2ALL210.ZIP 2all v2.10 will take all the archived files in a directory and convert them to any archive format you want, stamp each one with the original archive's date, and if you like, delete the original file. AC310.ZIP AC- The Archive Converter V3.10 New features such as custom colors and floppy support! Support for nested archives, custom command line switches, ability to add/delete archivers or dearchivers. Plus much more. ACMP_300.ZIP Archive compare 3.0 by Dean Cooper. Comparison program for testing archive pgmswith results of his testing. ACZAR210.ZIP ACZAR v2.10 for DOS - Archive Shell Compare with SHEZ or ARCMASTER and see what you have been missing. Very easy to use, but powerful! Mouse support, SAA/GUI Interface, supports ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ARC, ZOO, SQZ, HYP, ARCE, ARC128, ARC286, all SFX files, SCAN, built-in file viewer + editor, revolu- tionary Drag & Drop functions, Backup/Restore entire drives/directories using ZIP or ARJ, lots of improvements and much more! AM102.ZIP ArcMaster v10.2 - Powerful archive system control program/shell. Create/view ARJ, LHA, UC2, ZIP files. User configurable with complete color configuration. Includes virus scanning using SCAN/NAV. Copy/Move/Del files. Directory tree ops. 4DOS support. Supports UC2, has multi-dir file list 80286 CPU or better required. V 10.1 fixes 10.0 bugs. ARC602.EXE Version 6.02 SEA ARC util. Corrects problems with earlier 6.x releases and Dos2.1x. This file direct from SEA. ARCID105.ZIP Archive Identifier 1.05 - A utility for automatically identifying ARC ARJ HYP LZH PAK SQZ ZIP ZOO GIF files by SIGNATURE, not extension, including self-extracting archives! Tiny and incredibly fast. Other files can be filtered based on file extensions. For use in customized BBS upload batch files and similar archive testing applications. Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT or SLOWDRV.BAT applications. ARJ241A.EXE The official ARJ 2.41a public fix release. This is a FULL ARJ-SECURED release archive. A few bugs including a critical error handler bug processing y/n are fixed. This release is significantly faster than 2.30 and includes many new features and improvements since 2.30. ARJCMNT4.ZIP Add/remove comments from ARJ files easily! AT800.ZIP ARCTOOL v8.0 from GDSOFT. The BEST archive manager/shell handles EVERY popular archiver including ZIP, ARJ, ARC, PAK, ZOO, and even recognizes "EXE" archives. Best of ALL, it handles archives INSIDE of other archives up to 5 layers. View, Print, Extract and Convert archives to ANY format, view ANSI files, ASSOCIATE exts with ANY DOS program. Edit FILE_ID.DIZ inside of Archives. Graphical user interface. VERY FAST !!! COMP430S.ZIP COMPRESS v4.3d C source files with make files for various flavors of Unix and MS-DOS, including makes for MS-C and Turbo C. COMPRESS.ZIP Compress.exe by Microsoft. CRUSH10.ZIP CRUSH v1.0 - Super-compressor for DOS. Fed up with limited compression performance of Stacker, PKZIP (2.04g), ZOO, ARJ and LHA? CRUSH will usually give 5%-50% improved compression over any other DOS compression tool, & yet allows the user to continue using the archiver already in use. CRUSH is fast & the ideal choice for users keen to save disk space. Too good to be true? No! Try it! PocketD v4.1 compatible - Registration $29+ DIET144.ZIP Diet v1.44: file compressor similar to LZE/ PKLite; compresses overlays without warning (no good), and there's no way to restore the original (careful); can optionally compress device drivers. DIRX110.ZIP DirX - Directory of eXecutables v1.10: provides a simple command that will easily show which files have & have not been compressed w/an executable file compressor (AXE/DIET/EXEPACK/ICE/LEXEM/ LZEXE/PKLITE/SCRNCH/SHRINK/TINYPROG); compress/uncompress individual and groups of files from w/in the pgm; navigate between drives/directories by pointing and shooting; EGA/43- & VGA/50-line support, network support/extended syntax for DIRX.CFG