KWAPPEN 1.0.2 : KDE board game ---------------------------------- Copyright © 2002 Jens Schulz Distributed under the GNU General Public License Jens Schulz Linux User Group Computer Club Elmshorn e.V. Requirements: KDE 2.x, qt >= 2.23, min. 1024x768 pixel Installation via rpm: --------------------- You can install Kwappen with the kpackage program or the command line: Redhat distribution: -------------------- rpm -Uhv kwappen-1.0.2.i386.redhat.rpm SuSE 7,x, 8.0 distribution: -------------------- rpm -Uhv kwappen-1.0.2.i386.suse.rpm Installation via tar.gz (not SuSE 8.0): --------------------------------------- KDevelop 2.0 includes all KDE2/qt2-development-libs and tools autoconf 2.13 (SuSE 7.3 uses the incompatible autoconf 2.52 !) Please check the shell variable KDEDIR for the correct KDE2 path. echo $KDEDIR Unfortunely, SuSE and RedHat/Mandrake have different KDE2 pathes. SuSE 7.x-Installation: ---------------------- KDEDIR=/opt/kde2 gunzip kwappen-1.0.2.tar.gz tar xvf kwappen-1.0.2.tar cd kwappen-1.0.2 ./configure make make install Red Hat/Mandrake-Installation: ------------------------------ gunzip kwappen-1.0.2.tar.gz tar xvf kwappen-1.0.2.tar cd kwappen-1.0.2 ./configure make make install SuSE 7.x installs the program kwappen: /opt/kde2/bin The game was programmed with the kdevelop 2.0-ide. Changelog: Version 1.0: Initial version Version 1.0.1: 1. Avoid rows with same card color at start 2. New symbols with relief style 3. Exit highscore entry with return key 4. kwappen.desktop file in folder Games/Board Version 1.0.2: 1. Makefile bugfixes 2. New HTML-help (index.html) for old KDE2 versions 3. New key controls Space key = "Swap stine 1x" Key 1 - 4 : Rotate column 1 - 4 4. Code optimations 5. rpm package ---------------------------------------------------- Documentation: KWappen was translated in English and German. KWappen uses the .docbook format. KDE 2.2 supports this documentation method, instead of HTML. Since SuSE 7.3 all KDE program descriptions use the .docbook format. Press the key F1 for the program description. Program description: -------------------- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". KWappen is a colorful high addictive board game. ------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1. Introduction Kwappen is a board game. The goal is the reduction of the 4 columns in minimal time. The rules of the game are very simple. You can move symbols (stones) on top of a column or rotate columns. The rules are described in the section Shrinking rules. The computer has his own symbol stack in the upper right corner. This computer symbol will be put on the top of a column after your move. The computer selects a column by random. You win, if all columns have only 1 stone or empty. You lose, if one column has 10 or more stones after the column shrink. ----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2. Gameplay Moving a symbol 1. Select a symbol in one of the columns with the mouse. 2. Select a column for this symbol with the mouse (computer puts it on the column top). 3. The computer adds its own symbol on the top of one column. 4. The computer will shrink the columns (see shrink rules). ------------------------------------------------------------ Rotate a column 1. You can revert one column with the buttons "1", "2", "3", "4" 2. The computer adds its own symbol on the top of one column. 3. The computer will shrink the columns (see shrink rules). ------------------------------------------------------------- Swap computerstone 1x You can swap the computer symbol (max. 1x) with the button "Swap computerstone 1x" At the begin of a new move, you change exchange the computer symbol. This is an useful feature in the end game. ------------------------------------------------------------- Revert a symbol selection You can revert your own symbol selection with the right mousekey ------------------------------------------------------------- Key commands Ctrl N New game Ctrl H Show Highscore Alt C Clear highscore game Ctrl Q Quit Ctrl A Autoshrink delay Ctrl S Save options Ctrl H Heraldry --------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3. Shrinking rules Shrinking columns - 2 or more equal stones upon the other will be removed - 4 equal card symbols in a row (e.g. 4 spades) will be removed The computer shrinks the columns multiple, if a shrink has produced a new shrinkable pattern. --------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4. Options Autoshrink delay The computer will normally show the setting of your selected stone and the computer stone. This short display delay can be disabled by the player. You can save some seconds, if you disable this delay. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Save options This menu entry saves the autoshrink delay setting. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Show and clear highscore table The highscore table has 50 entries. You can display this hall of fame. A menu entry allows the deletion of all entries. My personal highscore is 49 seconds. My friend Siggi has solved a game in 39 seconds. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Heraldry These are the arms of the 16 german countries, called Bundeslaender. The menu entry heraldry shows the names of the 16 Bundeslaender. I'm a citizien of the Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein. This is the northest Bundesland in Germany at the border of Danemark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5. Credits and License Kwappen Program copyright 2002 Jens Schulz Contributors: Computer Club Elmshorn e.V Linux User Group Konqui the KDE Dragon Tux the Linux Penguin Documentation copyright 2002 Jens Schulz This documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. ------------------------------------------------- How to obtain Kwappen Homepage of the KWappen project: Kwappen should be found in the kdegames package on, the main ftp site of the KDE project. -------------------------------------------------- Hints KWappen isn't a simple board game. You need some time for the best game tactics. The end game needs rows with 4 card colors (e.g. 4 spades), otherwise you cannot win in a good time. The swap of the computer stone is an important end game feature. You can remove an useless card color. The computer stone is a dangerous stone for rows with 3 card colors (e.g. 3 spades). If the computer stone has a symbol of 3 card color row, it can delete this symbol by random. You can proctect the same symbol in the row with an another symbol. You must move a symbol on the column of the endangered symbol. Don't forget, every stone move or rotation increase the number of stones. You must find the right balance of four color row builds and standard symbol deletion. Don't forget, more than 10 stones on a column stops the game. Sometimes a player doesn't want to change a stone constellation. A double click on a symbol on the top of a column avoids constellation changes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Have a lot fun ! Jens Schulz