SAM_V12.EXE Answers bbs when off line for maintenance. SAM_V31.ZIP Small Answering Machine v3.1. Why is BBS down SBBS1B00.ZIP Working Demo Of SyncHronet BBS. SBBS1C00.ZIP Synchronet V1c Multinode BBS Software Demo. SBC_KIT.ZIP Sound Blaster connection network Sysop kit. SBFL_100.ZIP Flsearch.BBS to Flsearch.ctl Converter. SBLGN_V4.ZIP Works with "Soundbaster". Announce Who Signs on Your BBS. SBOX10.ZIP The Switch Box v1.0. SCALL210.ZIP "Who Called Today" Bulletin Maker. SCCP_142.ZIP sixxac/CHAT 1.42 OS/2 all in one BBS chat utility. SCRDL_21.ZIP SCRIPTDL version 2.1 (03-06-92). SCREAM20.ZIP Callers choose tune to yell for the Sysop. SCRIPTDL.ZIP SCRIPTDL version 1.0 (02-12-92). SCRLFQOT.ZIP Alternate Multiline Quote Generator Simplex SDOOR1B.ZIP Sliding PFile Menu v1.0 BETA by Skylar SDR_1.ZIP Sdreminder v1.0, Show Users ANSI. SD_BBS.ZIP San Diego, CA Computer Bulletin Board Listing. SEAL_030.ZIP Seal v0.30; AreaFix/Raid/Tick for SquishMail Users. SEC101.ZIP BBS Sysop Utility for User Maintenance. SECDOS10.ZIP Securedos V. 1.00. Remote Drop to Dos. SECMSG31.ZIP Different message for each BBS security level SECUREML.ZIP Latest Securemail Distribution System Docs and Map. SELADD31.ZIP Select File Adder v3.1 by The Brazilian SENDCOM_.ZIP Send string or file to communication port SETARC11.ZIP SetArc v1.1 will easily transpose date stamps SETEVENT.ZIP Set any field in you EVENT.DAT file from DOS. SFA.ZIP Sets Priv of Files for given Area in FILESBBS SFADFL14.ZIP Adds Files Automatically to Your Spitfire BBS. SFADSUM1.ZIP Update to SF sffiles.bbs header making s/w SFCHKUP.ZIP Evaluates integrity of files u/lded to SF BBS SFFAM13.ZIP Sf-fam V1.3 Spitfire File Area Manager. SFHDR206.ZIP Make Headers for SFFILES.BBS's. SFSI.ZIP Let Callers Know If Sysop Has Page on. SFSUB11.ZIP Sfsubscribe V1.1. Spitfire BBS Subscription System. SFVL1004.ZIP Upload Processor/Virus Checker for BBS's. SHAMPAGE.ZIP Answers pages whether SysOp is there or not! SHOWFR12.ZIP Creates Colorful Bulletins. SHWGIF51.ZIP View .GIFs while downloading SHWGIF55.ZIP Shows Gif's During Downloads. SHWRIP30.ZIP Showrip V3.0 Rip File Viewing Debugging Utility. SIFTER25.ZIP Sifter 2.5 The BBS Files Listings Convertor. SKILL20.ZIP Spot Kill GT Netmail Maint Util. SKILL29.ZIP A Utility to Browse A Message Area and Delete Messages. SKIM102.ZIP Skim BBS file list for keywords SLPACK2.ZIP Slbbs 2.1x message base utilities SLQD300.ZIP SLQDoor 3.00 Door Converter. SL_UTL10.ZIP Surreal Ppl Utilities. V1.0 Last Caller and Last Message. SMAST300.ZIP Deluxe FILES.BBS lister for your BBS. SMAST305.ZIP SMASTER, makes NICE BBS file lists. SMS113.ZIP Sysop Maintenance System v1.13 A very configurable maintena SNBBS105.ZIP DEMO: SynchroNet multi-node BBS: QWK/Fido SNIPT401.ZIP SNIPPET V4.0 Auto Quote Utility. SOB_005B.ZIP Son of Bonk (Beta) for Pm. SPORT131.ZIP Wide Area Info Transfer System SPORT v1.31 SQAEM100.ZIP Squish Automatic Echo Manager v1.0 SQLNK120.ZIP Squish message base MSGID/REPLY linker, D&OS/2. SQSH_100.ZIP Squish 1.0-DOS; FidoNet EchoMail processor SRCH132S.ZIP Search captured BBS msgs for up to 39 strings SRCHRV1.ZIP Search BBS File Lists for Filename Or String. SRE0991A.ZIP Solar Realms Elite. STATUS10.ZIP Generated import mail stats. STATUS36.ZIP Generate Export, Import, Last Import, Etc. Bulletins. STOBBS15.ZIP Official Name: Shuttle to BBS, v1.05. STOP100.ZIP Simplex top callers, uploaders, downloaders STRIPIT1.ZIP File filter stripper/retriever of strings. STRIPUP1.ZIP Utility to strip out that "Uploaded By" msg. SUBMAS15.ZIP Subject Master Save .Msg Format to File Comment. SUMV50B.ZIP Summation! Requires a careful choice of math to win. SUPRIG51.ZIP Caller drives an 18 wheeler cross country SWAP20.ZIP SWAP v2.0: Screen rotator for BBSs. SWR101.ZIP Allow BBS users to switch full screen editors SYSIS255.ZIP SysOpIs(+) Version. 