54127 10/15/94 Aces Over Europe: a patch to allow players to | fly a single mission or even a tour of duty | in the B-25, B-26, Ju-88 and Ar-234 bombers. 57215 09/14/94 FS5 Scenery: Africa & Middle East. Includes | all navigational aides and ILS. 188262 10/03/94 ~~~~~ONE FILE HAS IT ALL ~~~~~~ | A list of *Airports Worldwide* showing | ID, CITY, VOR, NDB, ILS, RWY LENGTH, | COORDS, COM and ATIS. Files are in | Lotus, WordPerfect and Ascii format | so everyone can use them. Use Lotus/ | Wysiwyg if you can. Please delete | any previous versions. Enjoy! 6860 05/27/95 Alone In The Dark ]I[ Solve 2038 01/05/95 ______/\_____/\________.__________/\ | \_____ \____ \_____ | ________ \ | | _ _/| |\ \/ ___| | || _ _/ | | | \| |_\ \ \__| | || | \_ | |__|_ /__|\___/\____|___ /|__|_ / | <========\/==================\/======\/====> | A [+5] TRAINER FOR ALADDIN + CRACK | * FEATURING LEVEL SKIP * | <=================================[DO/RZR]=> | úùùÄÄÍÍÍ RiSC COURiERiNG '94 ÍÍÍÄÄùùú 1058979 11/15/94 Part 1 of 2 for the COMPLETE ALIENS DOOM | package. This changes the graphics into | Aliens characters and weapons, including ALL | bosses and FIVE different kinds of aliens. To | be run with on registered DOOM | 1.2 or above. 997575 11/15/94 Part 2 of 2 for the COMPLETE ALIENS DOOM | package. Changes ALL sounds and has levels to | be run with on registered DOOM | 1.2 or above. 1456973 08/09/94 Excellent WAD for Doom v1.2 registered. 60339 09/26/95 This is the Apogee FAQ (Frequently Asked | Questions) v5.0. Contains all kinds of | useful information about Apogee Software. | This is not written by Apogee, it was written | by Samuel Stoddard. 558597 08/09/94 The Apocalypse Project for DOOM 70657 10/24/94 FS5 Scenery: Tasmania, Australia. 15302 09/14/94 FS5 Scenery: Western Australia. Includes | runways and navigational aides. 234059 08/07/94 New FS5 scenery of Austria, extremely | detailed with many new airports and the | mountains of this country. 25709 10/24/94 FS5 Scenery: Victoria, Australia. 517860 10/24/94 ISLAS BALEARES by Juan M. M. Cabeza | ----------------------------------- | I'm happy to release to the public | domain a new scenery for our beloved | FS5, this new scenery covers the | Balearic Islands (located about 100 | miles E of the Spanish East Coast in | the Mediterranean Sea), the gems of the | Mediterranean!. 118542 08/07/94 BGLTOOLS Public Release 1.0: FS5 scenery | generator with most known visual records. | Navaids are not supported (but you can | use someone else's tools). No commercial | use, please. User descretion is advised. | The standard 65536 bytes length after | uncompression. 80656 09/24/94 Blake Stone Floor Maps For ALL 66 Levels. For | Registered Users.But contains the 11 | Shareware levels. 1011188 11/09/94 A DOOM PWAD of Beavis & Butthead sounds. | Cool. 152302 07/06/95 FS5 Scenery of the ISLAS CANARIAS ----- | By Alfred Grech. The beautiful Canary | Islands are situated in the Atlantic | Ocean west of Morocco. 73530 08/07/94 Scenery for FS5 of Canada including Iceland | and Greenland. 410456 09/23/95 FS51 SCENERY for ONTARIO, western QUEBEC | eastern MANITOBA ---- by Alfred Grech. | About 1.2 milion sq km of Synth scenery, | 220 airports and navs. These sceneries | replace my CAN-CEN1 series ones. Enjoy! 23813 09/24/94 ÛÜ ÛßßÛ Ûßßß ÛÜ ÛßßÛ ÛÜ Ûßßß Û Û | ÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛß ÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÛÛ ßßÛÛ | M A C H I N E | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ | ³ CHEAT CODES FOR 196 PC GAMES ³ | ³ 08/29/94 Listing ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 161519 07/26/95 CHEAT v26.0: The ultimate list of cheats | and debug codes for MS-DOS and Windows | based computer games. Over 320 games | exist in this realm! This is a giant | list of secret backdoors and cheat codes | for some of today's most popular games! | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | Many new games and changes made in this | release, inclusing more new screens and | new file exporting options. | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | The Cult of the Tentacle [1:272/169] | (914) 583-6237 at 28.8k v.34! 