ComicsCarToon v.1 Shareware, $14 Remit To: Pat Snyder 1797 Ross Inlet Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 A Type 1 font for cartoonists. After studying many different styles of lettering used in the comics, I saw there was enough of a Òcommon threadÓ to have the keyboard (with a few adjustments) replace the bulk of the lettering done by pen & ink. The ÒthreadÓ consists of two basic concepts. First, cartoonists tend to use all caps (avoiding ascenders & descenders for design purposes). Secondly, they use a set of letters that represent dialogue (straight pen & ink lettering) and another representing expression (POW, BANG, Z-Z-Z-Z, WHAM, etc.). ComicsCarToon is, as you will find, three all caps fonts in one (Dialogue & two sets of Expression on one keyboard). I felt two sets of expression styles were needed for variety Ñ by using one or the other or intermingled. Use for cartooning, eye-catching notices, ad display or to convey spontaneous, impulsive expression. Use it for copy needing to convey messages of the cartoonist. Instead of reaching for the pen and india ink to carefully print dialogue inside balloons, you now reach for the keyboard, click away, and then surround with a balloon. Screen fonts: 14, 24. Works well with ATM. Move printer file into the system folder, and install screen font via SuitCase or DA Mover etc. If your software does not use AFM files, that file may be discarded. Try and ENJOY!.......then if you use and enjoy, honor the shareware fee of $14. If you SHARE this font, please include all files and documents in one folder. I currently teach drawing, painting, printmaking, year book DTP, and commercial art to future artists, possibly typographers (alias) high school students; and produce serious art for local, regional and national juried exhibitions and I golf. Comments, suggestionsÉ both bricks and bouquets always welcome to Pat or Gail at the above address or: CompuServe: 76307,2431. America Online: Rps82 History: Since creating my first font SnyderSpeed Brush (11/91 v.1 upper case only), the encouragement of shareware fees and/or input from users, allowed me to update SnyderSpeed by adding lower case (1/92), plus create OregonWet (on AOL's Nov. 91 top download's list), OregonDry, MarkerFeltThin 2/92, MarkerFeltWide 4/92 (used by Aldus Magazine's "New Comics" article, pgs.18-20 July/Aug '92 issue) StarsAndStripes 7/92, ComicsCartoon 9/92. Note: 9/26/92 Major updates to MarkerFeltThin (v2), MarkerFeltWide (v2) and SnyderSpeed Brush (v3) were completed 8/92, with 40 new characters and/symbols added to each including em and en dashes, bullet, #, cents sign, ellipses, and © ª ¨. They haven't yet been released via modem or catalog/disk services, as I'm in the process of first mailing registered users their free updates -- especially users who have registered two or more of my fonts. (It DOES pay to support shareware!) This will take me another month or two to complete. Then, I'll release the updated versions. Fonts available both in Type 1 and True Type Formats on AOL and Type 1 on CompuServe. Thanks ahead of time for supporting shareware.