E2A102.ZIP Creates Areas.BBS From Sysmsg.dat EAGLEVER.ZIP SYSOP Util to quickly locate a name in logs. EBCDIC.ZIP Ebcdic Update Fix. Ebcdic Passthru for Es 1.0. ECHOINFO.ZIP ELFE05.ZIP ELFTREE v1.E05, great utility collection. ELIST21.ZIP Easylist 2.1, For SlBBS 2.XX ELS_VIEW.ZIP View GIF Files While BBS Sysop is in Local Mode. ENQUIR63.ZIP Put Enquirer type headlines on your board. ES_101D.ZIP EchoSprint dynamic mailer for BBS front-ends EUE10.ZIP Extended User Editor. EUE101.ZIP Extended User Editor v1.01 for TBBS. EVTMGR22.ZIP Event Manager version 2.2. EWARGAME.ZIP Evangelist Wars Tired of the same old Hack and Slash? EWARV11.ZIP Evangelist Wars v1.1 Tired of the same old Hack and Slash? EXCALINF.ZIP Excalibur BBS for Windows Electronic Brochure. EXE275G1.ZIP EXPRES20.ZIP E X P R E S S(Tm) 2.0. EXT_PROT.ZIP External protocol BAT files EXZIP204.ZIP EXzip v2.04 Sysop's archive integrity EXZT222.ZIP EXZTest v2.22, easy upload testing. EZBBSV11.ZIP The Ez BBS Sets Up in Less Than Five Minutes. EZDIZ20S.ZIP Ez-Diz V1.0 Premier File id.Diz Processor. EZNEWS20.ZIP EZNews 2.0, BBS news program. EZV110.ZIP Ezverify V1.1. Full-featured Callback Verifier. EZY101_1.ZIP Great Multi-Line BBS with Many Features. EZYCDROT.ZIP Ezycom Utility for Working with Multiple Cd-roms. F3MAPSD.ZIP Falcon Mapper a utility for Falcon v3.0d. FAB10.ZIP Areas.BBS formatting utility for FIDO! FAKEPCB.ZIP Fakeinput. Simple PPE to Remove A Certain Prompt. FALKUP.ZIP Falken v5.9c multi-line BBS (2 line) update FASORT.ZIP Alphabetizes file names and descriptions in FILES.BBS. FATCAT20.ZIP Update file download counters. FBRAIN.ZIP File Upload Checker. FCE10.ZIP BBS file list comment extractor v1.0 FCE11.ZIP FCE 1.1 BBS Filelist Comment Extractor. FDH40.ZIP FILE DIRECTORY HEADER Ver4.0 Graphical Header FDSC201.ZIP FILEDESC 2.01 Generate List of Files. FE100.ZIP FEDBBS.ZIP List of 66+ Public Access Federal BBS. FEMNET93.ZIP Femnet(tm), the Women's Network. FFAL110.ZIP Fixes FILES.BBS listings. FFD40ASA.ZIP Force Feed your app file to new users version 4.0a FH20SW.ZIP Hack Report file scanning Utility. FIDOQ118.ZIP Toss BBS mail between Fido- and QWK-networks FIFTEN11.ZIP Match 15 v1.1 Supports Many BBS's. FILEFI09.ZIP Scans Filelists for dangerous entries. FILEID17.ZIP Fileid.txt v1.7. FILMG021.ZIP File Manager is the upload processor for FILES.BBS. FILSL11.ZIP Offline Zippy scan, works with most BBS lists FINFO16.ZIP Updates time/date in dir list of files FIX16550.ZIP Fixes problems with AMI BIOS and high speed modems. FIXLST11.ZIP FIXLIST v1.1 RBBS FMS List Update utility. FLAKA101.ZIP Full-screen file listing program. FLASH.ZIP Instant pop-up screens for BBS & its users FLASH32.ZIP Daily News file generator for any BBS FLIST24.ZIP Generates File Lists Based on Privilege Level FLKN661.ZIP Falken Multi-User BBS Version 6.61, FLSORT11.ZIP Very fast BBS file list sorting utility FLV121.ZIP FLV File-List-Viewer v1.21. FLXTXT13.ZIP Flextext V1.3 OS/2 Print Utility. FMAIL092.ZIP Fast echomail tosser for Hudson messagebase FMAIL094.ZIP F-Mail Version .094. FMM10.ZIP Forum Menu Maker for Gap/Main Mail Version 1.0. FMS2DB36.ZIP Converts FMS to a database. FNNR100.ZIP Fidonet newsreader for Hudson messagebases FNNR15.ZIP FNNR16.ZIP FNTASY11.ZIP Version 1.1 Patch disk for SSI's Fantasy