24F_NET.ZIP Novell/UltraStor 24f update. 311ASPIB.ZIP Always IN2000 ASPI driver for Netware 3.11. 311PT3.ZIP Netware 3.11 server/OS Patches v3. 311PT7.ZIP Netware 3.11 server/OS Patches v7. 3270NOV3.ZIP DTC Data Technology Novell 3.11 & 3.12 Hardrive controller driver. For Model DTC3280, DTC3270 & DTC3250 Note: The version shipped with Novell has problems with some DTC controllers. 3NSH160.ZIP Netshield, ver 1.60, anti-virus nlm for novell netware 3.11/3.12/sft-iii servers. Tested and approved authorized mcafee agent. 4NSH160.ZIP Netshield, ver 1.60, anti-virus nlm for novell netware 4.01/netware for os/2 4.01 servers. Tested and approved authorized mcafee agent. 5INSTPRO.ZIP Various installation problems observed with LANtastic 5.0 and the work arounds... AINDIS.ZIP NDIS for Lantastic. ALOGIN21.ZIP Updated auto login for LANtastic Networks. AN206X.ZIP Novell STAT recorder and reporter patch. ANT315.ZIP Advanced NetWare* Tools Maintenance and Logging of Netware 3.11 Objects, Statistics and Users. All Menu driven and easy to use. ATI110.ZIP INIUPDate v1.10: utility designed for network administrators who manage Windows on a LAN; allows you to easily add new applications to the LAN, prevent users from making modifications to INI files, provide better support to your end users; note that this is a DOS pgm that modifies an INI file by comparing the Keys & Values in the INI file to a Master INI file; 02/01/94; Abrams Technologies. BIG_LANS.ZIP "BIG LANS" FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list, w/answers) from the Internet and the comp.dcom.lans.misc newsgroup on NLBBS. primarily covers campus LANS, but more too. BLTS893.ZIP Artisoft Bulletins (8/93). DOS6NETW.ZIP Message Thread From Netwire About Conflict Between Netware Netx.EXE (V.3.31) And MS-DOS 6.0. Contains Temporary Third-Party Patches Until Replacement Released by Novell. DOSUP9A.ZIP Complete Update for Novell IPX, ODI and VLM drivers to work with DOS 6.2. DRWATSON.ZIP Dr Watson Demo. Low level analyzer and optimizer for Novell, Netbios, TCP/IP, etc. DSPAT.ZIP Directory Services (NDS) Patch for Netware 4.01 ONLY. EEAI50.ZIP Driver for Xircom External Ethernet Adapter (LAN). EMAIL307.ZIP Email v3.07: MS-Windows network e-mail pgm that sends text messages, attaches files, pop up notification (you can turn if off), archive messages, creates distribution lists, etc req VBRUN300.DLL; 03/19/94; Richard Wagner/ Ivory Tower Software. ESCAN17.ZIP ESCAN v1.7: Identifies the manufacturer of all Ethernet LAN cards on your NetWare net. IPX/NETX or ODI drivers must be loaded. (Date 03/08/94) Req: 286+CPU. Freeware from Micro House International. ETHLD103.ZIP Ethernet protocol analyzer. FPS32D.ZIP FPServer: THE Fast Novell NetWare Print Server Version 3.2 FPServer implements an EXTREMELY FAST, easy to use print server on a standard IBM compatible personal computer. FSL141.ZIP FSLOGIN v1.41 - Full Screen Login is a menu utility for all Novell users. This program gives your users a new and enhanced way to login. Installation takes five minutes. Author: Aad Slingerland GLOSLAN.ZIP Glossary of terms related to LANs. GRPLST26.ZIP GroupList v2.6: displays a column sorted listing of Netware group members; issues no SUPERVISOR calls or other potential security no-no's; output can be scrolled to disk or redirected to printer. IDE386.ZIP Driver which supports most IDE drives with Netware 3.11. Including IBM PS/2 models 35 and 40. A NetWare Loadable Module w/.DOCs. ISA311.ZIP Update to Novell ISA driver for 3.11. JCLUTILS.ZIP JCL Utilities are a set of 3 utilities that will help Netware 3.11 LAN administrators manage their login accounts; lists all accts authorized for multiple connections, along w/ the count of sessions authorized; lists all accts having no password or requiring no password, and shows if those accounts are disabled or station-restricted, and lists all disabled accounts; 02/06/94; John C. Leon. LAN204.ZIP LAN Menu 2.04 (Network Menu) MicroFox Company Menu and Security System for DOS and Networks LAN204.ZIP Network Menu, Help, & User Guide Lotus 1-2-3 style menu system with password protection, telephone dialer, on-line help, built-in network support and mouse support. Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass) Member of [ASAD] and {STAR} LAN2UNIX.ZIP Lan2unix details Artisoft's instructions for connecting Lantastic 5.0 to Unix or Novell networks using the "Shared Resouces" of NOS 5.0. LANDON.ZIP The LANdon Bridge is a software bridge/repeater/router for Artisoft(R) LANtastic(R) networks. It allows users to mix and match supported hardware types on their LANtastic(R) network, and allows all network nodes to log into all servers and send messges to all nodes, regardless of what kind of hardware they are using. LANFER.ZIP LANFerret allows multiple workstations to access another workstation's hard drive. This access is a READ-ONLY access. LANLOG11.ZIP LANLOG V1.1 - Software metering tool for WORKSTATIONS, on or OFF a DOS 3.x compatible network. Reports individual PC's totals and totals across ALL workstations, in text or comma quote files. Shows, software run, number of times run and date of last use. A config program creates & initialises a tamper proof TSR, which meters software run. Data collected centrally on a LAN is reported with just one DOS command. Optional Log file use. LANPULSE.ZIP LANPulse from Wilson Research. LANPulse was developed to provide LAN administrators with a tool to quantify system performance. This is complete, non-demo. $75 registration fee. LED12.ZIP Lantastic Setup Editor. LISTQSV3.ZIP Listqs - Lists the status of all the print queues and printers on a Novell (3.x) server. Shows time remaining, user name, number of jobs, etc. Now includes GLISTQS - a VGA only version with 3D graph bars. LK151.ZIP Locker ver 1.51 for DOS Windows. LOG365.ZIP Login v3.65 for NetWare v3.11 & v2.2. LTAS16.ZIP Low Level Drivers for Intel Etherexpress cards for lantastic. MKUSR362.ZIP MAKEUSER v3.62: properly deletes user's subdirs and home dirs under NetWare 2.2 & 3.11; 06/26/92; Novell, Inc. MONITO.ZIP Supervisor utility to monitor user activity on Novell's NetWare v2.1x / v2.2x / v3.x; can be used to see users' file and I/O activity; it displays the open files and indicates files opened for reading, writing, locked and files in transaction. NBA102.ZIP NetBIOS Assist - simple remote console utility. NETBENCH.ZIP Pc magazine's netbench, v.2.10. NETTALK.ZIP Another chat program for novell networks. NFS3SPEC.ZIP NFS 3 specification (SC). NFS_FAQ.ZIP The PC NFS FAQ (9/93) from the Internet. Comprehensive info re: NFS use on DOS-based systems (using TCP/IP, Novell, etc.). NMS201.ZIP Network Menu System v2.01: menu system designed for a Novell network (useable standalone, too) that works w/existing Novell menu files w/little or no modification; 04/01/93; John E. Cressman. NOUV24.ZIP Nouveau v2.4: Novell network "pop-up" program designed to pass messages among workstations; 08/18/93; R. A. Kelly/Integra's ManageX. NRDIAG.ZIP Noderunner diagnostics. NRMOVE.ZIP Move Noderunner Iobase, Etc. NRSETUP.ZIP Noderunner setup. NUTL7A.ZIP NUtils v7.00: set of add-on utilities for Novell's Netware operating system to provide ease of network administration and function- ality; 02.08/93; Darwin Collins; [1/2]. NUTL7B.ZIP NUtils v7.0 [2/2]. PAUSE11.ZIP Pause v1.1: Netware NLM that displays message & waits for keypress; includes C source. PBMNU20.ZIP PB Software Menu System v2.0: menu system for Netware 