are recent additions DIRXC110.ZIP DirX Command-Line lister v1.10: smaller, simpler version of DirX for when you just want a listing of compressed and uncompressed files. Redirectable. DISLT115.ZIP Expand exe files compressed by PKLITE 1.15 even those with "extra" compression. EZCODE34.ZIP EZ CO*DE v3.4: COmpression - DEcompression menu driven shell for ZIP/LHA/PAK/ARJ/ZOO files; copies, moves, deletes and searches for files; makes, removes and sorts directories; also has a text/hex file viewer with search and print capabilities along with a cursor to count characters in text and bytesin hex. EZCOMP20.ZIP EZComp Version 2.0 Unix compatible compress/uncompress for DOS. Extreamly Fast, true 32bit, runs in 386 protected mode, (386+ required), full 12 - 16 bit support. Uses extended/expanded/Xms/Disk for extra mem if needed. Supports older unix compress, stdin etc. FAQC9310.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions list for Compression Newsgroup on the Internet. Lots of good information on ZIP, ARJ, JPEG, Etc. FV145.ZIP FV v1.45: verbose archive directory lister that will display the names and attributes of files contained w/in archive files w/extensions of ARC, ZIP, PAK, DWC, LZH, ZOO,LBR, & most self-extracting .COM/.EXE files created by archive utilities. GUS_170.ZIP General UnPack Shell (GUS) v1.70: identifies compressed file types and calls the correct archiver; extract files from the archive; test archive integrity; supports ARC, A7+,ARJ, DWC, HA, HAP, HPK, HYP, LZH, PAK, ZIP, and ZOO archives; identifies self-extracting archives; allows for user definable archiversto be added. HAPXPA.ZIP Hamarsoft (R)'s NEW ARCHIVER Version 3.00. Compresses up to 30% better than the _NEW_ PKZIP. Handles multiple files, BIG files, wildcards. More than THREE times as fast as version 2.10 Needs only 380 Kb memory ! Developed by Harald Feldmann. LGA.ZIP Norton Commander add on - archive file view. LHA213.EXE LHA (formerly LHARC) v2.13: file compression utility from Japan; internal help is still in Japanese, but a translation (lha.hlp) is in the ZIP; the docs are in English. LHHELP.ZIP LHSCAN/LHPICK v0.02: corrupt LZH file rescue program that looks for the place where CRC error occured and retrieves all of the files in .LZH files free from CRC error. LZEXE91.ZIP Compress most EXE files and run them directly NCAV47B3.ZIP The Norton Commander Archive Viewer - V4.7 Beta-3 (Public BETA!) - a small utility to manipulate ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ, UC2, ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options, very easy to use, can also be used as stand-alone util. Copyright (C) 1994 Chris Buijs. FREEWARE. PAK251.EXE PAK v2.51 from NoGate Consulting - File Compress Program PK361.EXE Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61. PKLTE115.EXE PKLITE v1.15: compressed .COM and .EXE files but allows you to execute the programs intheir compressed form, expanding only in emory, thereby decreasing the disk space sed; many options including uncompression. PKPRES51.ZIP Pkpress 5.1 - Save Megabytes of Hard Drive Space Make your ZIP files even SMALLER. Convert old Pkzip formats to 2.04g. Full control over ZIP file comments System Compatiblity. Works in any operating system. Fully Network compatible. Supports all versions of Pkzip. Ease-of-Use and Safety. Online Help system, improved Manual Config file for user customization BBS Tech Support w/Credit Card reg. ZIP files fully tested for errors. PKUNL10.ZIP PkunLiter v1.0 - Unpklites files that are pklited with extra compression (-e). Works only on EXE files. PKZ110.EXE Zip/Unzip utility v1.1 self-extracting Phil Katz authorized release 3.15.90. Faster "imploding" + protected mode fixes. PKZ204G.EXE PKZIP/PKUNZIP v2.04G: Phil Katz' storage/ compression utils used to build most files on this BBS, so you should have a copy of this self-extracting file; significant upgrade both in speed and resultant files; programs can use EMS/XMS memory