3DSPOV18.ZIP 3DS2POV v1.8. Converts 3D Studio.3DS files to POV-Ray 1.0/2.0, Vivid, or Polyray raytracer formats. Supports animation. Now converts basic material properties (colour, ambient, diffuse, reflection, and transparency). 3DSR3.ZIP Info On The New Release Of 3D Studio (Ver 3). AGING.ZIP Watch brook shields age before your eyes! Requires .fli viewer. ATMM11.ZIP AVOCATION TECHNOLOGIES Copr.1993 Mandelbrot Microscope ver.1.1 MCGA/VGA/SVGA 256 color graphic walk through the mandelbrot set. Makes a great screen saver too! VESA support up to 1280x1024x256 from 320x200x256. Optional full screen display modes and faster!. BEHEMOTH.ZIP Raytraced GIF of a spaceship. CADET5.ZIP CADET, the CAD Text Editor v5.0 - Edit and spell check AutoCAD text and attributes. Full-screen text editor with menus, mouse support, search and replace, word wrap, cut and paste, justification and spell checker. Edits AutoCAD notes, text tables, attributes, bound X-ref dwgs and ASCII files. Imports and exports. For AutoCAD R10-12 DOS or Windows. Shareware, $49.95. Cadet is "hard to beat", PC Magazine, Vol.11, No.3. CIRCM100.ZIP CircleMaster - data file generator for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POVRay). CMORPH21.ZIP The Complete Morph v2.10 ASP Complete morphing facility. High-end tools for home users. Features include: read & write TGA/IMG/BMP/GIF/IPI/PCX; nice GUI; mult. Spline types; advanced mesh editing tools; and so much more! Requires: [386DX /4MB , Math-Co & SVGA are highly recommended]. CTDS200C.ZIP POV Util: Connect the dots smoother v2.00 Creates smooth raytracer surfaces from x,y,z data points. POV, Vivid support. By Truman Brown. Ray Tracer accessory. DMORF112.ZIP Dave's Morphing Program, Rel. 1.12 - reads GIF TGA files, and creates sequences of TGA files which can be converted to FLI/FLC files using Dave's TGA Animator (a.k.a. DTA). For DOS systems; now with hi-res SVGA display,. DMORF_1.ZIP DMORF, for Dave's Morph, as in MetaMORPHosis is the process by one image smoothly melds into another image. The same process is used in movies. By Dave K. Mason in Boston, MA. DTA21PB.ZIP Dave's TGA Animator, Rel. 2.1 (public beta) Tons of new features, including 24-bit flics, arbitrary rotation, animated composition, some new file formats. Includes a new version of the DFV flic player. DXF2RAW2.ZIP Converts DXF files to raw triangle data. Then use Sandpaper (SNDPPR*.zip) to create smooth objects for PoV or Vivid. DXF2V22.ZIP DXF -> Vivid.... Now with layer extraction. Ray tracing utility. FAQ00467.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions about Fractals (FAQ). FRAINT18.ZIP Fractint version 18.0 - new release of the best of the fractal generation programs. FRASRC18.ZIP Source code for Fractint 18.0. FRGEN14.ZIP FRGEN v1.4. Generates fractal landscapes and other shapes using successive triangle sub-division. The fractal data can be output as POV-Ray 1.0/2.0 or Vivid scene files or as RAW triangle data. FS11R1.ZIP FS Fonts to shapes for POV v1.1r1 FS is a font conversion program. Spec- ifically, it converts MS-Windows fonts into a format compatible with the Persistence of Vision (POV) ray tracing program. FS allows you virtually elim- inate the drudgery of creating text in your POV scenes. Shareware. GEMPLOT.ZIP Ray-traced gems. LISS151.ZIP 3D Lissajou generator for raytracers. Generated output for Vivid or PoV raytraers. LISSANIM.ZIP Lissajou Animator - Utility for Persistence of Vision 1.0. Genrates all files necessary to create a 360-degree rotation animation. LPARSER3.ZIP LPARSER: reads a l-system description in and processes it into a 3d form which can then be outputed in several formats, including RAW DXF POV. This implementation of a l-system parser also allows 'mutations' to take place during the growing of the form. LVIEWER: is meant to be used together with the LPARSER program. It can display to the screen lparser files. Can also view 3DS and RAW files. LV2POVID: converts output of LVIEWER and LPARSER to a POV/BOB/VIVID scene file. MEANDER.ZIP Linear fractal generator (Koch, Sierpinski, etc.) with C source. MRAY13.ZIP MORAY V1.3 is an easy-to-use GUI modeller for use with POV-Ray 1.0 (and 2.0 when released). It supports the cube, sphere, cylinder, torus, cone, heightfield and bezier patch primitive, as well as adding conic, rotational and translational sweeps. You can add (spot)lights bounding boxes, textures and cameras, which show the scene in wireframe 3D. Shareware US $59. Not crippled. Requires 286 or higher, mouse, runs on VGA and SVGA/VESA. PLY38614.ZIP PolyRay Tracer v1.4 386 Protected Mode .EXE. PLY38714.ZIP PolyRay Tracer v1.4 386 w/387 .EXE also 486. PLYDAT14.ZIP PolyRay Algebraic Input Ray-Tracer Data files. PLYDOC14.ZIP PolyRay Algebraic Input Ray-Tracer Documentation. POV2DOC.ZIP This archive contains the documentation for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray V2.0, formatted in plain ASCII text for the IBM-PC and other systems. Also contains standard include files and some demo scenes. Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this library for more information. POV2INF.ZIP Persistence of Vision v.2.00 - INFormation summary file - best to download this first you make sure you wish to download the remaining elements of the suite. POVDOC.ZIP Persistence of Vision Raytracer v1.0 documentation files. POVIBM.ZIP This archive contains the IBM-PC executable for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray V1.0, and specific instructions for this version. To run this program you NEED a 386 or 486 cpu and at least 2 Megs of RAM. You also need to download POVDOC.ZIP and POVSCN.ZIP. For information on what POV-Ray is and what other files are available, down- load the small text file POVINF.DOC from this library. POVIBMV2.ZIP IBM .EXE for POVRAY v2.0 ray tracer. POVMNU10.ZIP Menuing system for Persistence of Vision 1.0. POVREV15.ZIP Povrev 1.5: create revolution, extrusion, loft curve, and cross sectional sweep objects for PoV 1.0 and 2.0. Makes cool twisting and snake like objects! Req VBRUN300.DLL. POVSCN1.ZIP This archive contains the example scene files for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray V1.0, and the standard include files for use with POV-Ray. These files are formatted for the IBM-PC. You also need to download POVDOC.ZIP and an executable for your computer. For a list of all the files and for more information on what POV-Ray is, download the small text file POVINF.DOC from this library. POVSCN2.ZIP This archive contains the example scene files for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray V1.0, and the standard include files for use with POV-Ray. These files are formatted for the IBM-PC. POVSUDS.ZIP Create soap suds for POV (seen in the book Image Lab). PV3DB1.ZIP PV3D modeler Version B1.91 For POVRAY 2.0 and VIVID 2.00 Graphics interface (GUI) with mouse. Many function are modified since the last version Include : 3D animation function 3D visualisation with camera / look_at Vectoriel object structure. XMS Support POV primitives support, Blob structure Height Field Shape, Mapping Texture Bumpping Function , GIF viewer VIVID 2.00 primitives support External Textures Library (POV/VIVID) Dynamic Rotate Move Scale (R-M-S) NEW! Support Groupe and Object Library CSG, Constructive Solide Geometry Direct generation of POV-RAY 2.0 files Direct generation of VIVID 2.0 files And more.and more , Splines, Smooth and. PVW_386.ZIP A version of POVRAY.EXE compiled with Watcom 6.0. As much as 40% faster than the original. For Persistence of Vision ray tracer, version 1.0. RAWPOV18.ZIP RAW2POV v1.8. Converts lists of triangle coords in RAW ascii format to POV-Ray 1.0/2.0, Vivid, or Polyray raytracer formats. Adjustable levels of smoothing can be applied to the triangle surfaces. RAYL210.ZIP RayLathe is a text based tool that allows you to create three dimensional objects using the metaphor of the machinist's lathe. Objects can be created for POVRAY 1.0/2.0 & Vivid 2.0 ray tracing programs. Also .RAW output to many other tracers. uLathe (lathe151.zip) is an excellent front end to RayLathe. Bug fix release. My apologies! Author: Ken Koehler v2.10 RAYSH386.ZIP Rayshade ray-tracing program ported to the 386. RMORFV04.ZIP New version of the Best and Fastest morphing software available for the PC! Fixes several old bugs, and now supports input of GIFs! Download this now to have lots of fun with cool animations and neat video tricks - it's like Terminator 2 in your own home! RTAG21.ZIP RTAG v2.1 - Ray Tracing Animation Generator. RTAG compiles an animation control language and produces files to cause ray tracing programs like POV-Ray or Polyray to generate the sequence of frames for an animation. The language provides full arithmetic expressions, looping control and spline path generation. Using RTAG you can create animations with accelerations and/or object interactions. RTETC800.ZIP Docs/utilities/samples for RTRACE800, 3 of 3. RTRAC800.ZIP Antonio Costa's Ray Tracer v8.0.0, 1 of 3. RTSRC800.ZIP Sources to RTRACE800 and utilities, 2 of 3. SMOOTH10.ZIP SMOOTH v1.0 Surface Smoothing Program This program calculates surface normals for raw triangle data and creates a variety of output formats. Supports MTV, DKBTrace, Vivid v1.0, v2.0, POV v0.5, v1.0, v2.0, and Raytrace programs. SMOOTH21.ZIP SMOOTH v2.1 POV Surface Normal Modeling Program This program calculates surface normals for raw triangle data and creates a variety of output formats. Supports POV v1.0 & v2.0. Also creates include files and ready to render POV scene files. TGA2POV2.ZIP Converts B&W Targe images to PoV 1.0 objects Some sample GIFs and render times included Uploaded by the author Scott Steeves. VIVID2.ZIP Vivid v2.0 - create ray-tracing images on a 286 and up. WINPOV.ZIP Windows front end for Persistence of Vision 1.0. Sort of a menu for PoV. Does not support displaying through Windows. WINSRC.ZIP C & ASM source for WINFRACT v17.0 fractal generator. WNFRA173.ZIP FRACTINT for Windows 3.x ver 17.3 Fractal art generation and display program with online help, and data files for a large number of fractals. WORM05.ZIP Latest version of WORM, the utility for creating complex objects made out of spheres. For use with PoV & Vivid ray tracers, after running data through CTDS.