91_899.zip 33884 09-17-91 Helping your child learn Science. By U.S. | Department of aect.zip 49654 07-09-92 Advanced English Computer Tutorial. By Dr | M. Malekzadeh. aesop11.zip 195001 11-08-93 Aesop's Fables in Windows .HLP File Format afarm.zip 180687 04-26-93 Animal Farm. Guided tutorial about the | book. By Steve Herbert. aircond.zip 51338 12-03-91 Centalex. A menu driven, graphics oriented | central air almanac.zip 138574 08-29-91 Almanac 1992. Interesting facts. By Jeff | Napier. anbs01.zip 74612 08-02-91 Catalog of Educational Software from the | All Night Bookstore asl.zip 163421 03-07-91 Sign Friends. Provides an interactive | learning environment for atease.zip 545229 06-28-92 At Ease With Computer Programming, v1.4. By | Jon Barron. atm.zip 140358 08-19-91 ATM. Computerized Torah Treasure. By | Reuven Blau. babystf1.zip 30736 11-14-93 Baby Stuff. V1.0: MS-Windows program allows | infants 18-months basscl12.zip 163735 03-26-91 Bass Class, v1.2. Fishing game/tutorial. | It's loaded with bbee.zip 223731 03-06-93 "The Bear and the Bee": a childrens book. | Requires Windows biblep10.zip 1050543 12-20-93 BIBLE PLUS version 1.0 - New Testament New | KJV Bible research bignm105.zip 27010 07-08-93 Big Number Cruncher v1.05: MS-Windows | utility that can handle bookrprt.zip 130559 11-12-91 Book Report Program. Automatically | generate book reports. The buddy.zip 55287 07-27-90 Study Buddy, v1.0. Flash Cards for | memorization of terms and calcpd10.zip 32663 06-05-93 CalcPad v1.0: MS-Win scientific calculator | program w/an caplife1.zip 194832 03-12-93 Windows program to calculate aluminum | electrolytic capacitor cattest.zip 285378 07-01-91 CATs. Computer Assisted Testing (in | technical subjects.) In cbmath15.zip 75753 03-01-93 Chalkboard Math Version 1.5a All new | release of the popular cc4_9206.zip 273463 06-08-92 Calculus Calculator, v4.1. Programmable | graphing mathematics processor, includes | matrices and infinite precision arithmetic. | By David Meredith. centl091.zip 255113 09-02-93 Statistics - explore central limit theorem cfk10t.zip 79315 02-10-94 Cash For Kids 1.0T: An easy way for your | children to save money chemref.zip 150789 04-26-93 Chemistry Reference Library, v1.00. | Complete reference on chpal240.zip 46287 02-17-90 ChemPal, v2.4. Help students learn the | periodic table. By clrbk10.zip 813434 12-27-93 SCHOOL-MOM for Windows Vol 1, v1.0; First | in a series of color1.zip 897428 11-06-93 ShareWare educational coloring program, | excellent features that color12.zip 40293 08-22-93 Audio/visual color educational tutor for | kids constant.zip 1385 10-07-92 Cardfile of Air, average molecular weight corr101.zip 59254 05-30-93 PEBC S Correct V1.01: MS-Windows multiple | choice quiz program correct.zip 59234 08-25-93 Correct! is a multiple choice quiz program cosmos14.zip 168652 04-11-91 Cosmos, v14.11. Provides astronomical | simulations the same cpptut.zip 201820 03-05-93 C++ Tutor, v2.0. Comprehensive C++ | learning experience. By cptut23.zip 90510 01-10-92 Contact Plus C++ tutorial. By Genesis Data | Systems, Inc. cv200.zip 310000 02-15-93 Convert It! 2.0 - Unit Conversion Utility | Ultimate unit of digi125.zip 89846 01-23-93 DIGITIZE 1.25 does the reverse job of a | plotting program dit_dah.zip 57927 02-14-90 CW. The Original Comprehensive Morse Code | Training