if found. RAR1_51.ZIP RAR V1.51 New Archiving Program from Russia w/ Full-Screen Mode. RV251.ZIP RV v2.51 - Customizable archive lister & utility. Currently supported are ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO. Displays ZIP- or LZH-style compression ratios. Various sort options. Converts self-extracting archives back to normal. RVB101.ZIP RVB-RView Batch v1.01: simple utility that will return a unique errorlevel code based onarchive format; supports ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH,LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP and ZOO. SHEZ101.ZIP SHEZ v10.1- ASP -Premier Compression Shell. Supports ZIP, LHA, ZOO, ARC, ARJ, SQZ, PAK, UC2, HAP. Added: Smart move, HAP 3.14 support with smart CPU detect, LPT PORT support for user defined printer. Fixed: Shez start dir mask, UUENCODE generation, and misc corrections. Customized TDE editor included when order with disk. Most feature rich program of it's type. SQZ1082E.ZIP Squeeze v1.08.3 File Archiving/Compression Utility from Sweden - Self-extracting. STLTH50.ZIP STEALTH 5.0 Archive Converter. Converts over 40 archivers, makes PKZIP 1.1 into 2.0 -EXTRA COMPRESSION. Leave PKZIP/ARJ AV files alone, add/remove comments, find FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI VENDINFO.DIZ, list archives with own internal viewer, logging, pause during operation + MUCH MORE. Ruthlessly fast -> A must try! STRIPAV1.ZIP STRIPAV 1.xx Strip Authenticity Verification data from PKWare ZIP files STS_401.ZIP Stereo Shell v4.1. Dual directory display file management. S_S20.ZIP ShapeShifter v2.0 - Archive Conversion program with many features. Supports SFX files, mouse, protection of -AV files, and many other options. Compare this to others and see for yourself! TINYP33.ZIP TINYPROG v3.3: compresses .EXE and .COM files while leaving them executable; prgms. check themselves for correctness - so that a corrupted program will not run; TINYPROG'ed programs can also be password protected; 10% to 30% compression. TRONV106.ZIP Tron V1.06 Dislite,Unlzexe,Undiet,Untiny Protect! EXE/COM 3.0 Tinyprog 3.8 (RegOnly) Encryption Scanner. UC2R2.EXE UltraCompressor II Revision 2 - Archiving Program. UNARJ241.EXE UNArj v2.41 full release program that uses less memory for just Unarjing. UNLITE30.ZIP UnLites PKLite Compress Programs. UNLZEXE8.ZIP Converts LZEXE compressed EXE to original EXE. UNP331.ZIP UNP V3.31 Executable file expander. Uncompresses files compressed with DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many other file compression utilities. UNP also allows you to convert files from COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE headers and remove overlay data from EXE files. UNZ50P1.ZIP UNZIP.EXE - Lots Of Nice Options! Source Code Is Available - Free - Nice Program. UNZ50P1S.ZIP Info-ZIP's 2.x compatible unzipper - Source code. UNZIP51S.ZIP Unzip 5.1 (Source code). Compatible with zip 2.04. UUEXE525.ZIP DOS versions of Unix uuencode/uudecode v5.25 by Richard Marks. These remain the best implementations for DOS. Free. VIP_64E.ZIP Zipfile Utility. Official release Ver 6.4e View, Extract, Scan, Edit, Delete individual files from within zipFiles. Uses PkZip 2.04. Also works with Dos 6 and DoubleSpace. .. Re-Create directories saved within zipFiles. Re-Zip files for maximum compression & Sets zipfile date to latest date used within Zip. Convert ARJ, LHA, ARC files to Zipfiles for better compression. Process backup Zips that span multiple disks. Screen saver & more. ZCP300.ZIP Zip Chunker Pro 3.00 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ, ZIP Splitter for DOS and OS/2. ZCP by Jibben Software splits and sizes all types of files, including archived files. Will split to a size to fit specific floppy format or to user determined size. Files except archives can be rejoined. Supports ARC, ARJ, PKZIP (1.1/2.x), LZH, and HYP. Archives can be split so that they will extract to fit on a specific floppy