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Screenshot Advance is an open source personal information management (PIM) system which is database-backed, Qt based, cross-platform, and includes support for KDE. It is designed to look and function like MS Outlook.
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Screenshot Affiche is a clone of the MacOS-X "Stickies" application (lets you put little notes on your desktop). It works well on GNUstep and MacOS-X. The goal is to provide a good example for GNUstep development while also providing a useful tool.
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Screenshot Bochs is a portable x86 PC emulation software package that emulates enough of the x86 CPU, related AT hardware, and BIOS to run DOS, Windows 95, Linux, FreeBSD, and other OS's, all on your workstation.
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Screenshot Bytes Counter displays detailed information about the number of bytes that have been transferred over a network interface.
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CDBackup is a utility to make backups to CD-R(W) media easier. It is designed to work with any backup and restore software that can read from stdin, write to stdout and can handle linear devices such as tape drives. Cpio, afio, and tar should all work fine.
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Screenshot CdrLin is a Java-based GUI for cdrecord, mkisofs, cdda2wav, etc.
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devolution is a quick, simple and powerful window manager for X.
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di is a disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that df does. It features the ability to display your disk usage in whatever format you desire/prefer/are used to. It is designed to be highly portable across many platforms.
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Screenshot DuTree is a graphical disk space viewer based on Gnu du. Directories are shown as rectangles, with relative sizes shown.
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Screenshot Easymenu can be used to generate anything from easy one-level menus to advanced multi-level menusystems. It has a set of internal commands, and can execute external applications and scripts, all to be as flexible as possible. Easymenu needs only one file to run, which makes it very easy to install and remove from your system. Configuration files and menus can be stored just about any where you like in the system, and can easily be removed or backed up.
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fax4CUPS is a very simple shell script that acts as a CUPS backend for a serial fax modem. Essentially, you print with lpr and the fax is sent. The nice thing is that you have CUPS around, and this means, for instance, that you can check whether your fax has been sent just using your favorite browser (as you would do for any other printer), even if the fax modem is really on a remote server. It supports efax and HylaFAX.
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Flasher monitors changes to one or more files, and indicates the number of writes to these files by briefly flashing a console LED once for each write. The flashing sequence is repeated, after a brief pause, until the files have been read. As the files are read, the number of LED flashes is reduced. When all monitored files have been read, the console LED is disabled. The most obvious use is to monitor specific system log or mail files. Multiple LEDs can be used.
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Screenshot g-page is a client/server application designed to send text messages to pagers or SMS enabled PCS phones. It supports the SNPP, WCTP, and SMTP (email) protocols, and works on a stand-alone workstation or across a network.
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Screenshot Garmin GPS Tool is a Java Swing application that is able to download and save data from Garmin GPS receivers. It utilizes a powerful XML-based core that allows for flexible document generation. It also uses a SVG-based display layer for displaying data on a global to local scale.
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gdkxft transparently adds anti-aliased font support to GTK+-1.2. Once you have installed it, you can run any (well, nearly any) existing GTK+ binary and see anti-aliased fonts in the GTK widgets. You don't need to recompile GTK+ or your applications.
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Screenshot Gedafe (Generic Database Front-End) is an application independent end-user web front-end for databases. Application independant means that the front-end doesn't have any information about the structure and contents of the database.
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Screenshot Genes is intended to be a personal genealogy database application for use on (primarily) Linux systems. This project is just beginning and needs people to help code.
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Screenshot GKrellM is a GTK and Imlib-based stacked monitor program that charts SMP CPUs, disk, load, active net interfaces, and internet connections. There are also monitors for memory and swap, file system with mount/umount feature, mailbox checking including POP3 and IMAP, clock/calendar, APM laptop battery, CPU temperatures, and uptime. It has LEDs for the net monitors and an on/off button and online timer for PPP. There is a GUI popup for configuration, plugin extensions can be installed, and many themes are available.
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Screenshot GNOME Clipboard Manager (GCM) is an application for managing selections and clipboards. It auto- collects selections on a shelf and has the option to choose which selection is to be pasted. Selections can be edited, manually created, deleted, copied, and pasted. The available selection types are clipboard, primary, secondary, or a custom atom.
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Screenshot MlView is a tree-oriented XML editor for GNOME. It is written in C and is heavily based on GTK, libgnomeui, and libxml2. Its aim is to ease XML editing, with or without validation.
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GOfax provides an extensible fax solution and works in conjunction with Hylafax. User information is held in LDAP trees to provide centralized administration. It has built-in plugin support (i.e., for different image formats, send/receive methods, logging, etc.).
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Hayward's Fortunes is a collection of fortunes by Jonathan Hayward, usually reminiscent of Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary.
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Screenshot iftop provides real-time bandwidth usage information on a specified interface, listed by host pairs.
