74973 03/22/95 AntiAd v1.33 - The ultimate BBS ad detection | and removal utility. Uses 3 methods to detect | BBS ads: a conventional database algorithm | for static BBS ads, a keyword algorithm for | ads that are changed frequently and filename | detection for tiny BBS ads that are not | mathematically unique. AntiAd's keyword | algorithm can detect extensively modified BBS | ad files that fools other detection schemes! | Now includes a native 32-bit OS/2 version! 319974 08/09/94 ÜúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúÜ | Ý BATSRA - RemoteAccess v1.10 or 2.xx Þ | Ý BBS Activity Tracking system! Keep Þ | Ý track of all your users' activity Þ | Ý with this easy menu driven Þ | Ý interface, and full reporting Þ | Ý features! Can review activity for a Þ | Ý specific period OR a specific day, Þ | Ý all users on that day - or just a Þ | Ý particular user. STOP REVIEWING Þ | Ý THOSE LOGS AND START MANAGING THEM! Þ | Ý Þ | Ý ! The Information Manager ! Þ | Ý ! for SysOps ! Þ | Ý Þ | Ý Includes Interactive Door for Users Þ | Ý to review global activity OR their Þ | Ý own specific log of activity on Þ | Ý your bbs. Þ | Ý Þ | Ý Highly recommended for the serious Þ | Ý sysop! Þ | ßúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúß 392472 09/26/95 cPoint - FidoNet point system package. | Includes built-in comm routines with | EMSI handshaking, the cPMsg message | base system which is self-maintaining, | a reader, a packer, a tosser, nodelist | support, twit filter, anti-twit filter, | macros. cPD?_??? is the DOS version, | cP2?_??? is for OS/2. Reader, tosser, | packer and dialer are available as | individual modules (cP?M*) or all in | one program (cP?S*). FREEWARE! 15453 03/26/95 DELOLD 3.11 - Utilitario | para conservar los £ltimos | 'n' archivos de un subdirectorio | seg£n la fecha de los mismos. | (C) 1993,94,95 HighToro Research, | Buenos Aires, RA. 826531 09/01/94 Searchlight BBS 4.0 Demo Version | Working Demo of Searchlight 4.0, the BBS | software with Integrated RIP Graphics and | local RIP support. Includes built-in RIP | features like dialog boxes, menus and scroll | bars. Full featured BBS software includes | DigiBoard and CD-ROM support, unlimited | message & file areas, and much more. Full | documentation provided. 219347 09/01/94 Searchlight 4.0 BBS Demo Documentation. 503748 01/24/95 ******** Dead Paint v.3.1 ********* | Dead Paint is a full featured paint | program for creating RIP (Remote | Imagin Protocol Scrip) files. | Shareware version is uncrippled, | has instead a 10 seconds nag. 218153 09/10/94 Maximus CBCS DOWNload file SORT and List | utility Version 6.0 (OS/2 DOS). 198032 01/08/95 FAN is a comprehensive file announcing | program for BBS systems running under OS/2 | or DOS. It incorporates many features not | found in "all in one" file processing | packages. Support for 1600+ file areas, | FAN is ideal for large FDN or Satellite | based sites. Announcements can be sent to | ASCII text files, *.PKT files, *.MSG, | Squish, or JAM formatted message bases. | Messages can be customized using FAN macros | and announcement templates. FAN has built-in | direct support for Maximus, Opus, and RA | 2.xx. | New files can be announced from a variety of | sources, including *.TIC, FILES.BBS, and RA | filebases. 453441 08/03/95 FDREQ v116, fast and smart ext. request | processor. Works with FrontDoor, InterMail, | McMail and any mailer, which supports SRIF 21706 09/10/94 FDROPT 1.00 - FrontDoor Route.Fd | Optimizer. A program that optimizes your | ROUTE.FD files, and adds a lot of new | features to it, including macros, use of | ? wildcards (? expands to all digits | 0-9, anywhere in the nodenumber), usage | of only one route file for multi line | setups. Shareware. 46434 01/05/95 FNLScan v1.12 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door | Scans up to 15 Fidonet (and compatible) | nodelists for a variety of criteria defined | by the user, such as BBS name, sysop name, | city, area code and arbitrary text. This | allows the user to find other Fido systems | quickly and easily for netmail addressing, | etc. Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15, | FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards. | Now fully multi-language compatible and more! 677077 03/20/95 FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, 2.00. | 1995 Jan 16. Shareware, all options enabled. | The premier system for recognizing duplicate | files and duplicate zipfiles; now, with | important new features to help you protect | your system from becoming involved in | software piracy. And, can process zipfiles | with full zipped paths, recognize individual | current AV stamps. Now running on large and | small systems. Simple setup; clear docs. 704108 08/03/95 IMAIL-386 1.70 Released July 1995 by Andreas | Klein. IMAIL is a full-featured echo mail | processor which offers lots of features to | its users. This includes one of the most | powerful area-managements currently available | and support for four wide-spreaded message | base types (QBBS, Squish, JAM and *.MSG). 