109305 10/10/94 CHEAT v9.6: The ultimate list of cheats | and debug codes for MS-DOS computer | games - This version introduces a myriad | of changes and improvments over past | releases. No trainers allowed, and no | level passcodes can enter this neck of | the woods! 287769 10/09/95 CHEAT for Windows v2.0 - by Mike | Zier, 1:272/169 - List of cheats | for popular MS-DOS and Windows | computer games - over 344 games | covered in this release. (That's | over 20 new ones and many changes!) | Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included) 279733 12/11/94 Sid Meier's Colonization v1.1 patch. This | patch fixes various errors that the MFG found | after the game was shipped. 787975 09/26/94 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ MKùDOOM ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ | ³ ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ý ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ³ | ³ Û ß Û Û ÝÛ ÛßÜ Û Û ß Û Þ ³ | ³ÞÛ ÛÛß Û Û ßÜÛÝÞÛ ÜÜ Ûßß ³ | ³ Û Ü Û ßÜ Û Û ÛÝ Û Û Û ³ | ³ Þßß Þ ß ßßß Ý Ý ßßÝ Þßßßß ³ | ÀÄ[ DOOM PWAD EPISODE 2 REPLACEMENT]ÄÙ | This is IT! This is THE external WAD | file for DOOM lovers! All NEW music! | All NEW levels! Contains complete | episode 2, levels 1 through 8 and | secret level! Superb levels for Multi- | player network, Deathmatch, or Single | play. Totally external; never touches | any of your original DOOM files. This | ZIP file contains the new levels and | music. Get the other two files and | experience the entire ensemble of | erradication.ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ File [1/3] 1335717 09/26/94 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ MK DOOM ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ | ³ ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ý ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ³ | ³ Û ß Û Û ÝÛ ÛßÜ Û Û ß Û Þ ³ | ³ÞÛ ÛÛß Û Û ßÜÛÝÞÛ ÜÜ Ûßß ³ | ³ Û Ü Û ßÜ Û Û ÛÝ Û Û Û ³ | ³ Þßß Þ ß ßßß Ý Ý ßßÝ Þßßßß ³ | ÀÄ[ DOOM PWAD EPISODE 2 REPLACEMENT]ÄÙ | New Xtra BLOODY graphics! Check out | the new Double-bladed Chainsaw, or | the gold Chaingun and Rocket Launcher. | Beware of the new character-The Son of | the CyberDemon. Check out that death | scene! Blue Demons, hanging chains | with meat on it's hooks, plus a whole | lot more. No more wondering who those | guys hanging from the ceilings are; | they're easily disinguished as your | fellow Space Marine Officers who just | weren't as good as you. This is the | graphics patch for CRINGE! Totally | external; never touches any of your | original DOOM files. File [2/3] 342191 09/26/94 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ MK DOOM ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ | ³ ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ý ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ³ | ³ Û ß Û Û ÝÛ ÛßÜ Û Û ß Û Þ ³ | ³ÞÛ ÛÛß Û Û ßÜÛÝÞÛ ÜÜ Ûßß ³ | ³ Û Ü Û ßÜ Û Û ÛÝ Û Û Û ³ | ³ Þßß Þ ß ßßß Ý Ý ßßÝ Þßßßß ³ | ÀÄ[ DOOM PWAD EPISODE 2 REPLACEMENT]ÄÙ | New sounds for CRINGE! This file will | make CRINGE! complete if you've got | the first 2 already. It doesn't | replace all of the originals, but | makes it a little better for your | playing enjoyment. This is the sounds | patch for CRINGE! Totally external; | never touches any of your original | DOOM files.ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄFile [3/3] 8406 01/05/95 Hints and Walkthrus for Cyberia Game. 25736 01/05/95 CHEAT for Cyclones by SSI | Save game at beginning with | 50,000 BIO/MECH KITS & AMMO 81170 10/23/94 DOOM Control Center v3.3 - NEW! Supports DOOM | 1.666 Run single/serial/modem/network games. | Mouse-driven user interface, control all | aspects of modem and net games WITHOUT | command line parameters. Use external WADs, | edit chat macros, saved games. Re-assign | levels of WAD files. Browse internal | directory of WAD files. New features: | Supports DOOM v1.666 - Browse the level stats | of WAD files - Add your own descriptions to | WAD files. 10334 01/29/95 Cheat/trainer for DESCENT by Parallex | Software. Works on shareware version also. 273129 10/11/94 DFE program for DOOM. v3.11. 1066305 07/28/95 Dark forces level editor, lets see lots of | new df levels on crs. 126267 12/31/94 The "Official" DOOM FAQ v6.666 by | Hank Leukart! Happy birthday DOOM! | Includes DOOM I and DOOM II information | on cheats, add-on software, trouble- | shooting and more. Read by thousands | of people around the world. 62643 01/04/95 The Unofficial DOOM Specs V 1.666 by | Matthew S. Fell 153487 11/26/94 DOOM II - HELL ON EARTH v1.7 UPGRADE PATCH | ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß | This file contains three patches for DOOM 2. | All will upgrade your current version of DOOM | 2 to version 1.7a Requires commercial | version DOOM II, will not upgrade DOOM | Shareware/Registered to DOOM II! Corrects | various level design bugs. (HOM, see thru | walls, etc.). Also some sound code changes. 77850 01/13/95 Doom Network Menuing System v17.0 | DooMenu corrected support for DOOM 2! | DooMenu will also allow IPX network, modem, | and null-modem play, or stand alone play | quickly and easily thru a menu which is far | better than the one packaged with Doom. | DooMenu now supports -timer for time | limiting on deathmatch modes. DooMenu has | customizable colors and fully support *.DEH | (DeHackEd) files! DooMenu has a RATING | system for you to rate all of your wads! NO | more remembering which wads were good! | DooMenu supports Death Match v2.0 rules | (-altdeath), -fast, -turbo if you are using | v1.666 of Doom. DooMenu can now load | multiple pwads in ANY dir! It has | PROFESSIONAL install is built-in! It also | will search thru WAD files for the correct | map/episode for easy play and it will | display how many times each wad was played! | DooMenu allows you to choose coorperative, | or deathmatch with respawn or no monsters on | or off, it can load a save game, or use an | external wad file. It will ask you for the | skill, episode, episode map, number to dial, | and weather to disable call waiting. It can | store up to 9 different default friends for | speed dialing. It is very quick and does a | lot more than the Doom setup does. The Doom | setup does not support -respawn, -file, or | call waiting. DooMenu does this and more | and it looks good! 402294 10/04/94 Flight Simulator Scenery - ISS East v1.13 | Upgrade. 1270615 10/23/94 Latest upgrade/patch for Falcon3. Makes disk | version compatible with new Falcon Gold | CD-rom version for H2H modem play. 564282 03/10/95 FS5 - Synthetic scenery of FRANCE East | by Alfred Grech. This version includes | about 75% of the Nation, it's covered | with synthetic throughout and all Apts | are provided. Compiled with the Beta ver | FSC, a new program by Olivier Briot. The | rest to follow. Enjoy! 60844 09/14/94 Flight Simulator Color Manager. File [1/1] | Version 1.01. Change your aircraft colors | in FS5 and FS50a. 30995 09/14/94 FS5 Scenery: Central Australia covers | Adelaide to Darwin. Also includes improved | versions of Victoria and Tazmania scenery. 