1p200.zip 16776 01/05/95 OnePass V2.00 the *original* single pass disk | copier. Supports all removeable storage | including 2.88Mb floppies, flopticals, and | Bernoulli drives. Fast, simple, useful! 2m30.zip 256939 03/27/95 | --------------------------------------------- | 2M 3.0 (C) 1993-1995 Ciriaco Garcia de Celis | --------------------------------------------- | 100% safely and 100% reliable formats to: 2m30src.zip 219798 03/27/95 | --------------------------------------------- | 2M 3.0 (C) 1993-1995 Ciriaco Garcia de Celis | --------------------------------------------- | Full commented TASM/Borland C source code for 4cat140.zip 385818 12/26/94 *FDSK* 4CAT v1.40 Disk and file catalog. | Quick, easy way to keep track of | files stored on disks. 4DOS | descriptions, up to 512 characters | long, are utilized, if present. | Search your database by filename, | disk label, or 4DOS file | description. Tracks free disk | space. 4DOS is NOT required. | Shareware, only $10. bcpy20.zip 136925 11/09/94 BlitzCopy v2.0 - An archival and duplication | program for diskettes. Produce unlimited | copies from a single original, archive | unlimited numbers of diskettes onto any DOS | supported media, produce serial numbers and | disk labels. User friendly graphical | interface and blinding speed (35 seconds to | read a 1.44MB diskette). Supports English, | German, French, Italian, Greek, CPS-format. cdska842.zip 420043 07/26/95 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK v8.42 (1/3) | From Rick Hillier. Excellent system to help | you track and manage the files in your disk | collection. Easy to use with pull-down | menus, pop-up windows, online help and mouse | support. File categories, multi-line multi- | line file comments, archives (ARJ, ZIP, etc.) | and FILE_ID.DIZ comments supported. | CDSKB842.ZIP and CDSKC842.ZIP also required. | Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00 cdskb842.zip 206133 07/26/95 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.42 (2/3) | From Rick Hillier. Bonus utilities automate | offloading files to floppies, eliminating | duplicate files/redundant versions of | programs, general file cleanup operations and | retrieval of offloaded files back to "live" | storage. These utilities are built right | into the main program for total integration. | CDSKA842.ZIP and CDSKC842.ZIP also required. | Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00 cdskc842.zip 397239 07/26/95 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.42 (3/3) | From Rick Hillier. Easy to use installation | program automates and simplifies the CATDISK | installation process. The standard version | runs within the 640K DOS limitations. The | protected mode (DPMI-compliant) version uses | all available extended memory to support | much higher capacities (eg. good for CD ROM). | CDSKA842.ZIP and CDSKB842.ZIP also required. | Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00 cdu_v501.zip 395682 01/13/95 CDU Catdisk Utilities V 5.01 Major release | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | DISP software: CDU -- Catdisk Utilities | Version/Date : V 5.01 / October 21th, 1994 | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | CDU is a package of utilities that comple- | ment on the most popular disk catalog | program CATDISK by Rick Hillier. | CDU includes utilities that are not found | in the original CATDISK package such as a | utility to add your Colorado Jumbo/Trakker | tapes to a CATDISK-compatible database | and much more. | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | This release will support the new CATDISK | 8.0 databases and structures. Also a number | options and fixes have been added. | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* copyq322.zip 182685 10/09/95 COPYQM Version 3.22. August, 1995 | CopyQM is a diskette duplicating program | that, since its introduction in 1987, | has set the standard for PC duplication | software. This program is by far | Sydex's most popular, though we do offer | a complete line of programs related to | diskette duplication and conversion. | Call us if you have a special need. cpyds125.zip 37825 03/27/95 CpyDsk v1.25 Single-Pass DISKCOPY Works | w/UnFormatted Disks. dcf50.zip 108720 07/21/95 DISK COPY FAST v5.0 : Powerful 1-pass | diskette duplicating utility. VERY fast. | =====> SUPPORT PS/2; SUPPORT DMF, XDF, <===== | =====> SELECTED FDFORMAT, MAC HD DISK. <===== | Command line or menu driven; Hot keys for | backup or multiple target; Mouse support; | Format diskcopy diskcomp all in 1 pass; Use | extended memory; Image file; On-line help; dcfr004.zip 18809 03/27/95 DCFR v0.0.4 - Manipulate DCF | disk-image files: view contents, | extract files with wildcards, | exclude specs etc. PKZIP-like | syntax. Easy to use. Freeware. df360.zip 64579 09/01/94 This small utility will make an image of your | 360K, 720K, | 1.2MB, or 1.44MB diskette and place it in a | file on your | hard disk for later restore. Nice for making | multiple | DISKCOPY's or sending a disk over the | telephone via modem. | Restores 5 inch images to 3 inch diskettes or | visa versa. | Includes Disk and Image Compare, Extract | Files from image, | Disk Serialization, Multiple User | Configurations, as well | as other options. dkopie20.zip 107391 10/22/95 -------------------------------------- | DKOPIE v2.00 1994-1995 Wagemakers Jan | -------------------------------------- | Diskcopy program which supports DOS | standard, 2M and Fdformat disks ... | From 160K ... 