253007 11/30/94 Itrack v1.1 - Netmail tracking robot. 65172 08/03/95 IUTIL 1.70 Released July 1995 by Andreas | Klein. IUTIL is a utility for IMAIL with | conversion functions to configurable text | files. 689664 08/26/95 Maximus 3.0 - common executables. | A flexible BBS package | incorporating RIP support, an | advanced extension language, | hierarchical message and file | areas, a message tracking system | for handling technical support | queries, and more. 835309 08/26/95 Maximus 3.0 - OS/2 executables. | A flexible BBS package | incorporating RIP support, an | advanced extension language, | hierarchical message and file | areas, a message tracking system | for handling technical support, | and more. 954823 08/26/95 Maximus 3.0 - DOS executables. | A flexible BBS package | incorporating RIP support, an | advanced extension language, | hierarchical message and file | areas, a message tracking system | for handling technical support, | and more. 120625 05/02/95 NU - Nodelist Updater 2.20 159996 08/16/94 Offline Mail System V1.6 QWK door for | RemoteAccess 2 Includes keywording, | filtering, twits. Supports point netmail and | QWK network setups. Autoconfig shortlists, | easy to setup. Multiple local IDs. | Duplicate checking. Now supports | Usenet/Internet shortnames. Taglines and | origin lines directly supported. Supports | the new RA 2.02 flags! This great looking | QWK door installs from scratch in minutes! 633839 10/09/95 ProBoard v2.11 - Professional BBS System | Includes: Full multi-line support (255 | Nodes), Squish, Hudson, JAM, and *.MSG | support, Support for 10,000 message/ file | areas, Unique development kit (SDK) included, | Language support, TTY/ANSI/ AVT/RIP, CD-ROM | support, Runs most doors, UL Scan support, | Interal QWK, Alias support, and lots lots | more! 176682 11/18/94 PEDIT.EXE v2.5 Full screen ansi editor for | RA, QBBS, Proboard. Has random quote and | color control. Freeware! 244002 10/13/95 PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic | Setup and Maintenance. Automatically | accepts and sets up new areas. Simple | to use. Sets up and interfaces | transparently with Binkley. 4d or | FakeNet addressing. Efficient message | database system. Optional Modules | available for QWK or LAN Support. By | the author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien. 10437 10/18/94 PPoint - Professional Point MODULE. Optional | LAN support module allows mail transfers on | local area networks. Typically a server is | connected to the outside world using binkley, | and serves it's nodes using PP-LAN. 97814 10/18/94 PPoint - Professional Point MODULE | Optional QWK support module allows | QWK access using PPoint's efficient | message database system. By the | author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien. 270005 09/06/94 PacketSorter v1.4 bug fixes & new features | FidoNet inbound packet processor defragments | packets, speeds up tossing on SQUISH and JAM | - split large messages according to FSC-0047 | - sort messages by subject and/or time | - remove garbage from 'bad' packets | - split large packets to a more handy size | - unsplit large messages back to orign. size | - fast & highly configurable | - works with any echomail tosser | - runs with both OS/2 and DOS in 32 bit mode | - quick installation for Squish & CrossPoint | - quick installation for FastEcho & IMail 70141 09/03/94 RaCall v1.84: Complete statistics reporter | for RemoteAccess (RA) 1.11 and 2.0x (all) Top | callers, general, problem, file, messages, | who called and more reported! Shareware: $10. 42003 08/08/95 RA_STATS v1.06 | ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» | Þ±ºExcellent Stats Generator! º±Ý | Þ±ºFor RemoteAccess 2.0x! º±Ý | Þ±ºo How many calls received. º±Ý | Þ±ºo What speed callers called at. º±Ý | Þ±ºo How many local logins occured.º±Ý | Þ±ºo How many file areas accessed. º±Ý | Þ±ºo # of Questionnaires Completed.