X3T9.2/89-001 January 30, 1989 X3 Technical Committee Annual Report for 1988 X3T9.2 -- Lower Level Interfaces I. Projects 1. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI-2) a. Project 375R, Small Computer System Interface (SCSI-2) b. Target date for dpANS to X3: Original target date: January 1988 Previous target date: January 1989 Current target date: April 1989 c. Project Description: This is an extension of ANSI, X3.131, Small Computer System Interface, a low cost but highly "intelligent" bus interface for microprocessor- based computer systems. The interface is primarily aimed at the interconnection of small computers and high-bandwidth block transfer peripherals and includes relatively high-level command command sets for magnetic disks and tapes, optical disks, and printers. This is a multimaster bus which also supports direct computer- to-computer interconnections. SCSI-2 will add some new device types (e.g., scanners, communications devices, and "jukeboxes") and will considerably expanded command sets for some existing device types. It will also provide for faster data transfer rates (up to 40 MBytes per second). d. Publications During Past Year: Four revisions of X3T9.2/86-109, Small Computer System Interface - 2, were issued during 1988 -- these are drafts of SCSI-2. See the attached document register for other related documents. e. Statement of Progress or Accomplishments During Year: Four revisions of the draft standard were prepared during 1988. Consensus has been reached on all significant technical issues. SCSI-2 grew significantly during 1988 and is now nearly 600 pages. f. Statement of Status as of This Report: The task group has stopped adding new features to SCSI-2 and is now "cleaning-up" the document. The committee expects to forward the document at its February 1989 meeting. g. Future Plans: X3T9.2 expects to begin work on SCSI-3 in 1989 after forwarding SCSI-2. This project will further enhance SCSI, adding features that were too late for SCSI-2. New ideas for expanding SCSI keep flowing into the committee. The only reason that the task group has been willing to stop adding new features to SCSI-2 is that the SCSI-3 project has been approved. h. Reasons for Delay: The project was delayed from the original schedule because the task group decided to add high-density connectors to the draft standard. The additional slip from January 1989 to April 1989 is due to the massive size of the document. It has taken longer than expected to edit this document in spite of the fact that seven editors are working on the task. 2. Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI) a. Project 587D, Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI) b. Target date for dpANS to X3: Original target date: Previous target date: January 1989 Current target date: April 1989 c. Project Description: ESDI defines a disk interface oriented toward newer disk drives with transfer rates of 10 to 24 Mbit/sec. Much of the development work on ESDI was done by an industry group while this project was assigned to X3T9.3. In June 1987, this project was transferred to X3T9.2. d. Publications During Past Year: Two revisions of X3T9.2/87-105, Enhanced Small Device Interface, were issued during 1988. e. Statement of Progress or Accomplishments During Year: This document went through its first public review which ended October 3, 1988. Two registered public comments were received, one of which was later dropped (it dealt with missing figures and tables which apparently were only missing from the reviewer's copy). The other comment (from NCR) plus several informal comments received from X3T9.2 members were addressed at an ad hoc meeting October 10, 1988. The document editor made the requested revisions, but not to the same document. He revised the ISO version of ESDI. At its December meeting, X3T9.2 agreed to review the revised ISO draft. X3T9.2 plans to forward ESDI for its second public comment period at its February 1989 meeting. f. Statement of Status as of This Report: ESDI is now ready to forward for its second public review. g. Future Plans: X3T9.2 has no current plans beyond supporting ESDI through the X3 approval process. If further public comments or X3 negative ballots are received, X3T9.2 will address them. h. Reasons for Delay: 3. Flexible Disk Interface a. Project 52-R, Interfaces Between Flexible Disk Cartridges and Their Host Controllers. b. Target date for dpANS to X3: Original target date: Previous target date: April 1988 Current target date: (Done) c. Project Description: This project to revise X3.80-1981 has been underway for some time in X3T9.3. In June 1987, X3T9 transferred this project to X3T9.2. d. Publications During Past Year: Editorial changes were incorporated by the Technical Editor from the second public comment period. e. Statement of Progress or Accomplishments During Year: X3.80-1988 was approved by X3 and is being published by ANSI. f. Statement of Status as of This Report: Approved ANSI standard. g. Future Plans: X3T9.2 has no current plans in this area. h. Reasons for Delay: 4. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI-3) a. Project 375R, Small Computer System Interface (SCSI-3) b. Target date for dpANS to X3: Original target date: February 1991 Previous target date: Current target date: c. Project Description: This is an extension of ANSI, X3.131, Small Computer System Interface, a low cost but highly "intelligent" bus interface for microprocessor- based computer systems. The interface is primarily aimed at the interconnection of small computers and high-bandwidth block transfer peripherals and includes relatively high-level command command sets for magnetic disks and tapes, optical disks, and printers. This is a multimaster bus which also supports direct computer- to-computer interconnections. SCSI-3 will further enhance the Small Computer System Interface. d. Publications During Past Year: None. e. Statement of Progress or Accomplishments During Year: Several features have been identified as candidates for inclusion in SCSI-3, although SCSI-2 has consumed most of the committee's time. Some work has been done on defining an autoconfiguration protocol for SCSI-3. f. Statement of Status as of This Report: The task group plans to begin work on SCSI-3 after SCSI-2 has been forwarded. g. Future Plans: In addition to SCSI-3, the task group plans to investigate what work is necessary to operate the SCSI command sets on other physical interfaces such as the Fiber Channel. h. Reasons for Delay: What delay? II. Committee Projects: SD-4 Report Input EST. ISO JTC 1 X3 PROJ. STD. CMPL. PROJ. DOC. Authorizing No/TYPE TITLE DESIG. DATE DESIG. NO. Document_______ ___________________ ___________ ____ ________ ________ ___________ 0375-R Small Computer X3.131-198X 1989 97.13.10 DIS 9316 ??? System Interface X3T9/85- (SCSI-2) 136 Rev 1 0587-D Enhanced Small X3.170-198X 1989 Device Interface (ESDI) 0052-R Interfaces Between X3.80-1988 1988 97.13.10 DP 9315 Flexible Disk Cartridges and Their Host Controllers 0375-R Small Computer X3.131-199X 1991 97.13.10 DIS 9316 ??? System Interface X3T9.2/87- (SCSI-3) 193 Rev 1 III. Committee Activities a. Previous Year's Meetings: February 22-23, 1988; Phoenix, AZ April 25-26, 1988; St. Petersburg, FL June 20-21, 1988; Milpitas, CA August 15-16, 1988; Colorado Springs, CO October 10-11, 1988; Boston, MA December 5-6, 1988; San Diego, CA b. Next Year's Planned Meetings: February 20-21, 1989; Austin, TX April 24-25, 1989; St. Petersburg Beach, FL June 19-20, 1989; San Jose, CA August 21-22, 1989; Denver, CO October 16-17, 1989; Research Triangle Park, NC December 4-5, 1989; San Diego, CA c. Officers: Chairman: John B. Lohmeyer Vice Chairman: I. Dal Allan Secretary: John B. Lohmeyer Recording Secretary: Lawrence J. Lamers d. Membership: The current X3T9.2 membership list at the end of 1988 is attached. e. Liaison Activities: ECMA TC-30 (inactive), X3T9.3, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC13, IT8. f. Administrative Matters of Note: The Chairman is pleased that an equitable document distribution system has been tried successfully in X3T9. Much of the credit for the success belongs to Del Shoemaker and Kate McMillan. Now we should find a way to bundle the X3 Service Fee with the Subscription Fee. It is very confusing to have these fees collected separately. I get many phone calls from people who do not understand what they are paying for. g. Procedural Matters of Note: 1. In most cases, it is not feasible to delay project development until approval of the project proposal. 