Multicast extensions for the WATTCP TCP/IP libraries ---------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ IP Multicasting is a mechanism to send and receive data from a group of hosts rather than via the more traditional one on one interaction. This technology is being heavily used for experimentation into Audio/Video Conferencing over IP, but has the potential to be used in a much more far-reaching manner. In fact, one school of thought says that multicasting (1->n) is the general case, and that unicasts (1->1) are simply a special case. This package contains the pieces necessary to extend the WATTCP libraries to support IP multicasting as defined by RFC-1112[1] (Deering). Three new user-level routines have been created to achieve this goal. The routines join_mcast_group and leave_mcast_group allow a process to join and leave a specified multicast group, and udp_SetTTL allows the outgoing ttl on udp packets to be set. Additionally, there are two trivial example/test programs. Lister is a simple program that watches a specified address/port pair and decodes vat[2] style control packets, thus producing a continuous listing of the IDs of the participants. Blather is the flip side of lister. It produces a vat style control packet and sends it to the specified address and port, thus adding a new participant to your vat display. Installation ------------ The installation of this package consists of three basic steps. The package must first be unzipped, the source files then need to be patched, and finally everything needs to be rebuilt. Before you begin, you will need to have the WATTCP source distribution installed, built, and working. WATTCP is available from in /pub/msdos/wattcp. The September 30, 1993 distribution was used as a basis for these extensions. Additionally, a connection to the MBone[3], the Internet Multicast Backbone, is a great advantage and the default operation of the example programs assumes that it is present. 1. In the same directory that you unzipped the WATTCP distribution, unzip the file using version 2.04c or greater of pkunzip. Make sure that the "-d" flag is specified so that the files end up in the proper subdirectories rather than all being dumped at the top level. This will create the following files: mcast.txt This file mcast.dif The patch file apps\lister.c The receive example apps\blather.c The send example src\pcigmp.c code to support IGMP src\ipmulti.c generic additional multicast source 2. You now need to patch the source files to add the extensions. To do this, you will need the "patch" program by Larry Wall. It can be found on in /mirrors/msdos/filutl as Now, again in that same top level directory, type "patch -p0 < mcast.dif". There should be lots of "Hunk Succeeded" messages, and all your code will be patched. 3. The final step is to rebuild the entire set of libraries and example applications. Begin by removing all of the .obj and .exe files in src, apps, and elib plus all of the libraries in lib (effectively doing a "make clean"). Then just do a make in the top level directory and everything will rebuild. Use ___ Network programming for multicasting isn't very different from the network programming that you're already used to. The two basic differences are that you need to join and leave a multicast group and that you need to specify the outgoing ttl on most multicast packets. To join a group you simply need to use the "join_mcast_group" call after you've done the udp_open. This registers the use of the group with the low level routines that need to interact with the multicast router to keep the packets flowing. After you're done, you'll then need to leave the multicast group immediately prior to issuing the close call by using the "leave_mcast_group" routine. The default ttl whenever you open a udp connection with a multicast address is set to 1. That way, your multicasts won't leave your local net. To expand the scope, you'll need to up the ttl by using the "udp_SetTTL" call. This call should be used after the udp_connect is done, but before anything is sent, and is persistent for the life of the connection. Beyond those two points, most things are straightforward. You do a udp_open, a join_mcast_group, set the ttl, read and write a few things, leave_mcast_group, and close. That's all there is to it. The only other thing you need to remember is to define MULTICAST whenever you use this code so that you get all of the multicasting prototypes from the tcp.h header file. Reference --------- join_mcast_group - joins a multicast group int join_mcast_group( longword ina ) Where: ina IP address of the group to be joined Behavior: join_mcast_group registers the use of the multicast address with the internals of the tcp stack that deal with responding to IGMP queries from the multicast router. Returns: 1 if the group was joined successfully 0 if attempt failed leave_mcast_group - leaves a multicast group int leave_mcast_group( longword ina ) Where: ina IP address of the group to be joined Behavior: leave_mcast_group deregisters the use of a particular multicast address so that no IGMP Reports will be sent for that address. Returns: 1 if the group was left successfully 0 if attempt failed udp_SetTTL - Set the TTL on an outgoing UDP datagram. int udp_SetTTL(udp_Socket *s, byte ttl) Where: s the socket of the UDP connection (?!?) in question ttl the desired ttl for the outgoing datagrams Behavior: udp_SetTTL allows the ttl for a particular UDP connection to be changed from the default value of 1. As the ttl is increased, the scope of the packets will expand until it reaches worldwide scope at around 192. Returns: 1 always (there is no error return) Notes ----- [1] RFC-1112, "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", is a description and specification of IP Multicasting by Steve Deering ( of Xerox PARC. It is available via anonymous FTP on in the /rfc directory as "rfc1112.txt". [2] vat, the Visual Audio Tool, is an audioconferencing application for the X-Windowing system written by Van Jacobson ( of Lawrence Berkeley Labs. It is the de-facto standard for audio on the MBone, and can be found via anonymous FTP on [3] The MBone or the Internet Multicast Backbone is an outgrowth of the first two IETF "audiocasts". It is a virtual network, layered upon parts of the physical Internet to facilitate worldwide routing of IP multicasts. More information about the MBone can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions document available on in /mbone as "faq.txt". Author ------ Jim Martin Rutgers University 11/10/93