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Contents of Internet

atftp is a client/server implementation of the TFTP protocol that implements RFCs 1350, 2090, 2347, 2348, and 2349. The server is multi-threaded and the client presents a friendly interface using libreadline. The current server implementation lacks IPv6 support.
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archivemail is a tool written in Python for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes. It can move messages older than the specified number of days to a separate mbox-format mailbox that is compressed with gzip, or optionally just delete old email. It supports archiving mbox, MH, and maildir format mailboxes.
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Screenshot Bookmark4U provides you a comfortable bookmarking environment. With Bookmark4U, users can access to their favorite Web sites everywhere just by one click without remembering URLs of them any more. The bookmark data are stored in a database in the server, and can be searched very easily. Bookmarks can be arranged in folders in any depth. For each bookmark, visit information is managed, such as the visit counter, or the last visit time and date, etc. It is written in PHP script language, and requires a database interface such as MySQL.
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Business::Associates is a library to handle the XML interface for the Amazon.com Associates program. It replaces the Amazon Recommends links to provide a powerful and simple-to-use interface that allows you to embed complex, highly targeted ads on your Web site (or other documents). It supports many new features that are not available with the standard interfaces (e.g., multi-mode searches--the ability to search across multiple product categories).
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dartool effectively deals with the annoyance caused by recruiters reposting the same positions every day on DICE. Doing so renders the time period selection on the site nearly worthless, and makes job seekers lives much more difficult by forcing them to weed through all of the posts they've already seen. This program addresses the problem by building a cache of already seen posts, and creating a local Web page each time it is run that only lists positions that haven't been seen before. It was tested with MySQL, but should work out of the box with any DBI-compliant database.
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Datasphere is a conferencing system that was designed to overcome some of IRC's largest problems (scalability, no mesh routing, flat channel structure). It provides a usenet-news-like channel structure, a TCP level multicast implementation over a mesh of TCP links, a distributed channel- and user database and much more features. But most important of all. it's IRC compatible at the client side. Currently basic chatting functionality works, dynamic rerouting works, but progress is very slow.
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Encompass is a Web browser for GNOME. It uses the GtkHTML engine for speed and size, making it one of the smallest and fastest browsers available. It currently has few features.
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The EnergyMech is an advanced IRC bot. It has many features including DCC partyline, powerful userlist handling, a telnet console, bot linking, and more.
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Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. It can even support IPv6 and IPSEC.
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The Flash Player plug-in lets you experience animation and entertainment in your Netscape/Mozilla Web browser. It also works in Opera and Konqueror using their support for Netscape plugins.
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FreeIPdb is a Web-based tool designed to manage, assign, track, and audit IP address assignments and allocations. It uses a best fit/binary tree method to make the most of limited IP address space. It is designed for use by ISPs and end users. Features include SQL data storage, a self-collapsing tree, and reporting.
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FTP Rider is a collection of Python scripts that build an FTP search engine. Only path/filenames are indexed, not the contents of the files. The indexer recursively follows all directories. It indexes multiple FTP servers concurrently (default is 50), and the information is stored in a MySQL database.
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FXmakers IRC Services was made for those who spend their life on the IRC. Its purpose is to allow them to use Web search engines (FindServ), send free SMS (MobiServ), and download shared files (FileServ) easily. It includes a Proxy/Wingate detector (ScanServ), a TCM linking system to an HybServ, and a stats generator using a MySQL database (DataServ).
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Screenshot Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It is fast, has a light interface, and is fully standards-compliant.
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Screenshot Getbinnews is a newsreader developed in GTK/C to download binary files split in a newsgroup. It can hang up the phone line at the end of the search and schedule a research.
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Googleware is a little Web application that let you request for several queries to be regulary asked to Google. You will be notified by mail each time a new entry is found, and you may browse query results with any regular Web browser.
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GSFDM is a new Internet downloader. It provides some new functionnality, including plug-in support (HTML, FTP, ASF), a versative interface, session management, ability to end connection, CORBA support, and automatic URL content parsing.
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Screenshot gtkmsn is a chat client that is compatible with the MSN protocol.
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Screenshot IP-Atlas is a PHP script that plots you or any other host on the globe using the public NetGeo database.
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jydec decodes files encoded with yEnc. It's meant to be used by others as a component in their own projects to support yencoded files.
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kShowmail is a KDE tool for watching for email on POP3 servers. Headers and complete email messages can be displayed, and email can be deleted without downloading. The information can be refreshed via timers, and a sound can be played when new email arrives. External programs like fetchmail/sendmail can be called via configurable menu entries or if new mail arrives. Spam complaints can also be sent via configurable menus.
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L2TP is a Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol VPN client/daemon for Linux and other POSIX-based OSs. It is derived from L2TPd 0.61 from http://www.marko.net/l2tp/.
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Linuxsms is a Perl script to send SMS to GSM phones. There is support for multiple servers/gateways (some servers require registration). The script has an adressbook, the ability to compress SMS, and the ability to check for new versions.
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This is a tool to collect information from web servers and to spider the web sites. This was written for the Open Source Security Testing Methodology (OSSTM) located on http://www.ideahamster.org/osstmm- description.htm. The spider is a multi-threaded resusable module that can be used in other projects.
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Mikrop is a small, easy to install program for mail servers to scan incoming email. It uses third party virus scanners, and is currently integrated with the Postfix MTA.
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Mozilla is a Web browser that is being developed by the Free Software Community with the cooperation and support of Netscape. Initially, its development was based on an early version of Netscape Communicator 5.0. But most of it was disposed of halfway, and the current Mozilla is a completely new software based on the "NGLayout" layout engine developed for Netscape Communicator 6. "Netscape 6" (the Web browser from Netscape) and "Beonex Communicator" are based on Mozilla. Many other projects use/embed Mozilla's rendering engine.
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Mozilla Kiosk is a kiosk-style Web browser. The interface contains only the minimum necessary items, and is easily configurable.
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NewsGrab is a small tool that uses regular expressions to download and uudecode/ydecode binary files from USENET.
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rbot is an IRC bot written in Ruby. It's similar to an infobot, with some extra features and some changed. It has a dynamic plugin architecture, making plugin writing fast and easy.
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Retchmail is almost completely unlike fetchmail: it lacks features, isn't particularly robust (although it won't delete a message until sendmail says it was delivered okay), has nearly no documentation, and is actually fast. It also handles multiple accounts simultaneously.
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Screenshot Skipstone is a GTK+ Web browser that embeds Mozilla through libgtkembedmoz. It aims to be a fast and simple browser with few dependencies.
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SmsSend allows you to send free SMS to any GSM, connecting to Internet sites using scripts. It is available both for Windows and Unix.
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tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunneling and encryption to create a secure private network between multiple hosts on the Internet. This tunneling allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Internet without exposing any information.
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WorldPrint is a filter for Mozilla (Galeon, etc.), Htmldoc, and Netscape PostScript output that uses TrueType fonts to allow the printing of pages written in Unicode, Big5, SJIS, KOI-8, ISO-8859*, and other charsets.
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YAMN (yet another maildir notifier) is a bash-script that notifies the user of new mail in an inbox using the maildir-format (like qmail supports) with playing a sound-file (using "play") or starting an application (using "kstart"). It is intended to be started as a desktop-link. The script can be heavily personalized and it contents a good description of its features.
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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