2. It still takes too long to process documents through public review. Some effort has been made to shorten this time (overlap SPARC compliance review), but more still needs to be done. Because these delays are so long, it is inevitable that changes will be made, guaranteeing a second public review. 3. The rules permit only one vote per organization. However, the task groups are ill-equipped to determine what an organization is. Some cases are obvious, others are not. The SD-2 should include a procedure for determining whether two organizations are separate or not. This procedure should also specify what is to be done while the issue is being resolved (permit or deny two votes). IV. Anticipated Projects X3T9.2 expects to begin work on SCSI-3 as soon as SCSI-2 is forwarded. This project would further enhance SCSI, adding functions and features identified within the project proposal and by committee members as the development proceeds. There may need to be a separate project to define how SCSI command sets are to be used on the Fiber Channel Interface. V. Future Trends in This Technical Area SCSI has become an important interface for storage subsystems and increasingly important for other peripheral devices such as scanners and laser printers. Thanks to widely available inexpensive SCSI protocol chips, many applications have become feasible. Well over 3 million SCSI protocol chips have been sold to date. Direct support for SCSI also has been built into VLSI Disk Controller Chips from several vendors. In addition to its many low-cost applications, SCSI is becoming widely accepted for high-performance applications. This is largely due to the availability of high-performance protocol chips with support for synchronous data transfers. In 1989, it is expected that new protocol chips will become available with support for SCSI-2 features such as 16-bit data paths. This should further entrench SCSI in high- performance applications. Physical storage products continue to shrink in size and cost. This will result in demand for smaller connector footprints. SCSI-2 addresses this need by defining "high- density" connectors (i.e., 50-mil contact spacing). Future products may well need even smaller connectors. This need may be best be satisfied by using fewer signal lines and operating those lines at higher speeds. The Fiber Channel project should address this problem, provided the costs can be contained. Attachments Final 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary Final 1988 X3T9.2 Document Register 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 1 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Wayne E. Roen P 3M Company 3M Center Bldg. 236-GN-06 St. Paul, MN 55144 (612) 736-3149 Mr. Robert C. Herron A 3M Company Bldg. 141-3S-03 P.O. Box 2963 Austin, TX (512) 984-6807 78769-2963 Mr. Chuck Kummeth A 3M Company 3M Center Bldg. 236-GN-06 St. Paul, MN 55144 (612) 733-0613 Mr. Jerry L. Amstutz O ACT Technology 2931 La Jolla Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 632-9230 Mr. Nathan Lee O ACT Technology 2931 La Jolla Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 842-5134 Mr. Robert N. P Adaptec, Inc. 691 S. Milpitas Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 945-6789 Snively Blvd. Mr. Robert R. A Adaptec, Inc. 691 S. Milpitas Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 945-8600 Williamsen Blvd. Mr. Nicos Syrimis P Advanced Micro 901 Thompson Place, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 (408) 749-2513 Devices MS 70 Mr. Mitch Kane A Advanced Micro 901 Thompson Place, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 (408) 749-4828 Devices MS 70 Mr. Scott Smyers A Advanced Micro 901 Thompson Place, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 (408) 749-4248 Devices MS 70 Mr. William J. Casey O Advanced Storage 10855 Rockley Road Houston, TX 77099 (713) 879-4090 Concepts Mr. Steve Caldara O Alliant Computer One Monarch Drive Littleton, MA 01460 Systems Mr. H. Dorris O American Bell Headquarters Plaza - 1 Speedwell Av Rm Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 898-2234 W 0966W Mr. Charles Brill P AMP, Inc. Mail Stop 210-20 P. O. Box 3608 Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717) 561-6198 Mr. C. Edward A AMP, Inc. P.O. Box 3608 M/S Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717) 780-6558 Reynolds 26-17 Mr. Bob Whiteman A AMP, Inc. P.O. Box 3608 M/S Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717) 780-7481 26-17 Mr. John H. Endsley O AMP, Inc. Mail Stop 210-20 P.O. Box 3608 Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717) 561-6199 Mr. Edward Marsh O AMP, Inc. 3800 Reidsville Rd., Winston-Salem, NC (919) 996-6049 MS 79-27 27102 Mr. Emerson (Bud) O AMP, Inc. P.O. Box 3608 Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717) 986-7946 Reyner Mr. Michael Wingard P Amphenol Corp. Endicott Operations 20 Valley St. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 786-4241 Mr. William R. A Amphenol Corp. Endicott Operations 20 Valley St. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 786-4370 Sopchak Mr. Robert Wiggin O Amphenol Corp. 720 Sherman Ave. Hamden, CT 06514 Mr. William Dollar O AMPRO Computers, 67 E. Evelyn Ave. Mtn. View, CA 94041 Inc. Mr. Rick Lehrbaum O AMPRO Computers, 67 E. Evelyn Ave. Mtn. View, CA 94041 (415) 962-0230 Inc. Mr. Nick Terry O Anamartic Ltd. Milton Hall Milton, Cambridge CB4 4AE England 0223 862 833 Mr. Jan V. Dedek P Ancot Corp. 1755 E. Bayshore Rd. Suite 18A Redwood City, CA (415) 363-0667 94063 Mr. Charles Jarboe O Apollo Computer 300 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA 01824 (508) 256-6600 Mr. Harlan Andrews O Apple Computer Mail Stop 22-AA 20525 Mariani Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 974-6430 Mr. Jeff Chen O Apple Computer Mail Stop 22-AA 20525 Mariana Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 974-2815 Mr. Matt Gulick O Apple Computer Mail Stop 27-AL 10500 DeAnza Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 974-5382 Mr. Jerry Katzung O Apple Computer Mail Stop 27-AJ 20525 Mariani Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 974-2575 Mr. Ali Khosrowpour O Applied Data 14272 Chambers Rd. Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 731-9000 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 2 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Communications Mr. Randy Sprague O Applied Microsystems 5020 148th Ave. N. P. O. Box C-1002 Redmond, WA (202) 882-2000 Corp. E. 98073-1002 Mr. Ken Post P Archive Corp. 1650 Sunflower Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 966-7360 Mr. Chuck Fannin A Archive Corp. 1650 Sunflower Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 966-2274 Mr. John Herron P Aspen Peripherals 1351 S. Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-0808 Mr. George A Aspen Peripherals 1351 S. Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-0808 Reichenberg Mr. Raymond Lee O AST Research, Inc. 2121 Alton Ave. Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 863-1333 x6001 Mr. James J. Semenak P AT&T 1100 E. Warrenville Room 2A-138 Naperville, IL 60566 (312) 979-7981 Rd. Mr. David Harms A AT&T 1100 E. Warrenville Rm IW 2C-427 Naperville, IL 60566 (312) 979-0159 Rd. Ms. Ellen Haney O AT&T 1100 E. Warrenville Room 2F-232 Naperville, IL 60566 (312) 979-8135 Rd. Mr. Joe Lawlor O AT&T 1100 E. Warrenville Rm IW 2C-435 Naperville, IL 60566 (312) 979-0133 Rd. Mr. Larry Marak O AT&T Dept 700420 777 North Blue Lee's Summit, MO (816) 251-4538 Parkway 64063 Mr. Philip J. O AT&T Dept. 240570 777 N. Blue Pkwy. Lee's Summit, MO (816) 251-5189 Puglisi 64063 Mr. Cristopher J. O AT&T 1100 E. Warrenville Room 1F455 Naperville, IL 60566 (312) 979-8179 Rhea Rd. SCANDOC O Attn: F2009-ST 5827 Columbia Pike Suite 306 Falls Church, VA 22041 Mr. Don Stephenson O Aura Systems 3548 Starboard Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 722-5146 Circle Mr. Clinton Ballard P Ballard Synergy 10601 S. DeAnza, Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 257-8844 Corp. #212 Mr. Gregory Fry A Ballard Synergy 10601 S. DeAnza Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 257-8844 Corp. Blvd. #212 Ms. Diane T. Ballard O Ballard Synergy 10601 S. DeAnza, Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 257-8844 Corp. #212 Mr. James Keene O Belden Wire & Cable P.O. Box 1980 Richmond, IN 47??? (317) 983-5200 Mr. Michael Churma O Bell and Howell 5700 Lombardo Center Suite 220, Center Seven Hills, OH (216) 642-9060 Bldg 44131 Mr. Michael C. Muma O Boeing Computer P.O. Box 24346 M/S Seattle, WA Services 6R-24 98124-0346 Mr. Guy Prival O Bull Peripheral 766 San Aleso Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 745-0855 Corp. Mr. Christian O BULL Systems Rue Jean Jaures Les Clayes Sous Bois FRANCE 78340 134627128 Mollard Mr. David Barnum P Burndy Corp. 311 Greenhill Road Madison, CT 06443 (203) 852-6062 Mr. Heinz Piorunneck A Burndy Corp. Richards Ave. Norwalk, CT 06856 (203) 852-8480 Mr. Kirk O Cable and Computer 1560 S. Sinclair St. Anaheim, CA 92806 Hollinsworth Technology Mr. John Contreras O CaliPer 19701 S. Vermont Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 538-1030 Ave. Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 3 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Ms. Kathleen L CBEMA (X3 311 First St., N. W. Suite 500 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 737-8888 McMillan Secretariat) Mr. Vince Zappia O Century Data Systems 1270 N. Kraemer Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 99-2623 Blvd. Mr. John J. Hanley O Chantal Industries 6786 Fisk Ave. San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 452-0975 Mr. Ron Sutton O Cherokee Data 1880 S. Flatiron Suite H Boulder, CO 80301 Systems, Inc. Court Mr. Edgar Macachor O Chips and 3050 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 434-0600 Technologies Mr. John Guennewig P Cinch Connector 1501 Morse Avenue Elk Grove Village, (312) 981-6070 IL 60007 Mr. Al Consiglio A Cinch Connector 1501 Morse Ave. Elk Grove Village, (312) 981-4298 IL 60007 Mr. Bob Pontone O Cinch Connector 1501 Morse Ave. Elk Grove Village, (312) 981-6344 IL 60007 Mr. Dan Davies P Cipher Data 10101 Old Grove Rd. Mail Stop D12 San Diego, CA 92138 (619) 578-9100 Products, Inc. Mr. David Thomas A Cipher Data 10101 Old Grove Rd. Mail Stop D9 San Diego, CA 92138 (619) 578-9100 Products, Inc. Mr. Ishtiyaq Syed P Cipher/Optimem 297 N. Bernardo Ave. Mountain View, CA (415) 961-1800 94043 x804 Ms. Beth Stephens A Cipher/Optimem 297 N. Bernardo Ave. Mountain View, CA (415) 961-1800 92138 x808 Mr. Bill Winterstein P Ciprico Inc. 2955 Xenium Ln. Plymouth, MN 55441 (612) 559-2034 Mr. Tom Wicklund A Ciprico Inc. 2955 Xenium Ln. Plymouth, MN 55441 (612) 559-2034 Mr. Robert Kellert P Cirrus Logic Inc. 1463 Centre Pointe Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 945-8305 Drive x225 Mr. Joe Chen A Cirrus Logic Inc. 1463 Centre Pointe Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 945-8300 Drive Mr. Lam Dang A Cirrus Logic Inc. 1463 Centre Pointe Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 945-8300 Drive Mr. Bill Clark O Clark Assoc., Inc. 100 Arapahoe Ave. Suite 10 Boulder, CO 80302 Mr. Ken Bush O Compaq Computer 20555 FM 149 Houston, TX 77070 (612) 789-1694 Corp. Mr. R. A. Stokken O Compugraphic Corp. 200 Ballardvale St. Wilmington, MA 01877 (617) 658-5600 Mr. Peter Johansson P Congruent Software, 3998 Whittle Ave. Oakland, CA 94602 (415) 531-5472 Inc. Mr. Thomas A. Fiers O Connor Peripherals, P. O. Box 479 Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 651-2881 Inc. Mr. Steve Finch O Consultant 21581 Via Invierno Lake Forest, CA (714) 458-8099 92630 Mr. Roger Cummings O Control Data Canada 1855 Minnesota Court Mississauga Ontario (416) 826-8640 Ltd. L5N 1K7 Mr. Douglas C. O Control Data Corp. Data Sys. Roseville 2401 North Fairview St. Paul, MN 55113 Johnson Div. Ave. Mr. Wayne Sanderson O Control Data Corp. ARH293 4201 N. Lexington St Paul, MN 55126 (612) 482-2712 Ave. Mr. Michael E. O Control Technology, P.O. Box 59003 5734 Middlebrook Knoxville, TN Galyon Inc. Pike 37950-9003 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 4 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Robert Knight O CPT Corp. 8100 Mitchel Rd. P. O. Box 295 Minneapolis, MN (612) 937-8000 55440 Ms. Lisa Long O CPT Corp. 8100 Mitchel Rd. P. O. Box 295 Minneapolis, MN (612) 937-8000 55440 Mr. George Battrick O Crosfield Three Cherry Trees Hemel Hempstead HP2 England (0442) 230000 Electronics Ltd. Lane 7RH Ms. Kathy Lifson O CW Industries 130 James Way Southampton, PA (215) 355-7080 18966 Mr. George Zisk O CW Industries 130 James Way Southampton, PA (215) 355-7080 18966 Mr. Bart Raudebaugh P Cygnet Systems 601 West California Sunnyvale, CA (408) 773-0770 Ave. 94086-4831 Mr. Steve Brooks A Cygnet Systems 601 West California Sunnyvale, CA (408) 773-0770 Ave. 94086-4831 Mr. Greg Green P Data General Corp. Technology Dr. Durham, NH 03824 (603) 862-6250 Mr. Mark Lippitt A Data General Corp. Technology Dr. Durham, NH 03824 Mr. Sam Pendleton A Data General Corp. Technology Dr. Durham, NH 03824 (603) 862-6243 Mr. Scott Solomon O Data General Corp. 4400 Computer Dr. Westboro, MA 01581 (617) 870-9785 MS F213 Mr. Charles DiChiara O Data Technology 15 Wiggins Ave. Bedford, MA 01730 (617) 275-4044 Corp. Mr. Cliff Hall P Datacopy Corp. 1215 Terra Bella Mtn. View, CA 94043 (415) 965-7900 Ave. Mr. Mel Herman A Datacopy Corp. 1215 Terra Bella Mtn. View, CA 94043 (415) 965-7900 Ave. Mr. Sam Weng A Datacopy Corp. 1215 Terra Bella Mtn. View, CA 94043 (415) 965-7900 Ave. Mr. Ken Machado O Datacopy Corp. 1215 Terra Bella Mtn. View, CA 94043 (415) 965-7900 Ave. Mr. John Farnsworth O Datapoint Corp. MS S33 9725 Datapoint Dr. San Antonio, TX (512) 699-5443 78284 Mr. Phil Devin L Dataquest 1290 Ridder Park Dr. San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 971-9000 Mr. James Barnette O Dept. of Navy 8334 Barktree Ct. Sprigfield, VA 22153 Mr. Jeff Seideman P DEST Corp. 1201 Cadillac Court Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 946-7100 Mr. Jeremy Higdon A DEST Corp. 1201 Cadillac Court Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 946-7100 Mr. James T. Benfer O Digi-Data 8580 Dorsey Run Road Jessup, MD 20794 (301) 498-0200 Mr. Ulrich Kuhn O Digirede Informatica Av Angelica 2582 01228 San Paulo SP Brazil 55-11-2591233 Ltda Ext. 247 Mr. Gary S. Robinson P Digital Equipment Mail stop ML 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 (508) 493-4094 Corp. 12-3/E51 Mr. John Morse A Digital Equipment Mail Stop MLO5-2/G1 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 (508) 493-5801 Corp. Mr. Del Shoemaker L Digital Equipment 1331 Pennsylvania Suite 600, MS: WNP Washington, DC 20004 (202) 383-5622 Corp. Ave NW Mr. Alan Arnaud O Digital Equipment 333 South Street SHR1-4/D10 Shrewsbury, MA 01545 (508) 841-2301 Corp. Mr. Edward A. O Digital Equipment 301 Rockrimmon CXO 1-2/N26 Col. Springs, CO (719) 548-2247 Gardner Corp. Blvd., S. 80919 Mr. Richard Lewis O Digital Equipment P.O. Box 80 ABO/A1 Albuquerque, NM Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 5 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Corp. 87103 Mr. Charles Monia O Digital Equipment 100 Nickseson Rd. Marlboro, MA 01??? Corp. Mr. Duncan McDonald P Distributed Logic 1555 S. Sinclair Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 937-5700 Corp. Mr. Ed Carmona A Distributed Logic 1555 S. Sinclair St. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 937-5700 Corp. Mr. Bill Grace O Distributed Logic 1555 S. Sinclair St. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 937-5700 Corp. Mr. Steve Goldman P DPT 132 Candace Dr. Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 830-5522 Mr. Tom Treadway A DPT 132 Candace Dr. Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 830-5522 Mr. Jim Mulligan O Dupont Connector 515 Fishing Creek New Cumberland, PA (717) 938-7671 Systems Rd. 17070 Mr. Michael Kaplit O DuPont Electronics P.O. Box 13999 Research Triangle 27709 Park, NC Mr. Roger Derr P Eastman Kodak Co. Mass Memory Division 460 Buffalo Rd. Rochester, NY 14611 (716) 588-0596 Mr. Stephen A Eastman Kodak Co. DTGRL 460 Buffalo Rd. Rochester, NY 14611 (716) 588-0219 Fitzgerald Mr. D. Hekimi L ECMA Rue du Rhone 114 CH-1204 Geneva Switzerland Mr. Robert B. O EG&G WASC, Inc P. O. Box 552 Dahlgren, VA 22448 (703) 663-2161 Anthony Mr. Arnold J. O EG&G WASC, Inc 1396 Piccard Dr. Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 840-3277 Roccati Mr. Tom Anderson P ELCO Corp. Huntingdon Huntingdon, PA (814) 643-0700 Industrial Park 16652-3117 Mr. Bob Strich A ELCO Corp. 1500 Quail St., Ste Newport Beach, CA (714) 476-8462 220 92660 Mr. Tom Fitzgerald O Electronic P.O. Box 569 Englewood, CO 80151 (303) 761-8540 Processors, Inc. Mr. Vince Stinton O Electronic P. O. Box 569 Englewood, CO 80117 Processors, Inc. Mr. Gerald Maurer P Emulex Corp. 3545 Harbor Blvd. P.O. Box 6725 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 662-5600 x3086 Mr. Paul Hanmann A Emulex Corp. 3545 Harbor Blvd. P.O. Box 6725 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 662-5600 x3918 Ms. Kim V. Le A Emulex Corp. 3545 Harbor Blvd. P.O. Box 6725 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 662-5600 Mr. I. Dal Allan P ENDL Vice Chair, X3T9.2 14426 Black Walnut Saratoga, CA 95070 (408) 867-6630 Ct. Mr. Ken Hallam A ENDL 29112 Country Hills San Juan Capistrano, (714) 364-9626 Rd. CA 92675 Mr. David Therrien O Epoch Systems 313 West Boston Post Marlboro, MA 01752 Rd. Mr. Ken Ng O Everex Systems, Inc. 9440 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731-2906 Mr. Michael O Exabyte Corp. 1745 38th St. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 442-4333 Braitberg Mr. Bill Duran O Exabyte Corp. 1745 38th St. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 442-4333 Mr. A. Buckley O Ferranti Computer Simonsway, Manchester M22 5LA England +44 61 499 Systems Wythenshawe 3355 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 6 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Michael Rudy O FileNet Corp. 3530 Hyland Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 966-2344 Mr. Robert B. Mason O Flexstar, Inc. 606 Valley Way Milpitas, CA (408) 946-1445 95035-4138 x412 Mr. Paul Kuphal O Formation, Inc. 823 East Gate Drive Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Mr. Robert Liu P Fujitsu America, 3055 Orchard Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-1300 Inc. x3335 Mr. David Snook A Fujitsu America, 3055 Orchard Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-1300 Inc. Mr. Bob Thornton O Fujitsu Components 3330 Scott Blvd Santa Clara, CA (408) 562-1735 of America 95054 Mr. Joel Urban O Fujitsu Components 3330 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA (408) 562-1722 of America 95054 Mr. Michael Rydquist O Fujitsu Limited Fujitsu America, 7300 NE Evergreen Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 681-7300 Inc. Pkwy. Mr. Ed Bleichner O Fujitsu 3500 Parkway Lane, Atlanta, GA (404) 449-8539 Microelectronics Suite 210 Mr. Dan Landeck O Fujitsu 3545 N. First St. San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 562-1391 Microelectronics Ms. Nusra Lodhi O Fujitsu 3320 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA (408) 562-1463 Microelectronics 95054 Mr. John Reimer O Fujitsu 3545 N 1st St. San Jose, CA (408) 922-9390 Microelectronics 95134-1804 Mr. Jeff Gallup O Gallup and 2131 University Ave. Berkely, CA 96708 Associates Mr. Charles O Gould C.S.D. 6901 West Sunrise Ft. Lauderdale, FL Pheterson Blvd. 33313-4499 Mr. Bob Pentecost P Hewlett Packard Co. Disc Memory Div. 11413 Chinden Blvd, Boise, ID 83707 (208) 323-3312 MS 216 Mr. Kurt Chan A Hewlett Packard Co. 8000 Foothills Blvd. Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 785-5621 Mr. Dave McIntyre A Hewlett Packard Co. Disk Memory Div. 11413 Chinden, Boise, ID 83707 (208) 323-3003 MS-221 Mr. Pete Bramhall O Hewlett Packard Co. Filton Road Stoke Bristol BS12 6QZ England (0272) 799910 Gifford Mr. Joel Dunning O Hewlett Packard Co. 8000 Foothills Blvd. Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 786-8000 Mr. Greg Hite O Hewlett Packard Co. Disk Memory Div. POB 39, MS-213 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 323-3208 Ms. Elen Hunt O Hewlett Packard Co. 700 71st Ave. Greeley, CO 80634 (303) 350-4551 Mr. Don Loughry O Hewlett Packard Co. 11000 Wolf Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 257-7000 x2454 Mr. Fred Pramann O Hewlett Packard Co. 3000 Hanover St. P.O. Box 10301 Palo Alto, CA (415) 857-2048 94303-0890 Mr. Pat Walker O Hewlett Packard Co. Disc Memory Div. 11413 Chinden Blvd, Boise, ID 83707 (208) 323-2418 MS 219 Mr. Ray Calvin P Hirose Electric 9254 Deering Av. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 709-1247 U.S.A. Mr. Michael Kosmala A Hirose Electric 9254 Deering Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 709-1247 U.S.A. Mr. Toshiaki Kojima O Hitachi America, 950 Elm Ave. Suite San Bruno, CA 94066 (415) 872-1902 Ltd. 300 Mr. Kenji Nishimura O Hitachi America, 950 Elm Ave San Bruno, CA 94066 (415) 872-1902 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 7 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Ltd. Mr. Fielding S. Tabb O Hitachi Cable 900 Holt Ave. Manchester, NH 03103 (603) 669-4347 Manchester Mr. Sherman Black O Hitachi Computer P.O. Box 1203 Norman, OK (405) 360-5500 Products 73070-1203 Mr. Timothy D. Jones O Hitachi Computer 1800 E. Imhoff Rd. Norman, OK 73071 (405) 360-5500 Products Dr. Sam Karunanithi P Hitachi Micro 180 Rose Orchard Way San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 433-1990 Systems, Inc. Mr. David McFadden P Honda Connector % Mhotronics 444 Lake Cook Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015 (312) 945-5600 Suite 8 Mr. Hiroshi Minawa A Honda Connector % Mhotronics 444 Lake Cook Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015 (312) 945-5600 Suite 8 Mr. Kris Kowal P Honeywell Bull, Inc. 300 Concorde Rd. Billerica, MA 01821 (508) 671-3333 Mr. Andy Hospodor O I/O XEL 1556 Halford Ave. Santa Clara, CA (408) 296-5200 #316 95051 Mr. George Penokie P IBM Corp. Dept. 504 Bldg. 37st Highway 52 N. Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 253-5208 114-2 Mr. E. W. Calkins A IBM Corp. P44-097 5600 Cattle Rd. San Jose, CA 95193 (408) 284-7222 Mr. Greg Floryance A IBM Corp. Dpt. 3E2, Bldg. 37 St., Highway 52 Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 253-1869 114-2 Mr. Gerald Marazas A IBM Corp. Mail Stop 4633 P.O. Box 1328 Boca Raton, FL 33429 (305) 982-5972 Mr. Gary R. Stephens A IBM Corp. Dept 67E/060-1 9000 S. Rita Rd. Tucson, AZ 85744 (602) 799-2246 Mr. David A. Buesing O IBM Corp. 2F1/030-2 37th St. NW & Hwy 52 Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 253-9112 Mr. Tony Salthouse P ICL Wenlock Way West Gorton Manchester, UK 61-223 1301 M12 5DR Mr. R. Hallam A ICL Wenlock Way West Gorton Manchester, UK M12 5DR Mr. Gene Milligan P IMPRIMIS/CDC MS OKM 151 P. O. Box 12313 Oklahoma City, OK (405) 324-3070 73157 Mr. Gerald Houlder A IMPRIMIS/CDC Mail Station MTE43G 12501 Whitewater Dr. Minnetonka, MN 55343 (612) 936-6430 Ms. Sharon Staples O Info. Resource Ctr. Dept. 8Y21 P.O. Box 3511, Sta. Ottawa, Ontario K1Y C 4H7 Mr. Richard Coulson O Intel Corp. HF2-1-108 5200 Elam Young Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 681-5287 Pkwy. Mr. Dean Kinard O Intellistor 2120 Miller Dr. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-0697 Mr. Karl Wurstner P Intergraph Corp. M/S CR1105 1 Madison Industrial Huntsville, AL 35807 (205) 772-6732 Park Mr. Orrin Char A Intergraph Corp. 1 Madison Industrial Huntsville, AL 35807 (205) 772-6127 Park Mr. Ivan Cowie A Intergraph Corp. 1 Madison Industrial Huntsville, AL 35807 Park Mr. Steve Kappes P Interphase Corp. 2925 Merrell Rd. Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 350-9000 Mr. Craig Scott A Interphase Corp. 2925 Merrell Rd. Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 350-9000 Mr. Rick Donihoo O Interphase Corp. 2925 Merrell Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 350-9000 Mr. Bruce Brunette O Introl Corp. P.O. Box 64750 St. Paul, MN (612) 789-2421 55164-0750 x46 Mr. Eric J. P Iomega Corp. 1821 West 4000 South Roy, UT 84067 Bldg. # 6 (801) 778-1000 Halvorsen Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 8 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Geoff Barton A Iomega Corp. 1821 West 4000 South Roy, UT 84067 (801) 778-1000 Mr. Dave Goodman P ITT Cannon 10550 Talbert Fountain Valley, CA (714) 964-8320 92708 Mr. Cliff Kahn A ITT Cannon 10550 Talbert Fountain Valley, CA (714) 964-8274 92708 Mr. Ken Tsukinari A JAE 1901 E. Carnegie Santa Ana, CA (714) 250-8770 Av., Suite A 92705-5504 Mr. Y. Hayashida O JAE 1901 E. Carnegie Santa Ana, CA (714) 250-8770 Av., Suite A 92705-5504 Mr. Carl Salamon O JAE 1901 E. Carnegie Santa Ana, CA (714) 250-8770 Av., Suite A 92705-5504 Mr. D. Shaff O JAE 1901 E. Carnegie Santa Ana, CA (714) 250-8770 Av., Suite A 92705-5504 Mr. Jon Miller O JRM Consultants Inc P.O. Box 90310 Santa Barbara, CA (805) 564-3119 93190-0310 Mr. Tu Ton O Kennedy Company 1600 Shamrock Ave. Monrovia, CA 91016 (818) 303-8113 Mr. Erik Walberg O Konica Technology 777 N. Pastoria Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 773-9551 Corp. Mr. Alan Ebright P Laserdrive Ltd. 1101 Space Park Dr. Santa Clara, CA (408) 970-3600 95054 Mr. Brian Irvine A Laserdrive Ltd. 1101 Space Park Dr. Santa Clara, CA (408) 970-3600 95054 Mr. Paul Boulay A LMS-OSD 4425 