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Contents of Desktop

Since v2.04, bash has allowed you to intelligently program and extend its standard completion behaviour to achieve complex command lines with just a few keystrokes. Imagine typing ssh [Tab] and being able to complete on hosts from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts files. Or typing man 3 str[Tab] and getting a list of all string handling functions in the UNIX manual. mount system:[Tab] would complete on all exported file-systems from the host called system, while make [Tab] would complete on all targets in Makefile. This project was conceived to produce programmable completion routines for the most common Linux/UNIX commands, reducing the amount of typing sysadmins and programmers need to do on a daily basis.
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CdDatabase is unlike many similar programs, because it is fast, reliable, and easy to work with. It comes in two parts: a command line engine that actually does the scanning of CD's and searching for files, and a GUI front end.
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The CE editor has one goal: to be very easy to use. It was originally developed by Charles Henrich in the early 1990s and was used by thousands of students at Michigan State University. Anybody can be comfortable using this program within minutes.
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File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment. As an archive manager, it can create and modify archives, view the content of an archive, view a file contained in the archive, and extract files from the archive. File Roller is only a frontend (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar, and zip.
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GKrellM is a GTK and Imlib-based stacked monitor program that charts SMP CPUs, disk, load, active net interfaces, and internet connections. There are also monitors for memory and swap, file system with mount/umount feature, mailbox checking including POP3 and IMAP, clock/calendar, APM laptop battery, CPU temperatures, and uptime. It has LEDs for the net monitors and an on/off button and online timer for PPP. There is a GUI popup for configuration, plugin extensions can be installed, and many themes are available.
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GWCC allows users to execute network utilities (ping, nslookup, traceroute), workstation commands (netstat, df, lpr), and do cool things like process grep from a single tabbed window. Command flags are highly configurable, results windows are savable and printable, and there is a System Stats tab showing you process info, current users, Apache server status, Samba status, and more.
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Gpsdrive is a map-based navigation system. It displays your position on a zoomable map provided from a NMEA-capable GPS receiver. The maps are autoselected for the best resolution, depending of your position, and the displayed image can be zoomed. Maps can be downloaded from the Internet with one mouse click. The program provides information about speed, direction, bearing, arrival time, actual position, and target position. Speech output is also available.
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jEdit is an Open Source text editor written in Java. It has many useful features, such as syntax highlighting, bracket matching, regular expression searching, multiple file search and replace, folding, and keyboard macros.
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K3b is a CD-burning program designed for people who are used to using Windows to burn CDs. It has a user interface similar to Ahead's Nero. It currently allows you to create filesystem trees via drag'n'drop, and to burn audio CDs from WAV and MP3 files.
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Krusader is an "old-school" file manager. Its twin-panel look follows in the footsteps of the great file managers of old such as GNU's Midnight Commander© and the Norton Commander© for DOS. Krusader features an intuitive GUI, complete drag n' drop capability, transparent handling of archives, mimetype support, and more.
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MediaBase is a PHP/MySQL (with utility programs in other languages) database that helps you organize compact discs (both data and audio), backup tapes, and other media.
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Menuitis is a small Program-Launcher/Menu utility to boost the functionality of minimal window managers (such as mwm and twm) that don't have launcher/menu capabilities built-in. Menuitis is built using Perl/Tk and uses a directory tree under the user's home directory to configure its menus and functions.
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rubrica is an address book written using GTK+ and GNOME. It allows you to add personal data and information such as Web links, email addresses, telephone numbers, and notes. XML is used to store the data. A routine to convert this data to HTML is in development.
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SciGraphica is a scientific application for data analysis and technical graphics. It pretends to be a clone of the popular commercial application "Microcal Origin", supplying plotting features for 2D, 3D, and polar charts. It features opening several worksheets and plots to work with at the same time, fully-configurable plots using a control panel dialog, a completely WYSIWYG look and feel, and publication-quality PostScript output.
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Waimea is a virtual desktop window manager designed to be fast and highly customizable. It uses Blackbox image rendering engine (Blackbox styles support) and can use Xrender extension for rendering fonts (anti-aliased font support). It also features a very advanced configuration system with which it's possible to make Waimea behave as almost any other window manager.
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WMwfu is a dock application to check remote host activity with many visual and sound alerts plus email notification.
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XMLTV is a set of programs to process TV (tvguide) listings and manage your TV viewing. It stores the listings in an XML-based format and most of the programs are filters which read and/or write XML. There are backends to download TV listings for Canada, the UK, and the USA, and a listings-to-LaTeX convertor for printing. Also included is a web interface to choose what to watch, which lets you killfile TV programmes you'll never want to watch so you don't ever get asked about them again.
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XNotesPlus is a Personal Information Manager (PIM) based around a sticky notes (aka Memos) concept with over a dozen features: email, search text, printing, audio/visual alarms, etc. It also includes a full featured interface to the 3Com Palm Pilot, including full Address Book, Todo List, and Calendaring functions, with XNotes exported as Pilot Memos, and Pilot Memos imported as XNotes. The Address Manager in XNotesPlus allows you to use addresses from the Pilot to print envelopes, and send email notes to friends.
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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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