Program for dollcomp.zip 421367 03-01-94 RACHEL'S FASHION DOLLS v1.0; Children's | paper doll dosimp12.zip 290799 01-16-92 DOS, Simply Said, Simply Done, Simply Easy! | By Kari Jackson. dossum20.zip 149911 02-15-92 DOS Summary. Hypertext tutorial and | reference product which dostut10.zip 72851 03-27-92 DOS Tutorial, v1.0. By George T. | Knoblauch. dostutor.zip 67722 08-23-91 DOS 5.0 Tutor. Designed to help you people | out there thatare drawsome.zip 56523 03-30-91 Freehand drawing program edam03.zip 296555 05-16-93 Edwin Add/Subtract Version v3.0; Windows | 3.1 course in edpack1.zip 301633 06-16-91 TutorialWriter, v2.1. (1/3) Tutorial | writing tool. By ephem421.zip 245596 09-13-90 Ephem, v4.21. Astronomy: displays | ephemerides for all the eval106.zip 29688 04-09-92 Eval, v1.06. A mathematical expression | evaluator, capable of evaluating virtually | any formula, including those with | trigonometric functions, complex numbers, | and user-defined variables. By Copy Con. ewatch12.zip 102078 02-01-91 Earthwatch. Display earth/moon cycle, | phases of moon, etc. exambank.zip 123137 12-31-91 Exam Bank, v2.02. Generate examinations. | By Jess Kitchens. explore2.zip 58136 08-28-91 Explore. Designed for children aged 10 to | 14 who are learning faqwin02.zip 168271 05-03-93 Windows FAQ; This is a copy of the Windows | FAQ from the firstaid.zip 30736 06-19-91 First Aid, v2.7. Basic techniques to | handle common flags91.zip 271992 07-01-91 Flags of every nation under the sun. Shows | 600 Flags. By flash2_1.zip 84309 04-08-95 Flasher version 2.1 Memory game for the | whole family DOS APR95 GAMES MEMORY FAMILY | LEISURE flshcrds.zip 112972 09-26-93 Flash card system for win fmap101.zip 185638 03-18-91 Finger Maps, v1.01. A object-oriented map | drawing package. french.zip 56349 10-22-91 Foreign Language Assistant, v1.84. French | tutorial. By frnch102.zip 90714 02-13-92 Ultimate French, v1.02. Learn basic French | vocabulary and ftvga10.zip 276447 08-19-92 PC-FasType/VGA, v1.0. A typing tutorial | program SPECIFICALLY gb207.zip 310707 03-27-93 GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v2.07 <ASP> - | Advanced Windows based gep202c.zip 519522 11-18-92 WINDOWS 3.1: GEPASI v2.0 - a general | purpose simulator of gep207a.zip 540848 05-10-93 GEPASI v2.07a; Simulates and models | biochemical pathways and gep208a.zip 587079 08-26-93 Metabolic pathway simulator gitar108.zip 102485 08-14-91 Guitar Teacher, v1.08. Both a guitar tuner | that is accurate gradebk4.zip 237138 12-10-92 Grade Book Power, v3.20. Keeps | up-to-the-minute information graphicn.zip 679372 09-01-93 Graphicon allows you to study parameterized | functions in an gravity2.zip 112766 04-12-90 Gravity, v2.0. Simulates motions of | planetary bodies in grpcalc.zip 82836 03-06-93 WinGraph v1.1; Equation graphing program | for students and hacktst3.zip 27369 04-04-92 Hacker Test, v3. Measures your computer | hacking experiences hang4.zip 163746 12-08-93 Hangman 4 is a user configureable fun as | well as learning game. igotutor.zip 254118 02-21-92 Igo Tutor. A Tutorial system for the | Japanese game of Go. inside.zip 95130 06-17-91 Inside. A short tutorial about how your | computer works. By inttest.zip 1732 08-19-90 A text intellegence test. iq20.zip 62524 12-08-90 I.Q. Challenge, v2.0. By Richard Morley. jarg_283.zip 410602 07-15-91 