j-comm.93 (Sep 5, 1993) Status of Japanese efforts at B-ISDN, and associated jurisdictional disputes. j-db.93 (Nov 8, 1993) Summarizing trends of commercial database activities in Japan. There are now over 300 databases developed in Japan, accessible from outside Japan; 18% are in English and another 15% are in both Japanese and English. About 10% are in the fields of science & technology, and of these 18 are in English. Names and fax numbers of the companies supporting these 18 databases are given. j-hpc.93 (Dec 8, 1993) A brief summary of developments in Japanese High Performance Computing. This report extracts a variety of material from earlier reports, and provides a synthesis of these developments as of the end of 1993. j-info.stc (Jan 25, 1991) Papers from the 2nd International Conference on Japanese Information in Science, Technology and Commerce, held 23-25 October 1989, Berlin. j-rdwest.93 (Apr 10, 1993) A partial list of Japanese-company major R&D Centers located in Western countries. j-sc-b.94 (Feb 5, 1994) Sites and machines (super computers and parallel computers) to be installed at Japanese public institutions as part of current budget initiative. j-siam9.93 (Sep 24, 1993) The 1993 Japan SIAM Fall Meeting - Special Session on Wavelets, 16-18 Sept 1993, Tokyo. j-space.93 (Jul 1, 1993) History & outlook for Japanese space efforts (Akiba). j-supers (Sep 28, 1990) List of Supercomputers in Japan. j-supers.91 (Feb 7, 1992) Tables of supercomputers in Japan through end of 1991. j3d-6-2.92 (Dec 25, 1992) Titles and authors of papers published in The Japanese Journal of Three Dimensional Images Vol. 6, No. 2 (June 1992). jaeri.92 (Jan 17, 1992) A summary of computer related research at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) is given. jaeri90.tit (Jun 14, 1991) A short list of English language papers from Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) on computer modeling. japan-ec.93 (Jun 19, 1993) EC-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation's Directory of Sources of Japanese Information, second edition. japan.db (Jun 18, 1991) Summary of science and technology related databases in Japan. japan.eco (Feb 20, 1991) Titles of papers printed for use by the Joint Economic Committee (US Congress). While primarily about economic issues there are several interesting papers on Japanese science and technology. Other topics include economic policy, government/business relations, finance and investment, human resources (population, women, etc.), national security and foreign aid, and international economic relations. japan.eml (Feb 10, 1992) A list of standard electronic mail domains in Japan. japan.net (Jul 16, 1992) A description of networking activities in Japan. japanwk.rev (Mar 9, 1992) A review of the book "Working in Japan", by H. Honda, ASME Press, 1992. jc-jour.92 (Sep 30, 1992) Titles and authors from Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 33, Nos. 7-8, Quarterly Journal of Information Processing (JIP) Vol. 15, No 1., and Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 33, No. 7, all 1992. jdisplay.92 (Jun 2, 1993) Summary of Japan Display, 12-14 Oct 1992, Hiroshima Japan. jhpc-sc.92 (Jun 28, 1992) A summary of high performance computing in Japan (part 1 of 2, supercomputing). jhpc-pp.92 (Jun 28, 1992) A summary of high performance computing in Japan (part 2 of 2, parallel computing). jifip14.abs (Jun 14, 1991) Titles and abstracts from Jour JIFIP V14#1 (1991) and titles from Trans JIFIP V31#6-12 (1990). All the papers are in English. jifip33.5-6 (Jul 28, 1992) Titles from Vol 33 No 5-6 Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan (Joho Shori). Papers mostly in Japanese. jifip43.toc (Jan 13, 1992) jifip43.1 jifip43.2 jifip43.3 jifip43.4 jifip43.5 jifip43.6 Titles of sessions organized at the 43rd Japan Information Processing Society General Meeting, 19-22 Oct 1991 (Nagoya) are given. jifip.990 (Oct 15, 1990) We present titles and authors of papers from the Information Processing Society of Japan semiannual meeting, 4-6 September, 1990. jip-391.toc (May 8, 1991) Titles of papers presented at the semi-annual Info Proc Soc of Japan meeting, March 12-14 1991. This report contains the Table of Contents of the Proceedings. jip-391.1 (May 8, 1991) jip-391.2 jip-391.3 jip-391.4 jip-391.5 jip-391.6 Titles and authors of papers presented at the semi-annual Info Proc Soc of Japan meeting, March 12-14 1991. jips14-2.91 (Nov 4, 1991) Titles and authors from the (English) Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 14 No 2 (1991) are given. jip14-3.91 (Feb 29, 1992) Six papers summarizing Japanese research in software engineering are described. jip15-2.92 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles from the English language, (Japan) Journal of Information Processing, Vol 15 #2, 1992. jip15-3.92 (Mar 3, 1993) Titles from the English language, (Japan) Journal of Information Processing, Vol 15 #3, 1992. jipsj33.101 (Dec 25, 1992) Titles and authors from Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 Nos 10, 11. (1992). jipsj331.292 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 No 12. (1992). jipsj339.92 (Apr 16, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 No 9. (1992). jipsj341.93 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 34 No 1. (1993). jipsj342.93 (Mar 3, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 34 No 2. (1993). jipsj7-8.93 (Sep 8, 1993) Titles: Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 34, No. 7 (July 1993), and Vol. 34, No. 8 (Aug 1993). jkaw.90 (Dec 27, 1990) The first Japanese Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop (JKAW-90), was held October 25-31, 1990, one (open) part in Kyoto, and an invited part at Hitachi's Advanced Research Lab. japgovt (Jul 30, 1990) A brief outline of Japanese Government ministries and agencies is shown with an emphasis of those that support science and technology. Several major projects related to computing are described. journals.cs (Oct 14, 1991) A listing of Computer Science related periodicals published in Japan. jrdc.93 (Mar 9, 1993) A description of the Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC). jsai.90 (Dec. 26, 1990) The 1990 Joint Artificial Intelligence Symposium, sponsored by JSAI, was held December 5-6 1990 in Tokyo. Three special-interest groups organized the meeting: Fundamental AI, Knowledge-based Systems, and Human Interfaces and Cognition. Attendance numbered about 70. A proceedings (in Japanese) was issued containing the papers presented on the second day of the symposium. This report lists the titles and authors of the Symposium, in English. jscience.gov (Mar 16, 1992) An overview of organizations within the Japanese government that support science, and sources of support for international exchanges. jspp.91 (Jun 13, 1991) An overview is given of the Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing '91, held in Kobe Japan, 14-16 May 1991, as well as titles and some abstracts. Also appended are the titles/authors of IFIP Vol 33#4, which was a special issue on massively parallel computers. jspp.92 (Jun 29, 1992) A summary of the Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing, held 15-17 June 1992 in Yokohama, Japan. jspp.93 (Jun 2, 1993) Summary of the 1993 Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing (JSPP'93), held at Waseda University May 17-19 1993, Tokyo. jspp93.upd (Jun 11, 1993) Further comments on Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing by E.A.Heinz, Univ Karlsuhe (see previous report, "jspp.93", 2 June 1993). jsuper.92 (Dec 21, 1992) An informal listing of supercomputers and parallel computers installed and in use in Japan is given, as of Dec 1992 (or to be installed shortly thereafter.) jsuper.992 (Sep 23, 1992) Brief update on Fujitsu's new supercomputer (VPP) and Tokyo's Institute for Computational Fluid Dynamics. jtec-db (Jun 9, 1992) A summary of the JTEC report, Database Use and Technology in Japan, based on a trip, March 1991. jtec-mat.93 (Jun 28, 1993) JTEC report on Material Handling Technologies in Japan, summary.