ArrowsWest Dr. Colorado Springs, CO (719) 593-4323 80907 Mr. William Homans P LMS-TSD 2621 Van Buren Ave. Norristown, PA 19403 (215) 666-4764 Mr. Mason Chen O Longshine Electronic 6F No.245, Sec. 3 Roosevelt Rd. Taipei, Taiwan Co. R.O.C. Mr. Robert Bellino O Madison Cable Con. 125 Goddard Memorial Worchester, MA 01603 (617) 752-7320 Dr. Mr. Robert E. Smiley O MAI Basic Four 14101 Myford MD312 Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 730-2509 Mr. David F. Craft, O Masscomp 1 Technology Park Westford, MA 01886 Jr. Mr. Kris Swanson O Masscomp 1 Technology Park Westford, MA 01886 Mr. Anthony O Matsushita Tech. M/S 1F-1 One Panasonic Way Secaucus, NJ 07094 Jasionowski Center Mr. David Scheffey P Maxon Systems, Inc. 353 Vintage Park Foster City, CA (415) 377-0202 Dr., Suite B 94404 Mr. Swami Nathan A Maxon Systems, Inc. 353 Vintage Park Foster City, CA Dr., Suite B 94404 Mr. Bob Mortensen P Maxtor Corp. 211 River Oaks Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-4447 Mr. Dan Banerje A Maxtor Corp. 211 River Oaks Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-4452 Mr. Skip Jones A Maxtor Corp. 2811 Riachuelo San Clemente, CA (408) 432-3645 92672 Mr. Jonathan Hubert O Maxtor Corp. 211 Riveroaks Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-4686 Ms. Donna Pope O Maxtor Corp. 211 River Oaks Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-4455 Mr. John Hackmann O McDonnell Douglas 3320 Cedar Mtn Rd. Belleville, IL 62221 (314) 895-5296 Mr. Roger Barnes O Memorex Corp. -14-47 San Tomas at Central Santa Clara, CA (408) 987-0441 Expsy 95052 Mr. Bob Masterson P Methode Electronics, 2950 S. Jamaca, #100 Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 695-1333 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 9 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Inc. Mr. Hobie Weaver A Methode Electronics, 3125 Poplarwood Ct. PO Box 95073 Raleigh, NC 27625 (919) 878-0988 Inc. Mr. Dan Paplowski O Methode Electronics, 7444 West Wilson Av. Chicago, IL 60656 (312) 867-9600 Inc. Mr. Roger Corte O Metier Management 3 Foundation St. Ipswich IP41BG England Systems Mr. Stephen Cornaby P Micropolis Corp. 21211 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 718-7855 Mr. Paul Wassenberg A Micropolis Corp. 21211 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth, CA. (818) 709-3318 91311 Mr. Eric Yu O Microtek Lab. Inc. 16901 South Western Gardena, CA 90247 (213) 321-2121 Ave. Mr. Nick Livote O MILTOPE Corp. 1770 Walt Whitman Melville, NY 11747 (516) 756-7639 Rd. Mr. Michael Bryan P Miniscribe Corp. 1831 Lefthand Cr., Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-2186 B8-1 Mr. John Mangan A Miniscribe Corp. 1861 Lefthand Cir. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-2391 B11 Mr. Kim Ryal A Miniscribe Corp. 1831 Lefthand Cr. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-2733 Ms. Laura Shellhamer O Miniscribe Corp. 1831 Lefthand Cir. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 678-2506 B8-1 Mr. Daniel E. P Mitsubishi 991 Knox St. Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 515-3993 Moczarny Electronics Amer Mr. James Hamada A Mitsubishi 991 Knox St. Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 515-3993 Electronics Amer Mr. Toshio Hashimoto O Mitsubishi 991 Knox St. Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 515-3993 Electronics Amer Mr. Randy Lovelady P Molex Inc. 2222 Wellington Ct. Lisle, IL 60532 (312) 969-4550 Mr. Irv Triner A Molex Inc. 2222 Wellington Ct. Lisle, IL 60532 (312) 969-4550 Mr. Bill Bamford O Molex Inc. 2222 Wellington Ct. Lisle, IL 60532 (312) 969-4550 Mr. Ivor Redmonde O Molex International 2222 Wellington Lisle, IL 60521 Inc. Court Mr. Brian Wolf O Motorola 6501 Wm. Cannon Austin, TX Drive West 78735-8598 Mr. Cousy Maher O Motorola Micro Mail Drop DW220 2900 S. Diablo Way Tempe, AZ 85282 (602) 438-3286 Systems Mr. Paul Rosen O Motorola Micro 2900 S. Diablo Way Tempe, AZ 85282 (602) 438-3150 Systems Mr. Ed Perry O Mountain Computer 300 El Pueblo Rd. Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Mr. William E. Burr P Nat. Inst. of Stnds. Room A-216, Bldg. Gaithersburg, MD (301) 975-2914 & Tech. 225 20899 Mr. Liu Zuqiu A Nat. Inst. of Stnds. Room A-216, Bldg. Gaithersburg, MD (301) 975-2914 & Tech. 225 20899 Mr. James Schuessler P National POB 58090, M/S 2900 Semiconductor Santa Clara, CA (408) 721-6802 Semiconductor D-3969 Dr. 95052-8090 Mr. Jim Johnston A National POB 58090, M/S 3969 2900 Semiconductor Santa Clara, CA (408) 721-4822 Semiconductor Dr. 95052-8090 Mr. Gilbert Green O NCAR 1850 Table Mesa Dr. Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-1270 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 10 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Aki Komatzuzaki O NCL America 1221 Innsbruck Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (408) 734-1006 Mr. Frank Krulc O NCL America 1221 Innsbruck Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (408) 734-1006 Mr. John Lohmeyer P NCR Corp. 3718 N. Rock Rd. Wichita, KS 67226 (316) 636-8703 Mr. Marty Francis A NCR Corp. 3718 N. Rock Rd. Wichita, KS 67226 (316) 636-8000 Mr. Fred F. Meadows A NCR Corp. 16550 W. Bernardo San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 485-3228 Dr. Mr. Harry Mason O NCR Corp. 1635 Aeroplaza Col. Springs, CO (303) 596-5794 80916 x224 Mr. Jurgen Thiemann O NEC Deutschland GmbH Kronstadter Strasse 8000 Munchen 80 West Germany 30 Mr. Bruce Anderson P NEC I.S. 155 Swanson Rd. Boxborough, MA 01719 (508) 653-4721 Mr. Dennis R. Powell A NEC I.S. 155 Swanson Rd. Boxborough, MA 01719 (508) 635-4713 Mr. John Zilinski A NEC I.S. 110 Rio Robles San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 433-1390 Ms. Joan French O NEC Systems 1414 Massachutsetts Boxborough, MA 01719 (508) 262-2627 Laboratory Ave. Mr. Ken Drewlo O Network Systems 7600 Boone Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN (612) 424-4888 55428 Mr. Paul K. O Nissei Sangyo 460 E. Middlefield Mt. View, CA 94043 (415) 969-1100 Garretson (Hitachi) Rd. Mr. Nobby Yawata O Nissho Electronics Inwood Park, Suite 17310 Red Hill Ave. Irvine, Ca 92714 (714) 261-8811 (USA) 200 Mr. Prentiss Smith O Nissho Iwai American Corp. 700 S. Floer St. Los Angeles, CA (213) 688-1120 90017 Mr. Paul Clement O North Atlantic 35 South St. (Area Hopkinton, MA 01748 (617) 435-9011 Industries E-1) Mr. Ron Sulyma O North Atlantic 60 Plant Ave. Hauppauge, NY 11788 (516) 582-6500 Industries Mr. David Filpus P Northern Telecom, Memory Systems 100 Phoenix Dr., POB Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 973-4848 Inc. Division D Mr. Frank Haas A Northern Telecom, Memory Systems 100 Phoenix Dr., POB Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 973-4000 Inc. Division D Mr. Jeffry G. Shaw O Oaktree Systems P.O. Box 32250 San Jose, CA 95152 (408) 258-4059 Mr. David Huminski O OKIDATA 532 Fellowship Rd. Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 (609) 235-2600 Mr. Dennis P. P Olivetti 20300 Steven Creek Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-3867 Trupski Blvd. Mr. Roberto Salgari A Olivetti 20300 Steven Creek Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-3867 Blvd. Mr. Wayne Baldwin O Olivetti 20300 Stevens Creek Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-3867 Blvd. Mr. Jim Harper P Optotech, Inc. 740-770 Wooten Rd. Colorado Springs, CO (719) 570-7500 80915 Mr. Paul Nitza P OTL Engineering 15665 Williams #57 Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 542-1233 Mr. Thomas Steury O Pacific Electro Data 14 Hughes, Suite Irvine, CA 91718 (714) 770-3244 Inc. B205 Mr. Stephen S. O Palantir Corp. 2455 Augustine Dr. Santa Clara, CA (408) 986-8006 Francis 95054 Mr. Charles Yang P Panasonic Industrial 1600 McCandless Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-2200 Co. Mr. Steve A Panasonic Industrial One Panasonic Way Secaucus, NJ 07094 (201) 348-7000 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 11 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Heissenbuttel Co. Mr. Hitoshi Watanabe O Panasonic Industrial 1600 McCandless Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-2200 Co. Mr. Ed Cieniawa P Panduit Corp. 412 Rockwell Ct. BurrRidge, IL 60521 (312) 887-1000 Mr. Robert Bender O Pentax Teknologies 880 Interlocken Pkwy Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 460-1600 Mr. Bill Bunker O Pentax Teknologies 880 Interlocken Pkwy Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 460-1600 Mr. Gene Johnson O Pentax Teknologies 880 Interlocken