I have marketed nineteen Hebrew fonts as shareware.  This zip file  
contains one font with .PFB & .PFM files.  It may be freely distributed  
as long as both the .PFB & .PFM files are included along with this  
text file. Please try them out to see the high quality of the fonts.  
If you try them and like them, and want to use them, you  must register  
them.  Any usage beyond a 14 day trial period is strictly prohibited.  
Registration is $20 per font, $380 for the entire package of nineteen.  
If you purchase the full package, you will be entitled to purchase two  
additional fonts, one of which is calligraphic and suitable for  
invitations, the other of which is similar to handwritten Hebrew text,  
for an additional $20 (for both), or $400 for a full package of twenty-one  
Hebrew fonts.  These two additional fonts may only be purchased with the  
entire package - they are not available alone.  
Upon registration of any font, in addition to fulfilling all legal and  
moral requirements for full usage of the fonts, you will receive a new  
version of the font, mapped mneumonically to the standard keyboard (ie -  
aleph to A, beis to B, etc.).  Upon registration, you will also receive  
.AFM files (needed for Ventura and various other packages) of all  
registered fonts.  
To use the shareware versions of these fonts on a trial basis, they must  
first be installed into Adobe Type Manager for Windows (which itself must  
first be installed, and running under Windows 3.0).  
To use the fonts, you must exit from, and re-enter Windows.  The fonts will  
then be available on your Windows applications programs that use ATM.  
Two of the fonts will install with incomprehensible names, and it is  
advised that you manually edit your ATM.INI file (located in the Windows  
subdirectory) to show their correct names.  The font which will appear as  
"eaoa" (with accent marks above each letter) should be renamed to "Hazvi",  
and the font which will appear as "ae~aue" (with accent marks above each  
letter) should be renamed to "Ktav-Yad".  
In addition, you may want to edit some of the other font names so that they  
will appear only once on your application font menus, but will be available  
in both normal and bold versions.  To do so, simply follow the format of  
one of your already installed fonts (like TimesRomanPS), and copy the  
format used so that your font has the identical name for both normal and  
bold versions except that the bold version includes ",BOLD" at the end of  
the file name.  You may want wait to rename the fonts until you register  
since it will be necessary to do so again when you install the newly  
re-mapped fonts.  
To use your fonts in any Windows application which supports ATM, simply  
select the font name from the font menu, and begin to use it - note - you  
must type the Hebrew letters backwards, as right-to-left text entry is  
not yet support under Windows.  In the unregistered versions, each letter  
is mapped to an Alt-key combination, beginning with Alt-0224 for aleph,  
through Alt-0250 for taf.  Final characters are mapped immediately  
preceeding the regular character.  
Registered users will be entiled to full phone support, with any needed  
installation and usage assistance necessary.  
Registrations should be sent to:  
Cyndee Meystel  
2901 W. Estes Ave.  
Chicago, IL 60645  
(312) 973-6955