Directory chinese: ================== systems\ Programs and Utilities for Chinese texts\ Chinese Text Directory chinese/systems: ========================== msdos\ Programs/Utilities for MSDOS unix\ Programs/Utilities for UNIX architectures win\ Programs/Utilities for MS Windows various\ Programs/Utilities for various platforms Directory chinese/systems/msdos: ================================ byx\ BYX Chinese word processor ccfont\ Font utilities convt\ Conversion utils cpl\ MSDOS GuoBiao printing program for LaserJet dct\ Duke Chinese Typist word processor dict\ Dictionary programs dm\ DM16: small and simple program for printing Chinese on 9 pin Epson editor\ Text editor programs educatn\ Educational programs eng_chi\ English-Chinese word list & lookup dictionary program etc\ Miscellaneous files fonts\ Fonts fontutil\ Font utilities gblist\ Chinese text file viewing/browsing utility input\ Input systems kc\ Chinese system kong\ Kongze Chinese learning system misc\ Miscellaneous print\ Print utilities sdk\ NJStar Chinese Software Development Kit utils\ Utilities viewer\ Text viewers Directory chinese/systems/msdos/byx: ==================================== byx.rdm Readme file for BYX Info package for Byx 2.1 (Rupert Zhu) Disk 1 of Byx 1.1 (Chinese editor for PC's) Disk 2 of Byx 1.1 (Chinese editor for PC's) Disk 3 of Byx 1.1 (Chinese editor for PC's) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/ccfont: ======================================= ccfont10.doc Documentation file for ccfont 1.0 (Roxin Zhang) MSDOS GuoBiao font viewer/editor (Roxin Zhang) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/convt: ====================================== README c2t.doc chcode.doc chgcode.b5 convt.doc gb2hz.exe hc-30.doc hz2gb.exe zw2hz.exe Directory chinese/systems/msdos/cpl: ==================================== cpl-12.doc Documentation for cpl 1.2 (Roxin Zhang) MSDOS GuoBiao printing program for Laserjet (Roxin Zhang) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/dct: ==================================== readme Duke Chinese Typist readme file Duke Chinese Typist part a Dule Chinese Typist part b Directory chinese/systems/msdos/dict: ===================================== cdictv1.doc ec20.doc ecd.doc ecd.exe tdicdoc.b5 Directory chinese/systems/msdos/dm: =================================== dm16new.doc Updated documentation for dm16 (Gongquan Chen) Update dm16 program; requires fonts from (Gongquan Chen) MSODS Epson 24pin GB file printer (Gongquan Chen) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/editor: ======================================= byx11edt.doc c-edit13.b5 cedit24.doc cwb11-1.exe cwb11-2.exe cwb11.doc cwd42-1.exe cwd42-2.exe cwd42.doc cwp12.doc dbhua.doc dcdos.doc dngdng12.doc ew120.doc nj21cga.doc njstar30.doc xingxing.doc xingxing.exe Directory chinese/systems/msdos/educatn: ======================================== bambooh.txt flash-15.doc kapian.doc kxsys.doc Directory chinese/systems/msdos/eng_chi: ======================================== eng-chi.b5 English-Chinese word list (~7700 Big5 entries) MSDOS English->Chinese word lookup dictionary (1988 Kwok-Leung Li; Chinese Service Center, NY) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/etc: ==================================== celvis.rdm Readme file for celvis MSDOS executables for celvis dngdng12.rdm Readme file for DingDang Chinese word processor DingDang Chinese word processor pinyin.rdm Readme file for PD pinyin input method sinocode.rdm Readme file for sinocode MSDOS exectuable form converting between GB2312, Big5, EUC JIS, and IBM555 encodings twinbridge.rdm Readme file for Demo of the TwinBridge Chinese System Directory chinese/systems/msdos/fonts: ====================================== big5\ Big5 fonts etc\ Etc gb\ GB fonts Directory chinese/systems/msdos/fonts/big5: =========================================== README chinese.16.doc chinese.16.gz chinese16.hbf eb5-15m.hbf eb5-24b.hbf eb5-24k.hbf eb5-24l.hbf eb5-24m.hbf eb5-24r.hbf eb5-24s.hbf etk24.hbf etkck24.hbf etkcm24.hbf etkcs24j.hbf etl24.hbf etm15.hbf etm24.hbf kcchin16.f00.gz kcchin16.f15.gz kcchin24.f00.gz kcchin24.f02.gz kcchin24.f15.gz kck24.hbf kcm14.hbf kcm14j.hbf kcm24.hbf kcs24j.hbf kcsymbol.c Directory chinese/systems/msdos/fonts/etc: ========================================== README alib.24.gz blib.24.gz cfan24.ccf.gz cfang24.ccf.gz chei24.ccf.gz ckai24.ccf.gz clib.16.gz clib.24.gz csong24.ccf.gz dlib.24.gz fanti_gb-readme.hz fanti_gb.16.gz flib.16.gz flib.24.gz gb6345.txt kai24fnt.doc ncclib.16.gz song16.fon.gz Directory chinese/systems/msdos/fonts/gb: ========================================= Beijing16.0.gz Beijing16.1.gz Beijing16.2.gz Beijing16.hbf Beijing24.0.gz Beijing24.1.gz Beijing24.2.gz Beijing24.hbf README ccfs24.hbf cch24.hbf cck24.hbf cclib.16.gz cclib.16a.gz cclib.24.gz cclib.f24.gz cclib.h24.gz cclib.j24.gz cclib.k24.gz cclib.n24.gz cclib16.hbf cclib_24.hbf cclibb.24.gz cclibb_24.hbf cclibf.16.gz cclibf.24.gz cclibf16.hbf cclibf_24.hbf cclibh.24.gz cclibh_24.hbf cclibj_24.hbf cclibk.24.gz cclibk_24.hbf ccs24.hbf ccs24f.hbf gb24st.bin.gz gb24st.hbf jfs56.a.gz jfs56.b.gz jfs56.c.gz jfs56.d.gz jfs56.e.gz jfs56.hbf ziku.gz ziku16.hbf ziku24.1.gz ziku24.2.gz ziku24.hbf Directory chinese/systems/msdos/fontutil: ========================================= clib.doc hbf2fnt.doc spr2bmf.txt ttf2bmp.doc ttf2ps.doc Directory chinese/systems/msdos/gblist: ======================================= gblist20.doc Doc file for gblist 2.0 MSDOS GB file viewer 2.0 (Gongquan Chen) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/input: ====================================== CCTeach1.doc bp4njs00.doc cc-ocr.doc cc-ocr.exe cj110.arj cj110doc.b5 et4c110a.doc et4c110a.exe et_dayi.b5 njwubi.doc pinyin.doc pybox.doc wbtutor.doc zwtool.doc Directory chinese/systems/msdos/kc: =================================== kc.readme Description and Installation Instructions file for the KC Chinese System KC INFORMATION CO., LTD, Chinese System for PC'S Directory chinese/systems/msdos/kong: ===================================== MSDOS Hanzi learning program (Jianti and Fanti) (Shareware 1.1 part A; Randy Shank) MSDOS Hanzi learning program (Jianti and Fanti) (Shareware 1.1 part B; Randy Shank) kongze11.doc Documentation for KongZe 1.1 (Shareware; Randy Shank) Directory chinese/systems/msdos/misc: ===================================== GRE.DOC GRE.ZIP ccedit01.doc ccview4.doc chgle10.doc chichess.doc hex.doc hex.exe hk200yr.doc hkmj.doc saver.doc saver.exe song.doc wisdom.doc zu-hz003.doc zuvga042.doc Directory chinese/systems/msdos/print: ====================================== byx11prn.doc chn2psv3.doc cnprint.doc cnprint.exe cpl-12.doc dm16.doc dm24v20.doc gb2epson.doc gb2epson.exe gb2hp.doc gb2hp.exe gb2pcx12.doc gb2ps.doc gb2ps16.doc gb2ps16.exe gbscript.doc hxlasr26.doc hz24.doc Directory chinese/systems/msdos/sdk: ==================================== njsdk30.doc Directory chinese/systems/msdos/utils: ====================================== NCTUTEL.doc ccbm01.doc ccfont12.doc fe10.doc filetool.doc filetool.exe folding.doc folding.exe gbdetect.doc gbdetect.exe map.doc map.exe rm4mat.doc rm4mat.exe success.doc wphanzi.txt Directory chinese/systems/msdos/viewer: ======================================= chv.doc chv.exe clistdoc.b5 cnview.doc cviewdoc.b5 cworddoc.b5 gb2text.doc gb2text.exe gblist20.doc gblistm.doc readnews.doc readnews.exe shownews.doc shownews.exe viewer.doc zwlist.txt Directory chinese/systems/unix: =============================== cc\ Program to put Chinese characters into LaTeX chirk\ Chinese Reader on Tektronics compatible graphics terminals cxterm\ Chinese terminal emulator for X11R5 convert\ Conversion programs emacs\ Simple Chinese Emacs implementations for cxterm et\ Font conversion packages etc\ Miscellaneous utilities fonts\ Fonts fontutil\ Font utilities hc\ Hanzi Converter hz\ Hanzi Conversion programs moers\ Moers2 Electronics terminology lists mule\ Programs for use with Mule pinyin\ Pinyin to {ETEC, HKU} Big5 Chinese tables Directory chinese/systems/unix/cc: ================================== README cc2tex-1.3.tar.gz Puts Chinese characters in latex format. (Wu Zhibiao) cclib.16.gz Directory chinese/systems/unix/chirk: ===================================== ChiRK-1.2a.tar.gz Chinese support for Tektronix capable terminals (Bo Yang) ChiRK-1.2a.readme Readme file for ChiRK ChiRK-1.2to1.2a.tar.gz New files for converting from ChiRK1.2 to ChiRK1.2a (Bo Yang) Directory chinese/systems/unix/convert: ======================================= ChnCodeFilter-1.4.doc ChnCodeFilter-1.4.tar.gz HZ-2.0.doc HZ-2.0.tar.gz b5cns.doc b5cns.tar.gz c2t.doc c2t.tar.gz chcode.doc chcode.tar.gz gb2jis.doc gb2jis.tar.gz hc-30.doc hc-30.tar.gz utf.doc utf.tar.gz wordg2b.doc wordg2b.tar.gz Directory chinese/systems/unix/cxterm: ====================================== README CXTERM.FAQ cxterm-11.4.2.tar.gz ZChinese terminal emulator for X11R4. cxterm-11.5.12.tar.gz Chinese terminal emulator for X11R5 cxterm-NewFace0.5.readme cxterm-NewFace0.5.tar.gz cxt_dict\ A collection of input methods for cxterm cxt_plat\ On installing cxterm for DEC, SGI, etc. hints\ Hints how-to-make Hints on how to install cxterm, celvis, fonts, etc. Directory chinese/systems/unix/cxterm/cxt_dict: =============================================== 00DICTIONARY.readme 4Corner.tit CCDOSPY.tit CTCPS3.tit CTLau.tit CangJie-gb.tit CangJie.tit ETZY.tit PY-A.tit PY-TSF.tit PY-b5.tit PY.tit Punct-b5.tit Punct.tit QJ-b5.tit QJ.tit SW.tit Simplex.tit TONEPY.tit TeleCode.tit WuBi.tit ZOZY.tit luyy-py tutorial-CJ-WuBi.tar.gz Directory chinese/systems/unix/cxterm/cxt_plat: =============================================== README r4.AIX.hints r4.DECstation.tar.gz r4.HP.hints r4.SGI-IRIX3.3.patch r4.SGI-IRIX4.0.patch r4.sequent.patch r5.DECstation.tar.gz r5.linux.hint r5.linux.patch r5.mips.patch r5.sequent.hint r5.sequent.patch Directory chinese/systems/unix/cxterm/hints: ============================================ README Directory chinese/systems/unix/emacs: ===================================== cMicroEmacs.readme cMicroEmacs.tar.gz Simple Chinese MicroEmacs on cxterm cemacs.tar.gz Simple Chinese GNU emacs on cxterm cxemacs.tar.gz Chinese support for Emacs under cxterm Directory chinese/systems/unix/et: ================================== et2bdf.rdm Readme file for et2bdf.tar.gz et2bdf.tar.gz Convert raw Big5 bitmap fonts to X11 BDF et2hku.rdm Readme file for et2hku.tar.gz et2hku.tar.gz Convert between HKU Big5 and ETEN Big5 et2pk.rdm Readme file from et2pk-1.0.tar.gz et2pk-1.0.tar.gz Convert ET into TeX PK/TFM fonts Directory chinese/systems/unix/etc: =================================== 4corner.doc Readme file from 4corner.tar.gz 4corner.tar.gz The 4-corner 4-digit and 4-corner 5-digit code tables in Unix format (Christian Wittern) CangJie.el Chinese support for Mule chtex.doc Readme file from ChTeX-1.1.tar.gz ChTeX-1.1.tar.gz Modified ChTeX with better font support cless.doc Readme file from cless.tar.gz cless.tar.gz 8-bit clean version of less-173 that can show files with Hanzi (Yongguang Zhang) ctalk.doc Readme file from ctalk.tar.gz ctalk.tar.gz Chinese version of Unix "talk" (can be used on cxterm) ctin122.doc ctin122.tar.gz cytalk-3.0.doc cytalk-3.0.tar.gz dvi2ps.doc Readme file from dvi2ps-3.2.tar.gz dvi2ps-3.2.tar.gz dvi2ps that works with ChTeX gb2ps.doc Readme file from gb2ps.2.02.tar.gz gb2ps.2.02.tar.gz Convert GB to Postscript mepy4cxterm.doc Readme file from mepy4cxterm.tar.gz mepy4cxterm.tar.gz Main Element PinYin Hanzi input method for cxterm Chinese Telegram Code Table (GuoBiao and compressed) various.doc Readme file from various.tar.gz various.tar.gz Various simple danci/cihui manipulation programs xhzview.doc Readme file from xhzview.tar.gz xhzview.tar.gz X11 based view program for files containing Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts: ===================================== pmt300pk\ Poor Man's TeX 300pk Fonts pmttfm\ Poor Man's TeX tfm Fonts 8x15.bdf 8x16.bdf 8x18.bdf 8x18big5.bdf Csong16.bdf Csong24.bdf HKU-Ch16.bdf README README.cfonts Txian16.bdf alib.24 beijing16.bdf beijing16.bdf.gz beijing24.bdf beijing24.bdf.gz blib.24 cclib16fs.bdf cclib16fs.bdf.gz cclib16ft.bdf cclib16ft.bdf.gz cclib16st.bdf cclib16st.bdf.gz chinese-fonts.aliases clib.16 clib.24 dlib.24 elib.65 etenb5.ftpsite flib.16 flib.24 fonts.alias fonts.aliases fs.config gb16fs.bdf gb16st.bdf gb1988-80.bdf gb24st.bdf hku-ch16.bdf hku-ch24.bdf nfnt.alias taipei15.bdf taipei16.bdf taipei24.bdf taipeib20.pcf taipeib24.pcf taipeik20.pcf taipeik24.bdf taipeik24.pcf taipeil20.pcf taipeil24.bdf taipeil24.pcf taipeim20.pcf taipeim24.bdf taipeim24.pcf taipeir20.pcf taipeir24.pcf taipeis20.pcf taipeis24.pcf Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmt300pk: ============================================== 1\ unix pmt300pk fonts v1 2\ unix pmt300pk fonts v2 3\ unix pmt300pk fonts v3 Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmt300pk/1: ================================================ wccsa1.300pk wccsa2.300pk wccsa3.300pk wccsa4.300pk wccsa5.300pk wccsa6.300pk wccsa7.300pk wccsa8.300pk wccsa9.300pk wccsaa.300pk wccsab.300pk wccsac.300pk wccsad.300pk wccsae.300pk wccsaf.300pk wccsb0.300pk wccsb1.300pk wccsb2.300pk wccsb3.300pk wccsb4.300pk wccsb5.300pk wccsb6.300pk wccsb7.300pk wccsb8.300pk wccsb9.300pk wccsba.300pk wccsbb.300pk wccsbc.300pk wccsbd.300pk wccsbe.300pk wccsbf.300pk wccsc0.300pk wccsc1.300pk wccsc2.300pk wccsc3.300pk wccsc4.300pk wccsc5.300pk wccsc6.300pk wccsc7.300pk wccsc8.300pk wccsc9.300pk wccsca.300pk wccscb.300pk wccscc.300pk wccscd.300pk wccsce.300pk wccscf.300pk wccsd0.300pk wccsd1.300pk wccsd2.300pk wccsd3.300pk wccsd4.300pk wccsd5.300pk wccsd6.300pk wccsd7.300pk wccsd8.300pk wccsd9.300pk wccsda.300pk wccsdb.300pk wccsdc.300pk wccsdd.300pk wccsde.300pk wccsdf.300pk wccse0.300pk wccse1.300pk wccse2.300pk wccse3.300pk wccse4.300pk wccse5.300pk wccse6.300pk wccse7.300pk wccse8.300pk wccse9.300pk wccsea.300pk wccseb.300pk wccsec.300pk wccsed.300pk wccsee.300pk wccsef.300pk Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmt300pk/2: ================================================ wccsf0.300pk wccsf1.300pk wccsf2.300pk wccsf3.300pk wccsf4.300pk wccsf5.300pk wccsf6.300pk wccsf7.300pk wccsf8.300pk wccta1.300pk wccta2.300pk wccta3.300pk wccta4.300pk wccta5.300pk wccta6.300pk wccta7.300pk wccta8.300pk wccta9.300pk wcctaa.300pk wcctab.300pk wcctac.300pk wcctad.300pk wcctae.300pk wcctaf.300pk wcctb0.300pk wcctb1.300pk wcctb2.300pk wcctb3.300pk wcctb4.300pk wcctb5.300pk wcctb6.300pk wcctb7.300pk wcctb8.300pk wcctb9.300pk wcctba.300pk wcctbb.300pk wcctbc.300pk wcctbd.300pk wcctbe.300pk wcctbf.300pk wcctc0.300pk wcctc1.300pk wcctc2.300pk wcctc3.300pk wcctc4.300pk wcctc5.300pk wcctc6.300pk wcctc7.300pk wcctc8.300pk wcctc9.300pk wcctca.300pk wcctcb.300pk wcctcc.300pk wcctcd.300pk wcctce.300pk wcctcf.300pk wcctd0.300pk wcctd1.300pk wcctd2.300pk wcctd3.300pk wcctd4.300pk wcctd5.300pk wcctd6.300pk wcctd7.300pk wcctd8.300pk wcctd9.300pk wcctda.300pk wcctdb.300pk wcctdc.300pk wcctdd.300pk wcctde.300pk wcctdf.300pk wccte0.300pk wccte1.300pk wccte2.300pk wccte3.300pk wccte4.300pk wccte5.300pk wccte6.300pk Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmt300pk/3: ================================================ wccte7.300pk wccte8.300pk wccte9.300pk wcctea.300pk wccteb.300pk wcctec.300pk wccted.300pk wcctee.300pk wcctef.300pk wcctf0.300pk wcctf1.300pk wcctf2.300pk wcctf3.300pk wcctf4.300pk wcctf5.300pk wcctf6.300pk wcctf7.300pk wcksa4.300pk wcksb0.300pk wcksb1.300pk wcksb2.300pk wcksb3.300pk wcksb4.300pk wcksb5.300pk wcksb6.300pk wcksb7.300pk wcksb8.300pk wcksb9.300pk wcksba.300pk wcksbb.300pk wcksbc.300pk wcksbd.300pk wcksbe.300pk wcksbf.300pk wcksc0.300pk wcksc1.300pk wcksc2.300pk wcksc3.300pk wcksc4.300pk wcksc5.300pk wcksc6.300pk wcksc7.300pk wcksc8.300pk Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmttfm: ============================================ 1\ Chinese unix pmttfm fonts v1 2\ Chinese unix pmttfm fonts v2 3\ Chinese unix pmttfm fonts v3 Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmttfm/1: ============================================== wccsa1.tfm wccsa2.tfm wccsa3.tfm wccsa4.tfm wccsa5.tfm wccsa6.tfm wccsa7.tfm wccsa8.tfm wccsa9.tfm wccsaa.tfm wccsab.tfm wccsac.tfm wccsad.tfm wccsae.tfm wccsaf.tfm wccsb0.tfm wccsb1.tfm wccsb2.tfm wccsb3.tfm wccsb4.tfm wccsb5.tfm wccsb6.tfm wccsb7.tfm wccsb8.tfm wccsb9.tfm wccsba.tfm wccsbb.tfm wccsbc.tfm wccsbd.tfm wccsbe.tfm wccsbf.tfm wccsc0.tfm wccsc1.tfm wccsc2.tfm wccsc3.tfm wccsc4.tfm wccsc5.tfm wccsc6.tfm wccsc7.tfm wccsc8.tfm wccsc9.tfm wccsca.tfm wccscb.tfm wccscc.tfm wccscd.tfm wccsce.tfm wccscf.tfm wccsd0.tfm wccsd1.tfm wccsd2.tfm wccsd3.tfm wccsd4.tfm wccsd5.tfm wccsd6.tfm wccsd7.tfm wccsd8.tfm wccsd9.tfm wccsda.tfm wccsdb.tfm wccsdc.tfm wccsdd.tfm wccsde.tfm wccsdf.tfm wccse0.tfm wccse1.tfm wccse2.tfm wccse3.tfm wccse4.tfm wccse5.tfm wccse6.tfm wccse7.tfm wccse8.tfm wccse9.tfm wccsea.tfm wccseb.tfm wccsec.tfm wccsed.tfm wccsee.tfm wccsef.tfm Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmttfm/2: ============================================== wccsf0.tfm wccsf1.tfm wccsf2.tfm wccsf3.tfm wccsf4.tfm wccsf5.tfm wccsf6.tfm wccsf7.tfm wccsf8.tfm wccta1.tfm wccta2.tfm wccta3.tfm wccta4.tfm wccta5.tfm wccta6.tfm wccta7.tfm wccta8.tfm wccta9.tfm wcctaa.tfm wcctab.tfm wcctac.tfm wcctad.tfm wcctae.tfm wcctaf.tfm wcctb0.tfm wcctb1.tfm wcctb2.tfm wcctb3.tfm wcctb4.tfm wcctb5.tfm wcctb6.tfm wcctb7.tfm wcctb8.tfm wcctb9.tfm wcctba.tfm wcctbb.tfm wcctbc.tfm wcctbd.tfm wcctbe.tfm wcctbf.tfm wcctc0.tfm wcctc1.tfm wcctc2.tfm wcctc3.tfm wcctc4.tfm wcctc5.tfm wcctc6.tfm wcctc7.tfm wcctc8.tfm wcctc9.tfm wcctca.tfm wcctcb.tfm wcctcc.tfm wcctcd.tfm wcctce.tfm wcctcf.tfm wcctd0.tfm wcctd1.tfm wcctd2.tfm wcctd3.tfm wcctd4.tfm wcctd5.tfm wcctd6.tfm wcctd7.tfm wcctd8.tfm wcctd9.tfm wcctda.tfm wcctdb.tfm wcctdc.tfm wcctdd.tfm wcctde.tfm wcctdf.tfm wccte0.tfm wccte1.tfm wccte2.tfm wccte3.tfm wccte4.tfm wccte5.tfm wccte6.tfm wccte7.tfm Directory chinese/systems/unix/fonts/pmttfm/3: ============================================== wccte8.tfm wccte9.tfm wcctea.tfm wccteb.tfm wcctec.tfm wccted.tfm wcctee.tfm wcctef.tfm wcctf0.tfm wcctf1.tfm wcctf2.tfm wcctf3.tfm wcctf4.tfm wcctf5.tfm wcctf6.tfm wcctf7.tfm wcksa4.tfm wcksb0.tfm wcksb1.tfm wcksb2.tfm wcksb3.tfm wcksb4.tfm wcksb5.tfm wcksb6.tfm wcksb7.tfm wcksb8.tfm wcksb9.tfm wcksba.tfm wcksbb.tfm wcksbc.tfm wcksbd.tfm wcksbe.tfm wcksbf.tfm wcksc0.tfm wcksc1.tfm wcksc2.tfm wcksc3.tfm wcksc4.tfm wcksc5.tfm wcksc6.tfm wcksc7.tfm wcksc8.tfm Directory chinese/systems/unix/fontutil: ======================================== bdftobin-1.0.tar.gz bdftohbf cai_hbf_api.c hbf-chk1.awk hbf.readme hbf.tar.gz Directory chinese/systems/unix/hc: ================================== hc-30.readme README file for hc 3.0 hc-30.tar.gz GB <-> Big5 converter (F.F. Lee Ricky Yeung) hconv.tar.gz 7-bit CTEXT encoding program for Big5 && GB Directory chinese/systems/unix/hz: ================================== hz2ps-2.1.tar.gz hztty-1.1.tar.gz hztty.readme Directory chinese/systems/unix/moers: ===================================== moers2-dict-gb GuoBiao version of moers2 Electronics terminology list in Unix format moers2-dict-b5 Big5 version of moers2 Electronics terminology list in Unix format Directory chinese/systems/unix/mule: ==================================== bytecomp-2.07.patch bytecomp-2.07.patch1 bytecomp-2.07.readme bytecomp-2.07.tar cchelp.readme cchelp.tar.gz efs-1.6.tar.gz efs.readme hanyin.doc hanyin.tar.gz irchat-2.4jp4cn0.readme irchat-2.4jp4cn0.tar.gz lisp\ Lisp files mlookd-0.1-0.2-patch mlookd-0.1.readme mlookd-0.1.tar.gz pig-1.1.doc pig-1.1.tar.gz Directory chinese/systems/unix/mule/lisp: ========================================= ange-ftp.el diclookup.el dmacro.el gnus-chinese.el gnusutil.el guess-coding.el hanyin.el hanzi-misc.el jam-tar-mode-patch.el jam-zcat.el keisen.el m2ps.el mh-search.el misc.el quail-cangjie.el quail-wubi.el Directory chinese/systems/unix/pinyin: ====================================== pinyin-et-big5 Pinyin to ETEN Big5 Chinese table. pinyin-hku-big5 Pinyin to HKU Big5 Chinese table. Directory chinese/systems/various: ================================== HZ.doc Readme file from HZ1-1.tar.gz HZ1-1.tar.gz Various Hanzi utilities (R. Yeung && F.F. Lee) celvis.doc Readme file from celvis.tar.gz celvis.tar.gz vi clone with Chinese support Directory chinese/systems/win: ============================== fonts\ Chinese fonts for Windows HZcomm15.exe HZcomm15.txt chclnd10.doc chpad131.doc cwglph10.doc cwinzip.doc ddwin13.doc gb2bmp.doc mswin.html pixch050.doc spterm08.exe spterm08.txt sptermw2.exe sptermw2.txt three12.txt twinbg32.doc wHZcomm.exe wHZcomm.txt way3100.doc way3100.exe waydic.exe wayfont.exe winfont.doc winfont.exe wingb.doc winhz0.doc winhz000.doc wncod23.doc wtalk000.exe yaht-c.txt yihao151.doc yihaosec.exe yihaowin.exe Directory chinese/systems/win/fonts: ==================================== ctlg.txt eurotype.doc metafont.doc ntu_br.a01 ntu_br.a02 ntu_br.a03 ntu_br.arj ntu_font.doc ntu_fs_m.a01 ntu_fs_m.a02 ntu_fs_m.arj ntu_kai.a01 ntu_kai.a02 ntu_kai.a03 ntu_kai.arj ntu_li_m.a01 ntu_li_m.a02 ntu_li_m.arj ntu_li_m.fot ntu_mb.a01 ntu_mb.a02 ntu_mb.arj ntu_mb.fot ntu_mm.a01 ntu_mm.a02 ntu_mm.a03 ntu_mm.arj ntu_mr.a01 ntu_mr.a02 ntu_mr.a03 ntu_mr.arj ntu_tw.a01 ntu_tw.a02 ntu_tw.arj Directory chinese/texts: ======================== chhknews\ Various China-Hong Kong News articles and Big5<->GuoBiao conversion program crl\ CRL phrase lists etc\ Misc. files fel\ Far Eastern Library files hongloum\ Poetry from Hong Lo Meng lytx\ The Ottowa CSSA Newsletters py\ Pinyin maps Directory chinese/texts/chhknews: ================================= hcu\ Hanzi Converter pdoe\ People's Daily Overseas Edition poem big.exe big1.ext big2.ext big5.tbl chhk-1 chhk-10 chhk-11 chhk-12 chhk-13 chhk-14 chhk-15 chhk-16 chhk-17 chhk-18 chhk-19 chhk-2 chhk-20 chhk-21 chhk-22 chhk-23 chhk-24 chhk-25 chhk-27 chhk-28 chhk-29 chhk-30 chhk-31 chhk-32 chhk-33 chhk-34 chhk-35 chhk-36 chhk-37 chhk-38 chhk-39 chhk-4 chhk-40 chhk-41 chhk-42 chhk-43 chhk-44 chhk-45 chhk-46 chhk-47 chhk-48 chhk-49 chhk-5 chhk-50 chhk-51 chhk-52 chhk-53 chhk-54 chhk-55 chhk-57 chhk-6 chhk-7 chhk-8 chhk-9 chhknews.sub chhkshrt.txt tab.ext togb.exe Directory chinese/texts/chhknews/hcu: ===================================== BIG0toGB BIG1toGB GB0toBIG GB1toBIG GB2toBIG HCu.c README YiTiZi hcu Directory chinese/texts/chhknews/pdoe: ====================================== poem poem.bg5 Directory chinese/texts/crl: ============================ crl.rdm Readme file for the CRL phrase list crl-big5-phrases CRL HKU Big5 phrase list crl-gb-phrases CRL GB phrase list Directory chinese/texts/etc: ============================ PoemCollection Collection of poems in Chinese china.rpt Dr. Kahaner's report on computing in the PRC chinese Chinese word list cjk-prog.txt List of CJK software available (Urs Widmer) hongkong.rpt Dr. Kahaner's report on computing in Hong Kong phonxref.lst Hanzi phonetic system comparison list phrases.dat GuoBiao word/phrase list with part-of-speech sinocode.txt Documentation for SINOCODE conversion program taiwan.rpt Dr. Kahaner's report on computing in Taiwan Chinese Telegram Code Table (GuoBiao and compressed) Directory chinese/texts/fel: ============================ cihui.bg5 readme.txt Directory chinese/texts/hongloum: ================================= hongloum Directory chinese/texts/lytx: ============================= README big5\ LYTX magazine in BIG5 format gb\ LYTX magazine in GB format hz\ LYTX magazine in HZ format ps\ LYTX magazine in Postscript format stats unZ.hlp Directory chinese/texts/lytx/big5: ================================== lytx01.bg5 lytx02.bg5 lytx03.bg5 lytx04.bg5 lytx05.bg5 lytx06.bg5 lytx07.bg5 lytx08.bg5 lytx09.bg5 lytx10.bg5 lytx11.bg5 lytx12.bg5 lytx13.bg5 lytx14.bg5 lytx15_1.bg5 lytx15_2.bg5 lytx16.bg5 lytx17.bg5 lytx18.bg5 lytx19.bg5 lytx20.bg5 lytx22.bg5 show93.bg5 Directory chinese/texts/lytx/gb: ================================ Directory chinese/texts/lytx/hz: ================================ lytx01.hz lytx02.hz lytx03.hz lytx04.hz lytx05.hz lytx06.hz lytx07.hz lytx08.hz lytx09.hz lytx10.hz lytx11.hz lytx12.hz lytx13.hz lytx14.hz lytx15_1.hz lytx15_2.hz lytx16.hz lytx17.hz lytx18.hz lytx19.hz lytx20.hz show93.hz Directory chinese/texts/lytx/ps: ================================ PSreadme Directory chinese/texts/py: =========================== GBtoPY.dat QWtoPY.dat Directory docs: =============== catalog.doc Walnut Creek CDROM Catalog cnview.doc CNVIEW - Chinese Text Viewer docs jreadr24.doc JReader - Japanese Text Viewer docs jdic24.doc JDIC - Japanese-English Dictionary docs Directory images: ================= china\ Gif images from China japan\ Gif images from Japan Directory images/china: ======================= tank.gif Protester stands in front of Tank (TAM Sqaure) kfc.gif 160825 GIF 576x450x256 color Kentucky Fried Chicken Outlet in Beijing, China. The largest KFC in the world. Photo taken in July 1987. stamp92a.gif I've posted a picture of a commemorative stamp issued on 25/07/1992 by the People's Republic of China, for XXV Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain 1992. It's not just a commemorative stamp. When you take a closer look at the number tags on the athletics' tops, you'll see something..... Some people might have seen this stamp already. I think many people know what the first tag (count from the left) implies. Directory images/japan: ======================= ukiyo_e\ Ukiyo-e images buddha.gif card.gif deer.gif island.gif matumoto.gif mtfuji.gif ritukoen.gif torii.gif Directory images/japan/ukiyo_e: =============================== abeauty.gif dojouji.gif ebizo.gif evenings.gif fuji10.gif fuji2.gif fuji3.gif fuji4.gif fuji5.gif fuji6.gif fuji7.gif fuji8.gif fuji9.gif fujibig.gif fujifrom.gif fujioffk.gif hakonepa.gif okita.gif sumo1.gif sumo2.gif threemod.gif Directory japanese: =================== systems\ Programs and Utilities for Japanese texts\ Japanese Texts Directory japanese/systems: =========================== msdos\ Programs/Utilities for MSDOS unix\ Programs/Utilities for UNIX architectures win\ Programs/Utilities for MS Windows various\ Programs/Utilities for various platforms ujip\ Files from Understanding Japanese Information Processing Directory japanese/systems/msdos: ================================= demacs\ Emacs 18.55 port for 386/486 PC dosv\ DOS V utilities etc\ Miscellaneous Files hterm\ Terminal system, supports ANSI jemtex\ Japanese [La]TeX for DOS jerdy\ Japanese-English-Russian Dictionary jgawk\ Gnu AWK Japanese (MS-Kanji) compatible jimbreen\ Programs/Utilities by Jim Breen & associated pgms jstevie\ VI clone, with Japanese support ka9q\ Amateur Ham Radio software, TCP/IP protocol kdplus\ KDPlus kg\ Kanji Guess kmdes\ KMDES Date Encryption/Decryprion Filter knjicard\ KanjiCard kv2\ Kanjiview 2 - display Japanese ng\ NG Emacs-style text editor njstar\ NJStar - Japanese word processor tcode\ TCode telnet\ NCSA Telnet terakoya\ News system which works on top of KA9Q unixtool\ Tools derived from Unix vtemu\ VT emulator wterm\ Terminal Program Directory japanese/systems/msdos/demacs: ======================================== README readme README.PS PS file, which is generated by 'dvi2ps demacs.dvi' README.jis readme written by JIS kanji code. readme.1st Frequently Asked Questions for Demacs dem120e.lzh Demacs-1.2.0 (Emacs-18.55 port) for 386/486 PC dem120j.lzh dem120s.lzh Demacs-1.2.0 editor - sources (mostly diffs) Etags for Demacs w/ globbing (etags *.[ch]) Directory japanese/systems/msdos/dosv: ====================================== 1\ Pgms for Japanese DOS V, v1 2\ Pgms for Japanese DOS V, v2 3\ Pgms for Japanese DOS V, v3 Directory japanese/systems/msdos/dosv/1: ======================================== 3dbench.doc adddev.sjs angelcom.sjs at7rpat3.sjs batcp124.sjs bc112.sjs bdiffasc.sjs bg06.doc bold21.sjs bpl3ej.sjs bu106.sjs ckcm16as.sjs com2t101.doc com2t101.sjs cpubench.sjs cs.sjs dddv2.sjs ddw173a.sjs diet145s.sjs disp11.sjs disph103.sjs dispt009.sjs dshar200.doc dshar200.sjs dspbmp.sjs efin110e.sjs emsb250.sjs exexe302.sjs fback111.sjs fd55_240.sjs fdcstdoc.sjs fload21.sjs fontj31.sjs fontx22.sjs fprint22.sjs hglog432.sjs ht140.sjs ias.sjs is11.sjs ish203.sjs Directory japanese/systems/msdos/dosv/2: ======================================== jback.sjs jga29exe.sjs kaname.sjs ksh172ca.sjs kvpcx106.sjs launch27.sjs led115c.sjs lednif24.sjs lha213.sjs lhdl110.sjs lhfe138.sjs lhq211.sjs lzex92.doc lzjpac.sjs macsee.doc maj20set.sjs menu129.sjs menv301.sjs mf253v.sjs misaw3.sjs mkxfnt1.sjs modfnts1.sjs ms314.sjs mtimv.sjs nkf14e.sjs osaka.sjs pb227.sjs pccscan.sjs poro156a.sjs prt546m.sjs qk102.sjs qkc181.sjs qv110.sjs rchev10.sjs romdown.doc rtcur102.sjs sashikae.sjs scal01.sjs Directory japanese/systems/msdos/dosv/3: ======================================== setev43.sjs speak14.sjs tedit25d.sjs tr120.sjs trsibm.sjs trteng.sjs u55n10.sjs uudx_v26.sjs uuex_141.sjs vjebh25.sjs vmap201.sjs wave101.sjs wib180sp.sjs wintst10.sjs wx2tools.sjs xtr150d.sjs zma.sjs Directory japanese/systems/msdos/etc: ===================================== addin52.lzh gra2p52.lzh japan2hd.doc japan2hd.lzh jperl13.lzh kd100.arc kdfilt.c kdfilt.exe kdset23 kinfo24.zoo ksensei1.doc msk232a.arc msk300.exe ngrp52.lzh nit42.lzh pktmux12.exe plain2pc.lzh rchev10.lzh wskwnn.zoo wxp.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/hterm: ======================================= ANN ANN.98lt HINTS README.sjs b2600ibm.lzh bin2600.lzh hello.eng hello.jpn hterm55.lzh htermlt.lzh maru14.hft src2600.lzh version Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jemtex: ======================================== fonts\ Fonts for jemtex Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jemtex/fonts: ============================================== kanjiaa.300pk kanjiaa.tfm kanjiab.300pk kanjiab.tfm kanjiac.300pk kanjiac.tfm kanjiad.300pk kanjiad.tfm kanjiae.300pk kanjiae.tfm kanjiaf.300pk kanjiaf.tfm kanjiag.300pk kanjiag.tfm kanjiah.300pk kanjiah.tfm kanjiba.300pk kanjiba.tfm kanjibb.300pk kanjibb.tfm kanjibc.300pk kanjibc.tfm kanjibd.300pk kanjibd.tfm kanjibe.300pk kanjibe.tfm kanjibf.300pk kanjibf.tfm kanjibg.300pk kanjibg.tfm kanjibh.300pk kanjibh.tfm kanjica.300pk kanjica.tfm kanjicb.300pk kanjicb.tfm kanjicc.300pk kanjicc.tfm kanjicd.300pk kanjicd.tfm kanjice.300pk kanjice.tfm kanjicf.300pk kanjicf.tfm kanjicg.300pk kanjicg.tfm kanjich.300pk kanjich.tfm kanjida.300pk kanjida.tfm kanjidb.300pk kanjidb.tfm kanjidc.300pk kanjidc.tfm kanjidd.300pk kanjidd.tfm kanjide.300pk kanjide.tfm kanjidf.300pk kanjidf.tfm kanjidg.300pk kanjidg.tfm kanjidh.300pk kanjidh.tfm kanjiea.300pk kanjiea.tfm kanjieb.300pk kanjieb.tfm kanjiec.300pk kanjiec.tfm kanjied.300pk kanjied.tfm kanjiee.300pk kanjiee.tfm kanjief.300pk kanjief.tfm kanjieg.300pk kanjieg.tfm kanjieh.300pk kanjieh.tfm kanjifa.300pk kanjifa.tfm kanjifb.300pk kanjifb.tfm kanjifc.300pk kanjifc.tfm kanjifd.300pk kanjifd.tfm kanjife.300pk kanjife.tfm kanjiff.300pk kanjiff.tfm kanjifg.300pk kanjifg.tfm kanjifh.300pk kanjifh.tfm kanjiga.300pk kanjiga.tfm kanjigb.300pk kanjigb.tfm kanjigc.300pk kanjigc.tfm kanjigd.300pk kanjigd.tfm kanjige.300pk kanjige.tfm kanjigf.300pk kanjigf.tfm kanjigg.300pk kanjigg.tfm kanjigh.300pk kanjigh.tfm kanjiha.300pk kanjiha.tfm kanjihb.300pk kanjihb.tfm kanjihc.300pk kanjihc.tfm kanjihd.300pk kanjihd.tfm kanjihe.300pk kanjihe.tfm Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jerdy: ======================================= Japanese-English-Russian Dictionary jerdyrea.dme Readme file for Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jgawk: ======================================= GNU HG awk version 2.10(beta) jgawkexe.doc Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen: ========================================== edict\ English/Japanese dictionary gaku\ Shareware Gakusei Program of elementary grammer, etc. jdic\ Japanese/English Dictionary Display kanji\ Kanji Flashcard package for learning first 204 kanji kanjidic\ Files of information about Kanji kdrill\ Kanji drill kinfo\ Kanji information files for JDIC & JReader lifscdic\ Japanese/English Life Science Dictionary wsk\ WSK files kg\ Mark Edwards' Kanji Guess Program moke\ Mark Edwards' Japanese Text Editor winjdic\ Mark Edwards' Windows JDIC Program V0.7 etc\ Et cetera Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/edict: ================================================ edict English/Japanese dictionary for use with MOKE/JDIC/JREADER edict.doc Docs for edict edict.jdx Dictionary for JDIC & JREADER esplit.c Source to esplit.exe esplit.exe Utility to split edict into two parts Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/etc: ============================================== jis16.zoo NJSTAR Japanese WP tohp.txt HP GL Japanese printing program text HP GL Japanese printing program Kanji driver source, JIS fonts, and other goodies kdfilt.c Utility to strip kanjidic of unwanted codes kdfilt.exe Utility to strip kanjidic of unwanted codes Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/gaku: =============================================== gaku11.txt Text file gaku11v1.exe Shareware program -- elementary grammar, etc 1/2 gaku11v2.exe Shareware program -- elementary grammar, etc 2/2 gakuBUGFIX.txt Text file Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/jdic: =============================================== ReadMe-JDIC_JREADER2.4.txt jdic24.zoo *Japanese/English Dictionary Display jdicpalm.zoo jdxgen.exe Parses the dict. file and produces an index table jdxgen24.doc Documentation for jdxgen.exe xjdic.tar.gz X11 online Japanese dictionary V1.1 Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/kanji: ================================================ kanji1.lzh Kanji Flashcard package for learning first 204 kanji kanji2.lzh Kanji Flashcard package for learning first 204 kanji kanji3.lzh Kanji Flashcard package for learning first 204 kanji Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/kanjidic: =================================================== kanjidic Information on kanji kanjidic.doc Information on kanji documentation kanji24.txt Readme file Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/kdrill: ================================================= kdrill.v1.X11R4.tar.gz kdrill2.9.2.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/kg: ============================================= kg101dst.exe Kanji Guess program archive kg101dst.txt Some introductory inf* Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/kinfo: ================================================ kinfo24.zoo Kanji info files for JDIC and JREADER Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/lifscdic: =================================================== lifscdic.gz Japanese/English Life Science Dictionary lifscdic.doc Documentation Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/moke: =============================================== Moke 1.1 BGI FiLes Moke 1.1 Documentation Moke 1.1 Executables Moke 1.1 JIS Bitmaps Moke 1.1 SKK Dictionaries Moke 1.1 Wnn Dictionaries mokewnn.zoo the Wnndict, wnndict.ind & revtab files Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/winjdic: ================================================== winjdic7.lzh Windows JDIC Program winjdic7.rme Readme.txt winjdic8.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jimbreen/wsk: ============================================== readme.txt revtab wnndict wnndict.doc wnndict.ind wsktok.dat wsktok.doc wsktok.ind wskwnn.zoo Expanded versions of WSKTOK.DAT/IND, WNNDICT(IND) Directory japanese/systems/msdos/jstevie: ========================================= jst13exe.doc jst13exe.lzh jst13src.doc jst13src.lzh jst13up.doc jst13up.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/ka9q: ====================================== README.jis jnet9108.lzh ka9qj1.lzh nosco07e.lzh nosco07s.lzh userman.txt Directory japanese/systems/msdos/kdplus: ======================================== READ.ME kdp4a.exe kdp4b.exe kdp4c.exe Directory japanese/systems/msdos/kg: ==================================== kg101dst.exe kg101dst.txt Directory japanese/systems/msdos/kmdes: ======================================= kmdes100.doc kmdes100.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/knjicard: ========================================== kanji1.lzh kanji2.lzh kanji3.lzh readme.txt Directory japanese/systems/msdos/kv2: ===================================== kv2.doc Directory japanese/systems/msdos/ng: ==================================== README ng13Le98.lzh ng13Lexe.lzh ng13doc.lzh Ng 1.3 document files. ng13ex31.lzh Ng 1.3 J-3100 exe file. ng13ex98.lzh Ng 1.3 PC-9801 exe file. ng13exe.lzh Ng 1.3 MS-DOS generic exe file. ng13src.lzh Ng 1.3 MS-DOS version source files. Directory japanese/systems/msdos/njstar: ======================================== njstar3j.doc readme.txt Directory japanese/systems/msdos/tcode: ======================================= tcode.sjs TCode Documentation (Japanese) tcodeexe.lzh for PC286. tcodesrc.lzh requires LSI-C for compilation. Directory japanese/systems/msdos/telnet: ======================================== readme.sjs Directory japanese/systems/msdos/terakoya: ========================================== README.jis kaki321.lzh oimo128.lzh soro238c.lzh souji1.lzh tebiki_j.lzh tera0714.lzh yk211.lzh yomip208.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/unixtool: ========================================== toolsexe.lzh toolssrc.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/vtemu: ======================================= vtemu_exe.lzh vtemu_src.lzh Directory japanese/systems/msdos/wterm: ======================================= wterm.doc wibmj15.lzh wj3115.lzh wpc881sp.lzh wtdoc403.lzh wtfm122b.lzh Directory japanese/systems/ujip: ================================ 00README Readme file from Ken Lunde 00_ujip.txt Information on "Understanding Japanese Information Processing" Ch6\ Programs from Chapter 6 Ch7\ Programs from Chapter 7 Ch9\ Programs from Chapter 9 AppA\ Programs from Appendix A AppD\ Programs from Appendix D AppE\ Programs from Appendix E AppF\ Programs from Appendix F AppG\ Programs from Appendix G AppJ\ Programs from Appendix J AppO\ Programs from Appendix O dic\ Dictionary files doc\ Documentation perl\ Perl source code src\ Source Code amiga\ Programs for the Amiga dos\ Programs for MS DOS mac\ Programs for the Macintosh unix\ Programs for Unix Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppA: ===================================== conv-table.txt Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppD: ===================================== pronunciation-index.euc pronunciation-index.jis pronunciation-index.sjs radical-index.euc radical-index.jis radical-index.sjs Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppE: ===================================== joyo-kanji.euc joyo-kanji.jis joyo-kanji.sjs Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppF: ===================================== gakushu-kanji.euc gakushu-kanji.jis gakushu-kanji.sjs Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppG: ===================================== jinmei-yo-kanji.euc jinmei-yo-kanji.jis jinmei-yo-kanji.sjs Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppJ: ===================================== 78-vs-83-1.euc 78-vs-83-1.jis 78-vs-83-1.sjs 78-vs-83-2.euc 78-vs-83-2.jis 78-vs-83-2.sjs 78-vs-83-3.euc 78-vs-83-3.jis 78-vs-83-3.sjs 78-vs-83-4.euc 78-vs-83-4.jis 78-vs-83-4.sjs 83-vs-90-1.euc 83-vs-90-1.jis 83-vs-90-1.sjs 83-vs-90-2.euc 83-vs-90-2.jis 83-vs-90-2.sjs TJ2.euc TJ2.jis TJ2.sjs TJ3.euc TJ3.jis TJ3.sjs TJ4.euc TJ4.jis TJ4.sjs TJ5.txt TJ6.txt Directory japanese/systems/ujip/AppO: ===================================== code-table.txt Directory japanese/systems/ujip/Ch6: ==================================== T68.euc T68.jis T68.sjs T69.euc T69.jis T69.sjs Directory japanese/systems/ujip/Ch7: ==================================== DetectCodeType.c SkipESCSeq.c attribute_macros defines.c euc2jis.c euc2shift.c han2zen.c jis2euc.c jis2kuten.c jis2sjis.c kuten2jis.c repairjis.c seven2seven.c seven2shift.txt shift2seven.c sjis2jis.c Directory japanese/systems/ujip/Ch9: ==================================== for.cshrc rfc-1468.txt rfc-1554.txt rfc-1557.txt Directory japanese/systems/ujip/amiga: ====================================== jisconvt103.lha Directory japanese/systems/ujip/dic: ==================================== edict edict.doc kanjidic kanjidic.doc lifscdic lifscdic.doc Directory japanese/systems/ujip/doc: ==================================== japan.inf-032092.euc japan.inf-032092.jis japan.inf-032092.sjs ujip-figures.txt ujip-tables.txt ujip-toc.txt ujip.txt Directory japanese/systems/ujip/dos: ==================================== jdic24.zoo jdxgen.exe jdxgen24.doc lundesw.zoo winjdic7.lzh winjdic7.rme winjdic8.lzh Directory japanese/systems/ujip/mac: ==================================== asledit-10a43.hqx aslkconvert-10a11.hqx asltelnet-23b4.hqx edit7-10b2.hqx fontpatchin-211.hqx inline++tsm-116.hqx jchar-30.hqx jcode-30.hqx jconv-30.hqx jconv-dd-173.hqx macjdic-111.hqx macsnrise-script-301.hqx macsunrise-kd-11-demo.hqx macsunrise.txt micro-emacs-39j.hqx ninjaterm-0961-32.hqx stay-here-202.hqx syokendai-00215.hqx terminal-22j1.hqx Directory japanese/systems/ujip/perl: ===================================== perl-kconv-kit pkf-1.8 Directory japanese/systems/ujip/src: ==================================== jchar.c jcode.c jconv.c jgrep.c Directory japanese/systems/ujip/unix: ===================================== lookup-10.tar.gz lookup.README xjdic.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix: ================================ conv\ Conversion utilities diction\ Dictionaries editors\ Text editors (Mule, Nemacs, ng) etc\ Miscellaneous fonts\ Fonts input\ Input methods jdoc\ Japanese documentation files jless\ Japanese version of "less" jtex\ TeX with support for Japanese characters kakasi\ Kanji to Kana conversion program kterm\ xterm capable of displaying Kanji for X11R5 language\ jgawk, jsed, jperl programming languages mail\ Utilities for mail news\ News utilities nkf\ Network Kanji-code Filter olvwm\ Openlook Virtual Window Manager patch patch\ Patches plain2\ LaTeX/troff conversion command print\ Print utilities tcode\ T-Code frontend for Nemacs x11\ X11 programs Directory japanese/systems/unix/conv: ===================================== ack130.tar.gz jc.doc jc.tar.gz kc-1.5.tar.gz recjis.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/diction: ======================================== i_dic\ Idol Dictionary p-dic-2.1.tar.gz xjdic.doc xjdic.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/diction/i_dic: ============================================== i-dic-0.gz i-dic-4.1.tar.gz i-dic-4.1epsilon.tar.gz i-dic-idis.01 i-tools-4.1.tar.gz i-tools-4.1epsilon.tar.gz idic-client-403.tar.gz idic-client3.tar.gz idic-server-403.tar.gz idic-server3.tar.gz idis-1.1 Directory japanese/systems/unix/editors: ======================================== jstevie-1.3.15.tar.gz kemacs.tar.gz mule-1.1.tar.gz nemacs\ Nemacs editor ng.1.3.1.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/editors/nemacs: =============================================== contrib.tar.gz emacs-18.55-nemacs-3.3.2.diff.gz nemacs-3.3.2.tar.gz nemacs3.3.2.Wnn4.0.3.bugfix patches\ Nemacs patches repairJIS.nemacs.txt x_emacs_helper.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/editors/nemacs/patches: ======================================================= crt0.c.luna.patch loadst.c.luna.patch m-luna.h m-news3800.h nemacs-for-solaris2.x.patch nemacs3.3.2.ow.patch nemacs3.3.2.patch Directory japanese/systems/unix/etc: ==================================== unjle\ Convert JLE files ditfilters.doc ditfilters.tar.gz dserver.tar.gz j222.doc j222.tar.gz kbanner.2.doc kbanner2.tar.gz kdrill.doc kdrill2.9.3.tar.gz okphone-1.2.tar.gz osaka.tar.gz xdvi-14jgs xocha1.24.tar.gz xpnbiff.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/etc/unjle: ========================================== unjle.doc unjle.header unjle.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts: ====================================== tex\ TeX fonts 13x26.alias 13x26.bdf 13x26rk.bdf 18to16.sed 26to24.sed 7x14maru.alias 7x14 Marumoji font aliases 7x14maru.bdf 7x14 Marumoji ISO 8859-1 font 7x14rkmaru.bdf 7x14 Marumoji JIS X0201 font Imakefile Imakefile for building and installing Jming16.bdf jming16 (16x16) EUC encoded font Jsong24.bdf jsong24 (24x24) EUC encoded font README.jfonts Readme file a16.alias a16 (8x16) font aliases a16.bdf a16 (8x16) ISO 8859-1 font a16rk.bdf a16 (8x16) JIS X0201 font a18.alias a18 (9x18) font aliases a18.bdf a18 (9x18) ISO 8859-1 font a18rk.bdf a18 (9x18) JIS X0201 font cursor2.bdf k14.bdf kanji16.alias kanji16 (16x16) font aliases kanji16.bdf kanji16 (16x16) JIS X0208 font kanji18.alias kanji18 (18x18) font aliases kanji18.bdf kanji18 (18x18) JIS X0208 font kanji24.alias kanji24 (24x24) font aliases kanji24.bdf kanji24 (24x24) JIS X0208 font kanji26.alias kanji26 (26x26) font aliases kanji26.bdf kanji26 (26x26) JIS X0208 font kanji32.bdf kanji32 (32x32) JIS X0208 font kanji48.bdf kanji48 (48x48) JIS X0208 font logo30.150.bdf logo30.200gf logo30.240gf logo30.300gf logo30.400gf logo30.75.bdf logo30.tfm logo50.150.bdf logo50.200gf logo50.240gf logo50.300gf logo50.400gf logo50.75.bdf logo50.tfm maru14.alias maru14 (14x14) font aliases maru14.bdf maru14 (14x14) Marumoji JIS X0208 font maru16.alias maru16 (16x16) font aliases maru16.bdf maru16 (16x16) Marumoji JIS X0208 font maru18.alias maru18 (18x18) font aliases maru18.bdf maru18 (18x18) Marumoji JIS X0208 font Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex: ========================================== 300pk\ TeX 300pk fonts pk400\ TeX pk400 fonts pmt300pk\ Poor Man's TeX 300pk fonts pmttfm\ Poor Man's TeX tfm fonts psfonts\ Postscript Fonts tfm\ TeX TFM fonts Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/300pk: ================================================ jisjgreek24.300pk jisjgreek36.300pk jisjgreek48.300pk jisjgreek72.300pk jisjhira24.300pk jisjhira36.300pk jisjhira48.300pk jisjhira72.300pk jisjka24.300pk jisjka36.300pk jisjka48.300pk jisjka72.300pk jisjkata24.300pk jisjkata36.300pk jisjkata48.300pk jisjkata72.300pk jisjkb24.300pk jisjkb36.300pk jisjkb48.300pk jisjkb72.300pk jisjkc24.300pk jisjkc36.300pk jisjkc48.300pk jisjkc72.300pk jisjkd24.300pk jisjkd36.300pk jisjkd48.300pk jisjkd72.300pk jisjke24.300pk jisjke36.300pk jisjke48.300pk jisjke72.300pk jisjkeisen24.300pk jisjkeisen36.300pk jisjkeisen48.300pk jisjkeisen72.300pk jisjkf24.300pk jisjkf36.300pk jisjkf48.300pk jisjkf72.300pk jisjkg24.300pk jisjkg36.300pk jisjkg48.300pk jisjkg72.300pk jisjkh24.300pk jisjkh36.300pk jisjkh48.300pk jisjkh72.300pk jisjki24.300pk jisjki36.300pk jisjki48.300pk jisjki72.300pk jisjkj24.300pk jisjkj36.300pk jisjkj48.300pk jisjkj72.300pk jisjkk24.300pk jisjkk36.300pk jisjkk48.300pk jisjkk72.300pk jisjkl24.300pk jisjkl36.300pk jisjkl48.300pk jisjkl72.300pk jisjkm24.300pk jisjkm36.300pk jisjkm48.300pk jisjkm72.300pk jisjkn24.300pk jisjkn36.300pk jisjkn48.300pk jisjkn72.300pk jisjko24.300pk jisjko36.300pk jisjko48.300pk jisjko72.300pk jisjkp24.300pk jisjkp36.300pk jisjkp48.300pk jisjkp72.300pk jisjkq24.300pk jisjkq36.300pk jisjkq48.300pk jisjkq72.300pk jisjkr24.300pk jisjkr36.300pk jisjkr48.300pk jisjkr72.300pk jisjks24.300pk jisjks36.300pk jisjks48.300pk jisjks72.300pk jisjkt24.300pk jisjkt36.300pk jisjkt48.300pk jisjkt72.300pk jisjku24.300pk jisjku36.300pk jisjku48.300pk jisjku72.300pk jisjkv24.300pk jisjkv36.300pk jisjkv48.300pk jisjkv72.300pk jisjkw24.300pk jisjkw36.300pk jisjkw48.300pk jisjkw72.300pk jisjkx24.300pk jisjkx36.300pk jisjkx48.300pk jisjkx72.300pk jisjky24.300pk jisjky36.300pk jisjky48.300pk jisjky72.300pk jisjkz24.300pk jisjkz36.300pk jisjkz48.300pk jisjkz72.300pk jisjroma24.300pk jisjroma36.300pk jisjroma48.300pk jisjroma72.300pk jisjrussian24.300pk jisjrussian36.300pk jisjrussian48.300pk jisjrussian72.300pk jisjsy24.300pk jisjsy36.300pk jisjsy48.300pk jisjsy72.300pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400: ================================================ 1\ TeX fonts pk400 vol 1 2\ TeX fonts pk400 vol 2 3\ TeX fonts pk400 vol 3 4\ TeX fonts pk400 vol 4 5\ TeX fonts pk400 vol 5 6\ TeX fonts pk400 vol 6 Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400/1: ================================================== cmb10.1194pk cmb10.400pk cmb10.438pk cmb10.480pk cmb10.576pk cmb10.691pk cmb10.829pk cmb10.995pk cmbsy10.1194pk cmbsy10.400pk cmbsy10.438pk cmbsy10.480pk cmbsy10.576pk cmbsy10.691pk cmbsy10.829pk cmbsy10.995pk cmbx10.1194pk cmbx10.400pk cmbx10.438pk cmbx10.480pk cmbx10.576pk cmbx10.691pk cmbx10.829pk cmbx10.995pk cmbx12.400pk cmbx12.438pk cmbx12.480pk cmbx5.1194pk cmbx5.400pk cmbx5.438pk cmbx5.480pk cmbx5.576pk cmbx5.691pk cmbx5.829pk cmbx5.995pk cmbx6.400pk cmbx6.438pk cmbx6.480pk cmbx7.1194pk cmbx7.400pk cmbx7.438pk cmbx7.480pk cmbx7.576pk cmbx7.691pk cmbx7.829pk cmbx7.995pk cmbx8.400pk cmbx8.438pk cmbx8.480pk cmbx9.400pk cmbx9.438pk cmbx9.480pk cmbxsl10.1194pk cmbxsl10.400pk cmbxsl10.438pk cmbxsl10.480pk cmbxsl10.576pk cmbxsl10.691pk cmbxsl10.829pk cmbxsl10.995pk cmbxti10.1194pk cmbxti10.400pk cmbxti10.438pk cmbxti10.480pk cmbxti10.576pk cmbxti10.691pk cmbxti10.829pk cmbxti10.995pk cmcsc10.1194pk cmcsc10.320pk cmcsc10.360pk cmcsc10.400pk cmcsc10.438pk cmcsc10.480pk cmcsc10.576pk cmcsc10.691pk cmcsc10.829pk cmcsc10.995pk cmdunh10.1194pk cmdunh10.400pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400/2: ================================================== cmdunh10.438pk cmdunh10.480pk cmdunh10.576pk cmdunh10.691pk cmdunh10.829pk cmdunh10.995pk cmex10.1194pk cmex10.400pk cmex10.438pk cmex10.480pk cmex10.576pk cmex10.691pk cmex10.829pk cmex10.995pk cmff10.1194pk cmff10.400pk cmff10.438pk cmff10.480pk cmff10.576pk cmff10.691pk cmff10.829pk cmff10.995pk cmfi10.1194pk cmfi10.400pk cmfi10.438pk cmfi10.480pk cmfi10.576pk cmfi10.691pk cmfi10.829pk cmfi10.995pk cmfib8.400pk cmfib8.438pk cmfib8.480pk cminch.400pk cmitt10.1194pk cmitt10.400pk cmitt10.438pk cmitt10.480pk cmitt10.576pk cmitt10.691pk cmitt10.829pk cmitt10.995pk cmmi10.1194pk cmmi10.400pk cmmi10.438pk cmmi10.480pk cmmi10.576pk cmmi10.691pk cmmi10.829pk cmmi10.995pk cmmi12.400pk cmmi12.438pk cmmi12.480pk cmmi5.1194pk cmmi5.400pk cmmi5.438pk cmmi5.480pk cmmi5.576pk cmmi5.691pk cmmi5.829pk cmmi5.995pk cmmi6.400pk cmmi6.438pk cmmi6.480pk cmmi7.1194pk cmmi7.400pk cmmi7.438pk cmmi7.480pk cmmi7.576pk cmmi7.691pk cmmi7.829pk cmmi7.995pk cmmi8.400pk cmmi8.438pk cmmi8.480pk cmmi9.400pk cmmi9.438pk cmmi9.480pk cmmib10.1194pk cmmib10.400pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400/3: ================================================== cmmib10.438pk cmmib10.480pk cmmib10.576pk cmmib10.691pk cmmib10.829pk cmmib10.995pk cmr10.1194pk cmr10.400pk cmr10.438pk cmr10.480pk cmr10.576pk cmr10.691pk cmr10.829pk cmr10.995pk cmr12.400pk cmr12.438pk cmr12.480pk cmr17.400pk cmr17.438pk cmr17.480pk cmr5.1194pk cmr5.400pk cmr5.438pk cmr5.480pk cmr5.576pk cmr5.691pk cmr5.829pk cmr5.995pk cmr6.400pk cmr6.438pk cmr6.480pk cmr7.1194pk cmr7.400pk cmr7.438pk cmr7.480pk cmr7.576pk cmr7.691pk cmr7.829pk cmr7.995pk cmr8.400pk cmr8.438pk cmr8.480pk cmr9.400pk cmr9.438pk cmr9.480pk cmsa10.1194pk cmsa10.400pk cmsa10.438pk cmsa10.480pk cmsa10.576pk cmsa10.691pk cmsa10.829pk cmsa10.995pk cmsl10.1194pk cmsl10.400pk cmsl10.438pk cmsl10.480pk cmsl10.576pk cmsl10.691pk cmsl10.829pk cmsl10.995pk cmsl12.400pk cmsl12.438pk cmsl12.480pk cmsl8.400pk cmsl8.438pk cmsl8.480pk cmsl9.400pk cmsl9.438pk cmsl9.480pk cmsltt10.1194pk cmsltt10.400pk cmsltt10.438pk cmsltt10.480pk cmsltt10.576pk cmsltt10.691pk cmsltt10.829pk cmsltt10.995pk cmss10.1194pk cmss10.400pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400/4: ================================================== cmss10.438pk cmss10.480pk cmss10.576pk cmss10.691pk cmss10.829pk cmss10.995pk cmss12.400pk cmss12.438pk cmss12.480pk cmss17.400pk cmss17.438pk cmss17.480pk cmss8.400pk cmss8.438pk cmss8.480pk cmss9.400pk cmss9.438pk cmss9.480pk cmssbx10.1194pk cmssbx10.400pk cmssbx10.438pk cmssbx10.480pk cmssbx10.576pk cmssbx10.691pk cmssbx10.829pk cmssbx10.995pk cmssdc10.1194pk cmssdc10.400pk cmssdc10.438pk cmssdc10.480pk cmssdc10.576pk cmssdc10.691pk cmssdc10.829pk cmssdc10.995pk cmssi10.1194pk cmssi10.400pk cmssi10.438pk cmssi10.480pk cmssi10.576pk cmssi10.691pk cmssi10.829pk cmssi10.995pk cmssi12.400pk cmssi12.438pk cmssi12.480pk cmssi17.400pk cmssi17.438pk cmssi17.480pk cmssi8.400pk cmssi8.438pk cmssi8.480pk cmssi9.400pk cmssi9.438pk cmssi9.480pk cmssq8.400pk cmssq8.438pk cmssq8.480pk cmssqi8.400pk cmssqi8.438pk cmssqi8.480pk cmsy10.1194pk cmsy10.400pk cmsy10.438pk cmsy10.480pk cmsy10.576pk cmsy10.691pk cmsy10.829pk cmsy10.995pk cmsy5.1194pk cmsy5.400pk cmsy5.438pk cmsy5.480pk cmsy5.576pk cmsy5.691pk cmsy5.829pk cmsy5.995pk cmsy6.400pk cmsy6.438pk cmsy6.480pk cmsy7.1194pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400/5: ================================================== cmsy7.400pk cmsy7.438pk cmsy7.480pk cmsy7.576pk cmsy7.691pk cmsy7.829pk cmsy7.995pk cmsy8.400pk cmsy8.438pk cmsy8.480pk cmsy9.400pk cmsy9.438pk cmsy9.480pk cmtcsc10.1194pk cmtcsc10.400pk cmtcsc10.438pk cmtcsc10.480pk cmtcsc10.576pk cmtcsc10.691pk cmtcsc10.829pk cmtcsc10.995pk cmtex10.1194pk cmtex10.400pk cmtex10.438pk cmtex10.480pk cmtex10.576pk cmtex10.691pk cmtex10.829pk cmtex10.995pk cmtex8.400pk cmtex8.438pk cmtex8.480pk cmtex9.400pk cmtex9.438pk cmtex9.480pk cmti10.1194pk cmti10.400pk cmti10.438pk cmti10.480pk cmti10.576pk cmti10.691pk cmti10.829pk cmti10.995pk cmti12.400pk cmti12.438pk cmti12.480pk cmti7.1194pk cmti7.400pk cmti7.438pk cmti7.480pk cmti7.576pk cmti7.691pk cmti7.829pk cmti7.995pk cmti8.400pk cmti8.438pk cmti8.480pk cmti9.400pk cmti9.438pk cmti9.480pk cmtt10.1194pk cmtt10.400pk cmtt10.438pk cmtt10.480pk cmtt10.576pk cmtt10.691pk cmtt10.829pk cmtt10.995pk cmtt12.400pk cmtt12.438pk cmtt12.480pk cmtt8.400pk cmtt8.438pk cmtt8.480pk cmtt9.400pk cmtt9.438pk cmtt9.480pk cmu10.1194pk cmu10.400pk cmu10.438pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pk400/6: ================================================== cmu10.480pk cmu10.576pk cmu10.691pk cmu10.829pk cmu10.995pk cmvtt10.1194pk cmvtt10.400pk cmvtt10.438pk cmvtt10.480pk cmvtt10.576pk cmvtt10.691pk cmvtt10.829pk cmvtt10.995pk lasy10.400pk lasy5.400pk lasy6.400pk lasy7.400pk lasy8.400pk lasy9.400pk lasyb10.400pk lcircle10.400pk lcirclew10.400pk line10.400pk linew10.400pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pmt300pk: =================================================== wjisa1.300pk wjisa2.300pk wjisa3.300pk wjisa4.300pk wjisa5.300pk wjisa6.300pk wjisa7.300pk wjisa8.300pk wjisa9.300pk wjisaa.300pk wjisab.300pk wjisac.300pk wjisad.300pk wjisae.300pk wjisaf.300pk wjisb0.300pk wjisb1.300pk wjisb2.300pk wjisb3.300pk wjisb4.300pk wjisb5.300pk wjisb6.300pk wjisb7.300pk wjisb8.300pk wjisb9.300pk wjisba.300pk wjisbb.300pk wjisbc.300pk wjisbd.300pk wjisbe.300pk wjisbf.300pk wjisc0.300pk wjisc1.300pk wjisc2.300pk wjisc3.300pk wjisc4.300pk wjisc5.300pk wjisc6.300pk wjisc7.300pk wjisc8.300pk wjisc9.300pk wjisca.300pk wjiscb.300pk wjiscc.300pk wjiscd.300pk wjisce.300pk wjiscf.300pk wjisd0.300pk wjisd1.300pk wjisd2.300pk wjisd3.300pk wjisd4.300pk wjisd5.300pk wjisd6.300pk wjisd7.300pk wjisd8.300pk wjisd9.300pk wjisda.300pk wjisdb.300pk wjisdc.300pk wjisdd.300pk wjisde.300pk wjisdf.300pk wjise0.300pk wjise1.300pk wjise2.300pk wjise3.300pk wjise4.300pk wjise5.300pk wjise6.300pk wjise7.300pk wjise8.300pk wjise9.300pk wjisea.300pk wjiseb.300pk wjisec.300pk wjised.300pk wjisee.300pk wjisef.300pk wjisf0.300pk wjisf1.300pk wjisf2.300pk wjisf3.300pk wjisf4.300pk Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/pmttfm: ================================================= wjisa1.tfm wjisa2.tfm wjisa3.tfm wjisa4.tfm wjisa5.tfm wjisa6.tfm wjisa7.tfm wjisa8.tfm wjisa9.tfm wjisaa.tfm wjisab.tfm wjisac.tfm wjisad.tfm wjisae.tfm wjisaf.tfm wjisb0.tfm wjisb1.tfm wjisb2.tfm wjisb3.tfm wjisb4.tfm wjisb5.tfm wjisb6.tfm wjisb7.tfm wjisb8.tfm wjisb9.tfm wjisba.tfm wjisbb.tfm wjisbc.tfm wjisbd.tfm wjisbe.tfm wjisbf.tfm wjisc0.tfm wjisc1.tfm wjisc2.tfm wjisc3.tfm wjisc4.tfm wjisc5.tfm wjisc6.tfm wjisc7.tfm wjisc8.tfm wjisc9.tfm wjisca.tfm wjiscb.tfm wjiscc.tfm wjiscd.tfm wjisce.tfm wjiscf.tfm wjisd0.tfm wjisd1.tfm wjisd2.tfm wjisd3.tfm wjisd4.tfm wjisd5.tfm wjisd6.tfm wjisd7.tfm wjisd8.tfm wjisd9.tfm wjisda.tfm wjisdb.tfm wjisdc.tfm wjisdd.tfm wjisde.tfm wjisdf.tfm wjise0.tfm wjise1.tfm wjise2.tfm wjise3.tfm wjise4.tfm wjise5.tfm wjise6.tfm wjise7.tfm wjise8.tfm wjise9.tfm wjisea.tfm wjiseb.tfm wjisec.tfm wjised.tfm wjisee.tfm wjisef.tfm wjisf0.tfm wjisf1.tfm wjisf2.tfm wjisf3.tfm wjisf4.tfm Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/psfonts: ================================================== 1\ TeX fonts postscript vol 1 2\ TeX fonts postscript vol 2 3\ TeX fonts postscript vol 3 4\ TeX fonts postscript vol 4 Directory japanese/systems/unix/fonts/tex/tfm: ============================================== jisjgreek24.tfm jisjgreek36.tfm jisjgreek48.tfm jisjgreek72.tfm jisjhira24.tfm jisjhira36.tfm jisjhira48.tfm jisjhira72.tfm jisjka24.tfm jisjka36.tfm jisjka48.tfm jisjka72.tfm jisjkata24.tfm jisjkata36.tfm jisjkata48.tfm jisjkata72.tfm jisjkb24.tfm jisjkb36.tfm jisjkb48.tfm jisjkb72.tfm jisjkc24.tfm jisjkc36.tfm jisjkc48.tfm jisjkc72.tfm jisjkd24.tfm jisjkd36.tfm jisjkd48.tfm jisjkd72.tfm jisjke24.tfm jisjke36.tfm jisjke48.tfm jisjke72.tfm jisjkeisen24.tfm jisjkeisen36.tfm jisjkeisen48.tfm jisjkeisen72.tfm jisjkf24.tfm jisjkf36.tfm jisjkf48.tfm jisjkf72.tfm jisjkg24.tfm jisjkg36.tfm jisjkg48.tfm jisjkg72.tfm jisjkh24.tfm jisjkh36.tfm jisjkh48.tfm jisjkh72.tfm jisjki24.tfm jisjki36.tfm jisjki48.tfm jisjki72.tfm jisjkj24.tfm jisjkj36.tfm jisjkj48.tfm jisjkj72.tfm jisjkk24.tfm jisjkk36.tfm jisjkk48.tfm jisjkk72.tfm jisjkl24.tfm jisjkl36.tfm jisjkl48.tfm jisjkl72.tfm jisjkm24.tfm jisjkm36.tfm jisjkm48.tfm jisjkm72.tfm jisjkn24.tfm jisjkn36.tfm jisjkn48.tfm jisjkn72.tfm jisjko24.tfm jisjko36.tfm jisjko48.tfm jisjko72.tfm jisjkp24.tfm jisjkp36.tfm jisjkp48.tfm jisjkp72.tfm jisjkq24.tfm jisjkq36.tfm jisjkq48.tfm jisjkq72.tfm jisjkr24.tfm jisjkr36.tfm jisjkr48.tfm jisjkr72.tfm jisjks24.tfm jisjks36.tfm jisjks48.tfm jisjks72.tfm jisjkt24.tfm jisjkt36.tfm jisjkt48.tfm jisjkt72.tfm jisjku24.tfm jisjku36.tfm jisjku48.tfm jisjku72.tfm jisjkv24.tfm jisjkv36.tfm jisjkv48.tfm jisjkv72.tfm jisjkw24.tfm jisjkw36.tfm jisjkw48.tfm jisjkw72.tfm jisjkx24.tfm jisjkx36.tfm jisjkx48.tfm jisjkx72.tfm jisjky24.tfm jisjky36.tfm jisjky48.tfm jisjky72.tfm jisjkz24.tfm jisjkz36.tfm jisjkz48.tfm jisjkz72.tfm jisjroma24.tfm jisjroma36.tfm jisjroma48.tfm jisjroma72.tfm jisjrussian24.tfm jisjrussian36.tfm jisjrussian48.tfm jisjrussian72.tfm jisjsy24.tfm jisjsy36.tfm jisjsy48.tfm jisjsy72.tfm Directory japanese/systems/unix/input: ====================================== Canna22p4.tar.gz Canna input method Xawk2.tar.gz fep.tar.gz kinput2.doc Kinput2 documentation kinput2.tar.gz Kinput2 (patches 1-6 already applied) onew1.5.tar.gz High level libraries for using Wnn in applicatioas skk\ skk kanji/kana input wnn\ wnn kanji/kana input Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk: ========================================== maillist\ skk maillist archives skk6.7.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk/maillist: =================================================== 000\ skk maillist vol 000 100\ skk maillist vol 100 200\ skk maillist vol 200 300\ skk maillist vol 300 400\ skk maillist vol 400 Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk/maillist/000: ======================================================= 1 skkserv without root permission (was Re: SKK-ML da! SKK-ML da!! 2 Roma-Kana Conversion Method 3 4 Re: skkserv without root permission (was Re: SKK-ML da! SKK-ML da!! 5 Re: skkserv without root permission 6 SKK-ML da! SKK-ML da!! (^ ^)(^ ^;) 7 Roma-Kana Conversion Method 8 Re: skkserv without root permission 9 Re: skkserv without root permission 10 Re: skk mailing list 11 SKK Dictionary Tools 12 setting in rc.local 13 skk-merge 14 skkserv without root permission (was Re: SKK-ML da! SKK-ML da!! 15 skkserv without root permission (was Re: SKK-ML da! SKK-ML da!! 16 skk mailing list 17 skk-merge 18 if I mail with un-registerd uid? 19 Re: skk mailing list 20 'n' ga mada okasii? 21 previous candidate 22 skk mailing list 23 Re: skk mailing list 24 Diff utility 25 test (please ignore) 26 checklist for skkserv installation 27 'n' ga mada okasii? 