º±Ý | Þ±º etc.. º±Ý | Þ±º º±Ý | Þ±ºo Multi-Node Support! º±Ý | Þ±º From 1-250 Nodes! º±Ý | Þ±ºo Total ALL Nodes in '1' º±Ý | Þ±º Screen of Information! º±Ý | Þ±ºo And much more...! º±Ý | Þ±º º±Ý | Þ±ºby Steve Lanning @ 1:372/6577 º±Ý | Þ±ºCharleston, South Carolina! º±Ý | ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ | -=> From S&G SoŸtware <=- | 23979 02/25/95 REBAJLOG 1994 1.0 [Stanz-2] | Conserva las £ltimas n l¡neas | de un archivo de texto. Ideal | para evitar que los LOGs | crezcan desmesuradamente. | Totalmente reescrito; ahora con | la nueva est‚tica Wacka-Wacka, | men£ de selecci¢n de archivos | y muestreo detallado de procesos. | Algunos bugs, pero no demasiados. | (C) 1994 HighToro Research, BA. 168999 08/21/94 READROOM v3.2 RIPped online magazine door. | Support for ASCII, ANSI text, ANSIART & RIP | Holds 99 publications in the READROOM.TOC | format. Designed for ease of updating | on single and multi-node systems. Users can | d/l pub. using any protocol sysop allows. | Uses DOOR.SYS standard and supports 16550UART | locked and non-standard com ports. FOSSIL & | DigiBoards support added! 667507 11/23/94 Squish 1.11 DOS version. Flexible EchoMail | processor for FidoNet systems. Includes | 16-bit and 32-bit executables. Supports | Squish and *.MSG formats. 32996 08/13/95 ---===< A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE >===-- | ..... Terminate Nodelist Browser ...... | This standalone DOS utility is part of | the datacomms program TERMINATE. It | is a nodelist browser that is normally | used for viewing Fidostyle nodelists or | pointlists and best of all it is | *FREEWARE* which means completely free. | -------======< FREEWARE >======-------- 15417 08/13/95 ---===< A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE >===-- | ..... Terminate Nodelist Updater ...... | This standalone DOS utility is part of | the datacomms program TERMINATE. It | is a Fidonet style Nodelist updater | which quickly allows you to update a | nodelist using a specific nodediff from | the commandline, just look at example | here: TNUP NODELIST.188 NODEDIFF.195 | best of all it is as usual *FREEWARE* | which means completely free for anyone. | -------======< FREEWARE >======-------- 22007 04/22/95 ---===< A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE >===-- | .............. PKTview ................ | This standalone DOS utility is part of | the datacomms program TERMINATE. With | it, you view/delete inside PKT mail- | packages directly without tossing. | -------======< FREEWARE >======-------- 15563 05/16/95 TagScan 1.31 - Scan TerMail *.MSG message | base for taglines. Dupe checking if TagMan | is present * Exclusion of taglines * Only | scans areas in AREAS.TXT file * Also scans | for TMNice's taglines! * Occurence string | checking * NEW! Standalone DAT file for | dupececking 232603 08/09/94 TRIPLE YAHTZEE - Door Game v6.4 . | ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ** | Great Dice game. Plays like the popular board | game and is VERY ADDICTIVE! One of the top 5 | Door games in the world. Supports Fossil- | based Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M | Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame | bulletin generation, at end of month. | ********* INTERBBS capable *********** 12456 04/01/95 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ | ³Ò Â Ò ÖÄÒÄ¿ ÄÒÄ ÖÄÒÄ¿ ÖÄÄ¿³ | ³º ³ º º º º º ³ ÇÄÄ´³ | ³ÓÄÄÙ ÐÄÄÙ Ð ÄÐÄ Ð Ð Á Ð Á³ | ³ v2.5 ³ | ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ | ³ Utilitario para RemoteAccess ³ | ³ v2.xx que permite al SysOp ³ | ³ ver una lista de los £ltimos ³ | ³ usuarios que llamaron al BBS ³ | ³ Podiendo tambi‚n, ver las ³ | ³ entradas locales o no. By ³ | ³ Fernando Pluss ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 12439 02/25/95 UXUM v2.007á Generador de pantalla | MECCA con los £ltimos 19 usuarios | que llamaron al BBS (para Maximus | CBCS). Lee de MAX.LOG, incluyendo | as¡ datos extra en el reporte. ­CTL | de pocas l¡neas! (C) 1994, 1995 | HighToro Research, Argentina. 440708 01/30/95 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· | ³ WARLOCK Screen Editor 1.1.3 º | ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ | ³ A new concept in screen development. More º | ³ features than any other screen editor. º | ³ Import PCX, BMP, GIF files to any size º | ³ screen; zoom/pan around edit screen; mix º | ³ shades for drawing; line drawing; flood º | ³ fill regions; boxes, circles, etc.; load º | ³ RAGE, ANSI, ASCII, Avatar; save Pascal, º | ³C/C++, Assembler source, etc.; Online help º | ³ system; develop custom fonts; much more. º | ³ IF YOU MAKE TEXT SCREENS OF ANY SORT, YOU º | ³ MUST TRY THIS PROGRAM OUT! - vga, mouse º | ³ required. º | ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