Pkwy Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 460-1607 Mr. Mark Koch O Pentax Teknologies 880 Interlocken Pkwy Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 460-1607 Mr. John J. Grana O Performance 435 W. Commercial E. Rochester, NY (716) 586-6727 Technologies, Inc St. 14445 Mr. David Thomas P Peripheral 685 East Cochran St. Simi Valley, CA (805) 581-1000 Technology Inc. 93065 Mr. Bert Gall O Philips Subsystems Bldg 2, Suite 401 1111 Northshore Dr. Knoxville, TN 37919 (615) 558-5110 Mr. Ken Darian O Phillips 100 E. 42nd St. New York, NY 10017 (212) 850-5588 Mr. Barry Mallett O Plessey Microsystems Water Lane, Northants England NN12 7JN (0327) 50312 Ltd. Towcester, x2294 Mr. John Blagaila O Prairie Tek 10133 North 75th Longmont, CO 80501 Street Mr. Robert Metz O PrairieTek Corp. 10133 N. 75th St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 443-3788 Mr. James A. P Priam Corp. 20 West Montague San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 434-9300 Whitworth Expwy Mr. Mike Buckert A Priam Corp. 20 West Montague San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 434-9300 Expwy Mr. Michael P Prime Computer, Inc. 500 Old Connecticut Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 879-2960 Fitzpatrick Path Mr. James McGrath P Quantum Corp. 1804 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 432-1100 Mr. Tony Lo A Quantum Corp. 1804 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 432-1100 Mr. Tom Mager O Quantum Corp. 1804 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 432-1100 Mr. Glen Nance O Quantum Corp. 1804 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Mr. E. Slater O R&D Information Maylands Av., Hemel Herts HP2 7DF Technology Plc. Hempstead England Mr. John Fobel O Rancho Technology, 8632 Archibald Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA (714) 987-3966 Inc. Suite 109 91730 Dr. Tetsuro Motoyoma P Ricoh Corporation 1321 Ridder Park San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 432-8800 Drive Mr. Dave Koger A Ricoh Corporation 1321 Ridder Park San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 432-8800 Drive Mr. Ben Mattox O Robinson Nugent 800 E. 8th St. New Albany, IN 47136 (812) 945-0211 Mr. David Ruxton O RODIME LTD Southfield Glenrothes, Scotland 44(592)774704 Mr. Robert Wachob O Rogers Corp One Technology Dr. Rogers, CT 06263 (203) 774-9605 Mr. Dexter Anderson P Scientific Micro 339 N. Bernardo Ave. P. O. Box 7777 Mtn View, CA 94039 (415) 962-5457 Systems Mr. Mark Sherwood A Scientific Micro 339 N. Bernardo Ave. P.O. Box 7777 Mountain View, CA (415) 962-5461 Systems 94039 Mr. Philip O'Leary O Scientific Micro 339 N. Bernardo Ave. Mountain View, CA (415) 964-5700 Systems 94039 Mr. D. Michael P Seagate Technology 920 Disc Drive Scotts Valley, CA (408) 438-6550 Robinson 95066 x4055 Mr. Dhisw Dera A Seagate Technology 920 Disc Drive Scotts Valley, CA (408) 439-4060 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 12 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- 95066 Mr. Mike Eneboe A Seagate Technology 920 Disc Dr. Scotts Valley, CA (408) 439-2406 95066 Mr. Carter O'Brien A Seagate Technology 920 Disc Drive Scotts Valley, CA (408) 438-6550 95066 Mr. Charles M. A Seagate Technology 920 Disc Drive Scotts Valley, CA (408) 438-6550 Schroter 95066 Mr. William K. L Secretary, IT8 NPES Inc. 1899 Preston White Reston, VA 22091 (703) 264-7200 Smythe Committee Drive Mr. K. Ota O Seiko Epson Corp., Suwaminami Factory 1010 Fujimi-Machi, Nagano-Ken, Japan 2L Group Suwa-Gun Mr. Norm Ream O Self 511 Avenida San Juan San Clemente, CA (714) 492-2438 E. 92672 Mr. Roger Shelton O SEQUENT Computer 15450 SW Koll Beaverton, OR (503) 627-9818 Systems Parkway 97006-6063 Mr. Dean Konell P Siemens Info. 1077 Business Center Newbury Park, CA (805) 375-2520 Systems, Inc. Circle 91320 Mr. Cornelius van O Siemens, St. Martin-Strasse D8000 Munich 80 West Germany 01149-81-2172- der Sel Communication Group 76 4735 Mr. Mike Holt O Silicon Systems 14351 Myford Road Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 731-7110 Mr. Aziz Makhani O Silicon Systems 14351 Myford Road Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 731-7110 x3462 Mr. Lawrence J. P Sony Corp. of 655 River Oaks San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-0190 Lamers America Parkway Mr. Masayuki A Sony Corp. of 655 River Oaks San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 432-0190 Yokoyama America Parkway Mr. David Cragg O Standard Micro 35 Marcus Blvd. Hauppauge, NY 11788 (516) 273-3100 Systems Mr. Ron Ethe O Standard Micro 35 Marcus Blvd. Hauppauge, NY 11788 (516) 273-3100 Systems Mr. David Jabs O Stellar Computer 95 Wells Ave. Newton, MA 02159 (617) 974-1000 Inc. Mr. David A. Hatch P Stewart Connector 13 Pleasant St. Sherborn, MA 01770 (508) 655-1193 Systems Mr. Terry Meighen A Stewart Connector 203 Monomoscoy Rd. Mashpee, MA 02649 (617) 477-4403 Systems Mr. Dennis Appleyard P Storage Technology Mail Drop 4271 2270 South 88th St. Louisville, CO (303) 673-6685 Corp. 80028-4271 Mr. Don McCarthy A Storage Technology Mail Drop 4271 2270 South 88th St. Louisville, CO (303) 673-6417 Corp. 80028-4271 Mr. Steve Kohalmi O Stratus Computer 55 Fairbanks Blvd. Marlboro, MA 01752 (508) 460-2853 Mr. Curtis A. P Sun Microsystems, 2550 Garcia Ave. Mountain View, CA (415) 336-2226 Ridgeway Inc. 94043 Mr. Paul Rikkonen A Sun Microsystems, Two Federal Street Billerica, MA 01821 (617) 667-0010 Inc. Mr. Vit Novak O Sun Microsystems, 2550 Garcia Ave. Mountain View, CA (415) 336-2455 Inc. 94043 Mr. Steve Tsai O Sun Microsystems, 2550 Garcia Ave. Mail Stop A5-41 Mountain View, CA (415) 691-2274 Inc. 94043 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 13 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Owen Gehlert O Supertek Computers, 5150 Great America Santa Clara, CA Inc. Pkwy. 95054 Mr. Norman Morse O SyQuest Technology 47923 Warm Springs Freemont, CA 94539 (415) 490-7511 Blvd. Mr. Joe J. Huang O Sysgen, Inc. 556 Gibraltar Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 263-4411 Mr. Dave Allan O Tallgrass 11100 W. 82nd St. Overland Pk., KS Technologies 66214 Mr. Frank Hannon O Tandem Computer Inc. Location 100-03 10555 Ridgeview Ct. Cuppertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-6635 Mr. Satish Shah O Tandem Computer Inc. Location 100-03 10555 Ridgeview Ct. Cuppertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-6516 Mr. Jim Smith O Tandem Computer Inc. 10555 Ridgeview Ct., Cupertino, CA 100-03 95014-0789 Mr. Tom Gardner P Technology Forums, 14469 Manuella Los Altos, CA 94022 (415) 941-5324 Ltd. Mr. Ned N. Mayrath O Telex Computer 6422 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 628-2370 Products Mr. Gene Abel O TelTec, Inc. 7890 12th Avenue Minneapolis, MN (612) 854-9177 South 55425 Mr. Len Chansky O Terminal Data Corp. 2800 N. Madgra Rd. Simi Valley, CA (805) 529-1500 93065 x308 Mr. D. W. Spence P Texas Instruments Data Systems POB 2909, MS 2091 Austin, TX 78769 (512) 250-6627 Division Mr. Steven A. A Texas Instruments P.O. Box 2909, M/S Austin, TX 78769 (512) 250-7561 Justiss 2091 Mr. Jerry Laws O Texas Instruments Mail Stop 2091 P.O. Box 2909 Austin, TX 78769 Mr. Clarence Lewis O Texas Instruments 8390 LBJ Freeway P.O. Box 655303 M/S Dallas, TX 75265 (214) 997-3396 8209 Mr. Edward R. O Texas Instruments 8390 LBJ Freeway P.O. Box 655303 M/S Dallas, TX 75265 Schurig 8209 Mr. Skip Strang O Texas Instruments P. O. Box 655474 M/S 8209 Dallas, TX 75265 (214) 997-3394 Mr. Harvey P Thomas & Betts 1001 Frontier Road Bridgewater, NJ (201) 707-2666 Waltersdorf 08807 Mr. Keith Bean A Thomas & Betts 1001 Frontier Rd. Bridgewater, NJ (201) 685-1600 08807 Mr. Paul Phillips O Thomas & Betts 1001 Frontier Road Bridgewater, NJ (201) 685-1600 08807 Mr. Harvey Altman O Thorn EMI Technology 8601 Dunwoody Pl. Atlanta, GA 30307 (404) 587-0017 Mr. Allan Bradley O Tolerant Systems 81 East Daggett San Jose, CA 95134 Drive Mr. Hidenori Shinoda O Toshiba America, 375 Park Ave., Suite New York, NY 10152 Inc. 1705 Mr. Tom Duffy O Tropion Inc. 185 Rt. 34 PO Box 995 Matawan, NJ 07747 (201) 290-0080 Mr. Al Crowell O U. S. Design 5100 Philadelphia Lanham, MD 20706 (301) 577-2880 Way Mr. Peter Dougherty P UNISYS San Tomas & Central MS 12-35 Santa Clara, CA (408) 987-2214 Exprwy 95052 Mr. Floyd Ross A UNISYS P.O. Box 1874 Southeastern, PA (215) 341-1542 19398 Mr. Robert L. Bergey O UNISYS 2300 Central Santa Clara, CA Expressway 95052 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison 1988 X3T9.2 Membership Summary sorted by Organization