TITLE: Mozilla LFS VERSION: any, having glib and gtk AUTHOR: Sascha Herrmann SYNOPSIS: How to install Mozilla using the installer, and even better how to build mozilla from scratch. HINT: Content: 1) How to install Mozilla using the installer 2) How to build Mozilla for your own purposes 1) If you want to install Mozilla you first have to download the package from http://www.mozilla.org. Be sure to download the latest package aviable for your system, and put it somewhere where you like (e.g. /usr/src/source). Extract the package and install it by doing: # if you arenīt logged in as root and root is the owner(==starter) of X # you might do else skip the first line xhost localhost + su - # Become root # set the display because the mozilla-installer needs that export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 # extract the package, replace the package name by that one you downloaded tar xvfz mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-0.9.9-sea.tar.gz cd mozilla-installer # execute the installer by ./mozilla-installer Now an gtk window will occur and you can follow their instuctions, but be sure to set the path where you want mozilla to be. In order to help the mozilla programmers you should do a "Complete Install", so that talkback is enabled. After that mozilla wi search for old netscape profiles and convert them. In order to start mozilla be sure to put the path to the mozilla directory in your /etc/profile or .bashrc . INSTALLING FLASH Installing flash is quite easy! Go to http://www.macromedia.com and download the latest flash player aviable for Linux. Untar that package and put the ShockwaveFlash.class and libflashplayer.so into your mozilla/plugings dir. e.g. tar xvfz flash_linux.tar.gz cd flash_linux cp ShockwaveFlash.class libflashplayer.so /opt/mozilla/plugins Now flash is installed. Now happy browsing. 2) Building mozilla yourself not ready yet Sascha Herrmann