BOOT11.ZIP Boot v1.1: includes 3 programs that save, restore, and check your hard disk's boot re- cord to make sure they're intact; good to have if you're exposed to virii or like to do low level stuff on your hard disk; 09/23/91; Roedy Green. CIPHER16.ZIP Cipher v1.6: scrambles files so that no one can use them, unless they have the correct key; can encrypt files in place, so unerase utils can't recreate them or recreate a new encrypted file, leaving the original file untouched; 08/20/93; Mike Albert. COPYNOT2.ZIP Stop unauthorized copies of files from leaving your work stations. Excellent security to prevent piracy or improper use of company data. CRYPTE11.ZIP Fast, friendly, secure file encryption program. CSS142.ZIP Computer Security System v1.42: an extended system; asks for password while booting, up 10,000 users with individual passwords, partial access, different security levels, accurate record of users and login times; etc. DBLPC100.ZIP Dead Bolt Lock/PC Version 1.00 Password protection system. DEA001.ZIP Dea V.00 File Encryption System Uses The One-Time-Pad Technique For The Ultimate Level Of Privacy And Security. DEA201.ZIP DEA Release v.2.01 The most sophisticated Information Security (encryption) software available. Features include: command line and prompt mode, extreme security, adjustable speed, automatic military delete, detailed error messages and traps, and three utilities: GenKey, KeyView, and MFD. Complete and detailed user manual. From Nellis du Maurier Information Security. DEU660.ZIP GREAT file encryprion program. Has 6 different methods of encryption. Encrypts each bite of a file and not an entire block. Well worh the time. Rom GRAPHICS UNLIMITED. EBPGP.ZIP Even Better PGP Shell for DOS A intutive graphical shell for Phillip Zimmerman's PGP V2.2. A must have for any DOS PGP user. Includes an editor and implements all of PGP functions. Makes encrypting your files easier, less time consuming. A REALLY GOOD SHELL!. EID211.ZIP Encrypt-IT for DOS or for WINDOWS - well maintained, shareware program. EZPGP107.ZIP EZ-PGP version 1.07. Simple and self-configuring program to link PGP and any off-line mail-reader. Includes installation instructions for Bluewave and OLX. Handles the Fidonet to Internet addressing kludge very well! Best of all, this program is freeware, distributed to help mankind! Free voice support! (Really) FSTCRYP1.ZIP Fast Encrypt 1.0 Excellent new Encryption/Decryption system. Much better than DES or RSA. Uses 128 bit key, extremely secure. Very fast, was written entirely in 386 Assembler. Full 32 bit, 386/486 ONLY. Includes documentation. HANDSOFF.ZIP By using a combination of psychology and your existing computer hardware, "HandsOff!" helps protect your home or office; no special hardware is needed; AWARD-WINNER: Public Brand Software, one of the largest shareware vendors in the world, selected "HandsOff!" for Honourable Mention in the Utilities category for their 12th PBS Shareware Contest; 01/01/94; Pinnacle Software. IRSLOG.ZIP 1.5K TSR records each program run on your PC - Knight-Rider News Service says, "simply [load this] tiny memory-resident program on the office computers and... print out reports that show how long each computer was used (including energy consumption), which programs were used and for how long... We loved running this little gem.". LOCKOU10.ZIP Lock-Out v1.0: a password/security program; prevents boot-up from drive A:; maintains a password violations log, password entered, time, and date; 05/06/92; Douglas Scott. MC100.ZIP MultiCrypt v1.00 - File encoding utility. NOSH15.ZIP NOSHELL v1.5: TSR utility designed to enhance system security by requiring all users to enter a password before being allowed to execute a DOS shell from within any other pgm; 07/22/93; Steve Dunn. PADLOC23.ZIP New release of the total floppy disk security system. New features include monochrome mode for use with laptops, activity logging, and disk swapping. This full-screen application offers disk locking & clearing, as well as individual file encryption and purging, mouse support, a scrollable file list, disk information area, and on-line help. PC Padlock is useful in securing data disks for word processors, spreadsheets, or any other application that writes data to a floppy disk. Confidential info is always safe from prying eyes. PCRYPT80.ZIP PC-CRYPT Ver 8.0 program features encryption and decryption of disk files using