Enclosed in this archive are the following files: Deuse -- PostScript font 'Deusex' Deusex.AFM -- Adobe Font Metrics file for 'Deusex' Deusex.PFB -- Type 1 font 'Deusex' Deusex.PFM -- Postscript font Metrics file for 'Deusex' Deusex.INF -- Postscript information file for 'Deusex' Deusex.TTF -- Truetype font 'Deusex' If you do not know what to do with these files, read your manuals. This font, created by Fontographer 3.0, is in the public domain. No warranties are made as to its artistic sensibilities, usefulness, etc. A service to you from I'LL-BYTE-MANHATTAN. Kindly include this file if you distribute the font through any channels.