17180 08/18/95 BootLock 5.00 07/10/95 | BootLock allows you to lock out the use of | [CTRL][ALT][DEL], [CTRL]C, and/or | [CTRL][BREAK]. New version can be loaded | as a Device Driver or TSR. You can also | define a "user defined" key to lock out. | BootLock can be unloaded and Loaded into Hi | Memory. Shareware registration form and | manual included. From Hyperware. 32020 09/01/94 GET.EXE Ver 2.6, Bob Stephan's DOS BATch file | enhancer for Environment and ErrorLevel BATch | services. GET26UPD is an upgrade for users of | Ver. 2.5 and requires the documentation from | Ver. 2.5. Many new features are described in | the file GET26NEW.DOC incl. string handling, | arithmetic, file dates, return codes from | other programs and much more. Shareware: No | nags, no crippling, no delays. Registration: | $15+S&H see ORDER.GET. 7035 03/30/95 Keybuf Is Program To Expand The Keyboard | Buffer Used By BIOS To Store The Unread | Keystrokes. The Standard Buffer Is 32 Bytes | Long And Can Contain Up To 16 Key Strokes | (Each One Is A 2 Bytes Code). 230742 01/08/95 DOS PHANTOM v2.9o Task Automator - | Record any task you perform at the keyboard | for playback by hotkey or on a schedule. | Store selected screen text for playback as | keyboard input to another program. Unlimited | record length. Edit recordings using powerful | script language: read/write files, looping, | pop-up text windows and menus. Great for | application integration and scheduled tasks.