2AM3_1A.ZIP Documentation for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw 2AM3_2A.ZIP Files and utils for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw 2AM3_3A.ZIP System executables for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw 2DAPNT15.ZIP FidoNet mail bundler; fully supports points 2NDNODE.ZIP Add a 2nd Node to your board for CHEAP!! 3DALA11.ZIP Activity log archival. 3DCCSH10.ZIP 3D Cat-Code SHORTHAND! UnTWiST FiNGErS,.. 3DDR11.ZIP Date Rotate!! Holiday screens a snap! 3DMBA10.ZIP Archive your message base to a MbMMDDYY.ZIP file. FREE! 3DMCR14.ZIP Message/Call Ratio database. Run from POSTCALL.BAT. 414BBS05.ZIP BBSs in the 414 Area Code. May Update. 515DISK1.ZIP F6BBS v5.15 Server/Pbbs. File 1 of 3. 515DISK2.ZIP F6BBS v5.15 Server/Pbbs. File 2 of 3. 515DISK3.ZIP F6BBS v5.15 Server/Pbbs. File 3 of 3. 609JUL93.ZIP 609 Area BBS List. 96LISTE3.ZIP List of over 3,000 BBS's at 9600. 96LISTF3.ZIP 9600 Bps BBS ASCII BBS list. AA_100.ZIP Puts the Alias Into Dorinfo. ABOOT200.ZIP Monitor disk/modem, reboot BBS if no activity ABUNET.ZIP ABUnet the MIDDLE EAST QWK/FIDO Mailnet Latest Update AC6_0950.ZIP Latest Version of Alpha Colony VI. ACF100.ZIP AddConf v1.00 Network utility. ACHAT302.ZIP Achat Magazine Volume 2 Issue 2. ACOMMENT.ZIP Automatically add comments to .ZIPs ACTIVITY.ZIP Activity Log search utility v1.0. ACTRIM12.ZIP Actitrim ver. 1.21 Great activity log trimmer (1-365 days) ACTSCAN1.ZIP ActivityScan v1.0 Caller List Maker Header is changable! ACZAR210.ZIP the best Archive Manager-better than Shez or Arcmaster. ADDAD36.ZIP Puts info. file, BBS Ads and BBS comments in new uploads. ADDS201.ZIP BBS Advertisements v2.01. ADDS204.ZIP BBS Advertisements v2.04. ADET11.ZIP Auto-ansi Detection V1.1. ADJUST07.ZIP Adjust your users time according to baud rate. ADLG200.ZIP AdLogo v2.00 Enhanced Version. ADLG225.ZIP Enhanced Version, v2.25. ADLOG225.ZIP Adlogo v2.25 Enhanced Version. ADPRO10G.ZIP Add Ads for Your BBS to Your Arj or ZIPs. ADS_SET.ZIP ROBOBoard/FX enhancement AFM104.ZIP Automatic File Mover (File Robot Send/Rec). AFR100.ZIP Areafixer 1.00 Updates Files After Areafix. AFTHRDEM.ZIP Full Featured Working Demo of Afterhours BBS. AICNF110.ZIP AICONFIG 1.10 conference config ALARM.ZIP An alarm clock to wake-up sysops!!! ALDEC100.ZIP ALLFILES listing Directory-Entry Creator/UPD. ALIAS_EZ.ZIP SLBBS utility-set alternate alias name ALRPRO11.ZIP Alarm Pro v1.1; Integrated event scheduler. ALU15.ZIP Alternative for LU86.EXE (Asgard BBS sysops) AM102.ZIP Event Manager Ver 1.02. AMAZE151.ZIP Adventurer's Maze Ver 1.51. AMGRFIX4.ZIP Fix For Tosscan's Area manager AMSETDAY.ZIP How to run a "timed execution" weekly. AMSG1_5.ZIP AutoMessage 1.5 Postmaster clone much more! See Info. ANOUNCER.ZIP Announce caller w/ SoundBlaster. Configurable, and it works. ANSI002.ZIP Same as ANSI173C, but forces ANSI in local. ANSICHK5.ZIP ANSI Bomb Detector the BEST! ANSWER2.ZIP Answer modem calls when BBS is down, takes msg ANTI091B.ZIP The ultimate BBS ad remover for Zip files. ANTI124.ZIP AntiAd version 1.24 the ultimate BBS ad