Comments or questions can be addressed to Elizabeth Swoope Johnston at CI$ ID 76436,2426 or GEnie E.JOHNSTON6. RRKeyCaps and the matching RRKeyLetters are designed specifically for use in computer documentation and tutorial material for PC- compatibles. I have written hundreds of pages of those materials, and I created both fonts after being frustrated with the keycap fonts that currently are available to Windows users. These keycap and keyletter typefaces are plain 2-D characters that print well and are readable at standard body text sizes (10-12 points). They can be printed at sizes as small as 6 pts. and still be readable. Because they lack embellishments like 3-D or drop shadows, they are not as attractive at larger (display) sizes as typefaces from other vendors and it is not recommended that you use them as display faces. While the current crop of 3-D, drop shadow, and reverse keycap typefaces are quite attractive and interesting, they don't work well at standard text sizes. The reverse keycaps may not reproduce well on typical copy machines, and the lettering in the 3-D and shadow typefaces is hard to read at body text sizes because some of the character height is occupied by the 3-D or drop shadow effect. Most of the typefaces are cumbersome to use, too. Either you have to compose each key by typing each character (as well as opening and closing characters) and accessing graphics elements using the numeric keypad; or many keys are mapped to characters above 127, which forces you to use the numeric keypad; or the keys aren't mapped logically. All keys in both of the RR typefaces can be accessed in one or two keystrokes (one of which is [Shift]). Most of the keys are mapped mnemonically, so you won't need a character map to remember which keycap is mapped to which key or what [Alt]-number pad combination to use. There are alternate versions of several keys (Bksp text-only and text-graphic; Enter text-only, graphic-only, and both; Shift text- only, graphic-only, and both; Tab text-only, graphic-only, and both; Spacebar and Space; Ins and Insert; Del and Delete) so you can use the version that you prefer. These typefaces have been designed so that you can access them efficiently while developing documentation, without wasted keystrokes and mouse use. With a simple macro or two, you can use these typefaces with barely a hitch in your typing speed. RRKeyCaps map: A Alt B Backspace C Ctrl D Del E Esc F text-only Tab I Ins J text-only Enter M Space O OMNI (Northgate keyboard users) P Pause R Enter/Return S Shift T Tab V text-only Shift Y text-only Bksp b down arrow (_b_ottom) t up arrow (_t_op) l left arrow r right arrow h home e end d PgDn u PgUp c CapsLock n NumLock o ScrollLock (this is the only one that's _really_ weird) p PrintScreen k Break s Spacebar q SysRq f graphics-only tab j graphics-only Enter v graphics-only Shift ; Insert ' Delete 1 F1 2 F2 3 F3 4 F4 5 F5 6 F6 7 F7 8 F8 9 F9 0 F10 ! F11 (shift of 1, or shift of F1) @ F12 # F13 (Northgate keyboard users) $ F14 " % F15 " & blank single-width key frame (like arrow keys) * blank one-and-a-half-width key frame (like F keys) ( blank double-width key frame (like Tab) ) blank triple-width key frame (like Enter, Shift) = two-button mouse w/no buttons pressed [ two-button mouse w/left button pressed ] two-button mouse w/right button pressed - - (this is not a keycap hyphen, but a regular hyphen for use between keycaps, as in [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Del], so that you don't have to switch out of the keycap font just to get a hyphen, then switch back in) + + (regular plus for those who prefer to use a plus, rather than a hyphen, between keys) The RRKeyLetters typeface is a sampler of the matching typewriter keys designed to be used with this typeface for combinations like [Ctrl]-[Y]. The full set is available when you register. Registration: When you register, you'll receive: 1) a diskette containing: a. RRKeyCaps b. the complete matching RRKeyLetters c. EPS, CGM, and WPG versions of the four blank keycap templates 2) a printed reference sheet on hard-to-destroy "paper" that shows the complete character map for both RRKeyCaps and RRKeyLetters on one side and an alphabetical listing of key names, sample keys, and the character to which each is mapped on the second side 3) Documentation (currently 18 pages excluding TOC and cover) with installation instructions and detailed instructions for setting up macros, styles, and keyboards (whatever is appropriate) for the most efficient keyboard use of these typefaces in Ami Professional 2.0, Word for Windows 2.0, and WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows. Registration is $49 for either Postscript or HP bitmaps (with WP printer driver for bitmaps) or $75 for both formats. Shipping is $5. Print RRKEYORD.FRM, complete it, and mail the form and payment to: Elizabeth Swoope Johnston Roadrunner Computing P.O. Box 21635 Baton Rouge, LA 70894 ****** known problem -- although the CorelDraw! WFN file shows me the correct key when I press ` (the left apostrophe), that key prints as a period.