size. ZFACE72.ZIP ZFace v0.72 : a menu driven interface for PKZIP; zip, view, unzip or zip2exe by selecting files from a list; easy to use, just basic options; use keyboard or mouse; great for beginners or anyone who doesn't want to fool around w/ command line switches. ZIP10.ZIP zip v1.0, the public-domain PKZIP-compatible ZIP file creator brought to you by the Info-ZIP group. Portable source code for Unix and MS-DOS systems. (.tar.Z format also available for those who can't yet deal with .ZIP files -- look for ZIP10.TZR and also look for UNZIP v4.1, also from Info-ZIP) ZIP19P1.ZIP Info-ZIP project's generic ZIP, v1.9. FREE public-domain PKZIP 1.93a compatible ZIP file ZIP creator. W/C sources for Unix, MS-DOS, OS/2 and other systems. (PKZIP 1.93a produces archives that are NOT compatible with the current PKZIP production release, v1.10). Sources only; Use PKUNZIP -D to re-create sub-directories. Source only. ZIP19P1X.ZIP Zip utilities for the INFO-ZIP group. ZIP2BAK2.ZIP Zip2-Bak v1.12 Backup utility for Pkware's Pkzip v2.0 Great for backing up with Floppy, Floptical, Buernoli or Magneto Optical. For IBM & compatibles & monitors from Mono-VGA. Backup Utility zip ZIPCVT28.ZIP ZIP Converter 2.8 converts ZIPs to version 2.04 format, using maximum compression. It can be used on both hard and floppy drives to convert 1.x ZIPs to 2.04 format or to recompress all ZIPs which were not created with PKZIP 2.04's maximum compression algorithm. ZIP comments can be saved, removed or added. Volume labels will be preserved. ZIPMR118.ZIP ZIPManager v1.18: Yet another PKZIP, UNZIP & SCANV shell, if this has something special to recommend it, I missed it. Reqs rodent. ZIPR413.ZIP ZIP'R For DOS v4.13 - Hard Disk Tripler! ZIP'R uses ARJ, LHA, SQZ, or PKZIP/PKUNZIP to store programs in compressed form. ZIP'R can triple your hard disk space! Version 4.13 adds some enhancements to the ZIF Editor, such as CGA support. ZIPS12.ZIP Zip Stamp Ver 1.2 - Stamp allows you to add comments to all uploaded ZIP archives up to 20,000 kb in size! Supports many major BBS packages. ZIPSTRP1.ZIP ZipStrip v1.0 - Add/Remove ZIP Comments ZM33.ZIP ZipMaster v3.3 - Powerful, full-featured ZIP archive control system. Dual directory tree display. Browse and tag from all files on one drive. Supports PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04 options. Supports ZIP2EXE, PKFIXZIP, PKLITE, SCAN, LZEXE, LZESHELL, and LIST. Copy/move/delete files. Built-in text editor. Requires PKWare ZIP system, LIST.COM suggested. Complete directory tree manipulation. User configurable. ZOO210E.EXE ZOO v2.10: file archiver utility; runs under UNIX, MS-DOS, etc.; it is not particular fast but compresses within a percentage point ofthe best. HPFS/FAT compatible. ZOO210S.ZIP ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT compatible) - Source code. ZPRO125.ZIP ZIP'R Pro For DOS v1.25 - HD Tripler! ZIP'R Pro is a popular hard drive utility that uses ARJ, LHA, or PKZIP/PKUNZIP to store programs in compressed form. ZIP'R Pro can triple your hard disk space by storing seldom used programs or games in a single compressed file. Store compressed files in any directory, even on floppies. Version 1.25 is a maintenance release. ZT282.ZIP ZIPTOOL v2.82 - Great ZIP utility, Splits large ZIP files into smaller ZIPs, Combines multiple ZIP files together as one ZIP, Copy or Move tagged or untagged files from within the ZIP to another ZIP without having to UNZIP the file first, Extract tagged or untagged files to a user defined path, Mouse Driven, Zooming Windows. Now you can view ANY size Zipfile! Support for up to 2.1 GIG Zipfiles !! ZTEC76BN.ZIP The Zip Terminus 7.6B - Menu/Front End for PKZIP 1.1/2.04x archiver; compress,extract ,create self-extractor, multi-volume Zips with floppy format options; interface with McAfee Associates scan.exe for extract - compress virus check, includes dedicated submenu with heads-up option selection; keyboard or mouse; network compatible.