28 Re: skk mailing list 29 30 Diff utility 31 skk 3.47 posted 32 SKK and C 33 echo backed romaji 34 Re: Diff utility 35 Re: skk 3.47 posted 36 Re: SKK and C 37 echo backed romaji 38 skk-server does not work again 39 Re: echo backed romaji 40 skk-server does not work again 41 mode-line 42 Re: mode-line 43 echo backed romaji 44 SKK and C 45 SKK -> CKK ? 46 Re: echo backed romaji 47 Re: echo backed romaji 48 mode-line 49 Re: skk-server does not work again 50 echo backed romaji 51 skk will be official part of Nemacs 52 exit skk-mode ? 53 j-setup-skk-zenkaku-map Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk/maillist/100: ======================================================= 101 admin of SKK Mailing List 102 Re: SKK -> CKK ? 103 SKK -> CKK ? 104 Index of SKK ML 105 exit skk-mode ? 106 skk and vip 107 Re: exit skk-mode ? 108 Romaji -> Kanji command 109 skk4.9 110 skk4.9 111 how to extend server's dictionary 112 Re: how to extend server's dictionary 113 how to extend server's dictionary 114 how to extend server's dictionary 115 how to extend server's dictionary 116 Re: skk4.9 117 skk4.9 118 Youryou wo EN 119 Re: skk4.9 120 a trboule of re-sending mails 121 fill-prefix 122 recovering mailing list 123 Sorry, test again 124 test 125 Youryou wo EN 126 Re: fill-prefix 127 skk4.13 (fill-prefix etc.) 128 skkserv 3.3.2 129 MicroSKK 130 Bushu-mei 131 bug or feature? 132 bug or feature? 133 skk4.15 134 Re: bug or feature? 135 Re: bug or feature? 136 Re: skk4.15 137 skk4.15 138 Re: MicroSKK 139 skk4.1x and skk4.9 140 Re: MicroSKK 141 Re: skk4.15 142 skk - part 1 of 1 143 MicroSKK 144 mode-line and Re: skk4.15 145 skk4.15 ??? 146 skk-isearch and Re: mode-line 147 skk4.9 148 Re: skk4.9 149 skk4.1x and skk4.9 150 skk sources-request (Re: skk4.9) 151 Re: skk sources-request (Re: skk4.9) 152 skk sources-request (Re: skk4.9) 153 anonymous ftp 154 Re: anonymous ftp 155 Re: skk sources-request (Re: skk4.9) 156 About skk mode change 157 Re: skk sources-request (Re: skk4.9) 158 picture-mode (Re: skk sources-request) 159 Re: About skk mode change 160 Re: picture-mode (Re: skk sources-request) 161 Re: About skk mode change 162 Re: SKK configuration tool 163 Re: picture-mode (Re: skk sources-request) 164 Re: skk4.9 165 Re: skk4.9 166 skk4.9 167 About skk mode change 168 skk sources-request (Re: skk4.9) 169 Re: About skk mode change 170 Re: About skk mode change 171 SKK for MS-DOS? (was: About skk mode change) 172 Re: About skk mode change 173 About skk mode change 174 Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 175 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 176 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 177 Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 178 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 179 Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 180 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 181 Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 182 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 183 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 184 Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 185 Re: Manuals, kanji-fileio-code, etc. 186 SKK & GNUS 187 188 skk4.17 189 skk4.17 190 skk4.17 191 edwards is gone 192 skk source request 193 Re: 2nd Nihon Sun Users' Group 194 2nd Nihon Sun Users' Group 195 Re: 196 Re: 197 Re: 198 199 skk mailing list Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk/maillist/200: ======================================================= 200 Anonymous FTP Site for SKK. 201 Anonymous FTP Site for SKK. 202 Anonymous FTP Site for SKK. 203 Re: Anonymous FTP Site for SKK. 204 Re: Anonymous FTP Site for SKK. 205 Anonymous FTP Site for SKK. 206 skk jisyo 207 Re: skk jisyo 208 Re: skk jisyo 209 skk jisyo 210 skk-jisyo 211 skk jisyo 212 Re: skk-jisyo 213 skk-jisyo 214 skk 4.18 215 Re: skk 4.18 216 kakunin 217 skk 4.19 218 Please tell1 me how to version up from 4.17 to 4.18 219 Re: Please tell1 me how to version up from 4.17 to 4.18 220 patch ( 4.17 ---> 4.18 ) 221 Re: patch ( 4.17 ---> 4.18 ) 222 skk-jisyo 223 skk-jisyo 224 skk-jisyo 225 Re: skk 4.18 226 Server 227 Re: SKK Server 228 Re: SKK Server 229 Re: SKK Server 230 Date format options 231 skk4.20 232 Kanji-Kana Henkan 233 Re: Kanji-Kana Henkan 234 Kanji-Kana Henkan 235 Welcome Message 236 Re: skk 4.18 237 skk 4.18 238 SKK in bit 239 240 How do you do? 241 Bug in save-save-jisyo 242 Bug in save-save-jisyo 243 Re: Bug in save-save-jisyo 244 Re: Bug in save-save-jisyo 245 Re: Bug in save-save-jisyo 246 special-symbol-input & Re: Bug in save-save-jisyo 247 special-symbol-input & Re: Bug in save-save-jisyo 248 Re: special-symbol-input 249 Re: special-symbol-input & Re: Bug in save-save-jisyo 250 Re: special-symbol-input 251 special-symbol-input 252 special-symbol-input 253 special-symbol-input 254 Re: skk4.20 255 skk.tex 256 j-input-by-code-with-list 257 skk 4.23 258 skk 4.23 (patch file) 259 skk 4.24 260 SKK in bit 261 Re: skk 4.24, Re: skk.tex 262 Introduce myself, I am H.Izumi 263 2050 UNIX (was Re: Introduce myself, I am H.Izumi) 264 SYSV & skk-trouble (Re: 2050 UNIX) 265 skkserv for SYSV (was Re: 2050 UNIX) 266 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 267 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 268 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 269 Introduce myself, I am H.Izumi 270 SYSV & skk-trouble (Re: 2050 UNIX) 271 SYSV & skk-trouble 272 skk4.26 and new skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 273 skk4.26 274 skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 275 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 276 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 277 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 278 skk4.20 279 Re: skk4.26 and new skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 280 skk4.26 and new skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 281 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 282 Re: skk4.26 and new skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 283 Re: skk4.26 and new skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 284 skkserv & gnus tcp.el 285 Re: SYSV & skk-trouble 286 skk4.26 and new skk-isearch.el (version 1.5) 287 Re : skkserv for SYSV (was Re: 2050 UNIX) 288 ohhayo- 289 ohhayo- 290 SKK4.30 posted to junet 291 space in kana-mode 292 Re: space in kana-mode 293 Re: space in kana-mode 294 Re: space in kana-mode 295 question about purge 296 Self-introduction 297 question about purge 298 SKK4.30 and 4.31 299 Re: SKK4.30 and 4.31 Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk/maillist/300: ======================================================= 300 Self-introduction 301 skk4.32 302 Re: SKK4.30 and 4.31 303 skk3.42 304 Hajime mashite 305 Welcome Message 306 Re: Welcome Message 307 Configure.euc 308 SKK4.30 and 4.31 309 Re: SKK4.30 and 4.31 310 SKK4.30 and 4.31 311 Re: Self-introduction 312 How do you do? & question about *jisyo* buffer 313 skk.tex to skk info 314 skk.tex to skk info 315 How do you do? & question about *jisyo* buffer 316 skk4.33 317 Re: skk.tex to skk info 319 Re: skk4.33 (question about *jisyo*) 320 sorry 321 can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 322 Re: can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 323 Re: can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 324 Re: can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 325 Re: can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 326 egg and skk 327 okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 328 Re: SKK4.30 and 4.31 329 Re: can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 330 Re: can not make skkserv Sun OS 3.5 331 SKK4.30 and 4.31 332 Re: egg and skk 333 skk.tex (slightly modified version) 334 okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 335 introdaction myself 336 introdacution myself 337 Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 338 Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 339 Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 340 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 341 Re: SKK4.30 and 4.31 342 Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 343 Re: 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 344 self-introduction 345 Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 346 Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 347 texindex 348 page 349 page 350 Re: page 351 texindex 352 Jiko-Shoukai 353 Re: texindex 354 okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 355 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 356 release of skk5.6 357 skk5.6 358 skk-tools 359 release of skk5.6 (tuishin) 360 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 361 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 362 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 363 Re: 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 364 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 365 skk5.7 366 skk-tools1.9 367 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 368 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 369 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 370 About skk5.7 371 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 372 About skk5.7 373 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 374 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 375 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 376 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 377 okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk) 378 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 379 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 380 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 381 Re: 2 stroke code (Re: okuri gana hennkan (Re:egg and skk)) 382 Re: j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 383 skk-isearch 384 Re: skk-isearch 385 Dictionary size 386 Re: skk-isearch 387 skk-isearch 388 skk-isearch 389 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 390 About skk5.7 391 About skk5.7 392 j-reformat-jisyo-buffer (Re: release of skk5.6) 393 be smaller skk-jisyo ? 394 Re: be smaller skk-jisyo ? 395 Dictionary size 396 Dictionary size 397 Dictionary size 398 Dictionary size 399 Re: Dictionary size Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/skk/maillist/400: ======================================================= 400 Dictionary size 401 skk5.8 402 Re: Dictionary size 403 Dictionary code 404 Hajimemashite ! 405 Re: About skk5.7 406 Re: Dictionary code 407 Re: Dictionary code 408 Hajimemashite ! 409 Dictionary code 410 Henkan by program 411 Re: Dictionary code 412 re-search-forward in j-reformat-jisyo-buffer 413 Dictionary's wrong word 414 Dictionary's wrong word 415 mail failure 416 My-mail address was changed. 417 Re: Dictionary's wrong word 418 Dictionary's wrong word 419 Re: My-mail address was changed. 420 Re: My-mail address was changed. 421 skk-server-host ni tsuite 422 My-mail address was changed. 423 skk-server-host ni tsuite 424 Re: My-mail address was changed. 425 j-delete-backward-char 426 skk at MIT 427 YOROSHIKU 428 Some improvements? 429 YOROSHIKU 430 skk 5.9 431 skk 5.9 (diff file) 432 call-process 433 Re: call-process 434 call-process 435 skk 5.10 436 Re: call-process 437 remote shell command 438 j-delete-backward-char 439 Re: j-delete-backward-char 440 Re: call-process 441 Some improvements? 442 Re: remote shell command 443 remote shell command 444 j-delete-backward-char 445 appologies and unsubscribe 446 Re: remote shell command 447 Re: remote shell command 448 remote shell command 449 j-katakana-henkan 450 Re: j-katakana-henkan 451 overwrite mode 452 skk5.12 453 Re: overwrite mode 454 overwrite mode 455 skk5.13 456 Re: overwrite mode 457 overwrite mode and picture mode 458 skk5.14 459 skk-save-jisyo and buffer-modified-p && j-okuri-search BUG 460 Errors in SKK-JISYO (Intro.) 461 Errors in SKK-JISYO (Main Body) 462 Re: Errors in SKK-JISYO (Intro.) 463 Errors in SKK-JISYO (Main Body) 464 Errors in SKK-JISYO (Intro.) 465 Re: Errors in SKK-JISYO (Intro.) 466 Re: Errors in SKK-JISYO (Main Body) 467 Re: Errors in SKK-JISYO (Main Body) 468 Errors in SKK-JISYO (Intro.) 469 Errors in SKK-JISYO (Intro.) 470 j-delete-backward-char 471 Re: j-delete-backward-char 472 Re: j-delete-backward-char 473 Re: j-delete-backward-char 474 Re: j-delete-backward-char 475 j-katakana-henkan & j-emulate-original-map 476 Looping in i-search mode 477 Re: Looping in i-search mode 478 Re: j-delete-backward-char 479 Re: j-katakana-henkan & j-emulate-original-map 480 Re: j-katakana-henkan & j-emulate-original-map 481 Re: j-katakana-henkan & j-emulate-original-map 482 skk-replace-string 483 skk-replace-string 484 katakana key input 485 Re: katakana key input 486 katakana key input 487 skk-save-jisyo and buffer-modified-p && j-okuri-search BUG 488 broken .skk-jisyo 489 broken .skk-jisyo 490 HAJIMEMASITE 491 skk5.16 492 skk5.16 (diff file) 493 Henkan without updating jisyo (1) -- Idea 494 Henkan without updating jisyo (2) -- Sample 495 Henkan without updating jisyo (3) -- Appendix 496 j-server-called not cleared 497 How to translate I-dic to skk-jsyo?? (Re: Errors in SKK-JISYO(...)) 498 HAJIMEMASITE 499 Re: How to translate I-dic to skk-jsyo?? (Re: Errors in SKK-JISYO Directory japanese/systems/unix/input/wnn: ========================================== README README.j Wnn4.109.patch Wnn4.109.tar.gz wnnpi-0.4.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/jdoc: ===================================== cvs-1.3-jdoc.tar.gz eljman.tar.gz gdb-j.texinfo.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/jless: ====================================== jless-177.tar.gz less-jis.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/jtex: ===================================== README README.JIS README.RELEASE README.SJIS ascgrp.tar.gz dvi2ps-1.8j.tar.gz jbibtex0.30.tar.gz jbibtex031.patch jdvi2kps4.0.tar.gz jtex.jispatch jtex1.7.index jtex1.7.tar.gz jtexinfo.tex lapic.README lapic.lzh lips3dvi2.09a.tar.gz patch-j1.7 patch-lips2.09a patch-p1.0.9F ptex.jispatch tate.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/kakasi: ======================================= kakasi-2.2.3.tar.gz kakasidict-2.2.3 Directory japanese/systems/unix/kterm: ====================================== kterm-5.2.0.tar.gz kterm.doc Directory japanese/systems/unix/language: ========================================= jgawk- jsed.tar.gz perl\ Perl files Directory japanese/systems/unix/language/perl: ============================================== jperl1.3@4.019.tar.gz perl-4.019.tar.gz perl-kconv0.90.shar.gz perl.japanese.texinfo.tar.gz perl.texinfo-j4.0.19.2.tar.gz perl4.036Code.tar Directory japanese/systems/unix/mail: ===================================== mail-expand.doc mail-expand.tar.gz mailconf-6.4J.6.tar.gz mh_6_8_J\ mh 6.8j rmail2mbox Directory japanese/systems/unix/mail/mh_6_8_J: ============================================== mh-6.8-JP-README.1 mh-6.8-JP-README.2 mh-6.8-JP-patch.1 mh-6.8-JP-patch.2 mh-6.8-JP-patch.2a mh-6.8-JP-patch.2b Directory japanese/systems/unix/news: ===================================== CnewsJIS.tar.gz gnus-3.14.1.tar.gz krn3.4.4@4.4.4.patch.gz rn\ rn newsreader shinbun.doc shinbun.tar.gz unnews-1.9.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/news/rn: ======================================== knn.pat.gz krn.tar.gz ktrn.tar.gz nn.tar.Z Directory japanese/systems/unix/nkf: ==================================== nkf-1.4.tar.gz nkf-1.4.x.tar.gz nkf-speedup-patch.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/olvwm: ====================================== olvwm+.fix.gz olvwm+.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/patch: ====================================== InterView3.0.1-J.patch.tar.gz JLEFixes.tar.gz jxman-R5.patch Directory japanese/systems/unix/plain2: ======================================= asciipatch plain2-2.53j.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/print: ====================================== gs.kanji gs_kanji.doc k2ps.tar.gz kanjips.tar.gz lwf.doc lwf.tar.gz pmtex-1.2.tar.gz pmtex.doc Directory japanese/systems/unix/tcode: ====================================== README doggg.tar.gz eelll.el.1.1-1.3.dif eelll.tar.gz tc.tar.gz tcdic.tar.gz tchart.tar.gz tcps.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/unix/x11: ==================================== InternationalOLWM.tar.gz RT.s.tar.gz jicons.tar.gz Directory japanese/systems/various: =================================== cnprint.doc cnprint240.exe cnprint.rdm cnprint240.tar.gz jen1_2.c kazoeru.c kazoeru.scan.c Directory japanese/systems/win: =============================== hidemaru\ Hidemaru Editor jerdy\ Japanese - Russian Dictionary jverbs\ Japanese Verbs jwp\ Japanese Word Processor winjdic\ Windows JDic Directory japanese/systems/win/hidemaru: ======================================== hide terminal for windows hidemaru editor for windows denshi book reader for windows binary patch to hidemaru binary patch to hidemaru binary patch to hidemaru Directory japanese/systems/win/jerdy: ===================================== jerdy.txt Directory japanese/systems/win/jverbs: ====================================== readme Directory japanese/systems/win/jwp: =================================== InstallingJWP.txt README jwppatch.exe Directory japanese/systems/win/winjdic: ======================================= winjdic7.lzh winjdic7.rme winjdic8.lzh Directory japanese/texts: ========================= faq\ FAQs kahaner\ Reports by Dr. David K. Kahaner knjofday\ Kanji of the Day files kotowaza\ Nihon-no-Kotowaza files lifscdic\ Life Science Dictionary mangajin\ Mangajin Vocabulary files language\ Japanese language texts history\ Historical documents msi\ Textfiles from pbs\ PBS textfiles junet\ JUNET files research\ IEICE and JPS research textfiles science\ Scientific research papers techncal\ Technical documents servers\ Information on servers easyawk\ jgawk text for beginners src\ Misc. sources japan\ Misc. documents on Japan etc\ Miscellaneous documents Directory japanese/texts/easyawk: ================================= part01 part01_1 part02 part03 part03d\ Easyawk part 03d part04 part04d\ Easyawk part 04d part05 part05d\ Easyawk part 05d part06 part06d\ Easyawk part 06d Directory japanese/texts/easyawk/part03d: ========================================= data.tex easyawk.tex program.tex simple.tex sort.tex stat.tex yenverb.doc yenverb.sty Directory japanese/texts/easyawk/part04d: ========================================= exp.tex id01.awk id02.awk id03.awk id04.awk id05.awk id06.awk id07.awk id08.awk id09.awk id10.awk id11.awk id12.awk id13.awk id14.awk id15.awk id16.awk lang.tex sam01.awk sam02.awk sam03.awk sam04.awk sam05.awk sat01.awk sat02.awk sat03.awk sat04.awk Directory japanese/texts/easyawk/part05d: ========================================= idol.dat satell.dat Directory japanese/texts/easyawk/part06d: ========================================= fsort.doc fsort.exe fsort.lzh Directory japanese/texts/etc: ============================= country.txt email.domai genji.sjs halpern.prj hoppe.cai inds_org.txt nacsis.txt patentng.txt phone.nos s_l_j.faq Directory japanese/texts/faq: ============================= fj_s_mac.sjs sci_l_jp.faq sys7j.sjs Directory japanese/texts/history: ================================= japan.asc japan2.asc japan2a.asc japan3.asc japan4.asc japanA.asc surrnder.txt Directory japanese/texts/japan: =============================== ameryes1.txt ameryes2.txt ameryes3.txt freetrad.txt japan.inf japanno\ Japan that Can Say No japanyes japanyes.rpl jpnconst.txt ujip.toc zip-dic.dat Directory japanese/texts/japan/japanno: ======================================= japanno japanno.readme tex\ TeX files for JapanNo Directory japanese/texts/japan/japanno/tex: =========================================== README ch1.tex ch10.tex ch11.tex ch2.tex ch3.tex ch4.tex ch5.tex ch6.tex ch7.tex ch8.tex ch9.tex intro.tex japanno.tex Directory japanese/texts/junet: =============================== plain\ Junet plain ascii files tex\ Junet TeX files Directory japanese/texts/junet/plain: ===================================== admin\ Junet admin files general\ Junet general files newusers\ Junet newusers files Directory japanese/texts/junet/plain/admin: =========================================== 10.1 7 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.1 9.2 9.3 Directory japanese/texts/junet/plain/general: ============================================= 1 1.6 4.1-2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Directory japanese/texts/junet/plain/newusers: ============================================== 1 2 3 Directory japanese/texts/junet/tex: =================================== Makefile admin11.tex admin21.tex admin22.tex admin23.tex admin24.tex admin31.tex admin32.tex admin33.tex admin41.tex forascii.jtx general21.tex general22.tex general23.tex general24.tex general25.tex general26.tex general31.tex general32.tex general33.tex general34.tex general35.tex general41.tex general42.tex general43.tex general44.tex general45.tex general46.tex general47.tex guide.tex hajimeni.tex jbk10.sty jbook.sty jfootnote.sty jo.tex junet-ref.tex junet.tex novice2.tex novice3.tex readme rn.tex second.sty Directory japanese/texts/kahaner: ================================= readme Information regarding this directory INDEX Full index of all of Dr. Kahaner's Reports 123\ Titles starting with "1", "2", "3" abc\ Titles starting with "a", "b", "c" def\ Titles starting with "d", "e", "f" ghi\ Titles starting with "g", "h", "i" j\ Titles starting with "j" klm\ Titles starting with "k", "l", "m" n\ Titles starting with "n" opqr\ Titles starting with "o" - "r" s\ Titles starting with "s" tuvwxyz\ Titles starting with "t" - "z" Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/123: ===================================== 10ssymp (Jul 2, 1990) The tenth meeting of Software Symposium, held in Kyoto Japan 6-8 June 1990 is briefly summarized. The most interesting aspects were discussions by the Chinese of their national project. 2010.add (Mar 13, 1992) Details of the Economic Planning Agency Technology Forecast to the Year 2010 in the area of information electronics are given. 2010.epa (Sep 27, 1991) A summary of a Japanese Economic Planning Agency study group forcasting technology through the year 2010. 20nas (Aug 12, 1991) Titles of papers presented at the 20th Numerical Analysis Symposium, held 17-19 June, 1991 at Ikoinomura Hinuma, Ibaraki, Japan are given. 3d-2-92.1 (Feb 19, 1992) 3d-2-92.2 Three dimensional imaging from computers and film is reviewed. The International Symposium on Three Dimensional Image Technology and Arts, held 5-7 Feb 1992 (in Tokyo), plus industrial tours to NHK, Sony, and Matsushita are described. Part 1 contains text. Part 2 contains abstracts presented at the Symposium. Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/abc: ===================================== afss-93.94 (Jan 26, 1994) The First Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium (AFSS), held in Singapore, 23-26 November, 1993 is summarized. A brief visit at the Institute of Systems Science, The National University of Singapore is described. aimac.91 (Sep 23, 1991) A summary of the 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence Based Measurement and Control (AIMaC'91), 12-16 Sept 1991, Kyoto Japan is given. aimac.pap (Oct 21, 1991) Titles and authors of papers presented at AIMaC'91 (Artificial Intelligence in Measurement and Control), Sept 12-16 1991, Kyoto Japan are given. See the report "aimac.91" 23 Sept 1991, for a discussion of this conference. aiso (May 31, 1991) Our translation of an article "New Possibilities for the Next Generation Computer", by H. Aiso (Keio University) is presented. aist-sw.93 (Feb 18, 1993) Overview of AIST's Basic Technology for Future Industries R&D projects & additional details of one, New Architecture for Software Structures. aist94bu.93 (Dec 10, 1993) Details of FY 1994 proposed budgets for MITI and AIST, descriptions of the Industrial Science and Technology Frontier Program and one particular new project, Synergy Ceramics. aistplan.91 (Feb 25, 1992) Plans for future directions generally and some specific projects from Japan's Agency of International Science and Technology (a part of MITI) are described. aizu-u.94 (Jan 6, 1994) The University of Aizu, an unusual international university specializing in computer software and computer hardware with 70% non Japanese faculty (including many Russians) and the French-Japan Workshop on Synthetic Worlds held there, are summarized. al.93 (Oct 20, 1993) Artificial life (AL) is the study of systems that have "life-like" characteristics. Cellular automata are simple examples. AL research in Japan is summarized based on a workshop held at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Labs (which is in the Kansai region of Japan), and was organized by the Japan A-Life Research Network, Japan (ALIREN), the ATR Labs, and SIG-PPAI (Special Interest Group on Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence). The work is fascinating, and tantalizing breakthroughs are mentioned. While many early ideas are from the West, research in Japan is at an international level and may develop in an original Japanese AL direction. We also provide a few notes on other research projects at ATR. alpha (May 6, 1991) Japan's "Alpha" project to develop modern 3d CFD software. alpha.93 (May 21, 1993) Current status and prospects for the computational fluid dynamics project, "Alpha-flow". alpha192 (Feb 25, 1992) Papers presented at The Fourth Computational Hydromechanics Symposium January 22-23, 1992, Tokyo, Japan are given. alt.90 (Dec. 26, 1990) The First International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT '90) took place in Tokyo October 8-10, 1990, attended by 120 researchers. This report summarizes the major papers discussed there. alt.93 (Dec 17, 1993) A summary of the "Algorithmic Learning Theory Workshop (ALT'93)", November 8 -- 10, 1993, University of Electrocommunications, Chofu, Japan. ALT 93 is the fourth in a series of international workshops on the topic of learning theory and algorithms. Sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) in cooperation with six other professional societies, the conference included thirty contributed papers and three invited lectures in the theory and application of learning algorithms. amc.92 (Sep 29, 1992) Titles of papers presented at the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 16-18 March 1992, Nagoya Japan. anritsu (Apr 28, 1990) Commercialization of PAX by Anritsu Corporation. anziis.93 (Feb 8, 1994) The first Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, 1-3 Dec 1993, with over 130 papers presented, is summarized by Graham Williams. ap1000ws.91 (Jan 2, 1992) Titles of papers presented at the Second Fujitsu-Australian National University CAP (AP1000) Workshop, 28-29 Nov 1991, Canberra Australia. ap1000ws.93 (Dec 28, 1993) Fujitsu's second Parallel Computing Workshop (PCW'93), held Nov 11 1993 at Fujitsu's Parallel Computing Research Facilities, Kawasaki Japan, is summarized. PCW is an opportunity for researchers who are using Fujitsu's AP1000 distributed memory parallel computer to describe their work. Significant collaborations are reported between the Australian National University and Fujitsu. ashby.93 (Apr 8, 1993) Numerical linear algebra and parallel processing in Japan (Ashby). asia-mtg.93 (Apr 17, 1993) A list of conferences to be held in the Asian region from spring through the end of 1993, mosly related to computing and applications. asiacryp.91 (Feb 27, 1992) Titles and authors of papers presented at the meeting, AsiaCrypt '91, held Nov 11-22, 1991 in Japan are given. asiacryp.upd (Mar 22, 1992) A description of the meeting AsiaCrypt '91, Nov 11-22 1991, Japan is given. (Odlyzko). asiastdb.93 (Jun 7, 1993) Japanese databases, in English, emphasizing science, technology and economics. atr (Jun 14, 1990) The Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute (ATR) atr.92 (Feb 7, 1992) A visit to The Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute, (ATR) on 21 Jan 1992 is described. au-sc.93 (Oct 18, 1993) The state of supercomputing in Australia is reviewed. Currently there are almost 50 supercomputers (including parallel computers) in Australia. This represents a very large increase from the situation only a few years ago. Nevertheless, usage for industrial or commercial applications is low. However recent trends indicate that links between research institutions and organizations in the industrial/commercial sector are improving. aust-ai.93 (Feb 8, 1994) The 1993 Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, held in Melbourne, 16-19 November 1993 with more than 200 attendees and over 60 papers presented, is summarized by Graham Williams. austr1.791 A summary of high performance computing in Australia. (Sep 6, 1991) austr2.791 Part 2 austr3.791 Part 3 austr4.791 Part 4 austr5.791 Part 5 austr6.791 Part 6 autodif.92 (May 30, 1992) An example of a commercial automatic differentiation product. autodif.92a (Jun 4, 1992) Comments from Andreas Griewank re auto differentiation. autoline.93 (Mar 11, 1993) Assembly line automation examples detailed at five Japanese companies. avirg.92 (Sep 21, 1992) Summary of two lectures on image reproduction presented at the Audio and Visual Information Research Group Seminar, held at University of Tokyo, 3 Sept 1992. (M. Kobayashi) bench.91 (Oct 15, 1991) Nine benchmark problems for supercomputers are proposed. benchmk.793 (Jul 23, 1993) Brief summary of benchmark results for Hitachi S3800 and also National Aerospace Lab's Numerical Wind Tunnel (preview of longer report on ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, and Workshop on Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation in High Performance Computing, 7/93 Tokyo. bicsc.92 (Dec 24, 1992) A summary of 2nd Beijing International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing (BICSC'92), 20-23 Oct 1992, Beijing PRC. I was surprised at the amount of parallel processing activity. ccp.92 (Aug 19, 1992) First description of new Center for Computational Physics at Tsukuba University, with 300GFLOPS massively parallel computer. cgi-rpt.92 (Aug 24, 1992) Computer Graphics International '92, 22-26 June 1992, Tokyo, summary report on important papers. cgi.92 (Jul 29, 1992) Computer Graphics International '92, 22-26 June 1992, Tokyo. chep.91 (May 22, 1991) The international Computing in High Energy Physics meeting, held 11-15 March 1991, in Tsukuba Science City Japan is summarized. china-pp.93 (Feb 27, 1993) A few research projects in PR China on parallel processing are described. china-st.92 (Dec 25, 1992) Thirty major research projects to energize (PRC) Chinese science through the end of this century. china-ws.94 (Jan 24, 1994) Summary and comments on new Chinese (PRC) logic-based workstation board. (Jan 13, 1993) A report on the Shanghai International Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications Conference 26-30 Oct 1992, and an overview of numerical linear algebra research in PR China and Hong Kong. (July 15, 1992) A description of networking activities in PRC (China). china.nn (Nov 30, 1992) Summary and titles of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'92), held in Beijing China November 3-6 1992. china6.93 (Jun 28, 1993) Various PR China science activities, related to computers & policy. cim.92 (Jan 13, 1993) A survey and discussion of CIM projects in Japan. cirp.92 (Oct 26, 1992) The First CIRP International Workshop on "Concurrent Engineering for Product Realization", held 27-28, June, 1992, in Tokyo, Japan is summarized. In addition to the workshop summary and results, some background information about CIRP (International Academy of Production Engineering Research), the organization which provided the technical sponsorship to the workshop, is also included. com-stat (May 27, 1991) Statistics about Japanese computing, such as value of exports, are given. commp.93 (Sep 14, 1993) The International Conference on Computer-Assisted Materials Design and Process Simulation (COMMP'93), held 6-9 Sept 1993 in Tokyo is briefly reviewed. company.93 (Oct 1, 1993) Top 50 companies with foreign ownership in Japan, top 25 Japanese software companes, top 50 Japanese computer manufacturing companies. (Aug 12, 1991) An overview of computing and related activities in China (PRC). constr.ind (Jan 22, 1991) Japan Ministry of Construction's research vision for the 21st century. consumers (May 26, 1992) Japan's view of the importance of civil (consumer) demand compared with military demand for the development of high technology. consumers.upd (Jun 4, 1992) Corrections to report "consumers", 26 May 1992. control.34 (Aug 1, 1990) Proceedings of 34th annual Conference of Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers. The papers cover topics in optical computing, neural computing, fuzzy logic, control theory, robotics, parallel computing, vision, knowledge engineering, imaging, feature extraction, probability, communications networks, etc., as well as applications to car location, fish school size estimates, mathematical programming, factory automation and many others. coop-res.nsf (Aug 2, 1991) Summary of NSF "Directory of Japanese Company Laboratories Willing to Receive American Researchers". copier-a.93 (May 15, 1993) Research at University of Tokyo on machines that maintain themselves, with specific application to a more reliable copier. (Expansion of report "copier.93", 10 April 1993.) copier.93 (Apr 10, 1993) Self repairing copier with neural net. copt-fuz.93 (Apr 12, 1993) Fuzzy Hierarchical Control of an Unmanned Helicopter research at Tokyo Institute of Technology is described. cp-pacs.93 (May 21, 1993) Plans for a 300GFLOP, 48 GByte memory, 500GByte disk parallel computer for computational physics is described. This builds upon the experience gained over 15 years constructing Japanese parallel computers for QCD calculations. cpc (Jun 3, 1991) A brief description of ERATO and one of its projects, QMFL (Quantum Magneto Flux Logic), with particular emphasis on the Cyclic Pipelined Computer (CPC) is given. CPC is a shared pipelined memory, single processor, multiple instruction stream architecture, originally designed to be compatible with Josephson junction devices. This ERATO project ends this year. crc (Apr 25, 1990) This report illustrates the breadth of applications and research areas of a "service bureau" organization, Century Research Corporation (CRC), Tokyo. ctac.93 (Aug 25, 1993) Two Australian conferences, Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC'93) Canberra, and Chaotic Numerics, Geelong, held July 1993, are described, as well as some other observations on computing in Australia. ctac93.abs (Aug 23, 1993) Abstracts of papers presented at CTAC'93, Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, held in Canberra Australia, July 1993. cug.993 (Sep 29, 1993) The fall 1993 (semi-annual) Cray User Group Conference, held in Kyoto Japan 20-23 Sept 1993 is summarized. cw.91 (Oct 23, 1991) A summary of the international symposium Computer World '91, held in Osaka Japan 24-26 November 1991 is given. Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/def: ===================================== dattab (Sep 16, 1991) A summary of the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems '91 conference (June 17-21 1991, Kobe Japan), and site visits in Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and India by B.N. Datta. dbpcj (Jun 12, 1991) A proposal by Database Promotion Center, Japan for a joint research project on retrieval of Japanese databases is summarized. data.eng (May 30, 1991) Parallel processing research (mostly associated with dataflow model) and database research in Japan, based on visits to various labs and attendence at the IEEE Data Engineering Conference in Kobe (April 10-12, 1991) is summarized. database (Oct 11, 1990) We describe the activities of the Japan Database Promotion Center, and summarize the current state of affairs with respect to databases in Japan, especially those of interest to scientists. dataflow (Aug 16, 1990) Bulletin Board for DATAFLOW computing information from ETL. dynamics.92 (Dec 25, 1992) Titles and authors of papers presented at the Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Theory and its Applications, 2-4 Nov 1992, Kyoto Japan edr.92 (Mar 27, 1992) The Electronic Dictionary Research Institute is described and a potential new project on knowledge archives is discussed. etfa.92 (Sep 29, 1992) Titles of papers presented at the IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (Technology for the Intelligent Factory), held in Melbourne, Australia 11-14 August 1992. eitc.91 (Jul 30, 1991) Japan Electronics Show 1991, and 28th Electronics Industry Technical Convention, Oct 1-5 1991 (announcement). elec-dev (May 20, 1991) Titles and authors of papers presented at "9th Symposium on Future Electron Devices, Nov 14-15 1990, at Chiba Japan are given. elec-svy (Feb 22, 1991) Summary information from a survey (by Tokyo Denshi Kogyo) of the outlook for nine areas of electronics technology is presented. etl (Jul 2, 1990) A visit to the Data Flow project at ETL is summarized. The Dataflow SIGMA-1 computer project is ending. The new project EM-4, will have 1,024 processors and is designed to have less overhead. EM-4 was originally proposed for symbolic rather than numeric computation, but the designers now feel that with the inclusion of floating point hardware it will also be used for numerical computation. Currently an 80 processor version of EM-4 is running at 997 MIPs. face-nn.92 (Dec 25, 1992) Report on an experiment using a neural network for sex descrimination based on facial classification, from Osaka University. fgcs (Sep 11, 1990) Announcement of report by T. Kurozumi on ICOT Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project. fgcs.93 (Jun 1, 1993) A summary of the Fifth Generation Computer System Project and planned follow on project. fgcs.toc (Jun 22, 1992) Titles of papers presented at the Fifth Generation Computing Systems (ICOT) Conference, May 1992. flexible (Jul 30, 1990) A summary of "1990 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation" 9-13 July in Kyoto, Japan is given. Plant visits to IBM's 3090 manufacturing plant, Sumitomo Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Matshushita Electric are described. fujitsu.3d (Apr 25, 1990) Fujitsu's 3D movie generated partially via CAP 256 parallel computer. fujitsu.lsi (Mar 22, 1992) Fujitsu's Director T.Hiraguri describes how LSI technology will evolve and its applications to large scale mainframe computers. (Jan 27, 1992) Comments on Council for Science and Technology plan to increase S&T funding. Reference to EC's Directory of Sources of Japanese Information. fuzzy (Aug 24, 1990) A survey of recent developments is given, with particular emphasis on Japanese contributions. fuzzy-ds.91 (Nov 13, 1991) A survey and assessment of fuzzy systems and case-based reasoning research in Japan is given by D. Schwartz (FSU). fuzzy.92 (Dec 22, 1992) Overview of fuzzy-neural systems research based on examination of papers presented at three Asian conferences. A great deal of the current work is ad hoc and there is a need for more fundamental research to help explain and direct future activities. (Nguyen) fuzzy.gmd (Jan 21, 1991) A hardware practice seminar (15 Dec 1990) on building real time control devices using commercially available fuzzy chips is described by Dr. Thomas Hagemann, GMD Tokyo. fuzzy1.gmd (May 17, 1991) Visit to OMRON's Fuzzy Business Promotion Center, Kyoto Japan by T. Hagemann GMD. Some other references on fuzzy applications are also given. fuzzy5.93 (Jun 4, 1993) A variety of fuzzy systems research in Japan, as well as a large practical application to the Sendai Subway system. Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/ghi: ===================================== gis.93 (Jul 21, 1993) The 3rd International Symposium on Large Spatial Databases (SSD'93), and the Far East Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (FEGIS'93), Singapore June 1993 are reviewed. Some additional remarks about computing activities in Singapore are included. gmd (Dec 6, 1990) The German National Research Center for Computer Science (GMD), Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, has a liaison office in Tokyo which was established about 15 years ago. It has an annual budget of about $1.5 million US. Its basic functions are described. grape.91 (Oct 22, 1991) Project GRAPE, a parallel computer for many-body calculations, which was developed at University of Tokyo, is summarized. The current version operates at 10GFlops. grape.93 (Oct 4, 1993) Progress in the development of the GRAPE (GRAvity PipE) computer, developed at the University of Tokyo, for simulation of N-body systems. Newest version will have TFLOPs performance, using 2000 600MFLOP chips. helicopt (Aug 5, 1991) A summary of research on helicopter flight control in Japan based on fuzzy logic techniques. helicopt.92 (Jan 24, 1992) Further details about Tokyo Institute of Technology's unmanned helicopter with fuzzy controller. highspd (Jul 3, 1990) The major topics at the Conference of the Achievements of the National R & D Program "High-Speed Computing System for Scientific and Technological Uses", held 21 June 1990, at the Electrotechnical Laboratory in Tsukuba Japan are summarized. hitachi (Sep 21, 1990) Hitachi's research plan for the 1990's and computer related research in the company's research laboratories are summarized. At the Advanced Research Laboratory, the long term view is explicitly manifest in the General Manager's office and also evident in the researchers plans. (Aug 26, 1992) AI and Expert System activities at Hitachi are reviewed. Current and research projects are mentioned. hitachi.exh (Mar 16, 1991) Over 100 exhibits illustrating Hitachi's high technology plans for the next 2-5 years are described. hongkong.492 (May 8, 1992) An update on progress at Hong Kong's newest university, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and an introduction to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. hongkong.91 (Jul 11, 1991) Computing activities in Hong Kong are described. hongkong.upd (Aug 22, 1991) Additional comments about computing in Hong Kong. hopcroft.abs (Nov 1, 1992) Basic information about Professor John Hopcroft's visit to Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, and Korea, 11/92. ia.92 (Jun 15, 1992) Industrial Automation'92, Singapore May 1992 is summarized. We also describe Singapore Institute of Standards and Technology, and a new Institute for Manufacturing Technology, associated with Nanyang University. ia92.abs (Jun 15, 1992) Titles/authors/abstracts of papers presented at IA'92, Industrial Automation 92, 20-23 May 1992, Singapore. ibm-nic (Jun 4, 1990) The IBM Tokyo Numerically Intensive Computation Center is reviewed. This center mainly supports users who wish to develop vectorized versions of programs on IBM's 3090 VF computers. The Tokyo Research Laboratory performs longer term research in computer science, mathematics, graphics, and languages. icat.92 (Aug 5, 1992) 2nd Int Conf Artificial Reality & Tele-existence, 1-3 July, Tokyo is described. icat.93 (Jul 26, 1993) ICAT '93 - the third International Conference on Artificial reality and Tele-existence July 6-7, 1993, Tokyo, Japan. iccim.91 (Nov 4, 1991) The International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1991, (ICCIM'91) held 30 Sept--4 Oct 1991 in Singapore is summarized. icot-sci (May 17, 1991) A summary of Japan's Fifth Generation Computer Project is given. icot.692 (Jun 4, 1992) A brief description is given of the Fifth Generation Computer System, 1992 (final) conference, and an evaluation. icot.94 (Mar 3, 1994) A summary of the ICOT (Fifth Generation Computer Systems) Project, and activities in the smaller follow-on project. icot.kl1 (Feb 28, 1992) A brief description of KL1 (Knowledge Language), used in the ICOT Fifth Generation Project is given. ics.93 (Aug 4, 1993) A summary of two conferences, the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'93), and Workshop on Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation in High Performance Computing (WBPE), 7/93 Tokyo. icsc.92 (Jan 22, 1993) Titles and authors of of presentations at the Second International Computer Science Conference, held in Hong Kong, 14-16 Dec 1992. ieice (Sep 6, 1990) Papers presented at the joint Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE) and the Japanese Information Processing Society meeting, July 18-20 1990 on parallel processing. ieice-9.93 (Sep 11, 1993) Overview of Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), journals, conferences, and fall 1993 meeting. iftech.93 (Jun 28, 1993) The Institute for Future Technology, activities, especially with respect to lunar base plans. iieej.92 (Aug 7, 1992) Titles and abstracts presented at the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 9-11 June 1992, Tokyo Japan iis-oh.93 (Jul 2, 1993) The Universiy of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), Open House Exhibits, June 10-11 1993. iisc.92 (Jul 28, 1992) Titles and authors of papers presented at the 8th International Information Security Conference, 27-29 May 1992, Singapore. iizuka.92 (Dec 22, 1992) Titles from the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks (IIZUKA'92), held July 17-22 1992, in Iizuka Japan are given. ijcnn-93.orig (Dec 22, 1993) Program for the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'93), held in Nagoya Japan, 25-29 Oct 1993 (see accompanying report, "ijcnn.93"). ijcnn.93 (Dec 28, 1993) International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'93), held in Nagoya Japan, 25-29 Oct 1993 is summarized. Particular attention is paid to the special sessions on industrial and financial applications, vendor exhibition, and the Real World Computing Program. Mitsubishi Electric's research on optical devices is also mentioned. In addition, some material on neural net work in Korea is mentioned. imacs.92 (Sep 29, 1992) Titles of (almost 300) papers presented at IMACS/SICE RM^2'92, International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92 in Kobe Japan, 16-20 Sept 1992. image.lab (Feb 17, 1991) MITI's plans for the establishment of an Image Laboratory in the Kansai area of Japan are detailed. imsa92.93 (Mar 12, 1993) Titles and abstracts of papers presented at the International Workshop on New Models for Software Architecture '92, Reflection and Meta-level Architecture, held 4-7 November 1992 in Tokyo Japan. india-it.93 (Feb 24, 1993) A summary of Indian information technology (IT) activities, based on a two month visit to 18 Indian organizations by Prof S.Goodman, University of Arizona. india.93a (Jan 28, 1993; revised Feb 9, 1993) india.93b An assessment of the computing and mathematical modelling situation in India, based on visits to the National Center for Software Technology, NCST (Bombay), Center for Development of Advanced Computing, CDAC (Pune), National Aeronautical Laboratory, NAL (Bangalore), as well as a summary of the IMACS International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing '92, held in Bangalore India 7-11 Dec 1992. (In two parts.) inet.92 (Jun 26, 1992) Summary of INET'92, The International Networking Conference, sponsored by the Internet Society, held in Kobe Japan, 15-18 June 1992. Some related comments about the Real World Computing network. info-ind.21 (May 29, 1991) MITI's view of the issues confronting Japan's Information Industry for the year 2000. info-sci.93 (Nov 12, 1993) InfoScience '93, the International Conference in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Korea Information Science Society (KISS), held 21-22 Oct 1993 in Seoul is reviewed. We also make some overview comments about Korean science activities. info90 (Jul 30, 1990) Announcement of meeting to be held in Tokyo early October 1990. info90.toc (Oct 24, 1990) The titles of papers and lectures presented at InfoJapan'90, Tokyo Japan, 1-5 October 1990, are given. inose.93 (Apr 24, 1993) "Japan's Contribution to the World Through Science and Technology", Keynote speech at the First International Symposium on Autonomous Distributed Systems held in Yokohama Japan March 30 - April 1, 1993, by H. Inose. ipsj.91 (Feb 5, 1992) Titles from Transactions of Information Processing Society J., Vol 32, #11, #12 (1991), and J Information Processing Society J., Vol 32, #11, #12 (1991). Papers are all in Japanese. ipsj5-33.92 (Jun 5, 1992) Titles from Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 33, No. 5 (1992) (all papers are in Japanese). ipsjn33.1-4 (May 4, 1992) Titles and authors from Information Proc Soc of Jap (News), Vol 33#1-4 (92). iros.91 (Jan 7, 1992) A summary of Japanese research in intelligent autonomous robot control, and especially of the conference, Intelligent Robots and Systems, 3-5 Nov 1991, is given. (Y. Kanayama, Naval Postgraduate School). isa91.add (Jan 24, 1992) Addition comments on the International Symposium on Algorithms '91, held in Taipei Taiwan ROC, Dec 1991. isaac.92 (Jan 11, 1993) Titles of papers presented at ISAAC '92, the International Symposium on Algorithms & Computation December 16-18, 1992, Nagoya, Japan. isarc.92 (Sep 22, 1992) Titles of papers presented at the 9th ISARC, International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Tokyo Japan, 3-5 June 1992. iscm (Sep 19, 1990) The International Symposium on Computational Mathematics Matsuyama (Shikoku Island) 30 August--4 September 1990 is summarized, with special emphasis on the contributions from Japanese and Chinese researchers. Visits by Kelley to Kyushu University, Kyoto University, and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, with special emphasis on optimization research, are described. iskit.92 (Sep 21, 1992) Titles from International Symposia on Information Sciences (ISKIT) '92, held July 13-15 1992, in Iizuka Japan, are given. ism (Jan 9, 1991) Sample abstracts from Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Tokyo), Proceedings, Volume 38, Number 1 (1990). ismcr.92 (May 30, 1993) Conference program for the Second International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR'92), Nov 15-19, 1992, at the AIST Tsukuba Research Center, Tsukuba Science City, Japan. isdn (May 9, 1990) Papers on ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network). isdn.92 (May 6, 1992) A summary of Japan's activities in ISDN, Integrated Services Digital Network. isdn.93 (Feb 25, 1993) Background on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) needed for B-ISDN is given. ispacs.92 (May 6, 1992) Titles and authors of papers presented at the Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems '92 conference, held in Taipei Taiwan ROC, 19-21 March 1992. (See also "taiwan3.92" 24 April 1992). isr.93 (Sep 8, 1993) ISR's High Performance Computing & Networking Workshop, Tsukuba Japan 8/93. issmm (May 24, 1991) The International Symposium on Shared Memory Multiprocessing (ISSMM), Tokyo, 2-4 April 1991 is summarized. iwiid.92 (Oct 19, 1992) Key developments in flat panel technology are summarized and assessed, as discussed at the International Workshop on Information and Image Displays (IWIID92), 8-9 Oct 1992, Hitachi City, Japan. Also included is a very brief summary of Japan Display '92. An appendix contains the Executive Summary of the 6/92 JTEC report on Display Technologies in Japan for reference. iwsp93.94 (Jan 24, 1994) The International Workshop on Speech Processing 1993 (IWSP-93) Nov. 8-9, 1993 is summarized. A visit to ATR Labs to examine speech recognition research is given. Programs for IWSP-93 and the International Symposium on Spoken Dialog (ISSD-93), Nov 10-12, 1993 are given. Both conferences were held at the International Conference Center, Waseda U in Tokyo. Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/j: =================================== j-comm.93 (Sep 5, 1993) Status of Japanese efforts at B-ISDN, and associated jurisdictional disputes. j-db.93 (Nov 8, 1993) Summarizing trends of commercial database activities in Japan. There are now over 300 databases developed in Japan, accessible from outside Japan; 18% are in English and another 15% are in both Japanese and English. About 10% are in the fields of science & technology, and of these 18 are in English. Names and fax numbers of the companies supporting these 18 databases are given. j-hpc.93 (Dec 8, 1993) A brief summary of developments in Japanese High Performance Computing. This report extracts a variety of material from earlier reports, and provides a synthesis of these developments as of the end of 1993. (Jan 25, 1991) Papers from the 2nd International Conference on Japanese Information in Science, Technology and Commerce, held 23-25 October 1989, Berlin. j-rdwest.93 (Apr 10, 1993) A partial list of Japanese-company major R&D Centers located in Western countries. j-sc-b.94 (Feb 5, 1994) Sites and machines (super computers and parallel computers) to be installed at Japanese public institutions as part of current budget initiative. j-siam9.93 (Sep 24, 1993) The 1993 Japan SIAM Fall Meeting - Special Session on Wavelets, 16-18 Sept 1993, Tokyo. j-space.93 (Jul 1, 1993) History & outlook for Japanese space efforts (Akiba). j-supers (Sep 28, 1990) List of Supercomputers in Japan. j-supers.91 (Feb 7, 1992) Tables of supercomputers in Japan through end of 1991. j3d-6-2.92 (Dec 25, 1992) Titles and authors of papers published in The Japanese Journal of Three Dimensional Images Vol. 6, No. 2 (June 1992). jaeri.92 (Jan 17, 1992) A summary of computer related research at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) is given. jaeri90.tit (Jun 14, 1991) A short list of English language papers from Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) on computer modeling. japan-ec.93 (Jun 19, 1993) EC-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation's Directory of Sources of Japanese Information, second edition. japan.db (Jun 18, 1991) Summary of science and technology related databases in Japan. (Feb 20, 1991) Titles of papers printed for use by the Joint Economic Committee (US Congress). While primarily about economic issues there are several interesting papers on Japanese science and technology. Other topics include economic policy, government/business relations, finance and investment, human resources (population, women, etc.), national security and foreign aid, and international economic relations. japan.eml (Feb 10, 1992) A list of standard electronic mail domains in Japan. (Jul 16, 1992) A description of networking activities in Japan. japanwk.rev (Mar 9, 1992) A review of the book "Working in Japan", by H. Honda, ASME Press, 1992. jc-jour.92 (Sep 30, 1992) Titles and authors from Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 33, Nos. 7-8, Quarterly Journal of Information Processing (JIP) Vol. 15, No 1., and Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 33, No. 7, all 1992. jdisplay.92 (Jun 2, 1993) Summary of Japan Display, 12-14 Oct 1992, Hiroshima Japan. jhpc-sc.92 (Jun 28, 1992) A summary of high performance computing in Japan (part 1 of 2, supercomputing). jhpc-pp.92 (Jun 28, 1992) A summary of high performance computing in Japan (part 2 of 2, parallel computing). jifip14.abs (Jun 14, 1991) Titles and abstracts from Jour JIFIP V14#1 (1991) and titles from Trans JIFIP V31#6-12 (1990). All the papers are in English. jifip33.5-6 (Jul 28, 1992) Titles from Vol 33 No 5-6 Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan (Joho Shori). Papers mostly in Japanese. jifip43.toc (Jan 13, 1992) jifip43.1 jifip43.2 jifip43.3 jifip43.4 jifip43.5 jifip43.6 Titles of sessions organized at the 43rd Japan Information Processing Society General Meeting, 19-22 Oct 1991 (Nagoya) are given. jifip.990 (Oct 15, 1990) We present titles and authors of papers from the Information Processing Society of Japan semiannual meeting, 4-6 September, 1990. jip-391.toc (May 8, 1991) Titles of papers presented at the semi-annual Info Proc Soc of Japan meeting, March 12-14 1991. This report contains the Table of Contents of the Proceedings. jip-391.1 (May 8, 1991) jip-391.2 jip-391.3 jip-391.4 jip-391.5 jip-391.6 Titles and authors of papers presented at the semi-annual Info Proc Soc of Japan meeting, March 12-14 1991. jips14-2.91 (Nov 4, 1991) Titles and authors from the (English) Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 14 No 2 (1991) are given. jip14-3.91 (Feb 29, 1992) Six papers summarizing Japanese research in software engineering are described. jip15-2.92 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles from the English language, (Japan) Journal of Information Processing, Vol 15 #2, 1992. jip15-3.92 (Mar 3, 1993) Titles from the English language, (Japan) Journal of Information Processing, Vol 15 #3, 1992. jipsj33.101 (Dec 25, 1992) Titles and authors from Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 Nos 10, 11. (1992). jipsj331.292 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 No 12. (1992). jipsj339.92 (Apr 16, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 No 9. (1992). jipsj341.93 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 34 No 1. (1993). jipsj342.93 (Mar 3, 1993) Titles and authors from the Japanese language, Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 34 No 2. (1993). jipsj7-8.93 (Sep 8, 1993) Titles: Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 34, No. 7 (July 1993), and Vol. 34, No. 8 (Aug 1993). jkaw.90 (Dec 27, 1990) The first Japanese Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop (JKAW-90), was held October 25-31, 1990, one (open) part in Kyoto, and an invited part at Hitachi's Advanced Research Lab. japgovt (Jul 30, 1990) A brief outline of Japanese Government ministries and agencies is shown with an emphasis of those that support science and technology. Several major projects related to computing are described. journals.cs (Oct 14, 1991) A listing of Computer Science related periodicals published in Japan. jrdc.93 (Mar 9, 1993) A description of the Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC). jsai.90 (Dec. 26, 1990) The 1990 Joint Artificial Intelligence Symposium, sponsored by JSAI, was held December 5-6 1990 in Tokyo. Three special-interest groups organized the meeting: Fundamental AI, Knowledge-based Systems, and Human Interfaces and Cognition. Attendance numbered about 70. A proceedings (in Japanese) was issued containing the papers presented on the second day of the symposium. This report lists the titles and authors of the Symposium, in English. (Mar 16, 1992) An overview of organizations within the Japanese government that support science, and sources of support for international exchanges. jspp.91 (Jun 13, 1991) An overview is given of the Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing '91, held in Kobe Japan, 14-16 May 1991, as well as titles and some abstracts. Also appended are the titles/authors of IFIP Vol 33#4, which was a special issue on massively parallel computers. jspp.92 (Jun 29, 1992) A summary of the Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing, held 15-17 June 1992 in Yokohama, Japan. jspp.93 (Jun 2, 1993) Summary of the 1993 Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing (JSPP'93), held at Waseda University May 17-19 1993, Tokyo. jspp93.upd (Jun 11, 1993) Further comments on Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing by E.A.Heinz, Univ Karlsuhe (see previous report, "jspp.93", 2 June 1993). jsuper.92 (Dec 21, 1992) An informal listing of supercomputers and parallel computers installed and in use in Japan is given, as of Dec 1992 (or to be installed shortly thereafter.) jsuper.992 (Sep 23, 1992) Brief update on Fujitsu's new supercomputer (VPP) and Tokyo's Institute for Computational Fluid Dynamics. jtec-db (Jun 9, 1992) A summary of the JTEC report, Database Use and Technology in Japan, based on a trip, March 1991. jtec-mat.93 (Jun 28, 1993) JTEC report on Material Handling Technologies in Japan, summary. Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/klm: ===================================== kansei.92 (Jun 27, 1992) Two new programs related to emotion content of information are discussed. kast.93 (Mar 16, 1993) A description of Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology and especially the Ultimate Mechatronics Project. keio.91 (Apr 12, 1991) Titles of papers presented at "Advances in Numerical Methods for Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations", Keio University, 1 March 1991 are given. keio8pcg.92 (Sep 21, 1992) Abstracts of papers presented at the 8th Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Symposium, 28 Feb 1992, at Keio University, Yokohama Japan are presented. keio9-pp.93 (Mar 4, 1993) The Ninth Annual Keio Univ. Symposium on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, held 2 March 1993 outside Yokohama, is summarized. (Kobayashi) kiss.90 (Dec 12, 1990) A brief trip to Korea to attend a Korea Information Science Society (KISS) meeting, and to visit Pohang Institute of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea Academy of Industrial Technology (KAIST), Korea Standards Research Institute (KSRI), and Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) between 26-31 Oct 1990 is described. Some assessments of parallel processing projects at POSTECH and KAIST are also given. kj-cv.91 (nov 8, 1991) A summary and assessment of the First Korea-Japan Conference on Computer Vision, held 10-11 Oct 1991 in Seoul Korea is presented. klir (Apr 12, 1991) A report by George Klir (SUNY Binghamton) on Fuzzy Logic research in Japan, based on a visit 15-30 Feb 1991. kohsetsu (Aug 16, 1991) A summary (provided by the US Embassy, Tokyo) of technology upgrading centers located at 172 sites in Japan. korea.392 (Mar 13, 1992) A high level description of a half dozen Korean science institutions is given. korea.592 (Jun 4, 1992) Notes from Korean news sources regarding S&T. korea.91 (Jul 29, 1991) Various new developments in Korean science are described. kyotorim.91 (Oct 16, 1991) Program for Kyoto RIMS Numerical Analysis Symposium, 20-22 Nov., 1991. kyotorim.93 (Nov 4, 1993) Summary of Symposium on Numerical Algorithms --- The State of the Art and Future Perspectives --- held at Kyoto U. RIMS, Oct. 25--27, 1993. kyushueng.91 (Feb 19, 1992) Titles and authors of four issues of Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University (Vol 51, #1-4), 1991. All papers are in English. lin-nlin.93 (Aug 3, 1993) This report describes the International Meeting on Linear/Nonlinear Iterative Methods and Verification of Solution, held in Matsuyama, Japan, July 6-9, 1993, with summary remarks on contributions by participants from Japan and China. mafpd.91 (Oct 30, 1991) Titles and authors of papers presented at the Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Oct. 2-5, 1991, Kyoto Japan are given. malaysia (Apr 28, 1992) A two-week workshop at Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia focusing on computer use in engineering, emphasizes desire for cooperation in science and technology. malaysia.92 (Sep 21, 1992) Summary of the Southeast Asia Regional Computer Conference (SEARCC'92) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-14 August 1992. Also, a general overview of the state of Malaysian information technology activities is given. (Dec 25, 1992) A recent reduction in Malaysian import duties for computers is reported. mechatrn (Jun 18, 1991) The impact of Mechatronics on Japanese technology as viewed by F. Kodama (National Institute for Science and Technology Policy) is summarized. meetings (Mar 20, 1991) A list (not complete) of computing and math related conferences is presented. meetings.92 (May 26, 1992) A list of meetings/conferences in Japan/Asia relating to computing. melco.92 (Feb 2, 1992) A profile of Mitsubishi Electric and comments about work in its Neurocomputing and Optoelectronics group in Osaka. mentley.93 (Feb 23, 1993) Extract of presentation on Flat Panel Display Trends by D.Mentley, at International Workshop on Information & Image Display, Oct 1992, Hitachi City, Japan 19 Oct 1992. mgcv.92 (Jul 31, 1992) International Workshop on Modern Geometric Computing for Visualization, 29-30 June 1992, Tokyo. mhd.93 (Jul 22, 1993) The 1992 Workshop on Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Nov. 24-26, 1992 National Institute for Fusion Science, Nagoya, Japan. mhdcomp.91 (Jul 28, 1992) Titles from 1991 Workshop on Magneto Hydrodynamic Computations, held at National Institute for Fusion Science (Nagoya Japan), Nov 11-13, 1991. Papers mostly in Japanese. mia-17.93 (Feb 17, 1993) Titles and abstracts of of the research reports of the faculty of engineering Mie University (vol 17, Dec 1992). These reports are published in English. micro-ex.93 (Jun 7, 1993) Specific examples of micromachine technology applications in Japanese research laboratories (from newspapers). micro.mac (Sep 11, 1991) A description of MITI's new 10 year Micromachine Tech Program. microcnt.93 (May 28, 1993) Japan's Micromachine Technology R&D Project and associated Micromachine Center are described. micromac.92 (Sep 22, 1992) Current status of Japan's Micromachine Technology project and the organizations that will participate are given. micromac.693 (Jul 2, 1993) Micromachine activities in Japan, the Micromachine Center (MMC), Yaskawa Electric, the University of Tokyo's Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), and MITI's Mechanical Engineering Lab (MEL). micromac.92a (Oct 14, 1992) Japan's expectations for their large micromachine project are described. First applications will be in medicine. Computer modeling can play a vital role in the basic research. minimap.92 (Sep 12, 1992) Various developments in expanded use of Mimimap (for factory automation) in Japan (from newspapers). misc12.92 (Dec 15, 1992) Miscellaneous computer and policy items. misc12a.92 (Dec 25, 1992) Miscellaneous computer and policy items. misg.93 (May 10, 1993) Australia's Mathematics in Industry Study Group is described. mita-lcd.93 (May 11, 1993) Papers on the state of the art in flat panel display technology from Mita Press, Optoelectronics Devices & Technologies, Vol 7 No 2 Dec 1992. miti.inf (Jan 4, 1991) An overview of the directions and programs that MITI is taking to improve the computing industry in Japan. mitiinfo.92 (Sep 25, 1992) A summary of MITI's Machinery and Information Bureau Budget for the period 1 April 1992 through 31 March 1993. mitjp921.a mitjp921.b (Aug 24, 1992) Japanese technology ideology illustrated via the Japanese aircraft industry. (Friedman & Samuels extracts, in two parts). mitsubis (Sep 23, 1991) Some of Mitsubishi's research directions are summarized. mmhs.93 (Nov 5, 1993) The Fourth International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science (MMHS'93), held in Nagoya Japan, 13-15 Oct 1993, is summarized. A few examples of micromachine developments in PR China are also given. mtg.94 (Jan 6, 1994) A list of 1994 conferences in Asia, related to computing and associated sciences. mva.92 (Dec 18, 1992) Summary of International Association for Pattern Recognition's conference, Machine Vision Applications (MVA'92), held in Tokyo, 7-9 Dec, 1992. mvl.93 (May 20, 1993) Summary of work on residue arithmetic multivalued logic chip, and other projects at Higuchi lab in Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan). Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/n: =================================== nal-hud.993 (Sep 15, 1993) Experiences using Japan's National Aerospace Lab Numerical Wind Tunnel parallel computer by PhD candidate M.Hudson (North Carolina State University). Description of the Science and Technology Agency's Fellowship Program, and the Summer Institute in Japan Program. nal-symp.91 (Jul 28, 1992) Papers presented at the National Aerospace Laboratory 9th Symposium on Aircraft Computational Aerodynamics, 12-14 June 1991, Tokyo Japan. Papers are in Japanese with English abstracts. nal-symp.93 (Jun 15, 1993) 11th Symposium on Aircraft Computational Aerodynamics, held on June 10-11 1993 at National Aerospace Laboratory Headquarters in Jindaiji-Higashi, Chofu-shi, Japan. nal.91 (Oct 28, 1991) A discussion with National Aerospace Lab's Computing Division Director, Mr. Hajime Miyoshi. nal.993 (Sep 8, 1993) Experiences using Japan's National Aerospace Lab Numerical Wind Tunnel parallel computer by PhD candidate W.Jones (Dartmouth). ncc-db.93 (Aug 28, 1993) The US National Coordinating Committee (NCC) on Japanese Library Resources Task Force Report on Japanese Databases. nchc.93 (Apr 28, 1993) The opening of Taiwan's National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC), 19-22 April 1993, HsinChu Taiwan, is described. Also, brief comments on a visit to Taiwan's Data Communications Institute. nctam.93 (Mar 3, 1993) Titles, Japan National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (NCTAM), 1/93 (Japanese). nec-tft.93 (Jun 16, 1993) NEC's new 13-inch TFT (analog) color flat panel display. neural.isr (Apr 27, 1992) This report gives an overview of selected Japanese state-of-the-art efforts in high performance neurocomputing. (S.Lawson, ISR) nhk-oh.93 (Jun 10, 1993) Brief descriptions of 43 exhibits at NHK's annual open house, held May 1993. nhk.92 (Aug 24, 1992) Visit to NHK Science & Technical Research Lab, Aug 1992 (Jul 22, 1992) Summary of a survey by the Japanese publication, Nikkei AI, on expert systems in Japan, conducted winter 1991. (Mar 18, 1991) A visit to Nippon Steel's Kimitsu Works is described. nipponst.93 (Jun 17, 1993) Discussion of Nippon Steel's new Research and Engineering Center (NSC R&E Center). nipt (Jun 26, 1990) A proposed new MITI national project "New Information Processing Technology" (NIPT) merging soft information processing with massive parallelism is described. The proposed project is also compared to related work in other countries. I am told that the project, in some form, has a good chance of being supported in the near future. nipt11.91 (Nov 11, 1991) A brief description of the 1st NIPT Workshop 1991, Nov 5-8 1991, Yokohama Japan is given. nipt.90 (Dec. 26, 1990) A two day workshop 1-2 Dec 1990, was held in Hakone Japan to discuss aspects of a possible Japanese new ten year program to follow the 5- th Generation (ICOT) program that is to end in 1992. A summary of the discussions is presented and some opinions about the directions that this program might take. nipt391 (Apr 7, 1991) An International Symposium on New Information Processing Technologies (NIPT) '91 13-14 March 1991, Tokyo Japan is described. NIPT is to be the successor to the 5th Generation Project. nipt691 (Jun 7, 1991) Feasibility study and workshops for NIPT are given. nipt791 (Jul 8, 1991) Notice of report from GOJ on preliminary study of NIPT (March 1991). nkk-142.93 (Apr 8, 1993) Titles and abstracts from NKK's Technical Journal, No 142 (1993). nkk.93 (Sep 30, 1993) An outline of basic R&D and specific details on computer related activities at NKK (Nippon Kokan Co -- Nippon Steel Tubing Co). nnasp.93 (Sep 28, 1993) Neural Network Applications to Signal Processing (NNASP'93), held 17-20 Aug 1993 in Singapore, is summarized. A few miscellaneous comments about networking activities in Singapore are also included. nnasp93.cor (Oct 15, 1993) Correction to nnasp.93. num-meth.792 (Jul 20, 1992) The Twenty-First Symposium on Numerical Methods, held in Sendai Japan, 10-12 June 1992 (in Japanese) is summarized. ntt-labs.993 (Nov 2, 1993) Some research activities at NTT's Yokosuka Lab and overview of corporate R&D organization. Also a discussion of a free-space optical interconnection scheme for parallel computers, and an improvement in traditional wavelength division multiplexing of optical networks. ntt-r-d.993 (Sep 19, 1993) An overview of R&D directions at NTT. ntt-rev.590 (Jul 17, 1990) A new English journal from NTT is described. ntt-rev.93 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles from NTT Review (Vol 4 #s 4-6, and Vol 5 #1). Attention is called to two articles of special interest, on NTT's overall network evolution, and on international outreach activities. Articles are in English. nwt.793 (Jul 22, 1993) Overview of Japan's National Aerospace Lab Numerical Wind Tunnel. nwt.93 (May 27, 1993) Brief description of the high performance numerical wind tunnel (NWT) project at the National Aerospace Laboratory (236GFLOPs). Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/opqr: ====================================== ohbayashi (May 24, 1990) Computer Modeling in the Construction Industry-- Ohbayashi Corporation's Research Lab oki-hci.93 (Jul 1, 1993) Oki Electric's R&D in human computer interface. oja-nsf (Oct 17, 1990) Information from Office of Japan Affairs & Nat Science Foundation oki-ps (May 9, 1992) Description of Oki Electric's activities in software production systems. oki-sw.92 (Aug 10, 1992) Oki Electric's software improvement activities are summarized. optical (Aug 17, 1990) Optical computing activities in Japan are surveyed. (Dec 29, 1992) Packaging technologies used in current supercomputers in the US and Japan are compared. (Thorndyke) parallel.901 (Nov 6, 1990) Aspects of Parallel Computing Research in Japan--Summary. Part 1. parallel.902 (Nov 6, 1990) Aspects of Parallel Computing Research in Japan---NEC & Fujitsu. Part 2. parallel.903 (Nov 6, 1990) Aspects of Parallel Computing Research in Japan---Hitachi, Matsushita, and Japan Electronics Show 1990. Part 3. parallel.904 (Nov 6, 1990) Aspects of Parallel Computing Research in Japan---Kyushu & Tsukuba Univ., ETL, Sanyo, New Info Proc Technology project. Part 4. (Jun 3, 1993) A summary of AI activities in Japan, especially those associated with parallel computing. parallel.db (Jun 5, 1992) Parallel computer database research at Kitsuregawa's U-Tokyo laboratory. parallel.j93 (Feb 10, 1993) There are approximately 60 commercial parallel computers installed, or soon to be installed in Japan. We give some statistics on their names and locations. parhi.vid (Aug 5, 1991) Overview of digital video research in Japan, by K. Parhi, Univ of Minnesota. patent.92 (Dec 30, 1992) The changing view of patented information in Japan, with special emphasis on patenting software. pax (Apr 12, 1990) The PAX parallel processing project developed at the University of Tsukuba by T. Hoshino is summarized. PAX is a two dimensional array of processors which operate in MIMD form. QCDPAX has a fast floating point unit, specially programmed for QCD calculations. Peak performance is 12.5 Gigaflops. pg.93 (Oct 12, 1993) First Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications '93, (Pacific Graphics '93), held in Seoul Korea, 30 Aug -- 2 Sept 1993 is summarized. This conference had papers of exceptionally high quality. A visit to Goldstar Electronics to see their "chaotic" washing machine is also described. Finally, we include a pointer to a comprehensive report on Korean science recently presented in Nature. phil-sw.93 (Apr 24, 1993) A summary of software activities and related issues in the Philippines (Kintanar). pp90 (Jun 5, 1990) Titles of papers presented at Information Processing Society of Japan Symposium on Parallel Processing '90, 17-19 May 1990. prfts.91 (Oct 15, 199( A summary of the two-day international symposium, Pacific Rim Fault Tolerant Systems, held 26-27 Sept 1991, in Kawasaki Japan is given. pricai.90 (Dec 27, 1990) Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence '90, 14-16 November 1990, Nagoya Japan. Researchers from 19 countries presented papers. This report lists the titles and authors, in English. pricai.92 (Oct 15, 1992) The second Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence '92 (PRICAI'92), held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 15-18 September, 1992 is summarized and general trends of Asian AI research are assessed. prolamat.92 (Aug 19, 1992) The 1992 PROLAMAT (PROgramming Languages for MAchine Tools) conference, held 24-26 June, 1992, in Tokyo, Japan is summarized. The major theme of this conference was ``Human Aspects in Computer Integrated Manufacturing''. quality.sw (Apr 11, 1990) The Second International Workshop on Software Quality Improvement was held in Kyoto, Japan, from 22-24 January 1990. The workshop was jointly organized by Professor Torii (Osaka University) and Professor Basili (University of Maryland). The workshop is summarized from the perspective of a numerical analyst. The major conclusions are that some Japanese companies are better at managing the software development process than comparable U.S. companies and that more interaction is needed between numerical and nonnumerical software developers. quickies (Feb 15, 1991) Computer related newsworthy items about MITI, Supercomputers, Fuzzy, etc. r-d.93 (Dec 12, 1993) Data on R&D expenses for fifty US and Japanese companies is given for fiscal year 1992, along with R&D as a percentage of sales. r-d.93a (Feb 1, 1994) Update and explanations of data given in report "r-d.93" concerning Japanese and US corporate R&D expenditures. (Aug 27, 1992) AI and Expert System activities at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), are reviewed. RCAST is a part of Tokyo University. regional.93 (Apr 10, 1993) The Science and Technology Agency's (STA) 1992 White Paper emphasizes regional science and technology centers. The Kansai Science City is a premier example. regional.nsf (May 15, 1993) A summary of the Japanese government activities in promoting dozens of regional S&T centers around the country (provided by US National Science Foundataion). report.inf (Jan 15, 1993) How to get reports automatically by electronic mail. rick-691 (Jun 11, 1991) Trip reports of R. Schlichting (U Arizona) to Hokkaido-U, Osaka-U, Nagoya-U, NTT, Hiroshima-U, & Hitachi Systems Dev Lab, during May 1990. ricks (Jan 17, 1991) Trips by Professor Richard Schlichting (University of Arizona) to computer science laboratories at Fujitsu and ETL labs and to Kyushu, Tsukuba, and Shinshu Universities are described. ricks.1 (Feb 15, 1991) Trips by Professor Richard Schlichting (University of Arizona) to computer science laboratories at IBM Tokyo Research Lab, NEC, University of Tokyo, and Toshiba are described. rims.91 (Dec 31, 1991) A summary of the workshop on Numerical Algorithms, sponsored by Kyoto University, Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Nov 91 is given. (Dr. Mei Kobayashi, IBM Tokyo) rims.92 (Dec 15, 1992) Summaries & titles of several workshops sponsored Kyoto University's Research Institute of Mathematics (RIMS), 1992. ro-rpt.93 (Sep 14, 1993) Note about detailed report, "Precision Actuator Systems Research at the University of Tokyo," by Prof Paul Ro, North Carolina State University (23 Aug 1993). robots (Feb 28, 1991) Overview of trends in robot manufacturing, use, and sales in Japan. robots.93 (Dec 10, 1993) Summary of the 24th International Symposium on Industrial Robots (ISIR), the 1993 International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), and the 1993 International Industrial Robot Exhibition, all held in Tokyo 1-5 Nov 1993. rosing.etl (Jan 18, 1991) Matt Rosing (U Colorado) reports on work during summer 1990 in the Computer Architecture Division of the Electrotechnical Lab in Tsukuba Japan. rwc-3.93 (Apr 12, 1993) A description of the new Real World Computing Partnership central lab at Tsukuba and current RWC projects. rwc-3.93a (Apr 17, 1993) A description of the new Real World Computing Partnership central lab at Tsukuba and current RWC projects. (Revision of "rwc-3.93") rwc.293 (Feb 11, 1993) Details of the Real World Computing Partnership call for proposals and subcontracting of research projects agreement is given. rwc.693 (Jul 19, 1993) A popularized description of the Real World Computing Program (RWC), from the 5 May 1993 issue of Nikkei Computer, translated and updated by Dr. Thomas Hagemann, of the (German) GMD. GMD is one of the participants in the RWC Partnership. rwc.93 (Jan 18, 1993; revised Feb 9, 1993) Announcement of official decision of US to participate in Japanese Real World Computing Program rwc1-92.brf (Feb 19, 1992; Revised from 30 Jan 1992) A summary of the briefing given by MITI to foreign participants concerning the organization of the Real World Computing Program. rwc3-92 (Mar 9, 1992) A summary of the Draft Master Plan for Japanese Real World Computing Program is described. rwc6-92 (Jun 10, 1992) An update on the Japanese government Real World Computing Program. rwcdraft.r-d (Jan 31, 1992) Draft of the R&D Plan of the Real-World Computing Program (S. Amari). Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/s: =================================== sacad.92 (Jul 1, 1992) The 10th NAL Symposium on Aircraft Computational Aerodynamics sc-j-92 (Apr 27, 1992) Supercomputing Japan'92, 23-25 April 1992 is described, with particular emphasis on Hitachi's new 32GFLOP supercomputer. sc-new.93 (May 26, 1993) 1 April 1993 -- 31 March 1994 planned supercomputer sales to Japanese government facilities are given. sc.93 (Nov 13, 1993) Supercomputing'93 in Portland OR, 11/93 scade.93 (Feb 22, 1993) A summary of the International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SCADE), held 4-8 Jan 1993 in Auckland, New Zealand is discussed. Also, some remarks about the research funding situation, and a brief history of mathematics in New Zealand. scade.93a (Feb 22, 1993) Titles and authors of papers presented at SCADE.93. scj90 (Apr 25, 1990) Supercomputing Japan 90, 27-29 March 1990, Tokyo, Japan, and visit to NEC to see SX/3 supercomputer. scj.93 (Jan 19, 1993) Supercomputing Japan '93, originally scheduled for 14-16 April, Yokohama, Japan has been postponed. The new date is 15-17 June 1994, and the venue is moved to Sunshine City Building, Tokyo. security.91 (Oct 30, 1991) An assessment of computer security activities in Japan is given. ship (Jun 6, 1991) A brief description of the Superconducting Electromagnetic Propulsion Ship (SEMP) and National Aerospace Lab's concept for a Spaceplane. From Japan External Trade Organization, Machinery and Tech Dept, Tokyo, New Tech Japan, Vol 19#1 (April 1991). sibtc.161 sice.92 (Sep 26, 1992) Titles and authors of (English language) papers presented at the 31st Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference, 22-24 July 1992, Kumamoto Japan. singapor (Jun 19, 1991) Science and technology in Singapore, especially related to computing, is reviewed. sna90 (Apr 11, 1990) The First International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA90) was held from 12-15 March 1990 in Mito City, Japan. This paper summarizes the significant presentations and vendor exhibits associated with Japanese software and hardware. soft.93a (Aug 2, 1993) Abstracts of papers presented at the 9th Fuzzy System Symposium, Sapporo Japan May 19-21, 1993 (1 of 2). soft.93b (Aug 2, 1993) Abstracts of papers presented at the 9th Fuzzy System Symposium, Sapporo Japan May 19-21, 1993 (2 of 2). solvers.pde (Jul 23, 1990) DEQSOL and ELLPACK : Two Problem Solving Environments For Partial Differential Equations are compared. By R. Boisvert and D. Kahaner. sony (May 30, 1990) An overview of Sony's Computer Science Laboratory (CSL) is given. CSL specializes in research on object-oriented programming and distributed operating systems. sony-csl.93 (Apr 24, 1993) Activities at Sony's Computer Science Laboratory (Tokyo). speech.etl (Apr 11, 1990) Summary of the report, Researches of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, Number 905, December 1989. "Studies on a Vocal Tract Model for Speech Synthesis and Analysis" (126 pages including 124 item bibliography) by Hiroshi Ohmura Speech Processing Section Machine Understanding Division Electrotechnical Laboratory spice (Jul 2, 1990) We review research at Toshiba in vectorizing the circuit simulation program SPICE, and research at NEC at building a special purpose multiprocessor for circuit simulation modeling. st.91 (Oct 21, 1991) Two Japanese Government (English language) summaries of science, technology, and computing in Japan are described. sta-mfg.92 (Jul 2, 1992) Summary of study by Japan Science and Technology Agency on research and development in Japanese manufacturing sector. sta-net.93 (Oct 7, 1993) Plans, by the Science and Technology Agency (STA), to develop a new, 6Mbps optical fiber electronic network connecting about 100 major governmental research laboratories under various ministries and agencies, at a cost of 4-5 billion yen (US$40 - 50 million) over three years. sta.492 (May 25, 1992) Results of a survey conducted by the Science and Technology Agency on comparison of research in US and Japan in Life Sciences, Materials, Information/Electronics, and Oceanography/Geoscience. sta.93 (Jun 8, 1993) Results of a large survey (done once every five years) on technology forecasts for the next 10-20 years. step.792 (Aug 3, 1992) Japanese program activities in standardizing product descriptions, STEP, are described. The Japan STEP Center is the hub of activity in this area. stpolicy.92 (May 8, 1992) Text of Japanese Government Basic Policy for Science and Technology from Prime Minister's Council for S&T, 24 Jan 1992, translated 24 April 1992. str (Dec 7, 1990) A collection of papers by Japanese on Japanese scientific research, in English. sugeno.94 (Jan 28, 1994) A demonstration flight of a 3.5-meter unmanned helicopter, with a newly developed fuzzy controller is described. This project was under the direction of Prof M.Sugeno from Tokyo Institute of Technology. (May 18, 1991) Some examples of AI/Expert systems at Sumitomo. sverre (Feb 23, 1991) A discussion of high-end Japanese computing with needs of European high energy physics community in mind is presented. switz.sx3 (Mar 24, 1991) Benchmarks from Swiss team tests on NEC SX-3/12 & /14, made August and December 1990. sx3sale (Sep 19, 1990) Sale of SX-3 to National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) of Holland symplec (Aug 27, 1991) Comments on symplectic integration research (China and US). Directory japanese/texts/kahaner/tuvwxyz: ========================================= tachi.lab (Mar 9, 1992) Tele-existence work at S. Tachi's University of Tokyo lab is described. taiwan (Jan 17, 1991) Two meetings at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), International Computer Symposium, and the First Workshop on Parallel Processing, as well as a visit to the Institute for Information Industry, (Taipei) are described. (17-21 Dec 1990) taiwan3.92 (Apr 24, 1992) Visits to Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu Science Park, and National Center for High Performance Computing, and attendance at Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems Workshop (ISPACS'92), all in Taiwan, are described. taiwan12.92 takagi (Aug 7, 1990) Text of paper by H. Takagi (Matshshita Electric), "Fusion Technology of Fuzzy Theory and Neural Networks - Survey and Future Directions" containing more than 90 references, many not known outside Japan. tech.rev (Jan 16, 1992) Japanese Technology Reviews books from Gordon and Breach. thailand.92 (May 1, 1992) Visits to three Thai research institutes. While basic research is not at US levels, Thai scientists are anxious to collaborate. Asian Institute of Technology is unusual in that all instruction is in English, it is supported internationally, and its mission is to serve Asia. tifip33.6 (Jul 28, 1992) Titles from Vol 33 No 6 Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan. Papers mostly in Japanese. tipsj33.1-4 (May 4, 1992) Titles and authors of papers published in the Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, TIPSJ, Vol 33 #1-4 1992. tipsj33.811 (Dec 25, 1992) Titles and authors from Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 Nos 8, 10, 11. (1992). tipsj342.93 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles and abstracts from the Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 34 #2, 1993. Some papers are in English. tipsj34.3-8 (Sep 8, 1993) Titles, authors, and many English abstracts from the Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 34, #3/93, #s5-8/93. titles1.91 (Jun 5, 1991) Titles of articles from J Info Proc, Vol.13, No.4, 1990, (articles in English), and Trans Info Proc Soc of Japan, Vol. 32 1991, (articles in Japanese). tokush.91 (Oct 24, 1991) A two-day (Japanese language) workshop on applied mathematics at Tokushima University, 11-12 August 1991 is described. trans12.33 (Feb 23, 1993) Titles from the Japanese language, Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 33 #12, 1992. transput.692 (Jun 7, 1992) Fourth Transputer Internat Conf (Tokyo, Jun 92) and Indian parallel computing project are summarized. tron (Mar 4, 1991) A project supported entirely by industry to develop the specifications for a computer operating system along with a global man-machine interface that will provide an environment for a very large number of small distributed computers to cooperate in real time. Several experimental systems have been built, including the TRON house which consists of about 1000 cooperating computers. tron-93.94 (Jan 31, 1994) Summary of TRON Symposium, held Dec 1-2 1993, in Tokyo. tron.his (Dec 31,1991) Brief summaries of the second annual TRON SHOW and of FRIEND21 Human Interface Symposium, held during November 1991, are given. (By U. Wattenberg, GMD Tokyo) tron.udt (Apr 7, 1991) Comments from readers about 4 Mar 1991 Tron report. trp12-89 (Apr 11, 1990) Accompanying Professor Gene Golub, Computer Science Department, Stanford University to Institute of Statistical Mathematics, PAX computer project at University of Tsukuba, IBM's Tokyo Research Laboratory, Kyoto University's Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, and Ryukoku University. trprpt.290 (Apr 11, 1990) (1) Trip report 20-24 Feb 1990, Hiroshima and Ehime Universities (2) Brief reports: 9 Feb, Quantum Magneto Flux Project 13-14 Feb, UTokyo 15 Feb, Hitachi Central Research Lab 26 Feb, Nat Res Lab Metrology, Tsukuba 1 Mar, Parallel computing meeting, Keio University unu-iist.93 (Jan 19, 1993) A description of the United Nations University's International Institute for Software Technology, newly opened in Macau. various8.91 (Aug 12, 1991) Assorted short items about computer and related activities in Japan. vr-10.92 (Oct 26, 1992) A summary of recent Japanese activities in Virtual Reality (VR). vr-video.93 (May 25, 1993) Availability of videotape showing recent Japanese activities in Virtual Reality. vr.791 (Sep 5, 1991) Brief summary of Artificial Reality/Tele-Existence Symposium, July 1991, Tokyo Japan. vr.991 (Oct 9, 1991) Comments on Virtual/Artificial Reality research in Japan wavelets.192 (Feb 4, 1992) A summary of the seminar on wavelets sponored by Audio Visual Information Research Group (AVIRG) is given (M. Kobayashi, IBM) wavelets.91 (Nov 15, 1991) A brief summary of five seminars on wavelets, given in Tokyo 14 Nov 1991 is presented. (Mei Kobayashi IBM Tokyo Research Lab) wavelets.93 (Nov 12, 1993) The Second Japan SIAM Seminar on Wavelets and their Applications, held Oct. 28, 1993, at Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI), Tokyo is summarized. weight.93 (May 18, 1993) A summary of issues related to weight reduction technology, as seen by C. Nagai, Executive VP, Kobe Steel Co. workshop.isr (Sep 27, 1990) This report describes the 4th ISR Supercomputing Workshop: The Road to Parallel Applications, held from August 29 to 31, 1990 in Hakone, Japan. In addition, some observations on the trends and characteristics of parallel supercomputing research in Japan are presented. xian.rpt (Aug 21, 1991) A summary of the Second International Conference on Numerical Optimization And its Applications, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, June 24--27, 1991. Also a description of visits to the computing center at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), and to Fudan University (Shanghai). yamaha.94 (Feb 5, 1994) Summary of Yamaha Engine Co's activity in unmanned helicopter business. yosh (May 1, 1990) Report by H. Yoshihara on Japanese Supercomputer Performance on specific computational fluid dynamics benchmark program and comparison with Cray. Directory japanese/texts/knjofday: ================================== README kotd.01 kotd.02 kotd.03 kotd.03a kotd.04 kotd.04a kotd.05 kotd.05a kotd.06 kotd.07 kotd.08 kotd.09 kotd.10 kotd.11 kotd.12 kotd.13 kotd.14 kotd.15 kotd.16 kotd.17 kotd.18 kotd.19 kotd.20 kotd.21 kotd.22 kotd.23 kotd.24 kotd.25 kotd.26 kotd.27 kotd.28 kotd.29 kotd.30 kotd.31 kotd.32 kotd.33 kotd.34 kotd.35 kotd.36 kotd.37 kotd.38 kotd.39 kotd.40 kotd.41 kotd.42 kotd.43 kotd.44 kotd.45 kotd.46 kotd.47 kotd.48 kotd.49 kotd.50 kotd.51 kotd.52 kotd.53 kotd.54 kotd.55 kotd.56 kotd.57 kotd.58 kotd.59 kotd.60 kotd.61 kotd.62 kotd.63 kotd.64 kotd.65 kotd.66 kotd.67 kotd.68 kotd.69 kotd.70 kotd.71 kotd.72 kotd.73 kotd.74 kotd.75 kotd.76 kotd.77 kotd.78 kotd.79 kotd.80 kotd.81 kotd.82 kotd.83 kotd.84 kotd.85 kotd.86 kotd.87 kotd.88 kotd.89 kotd.90 kotd.91 kotd.92 kotd.93 kotd.94 kotd.95 kotd.96 kotd.97 kotd.98 kotd.99 kotd.100 kotd.101 kotd.102 kotd.103 Directory japanese/texts/kotowaza: ================================== kotowaza.euc nnk001-010 nnk010.txt nnk020.txt nnk030.txt readme Directory japanese/texts/language: ================================== grammar.txt jis\ Texts on JIS wdict wordlist.jpn Directory japanese/texts/language/jis: ====================================== jis.coding jis1.kuten jis1.table jis1Table.euc jis1Table.jis jis1Table.sjis jis2.kuten jis2.table Directory japanese/texts/lifscdic: ================================== lifscdic lifscdic.doc Directory japanese/texts/mangajin: ================================== README.mj mj005.sjs mj006.sjs mj007.sjs mj008.sjs mj009.sjs mj010.sjs mj011.sjs mj014.sjs mj015.sjs mj017.sjs mj020.sjs mj021.sjs mj022.sjs mj023.sjs mj024.sjs mj025.sjs mj026.sjs mj027.sjs mj029.sjs mj030.sjs mj031.sjs mj032.sjs Directory japanese/texts/msi: ============================= README ibm-pc.faq kazoeru.c kazoeru.scan.c mac.faq mackt.faq timsdata\ Tim's MSI data Directory japanese/texts/msi/timsdata: ====================================== kanji.txt kanji1.txt kanji2.txt kanji3.txt list1.txt list2.txt list3.txt list4.txt Directory japanese/texts/pbs: ============================= losewar.pbs matsushi.pbs Directory japanese/texts/research: ================================== README ieice1.90 ieice1.91 ieice10.90 ieice11.90 ieice12.90 ieice2.90 ieice2.91 ieice3.90 ieice3.91 ieice4.90 ieice4.91 ieice5.90 ieice5.91 ieice6.90 ieice6.91 ieice7.90 ieice7.91 ieice8.90 ieice9.90 jips1.90 jips1.91 jips2.90 jips3.90 jips4.90 Directory japanese/texts/science: ================================= CONFSTOC\ Science file: CONFSTOC FROMNEWS\ Science file: FROMNEWS IEICETOC\ Science file: IEICETOC IPSJTOC\ Science file: IPSJTOC JAPANESE\ Science file: JAPANESE JICSTTOC\ Science file: JICSTTOC JSSSTTOC\ Science file: JSSSTTOC NSF\ Science file: NSF ONRSIBTO\ Science file: ONRSIBTO PERIODIC\ Science file: PERIODIC TECHREPS\ Science file: TECHREPS TOC\ Science file: TOC TRON\ Science file: TRON Directory japanese/texts/science/CONFSTOC: ========================================== jifip43.1 jifip43.2 jifip43.3 jifip43.4 jifip43.5 jifip43.6 jifip43.toc jip-391.1 jip-391.2 jip-391.3 jip-391.4 jip-391.5 jip-391.6 jip-391.toc tron.1990 unixsym.199 Directory japanese/texts/science/FROMNEWS: ========================================== 584 613 615 779 872 Directory japanese/texts/science/IEICETOC: ========================================== e73.1 e73.11 e73.12 e73.2 e73.3 e73.4 e73.5 e73.6 e73.7 e73.8 e73.9 e74.1 e74.2 e74.3 e74.4 e74.5 e74.6 e74.7 Directory japanese/texts/science/IPSJTOC: ========================================= 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 15.1 15.2 Directory japanese/texts/science/JAPANESE: ========================================== erstand.TOC japan.inf jipfigu.txt ranslat.inf ujip.txt ujiptab.txt ujiptoc.txt Directory japanese/texts/science/JICSTTOC: ========================================== 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 Directory japanese/texts/science/JSSSTTOC: ========================================== 1 2 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.6 forward subscri.inf Directory japanese/texts/science/NSF: ===================================== m.announcem rochure.nac ttopics.nac Directory japanese/texts/science/ONRSIBTO: ========================================== 15.3 16.2 16.3 16.4 17.1 17.2 17.3 Directory japanese/texts/science/PERIODIC: ========================================== ERIODIC\ IODICPST\ Directory japanese/texts/science/PERIODIC/ERIODIC: ================================================== 1.overview 2.regular 3.kindexcompl 4.kindexpart 5.ftp Directory japanese/texts/science/PERIODIC/IODICPST: =================================================== 1.overview 2.regular 3.kindexcompl 4.kindexpart 5.ftp Directory japanese/texts/science/TECHREPS: ========================================== Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC: ===================================== 605 606 607 608 609 614 617 618 820 821 822 ELLABTOC\ HITCHTOC\ IEICETOC\ IPSJTOC\ ISCIETOC\ JICSTTOC\ JSSSTTOC\ ONRSIBTO\ RBTCSTOC\ SGNTSTOC\ misc\ Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/ELLABTOC: ============================================== 56.10 56.11 56.12 56.9 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/HITCHTOC: ============================================== 41.5 41.6 42.1 42.2 42.3 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IEICETOC: ============================================== COMM\ ELECT\ FUND\ INFOSYS\ Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IEICETOC/COMM: =================================================== E76.B.4 E76.B.5 E76.B.6 E76.B.7 e75a.12 e75b.1 e75b.10 e75b.11 e75b.12 e75b.2 e75b.3 e75b.4 e75b.5 e75b.6 e75b.7 e75b.8 e75b.9 e76a.1 e76b.1 e76b.2 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IEICETOC/ELECT: ==================================================== E76.C.4 E76.C.5 E76.C.6 e75c.1 e75c.10 e75c.11 e75c.12 e75c.2 e75c.3 e75c.4 e75c.5 e75c.6 e75c.7 e75c.8 e75c.9 e76c.1 e76c.2 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IEICETOC/FUND: =================================================== E76.A.4 E76.A.5 E76.A.6 E76.A.7 e75a.10 e75a.12 e75a.8 e75a.9 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IEICETOC/INFOSYS: ====================================================== E76.D.5 E76.D.6 E76.D.7 e75d.1 e75d.2 e75d.3 e75d.4 e75d.5 e75d.6 e76d.1 e76d.2 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IPSJTOC: ============================================= 15.4 TRANS\ Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/IPSJTOC/TRANS: =================================================== 32.10 32.11 32.9 33.10 33.11 33.12 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.4 34.5 34.6 34.7 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/ISCIETOC: ============================================== JOURN\ TRANS\ Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/ISCIETOC/JOURN: ==================================================== 36.11 36.12 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/ISCIETOC/TRANS: ==================================================== 5.11 5.12 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.6 6.7 6.8 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/JICSTTOC: ============================================== 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/JSSSTTOC: ============================================== ADVANCES\ COMSOFT\ Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/JSSSTTOC/ADVANCES: ======================================================= vol.3 vol.4 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/JSSSTTOC/COMSOFT: ====================================================== 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 9.2 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/ONRSIBTO: ============================================== 17.4 18.1 18.2 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/RBTCSTOC: ============================================== JRSJTOC\ Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/RBTCSTOC/JRSJTOC: ====================================================== 11.1 11.2 11.5 Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/SGNTSTOC: ============================================== Directory japanese/texts/science/TOC/misc: ========================================== DNSHITOC FUJTSTOC SGNTSTOC Directory japanese/texts/science/TRON: ====================================== bib overview Directory japanese/texts/science/misc: ====================================== IJRSJTOC SIGAI SIGAL SIGARC SIGCE SIGCG SIGCH SIGCV SIGDA SIGDBS SIGDPS SIGFI SIGHI SIGIS SIGMIC SIGNA SIGNL SIGPL SIGSE SIGSF SIGSYM dnshitoc email.domai Directory japanese/texts/servers: ================================= Directory japanese/texts/src: ============================= jc.c nkf.c Directory japanese/texts/techncal: ================================== hightech\ Hightech internet.jpn iso_ctry.cds jpn_char.rfc Directory japanese/texts/techncal/hightech: =========================================== 10ssymp INDEX INDEX.bydate README alt.90 anritsu atr control.34 crc database dataflow etl fgcs flexible fujitsu.3d fuzzy gmd highspd hitachi ibm-nic ieice info90 info90.toc iscm isdn ism j-supers japgovt jifip.990 jkaw.90 jsai.90 kiss.90 miti.inf nipt nipt.90 ntt-rev.590 ohbayashi oja-nsf optical parallel.901 parallel.902 parallel.903 parallel.904 pax pp90 pricai.90 quality.sw scj90 sna90 solvers.pde sony speech.etl spice str sx3sale takagi trp12-89 trprpt.290 workshop.isr yosh Directory korean: ================= systems\ Programs and Utilities for Korean texts\ Korean Texts Directory korean/systems: ========================= pc\ Programs/Utilities for PCs unix\ Programs/Utilities for UNIX architectures Directory korean/systems/pc: ============================ Code conversion program by Chae-Won Kim (various combined & fixed codes) Terminal emulator by Hyung-Jin Ha at KAIST On VGA or SVGA with an IBM-AT compat.(combined & fixed) Terminal emulator by Wang-Sung Yang On Hercules (combined only) removes dkby from the memory i53_1.exe Communication/Terminal emulation program IYAGI i53_2.exe Communication/Terminal emulation program IYAGI i53_3.exe Communication/Terminal emulation program IYAGI i53_4.exe Communication/Terminal emulation program IYAGI san1.exe Editor san2.exe Editor san3.exe Editor Editor Directory korean/systems/unix: ============================== editors\ Editors etc\ Etc fonts\ Fonts ked\ KED mbsw\ MBSW term\ Terminals Directory korean/systems/unix/editors: ====================================== dk1.01i.tar.gz hangul.emacs.tar.gz Directory korean/systems/unix/etc: ================================== elm-hangul-patch.doc elm-hangul-patch.tar.gz hangul.sft hcode2.0.6.doc hcode2.0.6.tar.gz hemul0.9.3.doc hemul0.9.3.tar.gz hpscat.1.2.doc hpscat.1.2.tar.gz hscreen3.2h1.2.doc hscreen3.2h1.2.tar.gz htalk1.0.doc htalk1.0.tar.gz k2n.tar.gz ks2sshr.doc ks2sshr.tar.gz nbconv-1.1.doc nbconv-1.1.tar.gz Directory korean/systems/unix/fonts: ==================================== bdf\ Korean bdf fonts pmtex\ Korean pmtex fonts Directory korean/systems/unix/fonts/bdf: ======================================== 8x16pc.bdf README.bdf README.fonts dwM16ks.bdf fonts.alias fonts.dir h16m.snf h16myungjo-bold.bdf h16myungjo.bdf h16ugly.bdf hanglm16.bdf hanglm24.bdf tgM16ks.bdf Directory korean/systems/unix/fonts/pmtex: ========================================== wcksa4.300pk wcksa4.tfm wcksb0.300pk wcksb0.tfm wcksb1.300pk wcksb1.tfm wcksb2.300pk wcksb2.tfm wcksb3.300pk wcksb3.tfm wcksb4.300pk wcksb4.tfm wcksb5.300pk wcksb5.tfm wcksb6.300pk wcksb6.tfm wcksb7.300pk wcksb7.tfm wcksb8.300pk wcksb8.tfm wcksb9.300pk wcksb9.tfm wcksba.300pk wcksba.tfm wcksbb.300pk wcksbb.tfm wcksbc.300pk wcksbc.tfm wcksbd.300pk wcksbd.tfm wcksbe.300pk wcksbe.tfm wcksbf.300pk wcksbf.tfm wcksc0.300pk wcksc0.tfm wcksc1.300pk wcksc1.tfm wcksc2.300pk wcksc2.tfm wcksc3.300pk wcksc3.tfm wcksc4.300pk wcksc4.tfm wcksc5.300pk wcksc5.tfm wcksc6.300pk wcksc6.tfm wcksc7.300pk wcksc7.tfm wcksc8.300pk wcksc8.tfm Directory korean/systems/unix/ked: ================================== ked.doc ked.sun3os4 ked.sun4os4 ked.tar.gz ked.vax.ultrix4.1 kedpr Directory korean/systems/unix/mbsw: =================================== mbsw-1.1.iafa mbsw-1.1.readme mbsw-1.1.tar.gz Directory korean/systems/unix/term: =================================== autotoggle.tar.gz cxterm-hangul.doc cxterm-hangul.tar.gz hanterm.2.2.1.tar.gz jstevie1.3.doc jstevie1.3.tar.gz nemacs.patch.1.1.tar.gz Directory korean/texts: ======================= hangul.FAQ Directory tools: ================ GIF Viewer V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program arce41a.doc V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program - docs bin2as.mac Convert binary files to ASCII for modem xfer convert.bas Ascii - binary (and reverse) file conversion crc.doc Documentation for CRC67.EXE crc67.exe Produce list of file names and CRC for each delbr11.exe Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64) delbr11a.c Source for DELBR11A.EXE (see DELBR11A.BUG) license.gnu The GNU general license, version 1.0 ludef5.doc Official LU (LBR) file definitions Extract files from .LBR lue220.doc Documentation for LUE220.COM File unsqueezer, used with SQPC nusq110.doc Documentation for NUSQ110.COM pk361.exe Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61 sharewre.txt Explains how ShareWare works (must read!) sqdate.doc Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc. sqpc129.doc Doc for SQPC12A.COM file squeeze utility File SQueeze utility (compresses files) squeeze.txt Discription of the Squeeze/Unsqueeze program tarread.exe Read Unix TAR files on a PC transgid.txt Short guide to networking & file transmission unz50p1.exe Info-ZIP's free portable UNZIPv5.0p1, EXE/docs unz51x.exe Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.1, 16-bit MS-DOS exes+docs uudecode.bas Creates small and very fast UUdecode program uudecode.c C source for uudecoder Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary uudecode.dbg DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM uudecode.doc Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.BAS/COM uudecode.pas Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary uudecode.tp5 Simple uudecode in Turbo Pascal v5.0 uuencode.bas Creates small and very fast UUencode program uuencode.c C source for uuencoder Convert binary files to ASCII uuencode.pas Convert binary file to ASCII (Turbo Pascal) uuencode.tp5 Simple uuencode in Turbo Pascal v5.0 xxdecode.bas Creates small and very fast XXdecode program Convert ASCII xxencoded files back to binary xxdecode.doc Instructions on how to use XXDECODE.BAS xxdecode.txt Simple DEBUG bootstrap script for XXdecode xxencode.bas Creates small and very fast XXencode program xxinstal.bat BAT file to bootstrap XXENCODE/XXDECODE,w/Csrc Directory travel: ================= burma State Travel Department information on Burma cambodia State Travel Department information on Cambodia china State Travel Department information on China hong-kong State Travel Department information on Hong Kong indonesia State Travel Department information on Indonesia japan State Travel Department information on Japan laos State Travel Department information on Laos macau State Travel Department information on Macau malaysia State Travel Department information on Malaysia myanmar State Travel Department information on Myanmar north-korea State Travel Department information on North Korea philippines State Travel Department information on the Philippines singapore State Travel Department information on Singapore south-korea State Travel Department information on South Korea taiwan State Travel Department information on Taiwan thailand State Travel Department information on Thailand vietnam State Travel Department information on Vietnam Directory usenet: ================= fj\ fj.* newsgroup archives fj_src\ fj.sources newsgroup archives alt_chin\ alt.chinese newsgroup archives sci_l_jp\ sci.lang.japan newsgroup archives Directory usenet/alt_chin: ========================== computng\ Computing text\ Text (Big5 and G) Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng: =================================== v1000\ alt.chinese.computing V1000 v1100\ alt.chinese.computing V1100 v1200\ alt.chinese.computing V1200 v1300\ alt.chinese.computing V1300 v1400\ alt.chinese.computing V1400 v1500\ alt.chinese.computing V1500 v1600\ alt.chinese.computing V1600 v1700\ alt.chinese.computing V1700 Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1000: ========================================= 1066 Re: zwdosb12.uue_ZHONG_WEN_Software_12/26 1067 Re: Source code for Chinese on Mac? 1068 Re: comments on mac chinese os please 1069 business 1070 Apple chinese language kid 1071 New Zoom 14.4 Fax/modem for $230 (no tax!)! 1072 Chinese character recognition and bitmap 1073 Re: New Zoom 14.4 Fax/modem for $230 (no tax!)! 1074 Re: Chinese character recognition and bitmap 1075 Help 1076 Chinese character recognition and bitmap 1077 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1078 Thanks to all for input ! 1079 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1080 Re: Apple chinese language kid 1081 US$100 AWARD 1082 Re: Help 1083 [Mac help] How to add Chinese OS to System 7.0.1? 1084 Windows 3.1/Chinese Star 1.2/Microsoft Word2.0/WinFax: Help! 1085 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 1086 Re: CLK & databases 1087 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 1088 doing Chinese with HyperTalk 1089 multilingual computing in HyperCard 1090 Cantonese input method with BIG5 fonts? 1091 Re: New Zoom 14.4 Fax/modem for $230 (no tax!)! 1092 Re: CLK & comm programs 1093 WorldScript compliant programs 1094 Need your help for DOS memory 1095 Re: Apple chinese language kid 1096 Re: Apple chinese language kid 1097 Re: [Mac help] How to add Chinese OS to System 7.0.1? 1098 Re: CLK & comm programs 1099 MacBlue and Simplified Chinese. Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1100: ========================================= 1100 Re: [Mac help] How to add Chinese OS to System 7.0.1? 1101 Chinese Softwares 1102 TwinBridge + NTU_Fonts question 1103 Re: CLK & databases 1104 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1105 Re: MacBlue and Simplified Chinese. 1106 Re: TwinBridge + NTU_Fonts question 1107 Re: Cantonese input method with BIG5 fonts? 1108 Re: Cantonese input method with BIG5 fonts? 1109 Re: Where can I find...? 1110 Chinese in Databases 1111 Re: [HELP] CXTERM input question 1112 Where can I find...? 1113 Sign off CCNET-L 1114 TRANSLATOR 1115 "Third" generation Chinese Software.. 1116 where is gb2ps.exe 1117 Re: Windows 3.1/Chinese Star 1.2/Microsoft Word2.0/WinFax: Help! 1118 Chinese Software for Mac 1119 Chinese TeX? 1120 Additional driver for SimpTerm Chinese Terminal 1121 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1122 HELP ME ! 1123 Re: sign off ccnet-l 1124 New English Catalog of Chinese Softwares 1125 sign off ccnet-l 1126 Looking for the alumni from Dept. of Math of Jilin University 1127 Difficulties installing chinese fonts w/X11R4 1128 Re: Sign off CCNET-L 1129 CWGlyph v 1.0 uploaded to 1130 Chinese Star 1.3A for sale 1131 Re: Chinese TeX? 1132 Proposal: creating a Chinese language hierarchy "chinese.*" 1133 GIF AND JPEG FILES WANTED!!! 1134 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1135 MUD HELP 1136 Unicode and its libraries 1137 Re: Unicode and its libraries 1138 Re: HELP ME ! 1139 Re: Help for pc-in-mac 1140 Re: Unicode and its libraries 1141 How to subscribe to CCNET? 1142 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1143 Chinese Computing... 1144 8-bit newsgroup on the Net 1145 [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chinese language hierarchy "chinese.*" 1146 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1147 Re: Unicode and its libraries 1148 Help for pc-in-mac 1149 [fwd] China's Full IP Connection 1150 Unicode 1151 [Q] The chinese pronounciation tool. How to use it. 1152 [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chinese language hierarchy "chinese.*" 1153 Re: Porting cxterm onto Apollo 1154 A complete guide to FTP easy to use Chinese Softwares 1155 Re: HELP ME ! 1156 Re: Apple chinese language kid 1157 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1158 Re: Unicode and its libraries 1159 Simpson's proposal 1160 Re: Unicode 1161 sign-off 1162 Re: Problem act.chinese.text.big5 1163 chinese.* USENET hierarchy 1164 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1165 RE: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1166 Chu Pang-fu 1167 Re: Where can I find...? 1168 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1169 Re: Where can I find...? 1170 More Mac 1/2 WS-Savvy Stuff 1171 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1172 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1173 Re: "Third" generation Chinese Software.. 1174 Question on AmiPro again 1175 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1176 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1177 Porting cxterm onto Apollo 1178 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chinese language hierarchy 1179 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1180 Reading Chinese on Mac 1181 multilingual in HyperCard revisited 1182 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1183 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chinese language hierarchy 1184 Re: Reading Chinese on Mac 1185 Sign off 1186 [general] A suggestion 1187 Mac Chinese 1188 Re: Mac Chinese 1189 How to set columns in AmiPro 1190 Re: [fwd] Proposal: creating a Chnse language hierarchy "Chnse.*" 1191 RE: A complete guide to FTP easy to use Chinese Softwares 1192 Re: More Mac 1/2 WS-Savvy Stuff 1193 Re: CWGlyph v 1.0 uploaded to 1194 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1195 Re: More Mac 1/2 WS-Savvy Stuff 1196 Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 1197 Re: Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 1198 HTML Document 1199 Re: "Third" generation Chinese Software.. Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1200: ========================================= 1200 Re: Q about GB and HZ 1201 Chinese Fax Modem 1202 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1203 Q about GB and HZ 1204 Re: New Zoom 14.4 Fax/modem for $230 (no tax!)! 1205 Re: "Third" generation Chinese Software.. 1206 TeX/LaTeX package and font for Chinese Chess 1207 Re: Make Big5 7-bit clean, an old topic 1208 [fwd] ~{Gk=L~} Email link between Beijing to US 1209 Periodic Reminder? 1210 HZ+S, a proposal to extend HZ to include both GB and Big5 1211 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1212 Make Big5 7-bit clean, an old topic 1213 Re: Chinese Fax Modem 1214 comparison between CStar & TwinBridge 1215 Re: Q about GB and HZ 1216 Too expensive! get a 14.4 modem can just $99 1217 Re: Chinese Fax Modem 1218 Re: Make Big5 7-bit clean, an old topic 1219 chinese editor in unix 1220 Re: HZ+S, a proposal to extend HZ to include both GB and Big5 1221 Chinese Fax Modem 1222 Re: HZ+S, a proposal to extend HZ to include both GB and Big5 1223 Re: Periodic Reminder 1224 InterChinese code 1225 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1226 Font Conversions.. GB/HZ <-> Big5 1227 Re: Unicode 1228 Re: Font Conversions.. GB/HZ <-> Big5 1229 chinese software for OS/2 1230 Re: Q about GB and HZ 1231 Unicode, ISO-2022, and 7-bit merged GB/Big5 1232 Re: Chinese Fax Modem 1233 the CHinese Language Kit 1234 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1235 Mac LC w/ CLK For sale 1236 Re: Chinese Fax Modem 1237 HZ+S proposal for 7-bit merged GB/Big5 1238 How to sign off 1239 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1240 Re: HZ+S proposal for 7-bit merged GB/Big5 1241 Q: NTU Chinese TTF installation 1242 chinese testing 1243 "multimedia netnews and questionnaire system" (fwd) 1244 about chinese.* hierarchy 1245 need volunteers for creating "chinese.*" hierarchy 1246 Re: HZ+S proposal for 7-bit merged GB/Big5 1247 gnus-chinese.el moved 1248 Re: Unicode, ISO-2022, and 7-bit merged GB/Big5 1249 Re: HZ+S proposal for 7-bit mixed GB/Big5/ASCII 1250 Re: Chinese Software for Mac 1251 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1252 X11/mwm Icon bitmap for cxterm 1253 chinese.* hierarchy 1254 Re: Chinese in Canvas (was: Chinese Software for Mac) 1255 [revised proposal] creating "chinese.*" hierarchy 1256 Re: about chinese.* hierarchy 1257 about chinese.* hierarchy 1258 Porting cxterm-11.4.2 to HP9000/340 1259 Re: Chinese Fax Modem (fwd) 1260 Re: proposals for 7-bit standard for mixed GB/Big5/ASCII 1261 Re: the CHinese Language Kit 1262 Re: the CHinese Language Kit 1263 Re: HZ+S, a proposal to extend HZ to include both GB and Big5 1264 Re: chinese.* hierarchy 1265 PostScript Chinese character fonts 1266 chinese.* hierarchy 1267 Algorithm to determine GB, Big5 needed 1268 Re: proposals for 7-bit standard for mixed GB/Big5/ASCII 1269 Internal Coding Scheme 1270 Re: HZ+S, a proposal to extend HZ to include both GB and Big5 (fwd) 1271 Re: about chinese.* hierarchy 1272 Educational discounts on Chinese Language Kit 1273 posting from Kenichi HANDA, author of Mule 1274 Re: Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 1275 Re: Big5 in Mule 1276 Chinese Calendar Program? 1277 Pinyin font for MS-Windows? 1278 Re: proposals for 7-bit standard for mixed GB/Big5/ASCII 1279 ZWDOS_is_also_posted_at.. 1280 Re: [Mac help] How to add Chinese OS to System 7.0.1? 1281 How do I get start. 1282 Re: gnus-chinese.el moved 1283 Mosaic-2.4-l10N in Europe? 1284 Re: the Chinese Language Kit 1285 Chinese in Canvas (was: Chinese Software for Mac) 1286 Re: Font Conversions.. GB/HZ <-> Big5 1287 Re: HZ+S, a proposal to extend HZ to include both GB and Big5 1288 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1289 ~{PB 7-bit CNS 1364 Informato[Dion Super-highway in PRC 1365 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1366 Make Big5 7-bit clean, relationship with chinese.* groups 1367 Jing-Shin Chang's message 1368 HZ+S <-> Big5 should be OK now 1369 III chcode, Big-5 <--> 7-bit CNS 1370 Re: Unicode 1371 Re: III chcode, Big-5 <--> 7-bit CNS 1372 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1373 Re: Big-5/KC/KXSYS problem 1374 can we ftp to or send mail to China's first internet site? 1375 The new hanzi-convert(hc) tables uploaded in ifcss 1376 Re: can we ftp to or send mail to China's first internet site? 1377 Re: InterChinese code 1378 Success [was: CNS converter. Re: 7-bit clean big5] 1379 Chinese.*: Big5 or CNS 1380 character input system 1381 Re: HZ+S <-> Big5 should be OK now 1382 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1383 Re: Where can I find...? 1384 HZ+S tests 1385 CNS (7-bit) <-> Big5 converter uploaded to 1386 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1387 Re: CNS (7-bit) <-> Big5 converter uploaded to 1388 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1389 Re: Chinese Script in PowerPC 1390 Re: HZ+S in the chinese.* hierarchy 1391 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1392 does ET support HZ? 1393 Re: does ET support HZ? 1394 HZ<->Chinese Posting 1395 Questions on mainland Chinese Programmer information 1396 Re: Chinese Script in PowerPC 1397 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1398 Re: HZ+S in the chinese.* hierarchy 1399 B5encode/B5decode and HZ+S Block 1/2 definitions Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1400: ========================================= 1400 B5encode/B5decode and HZ+S Block 1/2 definitions 1401 Re: B5encode/B5decode and HZ+S Block 1/2 definitions 1402 Re: B5encode/B5decode and HZ+S Block 1/2 definitions 1403 [picture] Chinese Pro ad 1404 a new name for HZ+S ? 1405 Re: HZ+S in the chinese.* hierarchy ? 1406 Re: ~{N*:NW*5CUbQy@C#?~} 1407 Re: Sign off CCNET-L 1408 Help on input technique needed!!! 1409 Chinese OCR hardware and software 1410 Questions on PC-DOS , OS2 V2.1C and Shakespear V2.5C WP 1411 Chinese Windows 1412 Updated TANet Services List (1994.05.01c) 1413 Re: B5encode/B5decode and HZ+S Block 1/2 definitions 1414 GB and Big5 on cxterm 1415 1-to-n 1416 my opinion and misc. info. 1417 get email address 1418 7-bit Big5 proposals. Part 1, ISO-2022 compatibility 1419 Re: miscellaneous: Big5 news, gopher, web, HZ+S 1420 7-bit Big5 proposals, Part 2: Big5 conversion, Fonts 1421 7-bit Big5 proposals, Part 3: User needs. 