Jargon, v2.8.3. Computer hacker | dictionary. By Eric jpstphn2.zip 55803 06-18-91 Jpstphn, v2. Phenomena of the Galilean | Satellites of juggler.zip 135507 11-14-91 3 ball Juggler, v1.12. Uses fast animation | with high kanji1.zip 351844 01-10-90 Kanjicard. (1/3). Electronic Flash Cards | of Japanese kapian.zip 146630 03-13-91 Kapian. Chinese Flash Cards. Study 1) the | Chinese character kid210.zip 139646 10-26-93 KIDWARE - EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE v.2.10 <ASP> | Educational latin.zip 38696 06-07-90 Latin I Review, v1.21. Latin culture, | grammar, and lrnmse.zip 71217 04-15-90 WW6B Amateur Radio Morse Code Training | Program. By Alan lsign25.zip 80151 05-01-91 Learn to Sign, v2.5. A tutor program aimed | at teaching the macbeth.zip 192116 05-03-90 Macbeth by Shakespeare. A series of | activities to assist high mathwo.zip 337223 05-12-92 Math Workout, v1.0. Whether you're a math | phobic, child, student, adult, business | executive or mathlete, you'll get a lot out | of MATH WORKOUT. By Paul Dobrin. mietab30.zip 63186 07-02-93 MIETAB can calculate the Mie efficiency | factors and phase oldeur2.zip 46873 11-19-92 Timeline For Windows Of Old European | History origami.zip 147454 02-03-93 Origami folding instruction. (basic src.) pccai205.zip 240235 04-24-91 PC-CAI, v2.05. Computer Assisted | Instructional Language. By pcftyp41.zip 178939 05-01-90 PC-FASTYPE, v4.1. A typing tutorial for | IBM-PC keyboards. pcl56.zip 303939 07-06-92 PC-LEARN, v5.6. A training system which | includes chapters on pc_quiz.zip 173006 06-01-90 PC-Quizzer, v 2.2. Computer Based Testing, | many features. pedhlp13.zip 42470 06-14-91 help for pedraw, which draws family trees | in text or graphics pedraw13.zip 192307 07-24-91 Draws family trees in either text or | graphics mode. petrarka.zip 137546 10-13-93 PETRARKA v2.1; Program for Petri Nets | reachability and minimal polltakr.zip 29556 07-25-92 Windows 3.x: PollTaker v1.0 - an automated | questionaire for psychmed.zip 119948 04-19-91 PsyMed, v1.2. Quick reference to | psychotropic medications. pt202a.zip 310342 04-05-93 Periodic Table 2.02 - [1/2] The ultimate | periodic table. It pt202b.zip 163931 04-05-93 Periodic Table 2.02 - [2/2] The ultimate | periodic table. It ptable.zip 119918 08-08-93 Well done periodic table for win quizman.zip 565156 07-12-93 QuizMan v2.1; Windows program that allows | you to make, edit and quizmk21.zip 100173 01-11-92 QUIZMAKER, v2.1. Educational Tool and a | Trivia Game. By quizzia1.zip 81569 09-10-91 Quizzia 1.1. A fun, easy, educational | trivia game. By Thomas readfast.zip 80230 10-21-90 Readfast. Enhances and improves reading | skills. Aimed at recal302.zip 315617 03-20-93 Total Recall v3.02. Learn most any subject | or language with redsea2.zip 122592 02-15-94 Crossing the Red Sea v2.0! The family game | of Bible Knowledge rman.zip 56620 01-28-91 Rain-Man is a basic hangman like game with | french vocabulary. romeo.zip 207855 11-06-90 Activities to assist learning Shakespeare's | play 'Romeo & rsistn62.zip 117455 05-11-92 Mechanistic simulation of selection of | fungici resistance. rtbd_sh.zip 121404 01-01-91 Regents [English SAT] tutor for biology | (1/2) rted_sh.zip 101292 01-01-91 Regents [English SAT] tutor for biology | (2/2) rtg11.zip 274238 04-23-95 Random Test Generator V1.1 The object