168961 10/11/94 Gravis Ultrasound drivers for Sierra's 32-bit | games Includes support for Gabriel Knight, | Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness, | Police Quest IV: Open Season, and Leisure | Suit Larry VI CD. 110928 04/24/95 °±²Û²±°°±²Û² GAME WIZARD v2.60 ²Û²±°°±²Û²±°± | The most powerful GAME CHEATING utility | ever developed anywhere in the world. NOW | WITH FULL DOS EXTENDER SUPPORT UNDER ALL | MEMORY MANAGERS. It has the ability to: | search/modify/lock items while playing | games; create personalized cheat files; | save/load current game in progress; view | text files inside games; adjust game playing | speed; shell to DOS within games; quick exit | to DOS from programs and much much more. 19838 10/04/94 FS5 Scenery for HUNGARY. Included is | a PCX map with Navs 38879 01/20/95 THE GHOSTSHIP (613) 446-7843 | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ | ³ Rise Of The Triad (ROTT)³ Released: ³ | ³ Complete list of all ³ [12/22/94] ³ | ³ CHEAT CODES! [o1/o1] ³-=INFINITY=-³ | ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ | ³ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÞÛ ÛÛÛßß ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÞÛ ßßÛÛßß ÛÛ ³ | ³ ÜÜ ÛÝÛÞÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜ ÛÝÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ³ | ³ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÞÛ ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛ ÛÝÛÞÛ ÜÜ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ³ | ³ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÞÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÝÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ³ | ³ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÝÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ³ | ³ Û ³ | ³ "THE QUALiTY RELEASES NEVER END." Û ³ | ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ | | N.F.S. | New File Solutions'94 | ÿ 163539 10/30/94 FS5 BGL Scenery of ITALY: ********* | by Alfred Grech - ITALBETA is just the | South portion only. It includes Reggio | di Calabria, Sicilia, Malta, Lampedusa | and Pantelleria. Delete the Maltabgl | .bgl before using this scenery. As | usual, please read the doc before you | fly. The rest is under construction. | Enjoy! 47661 09/13/94 FS5 LearJet panels for FS5.0a English | version. All 3 panels now working, plus a new | version added. Design unchanged since first | release for FS5.0. 77701 11/18/94 MD80 dashboard for Flight Sim5. Very nice | looking and somewhat animated. Works well | with the Lear or the DC9. Read the docs!. 11995 10/04/94 FS5 Scenery in BGL for MALTA in the | Mediterranean Sea and includes Catania, | Palermo, Reggio Calabria and Trapani | in Sicily, plus the Italian islands of | Pantelleria and Lampedusa. Enjoy! 55206 01/04/95 Walkthrough of the new game Noctropolis from | Electronic Arts. 205511 09/23/95 _._._Shareware NeverLock SUMMER 95_._._. | _._._More than 430 games unprotected_._. | _._._Easy to use, even for novices_._._. | _._._._.COPY PROTECTION REMOVAL._._._._. | _.Registered unlocks Everlock EV31.SYS_. | _.and StopCopy \AXNFZZ and SmartCAM._a 11537 11/18/94 One Must Fall 2097: The Cheat v1.1 | OMF-TC is a cheat for One Must Fall 2097 that | allows the user to use $2,147,483,647K to buy | misc. items such as new robots or robot | upgrades, in tournament mode. Very useful in | helping beginner players to get very far in, | or beat the game. 170355 10/30/94 ** ALL of ONTARIO SOUTH BGL for FS5 ** | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | By Alfred Grech. Here is the complete | work, Captains! You have from Windsor | to Montreal, PQ and from Tobermory to | Pelee Island