Page 14 Name S Organization Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone -------------------- - -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Mr. Andrew Carroll O UNISYS Tredyffrin LSG P.O. Box 203 Paoli, PA 19301 RML252 Mr. Ernie Derkas O UNISYS 2476 Swedesford Rd. Paoli, PA 19301 (215) 648-4246 Mr. Marshall Downes O UNISYS 2476 Swedesford Rd. Paoli, PA 19301 (215) 648-4469 Mr. William G. Klehm O UNISYS Burroughs Pl. Detroit, MI 48232 (313) 972-7932 Mr. Rama Voddi O UNISYS P. O. Box 1874 Southeastern, PA (215) 341-4430 19398 Mr. Lou Edwards O Verbatim 435 Indio Way Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 773-3861 Mr. Rod Kirk O Verbatim Corp. 445 Indio Way Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 773-5768 Mr. Louis H. Sharpe O Vidar Systems Corp. 520 Herndon Pkwy. Herndon, VA 22070 (703) 471-7070 Mr. Karl Kwiat P Viking Connectors 21001 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 341-4330 Mr. Peter Kurbikoff A Viking Connectors 21001 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 341-4330 Mr. Ken Bledden O Vodavi Technologies 8300 Raintree Scotsdale, AZ 85260 Ms. Darlene Dubois O Wang Laboratories Corporate Accounts One Executive Dr., Chelmsford,MA 01824 Payable MS 056-11A Mr. John Frissell O Wang Laboratories Mail Stop 1429 1 Industrial Ave. Lowell, MA 01852 (602) 437-9035 Mr. David Griffith O Wang Laboratories Mail Stop 014-490 1 Industrial Ave. Lowell, MA 01852 (508) 967-2265 Mr. Lou Domshy O WangDAT 3001 Redhill Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 241-9613 4-222 Mr. Andy Millerd O Wangdat 3001 Redhill Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 4-222 Mr. Kenji Eigner O Wangtek 41 Moreland Rd. Simi Valley, CA (805) 583-5255 93065 Mr. Fred Richardson O Wangtek 41 Moreland Rd. Simi Valley, CA (805) 583-5255 93065 Mr. Carl Warren L Warren Group 2980 W. 235th Apt 12 Torrance, CA 90505 (213) 530-6097 Mr. Jeff Stai P Western Digital 2445 McCabe Way Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 474-2033 x7137 Mr. Anil Gupta A Western Digital 2445 McCabe Way Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 474-2033 x3126 Mr. Martin Pullam P Winchester 400 Park Road Watertown, CT 06795 (203) 274-8891 Electronics x366 Mr. M. Perugini A Winchester 400 Park Road Watertown, CT 06795 (203) 274-8891 Electronics Ms. Lina Strahle O Xylogics, Inc. 53 Third Ave. Burlington, MA (617) 272-8140 Mr. George W. O Zeissner Engineering 8728 Frazer River Fountain Valley, CA Zeissner Circle 92708 Status: P-Principal, A-Alternate, O-Observer, L-Liaison Final 1988 X3T9.2 Document Register Document Ent Date Doc Date Author Description of Document ------------------- -------- -------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ X3T9.2/88-1 1/17/88 1/6/88 J. Stai UPDATE BLOCK modifications X3T9.2/88-2 1/17/88 1/6/88 J. Stai SEARCH command modifications X3T9.2/88-3 1/17/88 1/4/88 J. McGrath Questions concerning section 5 of SCSI-2 Rev 3 X3T9.2/88-4 1/17/88 1/7/88 P. Johansson Management of the "Grown" Defect List X3T9.2/88-5 1/17/88 1/7/88 J. Stai CHANGE DEFINITION/INQUIRY modifications X3T9.2/88-6 Rev 2 1/17/88 7/11/88 J. McGrath LOG SELECT and LOG SENSE commands X3T9.2/88-7 1/17/88 11/25/87 P. Boulay Relative Address Bit Unnecessarily Restricted?? X3T9.2/88-8 1/17/88 5/14/86 B. Snively SET THRESHOLD and READ/RESET USAGE COUNTER commands X3T9.2/88-9 Rev 1 1/17/88 3/3/88 D. Anderson Target message response clarification X3T9.2/88-10 1/17/88 1/11/88 J. Stai March Working Group Meeting Announcement X3T9.2/88-11 1/18/88 1/18/88 L. Lamers SCSI-2 Working Group meeting minutes - San Jose X3T9.2/88-12 1/20/88 1/19/88 J. Farnsworth Request for Clarification of FORMAT UNIT command X3T9.2/88-13 1/20/88 1/15/88 B. Driscoll ltr to Scanner group warning of potential changes X3T9.2/88-14 1/27/88 1/20/88 W. Smythe ltr, Smythe to Lohmeyer, regarding IT8 liaison with X3T9.2 X3T9.2/88-15 1/28/88 1/28/88 D. Davies PF bit Requirement in MODE SENSE X3T9.2/88-16 1/28/88 1/28/88 D. Davies Autosense Protocol X3T9.2/88-17 Rev 1 2/2/88 2/8/88 J. Lohmeyer X3T9.2 1987 Annual Report X3T9.2/88-18 2/3/88 2/2/88 B. Spence Follow-up report on study of miniature shielded connectors X3T9.2/88-19 2/15/88 2/8/88 G. Houlder May 9-11 Working Group Meeting Announcement X3T9.2/88-20 Rev 1 2/16/88 4/25/88 J. Lohmeyer X3T9.2 Meeting #74 Minutes -- February 22-23, 1988 X3T9.2/88-21 2/24/88 2/18/88 D. Appleyard WRITE Command for Sequential Access Devices X3T9.2/88-22 2/24/88 2/18/88 D. Appleyard RECOVER BUFFERED DATA Command for Sequential Access Devices X3T9.2/88-23 2/24/88 2/19/88 B. Snively Consideration of phase definitions X3T9.2/88-24 2/24/88 2/22/88 D. McIntyre Unimplemented Page Request Response X3T9.2/88-25 Rev 1 2/24/88 3/9/88 B. Mortensen Rotational Position Locking X3T9.2/88-26 2/24/88 2/24/88 G. Houlder UNIT ATTENTION rewording to include new attentions X3T9.2/88-27 2/24/88 2/24/88 G. Houlder MODE SELECT rewording on saving pages and non-changeable parameters X3T9.2/88-28 3/2/88 3/1/88 J. McGrath Proposed wording for new Unit Attention Conditions X3T9.2/88-29 3/8/88 3/7/88 P. Boulay REQUEST SENSE Clarification X3T9.2/88-30 Rev 1 3/8/88 4/23/88 J.McGrath Proposed Definition of Caching X3T9.2/88-31 3/14/88 3/14/88 Lamers,Stai,Loh Newport Beach Working Group Minutes meyer X3T9.2/88-32 Rev 1 3/15/88 5/12/88 J. Lohmeyer Additional Sense Code Spreadsheet X3T9.2/88-33 3/18/88 2/22/88 C. Brill AMP statement concerning patents on the Amplimite .050 Series connector X3T9.2/88-34 3/21/88 3/16/88 M. Raskin ltr, Stewart to AMP, saying high-density connector infringes patents X3T9.2/88-35 3/21/88 M. Pullam ltr regarding JAE compatibility with SCSI-2 high-density connector X3T9.2/88-36 3/21/88 3/16/88 D. McFadden ltr enclosing Honda connector drawings for SCSI-2 high-density connectr X3T9.2/88-37 4/12/88 4/18/88 B. Spence Synchronous ACK Edge Proposal X3T9.2/88-38 4/12/88 4/23/88 J. McGrath Rev 4 Issues - Sections 7 and 8 X3T9.2/88-39 4/18/88 4/18/88 B. Weber Proposed clarification to ESDI X3T9.2/88-40 4/18/88 Lohmeyer/Lamers X3T9.2 Meeting #75 Minutes -- April 25-26, 1988 X3T9.2/88-41 4/21/88 4/25/88 D. Davies READ SILI Implementation Requirement X3T9.2/88-42 4/21/88 D. Davies Sequential-Access Device Initialization Procedure X3T9.2/88-43 4/21/88 D. Davies MODE SELECT Clarification X3T9.2/88-44 4/24/88 4/25/88 P. Boulay WORM Device Specific MODE SELECT Page X3T9.2/88-45 4/26/88 4/22/88 D. Smith Alleged Patent Infringement Final 1988 X3T9.2 Document Register Document Ent Date Doc Date Author Description of Document ------------------- -------- -------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ X3T9.2/88-46 4/26/88 4/22/88 R. Liu MODE SELECT/SENSE Cache Control Page X3T9.2/88-47 4/26/88 4/22/88 R. Schlitzkus FORMAT TRACK Command for Floppy Disk Drives X3T9.2/88-48 Rev 1 4/26/88 6/16/88 J. Morse SCSI-2 Pinouts for Low and High Density Cables X3T9.2/88-49 Rev 2 4/26/88 5/13/88 J. McGrath Proposed Read Caching Page X3T9.2/88-50 5/10/88 5/11/88 J. Lohmeyer Minneapolis Working Group Meeting Minutes X3T9.2/88-51 5/10/88 4/29/88 D. Allan SCSI Gender-Mender X3T9.2/88-52 5/10/88 5/4/88 C. Hess Density Code for Helical Scan Digital Recording Devices X3T9.2/88-53 5/10/88 5/8/88 B. Spence READ LOG/ACCESS LOG/LOG SENSE/SELECT Pages X3T9.2/88-54 Rev 1 5/10/88 7/6/88 J. McGrath August 29-31 Working Group meeting Announcement (Revised) X3T9.2/88-55 5/10/88 5/9/88 J. McGrath Advisory vs. Mandatory Bit in the Proposed Read Caching Page X3T9.2/88-56 5/10/88 5/9/88 D. McIntyre July 11-13 Working Group Meeting Announcement X3T9.2/88-57 5/11/88 5/15/88 J. McGrath Handling Illegal Pages in MODE SELECT/SENSE Commands X3T9.2/88-58 5/13/88 5/5/88 M. Raskin Ltr., Raskin to AMP, Inc., requesting drawings and samples X3T9.2/88-59 Rev 1 5/13/88 5/26/88 J. Lohmeyer SDTR wording revisited (again and again) (and again) X3T9.2/88-60 5/13/88 5/13/88 J. Lohmeyer Active Termination for Differential B Cables X3T9.2/88-61 5/16/88 5/16/88 J. Lohmeyer Registration Authority for SCSI-2 and ESDI X3T9.2/88-62 5/16/88 5/11/88 Allan, Ullal, Fiber Working Group Meeting Announcement Polster X3T9.2/88-63 5/18/88 6/16/88 J. Stai SCSI Additional Sense Codes for Processor Devices X3T9.2/88-64 Rev 1 5/18/88 10/21/88 J. Stai Proposed Model for Processor Devices X3T9.2/88-65 Rev 3 6/17/88 10/10/88 P. Boulay Asynchronous Event Notification Revision X3T9.2/88-66 6/17/88 6/21/88 Lohmeyer/ X3T9.2 Meeting #76 Minutes -- June 20-21, 1988 Lamers X3T9.2/88-67 6/17/88 6/13/88 D. Hatch Proposal to add Stewart/Viking connector to SCSI-2 