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Featured Software


Run Windows apps under Linux with Wine. The Wine project allows software written for the Windows API to run under Linux, including many popular programs and applications. On the CD we have the current version of Wine, which is very much a development release still (there is lots of work to do yet!). However, we are also bringing you the preview version of Codeweavers Wine release, which is designed for the end user. Again, this is a preview, but you should find it easy to install and use. Check out the CD pages in the magazine for more info.
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Kylix Open Edition

Kylix Open Edition - delphi for Linux! This is what you've all been asking for, and once again we are pleased to deliver. Kylix is an excellent, easy to use, GUI-driven development system for all sorts of applications. Borland have created this special Open Edition to enable open source developers to create fully-native applications which conform to the Gnu Public Licence (GPL)
To install Kylix, you just need to run this setup script - 'setup.sh' from the kylix_oe directory on the CD. You'll find more information about Kylix, special offers from Borland and the first part of a new Kylix tutorial series inside the magazine. Before you use Kylix, please make sure you read the Licence agreement included on the CD.
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ASC screenshot Advanced Strategic Command is a turn-based strategy game system, based around ideas from the old BlueByte Battle Isle series. This game is still in development (there is no AI yet), but works in multiplayer mode. If you have an interest in strategy games, you might consider helping out with creating scenarios etc?
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Pre-release version of the popular mail client for GNOME. Balsa has been in development for some time now and has lots of advanced features. It always seems to come high on the list when we do surveys of mail client usage, so if you haven't had a look, why not try this version, or check out the Balsa website for more info.
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Another game, FreeCiv is based on the epic Civilization (which itself borrowed heavily from the old UNIX classic, Empire, so fair's fair) - because @Civilization should be Free). This actually plays a pretty mean game now, and if you are permanently online or in a networked environment, the multi-player game is a good way to waste a lot of time!
We have included both the latest development version and a stable release of this software on the CD. The latest features are in the development release, but if you aren't interested in helping out with bugtesting, or it's just too flaky on your setup, stick to the stable version. Go to this directory
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gwenview image Gwenview is a fast and flexible image viewing system. It shows you thumbnails of images as you browse through directories using the navigation tree. It sounds simple, and it is, but sometimes simple is just what you need!
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Kludge3d is a simple polyganal OpenGL modeller. As the name suggests, this is a bit of a hacked together app, but it works and could be invaluable if you are creating OpenGL based models for a 3D game or similar.
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The mother of all (okay, maybe not all, but certainly a lot) of web browsers. This is the 0.93 branch of Mozilla development, which hopefully will form the basis of the full 1.0 release version. If you've experimented with earlier versions of Mozilla but gave up on them because they were too slow and clunky, or lacked vital features, it may be worth taking a look at this version - It's certainly a lot faster and more stable than 0.8. And of course, the Mozilla project still needs your feedback to create the best open source, standards compliant web-browser you could ever hope to point at a website.
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Latest release of the Netscape browser. This is pretty much Mozilla with Netscapey stuff added, including, it has to be said, some neat stuff. Can't decide which browser to have? Install them both and decide at leisure!
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As you might have guesse, this is a simple sound waveform editor, that lets you create and transform samples.
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Another simple little gadget, this is a load monitor for GNOME which simulates a bubbling beaker - intense colours and lots of bubbles means your computer is stretched to its limit. Placid colours and a lack of effervescence indicate all is well.
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Massively great automated download system. This X application is the master of the unattended download. Leech websites, schedule those big jobs for the middle of the night, drag and drop wblinks from your browser straight into the panel. Maintain logs of your downloads, resume, retry and relax in the knowledge that Downloader4X will do its very best to nab those files for you. Programmable recursion depths for FTP and HTTP access mean that it won't end up trying to download the whole internet onto your hard drive. This is really one of the best applications of its type, and vital for the compilation of the LXFCD.
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If you've checked out Terraform from HotPicks this issue, you should also take a look at this DEM-powered map drawing software.
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We missed out Ximian's excellent evolution PIM-Workgroup tool from our roundup a few issues back because there wasn't really enough of it working to give it a fair test. Now you can test it for yourself, and can we just say, it's come a long way in the intervening time.