1422 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals, Part 3: User needs. 1423 HZ mirror of some *.tw Big5 newsgroups 1424 Re: my opinion and misc. info. 1425 Re: Unicode, ISO-2022, and 7-bit merged GB/Big5 1426 Re: B5encode/B5decode and HZ+S Block 1/2 definitions 1427 Re: CNS converter. Re: 7-bit clean big5 1428 Where is the chinese chatting address 1429 Chinese DOS 1430 7-bit Big5 and chinese.* group 1431 X11R6 released 1432 Re: 7-bit Big5 and chinese.* group 1433 Re: does ET support HZ? 1434 CNS and ETen 1435 Re: CNS and ETen 1436 CWB UPLOADED 1437 Re: CNS and ETen 1438 Re: Green Card Lottery- Final One? 1439 Re: Taiwanese participation in the chinese.* hierarchy 1440 Re. HZ, Big5 1441 Re: HZ mirror of some *.tw Big5 newsgroups 1442 Re. HZ, Big5 1443 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals, Part 2: Big5 conversion, Fonts 1444 TTF GetGlyphOutline 1445 Re: does ET support HZ? 1446 Re: Algorithm to determine GB, Big5 needed 1447 Re: GB and Big5 on cxterm 1448 Re: TTF GetGlyphOutline 1449 Chinese in Databases 1450 What Happened to NJStar 1451 Re: CNS and ETen 1452 chinese fonts 1453 Re: Proposal... 1454 Re: does ET support HZ? 1455 Re: Re. HZ, Big5 1456 Re: TTF GetGlyphOutline 1457 [fwd] readership of act and act.big5 1458 Re: What Happened to NJStar 1459 New Apple Doc available 1460 Q: how get files with **.html via FTP 1461 7-bit GB/Big5 mix, Re: Jeffery's post 1462 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals. Part 1, ISO-2022 compatibility 1463 Re: can we ftp to or send mail to China's first internet site? 1464 [Seminar]~{#A#s#a#n#t#eW\2CL88_?F<<44R5~} 1465 7-bit Big5 proposals, ISO-2022 compatibility 1466 Re: 7-bit Big5 and chinese.* group 1467 sign-off, 1468 B5encode/B5decode, non-ISO compatible -^^- 1469 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals, ISO-2022 compatibility 1470 information on 7-bit Big5 is available by anonymous FTP 1471 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals, ISO-2022 compatibility 1472 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals, ISO-2022 compatibility 1473 FAQ for Chinese Poetry Club 1474 Re: Chinese Script in PowerPC 1475 Re: Q: NTU Chinese TTF installation 1476 CXTERM Binary 1477 Viewer for GL (1) 1478 Viewer for GL(2) 1479 Viewer for GL(3) 1480 Re: Q: NTU Chinese TTF installation 1481 Re: TTF GetGlyphOutline 1482 (Extract) TTF example 1483 Chinese Windows - Pinyin input? 1484 Help on Mosaic Chinese fonts 1485 Re: 7-bit Big5 proposals, ISO-2022 compatibility 1486 Quadratic Spline (for TTF) 1487 Big5 or CNS ? 1488 Q on VMS Chinese NewReader 1489 Help on Mosaic Chinese fonts 1490 test 1491 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1492 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1493 Re: Chinese Desktop Publishing 1494 Re: Chinese Desktop Publishing 1495 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1496 Re: Green Card Lottery- Final One? 1497 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1498 Binary Table 1499 Information regarding chinese input and encoding method Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1500: ========================================= 1500 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1501 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1502 Chinese OCR? 1503 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1504 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1505 Re: Chinese OCR? 1506 Re: CNS vs Big5 and my vote 1507 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1508 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1509 Big5 vs CNS in Internet newsgroups 1510 Re: CNS vs Big5 and my vote 1511 Re: A possible committee member 1512 ChineseStar and ChinesePro, which is better? 1513 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1514 Re: CNS <-> Big5 conversion 1515 Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1516 ChinesePro-ChinaStar-TwinBridge 1517 Re: ChineseStar and ChinesePro, which is better? 1518 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1519 Re: CNS <-> Big5 conversion 1520 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1521 Re: ChinesePro-ChinaStar-TwinBridge 1522 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1523 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1524 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1525 Re: ChinesePro-ChinaStar-TwinBridge 1526 CNS <-> Big5 conversion 1527 Re: CNS vs Big5 and my vote 1528 Re: CNS vs Big5 and my vote 1529 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1530 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1531 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1532 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1533 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1534 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1535 Coming soon: 7-bit Big5! 1536 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1537 Re: CNS <-> Big5 conversion 1538 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1539 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1540 Re(2): Big5 or CNS ? 1541 TW users please comment on BIG5 vs CNS 7-bit code debate 1542 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1543 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1544 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1545 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1546 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1547 Re(2): Big5 or CNS ? 1548 I wish CNS would die and go away 1549 Re: I wish CNS would die and go away 1550 Re: Q: how get files with **.html via FTP 1551 test, sorry, please ignore this message 1552 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1553 an explanation and an example of HZ+ 1554 ** New ** B5E2/B5encode-2: a new Big5 -> 7bit Big5 representation 1555 Re: 7-bit Big5, CPU cycles, Big5 compatibility 1556 Jing-Shin, please read the a.c.t FAQ 1557 Re: I wish CNS would die and go away 1558 NJSDK, Development Tools 1559 Re: comment on Jing-Shin's latest new proposal 1560 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1561 Re: Re(2): Big5 or CNS ? 1562 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1563 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1564 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1565 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1566 ***TEST*** 1567 pen-tablet based character input system 1568 we need more HZ+ proposals :-) 1569 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1570 Re: Regarding CWB 1.0 1571 Re: 7-bit Big5, CPU cycles, Big5 compatibility 1572 Thank you, Jing-Shin! 1573 Re: comment on Jing-Shin's latest new proposal 1574 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1575 Tablet-stylus character input system 1576 Re: 7-bit Big5, CPU cycles, Big5 compatibility 1577 Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1578 Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1579 Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1580 Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1581 Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1582 Re: Rebuttal and Summary of Big5 transformation debate 1583 HANZIX: Introduction 1584 HANZIX: Why Hanzix? 1585 HANZIX: Goals and how to achieve tehm 1586 HANZIX: Where are we today? 1587 Multi-Media Chinese Dictionary Demo 1588 Open Question about Chinese Computing 1589 Chinese software 1590 No more proposals! Let's get down to work! 1591 CNS sucks! 1592 Re: Thank you, Jing-Shin! 1593 Re: 7-bit Big5, CPU cycles, Big5 compatibility 1594 Jing-Shin's proposals 1595 Re: Thank you, Jing-Shin! 1596 Jing-Shin's proposals, part 2 1597 Re: comment on Jing-Shin's latest new proposal 1598 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1599 How many HZ+ proposals are there? Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1600: ========================================= 1600 Re: Use HZ+S to save CPU cycles! 1601 reasons for using HZ+ 1602 Temporary Solution: Chinese in Standard Windows 1603 CNS is 7 bit Big5 with mistake corrected 1604 MacBlueTelnet2.6.1d1 R2 released 1605 Re: Use HZ+S to save CPU cycles! 1606 Re: Interntionalization of softwares 1607 Re: Use HZ+S to save CPU cycles! 1608 Big5 protocol 1609 HZ+FISH 1610 HZFISH (GB) 1611 Re: reasons for using HZ+ 1612 CNS is 7 bit Big5 with mistake corrected 1613 testing HZ+ 1614 Expert opinion on CNS 1615 Re: CNS is 7 bit Big5 with mistake corrected 1616 Re: testing HZ+ 1617 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1618 Re: CNS, BIG5 etc 1619 Re: CNS, BIG5 etc 1620 Re: Chinese text input methods - which are the fastest? 1621 Re: CNS, BIG5 etc 1622 What is AcerXWay ? 1623 What is AcerXWay ? 1624 MacBlue Telnet 2.6.1d1 R2 is available 1625 MacBlue Telnet 2.6.1d1 R2 is available 1626 MacBlue Telnet 2.6.1d1 R2 is available 1627 Re: What is AcerXWay ? 1628 Re: What is AcerXWay ? 1629 [fwd] Message from Beijing 1630 chinese.* needs HZ+ now 1631 Re: Expert opinion on CNS 1632 Re: Help on Mosaic Chinese fonts 1633 (fwd) Re: Expert opinion on CNS 1634 MacBlue Telnet 2.6.1d1 R2 is available 1635 MacBlue Telnet 2.6.1d1 R2 is available 1636 Re: (fwd) Re: Expert opinion on CNS 1637 Euro letters in Chinese Windows 1638 Re: ChineseStar and ChinesePro, which is better? 1639 Re: Big5 <--> 7-bit Big5 is simple 1640 Re: HANZIX: Introduction 1641 help on Chinese Star needed 1642 Chines Solaris on Sun 1643 Re: (fwd) Re: Expert opinion on CNS 1644 7-bit and 8-bit forms of CNS 1645 Re: Chines Solaris on Sun 1646 Re: (fwd) Re: Expert opinion on CNS 1647 Re: CNS, BIG5 etc 1648 more on CNS machines 1649 Re: What is AcerXWay ? 1650 help me for zwdos or njstar ! 1651 Need help for mule! 1652 Software Internationalization Issues 1653 Re: Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1654 Re: Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1655 Big5<->CNS conversion; adding CNS to HZ+ ? 1656 Transfer encodings for Chinese 1657 what is .plb file? 1658 Is there any stand-alone chinese environment on UNIX? 1659 Re: 7-bit and 8-bit forms of CNS 1660 Chines Solaris on Sun 1661 Re: CNS, BIG5 etc 1662 Chinese True Type Font 1663 CNS vs Big5, my final words 1664 Re: Big5<->CNS conversion; adding CNS to HZ+ ? 1665 Re: Revised Proposal(first attemp 1666 GB popularity 1667 Re: Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1668 Re: Is there any stand-alone chinese environment on UNIX? 1669 Re: Transfer encodings for Chinese 1670 Re: Big5<->CNS conversion; adding CNS to HZ+ ? 1671 Why convert to CNS? 1672 No such thing as Big5? [Was: Re: Why convert to CNS?] 1673 Re: No such thing as Big5? [Was: Re: Why convert to CNS?] 1674 CNS 1675 not a summary 1676 Big5 vs CNS, a summary 1677 Re: Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1678 Singlish and "Singnese"? 1679 Re: CNS 1680 CNS and 7-bit Big5 (long explanation) 1681 Re: ChineseStar and ChinesePro, which is better? 1682 why should we use CNS as an exchange code for Big5 ? 1683 Help!!! 1684 Re: Is there any stand-alone chinese environment on UNIX? 1685 Re: Why convert to Big5? 1686 GAMES 1687 Re: 8-bit CNS 1688 Re: Big5 vs CNS, a summary 1689 Re: CNS and 7-bit Big5 (long explanation) 1690 Ed's campaign against Big5 vendor codes 1691 My search for CWin TrueType Fonts 1692 Re: CNS and 7-bit Big5 (long explanation) 1693 Re: why should we use CNS as an exchange code for Big5 ? 1694 Re: Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1695 Re: ChineseStar and ChinesePro, which is better? 1696 Who is in charge of IFCSS & CND.ORG? 1697 CNS bitmap 1698 Re: Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1699 Re: Chinese Windows Directory usenet/alt_chin/computng/v1700: ========================================= 1700 Re: ChinesePro-ChinaStar-TwinBridge 1701 Why can't CNS and Big5 coexist? 1702 ~{::#!~} 1703 Re: CNS and 7-bit Big5 (long explanation) 1704 Re: CND Books and Journals Review, March 13, 1994 1705 What's with Apple and CNS ? 1706 PRC <-> TWN Terms Conversion 1707 Re: PRC <-> TWN Terms Conversion 1708 Re: Big5 vs CNS, a summary 1709 Re: CNS bitmap 1710 Request for Chinese Gopher Client 1711 Re: ~{::#!~} 1712 Re: Chinese True Type Font 1713 What's the ET's font file's format? 1714 INTRO HELP 1715 sign off 1716 Re: Request for Chinese Gopher Client 1717 Can we finally agree on HZ+S? 1718 [Q] WUBIZIXING: What is the function of "Z"??? 1719 Help !!! cxterm on linux 1720 ~{R;7b!0REJi!1~} 1721 Re: Can we finally agree on HZ+S? 1722 Steve's Big5 vendor codes excuse boomerang back to himself 1723 Re: What's with Apple and CNS ? 1724 16bit XText Widgets? 1725 Re: ChineseStar and ChinesePro, which is better? 1726 Re: ChinesePro-ChinaStar-TwinBridge 1727 HZ+S: an elegant boomerang for 2-way conversion 1728 [News] Ziffnet News 1 1729 [News] Ziffnet News 2 1730 Re: [Q] WUBIZIXING: What is the function of "Z"??? 1731 CNS port? stop talking.. do sth 1732 End of semester sign off notice 1733 Re: What's with Apple and CNS ? 1734 HELP needed for ZWdos 1735 Re: CNS port? stop talking.. do sth 1736 Extracting bitmapped fonts 1737 Re: INTRO HELP 1738 Don't create another ENCODING please !!!!! 1739 Re: Can we finally agree on HZ+S? 1740 Unicode Workshop #6, Call for Papers 1741 Help needed: Do I really have to ask my school in China to send my t 1742 Make Money! 1743 Chinese Emacs Editor for MS-DOS 1744 Re: Can we finally agree on HZ+S? 1745 Help need( About telnet of PC/TCP) 1746 Chinese Star 1.3A for sale. 1747 Re: chinese.* 1748 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1749 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1750 Why TwinBridge gives extra space? 1751 Re: chinese.* 1752 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1753 Re: Big5 or CNS ? 1754 Re: chinese.* 1755 Re: Don't create another ENCODING please !!!!! 1756 Unicode Tutorials (+ Correction) 1757 Re: Don't create another ENCODING please !!!!! 1758 Re: Why TwinBridge gives extra space? 1759 Re: Why TwinBridge gives extra space? 1760 Re: Why TwinBridge gives extra space? 1761 Facts of the Microsoft PRC Windows 1762 Re: Why TwinBridge gives extra space? 1763 Re: OS/2 2.1 Zhongwen ban 1764 Re: Make Money! 1765 OS/2 2.1 Zhongwen ban 1766 Re: OS/2 2.1 Zhongwen ban 1767 Code shema of various code length? No thanks. 1768 Re: font help 1769 Re: Make Money! 1770 font help 1771 CNS and Big5 1772 Re: OS/2 2.1 Zhongwen ban 1773 new hztty modules? 1774 Don't create another ENCODING please !!!!! 1775 When the Internet meets religious traditions 1776 which directory can I find TwinBridge in 1777 Re: sign off 1778 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1779 Re: OS/2 2.1 Zhongwen ban 1780 Re: chinese.* hierarchy 1781 Re: chinese.* 1782 Re: ~{R;7b!0REJi!1~} 1783 Re: OS/2 2.1 Zhongwen ban 1784 Re: chinese.* newsgroup hierarchy, another Big5 suggestion 1785 Re: reasons for using HZ+ 1786 Proposal: Chinese language only hierarchy chinese.* 1787 Re: chinese.* Directory usenet/alt_chin/text: =============================== big5\ alt.chinese.text.big5 articles v39800\ alt.chinese.text vol 39800 v39900\ alt.chinese.text vol 39900 v40000\ alt.chinese.text vol 40000 v40100\ alt.chinese.text vol 40100 v40200\ alt.chinese.text vol 40200 v40300\ alt.chinese.text vol 40300 v40400\ alt.chinese.text vol 40400 v40500\ alt.chinese.text vol 40500 v40600\ alt.chinese.text vol 40600 v40700\ alt.chinese.text vol 40700 v40800\ alt.chinese.text vol 40800 v40900\ alt.chinese.text vol 40900 v41000\ alt.chinese.text vol 41000 v41100\ alt.chinese.text vol 41100 v41200\ alt.chinese.text vol 41200 v41300\ alt.chinese.text vol 41300 v41400\ alt.chinese.text vol 41400 v41500\ alt.chinese.text vol 41500 v41600\ alt.chinese.text vol 41600 v41700\ alt.chinese.text vol 41700 v41800\ alt.chinese.text vol 41800 v41900\ alt.chinese.text vol 41900 v42000\ alt.chinese.text vol 42000 v42100\ alt.chinese.text vol 42100 v42200\ alt.chinese.text vol 42200 v42300\ alt.chinese.text vol 42300 v42400\ alt.chinese.text vol 42400 v42500\ alt.chinese.text vol 42500 v42600\ alt.chinese.text vol 42600 v42700\ alt.chinese.text vol 42700 v42800\ alt.chinese.text vol 42800 Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5: ==================================== v34200\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34200 v34300\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34300 v34400\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34400 v34500\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34500 v34600\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34600 v34700\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34700 v34800\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34800 v34900\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 34900 v35000\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35000 v35100\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35100 v35200\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35200 v35300\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35300 v35400\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35400 v35500\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35500 v35600\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35600 v35700\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35700 v35800\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35800 v35900\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 35900 v36000\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36000 v36100\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36100 v36200\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36200 v36300\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36300 v36400\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36400 v36500\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36500 v36600\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36600 v36700\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36700 v36800\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36800 v36900\ alt.chinese.text.big5 Vol 36900 Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34200: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34275.bg5 english name 34276.bg5 [song] ©p¬O§Úªº°ß£¸ 34277.bg5 Re: §ë²¼¡A¬Ý½Ö¯à·í¾H¦Z¤@§â¤â¡H 34278.bg5 ²zµo®v 34279.bg5 Re: ¤£¥ú©MÀz¨º¨½Á×´»¥h¤F¡H 34280.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¬Ù¦³¥»¨Æ¿W¥ß¶Ü¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H 34281.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò 34282.bg5 «O±K¨¾¿Ò, ¤H¤H¦³³d 34283.bg5 ­P¦NªL¤j¾Ç¼Æ¾Ç¨t®ü¥~®Õ¤Í¡G 34284.bg5 [song] 34285.bg5 [song] 34286.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¬Ù¦³¥»¨Æ¿W¥ß¶Ü¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H 34287.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¤§¤T 34288.bg5 Re: Again, Body or Mind 34289.bg5 §û¤H¼~¤Ñ 34290.bg5 Re: [talk]¾|¨³ªº¤å³¹ 34291.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â³Q¾à 34292.bg5 A Database for chinese Character recognition 34293.bg5 Re: []ªø¦wµó¥u¨­Äd©Z§J¡A¤ýºûªL³Q¥´­P¦ºa hero in picture 34294.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â³Q¾à 34295.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW»jµï©M¤j³°»jµï RE: ©I¦S¤Àºô 34296.bg5 Re: §õ¬x¼e¡× other names! 34297.bg5 ®L©u¦^°ê¾÷²¼ 34298.bg5 ®L©u¦^°ê¾÷²¼ 34299.bg5 ²MµØ¡@Àô¢²¢°¡@®Õ¤Í¡C Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34300: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34300.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE] ²qÁ¼²qÁ¼¡I 34301.bg5 Re: «O±K¨¾¿Ò, ¤H¤H¦³³d 34302.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW»jµï©M¤j³°»jµï RE: ©I¦S¤Àºô 34303.bg5 Re: Ãö¤_ Michael Fay 34304.bg5 RE: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq 34305.bg5 Re: ¹jºôªº«Øij¡Aµ¹¥æ¤j¸ê¤uªº«H¡C 34306.bg5 Re: «O±K¨¾¿Ò, ¤H¤H¦³³d 34307.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â³Q¾à 34308.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34309.bg5 Re: «O±K¨¾¿Ò, ¤H¤H¦³³d 34310.bg5 help 34312.bg5 ºô¤H½×¤§¤@.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l 34313.bg5 ºô¤W¯u¦nª± 34315.bg5 §õ¬x¼e¡× other names! 34316.bg5 ¦Y¸²µå¤£¦R¸²µå¥Ö¨à¡K 34317.bg5 ¨D±Ð 34318.bg5 No subject 34319.bg5 ¤@±ø¤jªeªi®ö¼e 34320.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34321.bg5 .AVI --> .FLI file converter ???? 34322.bg5 ~¤è¬°¥ÁUniversity of California, Berkeley 34323.bg5 µLÃD 34324.bg5 Re: ¯«¦{­·±m 34325.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 34326.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 34327.bg5 my...test 34328.bg5 §n¬[ 34329.bg5 Re: Á¤è¦à¤l 34330.bg5 ÁÂÁ¼ä¦B¡I 34337.bg5 Re: [talk]º¡µó³£¬O¸t¤H¡G¡^ 34338.bg5 ­²©R¬nºq¤j®a°Û¡]¤@¡^ 34339.bg5 ­²©R¬nºq¤j®a°Û¡]¤G¡^ 34340.bg5 ¸g¤å½Ð±Ð¤è¦à¤l¡C 34341.bg5 test- 34342.bg5 ¶À¿Ã¿Ã¡GÅý·R¦Û¥Ñ 34343.bg5 §ð¥x¤§µ¦ 34344.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE] ²qÁ¼²qÁ¼¡I 34345.bg5 ¶Ì¹G«C¦~ 34346.bg5 ¤]¬O¨àºq¨à¡C¡C¡C 34347.bg5 ¤]¬O¨àºq¨à¡C¡C¡C 34348.bg5 Re: [talk]¾|¨³ªº¤å³¹ 34349.bg5 ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34350.bg5 (none) 34351.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 34352.bg5 Pray 34353.bg5 Re: ¤@±ø¤jªeªi®ö¼e 34354.bg5 ¹ï¤£°_¡@¡@¦Ê¦X 34355.bg5 (none) 34356.bg5 °½¦è¥Ê¡Ð¡Ðª¾«CÀH·P 34357.bg5 Help on Mac Chinese publishing software... 34358.bg5 Re: ¯«¦{­·±m 34359.bg5 Re: [talk]¾|¨³ªº¤å³¹ 34360.bg5 Re: ®L©u¦^°ê¾÷²¼ 34361.bg5 ¨C¤é¤Ñ³ 34362.bg5 Re: ¤]¬O¨àºq¨à¡C¡C¡C 34363.bg5 Re: ¨D±Ï¡Ð¢û¢÷¢ý¢ö¢ì¡@¢î¢ñ¢ô¢í¡@¢î¢ü¢ø¡@¢û¢ñ¢ü¢í 34364.bg5 Re: ´µ¤g´µ¥Á 34365.bg5 ¢ü¢í¢û¢ü¡Ð¢ú¢ý¢û¢ð¡@ 34366.bg5 test-rush 34367.bg5 Re: ¡i©_½ì½g¡¼ 34368.bg5 Re: ¤@±ø¤jªeªi®ö¼e 34369.bg5 ¨D±Ï¡Ð¢û¢÷¢ý¢ö¢ì¡@¢î¢ñ¢ô¢í¡@¢î¢ü¢ø¡@¢û¢ñ¢ü¢í 34370.bg5 test-rush 34371.bg5 Re: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34372.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34373.bg5 ¢ü¢í¢û¢ü¡Ð¢ú¢ý¢û¢ð¡Ð¢÷¢ö¢í 34374.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34375.bg5 test-ruch-3 34376.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34377.bg5 ~{>IJ+PBNr~} 34378.bg5 test-rush-2 34379.bg5 test 34380.bg5 test-rush-4 34381.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¦r»P¤¤¤å¹q¸£ 34382.bg5 Re: ¾Ô¤æ¾÷ªº°ÝÃD (fwd) (Mig-23 != J-7III) 34383.bg5 test 34384.bg5 [poem] Seven Restricted: The USA 34385.bg5 This is a test 34386.bg5 ¨C¤é¤Ñ³ 34387.bg5 [MISC]·¨»··s¦P§Ó½Ðª`·N 34388.bg5 ¾G·T¤©¸Ö¿ï(III) 34389.bg5 Re: ¾G·T¤©¸Ö¿ï(I) 34390.bg5 Re: ®L©u¦^°ê¾÷²¼ 34392.bg5 to the person who ask me about IRC 34393.bg5 Re: ¡i¦Ò¦Ò§A¡j1 34394.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34395.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¦r»P¤¤¤å¹q¸£ 34396.bg5 ¥|¤tÁp¦X¤j¾Ç¡H¡H¡H~{ 34397.bg5 µLÃD 34398.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á4/19 34399.bg5 ¡i©_½ì½g¡¼ Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34400: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34400.bg5 Re: Á¤è¦à¤l 34401.bg5 hztty-1.10-linux-p1.tgz uploaed to sunsite, 34402.bg5 Re: §õ¬x¼e¡× other names! 34403.bg5 Re: to the person who ask me about IRC 34404.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â³Q¾à 34405.bg5 Re: ¡i¦Ò¦Ò§A¡j1 34406.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34407.bg5 Re: ¡i¦Ò¦Ò§A¡j1 34408.bg5 §Ú©Ò¦V©¹¹Lªº©h®Q 34409.bg5 Diamond Sutra(2)ª÷­è¸g¡]¢±¡^ 34410.bg5 RE: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34411.bg5 Re: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34412.bg5 World Cup TV schedule 34413.bg5 ¤£­n¯ä¬ü!!!!¤£­n¯ä¬ü!!!!¡@¡@¡@¡@Re:¡i©_½ì½g¡¼¸q¡@áæ­ìµÞ®ÎÃe«ã¯Ð¨ödÀÔ 34414.bg5 Re: ·s»D¼öÂI¡G¾`°ê¾Ô¤æ¾÷¥´¤U¾`¡þÁp¦X°êª½¤É¾÷ 34415.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¬ã¨s©Ò¦Ò¸Õ©_½Í 34416.bg5 ¦³¨S¦³¸Ñ©ñ­x¶i¦æ¦±ªº .au ÀÉ? 34417.bg5 Lyrics for "Yesterday Once More" 34418.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34419.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34420.bg5 [] For the one back homeland soon 34421.bg5 ³Ì·s®ø®§ ¤d®q´ò®×±¡¦³¶i®i 34422.bg5 [¨C¤é¤@¦±] «ÀÀæ 34423.bg5 ¥|¬q¸g¤å¡A¾Ç°Ý¡H 34424.bg5 help needed in installing cxterm 34425.bg5 Re: ¾|¨³ªº¤å³¹ 34426.bg5 ¾|¨³ªºµ§¦W 34427.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¦r»P¤¤¤å¹q¸£ 34428.bg5 Re: ¨D±Ï¡Ð¢û¢÷¢ý¢ö¢ì¡@¢î¢ñ¢ô¢í¡@¢î¢ü¢ø¡@¢û¢ñ¢ü¢í 34429.bg5 Re: §ð¥x¤§µ¦!? 34430.bg5 Re: ¦³¸Ü½Ð¥X¨Ó»¡ 34431.bg5 ¡´©_¤å¦@ªY½à¡´ 34432.bg5 ¨«¦V»·¤è 34433.bg5 [HISC]¯û¤l©M¤è¦à¤lªº¬G¨Æ¡C 34434.bg5 Re: ´ú¸Õ¤å³¹ 34435.bg5 Re: ¶À¿Ã¿Ã¡GÅý·R¦Û¥Ñ 34436.bg5 Re: ºô¤H½×¤§¤@.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l 34437.bg5 Re: ¡i©_½ì½g¡¼ 34438.bg5 Re: ¸ÕÅç,test 34439.bg5 Re: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34440.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á4/20 34441.bg5 ¥xÆW¬ã¨s©Ò¦Ò¸Õ©_½Í 34442.bg5 re: «O±K¨¾¿Ò, ¤H¤H¦³³d 34443.bg5 Re: ¤ý¬Y¤H¡A¤ý±Æªø¡A°e¥xÆW¢Ð¢Ð¢á¦ì§}¤W¨Ó¤F 34444.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªº¡@åu¬s} 34445.bg5 Re: Farewell to Ming History ¤j©ú¤p¥v°±¸ü 34446.bg5 re: «O±K¨¾¿Ò,¤H¤H¦³³d 34447.bg5 re:¶À"¿Ã¿Ã": Åý·R¦Û¥Ñ 34448.bg5 Selected Works of Lu Xun ´_¤³ 34449.bg5 Selected Works of Lu Xun ´_¤³¨ä¤G 34450.bg5 Selected Works of Lu Xun §Úªº¥¢ÅÊ 34451.bg5 Re: ¡£¬y¦æ­µ¼Ö¥v¡¤¡G¡@·ç¨å®J«kºt°Û²Õ 34452.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq 34453.bg5 can you read this? 34454.bg5 Re: Why can't I Type Chinese in Taiwan's BBS? Help! 34455.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l­þ¨½¥h¤F¡H 34456.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34457.bg5 ¤T¤j¬ö«ß¤K¶µª`·N 34458.bg5 ¤T¤j¬ö«ß¤K¶µª`·N 34459.bg5 [talk]§Ô¤£¦í­n»¡¤L¥y¤û«Ë¾Q 34460.bg5 Re: ¤Ï¹ïÂ_ºô 34461.bg5 §ä¤H¡G¡@¢ý¢õ¢é¢û¢û¡@ªº¥Ð½U 34462.bg5 Re: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34463.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 34464.bg5 Re: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34465.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªº¡@åu¬s} 34466.bg5 RFD: soc.culture.chinese-hanzi moderated 34467.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE] ²qÁ¼²qÁ¼¡I¡Ð¾|Á¼´¦©³ 34468.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â³Q¾à 34469.bg5 Writing E-mail in Chinese 34470.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq 34471.bg5 Subject: ¾Ôzªº°ÝÃD 34472.bg5 Re: [talk]¾|¨³ªº¤å³¹ 34473.bg5 Re: ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢°¡^ 34474.bg5 ªÅ¤â¹D¡H 34475.bg5 Re: ¨D±Ï¡Ð¢û¢÷¢ý¢ö¢ì¡@¢î¢ñ¢ô¢í¡@¢î¢ü¢ø¡@¢û¢ñ¢ü¢í 34476.bg5 Diamond Sutra(1)ª÷­è¸g¡]¤@¡^ 34477.bg5 Re: []ªø¦wµó¥u¨­Äd©Z§J¡A¤ýºûªL³Q¥´­P¦ºa hero in picture 34478.bg5 Re: ­²©R¬nºq¤j®a°Û¡]¤G¡^ 34479.bg5 test 34480.bg5 §ä¢ï£C¢ú¢í¢ö 34481.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á4/21 34482.bg5 [news] PULITZER¼ú¡]¢é¢ú¢ü¢û¡^ 34483.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34484.bg5 ¤Ñ¬z¨àºq 34485.bg5 Farewell to Ming History ¤j©ú¤p¥v°±¸ü 34486.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34487.bg5 Journal of Consultation Service, 9404c 34488.bg5 chinese fonts 34489.bg5 Re: ¶À¿Ã¿Ã¡GÅý·R¦Û¥Ñ 34490.bg5 test-test-test again 34491.bg5 [riddles] Á¼¤ÎÁ¼©³ 34492.bg5 Re: ¤]¬O¨àºq¨à¡C¡C¡C 34493.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªº¡@åu¬s} 34494.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34495.bg5 Re: ²Åé/¥¿Åé¦r 34496.bg5 ¨D§U 34497.bg5 [talk]½Í½Í¤è¦à¤l¡]¤T¡^¡G¢×¢à¢Ñ¤Wªº¼B¨¹How pretend know'g a lot? 34498.bg5 [project]¹w§i¡G©P§@¤H¢Ï¢Ð¢Ñ§Y±N¶K¥X¡A¢û¢ü¢é£B¡@¢ü¢ý¢ö¢í¢ì 34499.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34500: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34500.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34501.bg5 Journal of Consultation Service, 9404c 34502.bg5 ´M®}°í¡A¿ú­x 34503.bg5 [talk]­±¬Û¤§¦A¬å 34504.bg5 ­ð¤s¨àºq 34505.bg5 Re: ¹w§i¡G­¸Às½Í½Í¤è¦à¤l 34506.bg5 ´£­Ò§J¤v´_§¡I 34507.bg5 Re: ®L©u¦^°ê¾÷²¼ 34508.bg5 test 34509.bg5 «e¤è¥´³Ó¥M 34510.bg5 Re: ¤T¤j¬ö«ß¤K¶µª`·N 34511.bg5 Ghost Stories 34512.bg5 ¸Õ¸Õ¡A¨S¤º®e 34513.bg5 ½Ð°Ý¦³¤Hª¾¹D¥xÆW¥Á¶¡ªºBBS¯¸¶Ü? 34514.bg5 test 34515.bg5 ¼Æ¾ÇÃD 34516.bg5 °¨¨½ÄõCollege Park ¦a°Ï¦í©Ð 34517.bg5 Re: ¹jºôªº«Øij¡Aµ¹¥æ¤j¸ê¤uªº«H¡C 34518.bg5 Re: ¾Ô¤æ¾÷ªº°ÝÃD (fwd) (Mig-23 != J-7III) 34519.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34520.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE]ªá³¾Á¼¡Ð¡Ð¬K¨Ó¤F 34521.bg5 ¬Ý¦bÄҰꪺ¥÷¤W¡I 34522.bg5 Li Sao and others 34523.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§6) 34524.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªº¡@åu¬s} 34525.bg5 Re: ¤pÃD¥Ø§Y¿³¦^µª 34526.bg5 ½Ð±Ð 34527.bg5 (HELATH) all-citizen health insurance ¥þÅé°ê¥Á°·±d«OÀI 34528.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34529.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â³Q¾à 34530.bg5 Re: ¡i©_½ì½g¡¼ 34531.bg5 test 34532.bg5 Re: ¤Ö¦~®É¥Nªº¤@­ººq¡C¡C¡C 34533.bg5 test 34534.bg5 ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢°¡^ 34535.bg5 ¯«¥P¦^®a 34536.bg5 No subject 34539.bg5 ©ú¤ë¤L®É¦³ 34540.bg5 ©ú¤ë¤L®É¦³ 34541.bg5 ©ú¤ë¤L®É¦³ 34542.bg5 RE: ¡m¤@ ¦a Âû ¤ò¡n 34543.bg5 <<ÆA¶§¤Ñ>> 34544.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§7) 34545.bg5 ¦ó¬°¦Ê¾Ô¡H 34546.bg5 Re: RE: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34547.bg5 ¤¤¾Ç©M¤p¾Ç½Ö¤ô[D[D[D[D÷û¤ô­ã 34548.bg5 a poem 34549.bg5 Re: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34550.bg5 [INFO] Appendix 1 to Alt.Chinese.Text FAQ: Network Rules & Etiquette 34551.bg5 ¥_¨Êºq¨à 34552.bg5 Re: ¥x¿W¦³¤°¤\¤£¦n¡H 34553.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34554.bg5 Re: help on chinese post viewing 34555.bg5 [essay] music from paradise 34556.bg5 telnet version of wHZcomm15 for ms-window 34557.bg5 No subject 34558.bg5 ¥xÆW­n«OÅ@¦n³¥¥Í°Êª«¡Q¤£­n¥á¤¤°êªºÁy 34559.bg5 Re: ­²©R¬nºq¤j®a°Û¡]¤@¡^ 34560.bg5 Re: °½¦è¥Ê¡Ð¡Ðª¾«CÀH·P 34561.bg5 Ä~Äò¶Ã»¡¡G¡Ð¡^ 34562.bg5 help on chinese post viewing 34563.bg5 Does God really exist? 34565.bg5 «¸¤Ó¤½½×¾|¨³ 34566.bg5 ¤pÃD¥Ø§Y¿³¦^µª 34567.bg5 ¤pÃD¥Ø§Y¿³¦^µª 34568.bg5 [TALK]Ethnic_Minorities_26(¤]¨Ó¶~¸Ü®ü«n) 34569.bg5 Additional driver for SimpTerm Chinese Terminal 34570.bg5 Re: Farewell to Ming History ¤j©ú¤p¥v°±¸ü 34571.bg5 Re: ¼Æ¾ÇÃD 34572.bg5 Re: ·s ¥[ ©Y ¤§ ³Ì ¢ä 34573.bg5 [INFO] Appendix 1 to Alt.Chinese.Text FAQ: Network Rules & Etiquette 34574.bg5 [INFO] How to Read Chinese Text on Usenet: FAQ for alt.chinese.text 34575.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¬ã¨s©Ò¦Ò¸Õ©_½Í 34576.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34577.bg5 MUD HELP 34578.bg5 Re: ¬Ý¦bÄҰꪺ¥÷¤W¡I 34579.bg5 Re: ½Ð¢×¢à¢Ñ¤WªºªB¤Íª`·N 34580.bg5 Re: ¤Ö¦~®É¥Nªº¤@­ººq¡C¡C¡C 34581.bg5 ¤Àºô¡]²Õ¡^·s«Øij¡J«ö¦~¥O©Ê§O¤À 34582.bg5 Inregularities in Mainland China 34583.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW­n«OÅ@¦n³¥¥Í°Êª«¡Q¤£­n¥á¤¤°êªºÁy 34584.bg5 Re: ¤d®q:~Q*08PWJV#:D12F:&C|~} 34585.bg5 Re: ¨D±Ï¡Ð¢û¢÷¢ý¢ö¢ì¡@¢î¢ñ¢ô¢í¡@¢î¢ü¢ø¡@¢û¢ñ¢ü¢í 34586.bg5 RE: RE: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34587.bg5 [Help] Email distribution of alt.chinese.text ?? 34588.bg5 [ABC]©P¡¼HK#A#B#C#(R;#)#:TuQyEzF@K{5DK> 18 34591.bg5 ¦³½Öª¾¹D³o­Ó¦a¤è¡H 34592.bg5 RE: No Subject 34593.bg5 ¤£¯à¦A½|µó¤F 34594.bg5 Re: ¹ï¤£°_¡@¡@¦Ê¦X 34595.bg5 Re: µLÃD 34596.bg5 [help]¬°¦ó²Å¸¹ "~" Åܦ¨¤F "%" ? 34597.bg5 ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢±¡^ 34598.bg5 No subject 34599.bg5 Re: ¬Ý¦bÄҰꪺ¥÷¤W¡I Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34600: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34600.bg5 Story 34601.bg5 Visa 34602.bg5 tesyt 34603.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34605.bg5 Re: ¦ó¬°¦Ê¾Ô¡H 34606.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á4/22 34607.bg5 unsubscribe ALT-CHINESE-TEXT digest 34608.bg5 [HELP]½Ð¨D³j§K 34611.bg5 UR 34612.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34613.bg5 [INFO] How to Read Chinese Text on Usenet: FAQ for alt.chinese.text 34614.bg5 Re:¥x¿W¦³¤°¤\¤£¦n¡H 34615.bg5 Re: ¤Ï¹ïÂ_ºô 34616.bg5 MUD HELP 34617.bg5 [Zuoren's Work]¤k¤lªº²Û®¢ 34618.bg5 ¯«¥P¦^®a 34619.bg5 ¯«¥P¦^®a 34620.bg5 Lie, lie and lie 34621.bg5 Lie,lie and lie 34623.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò 34624.bg5 [copy poem]¨«§a 34625.bg5 transfer big5 to postscript ? 34626.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¦r»P¤¤¤å¹q¸£ 34627.bg5 ³¯©ú¯u¡GÅܤߪº¯Í»H 34628.bg5 Re: a poem 34638.bg5 No subject 34639.bg5 À~§¿¤F 34641.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34642.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34643.bg5 Ã@¦D¡IÃ@¦D¡I¤S¬OÃ@¦D¡I 34644.bg5 Ác ² Åé ¦r 34645.bg5 ¡i©_½ì½g¡j 34647.bg5 test 34648.bg5 $(A4s 34692.bg5 ªF¤è¬G¨Æ....«D¾Ô°O<2> 34693.bg5 ·s§@«~----¤kªÙ¦uÅ@¯«(3) 34694.bg5 ªF¤è¬G¨Æ....«D¾Ô°O<3> 34695.bg5 ¤ò½Þ¬~ªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t 34698.bg5 ªF¤è¬G¨Æ....«D¾Ô°O<4> Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34700: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34700.bg5 R;JT 34701.bg5 ¤d®q´ò 34702.bg5 Re: ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢²¡^ 34703.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) 34704.bg5 [talk]¶~¸Ü­J¾A¡]¢³¡^ 34705.bg5 Re: test 34706.bg5 Re: test 34707.bg5 Re: test 34708.bg5 ~VPND 34709.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34710.bg5 °¨¨½ÄõCollege Park ¦a°Ï¦í©Ð 34711.bg5 [song]ù¤j¦ö: Åʦ±1990 34712.bg5 °ò·þ±Ð 34713.bg5 Re: ¦ó¬°¦Ê¾Ô¡H 34719.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34720.bg5 Re: Why can't I Type Chinese in Taiwan's BBS? Help! 34723.bg5 Chinse software 34724.bg5 Re: ¦Ò¦Ò§A 34725.bg5 Re: »¨¨¥§§»y 34726.bg5 ºô­·¦nÂà¡I¦n±oÀe¡Â} 34727.bg5 ³°´å lu4 you2 34728.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq 34729.bg5 Re: ¡£¬y¦æ­µ¼Ö¥v¡¤¡G¡@·ç¨å®J«kºt°Û²Õ 34730.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34731.bg5 RE: Re: ²Åé/¥¿Åé¦r 34732.bg5 Re: ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢±¡^ 34733.bg5 Hua Xia Wen Zhai #160 (cm9404d) 34734.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªºb«H~ 34735.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34736.bg5 SMI Newsletter #2 34737.bg5 Can use Spterm's transfer utility. 34738.bg5 Re: °ò·þ±Ð 34739.bg5 [prose] sunshine in Autumn 34740.bg5 English message (SMI) 34741.bg5 ¡£¤sºq¡¤µL©`¡G§@ªÌ¡@ªL 34742.bg5 ¡£¤sºq¡¤¯¬ºÖ¡@¡G§@ªÌ¡@ªL 34743.bg5 ¡£¤sºq¡¤¡@ÆFµR¡G§@ªÌ¡@ªL 34744.bg5 µLÃD 34745.bg5 Re: ±¥©À¥§§JªQ¡I 34746.bg5 SimpTerm is great! 34747.bg5 Re: ´M®ý¤j®Õ¤Í 34748.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 34749.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó 34750.bg5 ÄU§g²ö¦A¸Õ 34751.bg5 Corrections to My Yesterday's Post 34752.bg5 Prose: Get Promoted 34753.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) 34754.bg5 ~{9z>|!"0BTK!"Cq8h#(~}Re: ~{H}4s#> 34758.bg5 [song]¤p¤ß­ê¡]¶¡¡^¿Ò´N¦b§A¨­Ãä[just for fun] 34759.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) 34760.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34761.bg5 test 34762.bg5 ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢²¡^ 34763.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¸t¸g¢î¢÷¢ú¡@¢ý¢ö¢ñ£A 34764.bg5 ¨ä¥¦¨àºq ~Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§6) 34765.bg5 Re: ¤T¤ò¡@¡@¦Ê¡@¾å} 34766.bg5 [MISC] 34767.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34768.bg5 Re: help needed in installing cxterm 34769.bg5 [Talk] Schindler's List 34770.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) 34771.bg5 §ä¾H§»¡Q´¿´NŪ«Â´µ±d¨¯ 34772.bg5 about thousand-lake crime 34773.bg5 ¦Ê¦X,Could you shut up? 34774.bg5 RE: ÄYÃg¤d®q´ò¨Æ¥ó¤¿¤â¡H 34775.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34776.bg5 §äÃöº~¥­ 34777.bg5 ¤ýª÷«F¡Q´¿´NŪ¤_°¨²pÄæ¤j¾Ç 34778.bg5 better economy 34779.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq 34780.bg5 »P¯³¶§°Óºe 34781.bg5 nice songs 34782.bg5 Re: ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢²¡^ 34783.bg5 (none) 34784.bg5 Re: ´µ¤g´µ¥Á 34785.bg5 Northern Lights No.5 (HZ version) 34786.bg5 ¤¤¤å¸t¸g¢î¢÷¢ú¡@¢ý¢ö¢ñ£A 34787.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§5) 34789.bg5 Re: ¨C¤é¤Ñ³ 34790.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34791.bg5 ±q¥»¸s¬Ý¤j³°±Ð¨|ªº®ÄªG 34792.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34793.bg5 ¾G·T¤©ªº¸Ö 34794.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¦r»P¤¤¤å¹q¸£ 34795.bg5 alt-chinese-text 34796.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§4) 34797.bg5 RE: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§5) 34798.bg5 Re: A Poem of Nalan Xingde 34799.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34800: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34800.bg5 Re: ºô­·¦nÂà¡I¦n±oÀe¡Â} 34801.bg5 test 34802.bg5 Re: §õ¬x¼e¡× other names! 34803.bg5 Re: (FILMO) <> 34804.bg5 Cantonese Ping-Yin 34805.bg5 A complete guide to FTP easy to use Chinese Softwares 34806.bg5 Re: ¼Æ¾ÇÃD 34807.bg5 China will be on Internet 34808.bg5 (fwd) Re: x²Â¤Hggªº¡@åu¬s¡@£·¹¨) 34809.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34810.bg5 RE: Spterm transfer. 34811.bg5 Re: help on chinese post viewing 34812.bg5 ¥§§JªQ¢þ¢û¡§¥­¤Ñ¤U¡¨Re: ­z¦Ó¤£§@ 34813.bg5 Please help me type chinese 34814.bg5 Please help me type chinese 34815.bg5 ~dPB~e ~dH';!Q4?4NE*+B451d(/ 34875.bg5 zwdos 34876.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. (God still love me.) 34877.bg5 ­þ¨½¯àftp¨ì®]¤l§Lªk¸q¡@áæ­ìµÞ®ÎÃe«ã¯Ð¨ödÀÔ©¸¡@²ä¯V 34878.bg5 Re: [proposal] «Ø¥ß¤¤¤å·s»D¸s 34879.bg5 Re: Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 34880.bg5 Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 34881.bg5 Re: ¤]½Í±ÑÃa¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤å¦r 34882.bg5 No subject 34883.bg5 No subject 34884.bg5 Re: zwdos 34885.bg5 (none) 34886.bg5 (none) 34887.bg5 (none) 34888.bg5 (none) 34889.bg5 Re: []ªø¦wµó¥u¨­Äd©Z§J¡A¤ýºûªL³Q¥´­P¦º 34890.bg5 Re: ¤pÃD¥Ø§Y¿³¦^µª 34891.bg5 my poem 34892.bg5 World Cup 34893.bg5 ¤T¤Q¦Ó¥ß 34894.bg5 [song] 34895.bg5 Re: ¤]½Í±ÑÃa¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤å¦r 34896.bg5 Re: ®}°í¡A¿ú­x§A­Ì¦b­þ¨½¡H 34897.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 34898.bg5 Study in Germany ¯d¾Ç¦b¼w°ê 34899.bg5 London FA CUP Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v34900: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 34900.bg5 [talk] Tragic philosophy and philosophical tragedy (7) - C.C. 34901.bg5 Test 34905.bg5 Re: ¥§§JªQ¢þ¢û¡§¥­¤Ñ¤U¡¨Re: ­z¦Ó¤£§@ 34906.bg5 Re: ±¥©À¥§§JªQ¡I 34907.bg5 Q--Follow me (2) 34908.bg5 Q--follow me (3) 34909.bg5 Q--Followme (1) 34910.bg5 How to Compile Mosaic-2.4 by Using Patch file?? 34911.bg5 Re: How to Compile Mosaic-2.4 by Using Patch file?? 34912.bg5 help! netter in Kansas ´M§d®üã 34913.bg5 ¤F¸Ñ¥xÆW 34914.bg5 Re: ¤ò¿AªFªº²Ä¤T¥N¶Ç¤H¢w¢w¤ò·s¦t¡]¢²¡^ 34915.bg5 No subject 34916.bg5 No subject 34917.bg5 ½ÐÀ°§U 34918.bg5 Re: xWjMjj RE: IS 34919.bg5 DO NOT READ; 34920.bg5 My Impression on Mr. Fang Shi-Min¤è¦à¤lªº°©ÀY´N¬Oµw¡G¡Ð¡^ 34921.bg5 xWP]`N 34922.bg5 TeX/LaTeX package and font for Chinese Chess 34923.bg5 Commercial Ads, Import/Export 34924.bg5 Re: »¨¨¥§§»y 34925.bg5 Re: Re: ²Åé/¥¿Åé¦r 34926.bg5 Commercial Ads, Import/Export 34927.bg5 Re: [prose] sunshine in Autumn 34928.bg5 Re: ´µ¤g´µ¥Á 34929.bg5 QianDaoHu 34930.bg5 »AÄõ¯ùªÀ 34931.bg5 [ABC]©P§@¤H¢Ï¢Ð¢Ñ¡]¤G¡^¡G±À¯ò¤L¥»®Ñ¡A¬Ý¬Ý¬O¤£¬O¤ñ¾|¨³ªº¹LÅ}¡H 34932.bg5 Re: Study in Germany ¯d¾Ç¦b¼w°ê 34933.bg5 Re: A letter from President Clinton 34934.bg5 Re: Study in Germany ¯d¾Ç¦b¼w°ê 34935.bg5 ²T¦º¤F 34936.bg5 Re: ¤d®q:~JB<~} 34937.bg5 [Poem]¤ò¿AªFµúªC¦{¸Ö¥|­º 34938.bg5 ¥þºô¶À¯¸¡Ð¡Ð³Ì·s¸ê®Æ 34939.bg5 Re: How to Compile Mosaic-2.4 by Using Patch file?? 34940.bg5 ­þ¦ìª¾¹D¡m¬ÛÁn¢w¢wÂI¤l¤½¥q¡nªº¢î¢ü¢ø 34941.bg5 What is this plane? 34942.bg5 ¹DÁ¾¤Î¦³Ãö¨­¤ßªº¤@ÂI²L¨£¡C 34943.bg5 Re: zwdos 34944.bg5 Help - cxterm-11.5.1 installation problem: 'gid' undefined 34945.bg5 Re: [Dr Hu Shih]¶~¸Ü­J¾A¡]¢°¡Ð¢³¡^ 34946.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦X,Could you shut up? 34947.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á4/25 34948.bg5 [yellow] ¶À¹D­Ì»°ºò¥h¨ú sexstory.tar.Z in 34949.bg5 Re: ¤]½Í±ÑÃa¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤å¦r 34950.bg5 Re: µ¹¥xÆW¦P¾Ç´£·N¨£¡Gºô¤W³Ì´c¤ßªº¤û«Ë¬O¤°¤\¡H°È½Ðª`·N¡I 34951.bg5 [talk]­­´Á¯}®× 34952.bg5 [joke.x] Bedroom Golf's rules 34953.bg5 Re: [HELP] Technical Translation 34954.bg5 [test] ¥s»Ì¡¼~} 34955.bg5 Re: [test] ¥s»Ì¡¼~} 34956.bg5 µ¹¥xÆW¦P¾Ç´£·N¨£¡Gºô¤W³Ì´c¤ßªº¤û«Ë¬O¤°¤\¡H°È½Ðª`·N¡I 34957.bg5 Re: ¥xÆWªº¸gÀÙ°_­¸»P°ê¥ÁÄÒ±a¥hªº°]²£µLÃö¡H 34958.bg5 Post for Friends 34959.bg5 Post for Friends 34960.bg5 Re: ¹DÁ¾¤Î¦³Ãö¨­¤ßªº¤@ÂI²L¨£¡C 34961.bg5 Re: ¤Ö¦~®É¥Nªº¤@­ººq¡C¡C¡C 34962.bg5 ¡m¦NªL¤j¾Ç¼Æ¾Ç¨t®ü¥~®Õ¤Í³q°T¿ý¡n 34963.bg5 CHINESE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION AVAILABLE 34964.bg5 Re: ½Ð±Ð Email link between Beijing to US 34965.bg5 ·sºôªººÃ°ÝRe: RFD: soc.culture.chinese-hanzi moderated 34966.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a christian ( I am not sinful.) 34967.bg5 Re: ¤pÃD¥Ø§Y¿³¦^µª 34968.bg5 [ABC]©P§@¤H¢Ï¢Ð¢Ñ¡]¤T¡^¡G©Ê·R¹D¼w­²©Rªº§j¹ª¤â 34969.bg5 [joke] 34970.bg5 Re: [TALK] °¶¤H 34971.bg5 [HUMOR]¶À®L¯d±Ð±Âªº¬G¨Æ(20)¨¬²y±Ð½m 34972.bg5 [HUMOR]¶À®L¯d±Ð±Âªº¬G¨Æ(21)°ÑÆ[¡A¬~¾þ 34973.bg5 Re: ±q¥»¸s¬Ý¤j³°±Ð¨|ªº®ÄªG 34974.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦X,Could you shut up? 34975.bg5 ¦è¨F¤°¤\¨ÓµÛ¡H 34976.bg5 The latest News from Sichuan Uni, ¦¨³£·s®ø®§ 34977.bg5 Re: µ¹¥xÆW¦P¾Ç´£·N¨£¡Gºô¤W³Ì´c¤ßªº¤û«Ë¬O¤°¤\¡H°È½Ðª`·N¡I 34978.bg5 (none) 34979.bg5 [Rewrite] Rain windows 34980.bg5 Re: ¦è¨F¤°¤\¨ÓµÛ¡H 34981.bg5 °¨®a­x¤@¯È­È¤d¸U (1/3) 34982.bg5 Re: ªÅ¤â¹D¡H 34983.bg5 Re: Ác ² Åé ¦r 34984.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦X,Could you shut up? 34985.bg5 [LU XUN] Fang Zhouzi's Answer to Jiang Taigong 34986.bg5 Kid's Song of Chengdu vision, ¦¨³£ª©¨àºq 34987.bg5 Re: [talk]­±¬Û¤§¦A¬å 34988.bg5 Bible,ª¯§¾¤£³q¡C 34989.bg5 Re: [talk]±q¨­Åé²á°_ 34990.bg5 ¤]¬O¨àºq¨à¡C¡C¡C 34991.bg5 ¸Áªá«èªº¤@¬q¤å¦r¡A¶Ê¤H²\¤U 34992.bg5 How can I read the text in this group? 34993.bg5 ¤E¥|¥@¬ÉªM¨¬²yÁɤéµ{ªí 34994.bg5 aAHI 34995.bg5 ªÅÃø Taiwanese jetline crashed in Japan 34996.bg5 Re: ¤d®q´ò¦å®×¤¿¤â¡G¿Ñ°]®`©R 34997.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¬ã¨s©Ò¦Ò¸Õ©_½Í 34998.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) 34999.bg5 To ¯³¶§ : ³o¦^¤£¬O§n¬[ªº. Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v35000: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 35000.bg5 Re: ¦p¦ó¾\Ū³o¨Ç¹Ï¤ù¡H 35001.bg5 Re: Study in Germany ¯d¾Ç¦b¼w°ê 35002.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 35003.bg5 ¦p¦ó¾\Ū³o¨Ç¹Ï¤ù¡H 35004.bg5 °¨®a­x¤@¯È­È¤d¸U (3/3) 35005.bg5 °¨®a­x¤@¯È­È¤d¸U (2/3) 35006.bg5 [mist] I did not know ºF·\ 35007.bg5 Re: ¨ä¥¦¨àºq ~Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq¡@(¤§6) 35008.bg5 Re: [yellow] ¶À¹D­Ì»°ºò¥h¨ú 35009.bg5 [talk]«ä·Q®a 35010.bg5 RE:bibleª¯§¾¤£³q 35011.bg5 RE:RE:¤¤°êªº¦a°ìª[µø 35012.bg5 Re:¦¨³£·s®ø®§from ¡]¦¨³£¾Þ­ô¡^ 35013.bg5 Re: ±q¥»¸s¬Ý¤j³°±Ð¨|ªº®ÄªG 35014.bg5 ½Ö³Ì¹½¡H³o¦ì¡C¡C¡C³Ì¨è¤H¼¨¡I 35015.bg5 ¦³ÃöµØ¯è¤é¥»ªÅÃø 35016.bg5 ¤p¤H¤§¤ß 35017.bg5 Air Crash 35018.bg5 ¦³·P¤_­¸Às¥ý¥Í½Í¼e®e 35019.bg5 Re: [Dr Hu Shih]¶~¸Ü­J¾A¡]¢°¡Ð¢³¡^ 35020.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªºb«H~ 35021.bg5 Re: ¦Ò¦Ò§A 35022.bg5 Plane Crash in Japan 35023.bg5 Re: x²Â¤Hggªºb«H~ 35024.bg5 help,¦³¤L­Ó IRC ? 35026.bg5 Cantonese Ping-Yin 35027.bg5 Re: Re:¥x¿W¦³¤°¤\¤£¦n¡H 35028.bg5 [erotica story] ¬ü¡¼¤k½Õ±Ð [1] 35029.bg5 (none) 35030.bg5 Twins Baseball Game 35031.bg5 Re: [erotica story] ¬ü¡¼¤k½Õ±Ð [1] 35032.bg5 Re: ¤]½Í±ÑÃa¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤å¦r 35033.bg5 Re: ¤]¬O¨àºq¨à¡C¡C¡C 35034.bg5 ¦A´_¦à¤l 35035.bg5 Re: help on chinese post viewing 35036.bg5 Re: Re: ²Åé/¥¿Åé¦r 35037.bg5 ¤S¤@Á¼¡G¤jÁõat Michigan State University 35038.bg5 [kiddie song] ¥_¨Ê¨àºq 35039.bg5 test 35040.bg5 Re: ¦³Ãö¶Ç²Î 35041.bg5 Re: Bible,ª¯§¾¤£³q¡C 35042.bg5 ¤H©O¡H¥|¤t¤H©O¡H­þ¥h¤F¡H 35043.bg5 Re: «O±K¨¾¿Ò, ¤H¤H¦³³d 35044.bg5 Re: ¤]½Í±ÑÃa¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤å¦r 35045.bg5 my 35046.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 35047.bg5 [prediction]¹w¨¥ 35048.bg5 Reasons not to be a christian ( the God, well... ) 35049.bg5 ¨C¤é¤Ñ³ 35050.bg5 ¨C¤é¤Ñ³ 35051.bg5 Re: Bible 35052.bg5 ¦³½ìªº°ò·þ±Ð®{¡C 35053.bg5 Re: µ¹¥xÆW¦P¾Ç´£·N¨£¡Gºô¤W³Ì´c¤ßªº¤û«Ë¬O¤°¤\¡H°È½Ðª`·N¡I 35054.bg5 µØ¯èªÅÃø: Âà¸ü¦Û¤¤¤s¤j¾Ç®É³ø¸ê°T 35055.bg5 ¡£¨à¬nºq¡¤¦è¥Xªº¤éÀYªFÃ丨 35056.bg5 ¡£¨àºq¬nª©¡¤¦è¥Xªº¤éÀYªFÃ丨 35057.bg5 Re: RE. Biblee 35058.bg5 BLACK DAY OF BEAUTY 35059.bg5 REPOST WHO IS LYING? 1/3 35060.bg5 REPOST WHO IS LYING? 2/3 35061.bg5 SUBVERSION & INSTABILITY 35062.bg5 REPOST WHO IS LYING? 3/3 35063.bg5 ¥Ñ¹w¨¥¬Ý¤¤°êªº¥¼¨Ó 35064.bg5 Re: ¥Ñ¹w¨¥¬Ý¤¤°êªº¥¼¨Ó 35065.bg5 Re: ¤]¡@º¢¡¼} 35069.bg5 Re: ¥Ñ¹w¨¥¬Ý¤¤°êªº¥¼¨Ó 35070.bg5 [help]¬°¦ó²Å¸¹ ~ Åܦ¨¤F % ? 35071.bg5 Re: (FILMO) <> !m(/> di 19 qi 35512.bg5 ¦^¡§¤@®É¡¨¥ý¥Í 35513.bg5 xWg_Pah]LH 35514.bg5 Re: RE. Biblee 35515.bg5 Testing Twin Bridge, µý©ú£¸ ¤U ¡C 35516.bg5 ¦^¡§¤@®É¡¨¥ý¥Í 35517.bg5 ¡¥°¢­x¡¦¨t¦CºZ¾P®Ñ 35518.bg5 Re: [Novel]¡i³ò«°¡j²Ä¤C³¹²Ä¤G³¡¤À 35519.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á5/1 35520.bg5 chinese word processing software 35521.bg5 Re: ¦Ê¦~¤j¨Æ´ý¦p¹Ú:¤Ñ¤U¤§¥¼¨Ó 35522.bg5 [TALK]°ò·þ±Ð 35523.bg5 ¢à¢Ó¡G"[¤ª¤ôÆ[¥D]"¢æ¯Åµû½×¡G¢à¢Ó¡G»¡»¡¨È¦{©h®Q¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¡ICampus Com 35524.bg5 »¡§n¬[ 35525.bg5 [TALK] °ò·þ±Ð 35526.bg5 q 35527.bg5 Re: ¬°¦óÂà±o³o¼ËÄê¡H 35528.bg5 ¬°¦óÂà±o³o¼ËÄê¡H 35529.bg5 Here Comes the Thinker (3) 35530.bg5 Re: test1 35532.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l½×³ý¤â Re: Ãö¤_¹Dºpªº»¡©ú 35533.bg5 Gs!!7h!!FEWS!!H+> di 19 qi 35631.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq (9) 35632.bg5 q 35633.bg5 [talk]¤]¨Ó´ê¤L¥y¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡]¢°¡^ 35634.bg5 ¤Ñ°Ý 35635.bg5 Re: ¤]½Í±ÑÃa¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤å¦r 35636.bg5 Re: Reasons not to be a c 35637.bg5 Re: ¤p­¸«L¦A¾Ô¦¿´ò 35638.bg5 Re: ¬°Ô£§ä¤£¨ì¥L­Ì¡H 35639.bg5 Re: More about Creating a New Newsgroup 35640.bg5 Frequently Used Symbols on the Internet 35641.bg5 Re: ¤E¥|¥@¬ÉªM¨¬²yÁɤéµ{ªí 35642.bg5 ´M¡@©P§Ó¬õ¡@Á¡@Ĭ 35643.bg5 Re: green card lottary 35644.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê 35645.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê 35646.bg5 Re: ±þ¤H°Õ, ¤£±o¤F, ¥L¥¤¥¤ªº 35647.bg5 ²üªá 35648.bg5 ¢ü¢í£A 35649.bg5 Re: ¬õ«Ä¨à¦Y¤F¥¤¤fµw¡H 35650.bg5 §ä¤H¡I¡]½Ð¦b¼w°êªº­ô­ÌÀ°¦£¡I¡^ 35651.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq (10) 35652.bg5 Re: ¤E¤E®ø´H 35653.bg5 X Chinese editor without cxterm. 35654.bg5 [PUZZLE]¤T°ê¡B¤ôâq¡B¬õ¼Ó¤H¦WÁ¼ 35655.bg5 re: FACT in Our Common Dreams 35660.bg5 Re: ¢Ø¢Þ¢Õ¡@¢é¢ö¢ì¡@¢Õ¢Ú¡@¢Ô¢ñ¢ô¢í¢û 35661.bg5 FAX machine question! 35662.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq(10) 35663.bg5 Announcement 35664.bg5 table of chinese characters 35665.bg5 ¡¼¡ä¡qº¤} 35666.bg5 AIR TICKET 35667.bg5 An improved version of µü tuning part 35668.bg5 Re: ¢ü¢í£A 35669.bg5 LW9402-HZ 35670.bg5 Re: namese refugees ¶V«nÃø¥Á 35671.bg5 Re: Western Joke #18 35672.bg5 [poem] ¾K°sºq 35673.bg5 Re: ¤p­¸«L¦A¾Ô¦¿´ò 35674.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35676.bg5 ¹q¸£µe¡G¹Ú¡Ð¡Ð¡Ð²~¨à§@ 35677.bg5 ¨D§U 35678.bg5 ¢Ø¢Þ¢Õ¡@¢é¢ö¢ì¡@¢Õ¢Ú¡@¢Ô¢ñ¢ô¢í¢û 35679.bg5 ´M§ä®ý¤j¢·¢¯¯Å¾÷±ñ¨t®Õ¤Í 35680.bg5 chinese fonts 35681.bg5 ¥xÆW²´¤¤ªº¤j³° 35682.bg5 Re: ¤è¦à¤l¨««eÄm¤¡¡A¤@´º¡C 35683.bg5 [prose] ¼gµ¹¥_¤j®Õ¼y by ¼ä¦B 35684.bg5 [song] 35685.bg5 W 35686.bg5 Re: X Chinese editor without cxterm. 35687.bg5 Re: ²MµØ®Õ¼y. 35688.bg5 Re: Wu2 Ti2 35689.bg5 How can I use twin to view this group? 35690.bg5 ¤­¥|¤Ï«ä 35691.bg5 §ÚÅ¥¨ìªº¡§¤E¤E®ø´H¡¨ 35692.bg5 [ABC]©P§@¤H¢Ï¢Ð¢Ñ¸¹¥~¤§¤@¡G½Ö·Q·t±þ©P§@¤H¡Hwho shot Zhou? 35693.bg5 ¶¶¤f·È¤@«h 35694.bg5 ¤­¥| 35695.bg5 HELP: «ç¼Ë¬Ý¡@¡C¢ï¢ô¡@¤å¥ó 35696.bg5 How to translate "Hello world"? 35697.bg5 [essay] Hang Zhou 35698.bg5 Re: §ÚÅ¥¨ìªº¡§¤E¤E®ø´H¡¨ 35699.bg5 fengyun(53) Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v35700: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 35700.bg5 fengyun(54) 35701.bg5 fengyun(55) 35702.bg5 fengyun(57) 35703.bg5 fengyun(58) 35704.bg5 fengyun(56) 35705.bg5 Re: [ABC]©P§@¤H¢Ï¢Ð¢Ñ¤§¥|¡G»P³¯¿W¨qª§­Ó¤H«ä·Q¦Û¥Ñre-post 35706.bg5 ¤@¤E¤G¤E 35707.bg5 §Æþºë¯«~{ 35708.bg5 Éܤl¤º½g³p»»´å²Ä¤@ 35709.bg5 Re: ¤p­¸«L¦A¾Ô¦¿´ò 35710.bg5 ­·¤ªÅªªÌ¡GÀ°§UGORDON¥S¸Ñ¨M¥Lªº·Ð´o¡I 35711.bg5 ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 35712.bg5 Re: ¦³·P¤_¥Û¦Ç¡B¾å©Ø¦V¤è¦à¤l¹Dºp 35713.bg5 how do I view the Chinese characters on the net. 35714.bg5 zwdos 35715.bg5 §Æþºë¯«¡]¤G¡^ 35716.bg5 Test 35717.bg5 test p 35718.bg5 Re: [talk]µs¤§¹D 35719.bg5 «H±Ðªº¦Û¥Ñ©M¶Ç±Ðªº¦Û¥Ñ¡C 35720.bg5 ;OFW$j >G*:2S)R 35721.bg5 Re: [essay] Hang Zhou 35722.bg5 §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 35723.bg5 [Seminar]¢Ï¢û¢é¢ö¢ü¢íÁ`µô½Í°ª¬ì§Þ³Ð·~ 35724.bg5 Re: [prose] ¼gµ¹¥_¤j®Õ¼y by ¼ä¦B 35725.bg5 Re: [prose] ¼gµ¹¥_¤j®Õ¼y by ¼ä¦B 35726.bg5 Help, ¨D§U: ¦³Ãö¤A¨xªº°ª¨£ 35727.bg5 Chinese Bible Software.... 35728.bg5 Re: How to translate "Hello world"? 35729.bg5 Re: ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 35730.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤T¡^(3) 35731.bg5 Re: ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 35732.bg5 viewer for .gl (1) 35733.bg5 viewer for .gl (2) 35734.bg5 viewer for .gl (3) 35735.bg5 ·s¤â·q¦Ñ¡Ð¡Ð¯º¤§½Í¡]µª¤Í¡^ 35736.bg5 Re: [prose] ¼gµ¹¥_¤j®Õ¼y by ¼ä¦B 35737.bg5 Letter from U.S. Dept. of Justice on 90-day issue 35738.bg5 Problem of view Chinese on HP work station 35739.bg5 RE:«H±Ðªº¦Û¥Ñ©M¶Ç±Ðªº¦Û¥Ñ 35740.bg5 Re: What are your guys talking about? 35741.bg5 Re: chinese word processing software 35742.bg5 gl.exe ªº¥Î³~? 35743.bg5 ¬ì¾Ç»P°ò·þªº¤ñ¸ûRe:¦Aij¡§¤@®É¡¨ªºÅÞ¿è 35744.bg5 Re: ²MµØ®Õ¼y. 35745.bg5 ½Ö¦³"Careless Whisper" ªººqµü¡H 35746.bg5 Re: Ãö©ó¢ñ¢ú¢ë¡K¡K 35747.bg5 ½Ö¦³"Careless Whisper" ªººqµü¡H 35748.bg5 Re: ²MµØ®Õ¼y. 35749.bg5 Re: [talk]¦AijÅÞ¿è 35750.bg5 Re: °Ú¡A¤W«Ò¡A§Ú¬O§Aª¨ª¨¡Iwas Re: ¦^´¿¬L´¼ 35751.bg5 Re:¥Õ ¤é ¹Ú 35752.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¤j­ôÀ°­Ó¦£¡GPentium¤¤¤åª`¥U¦W«ç¤\Á¿¡H 35753.bg5 no subject (file transmission) 35754.bg5 Re: ºÝ¥¿ºô­·¡A±q§õ¬x¼e¶}¤M 35755.bg5 º|¬} 35756.bg5 [talk]¶i¤Æ½×»Pµý°° 35757.bg5 [REPOST] §Æþºë¯« 35758.bg5 Re: repost: 35759.bg5 [poem] ¤[¹H¤F¡A¤p¤s 35760.bg5 ¡§«ß¡¨ªº«÷­µlyu 35761.bg5 §Æþºë¯«¡]Äò§¹¡^ 35762.bg5 ¸U¯à´_¨î¾÷ 35763.bg5 Info on Round Trip Tickets to and from Hong Kong Needed 35764.bg5 repost: 1/10 35765.bg5 ¯º¤§½Í¡@­×§ïª© 35766.bg5 repost: 2/10 35767.bg5 repost 3/10 35768.bg5 repost: 4/10 35769.bg5 repost: 5/10 35770.bg5 repost: 6/10 35771.bg5 ¤@´Ê¶}ªáªº¾ð 35772.bg5 ¤é®É¥ú 35773.bg5 ­Í¥s¥ôºa¡A¤µ¨à¬O²Ä¤@¦¸¤Wºô 35774.bg5 What are your guys talking about? 35775.bg5 Re:¼gµ¹¥_¤j®Õ¼y by ¼ä¦B 35776.bg5 Re: ¤é®É¥ú 35777.bg5 µª¤Í 35778.bg5 Re: ­·¤ªÅªªÌ¡GÀ°§UGORDON¥S¸Ñ¨M¥Lªº·Ð´o¡I 35779.bg5 ~{JGAu0n;9JGMuBW#?#-#-#-#-=R?*7=V[WS5DUfCfD?~} 35780.bg5 Éܤl¤º½g»ôª«½×²Ä¤G~~} 35781.bg5 Re: Home Made 3D Pic ¥ßÅé¹Ï 35782.bg5 help wanted for a seires question 35783.bg5 help 35784.bg5 re ½Ö¦³George Michael "Careless Wisper" ªººqµü? 35785.bg5 ¸ÕÅç 35786.bg5 Monkey Program 35787.bg5 Lu Xun & Qian Zhongshu 35788.bg5 µª¤jÁõ¡G¢é¢ö¢µ¢¸¢±¢°¢²¦P§ÓRe: »¡ðã½| 35789.bg5 ¼gµ¹¥_¤j®Õ¼y 35790.bg5 [essay] pure happy 35791.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê 35792.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê 35793.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population 35794.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population 35796.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê 35797.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35798.bg5 Re: ¤­¥|¹B°Ê 35799.bg5 Re: °ê»y/´¶³q¸Ü (¥_¨Ê¤H¦b¯Ã¬ù) Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v35800: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 35800.bg5 Re: ¥x¥_¤ñ¤£¤W¥_¨Ê 35801.bg5 °ÝÃD 35802.bg5 ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35803.bg5 ¦A»P¡§¤@®É¡¨±´°Q 35804.bg5 §ä¤H 35805.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á5/3 35806.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á5/4 35807.bg5 Re: ­·¤ªÅªªÌ¡GÀ°§UGORDON¥S¸Ñ¨M¥Lªº·Ð´o¡I 35808.bg5 (none) 35809.bg5 Q Follow Me (1 - 6) 35810.bg5 Q Follow Me ( 6 ) 35811.bg5 Re: [essay] Hang Zhou 35812.bg5 23 35813.bg5 ´M¨¿¹Å 35814.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 35815.bg5 Re: µ¹¥xÆW¦P¾Ç´£·N¨£¡Gºô¤W³Ì´c¤ßªº¤û«Ë¬O¤°¤\¡H°È½Ðª`·N¡I 35816.bg5 Please use English to 35817.bg5 Re: xingxing system 4.1 35818.bg5 ºò«æ¨D§U 35819.bg5 [help] : answer for the viewer (file format .gl) 35820.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 35821.bg5 FAQ for Chinese Poetry Club 35822.bg5 Re: ¹q¸£µe¡G±ö¡Ð¡Ð¡Ð¢ê£B²~¨à 35823.bg5 repost : [help] reponse for viewer (file format GL) 35824.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35825.bg5 ¤¤¤å OCR 35826.bg5 ´M¤H±Ò¥Ü¡G§ä¤£¥ú 35827.bg5 Re: ¡£¢ñ¢é¢¶¢²¡¤Ãö¤_¡­¢ð¢é¢ö£C¢ñ¤Î¢é¢ë¢ü 35828.bg5 Re: ¢æ¯Åµû½×¡G¢à¢Ó¡G»¡»¡¨È¦{©h®Q 35829.bg5 ¡@¾K¯Î«F°O 35830.bg5 [poem] ¤[¹H¤F¡A¤p¤s 35831.bg5 Re: Ãö¤_¹q¸£µe--²~¨à 35832.bg5 Re: ¥uı±o¡§­¸Às¡¨´c¤ß¡@¡]¢°¡^ 35833.bg5 Re: ¤æ¡I¤æ¡I¤æ 35834.bg5 Re: repost: 1/10 35835.bg5 Re: ¤æ¡I¤æ¡I¤æ¡IRe:Ãö©ó¢ñ¢ú¢ë¡K¡K 35836.bg5 ½Ð°È¥²­n¬Ý¡A­²©R¤¸¦Ñ¤p­¸«L¨D±Ï 35837.bg5 ¤j³°ªº­«ÂI¤j¾Ç 35838.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE]¤T°ê¡B¤ôâq¡B¬õ¼Ó¤H¦WÁ¼ 35839.bg5 ¤Ó¤Ó¾Ç°ó 35840.bg5 Re: [poem] ¤[¹H¤F¡A¤p¤s 35841.bg5 [ABC]©P§@¤H¢Ï¢Ð¢Ñ¤§¤­¡G¦Y¤O¤£°Q¦nªº«ä·Q­²©R®a 35842.bg5 ¸Õ 35843.bg5 ¸Õ¤@¸Õ 35844.bg5 ¯d¾Ç¥Í¨¬²y¨ó·|­Û´°ªM¤ñÁɳqª¾ 35845.bg5 Re: [poem] ¤[¹H¤F¡A¤p¤s 35846.bg5 Re: ´ö¥q¥O 35847.bg5 [Novel]¡i³ò«°¡j²Ä¤C³¹²Ä¤T³¡¥÷ 35848.bg5 ¥_¤j¤H 35849.bg5 Re: How to translate "Hello world"? 35850.bg5 ¨I«ä¤â°O 35851.bg5 ¨I«ä¤â°O¡]¤ù¬q¡^ 35852.bg5 [PUZZLE] ±ç¦Ð¥Í¬ã¨s 35853.bg5 ¦X°Û¹Î¦W¤H 35854.bg5 À³¥Ó½Ð³Ò¤u¥dÁÙ¬O¢ð¡Ð¢°¡@ñµý¡H 35855.bg5 ºq¦±¡O²o¤â A Song 35856.bg5 IFCSS JOB PLACEMENT SERVICE (3) 35857.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35858.bg5 [ABC]¸¹¥~¤§¤G¡G©P§@¤H³u¥@¢±¢¶©P¦~¬ö©À¤é¡£ñFøG¸Ö¡¤ 35859.bg5 ªí´­ Prase 35860.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤@¡^(1) 35861.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤G¡^(2) 35862.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35863.bg5 ¨D±Ð¦p¦ó¦bXRNµ¡¤f¤UŪº~¦r 35864.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 35865.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 35866.bg5 ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 35867.bg5 test 35868.bg5 ¶i¤J¨ä¥Lºû«× 35869.bg5 Help, Chinese students in Central Missouri State University! 35870.bg5 Re: ¤è¦à¤l¨««eÄm¤¡¡A¤@´º¡C 35871.bg5 re: for the discussions on MFN and Our Common Daydream 35872.bg5 Re: ¥x¥_¤ñ¤£¤W¥_¨Ê 35873.bg5 Re: repost: 1/10 35874.bg5 Re: µ¹¥xÆW¦P¾Ç´£·N¨£¡Gºô¤W³Ì´c¤ßªº¤û«Ë¬O¤°¤\¡H°È½Ðª`·N¡I 35875.bg5 Agriculture Research in China 35876.bg5 [song] ¯à¦³¤L¦¸³o¼Ëªº·R 35877.bg5 Re: Last words from Zhouzi ¤è¦à¤l³Ì¦Zªº¸Ü 35878.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 35879.bg5 Agriculture Research in China 35880.bg5 re conference 35881.bg5 help needed on Chinese Star 35882.bg5 Journal of Consultation Service, 9405a 35883.bg5 RE: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35884.bg5 [¨C¤é¤@¦±] ¤ý¼w«H ¤¤§f¤Q¤G¤ë³ó¥Áºq §O±¡ 35885.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35886.bg5 [memory]¥¤¥¤ 35887.bg5 Job Hunting Advice, too 35888.bg5 IFCSS Special Coordination Group 35889.bg5 ¤èº¸§¼u 35890.bg5 Re: ·O÷·R¯Á4/26 35891.bg5 An open letter to the Presidents of CSSA nation-wide 35892.bg5 Re:[puzzle]¤T°êÁ¼ 35893.bg5 Fonts not found when running Mosaic-2.4-l10n.0.cjk, Help! 35894.bg5 Éܤl¤º½g¾i¥Í¥D²Ä¤T 35895.bg5 «ç¥½¼Ë§â²]»y©«¤l±þ±¼ 35896.bg5 [Bass fishing]Ī³½¡]¤@¡^ 35897.bg5 Re: ¦³½ìªº°ò·þ±Ð®{¡C 35898.bg5 ¦³·P¼ä¦B»P­¹°ó 35899.bg5 ·A¿º¤û«Ë¾Q¡A²M°£ºë¯«¦Ã¬V Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v35900: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 35900.bg5 ÅÞ¿è»P¤W«Ò 35901.bg5 [bass fishing]Ī³½¡]¤G¡^ 35902.bg5 [pictures] ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 35903.bg5 [pictures] ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 35904.bg5 Re: xingxing system 4.1 35905.bg5 BONE MARROW DONOR NEEDED 35906.bg5 Find My firned ! 35907.bg5 (COMPUTER) names of symbols ²Å¸¹ªº¦WºÙ 35908.bg5 (COMPUTER) names of symbols ²Å¸¹ªº¦WºÙ 35909.bg5 ¦³·PªO¹¹ 35910.bg5 [Bass Fishing]Ī³½¡]¤T¡^ 35911.bg5 Re: ¾\Ū¢ð£C©M¢ê¢ñ¢ï¡Ð¢´ 35912.bg5 Please tell me what is this. 35913.bg5 Re: °ê»y/´¶³q¸Ü (¥_¨Ê¤H¦b¯Ã¬ù) 35914.bg5 Re: ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 35915.bg5 Re: [pictures] ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 35916.bg5 a question about ftp. 35917.bg5 Re:Ī³½¡]¤G¡^ 35918.bg5 ­Û´°ªM¤ñÁɳqª¾ 35919.bg5 Re: ¥Ñ¹w¨¥¬Ý¤¤°êªº¥¼¨Ó 35920.bg5 ªÀ·|¡A©v±Ð©M¬LÇó¡Â} 35921.bg5 Re: repost: 1/10 35922.bg5 ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 35923.bg5 ¦³·P¥|¤ë 35924.bg5 Re: ¨I«ä¤â°O¡]¤ù¬q¡^ 35925.bg5 Re: °ò·þ±Ð©MÅÞ¿è 35926.bg5 Re: Chinese Desktop Publishing 35927.bg5 ¥[®³¤jñµý 35928.bg5 ¥Ã¥Í±¶®|¡H 35929.bg5 Looking for *.IME files for Chinese Windows - Pinyin input! 35930.bg5 Re: chinese word processing software 35931.bg5 ¾\Ū¢ð£C©M¢ê¢ñ¢ï¡Ð¢´ 35932.bg5 [talk]¤l¤£»y¨t¦C¡]¢¯¡^ 35933.bg5 Re: Chinese Desktop Publishing 35934.bg5 Hua Xia Wen Zhai #162, May 6, 1994 ( 35935.bg5 [Wanted]§ä¤H 35936.bg5 Re: (COMPUTER) names of symbols ²Å¸¹ªº¦WºÙ 35937.bg5 Re: ¥[®³¤jñµý 35938.bg5 Re: How can I use twin to view this group? 35939.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35940.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê 35941.bg5 »~¬å¤½§i 35942.bg5 test 35943.bg5 Re: ¤Ó¤Ó¾Ç°ó 35944.bg5 pictures---macaws 35945.bg5 No subject 35946.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35947.bg5 Re: How can I use twin to view this group? 35948.bg5 law: use it or lose it ( Re: An open letter to the Presidents of CS 35949.bg5 Re: §Æþºë¯«~{ 35950.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á5/5 35951.bg5 Journal of Consultation Service 9405a 35952.bg5 Re: [memory]¥¤¥¤ 35953.bg5 Re: °ò·þ±Ðªº°ÝÃD 35954.bg5 Thanks for the help of twin. 35955.bg5 Re: ¦X°Û¹Î¦W¤H 35956.bg5 .novel. memorial 35957.bg5 ­Û´°ªM·s»D¡]¤@¡^ 35958.bg5 Re: À³¥Ó½Ð³Ò¤u¥dÁÙ¬O¢ð¡Ð¢°¡@ñµý¡H 35959.bg5 ¤]¨ÓÂI¹q¸£ÃÀ¥º 35960.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 35961.bg5 ¨D§U 35962.bg5 ¨SÔ£¡I 35963.bg5 ¦n¿ì¡I 35964.bg5 §A¦³ºë¯«¯f¶Ü¡H 35965.bg5 .memorial. 35966.bg5 ¤j°ê¤§»î ²Ä¤Q¤G³¹¤§¤T 35967.bg5 ¤W®ü¥X°ê¯d¾Ç¤H­ûª¾¦h¤Ö¡H~ 35968.bg5 §Ú°ê¨C¤é®ø¶Oª¾¦h¤Ö¡H 35969.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population 35970.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 35971.bg5 Re: µL¿á 35972.bg5 ©_©Ç 35973.bg5 Please Look out for Japan... 35974.bg5 Watch! 35975.bg5 Áp¦X°ê¨Ï¥Î²Åéº~¦rÁÙ¬OÁcÅé? 35976.bg5 µL¿á 35977.bg5 [puzzle]«UÁ¼ 35978.bg5 Help:24-bits window on HP735. 35979.bg5 Where can I find a Chinese News Server (NNTP)? 35980.bg5 ­P©²«°¤H 35981.bg5 Re:¥¤¥¤ 35982.bg5 Re: Testing 35983.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 35984.bg5 ¥À¿Ë¸`¡A¦n·Q¶ý¶ý 35985.bg5 Re: [puzzle]«UÁ¼ 35986.bg5 Re: ¢ü¢í£A 35987.bg5 Re: [puzzle]¤T°êÁ¼ 35988.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population 35989.bg5 Where is the God from? 35990.bg5 Re: [pictures] ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 35991.bg5 Re: [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤@¡^(1) 35992.bg5 ²¦·~ªº¸Ü 35993.bg5 Re: ¤­¥| 35994.bg5 Re: [poem] ¤[¹H¤F¡A¤p¤s 35995.bg5 ¥h®ü«n 35996.bg5 ¬Kºô 35997.bg5 ±À¯ò¬_¤ª¸ôªº¡]¤HÃþ¯«¯µ²{¶H¯}Ķ¡^ 35998.bg5 ¡i²q¤@¦r¡j 35999.bg5 Is prostitution legal in Taiwan? Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36000: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36000.bg5 ¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36001.bg5  -----KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK--- 36002.bg5 fenyun60 36003.bg5 fenyun53 36004.bg5 fenyun54 36005.bg5 fenyun55 36006.bg5 fenyun56 36007.bg5 fenyun57 36008.bg5 fenyun58 36009.bg5 fenyun 59 36010.bg5 Re: ¹w¨¥¬Ý¤¤°êªº¥¼¨Ó 36011.bg5 Àj¦Ñ²Ä¤@¦¸¦³®É¶¡¤Wºô¼gªF¦è 36012.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36013.bg5 Re: chinese word processing software 36014.bg5 Re: Testing 36015.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population) 36016.bg5 Re: ¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36017.bg5 Re: Is prostitution legal in Taiwan? 36018.bg5 ReLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 36019.bg5 §A¦n 36020.bg5 Re: cmsg cancel 36021.bg5 ¦¿¿A¥Á¥uªí¥Ü¤F¿ò¾Ñ¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¯î­ð¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¸q¡@áæ­ìµÞ®ÎÃe«ã¯Ð 36022.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 36023.bg5 Re: Where is the God from? 36024.bg5 Re: ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 36025.bg5 TW users please comment on BIG5 vs CNS 7-bit code debate 36026.bg5 Re: How can I use twin to view this group? 