Eres. FONDIR57.ZIP FONDIR, v5.7, Convert comm phone dirs FONREP18.ZIP FonRep v.1.8, the 'problem child' finder. FORCE38.ZIP Util to allow port to be locked at 38400. FREEBIE.ZIP Thelist BBS Sysops Mailing List. FREESPE.ZIP Free Speech BBS 3.10 Pinnacle Software. FRI_201.ZIP Update FILES.BBS with Node* and weekly news FSEDV13.ZIP FTANK14.ZIP Flash tank demo for MajorBBS. FTERM362.ZIP FLASHBACK BBS terminal program FULLMENU.ZIP Macro for a separate SysOp menu. FWHO_100.ZIP ZIPpy Scan Your Download.Txt File for Any Text String. FWKCS117.ZIP FWKCS v1.17 File Contents Signature System. FWKCS122.ZIP Automatically process uploaded files on BBS FWKCT117.ZIP FWKCS v1.17 File Contents Signature system. FWKLU117.ZIP FWKCS v1.17 Remote Lookup Kit. GAMEST11.ZIP Track's BBS online game usage w/color & graphs GAPCTTY.ZIP Enhanced replacement for DOS CTTY. No I/O rdir GAPLOK11.ZIP Multi-Node BBS Event Utility to busy out other nodes. GATEWAY2.ZIP Simultaneous use of COMx and CON GED0241E.ZIP Golded 2.41 (Dos Executable+simple Cfg). GE_100.ZIP GHOST110.ZIP Latest version of Ghost BBS. GIF10.ZIP The GIF Spec Viewer v1.0 by Le Chat GIFFER.ZIP GIF resolution testing utility. Will pass or fail a GIF. GIFTOOL.ZIP Utilities for Commenting GIF Files GLIST32.ZIP Guest List V3.2 Creates Color 3d Bulletins. GOODU11.ZIP GoodUser v1.1. GOSCAN22.ZIP GOSCAN v2.02 The Ultimate GOMail Log Analyzer/ScannerGOSCA GRAFD211.ZIP Auto-detect ANSI and RIP support. GREENBBS.ZIP The "Green" BBS Lists 1993. GT1800A.ZIP GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93] Disk [2/6] - "The Rolls Royce of Communications" Main program executable and overlay files. 286/386 ver. GT1800S.ZIP GT Power 18.00 utility source code - PD. GT1800_5.ZIP GT Power v18.00 [5/6]; "The Rolls Royce of Communications" HOST/BBS Mode support files and documentation. GT1800_6.ZIP GT Power v18.00 [6/6]; "The Rolls Royce of Communications" Miscellaneous documentation for external protocols and Host Mode management utilities. GTLOG411.ZIP GT Log Analyzer For GT Power Log File. GUESTPPE.ZIP PPE to Keep Track of Guest Account Users for Sysops. GWAR241.ZIP Latest update of Global Wars HACK9306.ZIP The Hack Report for June, 1993. HAPPYUSR.ZIP Happy User Gives Incentive to Users for Uploading. HAYES.ZIP Hayes .MDM and .RAM file along with NRAM dump. HBBS20.ZIP Holiday Countdown and Display Reminder. HEAD314B.ZIP Header GT FILES.BBS maintenance tool HEADLN10.ZIP For building messages such as BBS ads, Hello screens, FreeW. HEADV10B.ZIP HeadLiner V1.04b Fixes prob w/reading BBSNews HLIST109.ZIP Hlist V1.09 FILES.BBS File List Compiler BBS. HMBED2.ZIP HMBED3.ZIP HNR110.ZIP Headline newsroom ver 1.10 HONTO096.ZIP Honto V0.96: the Best Directory Lister Available. HOOKR10.ZIP Great Phone utility for BBS. HOOMAN.ZIP Dd a Ferrengi to Your Trade Wars. HOST31H.ZIP Newest host (3.1h) for VGA Planets. HRM110.ZIP Hack Manager-Add Files from the Hack Report. HS113D2.ZIP HS/Link External Protocol v1.13 BETA TEST D2. HSLTG25Q.ZIP Docs/files needed to install HSLink into TG HSRC_117.ZIP HeadEdit v1.17 Sysop/Point reader source code HS_RA.ZIP HTGTCD11.ZIP Hot Gt Change Directory Ver 1.1. for Gt BBSes. HVFC0294.ZIP Hayes Sysop Program Information Kit Features Hayes OPTIMA. IA_CARD.ZIP A solution to BBS's "No Credit Card" problem IBBS156.ZIP