The font WEISS is a public domain font which is the copyright property of Publishers Paradise BBS. The original type 1 font was converted from a Mac font using Alltype. In June 1993 the Truetype version of this font was found to cause GPF's in Windows 3.1. The problem appears to be caused by a poor outline tracing which was causing divide by zero errors within the truetype driver. As a result of this the whole of the character outlines were re-traced to give a smoother outline whilst still maintaining the original shape of the characters. The oportunity was also taken to add both hinting and kerning pairs to the font to improve rendering. The new font now renders correctly with a much improved speed over the previous version. The re-traced font outline has been compiled into both Truetype and Type 1 formats. Copyright remains with the original author of this font and no claims are made regarding copyright for the re-traced version. Roger White, 1, Owens Close, Rugeley, Staffs, WS15 2YH, England.