36027.bg5 Beijing & Taibei 36028.bg5 Re: ¦¿¿A¥Á¥uªí¥Ü¤F¿ò¾Ñ¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¡H¯î­ð¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¡I¸q¡@áæ­ìµÞ®ÎÃe 36029.bg5 Re: Where is the God from? 36030.bg5 [talk]©P¥½¶~²á 36031.bg5 Re: [news]¤k¤½¥Áª¬§i¬ü°êÁ`²Î¡AºÙ°O¦í§JªL¹y¤G§Ì¯S©º 36032.bg5 ¤j°ê¤§»î ²Ä¤Q¤G³¹¤§¥| 36033.bg5 Re: ¥Ã¥Í±¶®|¡H 36034.bg5 [news]¤k¤½¥Áª¬§i¬ü°ê²d±`¡¼µÓ¿Ë¡j¸vË»Íã~5LXUw~} 36035.bg5 [novel] grape vine 36036.bg5 «ç¼Ë´£°ªºV¦r§Þ¥º¡H¡H¡H 36037.bg5 ´M´_¥¹¹q¤u ¤K¤C~ 36038.bg5 µLÃD¡C 36039.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á5/6 36040.bg5 Re: ¦³·P¼ä¦B»P­¹°ó 36041.bg5 [talk]»¡¸Ö 36042.bg5 ±q·RÀn¨ì§§Á| 36043.bg5 Re: ¦¿¿A¥Á¥uªí¥Ü¤F¿ò¾Ñ¡H¡H¡H 36044.bg5 (none) 36045.bg5 Re: ¾\Ū¢ð£C©M¢ê¢ñ¢ï¡Ð¢´ 36046.bg5 ¦è¨F¸s®q¤Wªº¤E¤Eºq¡C 36047.bg5 re: Home Made 3D Pic ¥ßÅé¹Ï 36048.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤@¡^(1) 36049.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤G¡^(2) 36050.bg5 Re: namese refugees ¶V«nÃø¥Á 36051.bg5 Re: «ç¼Ë´£°ªºV¦r§Þ¥º¡H¡H¡H 36052.bg5 ªk°ê¤H©Mª¯ 36053.bg5 Re: ·O÷·R¯Á4/26 36054.bg5 Re: ¾\Ū¢ð£C©M¢ê¢ñ¢ï¡Ð¢´ 36055.bg5 ¤j³°ºZ¾P®Ñ¡Õ¥Õ³À­ì¡Ö©º­q 36056.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 36057.bg5 Re: [puzzle]¤T°êÁ¼ 36058.bg5 Re: Our Wonderful Literature Traditions: µü 36059.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 36060.bg5 Re: ¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36061.bg5 ¤k¤H¡Ð­¹¤§µL¨ý¡A±ó¤§¥i±¤ 36062.bg5 Re: ¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36063.bg5 ¶tÀ°À°¥D¡Ð¢î¢ý¡¯¢ó¡@¢÷¢î¢î 36064.bg5 [talk]¤]¨Ó´ê¤L¥y¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡]¢±¡^ 36065.bg5 ¹Dºp 36066.bg5 ¸ÕÅç§O¬Ý 36067.bg5 ¨D±Ð¦³ÃöWWW! ¥ýÁÂ! 36068.bg5 TO THOSE WHO CARE 36069.bg5 ²Q¤k©º±B 36070.bg5 ¡§¤@®É¡¨¤£¥²¦Û³d 36071.bg5 Re: chinese word processing software 36072.bg5 ¥Îgbscript¥´¦Lps files? 36073.bg5 ²Q¤k©º±B 36074.bg5 ´M«Â¤j³q°T 36075.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 36076.bg5 Repost 36077.bg5 Re: ²Q¤k©º±B 36078.bg5 Re: ¥h®ü«n 36079.bg5 VMS News Reader for act 36080.bg5 [talk]Ī³½»P»@³æ 36081.bg5 ¶Àªº°O¾Ð 36082.bg5 Re: ¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36083.bg5 [news]Á`²Îªº¤k¤H­Ì 36084.bg5 Re: ¾\Ū¢ð£C©M¢ê¢ñ¢ï¡Ð¢´ 36085.bg5 [talk]¤l¤£»y¨t¦C¡]¢²¡^¡G¤KªÑ¤å 36086.bg5 info 36087.bg5 [song] ¤Ó¶Ì 36088.bg5 MFN 36089.bg5 Re: [puzzle]¤T°êÁ¼ 36090.bg5 LEFT SPIN story 36091.bg5 Re: ¥Îgbscript¥´¦Lps files? 36092.bg5 How to view picture? 36093.bg5 Re: ¥Îgbscript¥´¦Lps files? 36094.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á5/7 36095.bg5 fengyun (54) 36096.bg5 fengyun (53) try again ! 36097.bg5 º~¦lª«»y¡G¢à¢Ó¡G¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36098.bg5 Re: ¥Ã¥Í±¶®|¡H 36099.bg5 Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36100: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36100.bg5 ¤°¤\¦a¤è¯à¢Ô¢â¢Þ´£¨ú¨ì¥þ¥»ªº¤p»¡¡§¤j°ê¤§»î¡¨¡H¸q¡@áæ­ìµÞ®ÎÃe«ã¯Ð¨ödÀ 36101.bg5 ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36102.bg5 Re: ¤°¤\¦a¤è¯à¢Ô¢â¢Þ´£¨ú¨ì¥þ¥»ªº¤p»¡¡§¤j°ê¤§»î¡¨¡H¸q¡@áæ­ìµÞ®ÎÃe«ã¯Ð 36103.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì 36104.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36105.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36106.bg5 Re: Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? 36107.bg5 ½±¤½»¡¬G¨Æ 36108.bg5 Re: ½±¤½»¡¬G¨Æ 36109.bg5 3D Pic for Mother's Day 36110.bg5 no image posting to 36111.bg5 No subject 36112.bg5 ¤¤¥¡¤é³ø¦a§} 36113.bg5 Re: [memory]¥¤¥¤ 36114.bg5 Éܤl¤º½g¤H¶¡¥@²Ä¥| 36115.bg5 µLÃD 36116.bg5 Here Comes the Thinker (3) 36117.bg5 Here Comes the Thinker (3) 36118.bg5 Here Comes the Thinker (3) 36119.bg5 Re: test1 36120.bg5 Re: test1 36121.bg5 Re: test1 36122.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l½×³ý¤â Re: Ãö¤_¹Dºpªº»¡©ú 36123.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l½×³ý¤â Re: Ãö¤_¹Dºpªº»¡©ú 36124.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l½×³ý¤â Re: Ãö¤_¹Dºpªº»¡©ú 36125.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l½×³ý¤â Re: Ãö¤_¹Dºpªº»¡©ú 36126.bg5 ¤è¦à¤l½×³ý¤â Re: Ãö¤_¹Dºpªº»¡©ú 36127.bg5 Gs!!7h!!FEWS!!H+ 36195.bg5 Re: ·O÷·R¯Á5/8 36196.bg5 ©²«°¤H¦^ºô 36197.bg5 Re: ©²«°¤H¦^ºô 36198.bg5 Re: ¢Ø¢Þ¢Õ¡@¢é¢ö¢ì¡@¢Õ¢Ú¡@¢Ô¢ñ¢ô¢í¢û 36199.bg5 ¦ó³B¦³Clinton ªºNII ­pµe Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36200: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36200.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36201.bg5 Re: Is prostitution legal in Taiwan? 36202.bg5 ©v±Ðªº¤H¥ÍÆ[ 36203.bg5 Re: CNS, BIG5 etc 36204.bg5 ¥_¬ü½Ãµø 36205.bg5 test 36206.bg5 Re: ¶Àªº°O¾Ð 36207.bg5 rn alt.chinese.text 36208.bg5 Please recommand nice pictures. 36209.bg5 Re: §Ú¤õ®ð¤j¤F¡A¥h¢Ô¢â¢Þ´£¨ú¶º®q·R®ø®ø¤õ¡A§A­Ì¥h¤£¥h¡H 36210.bg5 [Novel]¡i³ò«°¡j²Ä¤C³¹²Ä¥|³¡¥÷ 36211.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36212.bg5 test 36213.bg5 §Ú­Ì§ë¦@§a. 36214.bg5 Re: [poem] ¤[¹H¤F¡A¤p¤s 36215.bg5 ´M ­ð¨È¦~(¹D©ú°ª¤¤ °ª¶¯ TAIWAN) 36216.bg5 ¥_¤j®Õ¼y 36217.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 36218.bg5 [essay] top of cloud 36219.bg5 Re: [Novel]¡i³ò«°¡j²Ä¤C³¹²Ä¤T³¡¥÷ 36220.bg5 Re: ©v±Ðªº¤H¥ÍÆ[ 36221.bg5 Chen Jianyao 36222.bg5 help 36223.bg5 Re: cmsg cancel 36224.bg5 ¢ú¢í 36225.bg5 Hi, guys at TH Darmstadt 36226.bg5 ½ÖÀ³¸Ó¬°¢±¡D¢±¢·­t³d 36227.bg5 ¤£¬Oº~¦l 36228.bg5 §õµn½÷¬O¤é¥»¤H¶Ü¡H 36229.bg5 µ¹¨º¦ì¥|¤t¤H 36230.bg5 ºâ©R³nÅé 36231.bg5 MFN µØ²±¹y¤j´å¦æ 36232.bg5 MFN µØ²±¹y¤j´å¦æ! 36233.bg5 ¥xÆW²´¤¤ªº¤¤°ê 36234.bg5 Why so many empty posts? 36235.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¤j­ôÀ°­Ó¦£¡GPentium¤¤¤åª`¥U¦W«ç¤\Á¿¡H 36236.bg5 [misc] Incipit Comoedia - C.C. 36237.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 36238.bg5 Euro letters in Chinese Windows 36239.bg5 IFCSS 6th Congress Registration 36240.bg5 Re: ¥´¤U¤ú«|¨{¨½¡H¡I 36241.bg5 ½ÐÀ°¦£ 36242.bg5 ªk°êªº©~¯dµý¬O¤°¥½ªF¦è¡H 36243.bg5 ¥»Åé©M¯« 36244.bg5 help!!! 36245.bg5 ¦n®ø®§ 36246.bg5 Re: ¡§¤@®É¡¨¤£¥²¦Û³d 36247.bg5 test 36248.bg5 ´¼¼z¥X¦Û°f¹Ò¡C¤Hªº¶i¤Æ¡C 36249.bg5 test. 36250.bg5 test ppp 36251.bg5 Re: Where is the God from? 36252.bg5 ¸Õ¡@Åç 36253.bg5 [PhotoCD] §K¶Oªº Corel Professional Photos on CD-ROM 36254.bg5 Re: ¥æ¤_¥À¿Ë¸`ªº¤¤¾Ç§@¤å 36255.bg5 Re: Õ¾ 36256.bg5 »OÆWÁ`²Î§õµn½÷ªº½Í¸Ü( repost & completed ) 36257.bg5 Help: Get married with a girl in China 36258.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq (cnt.) 36259.bg5 ¡­¢ð¢é¢ö£C¢ñ¯ù¸Ü·|³qª¾ 36260.bg5 Re: ·O÷·R¯Á4/26 36261.bg5 Éܤl¤º½gÀ³«Ò¤ý²Ä¤C 36262.bg5 need info. about U. John Hopkins, Neurology 36263.bg5 Re: Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? 36264.bg5 Just a test 36265.bg5 Éܤl¤º½g¤j©v®v²Ä¤» 36266.bg5 ¥xÆW²´¤¤ªº¤¤°ê¡ã§¹ 36267.bg5 ¥xÆW²´¤¤ªº¤¤°ê¡ã§¹ 36268.bg5 [MAGAZINE] New Thread (94/05)¡m·s»yµ·¡n 36269.bg5 test ppp 36270.bg5 Re: [story] left spin 36271.bg5 RE ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36272.bg5 (none) 36273.bg5 Re: ¥æ¤_¥À¿Ë¸`ªº¤¤¾Ç§@¤å 36274.bg5 [MAGAZINE] New Thread (94/05)¡m·s»yµ·¡n 36275.bg5 Ãö¤_¤p»¡ "¬ü¤H¤§¾Ô" ¤§Án©ú 36276.bg5 (none) 36277.bg5 Re: ½±¤½»¡¬G¨Æ 36278.bg5 Daniel 36279.bg5 Éܤl¥~½gÀc©æ²Ä¤K 36280.bg5 Re: §Ú­Ì§ë¦@§a. 36281.bg5 Re: ¤T°êÁ¼ 36282.bg5 Re: µ¹¨º¦ì¥|¤t¤H 36283.bg5 Look for teammate to win a FREE frio to SAN DIEGO! 36284.bg5 Re: ¦³½ìªº°ò·þ±Ð®{¡C 36285.bg5 ET office 36286.bg5 ±¡¸Ö¤@­º¡C 36287.bg5 [Comoedia] Plaudite Amici! - C.C. 36288.bg5 [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36289.bg5 Re: [talk]¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡]¢±¡^¸É¥R¡A¦^¾~½èºÃ 36290.bg5 ¦³¤ý®Òªº³Ì·s§@«~¶Ü¡H 36291.bg5 newface 36292.bg5 ¯À´y¡G°¨­I¤Wªº¤k«Ä 36293.bg5 repost:gl.exe and 1/6 36294.bg5 repost:gl.exe and 2/6 36295.bg5 repost: gl.exe and 3/6 36296.bg5 repost: gl.exe and 4/6 36297.bg5 repost: gl.exe and 5/6 36298.bg5 repost: gl.exe and 6/6 36299.bg5 Re: Can use Spterm's transfer utility. Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36300: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36300.bg5 Riddle...... 36301.bg5 ¤j³°»P¥xÆW 36302.bg5 Re: ²Q¤k©º±B 36303.bg5 Re: ²Q¤k©º±B 36304.bg5 joke: first lady 36305.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36306.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36307.bg5 DaLu - TaiWan 36308.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36309.bg5 Åý§ÚÅw³ßÅý§Ú¼~ 36310.bg5 Re: Where is the God from? 36311.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36312.bg5 Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 36313.bg5 ¤£¬Oº~¦l¡H 36314.bg5 ´M®ý¤j«H¹q¤K¤E¯Å¤ý¤å¼C¦P¾Ç 36315.bg5 Re: Beijing & Taibei 36316.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 36317.bg5 looking for Ms. Liming Zhang 36318.bg5 ZWLIST11 °ÝÃD 36319.bg5 Looking for friends in PARIS, PARIS, PARIS 36320.bg5 (none) 36321.bg5 (none) 36322.bg5 (none) 36323.bg5 Re: ½ÖÀ³¸Ó¬°¢±¡D¢±¢·­t³d 36324.bg5 Re: ¤j°ê¤§»î ²Ä¤Q¤G³¹¤§¤T 36325.bg5 request for gl.exe running on PC 36326.bg5 RE: 36327.bg5 Re: °ê»y/´¶³q¸Ü (¥_¨Ê¤H¦b¯Ã¬ù) 36328.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE]¤T°êÁ¼ 36329.bg5 Re: Åý§ÚÅw³ßÅý§Ú¼~ 36330.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population 36331.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(¤p§õ¤§»¡) 36332.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó¡I¡I¡I¥Ñ¥Ã³¥­Zªùªº­J»¡¤K¹D·Q¨ì¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡@ 36333.bg5 Re: DaLu - TaiWan 36334.bg5 Question on running "gl filename.exe" 36335.bg5 Re: namese refugees ¶V«nÃø¥Á 36336.bg5 ¦A»P¡§¤@®É¡¨³r¦^¼Ö 36337.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36338.bg5 Re: [pictures] ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 36339.bg5 help help help 36340.bg5 [talk]¤gÀn¥¤¥¤¡A¤L­Óºô«È 36341.bg5 ¨D§U 36342.bg5 Is there a Jian-ti library for Microsoft Chinese Word? 36343.bg5 <> Di 20 Qi 36344.bg5 Re: cmsg cancel 36345.bg5 Re: [pictures] ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 36346.bg5 [test] ¸ÕÅç¡A½Ð¸õ¹L¡I 36347.bg5 Re: ¥Ã³¥­úµÛºu¤U¥x 36348.bg5 how to read/post in this group? 36349.bg5 ¡§­×¨­¡¨¤@µü½Ð±Ð§ùºû©ú±Ð±Â 36350.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g°¨¿á²Ä¤E 36351.bg5 Re: ¥Ã³¥­úµÛºu¤U¥x 36352.bg5 3G 11 >I JB Repost 36353.bg5 this is a test 36354.bg5 ´MJosef 36355.bg5 Re: [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤@¡^(1) 36356.bg5 [story] left spin story. (PG13) 36357.bg5 ¤T¤ë¤U¦¯¤¤°ê¥~¶×¥«³õ 36358.bg5 Re: ¤­¥| 36359.bg5 Re: ­P©²«°¤H 36360.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq (cnt.) 36361.bg5 Re: ¦A»P¡§¤@®É¡¨³r¦^¼Ö 36362.bg5 ¤p¸ê®Æ¡G¤W«Ò¯à©ºªA¤H¤ß¶Ü¡H 36363.bg5 Re:¶Àªº°O¾Ð 36364.bg5 ¦V´²©y¥Í­PÁ 36365.bg5 ¨D§U 36366.bg5 Re: [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36367.bg5 Re: ´M¨¿¹Å 36368.bg5 Singlish and "Singnese"? 36369.bg5 ­^°ê¯º¸Ü 36370.bg5 Re: ET office 36371.bg5 AP NEWS Concerning MFN 36372.bg5 ZWDOS doesn't working with Viper! 36373.bg5 Re: [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36374.bg5 test 36375.bg5 Re: RE: 1/2 36376.bg5 Re: RE: 2/2 36377.bg5 ¯uªº¾ú¥v¡A¯uªº¹w¨¥¡C 36378.bg5 ©M¥xÆWªB¤Í¶~½Í¡C 36379.bg5 about: 36380.bg5 IFCSS Weekly Journal (May 1-May 7, 1994) 36381.bg5 Re: ¡m¤@ ¦a Âû ¤ò¡n 36382.bg5 Re: ¥s§A§O¬Ý§A«D¬Ý 36383.bg5 ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 36384.bg5 ¬ü°ê¡Ð¶W¯Å¾Ôª§¸o¥Ç 36385.bg5 [Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤»¡^(6) 36386.bg5 Re: [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤@¡^(1) 36387.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¥|¡^(4) 36388.bg5 [Repost][Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤­¡^(5) 36389.bg5 ¡§®õ´µ¯S¡¨¸Õºô¡I 36390.bg5 REPOST ±i¾Ç¤Í¡G¯¬ºÖ 36391.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36392.bg5 ask for help 36393.bg5 ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 36394.bg5 DAMN!! 36395.bg5 x4war? 36396.bg5 ¾G´¼¤Æ¡G¤ô¤â 36397.bg5 Re:¥Ã³¥­ú¤U¥x 36398.bg5 Mandarin 36399.bg5 ©M¥xÆWªB¤Í¶~½Í¡C Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36400: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36400.bg5 ¯u¹êªº¾ú¥v¡A¯u¹êªº¹w¨¥¡A¶¦¥N¶~¸Ü¡C 36401.bg5 [X¯ÅÂà¸ü¤§¢°] 36402.bg5 [X¯ÅÂà¸ü¤§¤G] 36403.bg5 [X¯ÅÂà¸ü¤§¤T] 36404.bg5 request info about San Diego 36405.bg5 help 36406.bg5 ¸Õ¤@¸Õ 36407.bg5 humor: ¤j±N­·«× 36408.bg5 §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36409.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE]¤T°ê¡B¤ôâq¡B¬õ¼Ó¤H¦WÁ¼ 36410.bg5 (none) 36411.bg5 Re: ¿P¨Ê¤K©Ç 36412.bg5 test, please ignore. 36413.bg5 ¤T®l~{ 36414.bg5 Re: Riddle...... 36415.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¤j­ôÀ°­Ó¦£¡GPentium¤¤¤åª`¥U¦W«ç¤\Á¿¡H 36416.bg5 Re: ¾\Ū¢ð£C©M¢ê¢ñ¢ï¡Ð¢´ 36417.bg5 ¦p:¡@ÅãJ¡@¤ÎJ¡@¤J~¡@¿ÄCôõêA£¤÷iˤ¥jÄ¢x 36418.bg5 Re: Can use Spterm's transfer utility. 36419.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36420.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¦b«É²Ä¤Q¤@ 36421.bg5 ¦^¤å¸Ö 36422.bg5 Re: ¦^¤å¸Ö 36423.bg5 Re: ¯u¹êªº¾ú¥v¡A¯u¹êªº¹w¨¥¡A¶¦¥N¶~¸Ü¡C 36424.bg5 ¯S§O´M§ä¤ý¸sÀ¹¨ä(¥[®³¤j-¦¿§M) 36425.bg5 ¯S§O´M§ä¤ý¸sÀ¹¨ä 36426.bg5 ¯S§O´M§ä¤ý¸sÀ¹¨ä 36427.bg5 test 36428.bg5 Re: status of ~act and /act 36429.bg5 Re: ¤£¬Oº~¦l¡H 36430.bg5 Re: ½ÐÀ°¦£ 36431.bg5 ¦pªG§A¬O§Úªº¶Ç»¡ 36432.bg5 How can I post and Read Chinese here??? 36433.bg5 ¥æ¤_¥À¿Ë¸`ªº¤¤¾Ç§@¤å 36434.bg5 Åý§ÚÅw³ßÅý§Ú¼~ 36435.bg5 [talk]¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡A¦^¯º®Ñ¥Í 36436.bg5 test 36437.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¦a²Ä¤Q¤G 36438.bg5 Re: ¯uªº¾ú¥v¡A¯uªº¹w¨¥¡C 36439.bg5 Re: «ç¼Ë¦b£@¢ñ¢ö¢ì¢÷£@¤UŪ¤¤¤å¢ö¢í£@¢û¡Hy 36440.bg5 ¬x¤ô¶Ç»¡¡A­ÝÁ¢ѡD¢Ñ¥S¡C 36441.bg5 Re: [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36442.bg5 ahon$ 36443.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¹D²Ä¤Q¤T 36444.bg5 Re: [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36445.bg5 Mandarin 36446.bg5 Re: ¡§­×¨­¡¨¤@µü½Ð±Ð§ùºû©ú±Ð±Â 36447.bg5 RE:~{V#VG;/#:K.JV~} 36448.bg5 ~{::#!~} 36449.bg5 ¤j©h®Q¤WÃâ 36450.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¦Ñ¶m 36451.bg5 [story] left spin story (PG) 36452.bg5 ­ü¡I¤¤°ê¬°¤°»òÁÙ¤£±j¤j¡H 36453.bg5 Re: ¤£¬Oº~¦l¡H 36454.bg5 [Novel]¡i³ò«°¡j²Ä¤C³¹²Ä¤­³¡¥÷ 36455.bg5 Re: [talk]¤gÀn¥¤¥¤¡A¤L­Óºô«È 36456.bg5 Re: status of ~act and /act 36457.bg5 ©Ç©ÇRe: ¥Ã³¥­úµÛºu¤U¥x 36458.bg5 Re: [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36459.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¹B²Ä¤Q¥| 36460.bg5 Re: ¬ü°ê¡Ð¶W¯Å¾Ôª§¸o¥Ç 36461.bg5 [song]¤ÑÅúÅÜ 36462.bg5 [song]À¸»¡¤H¥Í 36463.bg5 [song]¤Ñ¦a¦³¥¿®ð 36464.bg5 Re: ¥Ã³¥­úµÛºu¤U¥x 36465.bg5 ¥¤¥¤ 36466.bg5 Re:­^°ê¯º¸Ü&¤¤°ê¯º¸Ü 36467.bg5 Re: §õµn½÷©M¥q°¨¿ñ¤Ó­¦ªº¯î­ð½Í¸Ü¿ý 36468.bg5 ±À¯ò¬ö¿ý¤ù¡Õ¡Õ²¦·~¡Ö¡Ö 36469.bg5 do you know? 36470.bg5 Re: DaLu - TaiWan 36471.bg5 Re: ®c¿A²z´fªº¤E±i¼g¯u¹Ï¤ù 36472.bg5 ­·¤ëÀ°À°¥D¡G¢I­·¤ë«È¢I°h¥X¦¿´ò¡I 36473.bg5 ¬O¢ã¢Ô¢ÝÁÙ¬O­x¨Æ°ò¦a 36474.bg5 Re: ¹w¨¥¬Ý¤¤°êªº¥¼¨Ó 36475.bg5 [story] ¤p¡@¤p 36476.bg5 [essay] the west lake in summer 36477.bg5 ½ÐÀ°À°§Ú 36478.bg5 ¾÷²¼ 36479.bg5 soccer news from china 36480.bg5 Re: DaLu - TaiWan 36481.bg5 Re: Mandarin 36482.bg5 Re: ¬ü°ê¡Ð¶W¯Å¾Ôª§¸o¥Ç 36483.bg5 Re: ¤p¸ê®Æ¡G¤W«Ò¯à©ºªA¤H¤ß¶Ü¡H 36484.bg5 Re: ¥¤¥¤ 36485.bg5 ¬O¤£¬O¦³¤H·d°­¡H«ç¤\³o¤\¦hªÅ¤û«Ë¡H 36486.bg5 ¨¯¤j¦³¤ý¤å¼C¦¹¤H¶Ü? 36487.bg5 «x? 36488.bg5 Re: ¶Àªº°O¾Ð 36489.bg5 «¥¤]¨Ó´ê­Ó¼ö¾x¥X­Ó«UÁ¼ 36490.bg5 ¾ú 36491.bg5 Journal of Consultation Service 9405b 36492.bg5 (TRAFFIC) traffic in Taiwan ¥æ³q¡G¥xÆW¥æ³q¡]«Øij¡^ 36493.bg5 (LANGUAGE) United Nations ¦^¡GÁp¦X°ê¥Î²Åé¦rÁÙ¬OÁcÅé¦r 36494.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake in summer 36495.bg5 ½¼¦Ì¥Ö³£¦¨¤F½¼¦ÌÂæ 36496.bg5 Re: §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36497.bg5 test 36498.bg5 °×°ü¬Kµ^ 36499.bg5 Re: ¶Àªº°O¾Ð Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36500: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36500.bg5 Where Are the News of This Group Archived? 36501.bg5 Re: «ç¼Ë¦b£@¢ñ¢ö¢ì¢÷£@¤UŪ¤¤¤å¢ö¢í£@¢û¡H 36502.bg5 Re: Mandarin 36503.bg5 Re: Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¹B²Ä¤Q¥| 36504.bg5 Éܤl¥~½gµ©Ê²Ä¤Q¤» 36505.bg5 Re: Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¹D²Ä¤Q¤T 36506.bg5 soccer schedule 36507.bg5 soccer schedule 2/4 36508.bg5 ~{R;7b!0REJi!1~} 36509.bg5 soccer schedule 3/4 36510.bg5 soccer schedule 4/4 36511.bg5 Re: ½¼¦Ì¥Ö³£¦¨¤F½¼¦ÌÂæ 36512.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¨àºq (cont.) 36513.bg5 ¤¤¤å¤p»¡¦b¨º¨½Ps.. GB format 36514.bg5 Re: about: 36515.bg5 Re: §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36516.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake in summer 36517.bg5 ·R 36518.bg5 REPOST ±i¿P¤Í¡G¯¬ºÖ 36519.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó# 36520.bg5 µ¥«Ý 36521.bg5 REQ: lyrics for ¤ë«G¥Nªí§Úªº¤ß 36522.bg5 [poem]ÂIµ¼®B¡Ð¤ýÙ@ 36523.bg5 Re: [PUZZLE]¤T°ê¡B¤ôâq¡B¬õ¼Ó¤H¦WÁ¼ 36524.bg5 Re: Where is the God from? 36525.bg5 A Chinese Drunkard 36526.bg5 Re: REQ: lyrics for ¤ë«G¥Nªí§Úªº¤ß 36527.bg5 ¨àºq¨à 36528.bg5 Re: [talk]¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡A¦^¯º®Ñ¥Í 36529.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¬î¤ô²Ä¤Q¤C 36530.bg5 ¹D¼w¸g©M¶Â®æº¸¡C 36531.bg5 fengyun (61) 36532.bg5 fengyun (62) 36534.bg5 ­«©«Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¹D 36535.bg5 ­«©«Éܤl¥~½g¤Ñ¹B 36536.bg5 Re: [talk]¥N²z§ë½Z¢w¢w¤p¤é¥»ÅG 36537.bg5 ¦^¤å¸Ö 36538.bg5 ·O÷·R¯Á¼È°± 36539.bg5 Éܤl¥~½gÉIæײĤQ 36540.bg5 [talk]¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡A¦^§õ¬x¼e 36541.bg5 Re: [test] ¸ÕÅç¡A½Ð¸õ¹L¡I 36542.bg5 Hua Xia Wen Zhai #163 (cm9405b) 36543.bg5 [essay] the west lake (2) 36544.bg5 RE: [essay] the west lake in summer 36545.bg5 Is there a binary Chinese XMosaic? 36546.bg5 Re: ­·¤ëÀ°À°¥D¡G¢I­·¤ë«È¢I°h¥X¦¿´ò¡I 36547.bg5 RE: 36548.bg5 MAIL-ORDER CHINESE BOOKS, CDS, MAGAZINES 36549.bg5 GB<->BIG5 36550.bg5 Re: ½¼¦Ì¥Ö³£¦¨¤F½¼¦ÌÂæ 36551.bg5 ¤é¥»®ö¤H¦V±z»¡¦A¨£¡GRe: ¥Ã³¥­ú¤U¥x 36552.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¦Ü¼Ö²Ä¤Q¤K 36553.bg5 [testing] ¸ÕÅç 36554.bg5 Re: ¤¤¤å¤p»¡¦b¨º¨½Ps.. GB format 36555.bg5 Re: Re: DaLu - TaiWan 36556.bg5 Re: ªk°êªº©~¯dµý¬O¤°¥½ªF¦è¡H 36557.bg5 repost: A review of Hunger-strike and 6-4 five years ago 36558.bg5 Re: ¦^¤å¸Ö 36559.bg5 Picture of GongLi (3/3) 36560.bg5 problem with cnprint240 --- any alternatives? 36561.bg5 Picture of Ge You 36562.bg5 What is ETen??? 36563.bg5 Á¤@¥Û¥SªÈÂÕ¡A¤é¥»±Ð¡C 36564.bg5 ¸Ö©M¤é¥»®Q­Ì¨à¡C 36565.bg5 «Õ§A¤@Àq¡A¨þ¨þ 36566.bg5 Re: ¯À´y¡G°¨­I¤Wªº¤k«Ä 36567.bg5 Picture of Ge You (2/2) 36568.bg5 Re: do you know? 36569.bg5 Re: º~¦lª«»y ¢à¢Ó¡G¤p¤ß¤p¤é¥»¡I 36570.bg5 ­«©«Éܤl¤º½g»ôª«½× 36571.bg5 Re: ½Ð»¡¸Ü¹³­Ó¨ü¹L±Ð¨|ªº¤H¡IRe: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M~{GkK5;0 36572.bg5 News in IFCSS and CND.ORG 36573.bg5 Re: §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36574.bg5 Re: §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36575.bg5 Re: §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36576.bg5 Re: §R±¼§O¤HªºªF¦è¤£¹D¼w 36577.bg5 «ç¤\Á`¤]¶K¤£¤W? 36578.bg5 re: cnprint problems 36579.bg5 SimpTerm a nice program, but ... 36580.bg5 [sad] ¤µ¤Ñ¨S°QµÛ¶º 36581.bg5 [poem] May 36582.bg5 «H¤£«H¥Ñ§A 36583.bg5 For UK's Netter 36584.bg5 Printing ¡@µØ¡@¡@®L¡@¡@¤å¡@¡@ºK (for Mac users) 36585.bg5 ½¼¦Ì¥Ö¯u³£¦¨½¼¦ÌÂæ¤F 36586.bg5 Re: A Chinese Drunkard 36587.bg5 Re: xingxing system 4.1 36588.bg5 CHTEX 36589.bg5 Re: [talk]¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡A¦^§õ¬x¼e 36590.bg5 §ä¤H¡A§ù·L 36591.bg5 ¸£µ¬«æÂàÅs 36592.bg5 [comment] "Being as being" - C.C. 36593.bg5 Re: namese refugees ¶V«nÃø¥Á 36594.bg5 Picture of GongLi (1/3) 36595.bg5 chinese are such ugly people 36596.bg5 Re: ¶i¨B¤¤°ê(China's population 36597.bg5 ¦A¨Ó¤L´T ¥ßÅé¹Ï 36598.bg5 Picture of GongLi (2/3) 36599.bg5 ¢Õ¢à¢Ï¢á¢Þ¡@¢ñ¡D¢í¡D¡@¡D¢Õ¢Ú Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36600: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36600.bg5 Re: cnprint problems 36601.bg5 repost: Our Common Daydreams 36602.bg5 ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36603.bg5 [song] ¡i¢×¢à¢Ñ±¡ºq¨t¦C¤§¤­¡j 36604.bg5 [Classic]·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤C¡^(7) 36605.bg5 [essay] the west lake [3] 36606.bg5 ±À¯ò¡Õ¿p´µªLªº¸®Â§¡Ö 36607.bg5 ¡§ªx¥»Åé½×¡¨¡H 36608.bg5 Re: ¨¯¤j¦³¤ý¤å¼C¦¹¤H¶Ü? 36609.bg5 Test, Please don't read 36610.bg5 looking for Ms.Liming Zhang in Milwaukee,WI 36611.bg5 Re: HXWZ cm9405b©P®¦¨Ó¹@ÁÁ 36612.bg5 Re:¤¤°ê¬°¤°¤\¤£±j¤j°_¨Ó 36613.bg5 Re: ¦A¨Ó¤L´T ¥ßÅé¹Ï 36614.bg5 ¤ý¤å¼C¦P§Ó¤U¸¨¤w©ú,¦hÁÂÃö·Ó 36615.bg5 ­·¤ª¡Ð¡Ð¡Ð¦A¨£µL¦W¡]¢µ¢°¡Ð¢µ¢²¡^ 36616.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¹F¥Í²Ä¤Q¤E 36617.bg5 Re: °×°ü¬Kµ^ 36618.bg5 ¦p¦ó¥Ó½Ð¥h¥[®³¤jªº®È´åñµý¡H¡H¡H 36619.bg5 What about Hong Kong? 36620.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake (2) 36621.bg5 Re: HXWZ cm9405b©P®¦¨Ó¹@ÁÁ 36622.bg5 ¸ÕÅç(ignore): ¥]¤lªº¬G¨Æ 36623.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36624.bg5 ±q¡§¤¯¡¨»¡°_¡A­Ý½Í¦Z¤Hªº¬n¦±¡C 36625.bg5 ª¾ªºÅv§Q»P·s»DÄvª§¡GªÎ¦×µ¹½Ö¡H 36626.bg5 µú±ö 36627.bg5 Re: ¦ó³B¦³Clinton ªºNII ­pµe 36628.bg5 Re: News in IFCSS and CND.ORG 36629.bg5 Re: chinese are such ugly people 36630.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake in summer 36631.bg5 how to read "Chinese Text" from the news...newuser 36632.bg5 [talk]§ì®ÇÃÉ 36633.bg5 Re: ·O÷·R¯Á5/8 36634.bg5 Re: Where is the God from? 36635.bg5 Re: 3D Pic for Mother's Day 36636.bg5 [senior scholar]¤j¾§¦YÃÉ 36637.bg5 How do I read this newsgroup? 36638.bg5 $(AR2K5D8GW(B 36639.bg5 PLZ REPOST FATE.ZIP 36640.bg5 ¤GªÌ¶¡±o¡A²y¹B©÷ 36641.bg5 Re: ½Ð»¡¸Ü¹³­Ó¨ü¹L±Ð¨|ªº¤H¡IRe: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M~{GkK5;0 36642.bg5 ¤û¤M¤p¸Õ 36643.bg5 «¡¡A¤j®a¤@°_«¡ 36644.bg5 ¾d«Wªº¹Ï«ç¤\¥u¦³¥bºI¨à? 36645.bg5 Re: Picture of GongLi (1/3) 36646.bg5 [talk]¤]¨Ó´ê¤L¥y¬ì¾Ç¢é¢ê¢ë¡]¢²¡^ 36647.bg5 Re: [senior scholar]¤j¾§¦YÃÉ 36648.bg5 ´M¤H¤j¢·¢µ±i°¶¥Á 36649.bg5 §ä¤H 36650.bg5 Re: [test] ¸ÕÅç¡A½Ð¸õ¹L¡I 36651.bg5 Re: HXWZ cm9405b©P®¦¨Ó¹@ÁÁ 36652.bg5 [patriotic eating]·R°êÃÉ 36653.bg5 [test] Áٯ঳¤°¤\©O¡H 36654.bg5 Re: ¥_¨Ê¨àºq (cnt.) 36655.bg5 Re: PLZ REPOST FATE.ZIP 36656.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¤s¤ì²Ä¤G¤Q 36657.bg5 Re: ¥_¬ü½Ãµø 36658.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36659.bg5 ¤j°ê¤§»î ²Ä¤Q¤G³¹¤§¤­¤W 36660.bg5 Éܤl¥~½g¥Ð¤l¤è²Ä¤G¤Q¤@ 36661.bg5 Yuanji Gong Course/Seminar 36662.bg5 ©P®¦¨Ó¹@ÁÁand¥~¶m¤H 36663.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36664.bg5 »å¤lªº¬G¨Æ(ignore) 36665.bg5 Re: SimpTerm a nice program, but ... 36666.bg5 [poem] from ¹Ú¨½ªá¸¨ª¾¦h¤Ö 36667.bg5 Pin Yin fonts? 36668.bg5 [song] µL¨¥ªºµ²§½ 36669.bg5 Re: ­·¤ëÀ°À°¥D¡G¢I­·¤ë«È¢I°h¥X¦¿´ò¡I (fwd) 36670.bg5 Test ¸ÕÅç 36671.bg5 No subject 36672.bg5 [zuoren's work]³¬¤áŪ®Ñ½× 36673.bg5 test 36674.bg5 Re: ½Ð»¡¸Ü¹³­Ó¨ü¹L±Ð¨|ªº¤H¡IRe: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M~{GkK5;0 36675.bg5 RE: ¦ã¨©¢ê¢í¢ñ 36676.bg5 Re: ¯u§Æ±æ¤¤°ê±j¤j°_¨Ó# 36677.bg5 Re: ¡§ªx¥»Åé½×¡¨¡H 36678.bg5 [kungfu] Ĭ¸ý½m¥\ 36679.bg5 how to print chinese file? 36680.bg5 Re: ©P®¦¨Ó¹@ÁÁand¥~¶m¤H 36681.bg5 [song] §Ú½ñ®ö¦Ó¨Ó 36682.bg5 [song] ®È·T 36683.bg5 ¡i¦ã»_½Í¡m¥s¤÷¿Ë¤Ó¨I­«¡n¡j 36684.bg5 Éܤl¥~½gª¾¥_´å²Ä¤G¤Q¤G 36685.bg5 ©]¨Ó­» 36686.bg5 Re:sexstory.tar.Z under 36687.bg5 [¸ÕÅç] ªáªG¤sªº 36688.bg5 ¤¤¦@§Ö³t¤ÏÀ³³¡¶¤ 36689.bg5 Hua Xia Wen Zhai Zeng Kan #35 (zk9405a) 36690.bg5 hz<->GB TABLES 36691.bg5 Xiccc version 2.02 uploaded to 36692.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36693.bg5 Re: [song] ¡i¢×¢à¢Ñ±¡ºq¨t¦C¤§¤­¡j 36694.bg5 [from sexstory.tar.Z] [fun] Á`¥Ø¿ý 36695.bg5 [from sexstory.tar.Z] [fun1] ·s¥ô­^»y±Ð®v 36696.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun10] ·s ¯R ¤â °O 36697.bg5 [song] ¤ë«Gªe 36698.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun100] ¨ô¾Éºt²{§Î°O 36699.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun11] ¬°¬°ªº¤é°O Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36700: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36700.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun12] ©Ê¸gÅç 36701.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun13] ±Äªá¦æ 36702.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun14] Ãú 36703.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun15] ®ç¦â½ä§½ 36704.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun16] Ghost 36705.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun17] ¬ü¤Ö¤k½Õ±Ð 36706.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun18] ª÷¥Ð¤G¤Ö¦~¨Æ¥óï----³q¤j¤Ö¦~ºÃ®× 36707.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun19] ­·¤ëÀ°ÆA¥v 36708.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun2] Á¿²ß(1) (2) (3) (4) 36709.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun20] ¤°»ò¬O¯u¥¿ªº©Êª¾ÃÑ 36710.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun21] µh­Wªº²Ä¤@¦¸ 36711.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun22] ¤k °ª ¥Í ¯µ »D 36712.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun23] ¢Û¢â¢ä¤§¯T 36713.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun24] ¼x¦W¥þ¶° 36714.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun25] µLÃD 36715.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun26] ©Ô¿û¿÷ªº¤H 36716.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun27] ®Õ¶éÃý¨Æ 36717.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun28] °½¿s 36718.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun29] ºå 36719.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun3] ¥X®t 36720.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun30] ¬P ¹Ú ² ²ª 36721.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun31] ¯î³¥ÆvÃÓ 36722.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun32] ´ú.bg5 ¸Õ 36723.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun33] ¤£§¹¾ãªº¬G¨Æ 36724.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun34] ¨g ¾Ô °O 36725.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun35] ¯T 36726.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun36] ±¡¤H¸` 36727.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun37] ªì ®L ªº ¹C À¸ 36728.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun38] ¼Ð ÃD: video 36729.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun39] ·s±B 36730.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun4] ­Û ´° Æv ¹J 36731.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun40] ­·¶³¥~¶Ç----´M¼C°O(2) 36732.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun41] §Úªº¤Ó¤Ó¤§¤@ 36733.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun42] ®L ¤é ª« »y 36734.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun43] Áa ¼¤ ¼b «½ 36735.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun44] «ä ¬K ¤Ö ¤k 36736.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun45] ¥x¥_¬G¨Æ 36737.bg5 ¶º®q·Rªº¼g¯u·Ó¤ù 36738.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun46] ¦×»Z¹Î¥þ¥» 36739.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun47] ¼Ð ÃD: nude 36740.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun48] ¤V¤Ò©Ê¦æ¬°ªºÂÕ¨£ 36741.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun49] ¦A½×¡u¦w¥þ´Á¡v 36742.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun50] sex «º¶Õ 36743.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun51] ¥v¨Ê¤ó¸¢ªº¤ÏÀ³ 36744.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun52] ³zµø¤k©Ê¤J©]¥Í²z 36745.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun53] ¤Q¤K·³ÇU¤Y 36746.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun54] ²§¶m 36747.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun6] ¦p ¦ó »¡ ªA ¤k ¥Í¤W §É 36748.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun7] §Úªº¥Í¤é§ª« 36749.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun8] ÅܺAªº³·¥Õ¦×Åé 36750.bg5 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun9] «n¥_¾Ôª§ 36751.bg5 Ãö©ó sexstory.tar.Z ªºÁn©ú 36752.bg5 MAIL-ORDER CHINESE BOOKS, CDS, MAGAZINES 36753.bg5 Re: [song] ¤ë«Gªe 36754.bg5 Re: [proposal] «Ø¥ß¿W¥ß¡B¹ñ·sªº¤¤¤å·s»D¸s chinese.* hierarchy 36755.bg5 ½Ð±Ð¡§¥ô§Ú¦æ¡¨¥ý¥Í:¥xÆW¬O¤£¬O¤@­Ó¬Ù¡H¤Î¨ä¥LÁp·Q¡D¡D¡D¡D¡D 36756.bg5 [test] ¸ÕÅç 36757.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake in summer 36758.bg5 ¸ÕQ¡@¡AG¡@²¤9¡@ 36759.bg5 Why twin gives me extra space? 36760.bg5 ¦hÁ¬üµU¤ý 36761.bg5 Re: Why twin gives me extra space? 36762.bg5 Re: ¶º®q·Rªº¼g¯u·Ó¤ù 36763.bg5 Re: [proposal] «Ø¥ß¿W¥ß¡B¹ñ·sªº¤¤¤å·s»D¸s chinese.* hierarchy 36764.bg5 ¦A¤@¦¸¦a³Â·Ð±z¡A½Ð°Ý»{ÃѽÿP¤k¤h¤\? 36765.bg5 Re: ¦hÁ¬üµU¤ý 36766.bg5 Re: ¦hÁ¬üµU¤ý 36767.bg5 ­n¬ü¤H¹Ï¡H½Ð¬ÝRe: Want access to over 900 adult pictures? 36768.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake (2) 36769.bg5 Re: [song] ¡i¢×¢à¢Ñ±¡ºq¨t¦C¤§¤­¡j 36770.bg5 Re: [picture] 36771.bg5 Re: ¤p¸ê®Æ¡G¤W«Ò¯à©ºªA¤H¤ß¶Ü¡H 36772.bg5 ¸­Ó}¤å¡G¥Ã»·¡]ºqµü¡^ 36773.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36774.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake [3] 36775.bg5 [sex talk]©P®¦¨Ó»PĬ¥[¿Õ 36776.bg5 Re: [senior scholar]¤j¾§¦YÃÉ 36777.bg5 «B«Ñ 36778.bg5 ³X¥x¨£»D¤@¡G¡§§ì¯S°È¡¨ 36780.bg5 «ø¤@§â! 36781.bg5 ¦A«ø¤@§â¬Ý¬Ý! 36782.bg5 Re: ³X¥x¨£»D¤@¡G¡§§ì¯S°È¡¨ 36783.bg5 ¬y¦æ¼Ö¾Â 36784.bg5 [eat and sex]®ÇÃÉ»P¸U¤á«J 36785.bg5 Re: (LANGUAGE) United Nations ¦^¡GÁp¦X°ê¥Î²Åé¦rÁÙ¬OÁcÅé¦r 36786.bg5 ©s®x¸« 36787.bg5 [ero novels]ŪŪ¦â±¡¤p»¡¦³¯q°·±d 36788.bg5 Re: do you know? 36789.bg5 Re: ALT-CHINESE-TEXT digest 2304 36790.bg5 Re: [ero novels]ŪŪ¦â±¡¤p»¡¦³¯q°·±d 36791.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake [3] 36792.bg5 Re: ¡i¦ã»_½Í¡m¥s¤÷¿Ë¤Ó¨I­«¡n¡j 36793.bg5 ¥»Åé½×©MĬ¬ü¤H¡A¦^Àz¡C 36794.bg5 ®üÂA¡G¥Íª«¾Ç¤èªk¦Y¥ÍÀz¡C 36795.bg5 »Ý­n¦«ºÖ¸ê®Æ 36796.bg5 need help!!!! 36797.bg5 ÉܤlÂø½g©°®á·¡²Ä¤G¤Q¤T 36798.bg5 Re: ½Ð±Ð¡§¥ô§Ú¦æ¡¨¥ý¥Í:¥xÆW¬O¤£¬O¤@­Ó¬Ù¡H¤Î¨ä¥LÁp·Q¡D¡D¡D¡D¡D 36799.bg5 ¤¯©M§¡A¤Î²z¡C Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/big5/v36800: =========================================== 00_index.bg5 The following Index file in Chinese 36800.bg5 [Repost] Nonsensical or Lies Overshot 36801.bg5 Nonesensical or Lies Overshot 36802.bg5 [talk] Brotherly Love 36803.bg5 [Repost] One News Two Reporting 36804.bg5 [talk] Discussion with PD's Reporting 36805.bg5 [repost] The good, the bad and the ugly 36806.bg5 [talk] Brotherly Love 36807.bg5 [News] One News Two Reporting 36808.bg5 Too Intense to Call Father? Who Is the Father? 36809.bg5 [talk] The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 36810.bg5 [talk] Discussion with PD's Reporting 36811.bg5 [humor] ¦W¤H½ì¨Æ 36812.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake (2) 36813.bg5 Re: How can I post and Read Chinese here??? 36814.bg5 Help!I'm looking for an intensive Mandarin course to take this summe 36815.bg5 FTP for the aricle, fast-respond army 36816.bg5 Re: °ê»y/´¶³q¸Ü (¥_¨Ê¤H¦b¯Ã¬ù) 36817.bg5 ¸Õ¤@§â 36818.bg5 Re: °×°ü¬Kµ^ 36819.bg5 Re: ¥»Åé½×©MĬ¬ü¤H¡A¦^Àz¡C 36820.bg5 n 36821.bg5 [essay] the west lake [4] 36822.bg5 [help] ¦ÛµM½X¡I 36823.bg5 Re: ¸ÕÅç(ignore): ¥]¤lªº¬G¨Æ 36824.bg5 Help !! Can't get ZWDOS to work 36825.bg5 [lake eating]¦Y¦bªC¦{ 36826.bg5 Re: ¡i¦ã»_½Í¡m¥s¤÷¿Ë¤Ó¨I­«¡n¡j 36827.bg5 [essay] the west lake 36828.bg5 [good news] ¤K§Ù¡GÁÙ·Q­n¬ü¤H¹Ï¡H 36829.bg5 ¹©Åøªº¬G¨Æ 36830.bg5 Re: ¡i¦ã»_½Í¡m¥s¤÷¿Ë¤Ó¨I­«¡n¡j 36831.bg5 ªoª£¶ºªº¬G¨Æ 36832.bg5 ¦ã©M¾G¡¼½N¯a®Æ°õ¡¼¶L¡Â} 36833.bg5 Help !! Can't get ZWDOS to work - take 2 36834.bg5 Re: ³X¥x¨£»D¤@¡G¡§§ì¯S°È¡¨ 36835.bg5 Re: ½Ð±Ð¡§¥ô§Ú¦æ¡¨¥ý¥Í:¥xÆW¬O¤£¬O¤@­Ó¬Ù¡H¤Î¨ä¥LÁp·Q¡D¡D¡D¡D¡D 36836.bg5 Adress Beijing Normal University 36837.bg5 ­P¡@¾~¥S 36838.bg5 [essay] the west lake [5] 36839.bg5 Thanks for the help of twin. 36840.bg5 help!!!! 36841.bg5 ºK¦Û¡§µL«èªº«C¬K¡¨¡@¡]¢°¡^ 36842.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36843.bg5 ??? 36844.bg5 Re: ½Ð»¡¸Ü¹³­Ó¨ü¹L±Ð¨|ªº¤H¡IRe: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M~{GkK5;0 36845.bg5 Re: [ero novels]ŪŪ¦â±¡¤p»¡¦³¯q°·±d 36846.bg5 Re: [ero novels]ŪŪ¦â±¡¤p»¡¦³¯q°·±d 36847.bg5 Re: ¬ü°ê¡Ð¶W¯Å¾Ôª§¸o¥Ç 36848.bg5 ¢Ô¢â¢Þ¡@¢á¢×¢â¢Ó¡@¢³¡@¢Ô¢Ï¢â¢Ó¡D¢è¢×¢Þ 36849.bg5 Re ·ö±C¤l¶Ç¡]¤T¡^ 36850.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake [4] 36851.bg5 ­·¤ª¤p»¡FTP site 36852.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake 36853.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 36854.bg5 Re: ¤j³°¤H¦b¥xÆW 36855.bg5 Re: [essay] the west lake 36857.bg5 Re: [Repost] Nonsensical or Lies Overshot 36858.bg5 Re:­^°ê¯º¸Ü&¤¤°ê¯º¸Ü 36859.bg5 Re: ¦ã©M¾G¥Î¤ßŪ²{¥N¥v¡C 36860.bg5 IFCSS WEEKLY JOURNAL (MAY 09-14,1994) 36861.bg5 Re: [help] ¦ÛµM½X¡I 36862.bg5 Re: ´MªZº~¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¨t¤K¤­¯Å ½Ã¿P 36863.bg5 [talk]¦A²á©P®¦¨Ó 36864.bg5 Re: [lake eating]¦Y¦bªC¦{ 36865.bg5 §ä¤H 36866.bg5 [war:MFN]§JªL¹yªº­±¤l¡G½Ö³ÌÁ@¤£°_¥L¡H 36867.bg5 ´MªZº~¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¨t¤K¤­¯Å ½Ã¿P 36868.bg5 Re: ¥xÆW¤j­ôÀ°­Ó¦£¡GPentium¤¤¤åª`¥U¦W«ç¤\Á¿¡H 36869.bg5 Re: ½Ð±Ð¡§¥ô§Ú¦æ¡¨¥ý¥Í:¥xÆW¬O¤£¬O¤@­Ó¬Ù¡H¤Î¨ä¥LÁp·Q¡D¡D¡D¡D¡D 36870.bg5 Re: ¦A¤@¦¸¦a³Â·Ð±z¡A½Ð°Ý»{ÃѽÿP¤k¤h¤\? 36871.bg5 test 36872.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 36873.bg5 Frequently Used Symbols on the Internet 36874.bg5 ¨p¥Í¤kRe: Too Intense to Call Father? Who Is the Father? 36875.bg5 Re: ®üÂA¡G¥Íª«¾Ç¤èªk¦Y¥ÍÀz¡C 36876.bg5 Help wanted 36877.bg5 RE:½Öª¾¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨ 36878.bg5 Re: ¢Ô¢â¢Þ¡@¢á¢×¢â¢Ó¡@¢³¡@¢Ô¢Ï¢â¢Ó¡D¢è¢×¢Þ 36879.bg5 ªC¦{ 36880.bg5 ¡§¥s¤÷¿Ë¤Ó¨I­«¡¨¡H 36881.bg5 Re: Help !! 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Who Is the Father? 36909.bg5 Re: repost: Our Common Daydreams 36910.bg5 Re: ¢Ô¢â¢Þ¡@¢á¢×¢â¢Ó¡@¢³¡@¢Ô¢Ï¢â¢Ó¡D¢è¢×¢Þ 36911.bg5 [essay] the west lake [6] 36912.bg5 [essay] the west lake [7] 36913.bg5 §d¥°¹F¦A«×±K³X¤¤°ê¡G¥£¤u²£«~¥X¤fÄ~ÄòHarry Wu's new testimony 36914.bg5 test 36915.bg5 The Open Letter to the Authorities In Chinese 36916.bg5 [senior scholar]¤¤µØ³Ü´ö¹D 36917.bg5 Re: ³X¥x¨£»D¤@¡G¡§§ì¯S°È¡¨ 36918.bg5 ¤èÀy¤§µ¥©I¦S¡G¬°¤»¥|¦ºÃøªÌÀq«s¤T¤ÀÄÁ 36919.bg5 Re: ¤£³\¦³ªº¥xÆW¬Ù¤Hº©½|¤j³°¦P­M¡@Re: ¥xÆW¨¹¥æ 36920.bg5 Re: ½Ð±Ð¡§¥ô§Ú¦æ¡¨¥ý¥Í:¥xÆW¬O¤£¬O¤@­Ó¬Ù¡H¤Î¨ä¥LÁp·Q¡D¡D¡D¡D¡D 36921.bg5 ¼s³õ·s­¦©x¡G§õ¸S¶Ç°O¤ù¡Õ²¾¤s¡Ö¦b¤HÅv¹q¼v¸` 36922.bg5 ¥_¨Ê¤j¾Ç°K¬õ¦B³Q®·¡G¦b¶Q¦{°ê¦w§½ 36923.bg5 Re: Help wanted 36924.bg5 ¦¬¼o«~¡I 36925.bg5 [hua7291@MED2S0.ENGR.CCNY.CUNY.EDU: The Open Letter to the Authoriti 36926.bg5 Re: ~{R;7b!0REJi!1~} 36927.bg5 ³yÁÁ±M®a»÷ÁÁ 36928.bg5 Re: ¦p¦óÂà´«¢Ö¢è½X 36929.bg5 ¥|°ê¤j¾Ô¢×¢à¢Ñ 36930.bg5 Re: Tragedy of China ¤¤°êªº´d¼@¡]¤T¡^ 36931.bg5 Re: ¥»Åé½×©MĬ¬ü¤H¡A¦^Àz¡C 36932.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36933.bg5 Æ[¬Ý¶³«n¹qµø¥x¸`¥Ø¦³·P 36934.bg5 The Open Letter to the Authorities In Chinese 36935.bg5 Re: The Open Letter to the Authorities In Chinese 36936.bg5 Tragedy of China Part One 36937.bg5 Re: ©]¨Ó­» 36938.bg5 Tragedy of China Part Two 36939.bg5 Tragedy of China Part Three 36940.bg5 Observe 3 minutes silence on 64 36941.bg5 Win Back People's Heart 36942.bg5 Re: ½Öª¾¹D¹q¼v¡Õ®üÆN¡Öªº¤U¸¨¡H 36943.bg5 test 36944.bg5 Tragedy of China Part Four 36945.bg5 [TALK]my_two-cents_to_a_patent(Re: ®üÂA¡G¥Íª«¾Ç¤èªk¦Y¥ÍÀz¡C) 36946.bg5 ¦Ñ¯d¾Ç¥Í¤å¾Ç 36947.bg5 hello again 36948.bg5 [talk]¨I­«ªº¥sÁn¡G½æÆA«Ë¡A¤j¸Jªº¡I 36949.bg5 Re: Open Letter to the Authorities¯d¾Ç¥Í¦b¤¤°êªºÂåÀøÅv§Q Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v39800: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese ~{WrHUTY<{!!0Y:O~} Re: ~{L(MeJ!SP1>JB6@A"Bp#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?~} [error]~{8xI"RKIz5DK=:/TSV> ~{8h4JR;JV Re: [talk]~{4SImLeADFp~} Re: [PUZZLE] ~{2BCU2BCU#! Re: riddle ~{CU~} Re: ~{G'5::~~} ~{VB<*AV4sQ'J}Q'O5:#MbP#SQ#:~} [song] [song] ~{1#C\7@5}~}, ~{HKHKSPTp~} ~{h=HKSGLl~} Re: Again, Body or Mind ~{11>)6y8hV.H}~} Re: ~{L(MeJ!SP1>JB6@A"Bp#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?#?~} Re: poem~{;9JGH%WvIqOI: C~} Re: ~{A=06V)VkCG5D=;)6y8h~} ss ~{OD<>;X9z;zF1~} ~{OD<>;X9z;zF1~} Re: []~{3$02=VV;Im@9L9?K#,MuN,AV1;4rVBK@~}a hero in picture ~{JTQi~} Re: ~{L(MeV)Vk:M4sB=V)Vk~} RE: ~{:tSu7VMx~} Re: ~{G'5::~Q*08PWJV1;G\~} Re: ~{1#C\7@5}~}, ~{HKHKSPTp~} Re: ~{@n:i?m#=~} other names! Re: [PUZZLE] ~{2BCU2BCU#! Re: ~{L(MeV)Vk:M4sB=V)Vk~} RE: ~{:tSu7VMx~} ~{Gs=L~} Re: ~{8tMx5D=(Ri#,8x=;4sWJ9$5DPE!#~} Re: ~{1#C\7@5}~}, ~{HKHKSPTp~} RE: ~{Q0Uc4sP#SQ~} Re: ~{G'5::~Q*08PWJV1;G\~} ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/19 ~{!>FfH$F*!u~} Diamond sutra(1)~{=p8U>-#(R;#)~} Diamond Sutra(1)~{=p8U>-#(R;#)~} ~{3v7"~} Re: ~{#[AwPPRt@VJ7#]#:!!Hp5d0#2*Q]3*Wi~} Re: ~{G'5::~Q*08PWJV#:D12F:&C|~} ~{!>?-NDGk=L7=V[WS!#~} Re: ~{G'5::~Q*08PWJV1;G\~} ~{8oC|Ma8h4sH#-#s#o#u#n#d# #f#i#l#e# #f#t#p# #s#i#t#e~} Re: [talk]~{B3Q85DNDUB~} ~{QO3MG'5::~JB<~PWJV#? Re: [talk]~{B3Q85DNDUB~} (none) Re: ~{R;Lu4s:S2(@K?m~} [Question]~{OrQ;Gk=L~} (none) (none) ~{C?HULlA8~} ~{L(Me9J9,2)NoT:5D2XF7~} ~{TZDD6yD\Br5=~} Macintosh ~{VPND~} OS Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v40000: ====================================== The following index file in Chinese Re: °ÙÄê´óÊ»ëÈçÃÎ:ÌìÏÂ֮δÀ´ Re: Ò»Ìõ´óºÓ²¨ÀË¿í Re: ¡¾ÆæȤƪ¡õ Help on Mac Chinese publishing software... ͵Î÷¹Ï£­£­ÖªÇàËæ¸Ð Re: ÑϳÍǧµººþʼþÐ×ÊÖ£¿ World Cup TV schedule Re: Ô¤¸æ£º·ÉÁú̸̸·½ÖÛ×Ó Re: Çó¾È£­£ó£ï£õ£î£ä¡¡£æ£é£ì£å¡¡£æ£ô£ð¡¡£ó£é£ô£å Re: ǧµººþѪ°¸Ð×ÊÖ£ºÄ±²Æº¦Ãü Lyrics for "Yesterday Once More" Re: ÍøÈËÂÛÖ®Ò» ·½ÖÛ×Ó Re: Çó¾È£­£ó£ï£õ£î£ä¡¡£æ£é£ì£å¡¡£æ£ô£ð¡¡£ó£é£ô£å ÇëÎÊÓÐÈËÖªµĄ̀ÍåÃñ¼äµÄBBSÕ¾Âð? Ìᳫ¿Ë¼º¸´Àñ£¡ Re: Õ½¶·»úµÄÎÊÌâ (fwd) (Mig-23 != J-7III) Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 Re: []³¤°²½ÖÖ»ÉíÀ¹Ì¹¿Ë£¬ÍõάÁÖ±»´òÖÂËÀa hero in picture Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 Re: ǧµººþѪ°¸Ð×ÊÖ£ºÄ±²Æº¦Ãü Re: x±¿ÈËggµÄ¡¡âÐÅþ} [talk]̸̸·½ÖÛ×Ó£¨Èý£©£º£É£Ò£ÃÉϵÄÁõ°îHow pretend know'g a lot? Re: A letter from President Clinton Re: Õ½¶·»úµÄÎÊÌâ (fwd) (Mig-23 != J-7III) test This is a test [MISC]ÑîÔ¶ÐÂͬ־Çë×¢Òâ Re: ¡¾ÆæȤƪ¡õ Re: ÑϳÍǧµººþʼþÐ×ÊÖ£¿ ÖñÈËÁ¢Ð¹¦£­£­´òÁíÒ»ÍøÉÏÃûÈË£¬ÎÞ¸ñ Re: ÑϳÍǧµººþʼþÐ×ÊÖ£¿ Re: [talk]³ѸµÄÎÄÕ Writing E-mail in Chinese Re: ÑϳÍǧµººþʼþÐ×ÊÖ£¿ Re: ¾­ÎÄÇë½Ì·½ÖÛ×Ó¡£ Re: ¾­ÎÄÇë½Ì·½ÖÛ×Ó¡£ ¾«Ó¢ÈçºÎÆÆ°¸£¿ [MISC]reply_to_ShiWenGong_on_culture(²Ø×åÎÄ»¯Ð¡´ð) [] For the one back homeland soon [HISC]Ü÷×Ӻͷ½ÖÛ×ӵĹÊÊ¡£ help needed in installing cxterm ¾ÉÊ«ÐÂÎò °ÙºÏÓÖ̸ŮÈË <> 18 test-rush-4 Re: A letter from President Clinton [poem] Seven Restricted: The USA ÊÇÑÛÎÞÐë¿´ Re: ÖÐÎÄ×ÖÓëÖÐÎĵçÄÔ Farewell to Ming History ´óÃ÷СʷͣÔØ ±±¾©¶ù¸è¡¡(Ö®6) RFD: soc.culture.chinese-hanzi moderated Ö£³îÓèÊ«Ñ¡(III) Re: ǧµººþѪ°¸Ð×ÊÖ±»ÇÜ Re: Ö£³îÓèÊ«Ñ¡(I) Re: A letter from President Clinton to the person who ask me about IRC Re: ¡¾¿¼¿¼Äã¡¿1 [talk]ÃæÏàÖ®ÔÙ¿³ Re: ÖÐÎÄ×ÖÓëÖÐÎĵçÄÔ Re: ǧµººþѪ°¸Ð×ÊÖ£ºÄ±²Æº¦Ãü Re: £ÛÁ÷ÐÐÒôÀÖÊ·£Ý£º¡¡Èðµä°£²ªÑݳª×é ÌÆɽ¶ù¸è Re: л·½ÖÛ×Ó hztty-1.10-linux-p1.tgz uploaed to sunsite, Re: Àîºé¿í£½ other names! Re: to the person who ask me about IRC Re: ǧµººþѪ°¸Ð×ÊÖ±»ÇÜ Re: ëÔ󶫵ĵÚÈý´ú´«ÈË¡ª¡ªÃ«ÐÂÓ£±£© Re: ¡¾¿¼¿¼Äã¡¿1 Ìì½ò¶ù¸è ÎÒËùÏòÍù¹ýµÄ¹ÃÄï ×îÐÂÏûÏ¢ ǧµººþ°¸ÇéÓнøÕ¹ [ÿÈÕÒ»Çú] Ò¦ìÝ Journal of Consultation Service, 9404c ËĶξ­ÎÄ£¬Ñ§ÎÊ£¿ Re: ³ѸµÄÎÄÕ Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v40100: ====================================== The following index file in Chinese re:»Æ"Ó©Ó©": Èð®×ÔÓÉ ÂíÀïÀ¼College Park µØÇøס·¿ Re: ÉÙÄêʱ´úµÄÒ»Ê׸衣¡£¡£ Re: x±¿ÈËggµÄ¡¡âÐÅþ} can you read this? (HELATH) all-citizen health insurance È«Ìå¹úÃñ½¡¿µ±£ÏÕ Re: Ïļ¾»Ø¹ú»úƱ Journal of Consultation Service, 9404c Re: ÉÙÄêʱ´úµÄÒ»Ê׸衣¡£¡£ Re: »ÆÓ©Ó©£ºÈð®×ÔÓÉ ´ÈÉþ°®Ë÷4/21 Re: Ò²¡¡ÖÍ¡õ} Èý´ó¼ÍÂÉ°ËÏî×¢Òâ Èý´ó¼ÍÂÉ°ËÏî×¢Òâ £ô£å£ó£ô£­£ò£õ£ó£è¡¡ test-rush Re: ·´¶Ô¶ÏÍø Re: ·´¶Ô¶ÏÍø RE: sDI: ` Re: °ÙÄê´óÊ»ëÈçÃÎ:ÌìÏÂ֮δÀ´ ¡ñÆæÎĹ²ÐÀÉÍ¡ñ ×ßÏòÔ¶·½ Re: Farewell to Ming History ´óÃ÷СʷͣÔØ Re: ÑϳÍǧµººþʼþÐ×ÊÖ£¿ Re: A letter from President Clinton [INFO] How to Read Chinese Text on Usenet: FAQ for alt.chinese.text [INFO] Appendix 1 to Alt.Chinese.Text FAQ: Network Rules & Etiquette Re: x±¿ÈËggµÄ¡¡âÐÅþ} test СÌâÄ¿¼´Ð˻شð СÌâÄ¿¼´Ð˻شð ¼ÌÐøÂÒ˵£º£­£© [news] PULITZER½±£¨£á£ò£ô£ó£© Re: help needed in installing cxterm Re: Çó¾È£­£ó£ï£õ£î£ä¡¡£æ£é£ì£å¡¡£æ£ô£ð¡¡£ó£é£ô£å ÊýѧÌâ ¿´ÔÚµ³¹úµÄ·ÝÉÏ£¡ Re: Why can't I Type Chinese in Taiwan's BBS? Help! ëÔ󶫵ĵÚÈý´ú´«ÈË¡ª¡ªÃ«ÐÂÓ£±£© Re: ÖÐÎÄ×ÖÓëÖÐÎĵçÄÔ test a poem [essay] music from paradise [riddles] ÃÕ¼°ÃÕµ× Re: Ò²ÊǶù¸è¶ù¡£¡£¡£ test Re: ÊýѧÌâ Re: Р¼Ó Æ ֮ ×î £Ö Re: Èý´ó¼ÍÂÉ°ËÏî×¢Òâ Re: ¼òÌå/ÕýÌå×Ö Ghost Stories [talk]È̲»×¡ÒªËµ¼¸¾äţʺÆÌ ·½ÖÛ×ÓÄÄÀïÈ¥ÁË£¿ ÇóÖú [project]Ô¤¸æ£ºÖÜ×÷ÈË£Á£Â£Ã¼´½«Ìù³ö£¬£ó£ô£á£ù¡¡£ô£õ£î£å£ä Subject: Õ½zµÄÎÊÌâ Re: ±±¾©¶ù¸è ÕÒÈË£º¡¡£õ£í£á£ó£ó¡¡µÄÌïÀÚ ±±¾©¶ù¸è test Re: ǧµººþѪ°¸Ð×ÊÖ±»ÇÜ Li Sao and others ÿÈÕÌìÁ¸ Ñ°Ðì¼á£¬Ç®¾ü Ç°·½´òʤÕÌ Re: ¹¥Ì¨Ö®²ß!? 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[song]~{P!PD7K#(MTZDcIm1_~}[just for fun] Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v40300: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese [HELP]~{GkGsIbCb~} Re: ~{L(MeR*1#;$:CR0Iz6/No#;2;R*6*VP9z5DA3~} Re: ~{;iG0PTPPN*~}? ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/22 Re: ~{:NN*0YU=#?~} transfer big5 to postscript ? Re: ~{VPNDWVSkVPND5gDT~} RE: No Subject ~{2;D\TYBn=VAK~} Re: A letter from President Clinton [talk]~{4pLlD?WS~} Re: ~{OD<>;X9z;zF1~} Re: ~{OD<>;X9z;zF1~} Re: RE: ~{QO3MG'5::~JB<~PWJV#?~} Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) ~{CwTB<8J1SP~} ~{CwTB<8J1SP~} ~{CwTB<8J1SP~} Re: ~{ x1?HK g g5DR bPE~} Re: ~{11>)6y8h~} Re: ~{#[AwPPRt@VJ7#]#:!!Hp5d0#2*Q]3*Wi~} Hu1Ran2Xiang3Qi3 [INFO] How to Read Chinese Text on Usenet: FAQ alt.chinese.text [INFO] Appendix 1 to Alt.Chinese.Text FAQ: Net Rules & Etiquette Re: transfer big5 to postscript ? Re: [repost] -- I N S I G H T -- a new magazine, first issue Re: ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}7) Re: A letter from President Clinton ~{Q0HK Re: ~{C+Ts6+5D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn#(#2#)~} ~{JTQi~} Products made in prison ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}4) alt-chinese-text ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}5) RE: ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}5) Re: A Poem of Nalan Xingde Re: ~{0YDj4sJB;kHgCN~}:~{LlOBV.N4@4~} Re: ~{:@QTW3So~} ~{Jv6x2;Ww~} Re: (FILMO) <> Cantonese Ping-Yin Re: Talk: Ancient Prophecies [proposal] ~{=(A"VPNDPBNEH:~} Re: ~{C+Ts6+5D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn#(#3#)~} ~{9XSZO^FZFF08~} ~{5?DnDa?KKI#!~} [talk]~{R2L8O`CfQ'~} ~{C+VmO45D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn~} ~{PBWwF7~}----~{E.IaJX;$Iq~}(2) Re: ~{K-6A9}DOOfR0[E5DNdO@P!K5~}? ~{N?AtVnN;4sWw*~} ~{Q^~} ~{3v2n~} (~{Ay~}) ~{6+7=9JJB~}....~{7GU= ~{6+7=9JJB~}....~{7GU= ~{PBWwF7~}----~{E.IaJX;$Iq~}(3) R;JT ~{6+7=9JJB~}....~{7GU= ~{6+7=9JJB~}....~{7GU= ~{G'5::~~} Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) [talk]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#4#)~} ~VPND [prose] sunshine in Autumn Re: test Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} ~{Bm@o@<~}College Park ~{5XGxW!7? Re: test ~{;y6==L~} Re: test tesyt Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} Re: ~{:@QTW3So~} Story Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} Re: ~{;y6==L~} Can use Spterm's transfer utility. RE: Re: ~{}D*TYJT~} Re: ~{G'5::~JB<~~} Corrections to My Yesterday's Post Prose: Get Promoted Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) ~~{9z>|!"0BTK!"Cq8h#(~~}Re: ~~{H}4sH#-#s#o#u#n#d# #f#i#l#e# #f#t#p# #s#i#t#e~} ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/23 UwLy3BJg;*5D#<##> Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) test ~{C+Ts6+5D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn#(#3#)~} nice songs ~{FdK|6y8h~} ~Re: ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}6) Re: ~{C+Ts6+5D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn#(#3#)~} (none) Re: ~{K9MAK9Cq~} Northern Lights No.5 (HZ version) Re: ~{VPNDJ%>-#f#o#r!!#u#n#i#x~} Re: ~{?M6AM~K9?5PA~} ~{0Y:O~},Could you shut up? RE: ~{QO3MG'5::~JB<~PWJV#?~} Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 ~{UR9X::F=~} about thousand-lake crime ~{Mu=pM$#;Tx>M6ASZBm@g@84sQ'~} Re: ~{11>)6y8h~} better economy ~{SkGXQtILH6~} test Re: ~{C?HULlA8~} MUD HELP ~{VPNDJ%>-#f#o#r!!#u#n#i#x~} Re: A letter from President Clinton ~{4S1>H:?44sB==LS}5DP'9{~} ~{V#3nSh5DJ+~} Re: ~{IqV]7g2J~} Re: ~{Mx7g:CW*#!:C5C:!!%~}} Re: ~{@n:i?m#=~} other names! Re: ~{J}Q'Lb~} A complete guide to FTP easy to use Chinese Softwares Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} China will be on Internet (fwd) Re: ~{ x1?HK g g5DR bPE~} (fwd) Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 RE: Spterm transfer. Re: help on chinese post viewing ~{Da?KKI#v#s!0F=LlOB!1~}Re: ~{Jv6x2;Ww~} Please help me type chinese Please help me type chinese Re: ~{Gk=L~} ~{@O7rAD7"IYDj?q~} ~{@O7rAD7"IYDj?q~} ~{F@!64sB=Ig;a5DVVVV9VOs!7~} Re: ~{G'5::~Q*08PWJV#:D12F:&C|~} Help - cxterm-11.5.1 installation problem: 'gid' undefined HELP! I can only access VMS machines Punish criminals severely [talk]~{O^FZFF08~} Re: ~{L(MeQP>?Ky?~} ~{3uQ'U'A7~} Re: ~{927K>MJG927K~} [~{C?HUR;Gz~}] ~{BmVBT6~} ~{T=5wLl>;I3~} ~{GoK<~} shi4 [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}5) Re: ~{NwI3J2C4@4WE#? RE: ALT-CHINESE-TEXT digest 2112 ~{PPB7HK2;A5#A#C#T~} Re: A letter from President Clinton ~{Q0HKFtJ>#(Oc8[#)~} Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 ~{MF13M<#?UyB[PBLbD?!#~} Re: ~{L(MeR*1#;$:CR0Iz6/No#;2;R*6*VP9z5DA3~} Re: ~{L(MeR*1#;$:CR0Iz6/No#;2;R*6*VP9z5DA3~} ~{11>)4sHK8h~} [music] ~{ÍõÅÆ~} The Ace of Base ~{P!7IO@@4PE~} Re: ~{L(MeR*1#;$:CR0Iz6/No#;2;R*6*VP9z5DA3~} Re: ~{SkGXQtILH6~} ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/24 [Repost] music from paradise Reasons not to be a christian ( I am not sinful.) Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v40500: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese RE: A complete guide to FTP easy to use Chinese Softwares Re: [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: ~{927K>MJG927K~} [HELP] Technical Translation.... Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~Q*08PWJV#:D12F:&C|~~} Re: ~{K9MAK9Cq~} Re: A letter from President Clinton ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} Re: ~{M5Nw9O#-#-V*G`Kf8P~} ~{2;R*3tC@~}!!!!~{2;R*3tC@~}!!!!(II) ~{BhWf3vQ2!!#2#0MrPEM=<7=x4sH';!Q4?4NE*+B451d(/ zwdos Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. (God still love me.) ~{DD@oD\~}ftp~{5=KoWS1x7(Re: ALT-CHINESE-TEXT digest 2117 Re: [proposal] ~{=(A"VPNDPBNEH:~} Re: SimpTerm - A Chinese Terminal for Windows 3.1 No subject Re: Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 No subject Re: zwdos (none) (none) (none) (none) Re: ~{C+Ts6+5D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn#(#2#)~} Re: []~{3$02=VV;Im@9L9?K#,MuN,AV1;4rVBK@~} Re: ~{P!LbD?<4PK;X4p~} my poem World Cup ~{H}J.6xA" Re: ~{Pl|DcCGTZDD@o#?~} Re: ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} Re: ~{Da?KKI#v#s!0F=LlOB!1~}Re: ~{Jv6x2;Ww~} Re: ~{5?DnDa?KKI#!~} Q--Followme (1) Q--Follow me (2) Q--follow me (3) How to Compile Mosaic-2.4 by Using Patch file?? ~{AK=bL(Me~} Re: ~{0YDj4sJB;kHgCN~}:~{LlOBV.N4@4~} [talk] Tragic philosophy and philosophical tragedy (7) - C.C. Test London FA CUP ~{4d@<2hIg~} help! netter in Kansas ~{Q0Nb:#Gm~} TeX/LaTeX package and font for Chinese Chess Role Model [test] ~{½Ð¸õ¹L~} Re: Study in Germany ~{AtQ'TZ5B9z~} Re: [test] ~{½Ð¸õ¹L~} Re: ~{C+Ts6+5D5ZH}4z4+HK!*!*C+PBSn#(#3#)~} Study in Germany ~{AtQ'TZ5B9z~} Re: Study in Germany ~{AtQ'TZ5B9z~} ~{!6<*AV4sQ'J}Q'O5:#MbP#SQM(Q6BMJGS2#:#-#)~} ~{Gk0oVz~} Commercial Ads, Import/Export Re: [prose] sunshine in Autumn [ABC]~{V\WwHK#A#B#C#(6~#)#:MF ~{5@G+<0SP9XImPD5DR;5cG3<{!#~} Re: ~{0Y:O~},Could you shut up? Re: ~{IYDjJ14z5DR;JW8h!#!#!#~} ~{QMK@AK~} Commercial Ads, Import/Export Re: ~{K9MAK9Cq~} ~{H+Mx;FU>#-#-WnPBWJAO~} [Rewrite] Rain windows Re: ~{:@QTW3So~} Re: Re: ~{-!75D#f#t#p~} What is this plane? ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/25 ~{8xL(MeM,Q'LaRb<{#:MxIOWn6qPD5DE#J:JGJ2C4#?NqGkW"Rb#!~} ~{7d;(T95DR;6NNDWV#,4_HK@aOB~} ~{PBMx5DRINJ~}Re: RFD: soc.culture.chinese-hanzi moderated No subject [yellow] ~{;F5@CG8O=tH%H!~} sexstory.tar.Z in Re: ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} Re: ~{8xL(MeM,Q'LaRb<{#:MxIOWn6qPD5DE#J:JGJ2C4#?NqGkW"Rb#!~} [joke.x] Bedroom Golf's rules Re: [HELP] Technical Translation Re: ~{L(Me5D>-|R;V=V5G'Mr~} (1/3) Re: ~{4S1>H:?44sB==LS}5DP'9{~} [song] Re: ~{71~} ~{&~} The Third Moon Later, Rain and Wind Are Raging [talk]~{R2L8Da?IKI~} ~{R2JG6y8h6y!#!#!# ~{>EKDJ@=g1-WcGrH|HU3L1m~} [joke] ~{?UDQ~} Taiwanese jetline crashed in Japan To ~{GXQt~} : ~{Ub;X2;JG33<\5D~}. Re: ~{G'5::~Q*08PWJV#:D12F:&C|~} Re: Reasons not to be a Christian. ( God still love me.) How can I read the text in this group? Re: ~{L(MeQP>?Ky?|R;V=V5G'Mr~} (2/3) [mist] I did not know ~{2Q@"~} Re: ~{FdK|6y8h~} ~Re: ~{11>)6y8h!!~}(~{V.~}6) Re: zwdos RE:bible~{97F(2;M( RE:RE:~{VP9z5D5XSrFgJS Re: ~{Hg:NTD6AUbP)MH:?44sB==LS}5DP'9{~} ~{SP9X;*:=HU1>?UDQ~} Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} Re: ~{#[AwPPRt@VJ7#]#:!!Hp5d0#2*Q]3*Wi~} ~{SP8PSZ7IAzOHIzL8?mH]~} Re: [TALK] ~{N0HK~}To Armida Re: ~{ x1?HK g g5D bPE~ Re: ~{ x1?HK g g5D bPE~ [talk]~{KEBJd4sH+!?~}1 ~{!>GaKIJ1?L!?~} Reasons not to be a christian ( the God, well... ) Re: Re:~{L(6@SPJ2C42;:C#?~} Re: (FILMO) <> !m(/|DcCGTZDD@o#?~} Re: ~{8xL(MeM,Q'LaRb<{#:MxIOWn6qPD5DE#J:JGJ2C4#?NqGkW"Rb#!~} Re: ~{?UDQ~} Taiwanese jetline crashed in Japan .gb [erotica story] ~{C@|YE.5w=L~} [1] IRC #hanzi rules ~{#I#R#C::WVF55@9fTr~} Help! Big5 - Hz ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/23 Re: ~{K9MAK9Cq~} [sum]~{8x7=V[WS5DR;7]:q@q#:!0V[Q'O5AP!1H}:OR;~} (none) Re: [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: ~{SP9X4+M3~} what kind of code is this? Diamond Sutra(3)~{=p8U>-#(#3#)~} Wu2 Ti2 Re: ~{8xL(MeM,Q'LaRb<{#:MxIOWn6qPD5DE#J:JGJ2C4#?NqGkW"Rb#!~} ~{#<#<2<7(B^HK#>#>Uw8eFtJB ~{SC~} GNUS ~{TZ~} GNUEMACS ~{@o6APBNEU_GkW"Rb~} ~{WcGr0.:CU_CGGkW"Rb~} Re: [prediction]~{T$QT~} Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v40700: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese Re: [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: [MISC]~{7VMxR2:C~} Re: Bible,~{97F(2;M(!#~} Help: how to remove KC60? ~{C?HULlA8~} ~{C?HULlA8~} Re: [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: [erotica story] ~{C@!uE.5w=L~} [1] Re: ~{R2JG6y8h6y!#!#!# Re: ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} Re: Re: ~{#(Q!WTG.VSJi#<##>#) [kiddie song] ~{11>)6y8h~} Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} ~{!!!!;z;YHKMv!*!*VP;*:=?U#1#4#00`;zTZHU1>C{9EN];z3!W9;Y~} RE. Biblee Re: ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} RE:Bible Re: ~{1#C\7@5}~}, ~{HKHKSPTp~} Fu-Dan E.E.->87 , where are you? Re: ~{R2JG6y8h6y!#!#!# ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/26 Re: RE. Biblee test BLACK DAY OF BEAUTY REPOST WHO IS LYING? 1/3 REPOST WHO IS LYING? 2/3 SUBVERSION & INSTABILITY REPOST WHO IS LYING? 3/3 ~{;*:=?UDQ~}: ~{W*TXWTVPI=4sQ'J11(WJQ6~} Twins Baseball Game ~{HKDX#?KD4(HKDX#?DDH%AK#?~} Re: chinese fonts my [prediction]~{T$QT~} Re: ~{R2!!VM!u~}} ~{SIT$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} Re: ~{SIT$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} Re: ~{SIT$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} [help]~{N*:N7{:E~} ~ ~{1d3IAK~} % ? Nyx and hli, 2 suggestion Re: Bible ~{SPH$5D;y6==LM=!#~} ~{C?HULlA8~} ~{C?HULlA8~} ~{C?HULlA8~} ~{C?HULlA8~} Re: ~{L(MeV)Vk:M4sB=V)Vk~} RE: ~{:tSu7VMx~} ~{8q@-K98gQ'A*M(Q6!!5ZH}FZ~} ~{VP;*:=?U;zW9Bd~} .gb ~{Hg:NTD6AUbP)M|R;V=V5G'Mr~} (2/3)y Re: Bible,~{97F(2;M(!#~} Re: ~{7IPPR)-B~L8 #(#1#)~} ~{J%>-B~L8 #(#2#)~} [follow]~{VP9zIg;aV.9VOs~} ~{!>V[Sv!?!*#b#y9EF=~} ~{#I#R#C::WV9fTrNdO@!?7gTF!%!%TY<{N^C{#,:N4&Q0#?~} ~{;-#:HKT<;F;h:s#-#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~} ~{NdO@P!K5#-#-7gTFV.TY<{N^C{#(#4#7#)~} Re: ~{2;R*3tC@~}!!!!~{2;R*3tC@~}!!!!(II) Re: ~{1?HK~}~{g g5DR~}~{bPE ~{PB?V.KD#:P9K=:^#,2i={:i?m5ZH}8vUK:E#!~}ban on IRC Re: [talk]~{R2L8Da?IKI~} Re: Bible,~{97F(2;M(!#~} Re: ~{SVR;CU#:4sA%~} a supplement to the last words from Zhouzi ~{TYK5<8>d~} Re: [MISC]·ÖÍøÒ²ºÃ ~{;-#:O&Qt:MIYE.#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~}(repost) ~{;-#:K.VP;(#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~}(repost) ~{;-#:FOLQ#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~} ~{;-#:IzC|#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~} ~{;-#:3?#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~} Re: ~{!>NdO@!?7gTF!%!%TY<{N^C{#,:N4&Q0#?~} ~{NdO@P!K5#-#-7gTFV.TY<{N^C{#(#4#8#)~} ~{NdO@P!K5#-#-7gTFV.TY<{N^C{#(#4#9#)~} ~{NdO@P!K5#-#-7gTFV.TY<{N^C{#(#5#0#)~} ~{NdO@P!K5#-#-7gTFV.TY<{N^C{#(#5#1#)~} ~{NdO@P!K5#-#-7gTFV.TY<{N^C{#(#5#2#)~} [Help]~{GkMF-#(#4#)~} Re: [Dr Hu Shih]~{OP;0:zJJ#(#1#-#4#)~} Re: ~{;y6==L~}~{:M~}~{B_<-~} ~{O2O2~} ~{IyCw~} Comments on Mr. He's performance ~{#B#E#Y#O#N#D #P#E#A#C#E~} Re: ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} Re: ~{#I#R#C::WV9fTr-B~L8 #(#1#)~} [talk]~{6~J.J@|R;V=V5G'Mr#-Wv7O~} Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} I WAS A 6.4 BYSTANDER Re: ~{0Y:O~},Could you shut up? Re: ~{;y6==L~}~{:M~}~{B_<-~} (none) Q follow me (4) ~{4s/J@:cQT~} ~{L(116y8h~} RE: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} ~{#b#u#n#d#y5DE.6y3$5D2;4m~} Re: ~{5B9z5D4sQ'EEC{~} green card lottary No subject Re: [Q & HELP] How to insrtall Chinese fonts on Mac? Re: ~{M44rBdK.97~}was~{J%>-B~L8 (#1#)~} Re: Study in Germany ~{AtQ'TZ5B9z~} HELP WANTED ~{C?HULlA8~} [talk]~{IO5[5DB_<-~} Re: ~{;y6==L~}~{:M~}~{B_<-~} ~{#B#E#Y#O#N#D #P#E#A#C#E~} .gb New Sensible Poetrys (none) [Essay]~{|R;V=V5G'Mr~} (3/3) ~{TuQyTZ~}SUN STATION ~{IO?4VPNDO{O"#?~} Re:~{3I6EBJd4sH+!?~}1 Re: ~{#[AwPPRt@VJ7#]#:!!Hp5d0#2*Q]3*Wi~} JTA7R;0Q Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} Re: ~{R2L80\;5VP9zSoQTNDWV~} [LiangQiChao]~{:zJJB[A:Ft3,~} Re: ~{4pP&7I6T#I#R#C::WVF55@5DRINJ~} [talk]~{7=V[QP>?V.KD#:P9K=:^#,2i={:i?m5ZH}8vUK:E#!~}ban on IRC [talk]~{7=V[QP>?V.KD#:P9K=:^#,2i={:i?m5ZH}8vUK:E#!~}ban on IRC Re: ~{V[Sv!?!*#b#y9EF=~} result for 1994 Invitation Tournament(Paris) of FCSSC CAC Re: Comments on Mr. He's performance [talk]~{>HMx~} Re: Bible,~{97F(2;M(!#~} Re: ~{4pSQHK~} Re: ~{4pSQHK~} Re: ~{H}J.6xA" Re: ~{#B#E#Y#O#N#D #P#E#A#C#E~} Re: ~{#B#E#Y#O#N#D #P#E#A#C#E~} Re: Comments on Mr. He's performance .gb article: Our Common Daydreams ~{VN;FVN;4~} Reasons not to be a Christian. ~{TSND~} Re: [talk]~{>HMx~} ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!#(#2#) ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!#(#3#) ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!#(#4#) ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD ~{VX#!4s#!?FQ'PB7"OV~} ~{#[T$8f#]7=4sDoCGK?V.Ne#:<4=+3vA}~} ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!~}...... test [TALK] ~{TSND~} test [talk]~{6~J.J@M#I#R#C={HKGk=L2;0\<0FdK{#1#1N;9\@mT1~} Re: Last words from Zhouzi ~{7=V[WSWn:s5D;0~} ~{4pSQHK~} Re: ~{PBJVV8DO~}(Was: ~{Hg:NTD6AUbP)M!"!"!"!"~} ~{#[O{G2#]C,6\J+~} [TALK]Ethnic_Minorities_27(~{KD4(;XWeV.6~~}) ~{>/J@:cQT~} Re: If Yesterday Once More Re: Can use Spterm's transfer utility. test$(B;n83(B ~{T$QTK5!#~} ~{9':XF&WSPVI}9[Vw!#~} ~{IO5[:MJ/M7~} for the lonely boys Lao3 Xiang1 Lao3 Xiang1 (repost) ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!#(#1#) ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/28 ~{0WDoWS5D9JJB!!!!!!!!!!9E!!F=~} ~{C?HULlA8~} Christ Re: Rank list German Univ. ~{5B9z5D4sQ'EEC{~} Re: [MISC]~{7VMxR2:C~} ~{@45cLeS}O{O"Hg:N#?~} ~{:xJV2;R*=hLb7";SAK#!R*Bn>MU>3v@4K5Ge3~~} ~{2]]QHKC|5D;*:=~}!!! CD for music fans ~{JTQi~} ~{;XTxUQVG~} Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v41000: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese Re: [MISC]~{7VMxR2:C~} Re: ~{J%>-B~L8~} ~{#(#1#)~} Re: ~{4pSQHK~}~{#-9Xl6B_<-~} Re: ~{;y6==L5DNJLb~} Re: ~{BL?(3iG)C;SPVP9z4sB=~} Re: ~{4pSQHK~} Re: ~{#[T$8f#]7=4sDoCGK?V.Ne#:<4=+3vA}~} Re: ~{#[T$8f#]7=4sDoCGK?V.Ne#:<4=+3vA}~} .gb [erotica story] ~{C@|YE.5w=L~} [2] Re: [talk]~{6AJi<0FdK{~} Re:~{WZ=LSk?FQ'#,!!8x@KHK#-#-#-#-#-2Y8g~} test only Re: ~{!>V[Sv!?!*#b#y9EF=~} Re: ~{7IPPR)u5C!07IAz!16qPD ~{4s|!/O5AP3)OzJi~} I-Ching ~{RW>-FF=b#?~} Chinese wordprocessor ~{N^AD~} ~{N^AD~} KC Re: Christ Re: ~{SPH$5D;y6==LM=!#~} Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} Re: To ~{GXQt~} : ~{Ub;X2;JG33<\5D~}. Re: ~{0Y:O~},Could you shut up? PROPOSAL and RFD: Creating chinese.* hierarchy ~{K5C!Bn~} Re: ~{K5K5QGV^9CDo#!#!#!#!#!#!#!~} Re: [Q & HELP] How to insrtall Chinese fonts on Mac? Re: ~{VX#!4s#!?FQ'PB7"OV~} Re: [talk]~{IO5[5DB_<-~} Re: ~{Bm|R;V=V5G'Mr~} (2/3)y Journal of Consultation Service, 9404d [Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(Ne#)~}(5) .gb Sensible Poetrys : A salute for the Youth .gb Question about MFN : for anwsers... .gb More sensible poetrys [TALK] ~{TSND~} .gb Our Wonderful Literature Traditions: ~{4J~} [talk]~{P!RiB_<-~} ~{@zJ75DWoHK#:V\6w@5~} ~{Gs>H~} Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} [talk]~{6~J.J@-B~L8 #(#3#)~} [Joke] ~{In5CFd!6Cn!7~} ~{Hg:NHCB?WS@-D%#?~} Re: ~{O2O2~} Re: ~{6KU}Mx7g#,4S@n:i?m?*56~} Re: Last words from Zhouzi ~{7=V[WSWn:s5D;0~} Re: ~{4pSQHK~} ~{4sR!9v~} Cxterm. ~{L(Me4s8g0o8vC&#:~}Pentium~{VPNDW"2aC{TuC4=2#?~} ~{I1LyWS~} ~{T$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} ~{>M#I#R#C9fTr={HKVB6+7g2;0\5DPE#:L8L8A=8vB)64~} ~{>M#I#R#C9fTr={HKVB6+7g2;0\5DPE#:L8L8A=8vB)64~} ~{=LQ50!#,7=V[WS#!~} ~{J%>-=p>d~} ~{SP8PSZJ/;R!"O~7wOr7=V[WS5@G8~} test1 test2 ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/29 Re: Chinese Desktop Publishing Re: ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD~} Re: ~{Hg:NHCB?WS@-D%#?~} Journal of Consultation Service, 9404d Re: ~{K5K5QGV^9CDo#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!Re: ALT-CHINESE-TEXT digest 2159 Re: ~{K5K5QGV^9CDo#!#!#!3d7]1mOVAKVw9[Sk2;AK=b~}! Life and Functional Optimization Chinese Desktop Publishing mainland news ~{GkLa9)PEO"~} Re: ~{;y6==L5DNJLb~} [lyric] ~{@6I+5DCN~} Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} [letter] to Sanyee from Zhouzi [letter] to Sanyee from Zhouzi [joke.x] Bedroom Golf's Rules Help needed. Can't read BIG5 with cxterm. Re: [talk]~{6AJi<0FdK{~} [Novel]~{!>N'3G!?5ZF_UB5Z6~2?7V~} Re: Reasons not to be a christian ( the God, well... ) [talk] ~{9XSZ=x2=VP9z~} Re: ~{T$QTK5!#~} [Joke] ~{An~} Re: Testing Re: ~{03~} ~{TY~} ~{Ly~} ~{R;~} ~{0Q~} ~{JT~} ~{JT~} [talk]~{TYRiB_<-~} [proposal] ~{=(A"6@A"!"U8PB5DVPNDPBNEH:~} chinese.* hierarchy .gb Sensible Poetrys : A Memmory of Our Country [talk]~{6~J.J@M#I#R#C9fTr={HKVB6+7g2;0\5DPE#:L8L8A=8vB)64~} Re: ~{>M#I#R#C9fTr={HKVB6+7g2;0\5DPE#:L8L8A=8vB)64~} Re: ~{G'5: ~}~{4pHNNRPP~} [dirt]~{7=V[WS5DSCPD:NTZ#?~}Mr. Fang is lying ~{CV@UW*M@7r#?#:#-#)~} Re: ~{L(Me4s8g0o8vC&#:~}Pentium~{VPNDW"2aC{TuC4=2#?~} Re: ~{L(Me4s8g0o8vC&#:~}Pentium~{VPNDW"2aC{TuC4=2#?~} ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} Chines Code ~{CXC\Ll5X~} ~{CXC\Ll5X~} Re: ~{0YDj4sJB;kHgCN~}:~{LlOBV.N4@4~} Re: More about Creating a New Newsgroup Talk: Net Xi1 Fang1 Bu4 Shi2 Xiang4 Re: ~{;*:=?UDQV.CU~} ~{UfJGR;>0~} ~{N*I+#!~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} RE: ~{5y~} [talk]~{TYRiB_<-~} ~{4p@O7rOHIzN=:i?mSk2;0\N*5PV.K5~} ~{C?HULlA8~} (none) Re: ~{5gJS#:9E4zJ@=g5DCU#:G'9EN^=b~} ~{#[#i#a#7#3#]9XSZ###h#a#n#z#i<0#a#c#t~} Re: Last Words from Zhouzi Re: [talk]~{6~J.J@#>~} repost ~{C@Af:MK}5DCCCC~}+ picture ! (1) repost~{C@Af:MK}5DCCCC~}+ Picture !! (2) repost~{C@Af:MK}5DCCCC~}+ Picture !! (3) ~{Q< KL~} ~{Q< KL~} ~{Q< KL~} [talk]~{IzNoD\SkUw7~A&#:GICn5DND;/~} ~{#X<6F@B[#:#R#E#:K5K5QGV]9CDo~} ~{9Xl6#i#r#c!-!-~} [talk]~{5AV.5@~} SimpTerm and File transfer (Was Re: Can use Spterm's transfer utilit ~{WZ=L:MUQ'!#~} [talk]~{d~} [TALK] [lyric] ~{Dc5DQ[Iq~} Re: [talk]~{5AV.5@~} Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 Re: RE. Biblee Re: ~{UwLy3BJg;*5D#<##>~} none .gb ~{NR5D5ZR;UE4sWV1(~} Re: ~{G'5:~}:~~JB<~~} Re: ~{T$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} mainland news Re: ~{NR5D5ZR;UE4sWV1(~} fonts [song] ~{=PDcR;Iy#m#y!!#l#o#v#e~} ~{;*:=?UDQV.CU~} ~{795:0.NeTB7]Dj@z#(V.R;#)~} ~{795:0.NeTB7]Dj@z#(V.6~#)~} Re: ~{!>V[Sv!?!*#b#y9EF=~} test Re: ~{X$0o0oVm#:~} Re: ~{!>V[Sv!?!*#b#y9EF=~} Re: [song] A letter from China RE: ~{L(Me4s8g0o8vC&#:~}Pentium~{VPNDW"2aC{TuC4=2#?~} ~{4SNB8g;*5=NwQEM<~} ~{3UFEWS4+#(Ne#)~}(5) ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/30 Re:~{67#!67#!67~} Weather in Beijing and Shanghai Re: test only ~{7=V[WSW_G0OW3s#,R;>0!#~} Re: ~{>/J@:cQT~} ~{Ge;*P#Gl~}. ~{2;BW2;@`5D=LM=HCHK6qPD!#~} Re: ~{K5K5QGV^9CDo#!#!#!3d7]1mOVAKVw9[Sk2;AK=b~}! ~{#B#E#Y#O#N#D #P#E#A#C#E~} ~{0!#,IO5[#,NRJGDc0V0V#!~}was Re: ~{;XTxUQVG~} Re: ~{SP8PSZJ/;R!"O~7wOr7=V[WS5@G8~} ~{;3DnU=SQchfn#-chfn>I8h~} Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v41200: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese ~{@O8h#-;3DnU=SQ~} A STATEMENT FROM THE OPS OF IRC #HANZI CHANNEL Re: RE. Biblee Re: Reasons not to be a c ~{>x2;JG5G;y~} Re: ~{T$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} <> di 19 qi ~{;X!0R;J1!1OHIz~} Re: ~{Ge;*P#Gl~}. ~{K-SP~}"Careless Whisper" ~{5D8h4J#?~} Re: ~{9Xl6#i#r#c!-!-~} ~{K-SP~}"Careless Whisper" ~{5D8h4J#?~} Re: ~{Ge;*P#Gl~}. Re: [talk]~{TYRiB_<-~} Re: ~{0!#,IO5[#,NRJGDc0V0V#!~}was Re: ~{;XTxUQVG~} Re:~{0W~} ~{HU~} ~{CN~} Re: ~{L(Me4s8g0o8vC&#:~}Pentium~{VPNDW"2aC{TuC4=2#?~} Testing Twin Bridge, ~{V$Cw(g~} ~{OB~} ~{!#~} ~{;X!0R;J1!1OHIz .gb ~{!.IB>|!/O5AP3)OzJi~} Re: [Novel]~{!