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Screenshot IP Sorcery is a TCP/IP protocol suite packet generator. It has the ability to send IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, and RIP packets from the console or with a GTK+ interface.
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Screenshot JIM is a Personal Information Manager written in Java.
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Kedge is a small utility app designed to do edge-sensitive virtual-desktop switching with your mouse in KDE 2.x and 3.x, like in GNOME.
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Kleds is a tool intended for keyboards without LED's (lights). After starting it docks to the KDE-Panel and shows you the current state of your keyboard lights. If you have a keyboard like Logitech Cordless Desktop or similiar, this should help you to remember if NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock are on or off. Works only if your X uses XKB keyboard extension.
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KMyMoney2 is a KDE personal finance program.
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Screenshot Knetfilter is a KDE frontend to iptables. It is used with Linux 2.4 to manage the functionality of netfilter. Knetfilter lets you set up most common firewall configurations, as well as perform more sophisticated management of a complex firewall. It is also possible to use an integrated interface to tcpdump and nmap.
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Screenshot KPreg is a helper application for completing Web forms and other programs. It provides an interface for entering commonly required data, such as name, email, address, etc. With a simple click of the mouse, any item in the text list is copied to the clipboard, and can then be easily pasted in any form or application. KPreg can dock in the panel for easy access (in KDE).
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Screenshot KSambaKonqiPlugin is a SAMBA plugin for the properties dialog of Konqueror. Only the basic options of a SAMBA share can be changed, as it is not intended to be a full configuration tool for SAMBA.
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KVim is a port of the Vim GUI to KDE 2/3. It includes a Vim component for embedding in KDE applications.
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Linux Telephone Answering Device (lintad) is a fax and voicemail application. It uses a softmodem as a soundcard attached to the phoneline to play greetings and record messages. Messages and faxes are made available to browsers via Apache and PHP.
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Screenshot LoFiMo monitors log files in realtime. Its architecture allows you to add components that make it possible to monitor virtually any log-producing facility and render them in many ways. Filters can be used to parse log entries and, for example, only display important information or set the font/color used for rendering log entries. Actions can be assigned to certain log entries to, for example, play a sound when email arrives. LoFiMo makes it possible to implement auditing and accounting for the monitored logs. LoFiMo is written in Java and is platform independent.
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log_analysis is a log file analysis engine that extracts relevant data for any of the recognised log messages and produces a summary that is much easier to read. It can be configured to recognize entirely new log types. log_analysis natively understands about 100 different kinds of syslog messages, as well as sulog and wtmp messages for Linux, Solaris, and OpenBSD. It also has optional continuous monitoring capabilities, with both text and GUI modes.
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Logwatch analyzes and reports on system logs. It is a customizable and pluggable log-monitoring system and will go through the logs for a given period of time and make a customizable report. It should work right out of the package on most systems.
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MuPO (Multi-Purpose-Organizer) is a powerful PIM application for desktop and PDA systems. It features a hierarchical todo-list and notes, appointments, a project-time recorder, a calendar, recurring items, and more. It is fully searchable, and it includes a tool to sync several mupo-files. You can use it on an Agenda PDA, Compaq iPaq, or on a PC running Linux or Windows.
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Screenshot Nmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port scanning techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering), and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host operating system identification). Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy scanning, determination of TCP sequence predictability characteristics, sunRPC scanning, reverse-identd scanning, and more. Console and X-Window versions are available.
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Qt is a toolkit for software developers. Qt simplifies the task of writing and maintaining GUI (graphical user interface) applications. Qt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented. Qt is a multi-platform toolkit. When you implement a program with Qt, you can run it on the X Window System (Unix/X11) or Microsoft Windows NT/95/98/2000. Simply compile the source code for the platform you want.
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ReplaceIt provides string replacement ability in text files with several features, making it a handy replacement to the combination of grep+sed+awk+tail/head without the weight of Perl.
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Rigel is a Unix personal information manager for X. It uses GTK+.
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Skylendar is modern astrology software for Linux/KDE2, with the following features: a powerful wheel chart with up to 4 concentric rings, SQL database support, powerful data/restrictions set management, and full internationalizability.
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Screenshot skytvguide is a Perl script which grabs TV listings from www1.sky.com/tvlistings and displays them in the console.
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Screenshot SqlGui is a graphical frontend for MySQL under KDE2/KDE3. It lists all databases, tables, columns, column-types, and their contents. It can create/delete databases or tables and has a small editor for entering SQL queries.
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Unpack automates the process of extracting source tarballs to a fixed location. By default, it will extract the tarballs to either $HOME/src or /tmp. It first checks that the tarball will create its own subdirectory, and if not, unpack creates a directory based on the tarball filename. Unpack is written in Perl and was developed for Linux, but should run unmodified on most Unix-based systems.
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