4kings.zip 56726 08/28/94 _____ ______ ____ __ __ ______ ______ | |~ _ ||~ _ /|~ _ \ |~ \| ||~____/|~ ___/ | | | || | /.| |\ l| _ ~ || \__~|| |__ | | : || |'~|| `~ || \_ || | || __/ | | i || | || |' || || || | || |___ | |__~ ||__| ||__| ||__|| ||__` ||__ / | ===\__|=== \_|====\_|====|_|===\__|===\_/= | Presents: | 4 Kings at Assembly '94 anm21.zip 200701 09/04/94 AniMagician Version 2.1 - NOW add a | soundtrack to your FLI animations. | Fully-functional shareware - all features are | enabled in AniMagician 2.1. Create/edit | 256-color animations and add soundtracks for | added impact. Improved documentation and more | tutorials included. Contains full drawing | tool set and lots of special effects. You | will not find a comparable shareware package | anywhere. A user-friendly graphical User | Interface makes AniMagician very easy to use. | If you are into the new Multi-media craze | you'll love AniMagician. Brought to you by | KAVIK Software. bird26.zip 91736 10/06/94 Night Bird 2.6 is a 3D animation of a white | bird flying endlessly over a field of trees | and colorful points of light. The camera | swings around periodically to reveal a new | perspective of the scene. NEW version with | 3D text, requires 386 with VGA, or better. cvrsholi.zip 1066506 10/05/94 ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛZ³ | |ÞÛÛß ß ÞÛ ßÛÛÝ ÞÛÛßÞÛÛÛ | |ÛÛ Ü Û þ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßÛÛÝ | ³ ßÜÜÜÛß ÛßßÜÜÜÛß ßÜÜÛßßÛÛ | ú C A S C A D A ú | ú VIRTUAL REALITY SECTION ù: | ³ H O L I S T I C |ú | : Second place at Asm'94 úú | ú VGA, 4MB, 386 required | GUS,486/66 recommended : | SB/SBPRO/SB16/GUS/COVOX/SP dazzl51a.zip 179538 08/28/94 DAZZLE v5.1A EGA/VGA SUPER-KALEIDOSCOPE | IMAGE GENERATOR NON-RESIDENT (NOT TSR) SCREEN | SAVER. The 2D image engine subset from the | full retail RAZZLE DAZZLE 3D ultimate DOS & | Windows multimedia screen saver. This manual | (NON-TSR) program has many same images. diesel.zip 26821 08/28/94 Intro assembly'94. European Multimedia demo. dmake200.zip 333266 07/08/95 The DemoMaker v2.00 Create slide show | demos & presentations with screen effects. | Extremely easy to use! Program authors can | create demos of their software, BBS sysops | can create tutorials for their systems. The | presentations created are self EXEcuting | programs that end users can run. Released as | fully functional shareware! emf_vrs.zip 509535 09/02/94 ÕÍÍ Winner of the Asm'94 demo compo Í͸ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ | ³ ÖÄ·ÖÒ·ÖÄ· ³ ³ | ³ ³ an ÇÄ ºÓºÇÄ production ³ | ³ÄijÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĺÄĺĺºÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij | ³ ³ ÓÄ½Ó ÓÓ ³ ³ | ³ ³ Ö· ³ | ³ ³ ºº ·ÖÄÄ·ÖÄÄ·ÖÄÄ·ÖÄÄ·ÖÄÄ· ³ | ³ ³  ºÇÄĽº ÓÄÄ·ÇÄĽÓÄÄ· ³ | ³ ³ ÓÄĽÓÄÄ½Ó ÓÄĽÓÄĽÓÄĽ ³ | ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ | ³ ³ Supports 386 + GUS / silence ³ | ³ ³ 486 + GUS recommended ³ | ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; flp_unhl.zip 56893 08/28/94 Ú¿ڿ Ú¿Ú¿ڿ Ú¿Ú¿Ú¿ڿ | ³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³ ÀÙ³³³³³³³³³³ | ³³ÀÙ³³ ³³³³³³³³³³ Ú¿³³³³³³ÀÙ³³ | ³Ã¿³³ ³Ã´³ÀÙ³³³³ ³³³³³³³Ã¿³³ | ³³ÀÙ³³Ú¿³³³³ ³³³³Ú¿³³³³³³³³ÀÙÀÙ | ³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³Ú¿Ú¿ | ÀÙ ÀÁÁÙÀÙÀÙ ÀÙÀÁÁÙÀÙÀÙÀÙ³³³³ÀÙ | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÙÀÄ¿ | ³ ¿¿³³Ú¿Ã¿Ú¿³³³¿¿FLP's intro in³ | | ³³³³³³³³³À´ ASSEMBLY '94³ | | ÀÙÙ³ÙÀÀÙ³ÄÙ intro-compo! ³ | . ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ | . Rel'd: 7-8-1994 at ASM'94 fyvush.zip 49640 08/28/94 | ÚÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ¿ | ³Þ ÜÜÛ Û Û Û Û Û Ûß ÜÜÛ Û Ý³ | ³Þ ÜÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÜ ß ÜÛ Û ÛÜÜ Û Ü Ý³ | ÆÞÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÜÜÛÜÜݵ | ³ a 64kb intro by JAMM ³ | ³ ?:st on Assembly'94 intro compo ³ | ³ - 386/GUS - ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ giant.zip 11345 08/28/94 ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» | ɼ G I A N T ÈÍ» | º the Ultimate 4KB-Intro º | º released in Assembly '94 º | ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ | -_-_-_ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC _-_-_- happijoy.zip 7660 08/28/94 4ÚÄ-ÄÄÍ[The Supreme Court]ÍÄ-ÄÄ¿4 | K³Name : Happi Happi Joy Joy ³K | B³By : Darkzone ³B | I³Size : 4,096 Bytes ³I | N³Type : Zooming+Scroll, ³N | T³ Morhping dot-vector. ³T | RÃÄ-ÄÄÍ[+31-(0)1650-51850]ÍÄ-ÄÄ´R | OÀÄ-ÄÄÍ[Released at ASM94]ÍÄ-ÄÄÙO | -_-_-_ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC _-_-_- mdem5a.zip 76013 10/08/94 MAKEDEMO v5.0 \- Presenter Program - | Visually present information with up to 2000 | screens (compressed into 450 bytes typ.) with | menus, sound effects, and mouse support on | virtually any PC or clone. Text based. PAINT | THE BIG PICTURE. Novices get results fast. | Create C-A-I lessons. A 35 screen tutorial | produces a 60 kB .EXE file - ideal for BBSs. | From WindhamWoods Publishing, $29.00 & up. mdem5b.zip 82065 10/08/94 MAKEDEMO V. 5.0 Disk 2 of 3. mdem5c.zip 90413 10/08/94 MAKEDEMO V. 5.0 Disk 3 of 3. neobk20a.zip 638143 10/16/94 NeoBook is a system for authoring disk- | based, interactive newsletters, books, | catalogs, educational materials, etc. Links | to popular word processors, paint programs. | Compiler and runtime license allow compiled | publications to be distributed (EXE format). | Imports PCX/GIF format images and ASCII text | Req: DOS 3.1+; EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS or | Logitech comp. mouse; hard disk; & 640K+ RAM neofonts.zip 797231 11/18/94 All new fonts for use with all NeoSoft | Products. Fonts are in.gft format and are all | of the highest quality. More fonts, over 500. ns26c.zip 629743 07/20/95 NeoShow lets you combine PCX and BMP format | graphic images into effective presentations. | Uses include group presentations, self run- | ing exhibits, sales tracts, etc. A variety of | screen wipes, fades and dissolves allows the | user to produce smooth transitions. Supports | 2-16M color files at up to 1024x768 res., and | SoundBlaster compatible