1.44M ... up to 1886K! | Requires 286, VGA, Mouse & DOS 3.30+ | Supports XMS, disk file images ... | -------------------------------------- dskmlr12.zip 83239 10/08/94 DISK MAILER v1.2 - Prints disk mailers you | assemble & mail in USA for 1 1st class stamp! | Menu-driven or run from command line. Con- | tains a text editor, "point and shoot" file | selection, & documentation. Works with data | in Jim Hood's $M$ pkg. Requires IBM PC/clone | 384KB RAM, DOS 2.0+, printer. From Bryan Tay- | lor 4212 Greenlawn Flint MI 48504 USA $20.00 dsktrk82.zip 212064 10/05/94 DiskTrak for DOS v8.22: quick, easy way to | keep track of diskettes; auto builds data- | base of disk & file names; query on full or | partial name/file desc.; 5 report types; | restores files FD -> HD; online Help; mouse | support; user configurable; 01/10/93; | Penisula Software. ezcp330a.zip 243855 08/27/94 EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30a Literally turns | your PC into a dedicated diskette duplication | machine. Includes single read one pass | copies, all DOS formats, "Hands-off" copy | start, serialization, bypass BIOS for speed, | compressed file images, compares, prints ser# | labels, much more. TidyDisk now included! | Single user and TD edition now runs from | local drive even if connected to a LAN. | Single, multi, & true network versions | are available. Only $129 (single mach.) | FAXonDemandInfo:713.280.8300.FOD | 713.280.0099.FAXin 713.280.8180.BBS | Contact: EZX P&D @ 713.280.9900.VOX | Box 58177, Webster TX 77598-8177 USA ezcp330b.zip 257999 08/27/94 EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30b Turns your PC into a | dedicated diskdupe machine. Single read one | pass copies, all DOS formats, "Hands-off" | copy start, serialization, bypass BIOS for | speed, compressed file images, compares, | prints ser# labels, TidyDisk & much more. | Multi- & true network versions are available. | Only $129 Other Licn. Available for low $ | EZX P&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA | 713-280ù9900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX fm57.zip 97583 10/02/94 FormatMaster v5.7. CAU dialog control | operated floppy disk format utility. Handles | 5 1/4" or 3 1/2", single/dual capacity | drives. Transfer system files, volume label, | and/or serialnumber. Supports sequential | serial numbers using volume label. Creates | bootable non-system diskettes. Reinitialize | formatted disks with save/restore format | capability. Windows style INI file | configuration. formq200.zip 91952 03/22/95 FORMATQM Version 2.00. February, 1995 hdcp20ae.zip 82976 02/22/95 HD-COPY 2.0a | HD-COPY is one of the best disk | copy utilities around, and | certainly the fastest one! | Many great features, for example: | formats and copies up to 1.764 Mb | disks, eliminates viruses, cleans | disk drives, repairs bad disks etc.!!! | Get it NOW!!! Very easy to use (mouse | or keyboard), with online help. ic19.zip 254318 10/04/94 InteliCat(tm) v1.9 - State of the art disk | cataloging program. InteliCat can import DIZ | files, has on-line context sensitive help, | supports a mouse, multi- line comments, user | defined reports, multi-level sorting, regular | expression searching, and multi-level | selection of specific records. See what's new | in disk cataloging technology. Shareware | $25.00. macsee4b.zip 277496 09/01/94 MacSee allows any DOS or Windows PC to read | and write Macintosh disketts, CD-ROMs and | harddrives (i.e., Bernoulli and Syquest). quikdup1.zip 79659 10/09/94 DISK DUPLICATOR PLUS v1.0 -T- he BEST disk | duplication program available! Allows you to | mass duplicate a disk. Great for shareware | authors and others who need mass duplication | features! Only $10. Shareware!. rep126.zip 589099 10/06/95 Replicator v1.26 - Diskette Database! | Replicator is a disk image utility used to | create images of diskettes and catalog them | in a database. Recreate disks as needed. | Store up to 10 description lines and a | complete list of files contained on the | original disk for each disk image in the | database. Modify database entries at any | time. Easy push button interface. Network | support. scotty10.zip 280905 10/13/95 Scotty v1.0 - Very simple diskette cataloging | utility. Made in Argentina