detection/removal. AOSS130B.ZIP Avatars of screaming steel 1.30b. APNEWS.ZIP AP News for Sysops APNT_102.ZIP Apoint V1.02, Pointlist Generator AQAD0293.ZIP Aquila BBS, Inc. Advertisement. AR2FD100.ZIP Converts AREAS.BBS to FOLDER.FD ARCA05.ZIP Multi-format archive creator for BBS mailers AREQ1_1B.ZIP AutoRequest 1.1b Allow users to download files via QWK/REP. ASPBBS.ZIP How BBS can now be an associate member of ASP ASZR201.ZIP Archive Sizer 2.01 Fast ARC, ARJ, LHA, and ZIP Splitter. AUR134A.ZIP AUTOMTE2.ZIP BBS Automator V2.0 Allows You to Run A BBS Part Time. AUTOREG.ZIP Automatic Membership form for Users. AUTOW213.ZIP AutoMessage Program v. 2.13, Released 01/10/94. AUTO_233.EXE Small simple BBS, Great if you want to get. AVIEW53C.ZIP View/Extract Utility for BBS's AVIEW64F.ZIP Desqview Aware Online Archive Viewer. BADFV10.ZIP BADFILES Processor v1.0 Replace file .ext /w in BADFIL. BAUDLCK.ZIP Selectively lock out baud rate based on security BB410.ZIP Board Base Pro! from DISOFT Now supports Multiline. BBIG_240.ZIP BBS10.ZIP Allows offline searches of BBS Files BBS14A.ZIP Bbs.Ppe V1.3d a Unique BBS Listing Ppe Program. BBSAMT20.ZIP BBS ANSI Music Tutorial ver2.0. BBSAMT30.ZIP BBS ANSI Music Tutorial V3.0. BBSAMT40.ZIP BBSBASE.ZIP Compare BBS lists BBSBWL15.ZIP James Fair's latest release of BBSBOWL. BBSCASE.ZIP Akron BBS Legal Trial Update. BBSCOMP2.ZIP Compares BBS file lists, displays differences BBSEE14.ZIP BBSee Version 1.4 10/91 Catalog files on BBSs BBSEE14X.ZIP Utility disk used with BBSEE14.ZIP BBSEE20B.ZIP BBSee file catalog system documentation file. BBSEE21C.ZIP BBSEE21 Catalog Database Conversion Utils. BBSEE21X.ZIP BBSEE21 Utilities. BBSGLF10.ZIP BBS Goofy Golf. By James Fair. Nice graphics. BBSLAW91.ZIP Current Laws Concerning BBSs, Sysops, Etc. BBSLIST1.ZIP Maintains BBS Listing Distributes Updates. BBSPASS.ZIP BBS User Password Generator v1.0 FREEWARE. BBSQUO10.ZIP Multiline quote generator. Works with any BBS BBSVIEW3.ZIP Arc viewing utility. BBSVIEW5.ZIP Online Archive Viewer. v5.0. BBSW10F.ZIP Provide weather info to your users. BBSW30.ZIP Provide hourly weather information to BBS users! BBSW_103.ZIP The BBS Welcome Program v1.03. Fantastic New Concept. BBS_ADS.ZIP v1.0 Put bbs ad in archive. BBS_FF27.ZIP BBS file listing comparison program. BBS_INFO.ZIP Sell magazines to your callers. BBS_TIME.ZIP Various time utilities for BBS (timecheck, etc) BCMSG10.ZIP BCMSG 1.0 BOBCAT Message sending utility. BEEPER11.ZIP Resident Background Beep Handler. BELBBS93.ZIP Recent Belgium BBS List. BFE1302A.ZIP BBS Front End System (*Beta*). BGLV_101.ZIP Backgammon Live! v1.01 by BLand Software. BGTOP20.ZIP Top upl/dldrs/callers for GT Power system BGWHO20.ZIP Who called today? for GT Power systems BIBLETHT.ZIP Bible verses in a quote/thought format. BIKE_BBS.ZIP Introduction material of two bicycle BBS's in ASCII. BITS_0.ZIP Quotes file from BITSTREAM BBS. BLINDPOK.ZIP Blindman's Poker--Version 1.00-Same as Liar's Poker. BOMBT11.ZIP Bombtrack V.1.1 Msgtrack for Dlg(Mail). BOP_DATE.ZIP Bop Date Validate Outgoing *.Msg Messages BRAINLOG.ZIP