>N'3G!?5ZF_UB5Z6~2?7V~} Re: ~{0YDj4sJB;kHgCN~}:~{LlOBV.N4@4~} .gb ~{K533<\~} ~{N*:NW*5CUbQy@C#?~} ~{4HI~0.Kw~}5/1 chinese word processing software [TALK]~{;y6==L~} ~{#R#E#:~}"[~{TFK.9[Vw~}]"~{#X<6F@B[#:#R#E#:K5K5QGV]9CDo#!#!#!#!#!#! [TALK] ~{;y6==L~} Re: ~{N*:NW*5CUbQy@C#?~} q Here Comes the Thinker (3) Re: test1 ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} Gs!!7h!!FEWS!!H+0!#~} ~{TYRi!0R;J1!15DB_<-~} Re: ~{4sR!9v~} test Re: none Re: [prize]~{7"=1#,7"#!~} ~{HKCq=b7E>|#-?U>|#,7I;zEEAP ~{HKCq=b7E>|#-?U>|#,7I;zEEAP ~{9XSZA=8vHK;9JGR;8vHK Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v41300: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese ~{WZ=LTSNJ~} ~{92Ri9zJBJi~} ~{5C@m2;HCHK re ~{L@K>An~} [ShengMing]~{:VPb5DIyCw~} ~{SDD,R;Tr~} ~{92Ri9zJBJi~} ~{92Ri9zJBJi~} [talk]~{92Ri9zJBJi~} Re: [news]~{UESq7o?X8fC+Ts6+#:PTI&HE~}Paula Jones accuses Bill Clint ~{2;PEVP;*;=2;;X~} Re: ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!~}...... ~{PB:SWn:s5DODLl~} Re: ~{7=V[WSW_G0OW3s#,R;>0!#~} Re: ~{E>EO{:.~} ~{N^C{JOGzR;JW~} ~{11>)6y8h~} (8) xingxing system 4.1 About anon service ~{0.~} ~{4w5BIzP!4+~} Re: <> di 19 qi ~{11>)6y8h~} (9) q [talk]~{R2@44U<8>d?FQ'#a#b#c#(#1#)~} ~{LlNJ~} Re: ~{>EKDJ@=g1-WcGrH|HU3L1m~} Re: ~{I1HK@2~}, ~{2;5CAK~}, ~{K{DLDL5D~} Re: ~{N*I6UR2;5=K{CG#?~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~} ~{Q0!!V\V>:l!!P;!!KU~} Re: Reasons not to be a c Re: green card lottary Re: ~{P!7IO@TYU==-:~~} Re: More about Creating a New Newsgroup ~{:I;(~} Re: ~{:l:"6y3TAKDL?ZS2#?~} ~{#t#e#x~} ~{URHK#!#(GkTZ5B9z5D8gCG0oC&#!#)~} X Chinese editor without cxterm. ~{11>)6y8h~} (10) Re: ~{>E>EO{:.~} [PUZZLE]~{H}9z!"K.d0!":lB%HKC{CU~} LW9402-HZ .gb re: FACT in Our Common Dreams Re: ~{P!7IO@TYU==-:~~} [poem] ~{Wm>F8h~} ~{#J#P#G# #a#n#d# #G#L# #F#i#l#e#s chinese fonts FAX machine question! Announcement Re: ~{#J#P#G# #a#n#d# #G#L# #F#i#l#e#s ~{L(MeQ[VP5D4sB=~} Re: ~{7=V[WSW_G0OW3s#,R;>0!#~} Re: ~{11>)6y8h~}(10) [prose] ~{P48x114sP#Gl~} by ~{=`1y~} table of chinese characters ~{xP!P!4J~} AIR TICKET .gb An improved version of ~{4J~} tuning part Re: ~{#t#e#x~} Re: namese refugees ~{T=DODQCq~} ~{5gDT;-#:CN#-#-#-F?6yWw~} ~{GsVz~} ~{Q0URUc4s#8#0<6;zP5O5P#SQ~} How can I use twin to view this group? ~{;X~}:~{8x~}Clinton~{5DPE~} Re: ~{Ge;*P#Gl~}. ~{K3?ZAoR;Tr~} Re: Wu2 Ti2 [essay] Hang Zhou ~{NeKD74K<~} ~{NRL}5=5D!0>E>EO{:.!1~} [ABC]~{V\WwHK#A#B#C:EMbV.R;#:K-Ok05I1V\WwHK#?~}who shot Zhou? ~{NeKD~} HELP: ~{TuQy?4!!!##g#l!!ND<~~} How to translate "Hello world"? Re: ~{NRL}5=5D!0>E>EO{:.!1~} Re: Western Joke #18 fengyun(53) fengyun(54) Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v41400: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese fengyun(55) fengyun(57) fengyun(58) fengyun(56) Re: [ABC]~{V\WwHK#A#B#CV.KD#:Sk3B6@PcUy8vHKKvK{5D73DU#!~} ~{114sP#Gl~} Re: X Chinese editor without cxterm. ~{R;>E6~>E~} ~{O#@0>+Iq~{ ~{W/WSDZF*ePR#SN5ZR;~} Re: ~{SP8PSZJ/;R!"O~7wOr7=V[WS5@G8~} Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} zwdos how do I view the Chinese characters on the net. ~{O#@0>+Iq#(6~#)~} Test Re: Last words from Zhouzi ~{7=V[WSWn:s5D;0~} Re: [talk]~{5AV.5@~} ~{PE=L5DWTSI:M4+=L5DWTSI!#~} ~{O#@0>+Iq#(PxMj#)~} [Seminar]~{#A#s#a#n#t#eW\2CL88_?F<<44R5~} Re: [essay] Hang Zhou ~{MrD\84VF;z~} Re: [prose] ~{P48x114sP#Gl~} by ~{=`1y~} Re: [prose] ~{P48x114sP#Gl~} by ~{=`1y~} Help, ~{GsVz~}: ~{SP9XRR8N5D8_<{~} Help, ~{GsVz~}: ~{SP9XRR8N5D8_<{~} Re: How to translate "Hello world"? Chinese Bible Software.... Re: ~{114sP#Gl~} Re: ~{114sP#Gl~} ~{PBJV>4@O#-#-P&V.L8#(4pSQ#)~} [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(H}#)~}(3) viewer for .gl (1) viewer for .gl (2) viewer for .gl (3) Re: [prose] ~{P48x114sP#Gl~} by ~{=`1y~} Letter from U.S. Dept. of Justice on 90-day issue Problem of view Chinese on HP work station gl.exe ~{5DSCM>~}? RE:~{PE=L5DWTSI:M4+=L5DWTSI Info on Round Trip Tickets to and from Hong Kong Needed Re: ~{MrD\84VF;z~} ~{?FQ'Sk;y6=5D1H=O~}Re:~{TYRi!0R;J1!15DB_<-~} repost: 2/10 repost: 1/10 repost 3/10 repost: 4/10 repost: 5/10 repost: 6/10 repost: 7/10 repost: 8/10 repost: 9/10 ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} ~{R;?C?*;(5DJw~} ~{P&V.L8!!P^8D0f~} test p [poem] ~{>CN%AK#,P!I=~} ~{!0BI!15DF4Rt~}lyu ~{4pSQ~} ~{>IHUJ19b~} ~{03=PHNHY#,=q6yJG5ZR;4NIOMx~} What are your guys talking about? Re:~{P48x114sP#Gl~} by ~{=`1y~} Re: [essay] Hang Zhou Re: ~{>IHUJ19b~} Re: ~{7gTF6AU_#:0oVz~}GORDON~{PV=b>vK{5D73DU#!~} ~{URHK~} Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} ~{Q0HnCN%AK#,P!I=~} ~{Q0HKFtJ>#:UR2;9b~} help wanted for a seires question Re: [PUZZLE]~{H}9z!"K.d0!":lB%HKC{CU~} [REPOST] ~{O#@0>+Iq~} Re: [poem] ~{>CN%AK#,P!I=~} ~{JTQi~} [ABC]~{V\WwHK#A#B#CV.Ne#:3TA&2;LV:C5DKG*:2S)R Re: ~{7gTF6AU_#:0oVz~}GORDON~{PV=b>vK{5D73DU#!~} Re: Home Made 3D Pic ~{A"LeM<~} ~{JGAu0n;9JGMuBW#?#-#-#-#-=R?*7=V[WS5DUfCfD?~} [essay] pure happy ~{W/WSDZF*FkNoB[5Z6~~~} re ~{K-SP~}George Michael "Careless Wisper" ~{5D8h4J~}? help Re: chinese word processing software Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v41500: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese Re: What are your guys talking about? ~{GkNq1XR*?4#,8oC|T*@OP!7IO@Gs>H~} ~{4sB=5DVX5c4sQ'~} ~{P48x114sP#Gl~} ~{4p4sA%#:#a#n#6#9#2#1#3M,V>~}Re: ~{K5C!Bn~} Re: ~{L@K>An~} [Novel]~{!>N'3G!?5ZF_UB5ZH}2?7]~} ~{114sHK Re: How to translate "Hello world"? ~{NJLb~} ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=; [PUZZLE] ~{A:SpIzQP>?~} ~{TYSk!0R;J1!1L=LV ~{4HI~0.Kw~}5/3 ~{4HI~0.Kw~}5/4 Q Follow Me ( 6 ) (none) Q Follow Me (1 - 6) 23 Please use English to Re: ~{8xL(MeM,Q'LaRb<{#:MxIOWn6qPD5DE#J:JGJ2C4#?NqGkW"Rb#!~} Re: xingxing system 4.1 [help] : answer for the viewer (file format .gl) Re: ~{5gDT;-#:C7#-#-#-#b#yF?6y~} repost : [help] reponse for viewer (file format GL) Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} ~{VPND~} OCR Re: ~{9XSZ5gDT;-~}--~{F?6y Re: ~{V;>u5C!07IAz!16qPD!!#(#1#) Re: repost: 1/10 Re: ~{67#!67#!67~} Re: ~{67#!67#!67#!~}Re:~{9Xl6#i#r#c!-!-~} ~{L+L+Q'LC~} ~{AtQ'IzWcGrP-;aBW6X1-1HH|M(V*~} Re: [poem] ~{>CN%AK#,P!I=~} ~{3AK)HKTZE&T<~}) Re: ~{L(111H2;IO11>)~} ~{S&IjGk@M9$?(;9JG#h#-#1!!G)V$#?~} IFCSS JOB PLACEMENT SERVICE (3) pictures---macaws Re: ~{L+L+Q'LC~} test Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} ~{1mQo~} Prase Re: Last words from Zhouzi ~{7=V[WSWn:s5D;0~} No subject [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(R;#)~}(1) [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(6~#)~}(2) Re: How can I use twin to view this group? Journal of Consultation Service 9405a [ABC]~{:EMbV.6~#:V\WwHKJEJ@#2#7V\DjBmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} Re: ~{7=V[WSW_G0OW3s#,R;>0!#~} BONE MARROW DONOR NEEDED Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~} [song] ~{D\SP<84NUbQy5D0.~} Re: ~{8xL(MeM,Q'LaRb<{#:MxIOWn6qPD5DE#J:JGJ2C4#?NqGkW"Rb#!~} Job Hunting Advice, too Fonts not found when running Mosaic-2.4-l10n.0.cjk, Help! ~{7=V_WR;g5/ Re: ~{L(111H2;IO11>)~} An open letter to the Presidents of CSSA nation-wide Re: ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/26 ~{SP8P=`1ySkJ3LC~} Re:[puzzle]~{H}9zCU~} ~{W/WSDZF*QxIzVw5ZH}~} Re: repost: 1/10 [pictures] ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfM+IqN[H> Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=; [~{C?HUR;Gz~}] ~{Mu5BPE~} ~{VPB@J.6~TBR"Cq8h~} ~{1pGi~} [memory]~{DLDL~} [bass fishing]~{B+Sc#(6~#)~} ~{7(9zHK:M97~} Re: ~{TD6A#h#z:M#b#i#g#-#5~} Re: ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/26 Re: ~{114sP#Gl~} [pictures] ¹¬ÔóÀí»ÝµÄ¾ÅÕÅдÕæͼƬ a question about ftp. Re:~{B+Sc#(6~#)~} ~{B_<-SkIO5[~} Re: [pictures] ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfM cmsg cancel ~{114sP#Gl~} Please tell me what is this. [Bass Fishing]~{B+Sc#(H}#)~} Re: ~{9zSo~}/~{FUM(;0~} (~{11>)HKTZE&T<~}) re conference Find My firned ! ~{TD6A#h#z:M#b#i#g#-#5~} Looking for *.IME files for Chinese Windows - Pinyin input! Re: repost: 1/10 Re: ~{SIT$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} Re: ~{TYSk!0R;J1!1L=LV [Bass Fishing]~{B+Sc#(H}#)~} Re: [pictures] ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfM6#?~} law: use it or lose it ( Re: An open letter to the Presidents of CS Re: ~{+Iq~{ Re: [memory]~{DLDL~} Re: How can I use twin to view this group? .novel. memorial Thanks for the help of twin. Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} Re: ~{;y6==L5DNJLb~} ~{C;I6#!~} ~{BW6X1-PBNE#(R;#)~} ~{4s9zV.;j~} ~{5ZJ.6~UBV.H}~} .memorial. ~{R2@45c5gDTRUJu~} Re: ~{:O3*MEC{HK~} ~{GsVz~} ~{:C0l#!~} ~{DcSP>+Iq2!Bp#?~} ~{IO:#3v9zAtQ'HKT1V*6`IY#?~ Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~}(China's population ~{NR9zC?HUO{7QV*6`IY#?~} .gb Please Look out for Japan... .gb Watch! Re: ~{S&IjGk@M9$?(;9JG#h#-#1!!G)V$#?~} ~{A*:O9zJ9SC2BR;WV!?~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~}(China's population) Re: [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(R;#)~}(1) Re: [puzzle]~{H}9zCU~} Re: [pictures] ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfM#!~} ~{1OR55D;0~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~}(China's population Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} Re: Testing Re: [puzzle]~{KWCU~} Where can I find a Chinese News Server (NNTP)? Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=; ~{MFBmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} ~{4:Mx~} Re: [poem] ~{>CN%AK#,P!I=~} ~{H%:#DO~} Re: ~{T$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} ReLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL  -----KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK--- Re: chinese word processing software Re: ~{P!PDP!HU1>#!~} Re: Is prostitution legal in Taiwan? ~{Dc:C~} Re: ~{114sP#Gl~} cmsg cancel [novel] grape vine Re: cmsg cancel Re: How can I use twin to view this group? Beijing & Taibei [talk]~{V\D)OPAD~} [news]~{E.9+CqW48fC@9zWM3#,3FAKRE:6#?#?#?#?#?#?#?;DLF#!#!#!#!#!#!#!Re: ALT-Chnse-TX Re: Where is the God from? TW users please comment on BIG5 vs CNS 7-bit code debate (none) Re: ~{TD6A#h#z:M#b#i#g#-#5~} ~{NwI3H:5:IO5D>E>E8h!#~} ~{N^Lb!#~} [talk]~{K5J+~} cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel Re: ~{=-TsCqV;1mJ>AKRE:6#?#?#?#?#?#?#?;DLF#!#!#!#!#!#!#!Re: ALT-Chns cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel cmsg cancel Re: [news]~{E.9+CqW48fC@9zW\M3#,3F6#?~} ~{4s9zV.;j~} ~{5ZJ.6~UBV.KD~} Re: Where is the God from? ~{TuQyLa8_GCWV<Y~} Re: ~{=-TsCqV;1mJ>AKRE:6#?#?#?~} re: Home Made 3D Pic ~{A"LeM<~} [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(R;#)~}(1) [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(6~#)~}(2) Re: ~{TuQyLa8_GCWV<Uw6)~} Re: ~{;y6==L~}~{:M~}~{B_<-~} Q Follow Me ( 5 ) Repost Q Follow Me ( 5 ) Q Follow Me (1 - 5) Q Follow Me (1 - 5) Q Follow Me (1 - 5) [irc]~{7=V[WS2i={:i?m5DOV3!BBmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} Re: [puzzle]~{H}9zCU~} Re: Our Wonderful Literature Traditions: ~{4J~} Re: ~{P!PDP!HU1>#!~} ~{E.HK#-J3V.N^N6#,FzV.?IO'~} Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} Re: ~{P!PDP!HU1>#!~} ~{8F0o0oVw#-#f#u#*#k!!#o#f#f~} [talk]~{R2@44U<8>d?FQ'#a#b#c#(#2#)~} ~{5@G8~} ~{JTQi1p?4~} ~{Gs=LSP9X~}WWW! ~{OHP;~}! ~{JgE.Uw;i~} ~{!0R;J1!12;1XWTTp~} TO THOSE WHO CARE ~{SC~}gbscript~{4rS!~}ps files? ~{JgE.Uw;i~} ~{Q0M~4sM(Q6~} Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} Repost Re: ~{JgE.Uw;i~} Re: È¥º£ÄÏ VMS News Reader for act [talk]~{B+ScSk7#5%~} Re: chinese word processing software ~{;F5D#!~} [news]~{W\M35DE.HKCG~} Re: ~{TD6A#h#z:M#b#i#g#-#5~} [talk]~{WS2;SoO5AP#(#3#)#:0K9IND~} info [song] ~{L+I5~} MFN Re: [puzzle]~{H}9zCU~} LEFT SPIN story Re: ~{SC~}gbscript~{4rS!~}ps files? How to view picture? Re: ~{SC~}gbscript~{4rS!~}ps files? ~{4HI~0.Kw~}5/7 fengyun (53) try again ! fengyun (54) ~{::#!~} Re: ~{S@Iz=]>6#?~} Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? ~{J2C45X7=D\#F#T#PLaH!5=H+1>5DP!K5!04s9zV.;j!1#?Re: ALT-Chnse-TXT di ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! Re: ~{J2C45X7=D\#F#T#PLaH!5=H+1>5DP!K5!04s9zV.;j!1#?Re: ALT-Chnse-TX Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=~} Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! Re: Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? ~{=/9+K59JJB~} Re: ~{=/9+K59JJB~} 3D Pic for Mother's Day No subject no image posting to ~{VPQkHU1(5XV7~} Re: [memory]~{DLDL~} ~{W/WSDZF*HK?5D=Ww~}a book called IRON JOHN Twinbridge & Spterm Re: Where can I find a Chinese News Server (NNTP)? Looking for study material. [hongkuan]~{CN%AK#,P!I=~} [talk]~{?FQ'#a#b#c#(#2#)293d#,;XQ;VJRI~} Re: ~{NR;pFx4sAK#,H%#F#T#PLaH!795:0.O{O{;p#,DcCGH%2;H%#? Re: How can I use twin to view this group? ~{2b~} ~{JT~} [INFO] How to Read Chinese Text on Usenet: FAQ for alt.chinese.text [INFO] Appendix 1 to Alt.Chinese.Text FAQ: Network Rules & Etiquette Re: Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? ~{L(MeQ[VP5D4sB=~} .gb ~{NJNJ~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~}(China's population ~{TuQyTZ#w#i#n#d#o#wOB6AVPND#n#e#w#s#? Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! ~{JC Re: ~{NR;pFx4sAK#,H%#F#T#PLaH!795:0.O{O{;p#,DcCGH%2;H%#?~} How can I post and Read Chinese here??? ~{=;SZD8GW=Z5DVPQ'WwND~} Re: [trend]~{Lz::#:DPHKQP>?5D>^Ww~}a book called IRON JOHN Re: [trend]~{Lz::#:DPHKQP>?5D>^Ww~}a book called IRON JOHN ~{W/WSDZF*5B3d7{5ZNe~} [talk]~{=/JOSk@nJO~} Re: ~{L(Me4s8g0o8vC&#:~}Pentium~{VPNDW"2aC{TuC4=2#?~} Re: ~{4rOBQ@QJ6G@o#?#!~} ~{Gk0oC&~} ~{7(9z5D>SAtV$JGJ2D)6+Nw#? ~{1>Le:MIq~} ~{VG;[3vWTDf>3!#HK5D=x;/!#~} Re: ~{NR;pFx4sAK#,H%#F#T#PLaH!795:0.O{O{;p#,DcCGH%2;H%#? Here Comes the Thinker (3) Re: test1 ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} Gs!!7h!!FEWS!!H+ Re: ~{4HI~0.Kw~}5/8 ~{8.3GHK;XMx~} Re: ~{8.3GHK;XMx~} Re: ~{#J#P#G!!#a#n#d!!#G#L!!#F#i#l#e#s~} ~{:N4&SP~}Clinton ~{5D~}NII ~{N'3G!?5ZF_UB5ZKD2?7]~} Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!!~} test ~{NRCGM6920I~}. Re: [poem] ~{>CN%AK#,P!I=~} ~{114sP#Gl~} ~{Q0~} ~{LFQGDj~}(~{5@Cw8_VP~} ~{8_P[~} TAIWAN) Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} [essay] top of cloud Re: [Novel]~{!>N'3G!?5ZF_UB5ZH}2?7]~} Re: ~{WZ=L5DHKIz9[~} Chen Jianyao help Re: help needed in installing cxterm [ABC]~{V\WwHK#A#B#CV.KD#:Sk3B6@PcUy8vHKKE>EO{:.~} ~{N^C{JOGzR;JW~} ~{11>)6y8h~} (8) xingxing system 4.1 About anon service ~{0.~} ~{4w5BIzP!4+~} Re: <> di 19 qi Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v42000: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi Re: <> di 19 qi ~{11>)6y8h~} (9) q [talk]~{R2@44U<8>d?FQ'#a#b#c#(#1#)~} Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Here Comes the Thinker (3) Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 Re: test1 ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} ~{7=V[WSB[:xJV~} Re: ~{9XSZ5@G85DK5Cw~} Gs!!7h!!FEWS!!H+:l!!P;!!KU~} Re: green card lottary Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~} Re: ~{P!7IO@TYU==-:~~} Re: Reasons not to be a c Re: More about Creating a New Newsgroup ~{:I;(~} ~{#r#e~} Re: cmsg cancel Hi, guys at TH Darmstadt ~{K-S&8CN*#2#.#2#88:Tp~} ~{2;JG::HKBp#?~} ~{8xDGN;KD4(HK~} ~{KcC|HmLe~} MFN »ªÊ¢¶Ù´óÓÎÐÐ! MFN »ªÊ¢¶Ù´óÓÎÐÐ ~{L(MeQ[VP5DVP9z~} Why so many empty posts? [misc] Incipit Comoedia - C.C. Re: ~{@n5G;T:MK>BmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} Euro letters in Chinese Windows IFCSS 6th Congress Registration ~{@O;F5DCU~}re: ~{:CO{O"~} Re: ~{hu~} ~{L(MeQ[VP5DVP9z!+Mj~} [PhotoCD] ~{Cb7Q5D~} Corel Professional Photos on CD-ROM help!!! ~{GkK5;0Oq8vJ\9}=LS}5DHK#!~}Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{~} ~{L(MeQ[VP5DVP9z!+Mj~} ~{JT!!Qi~} Re: ~{!0R;J1!12;1XWTTp~} Re: ~{=;SZD8GW=Z5DVPQ'WwND~} Help: Get married with a girl in China (none) (none) (none) request for gl.exe running on PC Re: ~{4s9zV.;j~} ~{5ZJ.6~UBV.H}~} Re: ~{4HI~0.Kw~}4/26 ~{###h#a#n#z#i2h;0;aM(V*~} Re: Why SimpTerm connects and then breaks? test ppp need info. about U. John Hopkins, Neurology ~{L(MeW\M3@n5G;T5DL8;0~}( repost & completed ) RE ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} ~{W/WSDZF*S&5[Mu5ZF_~} (none) <> Di 20 Qi ~{W/WSDZF*4sWZJ&5ZAy~} Re: Where is the God from? test test. ~{9XSZP!K5~} "~{C@HKV.U=~}" ~{V.IyCw~} [MAGAZINE] New Thread (94/05)~{!6PBSoK?!7~} test ppp Look for teammate to win a FREE frio to SAN DIEGO! Re: [story] left spin Re: ~{=;SZD8GW=Z5DVPQ'WwND~} Just a test (none) ~{W/WSMbF*fiD45Z0K~} Daniel Re: ~{NRCGM6920I~}. Re: ~{H}9zCU Re: ~{8xDGN;KD4(HK~} Re: ~{SPH$5D;y6==LM=!#~} Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v42200: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese ~{GiJ+R;JW!#~} [Comoedia] Plaudite Amici! - C.C. Re: [talk]~{?FQ'#a#b#c#(#2#)293d#,;XQ;VJRI~} [talk]~{4z@mM68e!*!*P!HU1>1g~} ~{4sB=SkL(Me~} ~{SPMuK75DWnPBWwF7Bp#?~} ~{KXCh#:Bm13IO5DE.:"~} repost:gl.exe and 1/6 repost:gl.exe and 2/6 repost: gl.exe and 3/6 repost: gl.exe and 4/6 repost: gl.exe and 5/6 repost: gl.exe and 6/6 Re: Can use Spterm's transfer utility. newface Re: ~{JgE.Uw;i~} ET office Riddle...... Re: ~{=/9+K59JJB~} [MAGAZINE] New Thread (94/05)~{!6PBSoK?!7~} Re: ~{JgE.Uw;i~} joke: first lady Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} DaLu - TaiWan Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} looking for Ms. Liming Zhang Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! ~{HCNR;6O2HCNRSG~} Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4#!#!#!SIS@R0C/CE5D:zK50K5@Ok5=!-!-!-!-!-!! ZWLIST11 ~{NJLb Re: [PUZZLE]~{H}9zCU Chinese BIG5 environment: FAQ of alt.chinese.text.big5 Re: ~{HCNR;6O2HCNRSG~} ~{GsVz~} Looking for friends in PARIS, PARIS, PARIS ~{2;JG::E<6MuND=#M,Q'~} help help help ~{GsVz~} Is there a Jian-ti library for Microsoft Chinese Word? Re: ~{K-S&8CN*#2#.#2#88:Tp~} Re: ~{9zSo~}/~{FUM(;0~} (~{11>)HKTZE&T<~}) Re: cmsg cancel IFCSS Weekly Journal (May 1-May 7, 1994) test Re: [talk]~{4z@mM68e!*!*P!HU1>1g~} Re: [Repost][Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(R;#)~}(1) this is a test ~{Q0~}Josef [talk]~{MAQ1g~} Re: [pictures] ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfMI JB Repost ~{W/WSMbF*`msf5ZJ.~} Re:~{;F5D <0 Jd Hk ~} HZ Code!(Solutions). Re: Can use Spterm's transfer utility. test, please ignore. ~{W/WSMbF*TZe65ZJ.R;~} Re: ~{S@R0?^WE9vOBL(~} ~{;XNDJ+~} Re: ~{;XNDJ+~} ~{H}O?~{ ~{H}TBOBQ.VP9zMb;cJP3!~} ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfME~} Re: ~{S@R0?^WE9vOBL(~} Re: Riddle...... ~{11>)6y8h~} (cnt.) Re: namese refugees ~{T=DODQCq~} ~{:ML(MeEsSQOPL8!#~} RE: ~{UfJ55D@zJ7#,UfJ55DT$QT#,Ke4zOP;0!#~} Re: Where is the God from? Re: ~{VB8.3GHK~} Re: Beijing & Taibei Singlish and "Singnese"? ~{LX1pQ0URMuH:4wFd~}(~{EUEP4UfM)6y8h~} (cnt.) Re: ~{TYSk!0R;J1!16:;X@V~} help Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} ~{P!WJAO#:IO5[D\Uw7~HKPDBp#?~} Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} Re:~{S@R0?^OBL(~} ~{C@9z#-3,<6U=UyWo78~} ~{I>5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} [test] ~{JTQi#,GkLx9}#!~} [Classic]~{3UFEWS4+#(Ay#)~}(6) ~{4HI~0.Kw~}~{T]M#~} Re: ~{=PDc1p?4Dc7G?4~} [talk]~{?FQ'#a#b#c#,;XP&JiIz~} test ~{W/WSMbF*Ll5X5ZJ.6~~} Re: [talk]~{4z@mM68e!*!*P!HU1>1g~} ~{JTR;JT~} ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfM|JB;y5X~} do you know? Re: DaLu - TaiWan ~{DLDL~} Re:~{S"9zP&;0~}&~{VP9zP&;0~} ask for help Re: ~{2;JG::N'3G!?5ZF_UB5ZNe2?7]~} Re: [talk]~{MAQ1g~} [essay] the west lake in summer ~{11>)@OOg~} ~{W/WSMbF*LlTK5ZJ.KD~} Re: ~{Uf5D@zJ7#,Uf5DT$QT!#~} ~{HCNR;6O2HCNRSG~} RE:~{V#VG;/#:K.JV~} ~{MF#>~} Re: ~{!0P^Im!1R;4JGk=L6EN,Cw=LJZ~} Re: ~{Gk0oC&~} ~{::#!~} ~{Hg9{DcJGNR5D4+K5~} Re: [talk]~{4z@mM68e!*!*P!HU1>1g~} ahon$ ~{W/WSMbF*Ll5@5ZJ.H}~} Mandarin ~{11>)6y8h~} (cont.) Re: about: Re: ~{I>5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} ~{0.~} ~{Gk0o0oNR~} Re: [PUZZLE]~{H}9z!"K.d0!":lB%HKC{CU~} Re: ~{W/WSMbF*LlTK5ZJ.KD~} Re: ~{O:CWF$6<3IAKO:CW=4~} Re: Where is the God from? RE: [essay] the west lake in summer ~{PA4sSPMuND=#4KHKBp~}? ~{_W~}? Re: ~{;F5D5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} Re: ~{9,Ts@m;]5D>EUEP4UfMBmAIL+@I5D;DLFL8;0B<~} ~{5H4}~} Re: ~{::#!~} REQ: lyrics for ~{TBAA4z1mNR5DPD~} [poem]~{5cg-4=#-Muc"~} Re: ~{Q`>)0K9V~} Re: ~{T$QT?4VP9z5DN4@4~} Re: ~{C@9z#-3,<6U=UyWo78~} [story] left spin story (PG) Re: ~{P!WJAO#:IO5[D\Uw7~HKPDBp#?~} Re: ~{DLDL~} ~{JG2;JGSPHK8c9m#?TuC4UbC46`?UE#J:#?~} Re: Mandarin (LANGUAGE) United Nations ~{;X#:A*:O9zSC4:GY~} ~{6y8h6y~} Re: ~{;F5D@KHKOrDzK5TY<{#:~}Re: ~{S@R0?^OBL(~} ~{W/WSMbF*GoK.5ZJ.F_~} ~{VXL{W/WSDZF*FkNoB[~} Re: ~{7gTB0o0oVw#:#@7gTB?M#@MK3v=-:~#!~} Re: [talk]~{?FQ'#a#b#c#,;XP&JiIz~} MAIL-ORDER CHINESE BOOKS, CDS, MAGAZINES ~{VPNDP!K5TZDG@o~}Ps.. GB format Re: ~{O:CWF$6<3IAKO:CW=4~} ~{5@5B>-:M:Z8q6{!#~} fengyun (61) fengyun (62) ~{VXL{W/WSMbF*Ll5@~} ~{VXL{W/WSMbF*LlTK~} Re: do you know? Re: [essay] the west lake in summer Re: [talk]~{4z@mM68e!*!*P!HU1>1g~} ~{R;7b!0REJi!1~} ~{0&#!VP9zN*J2wa;92;G?4s#?~} ~{;XNDJ+~} A Chinese Drunkard CHTEX [essay] the west lake (2) Re: REQ: lyrics for ~{TBAA4z1mNR5DPD~} ~{:iK.4+K5#,@C}#,HU1>=L!#~} ~{J+:MHU1>DoCG6y!#~} For UK's Netter Printing ~{!!;*!!!!OD!!!!ND!!!!U*~} (for Mac users) ~{O:CWF$Uf6<3IO:CW=4AK~} Re: ~{GkK5;0Oq8vJ\9}=LS}5DHK#!~}Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{~{ Re: A Chinese Drunkard SimpTerm a nice program, but ... Re: ~{UfO#M{VP9zG?4sFp@4# [sad] ~{=qLlC;LVWE79~} Picture of Ge You (2/2) Re: ~{;XNDJ+~} ~{W/WSMbF*VA@V5ZJ.0K~} Re: ~{TY@4<87y~} ~{A"LeM<~} [testing] ~{JTQi~} ~{MuND=#M,V>OBBdRQCw ,6`P;9XUU~} ~{!07:1>LeB[!1#?~} re: cnprint problems ~{7gTF#-#-#-TY<{N^C{#(#6#1#-#6#3#)~} Re: ~{QF8>4:GY~} News in IFCSS and CND.ORG looking for Ms.Liming Zhang in Milwaukee,WI ~{#G#R#A#S#P# #i#.#e#.# #.#G#L~} ~{PE2;PESIDc~} Re: HXWZ cm9405b~{V\6w@41YR%~} Re: xingxing system 4.1 Re: [test] ~{JTQi#,GkLx9}#!~} Re: ~{=x2=VP9z~}(China's population Re: ~{VPNDP!K5TZDG@o~}Ps.. GB format ~{TY@4<87y~} ~{A"LeM<~} Re: ~{I>5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} Re: ~{I>5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} What is ETen??? problem with cnprint240 --- any alternatives? [essay] the west lake [3] Picture of GongLi (3/3) Picture of Ge You Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v42500: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese Re:~{VP9zN*J2C42;G?4sFp@4~} Re: [talk]~{?FQ'#a#b#c#,;X@n:i?m~} ~{URHK#,6EN"~} Re: ~{PA4sSPMuND=#4KHKBp~}? ~{W/WSMbF*4oIz5ZJ.>E~} Re: Re: DaLu - TaiWan Re: ~{7(9z5D>SAtV$JGJ2D)6+Nw#?~} Is there a binary Chinese XMosaic? Re: ~{I>5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} Re: ~{I>5t1pHK5D6+Nw2;5@5B~} ~{TuC4W\R2Ly2;IO~}? ~{Hg:NIjGkH%~} Picture of GongLi (2/3) Re: ~{4HI~0.Kw~}5/8 ~{DT=n<1W*Md~} [song] ~{!>#I#R#CGi8hO5APV.Ne!?~} ~{PBNE7-Rk~} ~{SDDcR;D,#,:G:G~} ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} Test, Please don't read test [senior scholar]~{4sHe3TP7~} ~{Q0HK4s#8#6UEN0Cq~} Re: [essay] the west lake in summer Re: ~{11C@N@JS~} Re: HXWZ cm9405b~{V\6w@41YR%~} Re: HXWZ cm9405b~{V\6w@41YR%~} How do I read this newsgroup? .gb repost: A review of Hunger-strike and 6-4 five years ago Yuanji Gong Course/Seminar .gb repost: Our Common Daydreams ~{4S!0HJ!1K5Fp#,)6y8h~} (cnt.) Re: ~{:N4&SP~}Clinton ~{5D~}NII ~{5DOBBd#?~} ~{V*5DH(@{SkPBNE>:Uy#:7JHb8xK-#?~} ~{JTQi~}(ignore): ~{0|WS5D9JJB~} ~{S=C7~} ~{:e#,4sd?FQ'#a#b#c#(#3#)~} ~{URHK~} ~{V\6w@41YR%~}and~{MbOgHK~} ~{W/WSMbF*LoWS7=5Z6~J.R;~} Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} [test] ~{;9D\SPJ2C4DX#?~} Re: [test] ~{JTQi#,GkLx9}#!~} [patriotic eating]~{0.9zP7~} Re: HXWZ cm9405b~{V\6w@41YR%~} Re: PLZ REPOST FATE.ZIP ~{W/WSMbF*I=D>5Z6~J.~} Re: ~{V\6w@41YR%~}and~{MbOgHK~} Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} ~{=HWS5D9JJB~}(ignore) Re: SimpTerm a nice program, but ... [song] ~{NRL$@K6x@4~} [song] ~{BC3n~} ~{!>0,]mL8!6=P88GWL+3AVX!7!?~} [poem] from ~{CN@o;(BdV*6`IY~} Pin Yin fonts? Re: [senior scholar]~{4sHe3TP7~} [song] ~{N^QT5D=a>V~} Re: ~{7gTB0o0oVw#:#@7gTB?M#@MK3v=-:~#!~} (fwd) Test ~{JTQi~} [zuoren's work]~{1U;'6AJiB[~} test Re: ~{GkK5;0Oq8vJ\9}=LS}5DHK#!~}Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{~} RE: ~{0,14#b#e#i~} Re: ~{!07:1>LeB[!1#?~} [kungfu] ~{KUixA79&~} how to print chinese file? ~{W/WSMbF*V*11SN5Z6~J.6~~} ~{R9@4Oc~} Re:sexstory.tar.Z under [~{JTQi~}] ~{;(9{I=5D~} ~{VP92?lKY74S&2?6S~} .gb Hua Xia Wen Zhai Zeng Kan #35 (zk9405a) Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v42600: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese no subject (file transmission) hz<->GB TABLES ~{JTJT~} Xiccc version 2.02 uploaded to Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} Re: [song] ~{!>#I#R#CGi8hO5APV.Ne!?~} [song] ~{TBAA:S~} [from sexstory.tar.Z] [fun] ~{W\D?B<~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun10] ~{PB~} ~{5y~} ~{JV~} ~{-Qi~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun15] ~{LRI+6D>V~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun16] Ghost [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun19] ~{7gTB0oQ^J7~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun18] ~{=pLo6~IYDjJB<~2>~}----~{M(4sIYDjRI0 [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun20] ~{J2waJGUfU}5DPTV*J6~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun2] ~{=2O0~}(1) (2) (3) (4) [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun22] ~{E.~} ~{8_~} ~{Iz~} ~{CX~} ~{NE~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun21] ~{M4?`5D5ZR;4N~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun23] ~{#M#T#VV.@G~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun17] ~{C@IYE.5w=L~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun25] ~{N^Lb~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun26] ~{@-8V>b5DHK~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun24] ~{agC{H+~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun47] ~{1j~} ~{Lb~}: nude [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun49] ~{TYB[!802H+FZ!9~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun48] ~{UI7rPTPPN*5DC}<{~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun50] sex ~{WKJF~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun51] ~{J7>)JOOY5D74S&~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun53] ~{J.0KKj$NMh~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun52] ~{M8JSE.PTHkR9Iz@m~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun54] ~{RlOg~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun6] ~{Hg~} ~{:N~} ~{K5~} ~{7~~} ~{E.~} ~{I [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun8] ~{1dL,5DQ)0WHbLe~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun7] ~{NR5DIzHU@qNo~} [from: sexstory.tar.Z] [fun9] ~{DO11U=Uy~} ~{9Xl6~} sexstory.tar.Z ~{5DIyCw~} MAIL-ORDER CHINESE BOOKS, CDS, MAGAZINES Re: [song] ~{TBAA:S~} Re: [proposal] ~{=(A"6@A"!"U8PB5DVPNDPBNEH:~} chinese.* hierarchy ~{Gk=L!0HNNRPP!1OHIz~}:~{L(MeJG2;JGR;8vJ!#?<0FdK{A*Ok#.#.#.#.#. [test] ~{JTQi~} Re: [essay] the west lake in summer ~{JT Qi #, Gk BT 9} ~} Why twin gives me extra space? ~{6`P;C@:oMu Re: Why twin gives me extra space? Re: ~{795:0.5DP4UfUUF,~} Re: [proposal] ~{=(A"6@A"!"U8PB5DVPNDPBNEH:~} chinese.* hierarchy ~{TYR;4N5XBi73Dz#,GkNJHOJ6N@Q`E.J?C4 ?~} Re: ~{6`P;C@:oMu Re: ~{6`P;C@:oMu ~{R*C@HKM<#?Gk?4~}Re: Want access to over 900 adult pictures? Re: [essay] the west lake (2) Re: [song] ~{!>#I#R#CGi8hO5APV.Ne!?~} Re: [picture] Re: ~{P!WJAO#:IO5[D\Uw7~HKPDBp#?~} ~{R6\gND#:S@T6#(8h4J#)~} Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} Re: [essay] the west lake [3] [sex talk]~{V\6w@4SkKU0,]mL8!6=P88GWL+3AVX!7!?~} ~{1>LeB[:MKUC@HK#,;X:?!#~} ~{:#OJ#:IzNoQ'7=7(3TIz:?!#~} ~{PhR*MP8#WJAO~} need help!!!! ~{W/WSTSF*8}I#3~5Z6~J.H}~} Re: ~{Gk=L!0HNNRPP!1OHIz~}:~{L(MeJG2;JGR;8vJ!#?<0FdK{A*Ok#.#.#.#.#.~ ~{HJ:M@q#,<0@m!#~} Nonesensical or Lies Overshot [Repost] Nonsensical or Lies Overshot [talk] Brotherly Love [News] One News Two Reporting [talk] Brotherly Love [Repost] One News Two Reporting [talk] Discussion with PD's Reporting Too Intense to Call Father? Who Is the Father? [talk] Discussion with PD's Reporting [talk] The Good, The Bad and The Ugly [repost] The good, the bad and the ugly [humor] ~{C{HKH$JB~} Re: [essay] the west lake (2) Help!I'm looking for an intensive Mandarin course to take this summe Re: How can I post and Read Chinese here??? FTP for the aricle, fast-respond army Re: ~{9zSo~}/~{FUM(;0~} (~{11>)HKTZE&T<~}) Re: ~{1>LeB[:MKUC@HK#,;X:?!#~} ~{JTR;0Q~} Re: ~{QF8>4:GY~} [essay] the west lake [4] [help] ~{WTH;Bk#!~} ~{K=IzE.~}Re: Too Intense to Call Father? Who Is the Father? [war:MFN]~{?KAV6Y5DCfWS#:K-WnGF2;FpK{#?~} Re: ~{JTQi~}(ignore): ~{0|WS5D9JJB~} Help !! Can't get ZWDOS to work [lake eating]~{3TTZ:0,]mL8!6=P88GWL+3AVX!7!?~} [essay] the west lake [good news] ~{0K=d#:;9OkR*C@HKM<#?~} ~{6&9^5D9JJB~} ~{SM34795D9JJB~} Re: ~{!>0,]mL8!6=P88GWL+3AVX!7!?~} Re: ~{7CL(<{NER;#:!0W%LXNq!1~} ~{0,:MV#,SCPD6AOV4zJ7!#~} Help !! Can't get ZWDOS to work - take 2 Re: ~{Gk=L!0HNNRPP!1OHIz~}:~{L(MeJG2;JGR;8vJ!#?<0FdK{A*Ok#.#.#.#.#.~ Thanks for the help of twin. help!!!! Adress Beijing Normal University ~{VB!!Q;PV~} [essay] the west lake [5] ~{U*WT!0N^T95DG`4:!1!!#(#1#)~} Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} ??? Re: ~{GkK5;0Oq8vJ\9}=LS}5DHK#!~}Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{~} Re: [ero novels]~{6A6AI+GiP!K5SPRf=!?5~} Re: [ero novels]~{6A6AI+GiP!K5SPRf=!?5~} Re: ~{C@9z#-3,<6U=UyWo78~} ~{#F#T#P# #S#I#T#E# #4# #F#A#T#E#.#Z#I#P~} Re ~{3UFEWS4+#(H}#)~} Re: [essay] the west lake [4] ~{7gTFP!K5~}FTP site Re: [essay] the west lake Re: [essay] the west lake Re: ~{4sB=HKTZL(Me~} Re:~{S"9zP&;0~}&~{VP9zP&;0~} Re: [Repost] Nonsensical or Lies Overshot Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} Re: [help] ~{WTH;Bk#!~} ~{URHK~} Re: [lake eating]~{3TTZ:5DOBBd~} RE:~{K-V*5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd ~{:5DOBBd#?~} Poetry Directory usenet/alt_chin/text/v42800: ====================================== The following Index file in Chinese ~{L@1-SH1- Re: ~{!0=P88GWL+3AVX!1#?~} [essay] the west lake [6] Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} Re: ~{1>LeB[:MKUC@HK#,;X:?!#~} ~{VB!!Q;PV~} ~{J@=g@zJ74sVx#,OPL8!#~} Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} Re: ~{4sB=M,0{0.!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} RE: ~{Gk=L!0HNNRPP!1OHIz~}:~{L(MeJG2;JGR;8vJ!#?<0FdK{A*Ok#.#.#.#.#.~ ~{L(11~} Re: [essay] the west lake [3] Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} RE: ~~{K-V*5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd~~} 123 ~{NRR*SP6SNi#?#!Tg?DAK#!~} ~{W/WSTSF*PlN^9m5Z6~J.KD~} Re: ~{R9@4Oc~} Re: ~{Q`>)0K9V~} Re: [essay] the west lake [3] [senior scholar]~{VP;*:HL@5@~} Re: repost: Our Common Daydreams Re: ALT-CHINESE-TEXT digest 2370 The Open Letter to the Authorities In Chinese ~{7=@xV.5H:tSu#:N*AyKDK@DQU_D,0'H}7VVS~} ~{QGV^HKH(9[2lWiV/1(8f#:4sB=HKH(OTVx59MK#!~} ~{9c3!PB@I9Y#:@nB;4+TZHKH(5gS0=Z~} ~{11>)4sQ'T,:l1y1;26#:TZ9sV]9z02>V~} [essay] the west lake [7] ~{Nb:k4oTY6HC\7CVP9z#:E+9$2zF73v?Z)G`Dj1(W\1`1;0UCb~} ~{Q'IzAlPdV#Pq9b;iQgTb={#:VN02PBLu@}~} ~{>-#:9XW"#[KD4s5PGi#]~} Re: ~{2;PmSP5DL(MeJ!HKB~Bn4sB=M,0{!!~}Re: ~{L(Me0n=;~} Re: [ero novels]~{6A6AI+GiP!K5SPRf=!?5~} Re: ~{7CL(<{NER;#:!0W%LXNq!1~} [essay] the west lake [8] Observe 3 minutes silence on 64 Win Back People's Heart Re: ~{Gk=L!0HNNRPP!1OHIz~}:~{L(MeJG2;JGR;8vJ!#?<0FdK{A*Ok#.#.#.#.#.~ Re: Help wanted ~{JU7OF7#!~} ~{TlR%W(g#(H}#)~} Re: ~{Hg:NW*;;#H#ZBk~} Re: ~{1>LeB[:MKUC@HK#,;X:?!#~} ~{KD9z4sU=#I#R#C~} Re: ~{Hg:NW*;;#H#ZBk~} Re: [talk]~{TYADV\6w@4~} Re: Adress Beijing Normal University ~{9[?4TFDO5gJSL(=ZD?SP8P~} The Open Letter to the Authorities In Chinese Re: The Open Letter to the Authorities In Chinese Tragedy of China Part One Tragedy of China Part Three Tragedy of China Part Two [hua7291@MED2S0.ENGR.CCNY.CUNY.EDU: The Open Letter to the Authoriti Re: ~{K-V*5@5gS0#<:#S%#>5DOBBd#?~} [TALK]my_two-cents_to_a_patent(Re: ~{:#OJ#:IzNoQ'7=7(3TIz:?!#~}) test Re: Open Letter to the Authorities~{AtQ'IzTZVP9z5DR=AFH(@{~} hello again [talk]~{3AVX5D=PIy#:BtQ^J:#,4sMk5D#!~} Re: Tragedy of China~{VP9z5D1/>g#(H}#)~} Re: Tragedy of China~{VP9z5D1/>g#(H}#)~} ~{K-TZTlR%#,4pMu:#Iz<0M46(K Arrangement of a figure and a table 2154.sjs Re: NTT-JTeX 1.52 on MS-DOS 2155.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 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70.sjs Re: what kind of format is this? 71.sjs Re: what kind of format is this? 72.sjs Re: what kind of format is this? 73.sjs Re: what kind of format is this? 74.sjs Re: what kind of format is this? 75.sjs Japanese text formatter sought 76.sjs TEI Guidelines P3 release --- Distribution in Japan 77.sjs Re: what kind of format is this? Directory usenet/fj/comp/theory: ================================ 1.sjs Variations on the themes of Turing and Blum Directory usenet/fj/editor: =========================== emacs\ Emacs misc\ Misc mule\ Mule Directory usenet/fj/editor/emacs: ================================= 1278.sjs I want eljman.texinfo.gz 1279.sjs How to configure PURESIZE value? 1280.sjs Re: How to configure PURESIZE value? 1281.sjs Re: How to configure PURESIZE value? 1282.sjs Re: about mailtool 1283.sjs Questionnaire 1284.sjs Re: How to configure PURESIZE value? 1285.sjs [Q] Log of key 1286.sjs Re: How to configure PURESIZE value? 1287.sjs [Summary] How to configure PURESIZE value? 1288.sjs Re: [Q] Log of key 1289.sjs Emacs on NT 1290.sjs Re: [Summary] How to configure PURESIZE value? 1291.sjs Re: How to configure PURESIZE value? 1292.sjs Re: [Q] Log of key 1293.sjs Apology & Gratitude 1294.sjs How to add prefix 1295.sjs Re: [Q] Log of key 1296.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1297.sjs Re: Emacs on NT 1298.sjs Demacs’¤ÏWindowsNT’¾å’¤Ç’Æ°’¤­’¤Þ’¤¹’¤«? 1299.sjs [Q]read file 1300.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1301.sjs Re: [Q]read file 1302.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1303.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1304.sjs Re: [Q]read file 1305.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1306.sjs byte-compile 1307.sjs patch for tar-mode 1.26 1308.sjs Emacs 18.59; SVR4 pty allocation 1309.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1310.sjs Re: [Q] Log of key 1311.sjs Re: byte-compile 1312.sjs Re: byte-compile 1313.sjs Re: [Q]read file 1314.sjs mh-smail 1315.sjs Re: mh-smail 1316.sjs Re: byte-compile 1317.sjs [Q] mule source ftp site 1318.sjs Re: byte-compile 1319.sjs Re: mh-smail 1320.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1321.sjs supercite (Re: How to add prefix) 1322.sjs Re: byte-compile 1323.sjs Q: mh-e 1324.sjs SCCS & emacs 1325.sjs mh-e 1326.sjs Re: [Q] mule source ftp site 1327.sjs Re: mh-e 1328.sjs Re: SCCS & emacs 1329.sjs Re: byte-compile 1330.sjs Re: [Q] mule source ftp site 1331.sjs AUC TEX 1332.sjs Re: mh-e 1333.sjs Re: Q: mh-e 1334.sjs Re: Q: mh-e 1335.sjs Re: byte-compile 1336.sjs Re: mh-e 1337.sjs Re: Q: mh-e 1338.sjs Re: mh-e 1339.sjs Re: Q: mh-e 1340.sjs Re: mh-e 1341.sjs Re: mh-e 1342.sjs Re: mh-e 1343.sjs Re: mh-e 1344.sjs Re: mh-e 1345.sjs Re: mh-smail 1346.sjs Re: mh-e 1347.sjs help from Norway 1348.sjs [Q]Colorize & profile 1349.sjs Re: mh-e 1350.sjs Re: AUC TEX 1351.sjs Re: AUC TEX 1352.sjs Re: [Q] mule source ftp site 1353.sjs Re: path name of electric-buffer-list 1354.sjs Re: path name of electric-buffer-list 1355.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1356.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1357.sjs Re: [Q]Colorize & profile 1358.sjs AUC TeX 9.0 is released 1359.sjs Q: M-x shell 1360.sjs Q: How to install MH 1361.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1362.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1363.sjs Re: [Q]Colorize & profile 1364.sjs j-rlogin.el 1365.sjs Re: How to add prefix 1366.sjs Re: [Q]Colorize & profile 1367.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1368.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1369.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1370.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1371.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1372.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1373.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1374.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1375.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1376.sjs Thanks everybody, but .... 1377.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1378.sjs Q: Nepoch on Solaris 2.3 1379.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1380.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1381.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1382.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1383.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1384.sjs [Q]gnus on Demacs 1385.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1386.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1387.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1388.sjs electric-c-quote 1389.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1390.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1391.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1392.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1393.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1394.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1395.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1396.sjs Re: Q: How to install MH 1397.sjs Q: mh-e letter 1398.sjs Re: Q: M-x shell 1399.sjs Where is the Demacs file? 1400.sjs Please teach me where is the sendmail.el that modified by S.Tomura. 1401.sjs Re: Q: mh-e letter 1402.sjs mail and split-window 1403.sjs error message at VM 1404.sjs Re: mail and split-window 1405.sjs Re: mh-e 1406.sjs Re: mail and split-window 1407.sjs Re: mail and split-window 1408.sjs Re: mail and split-window 1409.sjs Re: mail and split-window 1410.sjs Re: error message at VM Directory usenet/fj/editor/misc: ================================ 187.sjs Re: vi no suspend 188.sjs Questionnaire 189.sjs Questionnaire 190.sjs Re: vi no suspend 191.sjs Re: vi no suspend 192.sjs Apology & Gratitude Directory usenet/fj/editor/mule: ================================ 698.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 700.sjs Re: [Q] gnus article save 701.sjs Re: [Q] gnus article save 702.sjs [Q] gnus article save 703.sjs I want eljman.texinfo.gz 704.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 705.sjs Questionnaire 706.sjs Re: [Q] gnus article save 707.sjs Questionnaire 708.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 709.sjs Emacs on NT 710.sjs Apology & Gratitude 711.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 712.sjs Re: Emacs on NT 713.sjs Demacs’¤ÏWindowsNT’¾å’¤Ç’Æ°’¤­’¤Þ’¤¹’¤«? 714.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 715.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 716.sjs Re: Q: coding-system (mule-1.1PL03) 717.sjs byte-compile 718.sjs kana entry 719.sjs Arabic ... single column or double column? 720.sjs newsrc v1.8 -- .newsrc reordering command 721.sjs patch for tar-mode 1.26 722.sjs Re: what is this message? 723.sjs Re: kana entry 724.sjs Re: [mule] Wnn4.109 on hpux9 725.sjs Re: Where is newsrc-1.7 726.sjs Re: [mule] Wnn4.109 on hpux9 727.sjs Re: [mule] Wnn4.109 on hpux9 728.sjs path name of electric-buffer-list 729.sjs Re: path name of electric-buffer-list 730.sjs Re: path name of electric-buffer-list 731.sjs Mule Compiling failed on NEWS3260 with NEWSOS6.0. 732.sjs Re: euc-china 733.sjs Re: Mule Compiling failed on NEWS3260 with NEWSOS6.0. 734.sjs Re: path name of electric-buffer-list 735.sjs Re: path name of electric-buffer-list 736.sjs Mule compiling on ALPHA AXP 737.sjs Re: Backword-space 738.sjs Re: Backword-space 739.sjs Backword-space 740.sjs Re: Mule on 19.22 741.sjs Backspace and delete (was Re: Backword-space) 742.sjs Re: Mule on 19.22 743.sjs Mule on 19.22 744.sjs Re: Mule on 19.22 745.sjs Re: Backspace and delete (was Re: Backword-space) 746.sjs Re: Backword-space 747.sjs Re: Mule on 19.22 748.sjs Re: Backword-space 749.sjs Re: Backspace and delete (was Re: Backword-space) 750.sjs beta release of Mule arabic package 751.sjs POP Client Wanted 752.sjs Re: POP Client Wanted 753.sjs problem in compiling .mule19 Directory usenet/fj/educatin: ============================= math\ Math 618.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 619.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 620.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 621.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 622.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 623.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 624.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 625.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 626.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 627.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 628.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 629.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 630.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 631.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 632.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 633.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 634.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 635.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 636.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 637.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 638.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 639.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 640.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 641.sjs gijyutsu kyouiku 642.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 643.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 644.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 645.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 646.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 647.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 648.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 649.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 650.sjs Physics Education News, April 1994, No. 1 651.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 652.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 653.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 654.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 655.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 656.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 657.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 658.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 659.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 660.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 661.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 662.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 663.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 664.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 665.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 666.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 667.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 668.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 669.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 670.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 671.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 672.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 673.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 674.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 675.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 676.sjs Re: kyou shoku? 677.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 678.sjs Re: kyou shoku? 679.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 680.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 681.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 682.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 683.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 684.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 685.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 686.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 687.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 688.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 689.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 690.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 691.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 692.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 693.sjs kyou shoku? 694.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 695.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 696.sjs Re: kyou shoku? 697.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 698.sjs Re: education to oldmen/women 699.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 700.sjs education to oldmen/women 701.sjs Lecture on Network 702.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 703.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 704.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 705.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 706.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 707.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 708.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 709.sjs Re: Lecture on Network 710.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 711.sjs Re: kyou shoku? 712.sjs Re: education to oldmen/women 713.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 714.sjs Re: Computer in junior highschool 715.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 716.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 717.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 718.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 719.sjs mail and news link (Re: Lecture on Network) 720.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part I) 721.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part II) 722.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 723.sjs Re: Lecture on Network 724.sjs Children needed 725.sjs 370 assembler (Re: Computer in junior high school) 726.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 727.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 728.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 729.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 730.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 731.sjs Correction to Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku" 732.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 733.sjs Physics Education News April 1994, No. 2 734.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 735.sjs JET symposium 736.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 737.sjs Project on education with internet 738.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 739.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 740.sjs Re: Abbembry in education (Re: Computer in junior high school) 741.sjs Worldwide Education Net 742.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 743.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 744.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 745.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 746.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 747.sjs Re: wecome JAIST Mailing List 748.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 749.sjs >>>>INTERACT: INTERFACES AND IMAGES 750.sjs Re: Abbembry in education (Re: Computer in junior high school) 751.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 752.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 753.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 754.sjs Re: final question about einstein 755.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 756.sjs Physics Education News (PEN) May 1994, No. 1 757.sjs wecome JAIST Mailing List 758.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 759.sjs Students wanted for communication with Australian Students. 760.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 761.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 762.sjs Re: Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) 763.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 764.sjs Attached Junior High School of Yamanashi Univ. Directory usenet/fj/educatin/math: ================================== 9.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 10.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 11.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 12.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 13.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 14.sjs Re: Keisan game 15.sjs Re: Keisan game 16.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 17.sjs Re: Keisan game 18.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 19.sjs Keisan game 20.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 21.sjs Re Keisan game 22.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 23.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 24.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 25.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 26.sjs Re: Re Keisan game Directory usenet/fj/general: ============================ 75.sjs Agents Wanted Directory usenet/fj/guide: ========================== general\ General Directory usenet/fj/guide/general: ================================== 42.sjs [INFO] Active Mailing Lists in JP [REPOST] 43.sjs "How to get around fj.*" (section 0.0) 44.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 1.1) 45.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 2.1) 46.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.1) 47.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.2) 48.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.3) 49.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.4) 50.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.5) 51.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.1) 52.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.2) 53.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.3) 54.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.4) 55.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.5) 56.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.6) 57.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.1) 58.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.2) 59.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.3) 60.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.4) 61.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.5) 62.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.6) 63.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.1) 64.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.2) 65.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.3) 66.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.4) 67.sjs "How to get around fj.*" (section 0.1) Directory usenet/fj/jokes: ========================== v28600\ fj.jokes articles Vol 28600 v28700\ fj.jokes articles Vol 28700 v28800\ fj.jokes articles Vol 28800 v28900\ fj.jokes articles Vol 28900 v29000\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29000 v29100\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29100 v29200\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29200 v29300\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29300 v29400\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29400 v29500\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29500 v29600\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29600 v29700\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29700 v29800\ fj.jokes articles Vol 29800 Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v28600: ================================= 28642.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28643.sjs Re: Murphy's Law 28644.sjs Re: congratulation 28645.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28646.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28647.sjs Re: congratulation 28648.sjs Re: yomiuri-sinbun 28649.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28650.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28651.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28652.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28653.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat 28654.sjs Re: congratulation 28655.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28656.sjs Re: Nan 28657.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat 28658.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28659.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28660.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28661.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28662.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28663.sjs Re: congratulation 28664.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28665.sjs Political Turmoil 28666.sjs Re: Mito-kohmon. 28667.sjs Re: Gakko-cho- 28668.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28669.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28670.sjs Re: QUIT 28671.sjs Re: TONO 28672.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28673.sjs Re: kansai 28674.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28675.sjs Re: QUIT 28676.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 28677.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28678.sjs Re: congratulation 28679.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28680.sjs Re: kansai 28681.sjs Re: KISIRO 28682.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28683.sjs Re: Udon 28684.sjs Re: Murphy's Law 28685.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28686.sjs Re: kansai 28687.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28688.sjs Re: QUIT 28689.sjs Re: KISIRO 28690.sjs Re: kansai 28691.sjs Re: KISIRO 28692.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28693.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28694.sjs Re: Mensch! 28695.sjs Re: congratulation 28696.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28697.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28698.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28699.sjs Re: kansai Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v28700: ================================= 28700.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28701.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28702.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28703.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28704.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28705.sjs Re: kansai 28706.sjs Mayonaka no kaiken 28707.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28708.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28709.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28710.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28711.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28712.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28713.sjs Re: KISIRO 28714.sjs Mensch! 28715.sjs Re: [ForSale][free]NHK Synpony Orchestra 5/3 at SUntory Hall 28716.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28717.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28718.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28719.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28720.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28721.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28722.sjs Re: Murphy's Law 28723.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28724.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28725.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28726.sjs Opning Game 28727.sjs Re: [JR-E]: 211 kei houkou_maku 28728.sjs Re: osekkai (Re: married->child?) 28729.sjs Re: V DOWN 28730.sjs Re: kansai 28731.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 28732.sjs Re: Mito-kohmon. 28733.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28734.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28735.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28736.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28737.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28738.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28739.sjs FJJ WN Apr 12 28740.sjs Re: The 1st `TANUKI' Summit 28741.sjs Re: kansai 28742.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28743.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28744.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28745.sjs Re: TONO 28746.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28747.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28748.sjs Re: [mahjong] local rule, 2nd edition 28749.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28750.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28751.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28752.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28753.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28754.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28755.sjs Re: kansai 28756.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28757.sjs We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28758.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 28759.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28760.sjs Yumi, Maria, Eva, Luna and Elly(Re: Bet on New-PM-race!) 28761.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28762.sjs His words 28763.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat 28765.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28766.sjs Re: congratulation 28767.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28768.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28769.sjs Re: KISIRO 28770.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28771.sjs Re: fufufu 28772.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28773.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat 28774.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28775.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28776.sjs Re: KISIRO 28777.sjs Re: The 1st `TANUKI' Summit 28778.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28779.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28780.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28781.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28782.sjs Re: beer CM 28783.sjs Re: beer CM 28784.sjs A-guri 28785.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28786.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28787.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28788.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat 28789.sjs Re: congratulation 28790.sjs Re: congratulation 28791.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28792.sjs Re: Mensch! 28793.sjs Re: Yashiki 28794.sjs Re: The 1st `TANUKI' Summit 28795.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28796.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28797.sjs Re: syncretism 28798.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28799.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v28800: ================================= 28800.sjs Re: syncretism 28801.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28802.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28803.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28804.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28805.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28806.sjs fumi- ^^;;; =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAJFUkXyE8GyhK?= 28807.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28808.sjs Re: HAM 28809.sjs Re: beer CM 28810.sjs Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28811.sjs Re: Challenge! 28812.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28813.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28814.sjs Re: congratulation 28815.sjs Re: yomiuri-sinbun 28816.sjs Re: syncretism 28817.sjs soodara dense2 28818.sjs senaka ga... (Re: [yield] tomcat) 28819.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 28820.sjs Re: "How to get around fj.*" 28821.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28822.sjs otoko no joukyou (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 28823.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28824.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28825.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28826.sjs Re: syncretism 28827.sjs Re: Mensch! 28828.sjs Re: HOSOKAWA 28829.sjs [KOALA] fj.test 28830.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28831.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28832.sjs semeno-keiei 28833.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28834.