2.55. SYUTLB36.ZIP Sysutil 1.0a36 for BBS Sysops. SYUTLB40.ZIP A Multifunction Sysop Utility for GT Power Sysops. T2DBQ104.ZIP Sends TIC Files Along with Attached Messages. TAG109B.ZIP Ultimate batch uploading utility v1.09b. TAGTOOL3.ZIP Util to integrate SilverXpress HMS with TAG. TB042.ZIP TurBoard BBS - NAPLPS/EGA/VGA/mouse/Fido BBS TB042FDO.ZIP TurBoard BBS - FidoNet executables/programs TB402286.ZIP Tribbs 286 4.02 Need 286+. TB402386.ZIP Tribbs 386 4.02 Need 386+. TB50_1.ZIP Tribbs 5.0 the Hottest Shareware BBS. File 1 of 2. TB50_2.ZIP Tribbs 5.0 the Hottest Shareware BBS. File 2 of 2. TDCL_150.ZIP Today's Callers V1.50 (Timezone Bug Fixed). TDRAW462.ZIP Thedraw V4.62 Popular Drawing Program. TDSP11.EXE TDisplay. Nice add-on. TERRA700.ZIP Huge interactive space war game. Not a TW clone. TESTF10.ZIP Testfile v1.0, TESTFILE.BAT Replacement. TFN9302.ZIP Toronto's Family Network. TGAFILES.ZIP The Graphics Alternative BBS List. TGUP141.ZIP Tgupload 1.41 Powerful File Manager for Telefast. THDPRO_1.ZIP ProScan Upload Checker for most BBS's. THEWALL.ZIP Add stylish one liners to your system. THOST331.ZIP Tinyhost V3.31 a Small, Simple Host BBS Program. THP111.ZIP Tinyhost Plus V1.11 Based on Tinyhost. TICFN101.ZIP TICK200.ZIP Automated handling of BBS .TIC dist. files TICKDUPE.ZIP TICK UTL, Updates StopDup files to match dir TICSF100.ZIP TICTR101.ZIP TIMA10C.ZIP Fast Offline Editor That Reads Squish. TIMLK30U.ZIP TimeLock v3.0 Node-Door time access control. TIMLOK30.ZIP TimeLock v3.0 Node-Door time access control. TINYHOST.ZIP Small BBS program...... TLK12D.ZIP Talk V1.2 Split Screen Chat. TM104.ZIP Create Tunes Easier for Silver Xpress Messages. TNTSTATS.ZIP Tnt Sysop Stats v1.0. TODAY305.ZIP V3.05 Utility writes daily trivia to newsfile TODAY34.ZIP Today v3.4 "Today in History" for BBS's. TOPUSER3.ZIP Top 10 users listing. Much improved output. TPASM95.ZIP Swap Conferences Up to 15 At A Time Including TPA Areas. TQOTD405.EXE The quote of the day v4.05 TR4_26.ZIP Remote operation of PC. TRBBSREG.ZIP Sysop Form to Be Listed on Tri-State BBS List. TRESPASS.TXT small merge to warn against trespassers. TRIBEL10.ZIP Tribell v1.0. Turns the Page Bell On/Off. TRIDAY10.ZIP LOGON.BAT Program to Display Random ANSI Screens to Users. TRIDIE1B.ZIP Tribbs Directory Enhancer. TRISTA18.ZIP Tristat V1.8 Use with Tribbs BBS. TRITIP11.ZIP Tritips V 1.1 Generates Ansi/Ascii Screens. TRIULN11.ZIP Triuln V1.10 Audio Tones/Video Log-off Notifier. TRIWCR10.ZIP TriWhoCalledRecently, v1.0. TSCN411.ZIP Transcan V4.11 the Premium File Scanner Converter. TSHOP208.ZIP Teleshoppe V2.08. the Best Online Store Available. TSPORT10.ZIP Trisports V1.0 for Use with Tribbs. TUAM108C.ZIP The Ultimate BBS Account Manager v1.08. TUBS10E.ZIP The Ultimate Byte System v1.0. TUFL25B.ZIP The Ultimate CNet Filelist Compiler v2.5b. TUTBBS21.ZIP TutBBS Version 2.1, BBS Tutorial. TWC93MAY.ZIP The Most Accurate BBS Listing for The Cleveland Area. TWEATH10.ZIP Triweather V1.0 Generates Ansi/Ascitlocal Weather Bulletin TWHELP60.ZIP Trade Wars Helper v6.0 terminal program for ONLINE use. UBBS208A.ZIP UltraBBS 2.08; Executables and main files. 