IBBS v1.56 Mulit node BBS. IDCCOM12.ZIP IDC's COMM/HOST/BBS, uses just over 80k of RAM IDCFORM.ZIP IDC's BBS question/survey utility, SDF file IDCHK33.ZIP IDCI.ZIP IDCI.ZIP V1.0 of the ION News Terminal. ID_CHK11.ZIP Checks Caller Id File Against A List of Numbers. IF_LC30.ZIP Ignas Fasts Last X Callers v3.0 IGLC25.ZIP Ig Last 10 Caller v2.5 by Ignas Fast. IGLC25A.ZIP Ignas Fasts Last 10 Callers v2.5a. IGWAL255.ZIP Ig Wall Writer v2.55 by Ignas Fast. ILAPP116.ZIP ILink APPlication Forms Generator v1.16. IMAGE_1.ZIP Image VGA Loader BBS Ad. File 1 of 2. IMAGE_2.ZIP Image VGA Loader BBS Ad. File 2 of 2. IMAIL121.ZIP Fidonet echomail processor for Hudson msgbase INFORM12.ZIP Monitor the Activities of Specific User.s INTERNET.ZIP InterNet/UseNet FAQ... Good stuff what Usenet is/is not. INTRDIAL.ZIP UNIX bbs with links to internet. IO0294.ZIP FEBRUARY 1994 "FREE" Issue of InterNational Online Magazine. IPNET10A.ZIP Make It Easy for Your Users to Enter NetMail Messages. ISA_0992.ZIP Inter-stellar Annihilation V0.992 BBS Online Game. ISCALLN1.ZIP JAM222G1.ZIP James 'The File Message Manager' V2.22G1. JETBBS10.ZIP Jetbbs Version 1.0. JETBBS20.ZIP JetBBS v2.0; Fully-featured and highly configurable BBS, yet easy to install and use. Supports mutliple lines, file transfers, and four door protocols. Designed to run with minimal sysop attention. Features include: Voting polls, conversion of other BBSes message bases, mini-BBSes for users to run. JLUT475.ZIP Jurgen Lorenz's Utilities For GT Power BBS. JLUT522.ZIP JL utilities for GT Power BBS from Germany. JOD100.ZIP Joke of the Day for Any BBS SysOps. JOINLST4.ZIP JoinList v4.0, SLBBS utility JPATLU10.ZIP Add to Latest Upload Any Files.BBS Entry. JTFOX355.ZIP JTFox v.3.55. Makes subdirs for header files. JVAS110.ZIP JVArcServ v1.10: 'Archie' server for FidoNet JVDNLD01.ZIP Download counter for GT by Jim Velguth. KALWRK27.ZIP Kalworks Enhances Tradewar's Universe. KBBS_40.ZIP KITCAT11.ZIP Kitcat V1.1 a Catcomp-like Utility to Create Catalogs. LABTEST2.ZIP Labtest 2.0 Great Upload Processor. LASTON12.ZIP LASTON54.ZIP The Greatest Last Caller Lister Yet! LCNT150U.ZIP Logcount V1.50 (Download Counter). LG108A.ZIP Logger Generic, ver 1.08a. LICON.ZIP Launch CNet from Icon LISTER1.ZIP Create BBS Listings! LMAN10.ZIP Log manager v1.0 by Bob Maple. LMAN110.ZIP Log Manager v1.10 by Bob Maples. LOD360A.ZIP land of devastation Sysop and user documents. LOD360D.ZIP land of devastation ega additional graphics. LOD360F.ZIP land of devastation sound /music support. LODNEWS1.ZIP land of devastation news, file 1 of 3. LODNEWS2.ZIP land of devastation news, file 2 of 3. LODNEWS3.ZIP land of devastation news, file 3 of 3. LOGMGR16.ZIP Automatic log management for BBS mailer system LOGMSG10.ZIP Turn ASCII log files into messages. LOG_DATE.ZIP Copy log file utility. LORA232E.ZIP LORA-BBS v2.32 Powerful BBS/Mailer. LR35.ZIP Create Rotating Display of ASCII/ANSI News Files. LSTGEN15.ZIP Generates ALLFILES.LST from BBS file lists LSTGN450.ZIP Listgen 4.50 File List Generator For TBBS. LSTRD109.ZIP V1.09.C.Ansi of Listread. LTX_EU10.ZIP Easy Upload v1.0 by Quickfinger. LTX_QF10.ZIP Q-Fid FILE_ID.DIZ Adder v1.0 by Quickfinger. LTX_TL21.ZIP Turbo UL/DL Logger v0.21 by Blowfly. LVLRPT21.ZIP Makes list of Users by Security Level.