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Linux Format - LXFCD30b

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The Acer Hotkey Driver is a kernel driver to access the launch keys found on Acer's Travelmate series notebooks. It can generate real key events and is accessible via procfs or character device.
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active-menu is a small XEmacs module that saves a few extra lines of screen space in your favorite editor (if XEmacs happens to be your favorite editor). When active-menu is enabled, the menubar at the top of the frame is visible only when the mouse pointer is within the area of the menubar.
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APCComm is a program to transfer files between an Amiga and a Linux PC using a laplink cable. It's able to transfer files and whole directories.
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Circulation is a GTK desktop application which uses PostgreSQL as a backend to store contact information.
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COnfigurator for Gnome is a program for editing advanced GNOME settings in an easy way. The backend uses gconf and XML descriptions, but all the user will see is a (somewhat) nice GUI.
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Screenshot Eddi is a powerful and easy-to-use text editor for X. It can use macros and has syntax highlighting.
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Screenshot GFileRunner is a GNOME file manager aimed to be a nicer, faster, and more powerful replacement for the current popular file manager, Nautilus.
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The release candidtate for the forthcoming GNOME 2
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Screenshot GNOME Commander is file manager similar to Midnight Commander in text mode, where you work with two directories at the same time and switch between them with the TAB-key. This layout is different from most file managers but has been proved in a couple of other both free and non free programs to be the most efficient way of working with files. Besides the basic file-handling functions, the program also has basic FTP support.
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The GNOME Installation Guide was written to help unfamiliar users install a stable GNOME system that includes more than the default applications. It teaches readers how to compile GNOME on their own instead of installing precompiled packages. It also covers installation of extra GNOME programs, both those hosted by the GNOME project and those which are not.
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Screenshot Golem is an X11 Window Manager. Design goals are that it be fast, lightweight, and customizable (without sacrificing speed).
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Grutatxt is a plain text to HTML converter. It successfully converts subtle text markup to lists, bold, italics, tables, and headings to their corresponding HTML tags without having to write unreadable source text files.
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IceWM is a window manager designed for speed, usability, and consistency. It is able to emulate the looks of Motif, OS/2, and Windows, and allows you to have a customizable look using pixmaps.
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K3b is a CD-burning program designed for people who are used to using Windows to burn CDs. It has a user interface similar to Ahead's Nero. It currently allows you to create filesystem trees via drag'n'drop, and to burn audio CDs from WAV and MP3 files.
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Kalculate provides a user-friendly calculator for the average desktop user. Its focus is to develop features that make it friendly and usable instead of features that provide advanced mathematics.
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KnetScan is a full-featured frontend for nmap, ping, traceroute, and whois. You can also print and save your results.
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Screenshot KNfsPlugin is a KDE plugin for configuring a NFS server. It consists of two plugins: one for the Konqueror which creates a new tab in Konqueror's properties dialog for quickly configuring the NFS share options of a directory, and one for the KDE Control Center, where you can see and edit all NFS-shared directories.
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Screenshot KPortageMaster a graphical frontend for the Gentoo Linux portage system.
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Screenshot LinTar is a decompressing tool written in GTK+. Its functionality is similar to WinZip for Windows. Its aim is to be able to compress/decompress all archive formats in the Linux world.
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Peeper is a GTK program to view an area of the screen at a certain magnification. It has the ability to magnify animations, and view the screen at different levels of magnification.
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Screenshot PAUS is a system for controlling stuff with simple event-based Perl scripts. It can be used for controlling your house, creating an alert system, or making a remote controlled mp3 player. It is a flexible project that "merges" other I/O projects together, such as lirc (remote control), lcdproc (LCD output), mpg123 (mp3 player), and various I/O boards (such as the K8000). It's modular, extensible, multi-threaded, and has networking support.
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phpSysInfo is a customizable PHP script that parses various files in /proc and displays them. It will display information about system facts like Uptime, CPU, Memory, SCSI, IDE, PCI, Ethernet, Floppy, and Video. It now has full internationalization support along with customizable templates.
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Screenshot Player provides a language-independent networked interface to robots and their sensors. Supported devices include Pioneer 2DX robots with sonar, odometry & compass, SICK laser rangefinder, ACTS color vision system, GPS, gripper and wireless communications. Stage provides a population of simulated Player devices. Controllers designed using Stage have been shown to work unchanged on real robots and vice versa. Stage aims for low-fidelity simulation of many devices, rather than perfect models.
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Rigel is a Unix personal information manager for X. It uses GTK+.
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Screenshot SimpleCDR-X is a GTK+ based frontend for CD writing, mastering, and audio manipulation. Its design goals include ease of use and a clean interface without compromising functionality. SimpleCDR-X utilizes many common utilities such as cdrecord, cdrdao, mkisofs, cdparanoia, cdda2wav, mpg123, ogg tools, and lame. SimpleCDR-X supports on-the-fly CD track ripping to MP3 or OGG and importing of MP3 or OGG files to CD in Audio CD Mastering. SimpleCDR-X also features CD Copying, burning from a saved ISO, and Data CD Mastering.
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ssed is a version of sed that supports a few new features, including Perl regular expressions and much greater speed than GNU sed.
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WMND (Window Maker Network Devices) is a dockapp for monitoring multiple network interfaces simultaneously. Based on WMiFS 1.3b, WMND has been almost totally re-written and is more optimized, flexible, and consumes less CPU time than wmmon.
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Screenshot wmnetmon is a dockapp that monitors up to 40 hosts or services and can execute something there is a problem with any of them. The hosts and services are represented by LEDs, which blink red if they go down.
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WMThemer is Window Maker dockapp that switches between WM themes without the interaction of the user. It can change the theme at a random interval, at a fixed interval, or only at startup.
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Xeasyconfig is a PPC-only tool designed to help get a working XF86Config file. It uses X -configure and then adjusts to more appropriate options for PPC users after a few prompts.
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