1/3 UBBS208B.ZIP UltraBBS 2.08; Executables/docs/help/etc. 2/3 UBBS208C.ZIP UltraBBS 2.08; Non-overlaid version. 3/3 UBBSLA33.ZIP Ultra bbs log analyzer 3.3. UBBSTU11.ZIP UBBS top user v1.1 report of top callers UFU131.ZIP Ultimate File Utility. ULFS10.ZIP Upload Free Space Monitor for ALL BBS's. ULPCRC2.ZIP UpLoadProcessor CRC calculator, release 2. ULTEST27.ZIP ULTESTER.EXE ULTCFG.EXE Ver2.70. UPAGE11.ZIP The Universal Page System. UPCHEK_B.ZIP Virus scans uploads, detects bad arcs restricted files. UPCHK23F.ZIP On/offline file integrity/virus scanner/conv. UPD6101.ZIP Monthly Update Catalog File. UPMSG2.ZIP Upload Message Will post configurable. USBBS107.ZIP National Us BBS Listings. USBBS108.ZIP USBBS National BBS Listing for May, 1993. USBBS109.ZIP USBBS nationwide BBS list 6/93 edition. USBBS110.ZIP USBBS National BBS Listing for July, 1993. USE.ZIP Change your path statement on the fly. USENET1.ZIP USENET: Over 4000 Newsgroups. File 1 of 2. USENET2.ZIP USENET: Over 4000 Newsgroups. File 2 of 2. USER2ASC.ZIP Creates A Comma Delimited ASCII File From Users Files. USEREP16.ZIP UseRep v.1.6, generates report. USGBBS.ZIP U.s. Government BBS Listing. USTAT12.ZIP BBS Utility Which Will Display The Callers' Stats. US_05_93.ZIP Join Usnetmail Now. Small Town BBSs Wanted. UUORIGIN.ZIP Uupoint/Uuorig Utilities Bugfix/Enhancement. V56A6_1.ZIP VirtualBBS software, ver 5.6a6. (1/2). V56A6_2.ZIP VirtualBBS software, ver 5.6a6. (2/2). VFX40.ZIP Good Call Back Verifier program. VFY_29A.ZIP BBS Online Callback Verification. VIDTYP14.ZIP Set environment variable to video display type VOTGRAPH.ZIP Makes graphs of voting results for BBS's. VP0893.ZIP Vid Enhancement Module Aug 93 Edition. VP407.ZIP VPurge: Enhanced BBS Conf/EchoMail processor VPBSBETA.ZIP Video Puzzle BBS, file 1 of 2. VPIX19I.ZIP Allows Users to View Gifs While Online. VPRMT.ZIP Video Puzzle BBS, file 2 of 2. VRET0693.ZIP Information on how to join the brand new VRETNET. VRXBETA2.ZIP Rexx Script For Virus Scanning. VUUCP2.ZIP Replacement for VUUCP In VBBS: Adds Message Splitting. VUUCP223.ZIP W3_BBS.ZIP Use your BBS with Windows 3.0. WABIRD.ZIP Carrier watchdog and COMx redirection utility WAFGTB05.ZIP Waftogt 1.0 Beta 5. Gt Sysops: Bring Usenet to You. WATCHDOG.ZIP Reboot system if carrier is lost WATCHKAT.ZIP Reboot BBS if carrier lost or after 20 rings WATCHKIT.ZIP Reboot crashed BBS after four rings, w/ASM src WB126S.ZIP Weather Board, up to date weather info. WC_12.ZIP Whocalled Today; Ver 1.2. WFS300.ZIP Mail-Based Archive Mail List Server for Waffle. WHOU05.ZIP WhoUsers V0.5 a BBS Sysop Utility. WHOUP11.ZIP Appends user name to upload description. WIZLD.ZIP Great VGA Loader for The Wizard'S BBS. WUW17.ZIP Who Uploaded What Vers 1.7. WWMAIL42.ZIP XFER173C.ZIP Improved TRAN173C merge for trans. stats. XHOST20S.ZIP Run a full featured BBS with this program! XHOST30S.ZIP Run a full featured BBS with this TELIX script. XPRESS25.ZIP E-x-p-r-e-s-s Version 2.5. YATP101X.ZIP Yatic 1.01 for Os/2. Raid and TIC Replacement. ZDCS165.ZIP ZDCS 1.65, Zipfile Duplicate Checking System. ZDCS2.ZIP Zdcs 2.0, Zipfile Duplicate Checking. ZIPLAB9.ZIP Great upload checker for BBSes. ZIPPER30.ZIP Easily add comments, to your Zip Files. ZIPS12.ZIP Add comments to all files, v1.2 ZL2B0101.ZIP ZIPlab Plus 2.a.1. ZLAB_19C.ZIP Ziplab BBS utility for test new uploads. ZSX301.ZIP ZSX v3.01 a general purpose protocol driver for BBS use. ZSXD_310.ZIP ZV0822.ZIP Zverify V1.00 Zverify Online Verification Suite.