Last Caller Logon.BAT Grafitti Program. BRAMPTON.ZIP List of 455 Phone Prefixs That Can Be Called From Brampton. BRE0910.ZIP Newest Version of Barren Realms Elite. BSBSCR35.ZIP BSBScore Version 3.5, 9/28/91. BTAG130.ZIP BUSTED52.ZIP Fake out your users with this drop to DOS simulator. B_KEY.ZIP 4 Week Key to B_CRC File Upload Dupe Checker Remover. C900DEMO.ZIP Connect 900 Service Software Demo. CALCAT35.ZIP BBS Screen changer. CALCAT51.ZIP CalCat! v5.1 ultimate full featured holiday screen swapper! CALGEN.ZIP Daily Calendar Generator for BBS Sysops. CALLCNT2.ZIP Number each call in log file. CALLF.ZIP Use Call Forwarding on a BBS. CALLS23.ZIP Caller Log 2.3 Today/Yesterday Screen Generator. CALS2_0.ZIP CALSCHED v2.0 Nightly Scheduled Event. CAM_M130.ZIP Cam_Mail v1.30 Multi_Everything. CAM_U130.ZIP Cam_Mail v1.30 UPGRADE Disk. CARDER.ZIP Carder v1.0 Great for ADULT BBS Logs off if under Age. CATALG30.ZIP CATALOG-ON-A-DISK v3.00. CATBOX14.ZIP The Catalog Toolbox (Catbox) for Compuserve. CBOX22.ZIP ChatBox 2.2 SPLIT SCREEN Sysop\caller chat. CCALL201.ZIP Catcall V2.01 Last Caller Identification Program. CDFDA10.ZIP CD-ROM File Date Analyzer v1.0. CEL1378U.ZIP Install utility for Celerity BBS software CEL138A.ZIP Celerity BBS software version 1.38 CEL138B.ZIP Support files for Celerity BBS software v1.38 CEL141.ZIP Celerity BBS software v1.41. CEN100.ZIP Census v1.00 Message Base Stats. CG9308.ZIP Callgraf V93.08. Processes Comprehensive Call/Time Usage. CHATHERM.ZIP 17.4 MRG to capture CHAT to logfile. CHOLIDAY.ZIP CyCom's Holiday file generator. CHTM.ZIP This is the chat menu taken from CHATMENU.ZIP. CIDPH101.ZIP CIDV130.ZIP Cidlog v1.30 Caller Id Logging Software. CIL20KTA.ZIP CIL20KIT.ZIP with corrected DSZ/GSZ BATs. CKIN11.ZIP Check Process Fido Session v1.1 by Charles Joh CKMSG10.ZIP CKWare File to Message Import Utility.CL14S23 CKP101.ZIP utility to check the callers log for packing. CLBKV161.ZIP My Callback Verifier by Stevesoft. CLBKV372.ZIP CLDRP310.ZIP Monitors, and Optionally Sends Messages. CMPBBS10.ZIP Fast compare of two BBS lists, w/QBASIC source CNFLST12.ZIP CONFLIST v1.2:makes complete conf from CNAMES CNTM092B.ZIP BBS: generate summaries of downloadable files CNTM103.ZIP CountEm Version 1.03 release. COLORIZE.ZIP Colorize your QUOTES.BBS file. Source included. COMPR212.ZIP Compare BBS file lists with your directory COMPR214.ZIP Compares BBS File List Against Another. CON0993.ZIP Connect Magazine BBS Edition Articles Forsep/Oct 1993. CONF400.ZIP BBS EchoMail processor with REPLYLINK & RENUM CONINS14.ZIP Utility to Insert FILE_ID.DIZ Into Archives. CONINS15.ZIP Conins V 1.05. A Small Command Line Utility for Sysops. CQWKPTCH.ZIP Patch for Cqwk100a Fixes Compression Problem. CR100.ZIP Conference Reset v1.00. CRASH.ZIP A program to stop BBS crashes. CRCADS10.ZIP CRCADS10 BBS, Files/BBS database. CREDIT.ZIP Let users run credit reports on your BBS. CRYPT.ZIP Cryptnet a great new network avaliable in QWK or fido. CTOT10.ZIP Display CNet Totals v1.0 by Mr. BBS CUD467.ZIP Cu Digest, #4.67 Review of Syslaw. CW_PE_09.ZIP Planet Earth