all covered with synthetic | scenery which probably makes it the | largest coverage of any synthetic BGL | scenery built so far for FS5. Yes, | I included Dorval and Mirabel because | I could not get it to work with CANBGL | and did not want to disappoint you. | Please read installation instructions | BEFORE you fly. I hope you enjoy it! | Have fun! 17422 10/09/94 PARSETUP is a Parallel Printer Port | device driver for id Software's DOOM (tm) | which will allow two computers to connect | as an network over the parallel port. 447811 12/10/94 Rebel Assault v 1.8 Upgrade from LucasArts | This patch is intended to fix "Unexpected | Interrupt" errors, joystick jumpiness, | running on dark monitors, running sound cards | at DMA 0, and some DOS Extender | incompatibilities. 72622 09/14/94 FS4/AAF Aircraft: IL76, TU-154 and TU-134 | Russian planes. 72238 09/14/94 FS4/AAF Aircraft: Antonov Russian Aircraft | includes AN-2 biplane, AN-14 twin radial | small STOL and AN-24 twin turboprop | transport. 155559 09/10/94 Secrets of the Sega Sage for August, 1994 | tips and tricks for Sega brand games. 8620 08/07/95 Hint File for Space Quest 6. 11529 09/26/95 Space Quest 6 walkthrough. 34729 07/28/95 TCPSETUP version 0.94. Use The TCPSETUP | driver to play multiplayer DOOM/DOOM II | over TCP/IP networks. It now works much | better with 3-4 player network games, | and adds a few other options. It works | with standard packet drivers (and | probably NOTwith PC-NFS, PC-TCP, Novell, | Microsoft TCP/IP, etc.) 114645 03/16/95 TIEDIT V1.1 - TIE FIGHTER MISSION EDITOR | TIEDIT is a powerful Windows-based TIE | Fighter Mission Editor/Mission Builder. It | edits MANY TIE mission parameters. Editing | has never been easier, especially for | something as complex as the TIE mission | structure! 95202 08/09/94 -TOP- Unprotect Library Issue #5. | Now includes a full 184 Unprotects | -TOP- is Tired of Protection 52606 10/16/94 A TIE Fighter Pilot Editor. Control all | aspects of your pilot. 5480 03/16/95 X-Com (UFO Defense) Cheat. | Turns your soldiers into Superman! 236857 01/29/95 WADED v1.49 - AN EXCELLENT DOOM MAP EDITOR! | Full featured, edits everything map related. | Maps from scratch with ease. Texture viewer, | builder, quick MakeSector feature, great inte | New: DOOM II support! Written by Matthew Ayr. 30218 11/23/94 The Unofficial FAQ v1.10 for Wing Commander | III: Heart of the Tiger Released October 24, | 1994 Compiled by James Hogan. [Not endorsed | by Origin Systems] 276047 01/08/95 The world circuit configuration editor - ver. 577652 09/24/95 Wolf 3D Source Code - Released by id | Software. 447834 08/12/94 FS5 Scenery: Airports/ILS/Navaids for USA, | west of the Mississippi River. Full 256 color | detail. Download ESTISS.ZIP for Eastern US. | Newest File: 5-11-1994. 137380 09/24/94 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ | X-wing Mission Builder (XMB) v3.0 - | Design new missions easily for X-wing | Space Combat Simulator. XMB sports | overhead map view for painless editing | of X-wing missions. Now has full | briefing file editing so you can create | professional looking briefings just | like the stock ones which come with | X-Wing. Easy to use Turbo-Vision | interface. Shareware $15.00 | ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 141652 02/25/95 ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» | º X-Wing Pro V1.51 º | ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ | º X-Wing & Tie Fighter game editor! º | º Missions, Ships, Pilots, & More. º | º Supports Tours 1-5 & CD for X-WING. º | º Supports Tours 1-10 for Tie Fighter. º | º All known version of both Tie Fighter º | º and X-WING are supported. º | ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