few IRC daemons with SSL support.
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Portmon is a daemon that is able to monitor network services and send notification in the event that a server goes down. Portmon was designed to be able to monitor a large number of servers/workstations and give very configurable notification in the event of a network failure.
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ProFTPD is a proven, high-performance, scalable FTP server written from scratch, with a focus toward simplicity, security, and ease of configuration. Naturally, ProFTPD powers some of the largest sites on the Internet. It features a very Apache-like configuration syntax, modules, and a highly customizable server infrastructure, including support for multiple 'virtual' FTP servers, anonymous FTP, and permission-based directory visibility.
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Screenshot pyWM is Webmail software written in Python. It uses (and requires) Apache with mod_python in order to provide a simple Web-based frontend on any existing SMTP/POP3 system. It can be run on any box (not just the mail server), supports downloading of attachments and message size restrictions, is MTA-independent, has a customizable UI, and can be set up in minutes by modifying one configuration file.
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Sendmail is a Mail Transfer Agent, which is the program that moves mail from one machine to another. Sendmail implements a general internetwork mail routing facility, featuring aliasing and forwarding, automatic routing to network gateways, and flexible configuration.
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SPYCE is a drop-in Apache plugin that supports simple and efficient Python-based dynamic HTML scripting. Those who like Python and are familiar with JSP, or PHP, or ASP, should have a look at this engine. It allows you to generate dynamic HTML content just as easily, except using Python in the "special" tags. It can also be used as a commandline utility for HTML pre-processing.
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stupid-ftpd is an ftp server which provides normal, ftp-daemon functionality and a command-line mode. It uses an /etc/passwd independent user database which allows many variations of permissions.
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Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a Web server, an SMTP/POP3 server, a telnet server, an IRC server, a DNS server, a multiplayer RPG engine, a generic client/server pair for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols. It supports integration with GTK+, Tkinter, wxPython, and Win32 event loops.
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Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network that exploits the broadcast characteristic of spam distribution to limit its propagation. The primary focus of the system is to identify and disable an email spam before its injection and processing is complete. Razor establishes a distributed and constantly updating catalogue of spam in propagation. This catalogue is used by clients to filter out known spam.
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W-Agora (Web-Agora) is a database-driven communications system which allows you and your visitors to store and display messages, files, and other information on your web site. More than "just another Web BBS/forum software", W-Agora is designed so it can be easily customizable through a Web browser and the use of templates. It can be used as a BBS, guestbook, download area, or publishing system. Several database backends are supported such as MySQL, Postgres, mSQL, Oracle and DBM.
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