Network Online Application Ppe! CYBER.ZIP FAQ taken from alt.cyberpunk... CYBERDRV.ZIP High speed communications driver for Win 31. CYPH109.ZIP Cypher BBS v1.09. DA001B.ZIP The Allfiles Dieter by Nathan Taylor. DATAV46B.ZIP Dataview version 4.6b. Great File Viewer! Used on MSI!!! DAY010.ZIP Return the day of the week for BBS events. DAYFILE.ZIP Extracts various info about a file. DAYSTS15.ZIP DAYSTATS 1.5 For BBS Use. DBMCF.ZIP D'Bridge .MCF file for USRobotics Dual Std. DBTRIM12.ZIP D'Bridge (tm) Log Trimmer ver 1.20. DCHECK15.ZIP Download Checker v1.5 virus, etc check. DCMV100.ZIP Deluxe Conference Maker v1.0. DC_106.ZIP Display Callers, Many Features! DESCV10.ZIP Makes\Inserts "DESC.SDI" file auto. from a text file. DFLPROM2.ZIP Duplicate file locator offer for sysops. DIGIGUY.ZIP Digiboard test and status programs in Turbo Pascal DIRCMP10.ZIP DIRCOMP 1.0a PCB/ProDoor file list util. DIRCNT11.ZIP DirCount. File DIR header utility. DIRCNT16.ZIP Dircount V1.6: File Directory Header Utility W/Tp Source. DIRTOTXT.ZIP Convert TAG BBS DIR files to text files DISPLY10.ZIP v1.0 BBS util that shows ANSI or ASCII msg. DIZGRB11.ZIP DIZGRAB V1.1, Extract DIZs. DIZIT20.ZIP Dizit v2.0 Major Rewrite from v1.x Sysops. DIZIT32.ZIP DizIt v3.2 -FILE_ID.DIZ Importer. DIZMAN12.ZIP DizMan v1.20 The Description Manager. DIZ_WIZ.ZIP DiZ WiZ v1.0. **FREEWARE** Creates FILE_ID.DIZ's. DLCOUNT.ZIP Modifies FILES.BBS File Listings, Dowload Counter. DLCOUNT1.ZIP Download counter for Max 2. DLFIND12.ZIP Find File In BBS Download Directories. DLINES.ZIP Delete Commented Lines v1.0 W4W macro. DLIST102.ZIP DLIST Download List Description Creator. DLLOG_13.ZIP Download Reporter for Max 2.0 DLMST260.ZIP Dlmaster V2.60. Rbbs Download File Listing Utility. DLP100.ZIP Find Missing Files, Message Areas Etc. DLRIP12.ZIP Dlrip V1.2. Allow Dl of Rip Icons And/Or Forced File. DLX70BBS.ZIP DM521.ZIP Door Master v5.21- BBS door conversion pgm DOSCAN11.ZIP Makes Virus detection of ZIP\ARJ files FAST and EASY. DOSCAN12.ZIP Makes Virus detection of ZIP\ARJ files FAST and EASY. DOTD_110.ZIP Drink of The Day v1.10 by BLand Software. DRAWPO10.ZIP Draw Poker v1.0. DRMLST13.ZIP Dreamlist V1.3. An Online BBS List Database. DRS091B.ZIP The Duplicate Removal System Drs V0.91. DRU_225.ZIP Controlled-access drop-to-DOS for BBS co-sysop DS100.ZIP Directory Services (DS) For BBS Sysyop. DS101C01.ZIP Darkstar bbs system [1/4]. Fully EGA/VGA and Soundblaster compatible. Use Commlink terminal to call it. DS101C02.ZIP Darkstar bbs system [2/4]. Fully EGA/VGA and Soundblaster compatible. DS101C03.ZIP Darkstar Bbs System [3/4]. DS101C04.ZIP Darkstar Bbs System [4/4]. DS200.ZIP **Doorstat** v2.00. Create Door Usage Graph. DSPLY13.ZIP Displays text for use by a BBS. DTDBBS32.ZIP Drop to DOS Simulation. Fool users. DTPBBS03.ZIP Desktop Publishers BBS List. DVS10B4.ZIP Dynamic Verification System v1.0a4. DVSB4UP.ZIP Dynamic Verification System v1.0a4. DWALL100.ZIP Wall Multi-Color Graffiti. DWNTIME.ZIP Maintenance release to Downtime.ZIP. Merge. D_TEXT.ZIP PPE: Display A Text File Before User Begins A Download.