The Dupuy Baloon font family comes in two variants: Bold and Italic. They contains a full kerned alphabet, numbers and punctuation. Upper- and lower-case letters are identical. The letters look rather like cartoon lettering; it most closely resembles the lettering in comics that originated in the '40's and '50's. The Dupuy font family as a unit is copyright 1992 by D. Rakowski, All Rights Reserved. The "Light" and "Heavy" weights were automatically generated and then cleaned up with Fontographer 3.5's "change weight" command. Buy Fontographer! The Dupuy fonts, inexplicably named after an oboist, are distributed as shareware; you may keep and distribute the fonts, providing you distribute them together, and as long as the file you are reading is included. The shareware fee for the fonts is $5, paid as a tax-deductible donation to Columbia University. (your money helps fund concerts of music composed by Columbia students) Please send your check, made out to Columbia University (NOT to David Rakowski), to Cynthia Lemiesz, Music Department, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. In your cover letter, include the most sarcastic statement regarding politics that you can think of. User groups, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit shareware/public domain outlets may distribute this font given the above conditions. The Dupuy fonts come to you from Insect Bytes, a place with so-so sunsets (say that five times fast) and spectacular stargazing.