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 28835.sjs Re: syncretism 28836.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28837.sjs Re: 5.17-card[RINGS] 28838.sjs net.people 28839.sjs Re: syncretism 28840.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 28841.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28842.sjs Re: KISIRO 28843.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28844.sjs Re: semeno-keiei 28845.sjs Birds 28846.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28847.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28848.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28849.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28850.sjs Re: congratulation 28851.sjs Re: beer CM 28852.sjs Re: congratulation 28853.sjs Re: Im wunderschoenes Monat 28854.sjs Re: semeno-keiei 28855.sjs Re: syncretism 28856.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28857.sjs Re: fufufu 28858.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28859.sjs 15 nice(?) middle-aged men's hyouryuhki 28860.sjs Re: I want to buy your MEMORY. 28861.sjs Re: beer CM 28862.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28863.sjs Re: Mito-kohmon. 28864.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28865.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28866.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28867.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28868.sjs Re: I want to buy your MEMORY. 28869.sjs Re: syncretism 28870.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28871.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28872.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28873.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 28874.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28875.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28876.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28877.sjs Sorry (Re: Yashiki) 28878.sjs Re: I want to buy your MEMORY. 28879.sjs Re: otoko no joukyou (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 28880.sjs Re: KISIRO 28881.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28882.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 28883.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28884.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 28885.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28886.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 28887.sjs Re: congratulation 28888.sjs Re: otoko no joukyou (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 28889.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 28890.sjs Re: semeno-keiei 28891.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28892.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 28893.sjs Re: New source 28894.sjs Re: help 28895.sjs Hosokawa 28896.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 28897.sjs Re: help 28898.sjs Re: KISIRO 28899.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v28900: ================================= 28900.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 28901.sjs New source 28902.sjs Re: fufufu 28903.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28904.sjs Re: New source 28905.sjs Re: New source 28906.sjs Re: KISIRO 28907.sjs Re: KISIRO 28908.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28909.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 28910.sjs Re: fufufu 28911.sjs Re: New source 28912.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28913.sjs Re: help 28914.sjs Re: KISIRO 28915.sjs Re: The 1st `TANUKI' Summit 28916.sjs Re: KISIRO 28917.sjs Re: KISIRO 28918.sjs Re: KISIRO 28919.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28920.sjs Re: syncretism 28921.sjs Re: fufufu 28922.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 28923.sjs fj.jokes 28924.sjs Re: Hosokawa 28925.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28926.sjs Re: Sorry (Re: Yashiki) 28927.sjs Re: Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28928.sjs Re: [CHILD] Tsume kiri ( nail clipper ) 28929.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28930.sjs Re: "How to get around fj.*" 28931.sjs Re: fufufu 28932.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 28933.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28934.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 28935.sjs Re: syncretism 28936.sjs Re: congratulation 28937.sjs Re: I want to buy your MEMORY. 28938.sjs Students' life 28939.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28940.sjs Re: KISIRO 28941.sjs Re: Students' life 28942.sjs Re: help 28943.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28944.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 28945.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28946.sjs Re: help 28947.sjs Re: fufufu 28948.sjs Re: Students' life 28949.sjs Napo-ranger 28950.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28951.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28952.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28953.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 28954.sjs Re: semeno-keiei 28955.sjs Re: semeno-keiei 28956.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28957.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28958.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28959.sjs Mitchey 28960.sjs Re: senaka ga... (Re: [yield] tomcat) 28961.sjs Re: semeno-keiei 28962.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28963.sjs Re: congratulation 28964.sjs Re: Mensch! 28965.sjs Re: New source 28966.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 28967.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 28968.sjs Re: Hosokawa 28969.sjs Re: Shiken ni deru Gakuentoshi 28970.sjs Re: "How to get around fj.*" 28971.sjs Re: Hosokawa 28972.sjs Re: Hosokawa 28973.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28974.sjs Re: Mensch! 28975.sjs Re: KISIRO 28976.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28977.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28978.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 28979.sjs Re: help 28980.sjs Re: Biggest Medama-yaki 28981.sjs Re: Nan 28982.sjs Re: congratulation 28983.sjs Re: phenol (Re: ICM no HDD cable ni tsuite) 28984.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28985.sjs Re: Victory 28986.sjs Re: congratulation 28987.sjs Re: congratulation 28988.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28989.sjs Re: fj.jokes 28990.sjs Re: Mitchey 28991.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 28992.sjs Jokes Mailing List 28993.sjs Schade Schade! 28994.sjs sale. 28995.sjs Re: New source 28996.sjs Re: congratulation 28997.sjs Test 28998.sjs Gakko no Guchi!! 28999.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29000: ================================= 29000.sjs Re: fj.jokes 29001.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 29002.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 29003.sjs plunging 29004.sjs Re: Students' life 29005.sjs Re: Hosokawa 29006.sjs Re: Mitchey 29007.sjs Back to 1992 29008.sjs Re: Test 29009.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29010.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29011.sjs Re: Back to 1992 29012.sjs Nonsense 29013.sjs Re: fj.jokes 29014.sjs Re: Sorry (Re: Yashiki) 29015.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29016.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29017.sjs Mitchy 29018.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 29019.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29020.sjs IPC:May 29021.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29022.sjs Re: Mitchy 29023.sjs Body of Pig (Re: Back to 1992) 29024.sjs Re: Test 29025.sjs Re: help 29026.sjs Re: Test 29027.sjs Re: Sorry (Re: Yashiki) 29028.sjs Re: Mitchy 29029.sjs Re: IPC:May 29030.sjs Re: IPC: May 29031.sjs shaving (was Re: plunging) 29032.sjs Definition on 'ko-ji en' 29033.sjs Re: New source 29034.sjs Re: New source 29035.sjs Re: Mito-kohmon. 29036.sjs Re: Murphy's Law 29037.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 29038.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 29039.sjs Poor his fellows 29040.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29041.sjs Re: IPC:May 29042.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29043.sjs Recycling Seed (Re: Body of Pig) 29044.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 29045.sjs Re: Students' life 29046.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29047.sjs Re: Back to 1992 29048.sjs Re: IPC: May ; ichigyou bumon 29049.sjs Re: Danbo 29050.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 29051.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29052.sjs Re: MM and VR 29053.sjs Re: Test 29054.sjs Re: IPC:May 29055.sjs MM and VR 29056.sjs Re: Hosokawa 29057.sjs Re: New source 29058.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29059.sjs VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29060.sjs Re: Hosokawa 29061.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29062.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29063.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 29064.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 29065.sjs Re: KISIRO 29066.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 29067.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 29068.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 29069.sjs Re: congratulation 29070.sjs Re: otoko no joukyou (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 29071.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 29072.sjs Re: Sorry (Re: Yashiki) 29073.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29074.sjs reason 29075.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 29076.sjs Re: MM and VR 29077.sjs Re: New source 29078.sjs Re: New source 29079.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29080.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29081.sjs Re: IPC:May 29082.sjs Nishin 29083.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29084.sjs Re: CRT manufacture in Japan. 29085.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29086.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 29087.sjs Re: "How to get around fj.*" 29088.sjs Re: Nishin 29089.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 29090.sjs Re: VR 29091.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29092.sjs Danbo 29093.sjs Re: Gendai-Manga Toshokan. 29094.sjs T>Zenmetsu & Enryo 29095.sjs Re: Nishin 29096.sjs Re: Natsu-yasumi 29097.sjs Re: gopher 29098.sjs Re: "basaro" 29099.sjs Re: debug Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29100: ================================= 29100.sjs Re: Nishin 29101.sjs Re: gopher 29102.sjs Re: Recycling Seed (Re: Body of Pig) 29103.sjs Re: gopher 29104.sjs Re: IPC: May ; ichigyou bumon 29105.sjs Re: New source 29106.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 29107.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 29108.sjs Re: TONO 29109.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 29110.sjs Re: Nishin 29111.sjs Re: Natsu-yasumi 29112.sjs Re: kansai 29113.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29114.sjs Re: HOUESE 29115.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29116.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 29117.sjs Re: VR 29118.sjs Re: RETURN 29119.sjs VirtualReality 29120.sjs Re: CRT manufacture in Japan. 29121.sjs Re: Mitchy 29122.sjs Jiko-hasan 29123.sjs "basaro" 29124.sjs Re: TeX for Mac 29125.sjs Re: gopher 29126.sjs Re: Nishin 29127.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29128.sjs Re: gerugugu 29129.sjs Re: gerugugu 29130.sjs Re: T>Zenmetsu & Enryo 29131.sjs Black Ship ? 29132.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29133.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29134.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29135.sjs Scham 29136.sjs Re: Scham 29137.sjs Re: Advice for fred 29138.sjs Re: Scham 29139.sjs VR 29140.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 29141.sjs Re: Students' life 29142.sjs Re: MM and VR 29143.sjs Re: Reality (Re: Opening Games) 29144.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29145.sjs Re: otoko no joukyou (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 29146.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29147.sjs Re: MM and VR 29148.sjs Re: Nishin 29149.sjs Re: We Do Wish Jokes, NOT chats. 29150.sjs Re: Nishin 29151.sjs Re: Natsu-yasumi 29152.sjs Re: RETURN 29153.sjs Re: New source 29154.sjs Re:Re: shaving (was Re: plunging) 29155.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29156.sjs Re: MM and VR 29157.sjs KANIMISO 29158.sjs Re: HOUESE 29159.sjs Re: CRT manufacture in Japan. 29160.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29161.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 29162.sjs Re: Re:Re: shaving (was Re: plunging) 29163.sjs Natsu-yasumi 29164.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29165.sjs Re: MM and VR 29166.sjs Re: Scham 29167.sjs Re: Nishin 29168.sjs Re: TONO 29169.sjs Re: kansai 29170.sjs gerugugu 29171.sjs RETURN 29172.sjs Re: MM and VR 29173.sjs Re: kansai 29174.sjs Re: RETURN 29175.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29176.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29177.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29178.sjs Kyouka ? =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNjgyThsoQg==?= ? << Re: Napo-ranger 29179.sjs Re: MM and VR 29180.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 29181.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 29182.sjs Re: Scham 29183.sjs Re: RETURN 29184.sjs Re: VR 29185.sjs Signature 29186.sjs Re: Scham 29187.sjs Re: MM and VR 29188.sjs ... 29189.sjs Re: IPC: May 29190.sjs Re: [KOALA] fj.test 29191.sjs Re: Scham 29192.sjs Re: [Dai-Hon-Ei News] 4.22 29193.sjs Re: Scham 29194.sjs Re: MM and VR 29195.sjs Re: MM and VR 29196.sjs [Dai-Hon-Ei News] 4.22 29197.sjs Re: New source 29198.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 29199.sjs Re: Students' life Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29200: ================================= 29200.sjs nezumi-tori 29201.sjs Re: Scham 29202.sjs Re: mujun 29203.sjs Re: VirtualReality 29204.sjs Re: New source 29205.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 29206.sjs Re: RETURN 29207.sjs Re: HOUESE 29208.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29209.sjs Re: Scham 29210.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29211.sjs Re: RETURN 29212.sjs Re: mujun 29213.sjs Re: Scham 29214.sjs Re: Bet on New-PM-race! 29215.sjs Re: Scham 29216.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 29217.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29218.sjs Re: Napo-ranger 29219.sjs Re: Signature 29220.sjs Re: Students' life 29221.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29222.sjs *ifty 29223.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29224.sjs Re: Scham 29225.sjs Re: mujun 29226.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 29227.sjs Re: Kyouka ? =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNjgyThsoQg==?= ? << Re: Napo-ranger 29228.sjs Re: CRT manufacture in Japan. 29229.sjs Re: Scham 29230.sjs Oil 29231.sjs Re: RETURN 29232.sjs Re: Nishin 29233.sjs Re: gopher 29234.sjs Re: "How to get around fj.*" 29235.sjs Re: Children needed 29236.sjs Re: HOUESE 29237.sjs Re: mujun 29238.sjs Re: Scham 29239.sjs Re: Scham 29240.sjs Re: Gakko no Guchi!! 29241.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 29242.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 29243.sjs Re: Apple Keyboard II (forsale) 29244.sjs Re: IPC:May 29245.sjs Re: mujun 29246.sjs Re: Students' life 29247.sjs Re: IPC:May 29248.sjs Re: New source 29249.sjs Re: MM and VR 29250.sjs Re: [Dai-Hon-Ei News] 4.22 29251.sjs Re: Advice for fred 29252.sjs Re: Scham 29253.sjs Re: RETURN 29254.sjs Re: gerugugu 29255.sjs Re: Students' life 29256.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29257.sjs Re: Scham 29258.sjs Re: Scham 29259.sjs Re: Jokes Mailing List 29260.sjs Re: Scham 29261.sjs Re: Danbo 29262.sjs We are not TOP-less anymore. 29263.sjs The end of top-less 29264.sjs Re: Nishin 29265.sjs Re: VirtualReality 29266.sjs Re: Apple Keyboard II (forsale) 29267.sjs mujun 29268.sjs Re: New source 29269.sjs Re: Scham 29270.sjs Re: We are not TOP-less anymore. 29271.sjs Re: Scham 29272.sjs Re: Students' life 29273.sjs Re: Sorry (Re: Yashiki) 29274.sjs Re: New source 29275.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 29276.sjs Re: PunPun (In Japanese/Kanji) 29277.sjs Re: IPC:May 29278.sjs Re: RETURN 29279.sjs Re: mujun 29280.sjs Re: mujun 29281.sjs Re: mujun 29282.sjs Re: Oil 29283.sjs Re: MM and VR 29284.sjs Re: Oil 29285.sjs Re: Mailbombing from Immigration Attorneys 29286.sjs Re: IPC: May 29287.sjs Re: New Prime Minister 29288.sjs Re: Scham 29289.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 29290.sjs Re: IPC:May 29291.sjs Rie said... 29292.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29293.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29294.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29295.sjs Re: Scham 29296.sjs Re: Students' life 29297.sjs Re: New Prime Minister 29298.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 29299.sjs Re: EdogawaCut Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29300: ================================= 29300.sjs Re: Scham 29301.sjs Re: Scham 29302.sjs CM PotetoChip 29303.sjs The Survivor 29304.sjs Re: NHK 29305.sjs Re: Road 29306.sjs Re: Road 29307.sjs I don't mean to post here. 29308.sjs Re: Renewal 29309.sjs Re: Renewal 29310.sjs Re: Political Divorce 29311.sjs New Prime Minister 29312.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29313.sjs Rest in Pieces, Again 29314.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29315.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 29316.sjs Re: [Q]:A trouble at Nifty. 29317.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 29318.sjs GW Plan 29319.sjs Itao 29320.sjs smile 29321.sjs Re: J-league 29322.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29323.sjs Re: New Prime Minister 29324.sjs Re: PunPun (In Japanese/Kanji) 29325.sjs Re: PunPun (In Japanese/Kanji) 29326.sjs Re: shigoto 29327.sjs Re: [yield] tomcat 29328.sjs Re: Apple Keyboard II (forsale) 29329.sjs Re: Rie said... 29330.sjs Re: One line 29331.sjs Re: New Prime Minister 29332.sjs Re: 100 29333.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 29334.sjs Re: shigoto 29335.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 29336.sjs Re: Students' life 29337.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 29338.sjs Re: VirtualReality 29339.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29340.sjs Hata-ha no ... 29341.sjs Re: IPC:May 29342.sjs Re: IPC:May 29343.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29344.sjs family project 29345.sjs Re: Scham 29346.sjs Re: I don't mean to post here. 29347.sjs Re: IPC:May 29348.sjs Re: family project 29349.sjs Re: Zoo with Panda 29350.sjs Political Divorce 29351.sjs Re: I don't mean to post here. 29352.sjs Re: Signature 29353.sjs Re: J-league 29354.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29355.sjs Re: J-league 29356.sjs Re: TV Drama 29357.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 29358.sjs Re: TeX for Mac 29359.sjs Re: IPC:May 29360.sjs IPA 29361.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 29362.sjs Renewal 29363.sjs Fj Gomi Wars 29364.sjs Re: GW Plan 29365.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29366.sjs Re: GW Plan 29367.sjs Re: Renewal 29368.sjs Re: Road 29369.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 29370.sjs Re: Political Divorce 29371.sjs Re: I don't mean to post here. 29372.sjs Re: J-league 29373.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 29374.sjs Re: J-league 29375.sjs Re: PunPun (In Japanese/Kanji) 29376.sjs Virtual Interview 29377.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 29378.sjs Re: Road 29379.sjs Re: J-league 29380.sjs Re: J-league 29381.sjs Re: J-league 29382.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29383.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29384.sjs Re: family project 29385.sjs Re: GW Plan 29386.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29387.sjs car 29388.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29389.sjs Debug (Re: One line) 29390.sjs FJ-league << Re: J-league 29391.sjs May Day 29392.sjs Plus (Re: J-league) 29393.sjs Antarctica (Re: Road) 29394.sjs Re: TeX for Mac 29395.sjs Re: IPC:May 29396.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29397.sjs Re: TeX for Mac 29398.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29399.sjs Re: IPC:May Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29400: ================================= 29400.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29401.sjs Re: TV Drama 29402.sjs Re: car 29403.sjs Re: NEWS 29404.sjs TetsuJin(Re: NHK) 29405.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29406.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29407.sjs Re: Political Divorce 29408.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29409.sjs shigoto 29410.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29411.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29412.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29413.sjs Re: J-league 29414.sjs Re: [Q]tansha 29415.sjs Song: Biribiribinken-bun 29416.sjs Re: NHK 29417.sjs Detective Story (Re: FJ-league) 29418.sjs Calcural difference between Japan and Western. 29419.sjs Re: VR (was Re: MM and VR) 29420.sjs Re: J-league 29421.sjs Digging Tomb 29422.sjs Re: NEWS 29423.sjs Re: 100 29424.sjs Re: New Prime Minister 29425.sjs Re: PROPLIS 29426.sjs Re: J-league 29427.sjs Re: NHK 29428.sjs Re: shigoto 29429.sjs Re: Zoo with Panda 29430.sjs Re: Signature 29431.sjs Name << Re: Road 29432.sjs Re: J-league 29433.sjs [Q]tansha 29434.sjs Re: J-league 29435.sjs Re: Signature 29436.sjs Re: Zoo with Panda 29437.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 29438.sjs Re: J-league 29439.sjs Re: Zoo with Panda 29440.sjs TV Drama 29441.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 29442.sjs Chatea 29443.sjs Re: J-league 29444.sjs May 5 29445.sjs Candle 29446.sjs GW << Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29447.sjs Re: J-league 29448.sjs Imora 29449.sjs Re: Digging Tomb 29450.sjs Re: seikurabe 29451.sjs Re: No More Fiction ? 29452.sjs Re: seikurabe 29453.sjs Re: Chatea 29454.sjs Re: I don't mean to post here. 29455.sjs Re: Imora 29456.sjs Re: seikurabe 29457.sjs Re: seikurabe 29458.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29459.sjs Re: car 29460.sjs Re: J-league 29461.sjs Re: Job-Hunting 29462.sjs Re: Calcural difference between Japan and Western. 29463.sjs Re: Candle 29464.sjs Re: May 5 29465.sjs Re: seikurabe 29466.sjs Re: Chatea 29467.sjs Re: G! 29468.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 29469.sjs Re: seikurabe 29470.sjs Re: Devil summoning 29471.sjs G! 29472.sjs Re: car 29473.sjs Re: seikurabe 29474.sjs Re: Devil summoning 29475.sjs aitura 29476.sjs Re: light(was Re: Tape recorder) 29477.sjs Re: Devil summoning 29478.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29479.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29480.sjs Re: seikurabe 29481.sjs seikurabe 29482.sjs Re: J-league 29483.sjs Re: G! 29484.sjs Re: Job-Hunting 29485.sjs Re: Furuhata 29486.sjs Re: May 5 29487.sjs Furuhata 29488.sjs Job-Hunting 29489.sjs Euro Tunnel 29490.sjs Re: aitura 29491.sjs History 29492.sjs Re: aitura 29493.sjs [=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTGQbKEI=?=] << Re: Communication 29494.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29495.sjs Re: Digging Tomb 29496.sjs Re:J-league 29497.sjs Re: Chatea 29498.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29499.sjs Re: [=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTGQbKEI=?=] << Re: Communication Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29500: ================================= 29500.sjs Re: Digging Tomb 29501.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 29502.sjs Re: J-league 29503.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29504.sjs Re: Rest in Pieces, Again 29505.sjs Re: TeX for Mac 29506.sjs Zoo with Panda 29507.sjs Re: Road 29508.sjs Re: Communication 29509.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29510.sjs Re: Re:J-league 29511.sjs Re: seikurabe 29512.sjs mono cock 29513.sjs Re: seikurabe 29514.sjs Re: seikurabe 29515.sjs Re: Job-Hunting 29516.sjs Re: seikurabe 29517.sjs Communication 29518.sjs Re: Devil summoning 29519.sjs Re: aitura 29520.sjs Ridatu! 29521.sjs Re: CM PotetoChip 29522.sjs Re: OSU-ML 29523.sjs Re: Chatea 29524.sjs Re: car 29525.sjs Re: Devil summoning 29526.sjs Re: Devil summoning 29527.sjs Re: aitura 29528.sjs Re: Job-Hunting 29529.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29530.sjs Re: [Q]tansha 29531.sjs Re: Re:J-league 29532.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29533.sjs menkyo 29534.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29535.sjs Re: TetsuJin(Re: NHK) 29536.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 29537.sjs Re: Chatea 29538.sjs Re: Furuhata 29539.sjs Re: J-league 29540.sjs Re: menkyo 29541.sjs doll (was Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league) 29542.sjs Re: aitura 29543.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 29544.sjs Iyana yokan 29545.sjs No More Fiction ? 29546.sjs* 29547.sjs Re: Chatea 29548.sjs Re: car 29549.sjs Re: Euro Tunnel 29550.sjs Re: Re:J-league 29551.sjs Re: seikurabe 29552.sjs Re: Furuhata 29553.sjs Re: mono cock 29554.sjs Re: FJ-league << Re: J-league 29555.sjs Re: seikurabe 29556.sjs Re: aitura 29557.sjs Atom-G << Re: aitura 29558.sjs Re: aitura 29559.sjs Re: J-league 29560.sjs Re: aitura 29561.sjs Re: I changed host name, something bad happens 29562.sjs Re: The Longest Word (In Japanese/Kanji) 29563.sjs Re: aitura 29564.sjs Re: car 29565.sjs workaholic 29566.sjs Re: Euro Tunnel 29567.sjs Re: History 29568.sjs Re: [Q]tansha 29569.sjs Re: seikurabe 29570.sjs Hambeuger with Taste 29571.sjs Re: aitura 29572.sjs Re: History 29573.sjs Re: Hambeuger with Taste 29574.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 29575.sjs Re: No More Fiction ? 29576.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 29577.sjs On the way to ... 29578.sjs Re: Political Divorce 29579.sjs Re: seikurabe 29580.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 29581.sjs Re: mekosikata 29582.sjs Re: workaholic 29583.sjs Re: J-league 29584.sjs FI Race 29585.sjs Re:* 29586.sjs Re: The Longest Word (In Japanese/Kanji) 29587.sjs Re: workaholic 29588.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29589.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 29590.sjs Re: J-league 29591.sjs Re: seikurabe 29592.sjs Re: [WANTED] SPRING GT-R! 29593.sjs Re: seikurabe 29594.sjs Re: J-league 29595.sjs Re: chusha ihan 29596.sjs Re: FI Race 29597.sjs Re: Hambeuger with Taste 29598.sjs mandera 29599.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) Directory usenet/fj/jokes/v29600: ================================= 29600.sjs Potate Chip CM 29601.sjs Re: workaholic 29602.sjs Re: J-league 29603.sjs Re: copy 29604.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 29605.sjs Re:* 29606.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29607.sjs Re: mandera 29608.sjs mekosikata 29609.sjs copy 29610.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29611.sjs Re: chusha ihan 29612.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 29613.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29614.sjs chusha ihan 29615.sjs Re: J-league 29616.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 29617.sjs Devil summoning 29618.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29619.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 29620.sjs [KOALA] MAC 29621.sjs nankou? 29622.sjs Re: aitura 29623.sjs Re: mono cock 29624.sjs Re: Furuhata 29625.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 29626.sjs Re: Kazushige 29627.sjs Re: Re:J-league 29628.sjs report 29629.sjs Re: Triangular Eating Method 29630.sjs Re: report 29631.sjs Re: J-league 29632.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 29633.sjs Re: J-league 29634.sjs Re: Kazushige 29635.sjs Reading active files... 29636.sjs Re: The Longest Word (In Japanese/Kanji) 29637.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 29638.sjs Re: FRANCE 29639.sjs Re: J-league 29640.sjs Re: Kazushige 29641.sjs Re: Kazushige 29642.sjs ToKyo Dome Blues 29643.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 29644.sjs Re: J-league 29645.sjs Re: seikurabe 29646.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 29647.sjs Re: FI Race 29648.sjs Re: mono cock 29649.sjs Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 29650.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29651.sjs Re: mandera 29652.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29653.sjs Re: digital broadcasting 29654.sjs Re: Kazushige 29655.sjs Re: nankou? 29656.sjs Re: FRANCE 29657.sjs Re: family project 29658.sjs Chou seiri-hou 29659.sjs Re: Request: Teddy Bear!!! 29660.sjs Re: Ninsin 29661.sjs Re: seikurabe 29662.sjs Re: FRANCE 29663.sjs Re: editer for fortran 29664.sjs Re: FRANCE 29665.sjs Re: Euro Tunnel 29666.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 29667.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29668.sjs Re: ToKyo Dome Blues 29669.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 29670.sjs Re: editer for fortran 29671.sjs Re: FRANCE 29672.sjs Triangular Eating Method 29673.sjs Re: seikurabe 29674.sjs Re: Triangular Eating Method 29675.sjs Re: editer for fortran 29676.sjs Re: Kazushige 29677.sjs Re: FRANCE 29678.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 29679.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29680.sjs Re: Friday 13 29681.sjs Re: Friday 13 29682.sjs Re: Friday 13 29683.sjs Re: Friday 13 29684.sjs Re: Ninsin 29685.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29686.sjs Re: Furuhata 29687.sjs Re: menkyo 29688.sjs Re: Chou seiri-hou 29689.sjs Re: Furuhata 29690.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 29691.sjs Re: Re:J-league 29692.sjs Re: nankou? 29693.sjs Kazushige 29694.sjs Re: J-league 29695.sjs T>Present for a little reader in fj.jokes 29696.sjs Re: Reading active files... 29697.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 29698.sjs Re: digital broadcasting 29699.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) Directory usenet/fj/jus: ======================== 34.sjs Call for Volunteer: 23rd jus UNIX Symposium Directory usenet/fj/kanakan: ============================ misc\ Misc wnn\ wnn Directory usenet/fj/kanakan/misc: ================================= 314.sjs dictionary convert from tarou to Canna.. 315.sjs Re: dictionary convert from tarou to Canna.. 316.sjs Re: dictionary convert from tarou to Canna.. 317.sjs Re: Kill File candidates 318.sjs previous (Re: [Ice hockey] WC94) Directory usenet/fj/kanakan/wnn: ================================ 243.sjs cserver on BSD/386 244.sjs [Wnn4.109] on hpux9 245.sjs Can't start jserver on HP-UX9.01 246.sjs Re: Can't start jserver on HP-UX9.01 247.sjs Re: Can't start jserver on HP-UX9.01 248.sjs Re: Can't start jserver on HP-UX9.01 249.sjs previous (Re: [Ice hockey] WC94) 250.sjs probability (Re: news on the disaster in Imora) 251.sjs Wnn don't work 252.sjs Re: previous (Re: [Ice hockey] WC94) 253.sjs Re: Wnn don't work 254.sjs Re: previous (Re: [Ice hockey] WC94) 255.sjs Re: Wnn don't work Directory usenet/fj/kanji: ========================== 461.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 462.sjs kcode.c (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 464.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 465.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 466.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 467.sjs Re: kcode.c (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 468.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 469.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 470.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 471.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 472.sjs ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 473.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 474.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 475.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 476.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 477.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 478.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 479.sjs [Summary] JIS-KANJI character list/ kcode.c 480.sjs Re: Registered Multibyte Character Sets for ISO2022 481.sjs Change to KANJIDIC format 482.sjs dictionary convert from tarou to Canna.. 483.sjs previous (Re: [Ice hockey] WC94) Directory usenet/fj/kermit: =========================== 115.sjs Re: Terminal Program Inquiry 116.sjs PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) 117.sjs Re: PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) 118.sjs Re: PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) 119.sjs Re: PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) Directory usenet/fj/lan: ======================== 232.sjs Re: [Q]HighSpeed modem? 234.sjs Re: [Q]HighSpeed modem? 235.sjs Call for papers 236.sjs Re: Variable netmask on Sun 237.sjs Ethernet 238.sjs CERT Advisory - wuarchive ftpd Trojan Horse 239.sjs CERT Advisory: wuarchive ftpd Trojan Horse 240.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 241.sjs LanManX & DOS6.2 242.sjs Re: E-mail ? 243.sjs Re: E-mail ? 244.sjs Re: E-mail ? 245.sjs Re: E-mail ? 246.sjs Re: IP address for closed network 247.sjs E-mail ? 248.sjs Re: E-mail ? 249.sjs Re: E-mail ? 250.sjs Re: E-mail ? 251.sjs Re: E-mail ? 252.sjs Re: E-mail ? 253.sjs Re: E-mail ? 254.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 255.sjs low price router 256.sjs Re: low price router 257.sjs Re: low price router 258.sjs How do I connect to the net from Tokyo? (English) 259.sjs IPX/SPX 260.sjs Re: low price router 261.sjs Re: low price router 262.sjs Re: low price router 263.sjs Re: low price router 264.sjs Re: E-mail ? 265.sjs Re: low price router 266.sjs Re: low price router 267.sjs Re: low price router 268.sjs Re: E-mail ? 269.sjs Re: low price router 270.sjs Re: low price router 271.sjs Re: low price router 272.sjs [CFA succeeded] 273.sjs [CFA succeeded] Directory usenet/fj/lang: ========================= awk\ Awk c\ C forth\ Forth fortran\ FORTRAN lisp\ LISP misc\ Miscellaneous perl\ PERL postscrp\ Postscript prolog\ Prolog st80\ ST80 tcl\ Tcl Directory usenet/fj/lang/awk: ============================= 70.sjs [Q] Articles for awk learning 71.sjs Re: [Q] Articles for awk learning 72.sjs Cannot use /=/ 73.sjs Re: Cannot use /=/ 74.sjs Re: Cannot use /=/ 75.sjs Re: [Q] Articles for awk learning 76.sjs Re: [Q] Articles for awk learning Directory usenet/fj/lang/c: =========================== 849.sjs source code analyze tool 850.sjs Re: source code analyze tool 851.sjs Re: source code analyze tool 852.sjs [Q] about file handling 853.sjs Re: lint for MS-C 854.sjs "fj.lang.c++"? 855.sjs Re: lint for MS-C 856.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 857.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 858.sjs [Thanks] answer to my question 859.sjs Re: lint for MS-C 860.sjs Re: lint for MS-C 861.sjs A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 862.sjs [summary] source code analyze tool 863.sjs sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 864.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 865.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 866.sjs Re: [summary] source code analyze tool 867.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 868.sjs Re: lint for MS-C 869.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 870.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 871.sjs Re: lint for MS-C 872.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 873.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 874.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 875.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 876.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 877.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 878.sjs Re: [summary] source code analyze tool 879.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 880.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 881.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 882.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 883.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 884.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 885.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 886.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 887.sjs [CFD call for discussion] fj.lang.c++ 888.sjs use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 889.sjs libg++ with SPARC C++ 890.sjs Re: libg++ with SPARC C++ 891.sjs Re: libg++ with SPARC C++ 892.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 893.sjs search unused functions 894.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 895.sjs Re: search unused functions 896.sjs Re: search unused functions 897.sjs [CFA call for approval] fj.lang.c++ 898.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 899.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 900.sjs Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code 901.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 902.sjs Re: search unused functions 903.sjs electric-c-quote 904.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 905.sjs Typecast 906.sjs Re: search unused functions 907.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 908.sjs Re: use CVS (Re: sccs/rcs keyword variable in C source code) 909.sjs Re: Typecast 910.sjs Re: search unused functions 911.sjs Re: Typecast 912.sjs looking for The C Users Journal 913.sjs function inheritance in gcc 2.5.8 914.sjs Re: function inheritance in gcc 2.5.8 915.sjs Re: search unused functions Directory usenet/fj/lang/forth: =============================== 5.sjs Forth and PostScript (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 6.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 7.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 8.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 9.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 10.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 11.sjs FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 12.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 13.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 14.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 15.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 16.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 17.sjs peculiarity of FORTH (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 18.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 19.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 20.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 21.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 22.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 23.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 24.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 25.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 26.sjs Re: peculiarity of FORTH (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 27.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 28.sjs Re: FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 29.sjs FORTH specifications (Re: FORTH books) 30.sjs Re: peculiarity of FORTH (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) Directory usenet/fj/lang/fortran: ================================= 127.sjs [Q] about file handling 128.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 129.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 130.sjs Re: | [Q] about file handling 131.sjs | [Q] about file handling 132.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 133.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 134.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 135.sjs Re: | [Q] about file handling 136.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 137.sjs Re: | [Q] about file handling 138.sjs [Thanks] answer for my question 139.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 140.sjs Re: [Thanks] answer for my question 141.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 142.sjs BN or BZ ? Internal READ. 143.sjs Re: | [Q] about file handling 144.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 145.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 146.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 147.sjs Re: | [Q] about file handling 148.sjs Re: [Thanks] answer for my question 149.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 150.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 151.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 152.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 153.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 154.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 155.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 156.sjs I want fortran source converter. 157.sjs books about Fortran (with Unix) 158.sjs Re: books about Fortran (with Unix) 159.sjs Re: books about Fortran (with Unix) 160.sjs undefined variable in fortran 161.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 162.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 163.sjs Re: [Q] about file handling 164.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 165.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 166.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 167.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 168.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 169.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 170.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 171.sjs Re: library not found 172.sjs Re: undefined variable in fortran 173.sjs Re: NUMPAC 174.sjs NUMPAC 175.sjs Re: NUMPAC 176.sjs editer for fortran 177.sjs Re: editer for fortran 178.sjs Re: editer for fortran 179.sjs Fortran Compiler 180.sjs book: Nyumon Fortran90 181.sjs Re: editer for fortran Directory usenet/fj/lang/lisp: ============================== 94.sjs Lisp on MachTen 95.sjs UTI lisp 96.sjs Re: UTI lisp 97.sjs [I want lisp]where ? 98.sjs Re: [I want lisp]where ? 99.sjs Where is clisp ? 100.sjs Re: [I want lisp]where ? 101.sjs clisp on SONY NEWS 5000 102.sjs [WANTED] KCL patch for NEWS 103.sjs utilisp 104.sjs Re: utilisp Directory usenet/fj/lang/misc: ============================== 298.sjs Re: About BASIC. 299.sjs Re: About BASIC. 300.sjs Re: About BASIC. 301.sjs recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 302.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 303.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 304.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 305.sjs Forth and PostScript (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 306.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 307.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 308.sjs [CFA] fj.comp.theory 309.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 310.sjs Re: CFP: RIMS workshop on Theory of Concurrency and Its Applications 311.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 312.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 313.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 314.sjs FORTH books (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 315.sjs Archives of mathematica ML is available 316.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 317.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 318.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 319.sjs concurrent TRS 320.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 321.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 322.sjs peculiarity of FORTH (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 323.sjs [CFA] fj.comp.theory 324.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 325.sjs Re: concurrent TRS 326.sjs Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ? 327.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 328.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 329.sjs Re: peculiarity of FORTH (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 330.sjs [Approaved] fj.comp.theory 331.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 332.sjs How to use degitizer with Visual Basic ? 333.sjs comp.specification.z Frequently Asked Questions (Monthly) 334.sjs Re: peculiarity of FORTH (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 335.sjs CFP: RIMS workshop on Theory of Concurrency and Its Applications Directory usenet/fj/lang/perl: ============================== 207.sjs SUG Perl Seminar (Cambridge, MA. May 27, 1994) 217.sjs Re: Do you accept gzip for compression of fj.sources article? 218.sjs unpack (Re: Do you accept gzip for compression of fj.sources article 219.sjs PERL Tutorial (27 May. Boston, MA) 220.sjs Compile Perl 4.036 on Solaris 2.3 with gcc 221.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 222.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 223.sjs Re: Do you accept gzip for compression of fj.sources article? 224.sjs Re: begin, end (was Re: Do you accept...) 225.sjs begin, end (was Re: Do you accept...) 226.sjs Re: begin, end (was Re: Do you accept...) 227.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 228.sjs Re: Do you accept gzip for compression of fj.sources article? 229.sjs Re: begin, end (was Re: Do you accept...) 230.sjs Re: begin, end (was Re: Do you accept...) 231.sjs perl5 spec. 232.sjs Perl Tutorial Earlybird Ends TODAY (4-15-94) 233.sjs Re: perl5 spec. 234.sjs Re: perl5 spec. 235.sjs KANJI conversion script 236.sjs Re: KANJI conversion script 237.sjs Re: KANJI conversion script 238.sjs Re: KANJI conversion script 239.sjs test failed 240.sjs newsrc v1.8 -- .newsrc reordering command 241.sjs Re: DNASD 242.sjs Re: KANJI conversion script 243.sjs Re: DNASD 244.sjs -- ident protocol library for perl (v1.1) 245.sjs $USER,$HOME ...How to use them in perl script? 246.sjs Re: $USER,$HOME ...How to use them in perl script? Directory usenet/fj/lang/postscrp: ================================== 365.sjs Forth and PostScript (Re: recommended GENGO-SHORIKEI ?) 366.sjs Re: How to add the new path on the current page 367.sjs Re: HPGL to PS ? 368.sjs Wanted! Postscript Filter / PS-$B%U%#%k%?!<$rC5$7$F$$$^$9(B 369.sjs level2 to level1 ? [Re: How to add the new path on the current page] 370.sjs On font download to Hard Disk 371.sjs Re: HPGL to PS ? 372.sjs BUG or ???, gs261j10 + djgpp-patch, use of STDPRN in "" 373.sjs Ver.1.3 374.sjs Modifying Type1 font 375.sjs Modifying underscore of /Courier 376.sjs Re: HPGL to PS ? 377.sjs Some file can not be accepted by PostScript printer why ? 378.sjs Re: Some file can not be accepted by PostScript printer why ? 379.sjs Re: Modifying Type1 font 380.sjs Re: Some file can not be accepted by PostScript printer why ? 381.sjs how to use SJIS code in PostScript 382.sjs Re: how to use SJIS code in PostScript 383.sjs PS =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJVclaiVzJT8kTkEqQnIbKEI=?= 384.sjs Re: how to use SJIS code in PostScript 385.sjs Re: how to use SJIS code in PostScript 386.sjs Re: how to use SJIS code in PostScript 387.sjs Sun raster to postscript Directory usenet/fj/lang/prolog: ================================ 81.sjs Pegs puzzle 82.sjs Re: Pegs puzzle 83.sjs wanted information about constraint Prolog 84.sjs Re: wanted information about constraint Prolog 85.sjs Re: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 86.sjs Re: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 87.sjs concurrent TRS 88.sjs Re: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 89.sjs Re: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 90.sjs Re: concurrent TRS 91.sjs Summary: constraint Prolog 92.sjs Re: Thanks: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 93.sjs Thanks: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 94.sjs Re: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 95.sjs [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 96.sjs prolog_and_c.qst 97.sjs what's commit prolog 98.sjs Comibne Prolog and C 99.sjs Re: Thanks: [Q] Prolog on MS-DOS 100.sjs CFP: RIMS workshop on Theory of Concurrency and Its Applications Directory usenet/fj/lang/st80: ============================== 142.sjs Re: The Smalltalk Textbook 28 143.sjs UserTalk meeting on April 144.sjs Re: The Smalltalk Textbook 28 145.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 32 146.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 33 147.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook Appendix 18 148.sjs Smalltalk class library "Mei0.60" is released. 149.sjs Adel Goldberg Seminar 150.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 34 151.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook Appendix 19 152.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 35 153.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook Appendix 20 154.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 36 155.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook Appendix 21 156.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook Appendix 23 157.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 38 158.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook 37 159.sjs The Smalltalk Textbook Appendix 22 160.sjs st fo pc 161.sjs CORBA conforming HP Distributed Smalltalk demo. 162.sjs Re: Dynamic Object Scheme Change (In Japanese/Kanji) 163.sjs Re: st fo pc 164.sjs Dynamic Object Scheme Change (In Japanese/Kanji) 165.sjs Re: st fo pc 166.sjs Re: st fo pc Directory usenet/fj/lang/tcl: ============================= 59.sjs tcltk_on_business (In Japanese/Kanji) 60.sjs Re: tcltk_on_business (In Japanese/Kanji) 61.sjs Re: tcltk_on_business (In Japanese/Kanji) 62.sjs CrtCommand.3 in Japanese 63.sjs Unsuccessful extract tclX7.3 64.sjs Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget 65.sjs [Q] window manage in tcl/tk ? 66.sjs Selection text insert (Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget) 67.sjs Re: [Q] open file with | 68.sjs pcte-interface-wanted 69.sjs Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget 70.sjs Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget 71.sjs Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget 72.sjs Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget 73.sjs Re: Cursol Position in Text Widget 74.sjs Re: [Q] open file with | 75.sjs Re: [Q] open file with | 76.sjs string width in entry widget 77.sjs [Q] Listbox selection on startup 78.sjs Re: multi-selection on listbox 79.sjs Re: multi-selection on listbox 80.sjs Re: [Q] window manage in tcl/tk ? 81.sjs multi-selection on listbox 82.sjs tk3.6 Japanese Manual 83.sjs Re: [tk] How to DELETE widget ? 84.sjs Re: [tk] How to DELETE widget ? 85.sjs [tk] How to DELETE widget ? 86.sjs Re: [tk] How to DELETE widget ? 87.sjs Re: [tk] How to DELETE widget ? Directory usenet/fj/life: ========================= children\ Children in_japan\ Life in Japan money\ Money religion\ Religion Directory usenet/fj/life/children: ================================== 1.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 2.sjs Children Needed 3.sjs OFURO no irekata 4.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 5.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 6.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 7.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 8.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 9.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 10.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 11.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 12.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 13.sjs Re: married->child? 14.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 15.sjs OMUTSU ni tuite ! 16.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 17.sjs Re: married->child? 18.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 19.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 20.sjs [wanted] Textbook of Disney's WORLD OF ENGLISH 21.sjs Re: married->child? 22.sjs Re: OFURO no irekata 23.sjs Re: married->child? 24.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 25.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 26.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 27.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 28.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 29.sjs Re: married->child? 30.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 31.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 32.sjs omutu 33.sjs joseiki 34.sjs Re: joseiki 35.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 36.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 37.sjs Re: OMUTSU ni tuite ! 38.sjs Re: omutu 39.sjs anti-MISSHITSU-IKUJI (Re: married->child?) 40.sjs, fj.sci.informatics 41.sjs, fj.sci.informatics Directory usenet/fj/life/in_japan: ================================== 3004.sjs Hiroshima Keizai Dai 3005.sjs Re: Racism/Sexism in Japan (was Re: Permanent Residency) 3006.sjs Re: Permanent Residency 3007.sjs Re: Permanent Residency 3008.sjs Racism/Sexism in Japan (was Re: Permanent Residency) 3009.sjs how to install kanji-de/encoder 3010.sjs Re: SAVE $$$ ON INTERNATIONAL CALLING 3011.sjs Attitude of the Japanese towards foreigners 3012.sjs Looking for contacts in Parallel programming 3013.sjs Inet dialup service in Japan 3014.sjs Internet Access Information Sought... (lij ML (fwd)) 3015.sjs Libraries for English Technical books 3016.sjs Attitudes of foreigners to other foreigners (was: Re: Attitude of th 3017.sjs Mail-order PC's 3018.sjs Re: Mail-order PC's 3019.sjs Japanese Beta Testers 3020.sjs Yama Nobori!!!!!!! (lij ML (fwd)) 3021.sjs Re: Mail-order PC's 3022.sjs Immiguration Officers (was Permanent Residency) 3023.sjs Yama-Nobori Revisions (Minor) (lij ML (fwd)) 3024.sjs "Daughter-in-Law" TV show. 3025.sjs [JAPANESE] dictionary program release announcement 3026.sjs [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 3027.sjs trans / nemacs / mule 3028.sjs buying a computer 3029.sjs Re: "Daughter-in-Law" TV show. 3030.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3031.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3032.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3033.sjs Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3034.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3035.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3036.sjs Bicycle Shops 3037.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3038.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3039.sjs Re: Internet Access Information Sought... (lij ML (fwd)) 3040.sjs Re: Attitudes of foreigners to other foreigners (was: Re: Attitude o 3041.sjs chinese magazine information 3042.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3043.sjs Re: Attitudes of foreigners to other foreigners (was: Re: Attitude o 3044.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3045.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3046.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3047.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3048.sjs LDS Callback question 3049.sjs "What is" Rev 0.9 [English/Japanese] 3050.sjs Role-playing or strategy gaming in Tokyo? 3051.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3052.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3053.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 3054.sjs Re: buying a computer 3055.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3056.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 3057.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 3058.sjs Re: buying a computer 3059.sjs Re: buying a computer 3060.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3061.sjs Q: (Paper)News related addresses in Japan 3062.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3063.sjs about buildings. 3064.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3065.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3066.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3067.sjs CD company address wanted. 3068.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3069.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3070.sjs Tokyo Off Time - Part 22 - Hanami, Hills and Hiring 3071.sjs JAPAN RELATED JOBS 3073.sjs Re: Tokyo Off Time - Now on Mosaic!! 3074.sjs Re: Tokyo Off Time! - Now on Mosaic 3075.sjs Pen Pal 3076.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3077.sjs Seeking a Technical Job in Japan 3078.sjs New public-access Unix system 3079.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3080.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3081.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3082.sjs birth registration 3083.sjs Japanese Speaking RF Design Engineer 3084.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3085.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3086.sjs Tokyo Off Time Announcements 3087.sjs JAPAN RELATED JOBS 3088.sjs Re: Tokyo Off Time Announcements 3089.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3090.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3091.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3092.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3093.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3094.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3095.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3096.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3097.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3098.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3099.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3100.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3101.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3102.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3103.sjs [WANTED]:Singers:A Cappella 3104.sjs buntsuu shimasen ka? 3105.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3106.sjs Julianna's Tokyu 3107.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3108.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3109.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3110.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3111.sjs JAPAN RELATED JOBS 3112.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3113.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 3114.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] Directory usenet/fj/life/money: =============================== 1.sjs Re: Tanki Kousyasai Toushin 2.sjs Re: Furikomi tesuuryo (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 3.sjs Re: Tanki Kousyasai Toushin 4.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 5.sjs Re: minimum balance (was Re: Furikomi tesuuryo) 6.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 7.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 8.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 9.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 10.sjs furikomi tesuryou 11.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 12.sjs Furikomi tesuuryo (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 13.sjs Re: minimum balance (was Re: Furikomi tesuuryo) 14.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 15.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 16.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou 17.sjs Re: minimum balance (was Re: Furikomi tesuuryo) 18.sjs Re: minimum balance (was Re: Furikomi tesuuryo) 19.sjs Re: furikomi tesuryou Directory usenet/fj/life/religion: ================================== 292.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 293.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 294.sjs tengu (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 295.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 296.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 297.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 298.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 299.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 300.sjs 3 in 1 301.