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Tool for formatting floppies to different sizes
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Pre-release version of Mozilla-based browser for GNOME
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A clone of the excellent Panzer General strategy games on Windows and Playstation. This is still very much a work in progress, though you can try out the tough demo levels.
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Seminal classic Pacman, but better and in 3D. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it's great fun.
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In the annals of Unix/Linux games, Nethack will always hold a special place. Nethack, if you don't know, is an RPG where your character must explore the unpleasant interiors of the most dangerous, labarynthine dungeons in the universe in the hope of finding gold, glory and extra tripe rations. The original nethack games used a console display, so they could be played on any terminal. This specially remixed version includes isometric 3D graphics in glorious colour. If you're a Nethack fan you have to try it out - if you aren't then this could be the time to find out what all the fuss is about.
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A very simple, but working, DTP application for Linux. It's limited to the X server's type-1 fonts, and simple graphics, but it shows promise.
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Excellent typing tutor game, aimed at kids, but fun for all. Requires SDL
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If you are a vi fan then you should check out the latest version of the X-based vim. If you are an emacswarrior, perhaps you ought to take a look just so you can familiarize yourself with its flaws, which surely, it must have...
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automated- recursive web grabber (console)
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In case you haven't had enough games so far, check out this old but great world conquest style game, included on the CD only so the editor can indulge his fantasies of re-enacting the Roman civil wars.
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A source code tag system with cross application support
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Tools and libraries for handling images
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All Linux developers are probably familiar with CVS - the concurrent versioning system by which many people can work on project files simultaneously. This very interesting tool is a GUI front end which though 'real' coder might mock the use of an X tool, can actually give you a quick and useful overview on who has been doing what.
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In a nutshell this is a development kit for adding Flash file support to your open source projects. Covered by the GPL and with examples, this could be j ust what your graphic app has been looking for!
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A menu drive binary file editor. Need we say more?
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A programmers editor with all sorts of useful features. Plugin-extensible, it currently has loads of features for specifically editing Java files, though plenty more are in development. The editor itself is a Java application which is designed to run on Java 2 v1.3 or older versions with swing support. If the thought of an editor running in Java conjures up images of using a manual typewriter whilst submerged in a vat of treacle you should try it, and prepare to be surprised.
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Terminal MPG player- development version
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Stable(ish) current version of the OpenOffice suite. We've included this in the developer section because a, there's a lot of useful code here and (b it still lacks some elements of functionality that would make it useful to end users.
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Hurrah! The latest version of the python language is here, just for you and the knights who go 'Ni'. This is a bug-fixing maintenance release, with a new python license which means that python is once again GPL compatible.
And if you really can't wait for the next version, there's the alpha release of pyhton 2.2 for you to play with too! Go to this directory
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This isn't a single app, but a collection of Open source utilities aiming to provide a workable solution for setting up streaming MPEG services.
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Latst version f the popular front end for managing MySQL databases.
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Very latest version of Python-based content management system. Zope is a great solution for building intranets, portals and web-based projects of all types. Check out the CD Pages in the magazine for more on Zope, or visit the website from the link below.
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Alpha version of commercial office suite, now for Linux. There are more extensive instructions in the magazine!
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The world's most popular webserver...
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A graphical network monitor
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A GUI driven firewall builder
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IBM's Journaled File System for Linux - an alternative to ext3 and ReiserFS which has some advantages over both. Check out IBM's FAQ on this new filesystem.
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Easy to use TCP port scanner
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Fast and easy to administer alternative to Sendmail
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Web based systems administration
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Curses-based apt utility with extra features (development)
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Alternative character and block special devices
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Mount FTP sites as a standard volume
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Browsers for Gutenbug project texts
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Create- edit and render digital elevation data
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Latest kernel source - 2.4.8
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The Linux Documentaion Project HOWTOs. Install them on your system, or browse them from this CD by going Here
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Open source OpenGL libraries for Linux
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The best compiler in the world?
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Text-based interface creation library
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