2.x/3.x that supports about 95% of Novell's menu script language; 03/30/93; Robert Piskac Jr./Piskac Bakery Software. PCLAB3.ZIP LanLab, PC Magazine's network performance benchmark. PE_LANT.ZIP AI-LANBIOS Pocket Ethernet Driver v2.03 for Xircom adapters. PS2OPT.ZIP PS2OPT.DSK is a NetWare v3.11 driver modified to include a wider range of support for tape drives as well as other issues; Novell, Inc. PUTIL4.ZIP New Netware Printer Utilities. Includes Printcon, Nprint, Pconsole, PSC, Printdef, and capture. QUE_LIST.ZIP Novell utility for displaying available printer queues and status'. QVIEWP20.ZIP QView Pro is a utility designed to control Novell print queues. Print Jobs can be controlled, deleted, viewed and moved between queues with QView Pro. QView Pro can also monitor queues for duplicate or oversize print jobs, and multiple queues on several servers may be viewed at the same time. RESPONSE.ZIP Network response benchmark v1.2. SCYCLE.ZIP Server Cycle Screen Saver for NetWare 3.x and 4.x - screen saver cycles through all the screens of a NetWare server. SFTM140.ZIP SFTM.ZIP - System File Table Monitor, version 1.4. Will list in real-time all files opened on your system. Compatible with Lantastic 5.x, Desqview 2.x, Windows 3.x, MS-DOS 6.x. Runs in your current text mode, has clock on screen, plus supports QEMM's additional FILES table. On a machine running a Lantastic Redirector, it will also report the machine name on the status line. SMRTPW.ZIP SmartPass - NetWare.NLM Security Password Analyzer identifies potential holes in network security by scanning user accounts against predefined databases of weak, obvious or easy to guess passwords. Checks for over 150,000 passwords such as celebrity names, computer jargon, common words and first and last name. STRTLI.ZIP SPXFIX2.NLM: patch (by Novell) required for NetShield on Netware 3.11 servers. TCPIPFAQ.ZIP The TCP/IP FAQ from the Internet newsgroup comp.protocols.tcp-ip Best info anywhere on running TCP/IP on PC-compatible computers. TCPUTIL.ZIP 3 of 4: Executable PC/TCP utilities. TCPV21CN.ZIP Patch diskette for DOS TCP/IP ver 2.1 NFS code CSD lvl TCP_COM.ZIP 4 of 4: Executable PC/TCP packet drivers. TCP_DOCS.ZIP 2 of 4: Documentation for the Clarkson PC/TCP package. TCP_SRC.ZIP 1 of 4: Source for Clarkson TCP/IP drivers and utilities. TNET31.ZIP LANtastic Login utilities v3.1. VIRDT116.ZIP v116 update for McAfee's Netshield. WFREFF.ZIP Novell utility to view locked files from within Windows. WINUP9.ZIP Novell Windows Update Kit #9 for VLM and NETX. Updated Windows client files for workstations. WSDIA330.ZIP WSDIAG v3.30: Novell workstation diagnostics that allows a remote supervisor to troubleshoot a single workstation over the LAN; displays shell version level, packet transmital stats and more. WSDOS1.ZIP Netware Vlm DOS Client Part 1 of 3. WSDOS2.ZIP Novell Workstation VLM Drivers - 08/31 Update. WSDRV1.ZIP Netware Vlm Drivers Part 3 of 3. WSDRV2.ZIP Novell VLM NIC Drivers Disk - Update. WSWIN1.ZIP Netware Vlm Windows Client Part 2 of 3. WSWIN2.ZIP Novell Workstation Windows VLM Program 8-31. WS_DOCS.ZIP Documentation For Novell Workstation Requestor - Over 200 Pages of Info in Postscript Form. XFERRATE.ZIP Determine the number of bytes per second available from a LAN or WAN connection. Upload by author. XFILE3.ZIP x-File3 1.63 (Extensions Software Corporation; $133) is a network file management program for Banyan Vines and Novell. XFONE3.ZIP x-Fone3 1.93 (Extensions Software Corporation; $133) is a network phone directory system for Banyan Vines and Novell. XMETR173.ZIP XMeter v1.73: software metering program for Novell Networks; uses NO RAM, and does not require any VAPs/NLMs running on the server; 02/24/94; Marc Perkel/Computer Tyme.