as Alternative #1 X3T9.2/88-68 6/22/88 6/17/88 C. Brill Alleged Patent Infringement X3T9.2/88-69 Rev 2 6/22/88 8/29/88 G. Marazas Physical Architecture -- SCSI-2 Interface X3T9.2/88-70 6/22/88 6/17/88 Anderson/ Additional Sense Qualifier Codes DeYoung X3T9.2/88-71 6/30/88 6/28/88 D. Allan Comments on the IBM 60-pin proposal X3T9.2/88-72 7/6/88 7/13/88 Lohmeyer/ Boise Working Group Meeting Minutes Lamers X3T9.2/88-73 7/6/88 6/30/88 D. Allan Revised ESDI Vendor Codes X3T9.2/88-74 7/6/88 7/1/88 D. Allan Correction to ESDI Spindle Motor Control Option X3T9.2/88-75 7/6/88 6/17/88 R. Cummings Fiber Optic Study Group Minutes X3T9.2/88-76 7/6/88 7/6/88 F. Tabb Preliminary test results on 28 AWG .025 center line cable X3T9.2/88-77 7/7/88 7/7/88 J. Morse Definition of OPEN pins in SCSI-2 Cables X3T9.2/88-78 7/7/88 7/11/88 J. Schuessler Update to EDSI read-delay spec. (Proposing 12 bits instead of 9 bits) X3T9.2/88-79 7/12/88 7/7/88 B. Snively Review of SCSI-2 Rev 4 X3T9.2/88-80 Rev 2 7/12/88 8/29/88 G. Marazas SCSI Device Connector Layout X3T9.2/88-81 Rev 1 7/13/88 7/24/88 B. Spence LOG SELECT/SENSE Pages X3T9.2/88-82 7/13/88 7/12/88 S. Goldman Sense Key - ASC - ASCQ Hierarchy X3T9.2/88-83 7/16/88 6/30/88 F. Berkowitz Re: IBM 60 Pin SCSI Proposal X3T9.2/88-84 7/16/88 7/6/88 D. McDonald Re: Physical Architecture Proposal X3T9.2/88-85 7/16/88 D. Barnum 60 Position Connector Proposal, SCSI-2 X3T9.2/88-86 7/16/88 6/30/88 J. Stai Vendor ID Code for ESDI X3T9.2/88-87 7/18/88 7/18/88 J. Morse TERMPWR Requirements for SCSI-2 X3T9.2/88-88 7/19/88 7/18/88 J. McGrath Changing SCSI IDs from unique configuration X3T9.2/88-89 7/19/88 T. Wicklund Comments on ESDI standard X3T9.2/87-105 Rev 2.A Final 1988 X3T9.2 Document Register Document Ent Date Doc Date Author Description of Document ------------------- -------- -------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ X3T9.2/88-90 8/1/88 7/27/88 B. Driscoll SCSI Additional Sense Codes X3T9.2/88-91 8/8/88 8/8/88 J. Lohmeyer Normalizing Wide Negotiation with Synchronous Negotiation X3T9.2/88-92 8/8/88 8/12/88 P. Nitza Auto Bus Configuration Proposal X3T9.2/88-93 8/9/88 8/9/88 G. Penokie SCSI-2 Proposal for Non-data Errors X3T9.2/88-94 8/10/88 8/12/88 R. Kato Changes to Medium Changer Command Set X3T9.2/88-95 Rev 1 8/12/88 9/30/88 B. Pentecost LOG SELECT and LOG SENSE commands for Large Logs X3T9.2/88-96 8/12/88 8/16/88 Lohmeyer/ X3T9.2 Meeting #77 Minutes -- August 15-16, 1988 Lamers X3T9.2/88-97 8/17/88 8/2/88 D. Allan Comments on Autoconfiguration X3T9.2/88-98 8/17/88 8/5/88 D. Allan Comment on single-ended signals from Electronic Design Magazine X3T9.2/88-99 8/17/88 8/15/88 Lamers / Auto-configuration SSWG Minutes August 15, 1988 Lohmeyer X3T9.2/88-100 8/17/88 8/12/88 J. McGrath Changing SCSI IDs from non-unique ID configurations X3T9.2/88-101 8/17/88 8/15/88 D. Barnum Burndy proposal for a Microshield (tm) Interconnection System X3T9.2/88-102 8/23/88 8/18/88 D. Allan Ltr. to W. Rinehuls regarding his ESDI Comment X3T9.2/88-103 Rev 2 9/2/88 D. Davies Generic Error Recovery Mode Page X3T9.2/88-104 9/2/88 8/29/88 A. Hospodor Reporting Disk Rotation Speed X3T9.2/88-105 9/2/88 8/29/88 G. Fry Direct-Access Device Model X3T9.2/88-106 9/2/88 5/24/88 J. Schuessler Electrical Test Results X3T9.2/88-107 Rev 1 9/2/88 10/3/88 B. Homans Hierarchical Filemarks (Setmarks) X3T9.2/88-108 Rev 2 9/2/88 10/16/88 R. Snively B Cable Data Transfer Requirements X3T9.2/88-109 Rev 1 9/2/88 9/8/88 L. Lamers San Jose Working Group Minutes X3T9.2/88-110 9/2/88 8/25/88 D. Allan ltr. to William Rinehuls regarding differences in ESDI document X3T9.2/88-111 9/6/88 9/2/88 D. Hatch Proposal to use the "DAISY-GEN" connector as the SCSI-2 internal cntr. X3T9.2/88-112 9/6/88 8/15/88 R. Cummings Highlights of 2nd Fiber Optic Study Group Meeting X3T9.2/88-113 9/7/88 9/7/88 Wicklund & Proposal to clean up ESDI timing parameters Weber X3T9.2/88-114 9/8/88 T. Wicklund Comments on SCSI-2, Revision 5 document X3T9.2/88-115 9/21/88 J. McGrath SCSI-2 Implications for SCSI-3 Reconfiguration X3T9.2/88-116 9/26/88 J. Stai Disable function for "IGNORE WIDE RESIDUE" message X3T9.2/88-117 9/26/88 J. Stai Comments on the Stewart Stamping Connector Proposal X3T9.2/88-118 9/27/88 9/27/88 J. Lohmeyer Interpretation of the Connector Standing Rules X3T9.2/88-119 9/28/88 9/29/88 B. Weber NCR Public Review comment on dpANS BSR X3.170-198X (ESDI 2.A) X3T9.2/88-120 9/29/88 10/9/88 B. Spence Data Pointer X3T9.2/88-121 10/13/88 10/10/88 P. Boulay Disconnect Control via Mode Select X3T9.2/88-122 10/13/88 9/20/88 S. Jones Change Definition vs. Inquiry Inconsistency X3T9.2/88-123 10/13/88 9/30/88 D. Allan Common Access Method Committee X3T9.2/88-124 10/13/88 10/6/88 S. Cornaby Progress Reporting X3T9.2/88-125 10/13/88 10/8/88 B. Spence Notice re the November X3T9.2 Working Group Meeting X3T9.2/88-126 10/13/88 10/5/88 T. Wicklund Comments on SCSI-2, Revision 5 document X3T9.2/88-127 10/13/88 10/10/88 G. Penokie Error Handling Action Codes X3T9.2/88-128 10/13/88 10/10/88 D. Hatch Stewart Connector presentation X3T9.2/88-129 10/13/88 9/30/88 R. Cummings Fiber Optic Study Group minutes (Aug & Sep) plus mailing list X3T9.2/88-130 Rev 1 10/13/88 10/31/88 Lamers/ X3T9.2 Meeting #78 Minutes -- October 10-11, 1988 Lohmeyer X3T9.2/88-131 10/13/88 10/10/88 J. Lohmeyer Resolution of the ESDI Public Review Comments X3T9.2/88-132 Rev 1 10/13/88 10/11/88 B. Pentecost Parameter Pointer for Log Sense Command X3T9.2/88-133 10/13/88 E. Reyner Single-ended Signal Simulation Results X3T9.2/88-134 10/13/88 B. Whiteman SCSI-2 Daisy Chain Cabling Comparisons Final 1988 X3T9.2 Document Register Document Ent Date Doc Date Author Description of Document ------------------- -------- -------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ X3T9.2/88-135 10/19/88 10/14/88 T. Wicklund SCSI-2 Command Cross Reference X3T9.2/88-136 10/19/88 D. Hatch Stewart Stamping Connector Presentation October 1988 X3T9.2/88-137 10/20/88 10/20/88 W. Smythe Request to include reference to IT8 project in SCSI-2 appendix X3T9.2/88-138 10/24/88 10/20/88 J. Semenak SCSI-2 Revision 5, Section 9 comments X3T9.2/88-139 10/24/88 W. Burr A Rotating Direct Access Storage Functional Reference Model X3T9.2/88-140 10/25/88 10/25/88 P. Michels Communications Device Model X3T9.2/88-141 10/25/88 10/18/88 D. Hatch Request to Present data on two-layer cable at December meeting X3T9.2/88-142 10/26/88 10/26/88 C. Mollard Single Ended Termination for SCSI-2 X3T9.2/88-143 11/1/88 B. Pentecost Comments on SCSI-2 Rev 5 X3T9.2/88-144 Rev 1 11/3/88 12/5/88 P. Boulay Discussion of the C. Mollard termination scheme X3T9.2/88-145 Rev 1 11/9/88 11/29/88 J. Lawlor Power-on and Reset Response. X3T9.2/88-146 11/9/88 10/24/88 P. Bramhall SCSI-2 Chapter 9 and DDS-Format Helical Scan Tape Drives X3T9.2/88-147 11/9/88 11/4/88 Maurer, Kodama, SCSI Bus Transmission Line Analysis & Muething X3T9.2/88-148 11/9/88 11/4/88 D. Allan SCSI-2 CAM Committee minutes of 10/19/88 meeting X3T9.2/88-149 11/9/88 11/4/88 M. Aarons General Problems with Specification Implementation X3T9.2/88-150 11/9/88 11/7/88 K. Chan SCSI Single-ended physical layer testing proposal X3T9.2/88-151 11/9/88 E. Reyner More Single-ended Signal Simulation Results X3T9.2/88-152 11/9/88 11/8/88 J. Lohmeyer Proposed revision to the SAVE DATA POINTER message X3T9.2/88-153 11/9/88 11/9/88 J. Lohmeyer Austin Working Group Minutes X3T9.2/88-154 11/10/88 11/3/88 J. Morse Letter concerning connector/cable testing X3T9.2/88-155 11/29/88 11/14/88 J. Stai January Working Group Meeting Announcement X3T9.2/88-156 12/1/88 12/1/88 J. Lohmeyer Detect B Cable Proposal (Wide Data Transfer Option) X3T9.2/88-157 12/2/88 11/28/88 J. Guennewig Comments on unshielded connector figure 4-4 X3T9.2/88-158 12/13/88 12/5/88 S. Goldman Terminate Immediate Sequence X3T9.2/88-159 12/13/88 12/5/88 J. McGrath Re: Power-on and Reset Response X3T9.2/88-160 12/13/88 12/2/88 D. Allan Fiber Channel Description X3T9.2/88-161 12/13/88 12/6/88 P. Boulay Single Ended Terminator Requirements X3T9.2/88-162 12/13/88 12/5/88 J. McGrath Terminate Immediate X3T9.2/88-163 12/13/88 12/6/88 M. Gulick New Device Type for DAT Devices in SCSI-3 X3T9.2/88-164 12/13/88 12/13/88 Lamers/ X3T9.2 Meeting #79 Minutes -- December 5-6, 1988 Lohmeyer X3T9.2/88-165 12/20/88 12/16/88 K. Chan Input current and resistor tolerances X3T9.2/88-166 12/15/88 12/9/88 H. Waltersdorf Cable Impedance X3T9.2/88-167 12/21/88 12/14/88 S. Cornaby Rotational Position Locking X3T9.2/88-168 12/25/88 12/22/88 B. Pentecost AEN Initialization Procedure