of | Random Test Generator is to allow educators | to create test databanks which questions | can be randomly selected. This serves two | purposes, one is that it allows an entire | class to receive different tests on the | same subject, eliminating cheating and test | compromise. Second, it eliminates the | instructor to select questions themselves, | assuming the test databanks are all valid. rusen125.zip 238379 11-29-91 Russian English On-Line Dictionary. v1.25. russv15.zip 234394 06-17-91 Simple russian language tutor. sam.zip 210869 10-18-92 Uncle Sam's Budget Balancer. Simple | simulation of balancing the satview2.zip 34590 06-18-91 Views of Saturn, v2. Projects a model of a | sunlit Saturn sat_vv12.zip 274179 12-07-91 Verbal Vanquish, v1.2. Score well on SAT | verbal section. By science.zip 20412 03-14-93 Science Tutorial In Windows 3.1 .WRI Format score4.zip 25413 02-11-91 Score4. Scantron scoring utility for odd | number of questions. scrshare.zip 76445 04-13-91 Scripture Memory, v 2.0. Bible | memorization. sf40a.zip 101785 12-09-90 Sign Friends, (1/2) interactive tutorial of | sign language. sf40b.zip 95705 11-16-90 Sign Friends, (2/2) interactive tutorial of | sign language. sky21.zip 223909 01-13-90 Sky-View, v2.1. a planetarium simulator. skyglo25.zip 288157 05-20-91 Skyglobe, v 2.5. Displays 15,000 stars, | planets. sm20a.zip 209103 04-16-92 SymbMath, v2.0. A Symbolic Calculator with | Learning. By Dr. Weiguang Huang sms1.zip 75727 06-14-91 Scripture Memory System, Bible study | course. span11.zip 157307 08-13-90 spanish, v1.1. A Collection of programs | for learning spanish.zip 90793 10-22-91 MicroTac Foreign Language Assistant. v1.84. spanmath.zip 32990 08-05-91 Spanmath, v1.0. Math drills in spanish. spantrvl.zip 108819 10-22-91 Spanish for Travellers by LangWare. Formal | lessons & fun. spell200.zip 307769 01-03-91 Spellbound!, v2.0. Spelling Tutor. "My | daughter Shannon, spelling.zip 39453 04-18-90 SPELLING, a spelling tutorial for high | school and college. spnsh102.zip 91982 02-13-92 Ultimate Spanish v1.02. Learn basic | Spanish vocabulary and stages12.zip 185100 05-22-91 Stage Predictor Program, v1.2. Cell growth | simulation. statp101.zip 113326 02-17-91 Statistical Physics, graphical demos of | chaos, cell. automata, storm61.zip 183082 07-24-91 STORM - Hurricane Tracking Software. v6.1. | Includes historic stp211.zip 212013 06-28-91 Save the Planet. v2.11. Explains Global | Warming and Ozone sts9122a.zip 184936 05-27-91 STSORBIT, v9122A. Space Shuttle and | Satellite Orbit sts9123.zip 196948 06-03-91 STSORBIT, v9123. Space Shuttle and | Satellite Orbit study.zip 14002 08-15-90 Study. Asks questions randomly & gives | answers and scores. studyaid.zip 31605 05-17-90 Q & A Study Aid, v1.00. presents questions | from a database. symbol41.zip 80952 07-01-92 Mathomatic, v4. Algebraic Equation | Processor. If "A = B + C", then what does | "B" equal? A super-smart calculator | program that can solve complicated symbolic | math equations. By George Gesslein. teddemo2.zip 134606 05-23-90 Teddy, A Kinetic Gas Model. v2.0. An ideal | gas model tga40_1.zip 303445 01-01-91 The grading assistant. v4.0. (1/2) Good | teacher's grading tga40_2.zip 235249 01-01-91 The grading assistant. v4.0. (2/2) Good | teacher's grading timelin3.zip 47080 06-09-92 Timeline Of History For Windows tonite24.zip 79304 02-03-90 Tonite, v2.4. Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight, | Moonrise, Moonset, transltr.zip 113947 06-15-91 Translate, Spanish to English translator, | with phonetic guide. ttrekv10.zip 67152 08-28-91 Type Trek, v1.0. A typing tutor in game | format. As a game, ttt.zip 39972 09-19-91 Touch Type Tutor. Teach Mode has 8 | graduated lessons and ttt34.zip 42589 05-15-91 Touch Type Tutor, v3.4. Adapts to user's | typing level. Speed turkish1.zip 74288 09-10-91 Turkish language teacher. (Basic src.) By | Turgut Kalfaoglu. tutorwri.zip 312198 10-06-90 TutorialWriter, v2.1. Computer Assisted | Instruction. typdos40.zip 56398 03-18-92 Type DOS, v4. Typing DOS Commands v4.0 | from Fred Howard. typegame.zip 76231 10-01-90 Type Games. v1.0. Typing race between | teams. usa_surv.zip 419391 04-14-91 Survey The USA, Graphical map of the USA. usgeo102.zip 130285 02-13-92 Ultimate Geography, v1.02. Complete USA | geography teacher ututor.zip 149486 05-25-92 Nucleus, v1.0. Cell biology tutorial, with | good VGA vargra50.zip 668141 04-28-92 VAR Grade, v5.0. Allows you to both grade | and record vclang11.zip 153392 06-20-91 VisiCLANG, v1.10. Compiler education, | allows tracing vmap102.zip 230782 05-23-91 Versamap, v1.02. Draws outline maps on | different map vocab105.zip 13727 01-10-93 Freeware Vocabulary Builder version 1.05 vocabb2c.zip 69729 03-21-93 PopUp Vocabulary Builder - New Word Each | Time vocp10.zip 61056 07-17-91 Vocabulary Primer, v1.0. Teaches | vocabulary words & quizes. By vocrt.zip 161990 02-05-91 Vocabulary roots, v4.1. Vocabulary | builder. waspa.zip 21897 05-24-93 is a summary text file of the Windows | Aspect (Wasp) course, all waspb.zip 20106 06-20-93 This is the second in the series of summary | text files of my wchem14.zip 104827 11-15-92 Chemical for Windows Version 1.4: Molecular | modeling program wfrnchvb.zip 20450 07-09-93 Windows: Learn French verbs. winfit11.zip 119788 04-01-93 Non-Linear, Least Squares fit for Windows | 3.1 winflash.zip 58113 04-19-92 Windows Flashcard Program winmap.zip 1120713 06-09-93 Mapper is a set of software tools from NASA | (Wallops flight wnmath11.zip 42345 06-12-93 WinMath v1.1: MS-Windows educational | program for children to wnrg11.zip 219197 08-22-92 Register for Windows; comprehensive grading | program for wordwhiz.zip 43225 04-15-90 WordWhiz, volume 1. Word quiz. wordy312.zip 420587 04-08-95 WORDY v3.12 Educational wordgame study | system. Includes a word construction game | as well as many utilities for creating | custom word lists. wordy313.zip 420607 06-21-95 WORDY v3.13: Educational wordgame study | system. Includes a word construction game | as well as many utilities for creating | custom word list. wrdtreas.zip 666052 11-07-93 Word Treasure for Windows; You've seen | those books on building wspell13.zip 62587 09-16-91 Flexi-Tutor Weekly Speller. Spelling | tutorial. wsr5_0.zip 502287 05-10-95 Wall $treet Raider v5.0 <ASP> - The | corporate takeover game and simulation: the | ultimate in gritty realism. Simulates a | "real-time" stock market, with constantly | moving stock ticker and financial news | headlines, as players react to | ever-changing economic model. wworld.zip 485319 03-07-93 WinWorld Geographic Tutor, Pictures/Sound! xwave.zip 97231 11-06-92 XWave Physics Display Program