cards. Requires: DOS | 3.1+; Herc/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech | or compatible mouse; hard disk; & 640K+ RAM. nsp26c.zip 649069 07/20/95 NeoShow PRO lets you combine PCX, BMP & VOC | files into effective presentations. Uses | include visual aids, showroom exhibits, sales | tracts, etc. Variety of screen wipes, fades | and dissolves. Links to external Sound\Image | editors. EXE Compiler lets you distribute | stand alone shows. Supports 2-16M colors upto | 1024x768 res., and SoundBlaster/comp. cards. | Req: DOS 3.1+; Herc/EGA/VGA/SVGA; MS/Logitech | or compatible mouse; HD; and 640K+ RAM. show70.zip 473142 09/13/95 DATASHOW V7.0A Multimedia/Slides/Games. | ShareWare MultiMedia Program for DOS, in | which You can make Presentations, Games, | Slide Shows, Demo Programs, (School) | Tutorials. Both text and graphic modes. | PCX/GIF/FLI graphics files. Plays WAV/VOC | Sounds via PC Speaker/Adlib/SoundBlaster. | Easy to use integrated environment with | Script, Drawing, Slide, Animation, Print and | Chart design with many features. Use mouse | or keyboard. smvga100.zip 619963 01/24/95 STORYMAKER+ VGA v1.0 - New VGA version of | Storymaker+. Multimedia kit for children, | parents, schools & writers. Create & read | interactive storybooks w/ animation,music, | speech & sound. Compile stories into perso- | nalized,stand-alone programs. Easy-to-use, | full-featured scenery & animation editors, | animated piano for music & sound effects, | text editor & fonts,book editor. VGA,640K, | hard disk,mouse,Sound Blaster compatible | card. Low registration cost. snowflak.zip 61287 10/11/94 Draws beautiful snowflakes on a VGA or EGA | screen. Public Domain FREEWARE. Has many | controls for altering the appearance of the | snowflakes. stoned.zip 6692 08/28/94 ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßÛ | Û ÜÜÛÜ ÜÛ Ü Û Ü Û Ü Û Ü Û | ÛÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û Û Û Û ÜÜÛ Û Û | ÚÛÜÜÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÛÜÛÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜÜÛ¿ | ³ ³ | ³ .. A 4KB-Intro .. ³ | ³ ³ | ³ for the ASSEMBLY 94 ³ | ³ ³ | ³ by Stone/DUST ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ yellow.zip 4994 08/28/94 4ÚÄ-ÄÄÍ[The Supreme Court]ÍÄ-ÄÄ¿4 | K³Name : Yellow ³K | B³By : ? ³B | I³Size : 4,072 Bytes ³I | N³Type : A yellow subroutine. ³N | T³ Yellow effects. ³T | RÃÄ-ÄÄÍ[+31-(0)1650-51850]ÍÄ-ÄÄ´R | OÀÄ-ÄÄÍ[Released at ASM94]ÍÄ-ÄÄÙO | -/-/-/ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC /-/-/- y_daze.zip 44615 08/28/94 ____________________________________ | /þùú úùþ\ | /ù sYmptom presents an intro for the ù\ | \ Assembly '94 64-introcompo / | \____________________________________/ | [ CALLED : ] zom386.zip 3650 08/28/94 4ÚÄ-ÄÄÍ[The Supreme Court]ÍÄ-ÄÄ¿4 | K³Name : Zom ³K | B³By : ? ³B | I³Size : 3,939 Bytes ³I | N³Type : strange intro. ³N | T³ their first intro. ³T | RÃÄ-ÄÄÍ[+31-(0)1650-51850]ÍÄ-ÄÄ´R | OÀÄ-ÄÄÍ[Released at ASM94]ÍÄ-ÄÄÙO | -/-/-/ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC /-/-/-