Read Me Lumparsky Type 1 Font Here's another free display font I created with AltsysÕ Fontographer 3.1 that I hope someone can use. ItÕs an ATM-compatible font that I named ÒLumparskyÓ in honor of my six-year-old daughter Emily (I sometimes torment her with the nickname Lumparsky). Lumparsky is an unusual bold forties-style hand-lettering typeface based on a partial font I found in an old lettering manual. This version has over a hundred kerning pairs and a little dingbat of ÒLumparskyÓ at shift-option-tilde (~) doing what she does when I call her that name. I don't recommend using Lumparsky with a 300-dpi printer at any size smaller than 14 points, and even that may be pushing it. I think it looks best between 24 and 60 points for informal flyers and ads. The capitals also make nice drop caps with body texts of fussy serif fonts like Stempel Schneidler, Novarese, or Weiss. ThereÕs only, as with my other fonts, a 24-point screen font included, since I assume you use Adobe Type Manager. As always, this font is free. Users groups are welcome to distribute it as long as everything in the Lumparsky folder is kept together, but anyone else who sells freeware/shareware disks and distributes it must also send me free copies of any disks (floppy, CD ROM, etc.) it appears on. I'd also appreciate hearing comments from anyone who likes or dislikes my fonts. Thanks! Walter Kafton-Minkel c/o Portland Macintosh Users Group PO Box 8949 Portland, OR 97207-8949