SHAREWARE NOTICE If you downloaded this font as shareware or received it as part of a shareware package you are obligated to register the font with Ragnarok if you wish to continue to use it after a 30 day trial period. To register the font you should send us $5 per font and once that is done, the version you have is registered and may be used indefinitely. However, it's a much better idea to actually purchase a copy of the Scriptorium Font Library disk which features this font. For $15 per disk you can get a disk with 10 or more fonts like this one, but with the complete character sets and with no further obligation to register them as shareware, plus the option to receive regular updates for a small fee. When you order, just mention which font you have and we'll see that you get the correct disk. THE SCRIPTORIUM FONT LIBRARY The Scriptorium Font Library is a collection of fonts designed by Dave Nalle of Ragnarok Games for use in their publications. These fonts have just been made available by mailorder or as shareware from Ragnarok. Provided here is an up to date listing of all the font disks available at this time. Each disk includes at least 10 fonts, which are fully registered when you purchase the disk. SFL-1001: Font Sampler I This disk includes 3 text fonts, 3 calligraphic fonts, 3 display fonts and 3 specialty fonts taken from our original series of font disks. It includes our very popular Taranis font as well as the new Fabliaux font, the medieval calligraphic fonts Bastarda and Courthand, plus two fonts from the Ysgarth role-playing game and the uniquely mystical Goetic font based on 18th century magical scripts. $15. Update $5. SFL-1002: Font Sampler II This contains a new variety selection of fonts, including text, display, and calligraphic fonts which are taken mostly from our second series of font disks. $15. Update $5. SFL-2001: Text Fonts This contains 10 unique serif and sans-serif fonts which meet the high resolution demands of all text uses. The collection includes some elegant traditional fonts (both serif and sans- serif) like our Tancred and Palomides fonts, plus some very unusual offerings like the Kelmscott font based on William Morris' Troy font from the Kelmscott edition of Chaucer's works. $15. Update $5. SFL-2002: Text Fonts II This collection includes ten great new text fonts, including 5 serif and 5 sans serif fonts. It will be available in the summer of 1993 for $15. Update $5. SFL-3001: Display Fonts This disk features 10 attractive display fonts, including several art nouveau and medieval styles, plus a couple of unusual special use fonts. Our favorites are the Starfield font, which looks like a scattered field of stars, the Buccaneer font, drawn from 17th century wanted posters and the Ariosto and Elysian fonts based on hand drawn fonts of the Munich Jugendstil movement of the 1890s. Because these are display fonts they may not all include both upper and lower case letters, but they include all characters which are available and we will expand the character sets as we continue to work with them. $15. Update $5. SFL-3002: More Display Fonts This disk features 10 new display fonts, including a number of interesting renaissance styles, plus some early modern book styles and decorative initials. Among the fonts featured are Bucephalus, Beaumarchais, Oberon, Titania and Cymbeline. This disk has just been released. $15. Update $5. SFL-4001: Calligraphic Fonts This disk includes a variety of calligraphic fonts, including several Celtic-style fonts, fonts based on medieval and renaissance calligraphy and calligraphy from several 19th century art nouveau designers. Because these are based on genuine calligraphy they may not include all the characters you may expect and may include specialty characters or strange alternate forms for some letters. $15. Update $5. SFL-4002: More Calligraphic Fonts This disk includes a variety of medieval English, French and Italian lettering styles plus several Eastern European styles. It includes the medieval fonts Burgundian, Franconian and Theodoric, the Roman style fonts Publius, Ravenna and Cicero, plus a style based on the calligraphy of the artist Howard Pyle. It will be available in the Summer of '93. $15. Update $5. SFL-5001: Specialty Fonts A collection of fonts for languages which don't use the English alphabet, including both obscure real world and historical languages and role-playing game world languages. Check out the Coptic and Futhark fonts if you want something really different. Oh, and did you say you were going mad because you couldn't decorate your computer-generated icons without Church Slavonic? Well, try Patriarch. It reads in English, but looks like Church Slavonic. $15. Update $5. SFL - 6001: Decorative Fonts A special assortment of art fonts where each letter is a decorative initial or small picture. It includes several illuminated manuscript alphabets, a set of Arthurian miniatures, a collection of map decorations, a font of art nouveau faces, a collection of heraldic designs and some Art Nouveau floral motifs. This disk is not yet available, but it can be advance ordered for $15. UPDATE POLICY Each of our font disks is updated with new versions at least once every three months, with updates being released on the first of January, April, July and October. If you send in your original disk and $5 we will update you with the latest versions of all the fonts on that disk. Most of our fonts are brand new, so expect pretty substantial changes with some of the updates over the next year or so. SHAREWARE NOTE Support shareware. If you see our disks being circulated as unregistered copies (without our shareware notice), let us know...or let the culprit know that you dont' approve. These fonts are too damned cheap for anyone NOT to pay their shareware fee or order them on disk. TO ORDER Send check of money order for the appropriate amount to the address provided below. When you place your order YOU MUST SPECIFY YOUR COMPUTER TYPE. If you fail to specify the type of computer you have and receive the wrong type of disk you will be assessed a $5 replacement charge for a new disk in the proper format. On overseas orders please include $3 per disk for shipping and handling. Wholesale information is also available on request. RAGNAROK POB 140333 Austin, TX 78714