Vernam process combined with use of random or One-Time-Pad keyfiles. This ZIP is export version that does not includes BASIC source code for QuickBASIC (QBASIC) and PowerBASIC. PCS211C.ZIP PC-Sentry v2.11C: collection of small memory resident utilities to provide various levels of system security and automatic, transparent logging of system activity; daily logs are maintained; 05/19/93; Solid Oak Software, Inc. PGP23A.ZIP Pretty Good Privacy v2.3A - renowned public key encryption package - use to secure your messages. PGP23SRC.ZIP C Source code for PGP23.ZIP. ZIP archive contains directories. Use -D to unzip. W/C. PGPFAQ.ZIP PGP FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from the Internet. PGPSHE32.ZIP PGPShell version 3.2 - July 1994 A front-end shell for use with Phil Zimmermann's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) public-key encryption program. A menu interface, mouse driver, fast tools for analyzing your public key ring, and intuitive prompts, make encryption tasks easy and (dare I say) fun. PHANSCR.ZIP PhantomScreen is a DOS-based screen saver utility which not only helps protect against screen "burn-in," but protects your computer from unauthorized access while you are away, displays the time, livens your workplace with scanned images or computer art, leaves messages for those who may visit your desk, etc. A variety of colorful, customizable effects are included. The program supports 2, 16 and 256 color images at up to 1024x768 resolution. Minimum system requirements are: an IBM PC, XT or better; MS-DOS 3.1 or higher; a CGA, Hercules monochrome, EGA, VGA or SuperVGA graphics system; hard disk; Microsoft or Logitech compatible mouse (optional); and 640K RAM (expanded memory also supported). Screen savers include aquarium, aircraft, clocks, color cycle, dinosaur, fireworks, kaleidoscope, lightning, messaging, starfields, planet, random, video effects, windshield wipers and many more. Most contain customizable features which may be easily configured by the user. In addition, users may import PCX scanned or painted images as backgrounds for use with several of the screen savers, allowing an idle monitor to become a desktop frame for family pictures or art. PREXCM50.ZIP Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 - Encrypts & protects your EXE/COM files. File integrity is checked using a CRC whenever the Protected file is run, and if the file has been tampered with, a customizable message is displayed. Designed to drastically hinder hacking, modification, and reverse engineering of your programs with an unobtrusive security seal. No LZEXE needed & recoding has eliminated many old problems. PRTK11.ZIP Protek v1.1: a collection of utilities and documentation on how to create your own disk protection programs; learn of many ways to place protection on your floppies; while it is fully functional, it is meant to be used strictly for demonstrative purposes; 08/01/92; David R. Green. PWPLUS13.ZIP Password plus v1.3 An IBM PC password system. RBOOTCPP.ZIP Performs a warm boot of computer w/password checking; includes Borland C++ 3.1 source so that your password can be encoded into the pgm and recompiled; 07/10/92; Joe L. Chavez. SCRP312C.ZIP SuperCrypt v3.12c Complete security with DES encryption, decryption & cryptoanalysis. SECCOP40.ZIP Second Copy 4.0, Automatically copies files for safekeep. It periodically monitors your disk directories data files & makes a second copy of those files to another disk/network drive. Updates these second copies when you make changes or additions to your files. Works with Windows 3.0, 3.1 and any LANs. Version 4.0 allows you to maintain mulitple profiles & turn them on and off. New 3D look. A "must have" if you hate doing backups. SECUR792.ZIP 7-92 version of Usenet FAQ (answers to frequently asked questions) about computer security (FAQ). SSM10.ZIP System Security Manager v1.0: a security pro- gram which when placed in the first line of your autoexec.bat file, will keep anyone who does not know the login name and password out of your system; 10/21/91; Matt Shulman. ZCRYPT12.ZIP ZCrypt v1.2: general purpose data encryption utility pgm; accepts a key (password/phrase) and uses this key to encrypt (scramble) the contents of a file or group of files on your disk; 3 algorithms are provided permitting you to select 1 of 3 or all algorithms, depending on your need for speed or security; 01/28/92.