TITLE: PAM Install from Scratch LFS VERSION: any AUTHOR: unknown SYNOPSIS: How to install PAM from scratch. HINT: 1) Download the following from http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/pre/library/ Linux-PAM-0.72.tar.gz cracklib-files.tgz 2) Unpack cracklib-files.tgz - this will create a folder called usr.. do not go into it. 3) Install cracklib-files > cp usr/include/* /usr/include > cp usr/lib/* /usr/lib > cp usr/sbin/* /usr/sbin 4) Unpack Linux-PAM-0.72 5) Configure Linux-PAM-0.72 for Compile Linux-PAM-0.72> cd Linux-PAM-0.72 Linux-PAM-0.72> rm default.defs Linux-PAM-0.72> ln -s defs/linux.defs default.defs Edit default.defs ARCH=i586 Change to your arch type if you want optimizations Edit the toplevel Makefile find HAVE_PWDBLIB=yes change to HAVE_PWDBLIB=no We are doing this becuase libpwdb is very hard to find and isn't well maintained anyway. If your have it, go ahead and leave this entry alone. Edit modules/pam_mkhomedir/Makefile find $(LD_D) -o $@ $(LIBOBJD) $(LINKLIBS) -lpam Remove the -lpam Line should look like this $(LD_D) -o $@ $(LIBOBJD) $(LINKLIB Edit modules/pam_unix/Makefile $(CC) -o $(CHKPWD) $^ $(LDLIBS) Add -lcrypt to it after $(CHKPWD) Line should look like this $(CC) -o $(CHKPWD) -lcrypt $^ $(LDLIBS) 6) Build and Install Linux-PAM-0.72 Linux-PAM-0.72> make Linux-PAM-0.72> make install Say yes to create /etc/pam.conf