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 302.sjs syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 303.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 304.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 305.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 306.sjs Re: 3 in 1 307.sjs Re: 3 in 1 308.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 309.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 310.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 311.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 312.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 313.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 314.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 315.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 316.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 317.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 318.sjs Why Men Will Not Come to Christ 319.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 320.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 321.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 322.sjs The Great Day of the LORD... 323.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 324.sjs Re: syncretism (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 325.sjs annotation for letter to the Rome Directory usenet/fj/living: =========================== v7200\ articles Vol 7200 v7300\ articles Vol 7300 v7400\ articles Vol 7400 v7500\ articles Vol 7500 v7600\ articles Vol 7600 Directory usenet/fj/living/v7200: ================================= 7286.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7287.sjs Re: Making commitment (Re: AmWay flame war log file) 7288.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7289.sjs Re: [Money] SuperSelectOpen (RE: mutural fund of BOND) 7290.sjs Re: [Money] Chu-koku FUND & MMF 7291.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7292.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7293.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7294.sjs Re: [Money] Re: card loan 7295.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7296.sjs Re: [Money] Service plus VISA 7297.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7298.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7299.sjs [Money] Chukoku FUND Directory usenet/fj/living/v7300: ================================= 7300.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7301.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 7302.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 7303.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 7304.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7305.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7306.sjs Re: [Money] Service plus VISA 7307.sjs [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7308.sjs [Money] Service plus VISA 7309.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7310.sjs jiko-keihatsu 7311.sjs Re: credit card 7312.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 7313.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7314.sjs Re: [Money] SuperSelectOpen (RE: mutural fund of BOND) 7315.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7316.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7317.sjs [Q] Contacting Phone number for AT&T calling card 7318.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7319.sjs [Summary][Money]azuke ire 7320.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 7321.sjs computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 7322.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7323.sjs Re: [CHILD] Tsume kiri ( nail clipper ) 7324.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7325.sjs [Money] NTT's stock 7326.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7327.sjs Re: [Money] mutural fund of BOND 7328.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7329.sjs Re: [Money] [OMC] Credit Card no OMAKE 7330.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7331.sjs [CHILD] Ikuji-Sho 7332.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7333.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7334.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7335.sjs Re: [CHILD] Tsume kiri ( nail clipper ) 7336.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7337.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7338.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7339.sjs [Q] youtuu no chiryou 7340.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7341.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7342.sjs [Money] Bank 7343.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7344.sjs PROPLIS 7345.sjs Re: [Money] [OMC] Credit Card no OMAKE 7346.sjs Re: [Summary][Money]azuke ire 7347.sjs Re: [Money] Bank 7348.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7349.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7350.sjs Re: [CHILD] Tsume kiri ( nail clipper ) 7351.sjs [CFA&CFAV] 7352.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7353.sjs Re: [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7354.sjs [Money] Chukoku-fund or Hit 7355.sjs Re: contact lens 7356.sjs Re: [CHILD] Ikuji-Sho 7357.sjs akachan no taion 7358.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7359.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7360.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7361.sjs Re: [CHILD] Tsume kiri ( nail clipper ) 7362.sjs Re: [CHILD] Ikuji-Sho 7363.sjs VHS COPY 7364.sjs hernia of baby 7365.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7366.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7367.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7368.sjs Re: VHS COPY 7369.sjs Re: VHS COPY 7370.sjs [medical?] tyo-sansei-sui 7371.sjs Re: [CHILD] Ikuji-Sho 7372.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 7373.sjs Re: [medical?] tyo-sansei-sui 7374.sjs [Money] [Card] The article on VISIO MONO 7375.sjs Re: [Money] SuperSelectOpen (RE: mutural fund of BOND) 7376.sjs Re: VHS COPY 7377.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7378.sjs creation 7379.sjs [CFA&CFAV] 7380.sjs Re: hernia of baby 7381.sjs Re: hernia of baby 7382.sjs Hikkoshi 7383.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 7384.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7385.sjs kodomono netsu 7386.sjs Re: VHS COPY 7387.sjs Re: hernia of baby 7388.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7389.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7390.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7391.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 7392.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 7393.sjs Multi Syouhou [$B%^%k%A>&K!$NHo32$K$"$o$J$$$?$a$K(B] 7394.sjs Re: [Money] ATM at Post Office 7395.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7396.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7397.sjs [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7398.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7399.sjs Re: Hikkoshi Directory usenet/fj/living/v7400: ================================= 7400.sjs ink tuita 7401.sjs [Money] Postal Transfer (Re: ATM at Post Office) 7402.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7403.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7404.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7405.sjs Re: hernia of baby 7406.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7407.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7408.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7409.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7410.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7411.sjs Re: VHS COPY 7412.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7413.sjs BASHODAI?! 7414.sjs [Money] ATM at Post Office 7415.sjs Re: AmWay flame war log file 7416.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7417.sjs Re: [Money] Postal Transfer (Re: ATM at Post Office) 7418.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7419.sjs Re: [medical?] tyo-sansei-sui 7420.sjs Re: [Money] [OMC] Credit Card no OMAKE 7421.sjs Hikkoshi 7422.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7423.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7424.sjs Re: pan 7425.sjs Re: [medical?] tyo-sansei-sui 7426.sjs Re: LP Record 7427.sjs [Money] Postal Transfer (Re: ATM at Post Office) 7428.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7429.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7430.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7431.sjs pan 7432.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7433.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7434.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7435.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7436.sjs insurance 7437.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7438.sjs Re: hernia of baby 7439.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7440.sjs Re: [Money] Postal Transfer (Re: ATM at Post Office) 7441.sjs Re: pan 7442.sjs Re: [Money] Postal Transfer (Re: ATM at Post Office) 7443.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7444.sjs Re: LP Record 7445.sjs Re: [Money] Postal Transfer (Re: ATM at Post Office) 7446.sjs Re: [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 7447.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7448.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7449.sjs [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 7450.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7451.sjs Re: pan 7452.sjs Re: [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 7453.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7454.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7455.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7456.sjs Re: pan 7457.sjs Re: [CFA&CFAV] 7458.sjs Re: [medical?] tyo-sansei-sui 7459.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7460.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7461.sjs Re: [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 7462.sjs YOGOOROTO 7463.sjs Re: pan 7464.sjs Re: [medical] Gaku-kansetsu-syo 7465.sjs CFA success 7466.sjs how to make yogurt 7467.sjs Re: how to make yogurt 7468.sjs Re: pan 7469.sjs Re: Hikkoshi 7470.sjs Yukihira nabe (Re: pan) 7471.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7472.sjs Shako Shoumei 7473.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7474.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7475.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7476.sjs Re: LP Record 7477.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7478.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7479.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7480.sjs Re: ink tuita 7481.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7482.sjs Re: ink tuita 7483.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7484.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7485.sjs Re: pan 7486.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7487.sjs Re: PROPLIS 7488.sjs Fuyouhin no Shobun 7489.sjs Re: pan 7490.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7491.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7492.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7493.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7494.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7495.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7496.sjs menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7497.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7498.sjs Re: [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 7499.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO Directory usenet/fj/living/v7500: ================================= 7500.sjs New zipcode of Yokohama city [Ko-hoku, Midori, Aoba, Tsuzuki] 7501.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7502.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7503.sjs Re: pan 7504.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7505.sjs Re: pan 7506.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7507.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7508.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7509.sjs Re: pan 7510.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7511.sjs Re: Fuyouhin no Shobun 7512.sjs zichikai no nyuukai (In Japanese/Kanji) 7513.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 7514.sjs Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7515.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7516.sjs ink-tsuita 7517.sjs Re: pan 7518.sjs Re: zichikai no nyuukai (In Japanese/Kanji) 7519.sjs kata ga itai no desuga? 7520.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7521.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7522.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7523.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7524.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7525.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7526.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7527.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7528.sjs Fountain pen 7529.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7530.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7531.sjs Re: [CHILD] Akachan no taion wo hakaru houhou ? 7532.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7533.sjs Re: pan 7534.sjs Re: [MISC] celsius/Fahrenheit 7535.sjs Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7536.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7537.sjs Re: pan 7538.sjs Re: pan 7539.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7540.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7541.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7542.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7543.sjs Re: Yokin 7544.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7545.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7546.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7547.sjs Re: Balace-Chair 7548.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7549.sjs Re: pan 7550.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7551.sjs Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza 7552.sjs Re: pan 7553.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7554.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7555.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7556.sjs Re: YOGOOROTO 7557.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7558.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7559.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7560.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7561.sjs Re: pan 7562.sjs Balace-Chair 7563.sjs sui-han by Shuttle Chef 7564.sjs furikomi tesuryou 7565.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7566.sjs Re: zichikai no nyuukai (In Japanese/Kanji) 7567.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7568.sjs Re: pan 7569.sjs Re: menkyo kousin (Re: Shako Shoumei) 7570.sjs Furikomi tesuuryo (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7571.sjs Re: Balace-Chair 7572.sjs Re: Yokin 7573.sjs [Summary] Definition of Fahrenheit 7574.sjs Re: pan 7575.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7576.sjs Glass cleaning 7577.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7578.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7579.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7580.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7581.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7582.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7583.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7584.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7585.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7586.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7588.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7589.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7590.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7591.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7592.sjs [Thanks] zichikai no nyuukai 7593.sjs Re: Shako Shoumei 7594.sjs An electric cooker 7595.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7596.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7597.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7598.sjs Re: An electric cooker 7599.sjs Soudan about ISya Directory usenet/fj/living/v7600: ================================= 7600.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7601.sjs Re: An electric cooker 7602.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7603.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7604.sjs Re: An electric cooker 7605.sjs sui-han by Shuttle Chef 7606.sjs jidousya zei 7607.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7608.sjs Re: jidousya zei 7609.sjs Re: Fountain pen 7610.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7611.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7612.sjs Re: sui-han by Shuttle Chef 7613.sjs Re: An electric cooker 7614.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7615.sjs An electoric cooker 7616.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7617.sjs Re: An electoric cooker 7618.sjs Re: An electoric cooker 7619.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7620.sjs Re: An electoric cooker 7621.sjs Re: An electoric cooker 7622.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7623.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 7624.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7625.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7626.sjs Re: Yokin (Re: [Post Office] shin Sougou Kouza) 7627.sjs Re: An electoric cooker 7628.sjs anti-MISSHITSU-IKUJI (Re: married->child?) 7629.sjs Re: Bath room (In Japanese/Kanji) 7630.sjs, fj.sci.informatics 7631.sjs Re: An electric cooker 7632.sjs amway discussion log archives 7633.sjs, fj.sci.informatics 7634.sjs Contract available for Mac C programmer Directory usenet/fj/mail: ========================= 816.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/2/15) [Changes] [REPOST] 817.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/2/15) [Info] [REPOST] 818.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/2/15) [Index] [REPOST] 819.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/2/15) [part 1 of 3] [REPOST] 820.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/2/15) [part 2 of 3] [REPOST] 821.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/2/15) [part 3 of 3] [REPOST] 863.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/3/15) [Info] 864.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/3/15) [Changes] 865.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/3/15) [part 1 of 3] 866.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/3/15) [part 2 of 3] 867.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/3/15) [part 3 of 3] 869.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/3/15) [Index] 961.sjs locking of mail drop (Decode MIME when spooling) 962.sjs sendmail.8.6.8 & 2.4Wb patch 963.sjs Re: locking of mail drop (Decode MIME when spooling) 964.sjs Re: locking of mail drop (Decode MIME when spooling) 965.sjs Re: about mailtool 966.sjs Re: Question about Fcc [mh] 967.sjs Re: sendmail.8.6.8 & 2.4Wb patch 968.sjs Re: sendmail.8.6.8 & 2.4Wb patch 969.sjs Re: sendmail for NIS 970.sjs Question about Fcc [mh] 971.sjs Re: Question about Fcc [mh] 972.sjs Re: Question about Fcc [mh] 973.sjs slocal 974.sjs Re: slocal 975.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/4/15) [Changes] 976.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/4/15) [Info] 977.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/4/15) [Index] 978.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/4/15) [part 1 of 3] 979.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/4/15) [part 2 of 3] 980.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/4/15) [part 3 of 3] 981.sjs Re: sendmail for NIS 982.sjs Re: slocal 983.sjs sendmail for NIS 984.sjs tools for digest mail 985.sjs Re: tools for digest mail 986.sjs Re: mails directed to fails 987.sjs MH for NCR. Can't make. 988.sjs Re: slocal & vacation 989.sjs Re: tools for digest mail 990.sjs slocal & vacation 991.sjs mails directed to fails 992.sjs Re: tools for digest mail 993.sjs Re: tools for digest mail 994.sjs Mail failed. 995.sjs Re: tools for digest mail 996.sjs Re: slocal & vacation 997.sjs Re: tools for digest mail 998.sjs Re: Registered Multibyte Character Sets for ISO2022 999.sjs mh return-path 1000.sjs Re: mh return-path 1001.sjs Lecture on Network 1002.sjs Re: restriction mail 1003.sjs Call Me Naoaki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from Kyushu uni 1004.sjs restriction mail 1005.sjs mail and news link (Re: Lecture on Network) 1006.sjs Re: mime 1007.sjs Re: Lecture on Network 1008.sjs Re: X-* headers 1009.sjs Re: X-* headers 1010.sjs Elm's problem. 1011.sjs Re: Elm's problem. 1012.sjs Re: wecome JAIST Mailing List 1013.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log 1014.sjs sendmail.8.6.9+2.4Wb 1015.sjs wecome JAIST Mailing List 1016.sjs bug!? of MH 6.8.3.JP2c 1017.sjs Re: bug!? of MH 6.8.3.JP2c 1018.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/5/17) [Changes] 1019.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/5/17) [Info] 1020.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/5/17) [Index] 1021.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/5/17) [part 1 of 3] 1022.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/5/17) [part 2 of 3] 1023.sjs Active Mailing Lists in JP (94/5/17) [part 3 of 3] 1024.sjs Re: bug!? of MH 6.8.3.JP2c Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst: ============================= apollo\ Apollo reduce\ Reduce x_window\ X-Windows Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/apollo: ==================================== 2848.sjs Re: /etc/utmp security hole 2849.sjs Unreliable DN4500 2850.sjs Need gpr2x ? 2851.sjs Apoll FAQ? 2852.sjs Re: Unreliable DN4500 2853.sjs DN2500 vs. DN3500 2854.sjs Re: Question about dn560 repair 2855.sjs DSP Graphical Programming 2856.sjs Re: X utilities unable to find colors 2857.sjs Re: Unreliable DN4500 2858.sjs Apollo For Sale, Best offer 2859.sjs printer driver needed! 2860.sjs Re: DN2500 vs. DN3500 2861.sjs Slow tape drive 2862.sjs Question about dn560 repair 2863.sjs Re: Question about dn560 repair 2864.sjs Change between csh and ksh 2865.sjs Re: X utilities unable to find colors 2866.sjs Re: X utilities unable to find colors 2867.sjs Re: RBAK expert needed... 2868.sjs Info on DOMAIN 2869.sjs editing nfs-mounted files 2870.sjs Re: WANTED: sau11 for Domain 10.4 2871.sjs paging innards? xpager trait? 2872.sjs Re: Apollo Hardware 2873.sjs Re: Apollo DN3500 for sale 2874.sjs Re: RBAK expert needed... 2875.sjs Re: Network Registry 2876.sjs Wanted: 4MB Apollo Memory boards. 2877.sjs DN4000 and DN4500 for sale 2878.sjs Re: DSEE C API question 2879.sjs "user quit while in mt_$wait" 2880.sjs Re: Thin-net/Thick-net on Apollo 425 2881.sjs Printer Device Files 2882.sjs Re: DN4000 and DN4500 for sale 2883.sjs Re: dn3500 and two names 2884.sjs Problems loading SR10.4.1 2885.sjs Multiple registry masters on network 2886.sjs Problem getting gcc to work. 2887.sjs Remote Printing/Heterogenous 2888.sjs DN3000 for sale Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/reduce: ==================================== 73.sjs Re: vector package 74.sjs Re: vector package 75.sjs Re: vector package 76.sjs Re: vector package 77.sjs Re: vector package 78.sjs Re: vector package 79.sjs Re: vector package 80.sjs Re: vector package 81.sjs REDUCE on DEC Alpha OSF 2.0 Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window: ====================================== v24100\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24100 v24200\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24200 v24300\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24300 v24400\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24400 v24500\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24500 v24600\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24600 v24700\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24700 v24800\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24800 v24900\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V24900 v25000\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25000 v25100\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25100 v25200\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25200 v25300\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25300 v25400\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25400 v25500\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25500 v25600\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25600 v25700\ fj.mail-list.x-windows V25700 Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24100: ============================================= 24142.sjs how can I trick DisplayWidth for another app? 24143.sjs Re: Emulating xterms remotely thru AIX 24144.sjs Can X change screen depths while running? 24145.sjs simple x library 24146.sjs How to have `right' colors using a new colormap ? 24147.sjs A: Announcing the release of XFree86 2.1 24148.sjs XtAddEventHandler() 24149.sjs C: Announcing the release of XFree86 2.1 24150.sjs Re: Motif or XView -> TK 24151.sjs Install X as an unprivileged user 24152.sjs Multiple Clients drawing to same Window 24153.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24154.sjs Re: Motif or XView -> TK 24155.sjs Re: Start learning X-Window 24156.sjs [Q] Problem with XOpenDisplay 24157.sjs B: Announcing the release of XFree86 2.1 24158.sjs How to query the server? 24159.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24160.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24161.sjs Re: fonts in X clients 24162.sjs Fontserver patches for Solaris 2.3 24163.sjs X Server, newly opened windows do not draw. 24164.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24165.sjs Re: COSE and CDE specifications 24166.sjs Re: Motif or XView -> TK 24167.sjs xterm cursor on monchrome displays 24168.sjs Re: Motif or XView -> TK 24169.sjs Re: XPM and xterm icon question 24170.sjs Re: Availability of CDE snapshot? 24171.sjs Automated X Testing 24172.sjs XCreatePixmap problems 24173.sjs Re: X/Motif libraries for Windows 24174.sjs Xmonu &Xmonui 24175.sjs Re: Faces for print queues 24176.sjs XCopyArea vs. XCopyPlane 24177.sjs Faces for print queues 24178.sjs Grab/replay problem with olwm on SunOS 4.1.X 24179.sjs Re: How to create running status line? 24180.sjs Re: _XtStrings problem 24181.sjs can one X client "control" another? 24182.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24183.sjs Source for xrooms 24184.sjs Re: Availability of CDE snapshot? 24185.sjs XCreatePixmap problems.... 24186.sjs X Consortium Joins Web. 24187.sjs ********DEC5000 XAUTHORITY PROBLEMS**** 24188.sjs OpenGL 24189.sjs Re: How to have `right' colors using a new colormap ? 24190.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24191.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24192.sjs XView and /etc/utmp 24193.sjs Re: [Q] XtAddTimeOut registration checking 24194.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24195.sjs Icons 24196.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24197.sjs Re: Multiple Clients drawing to same Window 24198.sjs How to get a wid for the dialog window frame? 24199.sjs Help: No config file found! Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24200: ============================================= 24200.sjs Green Card Lottery- Final One? 24201.sjs looking for athena constraint widget 24202.sjs Re: ********DEC5000 XAUTHORITY PROBLEMS**** 24203.sjs Re: Availability of CDE snapshot? 24204.sjs Xterminal login fails to read app-defaults 24205.sjs Font installator 24206.sjs Re: xterm cursor on monchrome displays 24207.sjs Re: can one X client "control" another? 24208.sjs Xterm-Keymaps 24209.sjs Re: Compiling X11-R5 for Solaris 2.3 24210.sjs Re: Q: Catching WM_DELETE_WINDOW 24211.sjs No title in original 24212.sjs Re: How to query the server? 24213.sjs Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24214.sjs Re: Multiple Clients drawing to same Window 24215.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24216.sjs Availability of CDE snapshot? 24217.sjs Request: _XGetFontAssociateFontSet 24218.sjs Compiling X11-R5 for Solaris 2.3 24219.sjs help selection name 24220.sjs Re: Q: Catching WM_DELETE_WINDOW 24221.sjs Help!!! XFree86+ IDEK MF-5121+Video7 24222.sjs limiting input in athena widgets 24223.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24224.sjs No title in original 24225.sjs Re: State of caps lock key? 24226.sjs Re: OpenGL 24227.sjs xterm startup 24228.sjs Compiling X11R5 for HPUX 24229.sjs Re: How to create float/double resources in a widget. 24230.sjs Re: X on a sparc classic with sunos 4.1.3_u1 24231.sjs another request for x client test 24232.sjs X ANIMATION ON SGI PLATFORM - DOUBLE BUFFERING 24233.sjs bepf format 24234.sjs Re: ********DEC5000 XAUTHORITY PROBLEMS**** 24235.sjs ?? Need info on IDT/UIMS comparisons ?? 24236.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24237.sjs Metafont GF,PK,PXL to X BDF font ? 24238.sjs Where to get Xwindows? 24239.sjs Re: Xt resources (Translations) 24240.sjs Help!! IDEK MF5121 and Video7 for XFREE!! 24241.sjs Re: Compound Text - what's that? 24242.sjs graphics primitives 24243.sjs Drawing the line under OSF/MOTIF 24244.sjs Re: Where to get Xwindows? 24245.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24246.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24247.sjs Re: Where to get Xwindows? 24248.sjs Re: Automated X Testing 24249.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24250.sjs Re: Drawing the line under OSF/MOTIF 24251.sjs Re: Multiple Clients drawing to same Window 24252.sjs Re: COSE and CDE specifications 24253.sjs Re: Automated X Testing 24254.sjs Re: Availability of CDE snapshot? 24255.sjs EXPERTS: copying callback lists from widget to widget 24256.sjs runtime profilers 24257.sjs Re: NumLock problem 24258.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24259.sjs scrolling under SunOS ver. of X11R4 24260.sjs Xterm and Seyon Questions 24261.sjs Launch xmh from xfaces? 24262.sjs Wanted: 2d graphical library 24263.sjs Re: Double buffering using Motif drawing areas 24264.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24265.sjs NumLock problem 24266.sjs Re: How to tell widget is mapped? 24267.sjs summary: collapsible hierarchy widget 24268.sjs Re: HP xterm's copy/paste buffer size 24269.sjs Re: X ANIMATION ON SGI PLATFORM - DOUBLE BUFFERING 24270.sjs REQ: comparison of Exceed/w on PC and MacX on a mac 24271.sjs Re: How to tell widget is mapped? 24272.sjs Re: Availability of CDE snapshot? 24273.sjs Re: How to tell widget is mapped? 24274.sjs Double buffering using Motif drawing areas and X 24275.sjs Xt resources (Translations) 24276.sjs Re: Can X change screen depths while runni 24277.sjs Re: Wanted: 2d graphical library 24278.sjs Re: Double buffering using Motif drawing areas and X 24279.sjs X on a sparc classic with sunos 4.1.3_u1 24280.sjs Re: BadValue -> XCreatePixmap -> XGetImage 24281.sjs Re: X crashes when mouse button is pressed! Help! 24282.sjs Fontserver problems on HpUx 24283.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24284.sjs Re: How about a newsgroup ''? 24285.sjs Collage executables ?? 24286.sjs Using C for graphics with Solaris 24287.sjs xlib <-> postscript tools 24288.sjs Re: How to tell widget is mapped? 24289.sjs Re: How to get the fontname?? 24290.sjs Usage? XSync and/or XFlush 24291.sjs How to get Window id ? 24292.sjs Help need to run XFIG 2.1.8. 24293.sjs X interface to ftp? 24294.sjs Arabic X applications? 24295.sjs Re: MIT XShm - Extension 24296.sjs Drawing area inconsistency between 1.1 & 1.2 24297.sjs How to print a graph under Xwindow? 24298.sjs Re: Xterminal login fails to read app-defaults 24299.sjs Catching X errors Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24300: ============================================= 24300.sjs XtAppNextEvent/XtDispatchEvent loop [problem solved] 24301.sjs Capturing a GL image 24302.sjs How to get the fontname?? 24303.sjs X11R5 Multi-Lingual Package 24304.sjs How about a newsgroup ''? 24305.sjs Re: XCreatePixmap problems 24306.sjs static is it :) 24307.sjs Re: Xpilot and Xtank? 24308.sjs Re: Catching X errors 24309.sjs Re: Double buffering using Motif drawing areas and X 24310.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24311.sjs X11 R5 pl 26 and IBM RS 6000 AIX 3.2 24312.sjs Help! 21" monitor won't sync! 24313.sjs BadValue -> XCreatePixmap -> XGetImage 24314.sjs Programming Project 24315.sjs Any Windows program to run Xremote 24316.sjs Help finding imake 24317.sjs UNSUBSCRIBE 24318.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24319.sjs Re: Source for xrooms 24320.sjs Help: No config file? 24321.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24322.sjs I need a hearder file called cci.h 24323.sjs Server with keyboard and graphics on different machines 24324.sjs Automated GUI Testing Tools 24325.sjs Re: BadValue -> XCreatePixmap -> XGetImage 24326.sjs Changing the display's resource database. 24327.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24328.sjs PC-Xview under OS2/windows 24329.sjs How do I DeIconize my Window? 24330.sjs Re: Arabic X applications? 24331.sjs Re: How to check if popup shell is popped up/down ? 24332.sjs Re: Metafont GF,PK,PXL to X BDF font ? 24333.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24334.sjs Re: EXPERTS: copying callback lists from widget to widget 24335.sjs Re: Automated X Testing 24336.sjs Re: X on a sparc classic with sunos 4.1.3_u1 24337.sjs XtAppNextEvent/XtDispatchEvent loop [?] 24338.sjs X packets to multiple displays? 24339.sjs Problem with Fixes to R5 24340.sjs Re: How to tell widget is mapped? 24341.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24342.sjs Re: Catching X errors 24343.sjs Re: X on a sparc classic with sunos 4.1.3_u1 24344.sjs Re: XCopyArea vs. XCopyPlane 24345.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24346.sjs Re: Source for xrooms 24347.sjs URGENT: P1201.1 meeting cancelled 24348.sjs DECterm erase key 24349.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24350.sjs Wanted: Training vendor recommendations 24351.sjs To the Creater of xsnap 24352.sjs Getting more performance out of X. FAQ 24353.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24354.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24355.sjs Remapping keys 24356.sjs Re: How to get the fontname?? 24357.sjs launching X on VMS 24358.sjs How to tell widget is mapped? 24359.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24360.sjs SunNet manager with MWM/XNewS 24361.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24362.sjs Usingh X11R4 programs under SunOs 24363.sjs XDMCP Problems 24364.sjs Re: X-client on multiple, simultaneous X-servers ?? 24365.sjs Some questions about Xwindows 24366.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24367.sjs Quantitative analysis of the advantages of using 24368.sjs Re: xdbx 24369.sjs Looking for an Xserver to emulate 1, 4, 8 bit planes 24370.sjs Re: X-client on multiple, simultaneous X-servers ?? 24371.sjs list 24372.sjs BETA version of Motif++ available 24373.sjs xdbx 24374.sjs OpenWindows window manager hangs 24375.sjs Re: How to tell widget is mapped? 24376.sjs X-client on multiple, simultaneous X-servers ?? 24377.sjs Re: OpenWindows window manager hangs 24378.sjs Looking for a public domain X-windows client package to us 24379.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24380.sjs Fresco 24381.sjs Re: Usage? XSync and/or XFlush 24382.sjs Window Manager Decorations 24383.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24384.sjs Looking for the best X Display server for MS Windows 24385.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? 24386.sjs Re: Faces for print queues 24387.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24388.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24389.sjs [help] Is NCR PCI 53c810 SCSI controller works in LINUX ????? 24390.sjs Re: EXPERTS: copying callback lists from widget to widget 24391.sjs Replacement for _XPrintDefaultError() in R5? 24392.sjs Mapping Keys for WP5.1 24393.sjs Help! 21" monitor won't sync! 24394.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24395.sjs x-windows client public domain wanted 24396.sjs Help! How smart are NCD X Terminals 24397.sjs How to tell widget is mapped? 24398.sjs Re: X Release 6 info 24399.sjs Converting type 1 fonts Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24400: ============================================= 24400.sjs Stroked fonts under X and XGL? 24401.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24402.sjs Re: X-client on multiple, simultaneous X-servers ?? 24403.sjs MIT XShm - Extension 24404.sjs HELP:Drawing a rubberband rectangle 24405.sjs I am looking for a company called Softbridge 24406.sjs Need Xconfig advice 24407.sjs Re: How to get the fontname?? 24408.sjs R6 internals? 24409.sjs Re: Color Lines. 24410.sjs Re: Fresco 24411.sjs Re: eXceed/W software from Hummingbird 24412.sjs Help!! How to print graph drawn by Xview? 24413.sjs Public Fixes to R5 24414.sjs R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24415.sjs XLIB <-> Xt INTERACTION 24416.sjs Re: How to get the fontname?? 24417.sjs Re: Double buffering using Motif drawing areas and X 24418.sjs DDX: double-buffering and inexpensive hardware 24419.sjs Re: OpenGL 24420.sjs Mkcookie script, for xauth(1) security (was Re: Tk SEND Command) 24421.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24422.sjs Re: HP xterm's copy/paste buffer size 24423.sjs Help: SunOs version of X11R4 24424.sjs Re: Usage? XSync and/or XFlush 24425.sjs Re: X windows works only for root 24426.sjs Using font server with DEC X11R5 24427.sjs X-LOCK 24428.sjs [Summary]: X-Client on Multiple, Simultaneous X-Servers 24429.sjs Imake support 24430.sjs Re: Help! How smart are NCD X Terminals 24431.sjs Help! Rapid prototyping in X 24432.sjs Re: Imake support 24433.sjs Deiconify xterm on an event 24434.sjs What is XrmCombineDatabase? 24435.sjs Re: X shared libr compatibility on Solaris 24436.sjs Re: HELP:Drawing a rubberband rectangle 24437.sjs Re: X-Server for Windows, using Trumpet SLIP? 24438.sjs Re: GUI Builder for X Window 24439.sjs Re: launching X on VMS 24440.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24441.sjs Scaling Pixmaps 24442.sjs Need quicktime player for X. 24443.sjs Re: Scaling Pixmaps 24444.sjs Will the X Consortium release more patches to X11R5? 24445.sjs HP Japanese Input Method 24446.sjs Thread packages and X-window 24447.sjs Re: Help: What is an X terminal? (fwd) 24448.sjs Pixmap to GIF conversion??? 24449.sjs X windows works only for root 24450.sjs Thread packages and X-window 24451.sjs Re: DECterm erase key 24452.sjs Fonts: How to have half the normal Y-size? 24453.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24454.sjs XView.tmpl 24455.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24456.sjs GUI Builder for X Window 24457.sjs OPENSTEP 24458.sjs Is There an MDI type Object in X/Motif? 24459.sjs Doug Young's File viewer program 24460.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24461.sjs R6 is coming soon to an ftp site near you 24462.sjs X11R4/X11R5 System Administration Course 24463.sjs Color Help 24464.sjs Question about creating a Motif menu bar under UIL 24465.sjs Re: X-LOCK 24466.sjs Please help -- sending X events to MS window 24467.sjs Re: Need quicktime player for X. 24468.sjs running several popup shells at once? 24469.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24470.sjs Regions: What am I doing wrong? 24471.sjs Looking for: C++ toolkit for Protocol replication 24472.sjs Imakefile help needed 24473.sjs Re: Regions: What am I doing wrong? 24474.sjs Wanted: Training vendor recommendations 24475.sjs Xterm and basetranslations 24476.sjs Non-overridable resources in sys resource file? 24477.sjs Re: Compatibility of 8-bit X-windows Programs 24478.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24479.sjs Running two framebuffers(displays) with X11R5 24480.sjs Re: EXPERTS: copying callback lists from widget to widget 24481.sjs Re: use Xappeal to connect to SGI workstation? 24482.sjs Re: Catching X errors 24483.sjs Re: Will the X Consortium release more patches to X11R5? 24484.sjs Manual Frame Placement (XView) 24485.sjs Need help with coordinate conversion algorithm MS/Windows -> X 24486.sjs ANNOUNCE: Willow information retrieval software 24487.sjs Looking for cyrillic fonts 24488.sjs problems with xman 24489.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 24490.sjs [Q] X server when host has two IP addresses? (long) 24491.sjs Re: Compatibility of 8-bit X-windows Programs 24492.sjs How to get Window id's 24493.sjs Re: X-LOCK 24494.sjs Where can I get large fixed width X fonts 24495.sjs help: bitmap display in devguide 24496.sjs X on console 24497.sjs Keystroke and mouse event stuffer 24498.sjs Re: Compatibility of 8-bit X-windows Programs to Sparc 20 SX 24499.sjs Monitor doesn't return to textmode after Xsession Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24500: ============================================= 24500.sjs An Open Letter to Sun & Graphics hardware vendors concerning X11 R6 24501.sjs Twm: undocumented functions? 24502.sjs Re: 3c509 & Xappeal - help ! 24503.sjs Re: R6 is coming soon to an ftp site near you 24504.sjs Re: Help! Rapid prototyping in X 24505.sjs XVISION and XDM 24506.sjs Setting/Reading X Atoms in Emacs 24507.sjs Re: An Open Letter to Sun & Graphics hardware vendors concerning X1 24508.sjs Re: Scaling Pixmaps 24509.sjs DLL jump table 24510.sjs HELP! Changing the menuHistory Resource 24511.sjs Re: Help! Rapid prototyping in X 24512.sjs Problem with X and OpenLook at HP 24513.sjs X-Server for Windows, using Trumpet SLIP? 24514.sjs Re: Imakefile help needed 24515.sjs Re: An Open Letter to Sun & Graphics hardware vendors concerning X11 24516.sjs RE:GUI Builder for X Window 24517.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows (fwd) 24518.sjs Searching for OpenWindows VT100 emulation with working PF keys 24519.sjs Re: Will the X Consortium release more patches to X11R5? 24520.sjs Re: Compatibility of 8-bit X-windows Programs 24521.sjs Different sized text fonts 24522.sjs questions re: Motif emulation toolkits 24523.sjs Re: Searching for OpenWindows VT100 emulation with working PF keys 24524.sjs X11 Version 24525.sjs Re: X windows works only for root 24526.sjs diacritical marks 24527.sjs Re: Adding to a font path with xset 24528.sjs Outputting to more than one server/display at once? 24529.sjs Re: X windows works only for root 24530.sjs X-window appear in other terminal 24531.sjs Starting x session on VAX VMS 24532.sjs Compiling GNU emacs 18.59 on Alliant FX/80 24533.sjs Re: Compatibility of 8-bit X-windows Programs to Sparc 20 SX 24534.sjs Re: xterm's type identification 24535.sjs X11 warning message after upgrade: Why? 24536.sjs Re: Server with keyboard and graphics on different machines 24537.sjs ** How do I remap keys in x-windows? ** 24538.sjs Re: Adding to a font path with xset 24539.sjs Re: How to get Window id's 24540.sjs Re: Twm: undocumented functions? 24541.sjs Re: GUI Builder for X Window 24542.sjs Are there any good X/Motif jump start courses?? 24543.sjs Re: Help! How smart are NCD X Terminals 24544.sjs Re: Twm: undocumented functions? 24545.sjs Re: ** How do I remap keys in x-windows? ** 24546.sjs Problem with XGetImage 24547.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24548.sjs Re: Searching for OpenWindows VT100 emulation with working PF keys 24549.sjs location and timing of the FAQ list 24550.sjs Re: An Open Letter to Sun & Graphics hardware vendors concerning X11 24551.sjs ftp site for pixmaps 24552.sjs cant use WCS in XmText (this post is 15k) 24553.sjs Re: Non-overridable resources in sys resource file? 24554.sjs Setting the height of the xdm chooser window? 24555.sjs XLookupString: trivial question? 24556.sjs Help : Regenerating pixmaps in a protocol multiplexer 24557.sjs Help Me ! about X events 24558.sjs Repost of the 11th International Obfuscated C Code Contest Rules 24559.sjs Re: internationalization 24560.sjs Good X debuggers ... 24561.sjs HELP: Compile problems w/ xrn 24562.sjs Re: R6 is coming soon to an ftp site near you 24563.sjs Re: Fixed it: Need MAKEDEPEND which works properly 24564.sjs imake: where can i get it 24565.sjs create items from files in XView... 24566.sjs *.xdm files ?? 24567.sjs Re: Need quicktime player for X. 24568.sjs Help: .gif as backdrop !! 24569.sjs Obtain the port on which Xserver waits for connection 24570.sjs Re: GUI Builder for X Window 24571.sjs Re: X11 Version 24572.sjs Re: COSE and CDE specifications 24573.sjs Re: X11 Version 24574.sjs Font encoding for X/openwin? 24575.sjs OpenLook interposer window position puzzler 24576.sjs Scale and rotate text under X11R5 24577.sjs xterm question 24578.sjs xvertext and clipping 24579.sjs Re: Scale and rotate text under X11R5 24580.sjs Re: Capturing a GL image 24581.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 24582.sjs Re: Capturing a GL image 24583.sjs kluge to get at mapping status of windows ? 24584.sjs Re: Window Manager Decorations 24585.sjs pubic domain Motif builder?? 24586.sjs Ressourcen fuer Mouse-Cursor? 24587.sjs Re: bsd 24588.sjs Re: Regions: What am I doing wrong? 24589.sjs Re: X-LOCK 24590.sjs Re: Need MAKEDEPEND which works properly 24591.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24592.sjs Re: X interface to ftp? 24593.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 24594.sjs Re: R6 and Solaris 2.X? 24595.sjs [Q] AutoDrop for twm (and friends)? 24596.sjs Re: R6 is coming soon to an ftp site near you 24597.sjs Pd/Shareware program to Broadcast Applications on a Local Network 24598.sjs Re: Help: .gif as backdrop !! 24599.sjs Re: Help! Rapid prototyping in X Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24600: ============================================= 24600.sjs R5 on Sun 3/260 install: HELP! 24601.sjs Re: Setting the height of the xdm chooser window? 24602.sjs Communications Program Under X 24603.sjs OpenLook interposer window position puzzler 24604.sjs Non-overridable resources in sys resource file? 24605.sjs Re: [Q] XtAddTimeOut registration checking 24606.sjs Re: Looking for cyrillic fonts 24607.sjs Remote app startup on VUE login 24608.sjs Xmodmap - Caps Lock LED 24609.sjs Xconfig for Compaq Portable needed 24610.sjs Re: R6 is coming soon to an ftp site near you 24611.sjs Re: Non-overridable resources in sys resource file? 24612.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 24613.sjs Re: Help! How smart are NCD X Terminals 24614.sjs Need help with Geometry with emacs. 24615.sjs Re: [Q] XtAddTimeOut registration checking 24616.sjs missing person!! 24617.sjs Re: [Q] xvertext libraries 24618.sjs mouse initialization 24619.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 24620.sjs How can I start OpenWindows with the desktop included? 24621.sjs Project Management Tools 24622.sjs How can I start OpenWin from the very beginning?? 24623.sjs dump an X window to an EPS file for a Mac app 24624.sjs Is this XConnectDisplay test reversed? 24625.sjs Q: xdm Login widget patch?? 24626.sjs Senior GUI Position available 24627.sjs Re: dump an X window to an EPS file for a Mac app 24628.sjs xTic-Tac-Toe 24629.sjs Re: Help! Rapid prototyping in X 24630.sjs Re: Sound on HP 700/RX X-Term 24631.sjs Call for X11 Release 6 Contrib 24632.sjs HELP! - Mouse doesn't work in X 24633.sjs Re: Communications Program Under X 24634.sjs Re: WYSIWYG WP under X 24635.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 24636.sjs X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter 24637.sjs Numlock support under X11R6: Exists? 24638.sjs [Q] xvertext libraries 24639.sjs Virtual Desktop 24640.sjs Any commercial software available to view HPGL 24641.sjs XDM, xlock, and Ultrix enhanced security 24642.sjs Patches available for Alpha/OSF/1-2.0 & X11R5? 24643.sjs xterm's type identification 24644.sjs Re: Help! How smart are NCD X Terminals 24645.sjs Re: how to print out screen from Motif Program not using xwd 24646.sjs No title in original 24647.sjs XMotif / XToolkit Key Translations 24648.sjs GAIA + OLE 24649.sjs Re: Pseudocolor in 24 bit frame buffers? 24650.sjs internationalization 24651.sjs vt100 emulator 24652.sjs Adding to a font path with xset 24653.sjs Summary: Re: Need quicktime player for X. 24654.sjs XRT/graph experiences? 24655.sjs Tools for creating dynamic GUIs ? 24656.sjs Minimum files needed to set up an XTERM 24657.sjs Re: HP Japanese Input Method 24658.sjs Re: WYSIWYG WP under X 24659.sjs Problem building X11R5 on SunOs 4.1.1.b 24660.sjs pcf to bdf 24661.sjs Re: create items from files in XView... 24662.sjs Re: Project Management Tools 24663.sjs Re: X11 Version 24664.sjs Re: XMotif / XToolkit Key Translations 24665.sjs Can't get XrmSetDatabase to work. 24666.sjs X-WINDOW SOUND/RECORDER 24667.sjs Request for imake X11R5 24668.sjs OpenWindows 2 and X Listener Error: stackunderflow problem 24669.sjs HELP: Can X displays be printed in high quality Postscipt? 24670.sjs Re: WYSIWYG WP under X 24671.sjs Need MAKEDEPEND which works properly 24672.sjs >>> TAE+ GUI Builder from NASA: Where can I get it???? 24673.sjs Re: Can't get XrmSetDatabase to work. 24674.sjs Re: [help] Is NCR PCI 53c810 SCSI controller works in LINUX ????? 24675.sjs Re: Need MAKEDEPEND which works properly 24676.sjs Re: Compiling GNU emacs 18.59 on Alliant FX/80 24677.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 24678.sjs Re: XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (easy question, but need quick answer) 24679.sjs Help: Translations & Actions in Motif 24680.sjs NCD 24681.sjs Numeric keypad on X11R5 , sun OS doesn't work ! Help ! 24682.sjs What's the shared memory extension of X11? 24683.sjs Icon Standards 24684.sjs Sound on HP 700/RX X-Term 24685.sjs Re: Even stupider question (Was: "Re: XUSERFIL 24686.sjs Re: makedepend for HP 24687.sjs Openwindows Font Problem 24688.sjs how to add font to font path? 24689.sjs 24 bits & planes 24690.sjs Re: An Open Letter to Sun & Graphics hardware vendors concerning X11 24691.sjs Dovetail Plotter: seeking references 24692.sjs motif keysyms on non-motif computer 24693.sjs Imake for HP 24694.sjs Question about HP VUE dynamic color selection 24695.sjs Re: Help : What is MGR window manager ? 24696.sjs Button down active grab deactivate 24697.sjs Re: XDM, xlock, and Ultrix enhanced security 24698.sjs Re: makedepend for HP 24699.sjs Re: Good X debuggers ... Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24700: ============================================= 24700.sjs InterWindow communication in Xlib 24701.sjs HELP: Looking 4 X-PROTOCOL MONITOR 24702.sjs Re: Fresco IDL 24703.sjs XKeysymDB 24704.sjs Re: Change Cursor 24705.sjs QuickTime movie viewer 24706.sjs Re: X-WINDOW SOUND/RECORDER 24707.sjs Re: COSE and CDE specifications 24708.sjs problem with C time() function and X 24709.sjs Re: Help !! Resizing a window... 24710.sjs Re: Imake for HP 24711.sjs Help with fatal display error 24712.sjs O'Reilly's X Resource 10 released 24713.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 24714.sjs XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (easy question, but need quick answer) 24715.sjs Re: X11 compile question 24716.sjs Re: QuickTime movie viewer 24717.sjs Re: XOpenDisplay problem on VAX to Unix? 24718.sjs RECURSIVE Call PROBLEM? 24719.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24720.sjs Re: diacritical marks (fwd) 24721.sjs Re: Is there a full-screen version of Xmag, or Hacking X 24722.sjs Re: motif keysyms on non-motif computer (fwd) 24723.sjs chooser on the local X server (console)? 24724.sjs X Internet Binaries 24725.sjs keyboard event simulation 24726.sjs Re: imake wont accept IMAKEINCLUDE with -D 24727.sjs draw to a bitmap 24728.sjs Re: XOpenDisplay problem on VAX to Unix? 24729.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24730.sjs Re: Even stupider question (Was: "Re: XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (Solution) 24731.sjs Re: xdm and olwm 24732.sjs Re: X11R6 Availability 24733.sjs Re: XOpenDisplay problem on VAX to Unix? 24734.sjs Re: XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (Solution) 24735.sjs Re: Change Cursor 24736.sjs Re: Window Focus 24737.sjs Re: Help: Translations & Actions in Motif 24738.sjs Re: makedepend for HP 24739.sjs Sharing X Server 24740.sjs *** HELP: Need X Terminal List *** 24741.sjs X11 compile question 24742.sjs GrayScale 24743.sjs Re: Taking a screenshot while popup menu grabs focus, HOW? 24744.sjs String: a Name Conflict in X11 and C++ 24745.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 24746.sjs Even stupider question (Was: "Re: XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (Solution)") 24747.sjs Re: Taking a screenshot while popup menu grabs focus, HOW? 24748.sjs Re: diacritical marks 24749.sjs searching for xtn3270 on a SUN for IBM mainframe access 24750.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24751.sjs Re: Change Cursor 24752.sjs Re: diacritical marks 24753.sjs hp/ux kbd mappings to hangul? 24754.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24755.sjs Re: Pd/Shareware program to Broadcast Applicat 24756.sjs Re: An Open Letter to Sun & Graphics hardware vendors concerning X11 24757.sjs imake wont accept IMAKEINCLUDE with -D 24758.sjs Re: Request: how to maximize an icon with fvwm 24759.sjs Re: Fresco rendering 24760.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24761.sjs Using TrueColor (particulary on Sun SX) 24762.sjs Any XFont Editors? 24763.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24764.sjs Request: how to maximize an icon with fvwm 24765.sjs X vs NT 24766.sjs Re: pubic domain Motif builder?? 24767.sjs GrayScale 24768.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24769.sjs options menu with Athena widgets 24770.sjs Re: Control multiple text widgets with a single scrollbar 24771.sjs Re: Control multiple text widgets with a single scrollbar 24772.sjs XLib Program on Color, and Monichrome Workstations 24773.sjs help with example program 24774.sjs font for "extended ASCII"/IBM PC character set? 24775.sjs Morphing algorithms/programs 24776.sjs interviews and fresca 24777.sjs Re: xtn3270 24778.sjs XCopyPlane : pixmap --> bitmap . Problem . 24779.sjs Ghostview doesn't work? 24780.sjs stipple 24781.sjs Problem with XSendEvent from an airmouse applic. program 24782.sjs Re: XVISION and XDM 24783.sjs Re: WYSIWYG WP under X 24784.sjs DIRT : Please Help! 24785.sjs Can't lower my window on AIX/Motif, why? 24786.sjs Limited Xclients on INTERACTIVE X11? 24787.sjs Fresco IDL 24788.sjs XBitmapBitOrder(), XImageByteOrder() 24789.sjs Searching for Fonts 24790.sjs Re: motif keysyms on non-motif computer 24791.sjs Re: xdm and olwm 24792.sjs Control multiple text widgets with a single scrollbar 24793.sjs X on Intel-based Unix Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] 24794.sjs [Q]: cross platform GUI builders 24795.sjs Re: motif keysyms on non-motif computer 24796.sjs Creating a 1 bit depth window... 24797.sjs Palatino fonts for the X-Window system 24798.sjs Re: XKeysymDB 24799.sjs Re: motif keysyms on non-motif computer Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24800: ============================================= 24800.sjs wt update 24801.sjs wt update 24802.sjs Taking a screenshot while popup menu grabs focus, HOW? 24803.sjs Re: *** HELP: Need X Terminal List *** 24804.sjs Re: XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (easy question, but need quick answer) 24805.sjs Re: what is the name of widget class ? 24806.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 24807.sjs HELP GETTING FONT FROM GC 24808.sjs Re: launching X on VMS 24809.sjs xrn like newsreader for ascii terminals 24810.sjs Re: X vs NT 24811.sjs mouse pointer 24812.sjs Re: Porting the MIT X server 24813.sjs Memory leaks in XmTextFields 24814.sjs X11R6 Availability 24815.sjs XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24816.sjs Re: XKeysymDB 24817.sjs Re: pubic domain Motif builder?? 24818.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24819.sjs Re: Help!! Resizing a Window 24820.sjs Re: WYSIWYG WP under X 24821.sjs Help : What is MGR window manager ? 24822.sjs Re: Morphing algorithms/programs 24823.sjs Re: XOpenDisplay problem on VAX to Unix? 24824.sjs [Q] X11R5 in SCO 3.2.4 environment 24825.sjs Re: WYSIWYG WP under X 24826.sjs help with example program 24827.sjs X windows question 24828.sjs Problems with 24 bit colour PC with Xvision 5.01 and SunOS 4.1.3_U1 24829.sjs XtSetWMColormapWindows and mwm 24830.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24831.sjs Re: Ghostview doesn't work? 24832.sjs XOpenDisplay problem on VAX to Unix? 24833.sjs X program wants simple communication with arbitrary other X program 24834.sjs Re: problems under sunos4.1.2 24835.sjs Re: XKeysymDB 24836.sjs Is there a full-screen version of Xmag, or Hacking X 24837.sjs *Text.Translations match XmText 24838.sjs bypassing X server 24839.sjs Help: Query positionIsFrame and borderWidth 24840.sjs Re: HELP: Looking 4 X-PROTOCOL MONITOR 24841.sjs Re: bypassing X server 24842.sjs Re: X11 Version 24843.sjs non-/etc/passwd xlock ? 24844.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24845.sjs Re: Using the HCL-eXceed/W X server with OPEN LOOK Clients 24846.sjs Re: X11R6 news group needed? 24847.sjs Re: Xwindows & realtime data 24848.sjs Re: XDrawString to bitmap? 24849.sjs Double Buffering in X 24850.sjs Re: XKeysymDB 24851.sjs cgtwelve device for X server 24852.sjs Re: Fresco rendering 24853.sjs Re: pubic domain Motif builder?? 24854.sjs Announcement: Ygl 2.5 2d Graphics Library available 24855.sjs Re: bypassing X server 24856.sjs WMHints->window_group? 24857.sjs xtent v3.2 info ? 24858.sjs Re: XKeysymDB 24859.sjs ZapfDingbats font invalid in ghostscript! 24860.sjs Traversing the widget hierarchy 24861.sjs Re: what is the name of widget class ? 24862.sjs Question: Graphics Routine 24863.sjs Re: COSE and CDE specifications 24864.sjs Re: Problem with custom FONTS in DECTERM window under VMS/Motif1.1 24865.sjs Re: XUSERFILESEARCHPATH (easy question, but need quick answer) 24866.sjs JITC LOOKING FOR NII TRP PROPOSAL PARTNER 24867.sjs Help! Mouse doesn't work with X. 24868.sjs Window Focus 24869.sjs wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 24870.sjs X help: Cannot open /dev/console (Is a directory) 24871.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24872.sjs Missing characters in fonts 24873.sjs X/Motif questions 24874.sjs UNSUBSCRIBE 24875.sjs X Consortium Draft Standard available for Public Review: XIElib 24876.sjs Public Release of X11R6 24877.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24878.sjs Q: Conver X applic. to client-server applic 24879.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24880.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24881.sjs C++ and callbacks 24882.sjs Motif 1.1 clients not running on non-local X11R5 AIX servers ? 24883.sjs X11 release 6 now available in the UK 24884.sjs Re: X vs NT 24885.sjs Traversal problems in Motif 1.2.2 24886.sjs C++ and GUI Class Libraries for X/Motif 24887.sjs .SNF to .PCF font conversion? 24888.sjs X11R6 Source Code for FTP 24889.sjs Re: [Q] AutoDrop for twm (and friends)? 24890.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 24891.sjs R6 Wraphelp.c file missing 24892.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24893.sjs Re: wt update 24894.sjs HELP : IS THERE A VERSION ....? 24895.sjs Problem with custom FONTS in DECTERM window under VMS/Motif1.1 24896.sjs Re: Non-overridable resources in sys resource file? 24897.sjs Re: HELP : IS THERE A VERSION ....? 24898.sjs Image bit, byte order for _CLIENT_ ? 24899.sjs Porting the MIT X server Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v24900: ============================================= 24900.sjs Problems with olvwm version 4.1 24901.sjs Meta key on MacX? 24902.sjs Linux/Xfree Help [Q] 24903.sjs Re: Using TrueColor (particulary on Sun SX) 24904.sjs How to read .xsession-errors 24905.sjs Re: bypassing X server 24906.sjs Re: [Q] AutoDrop for twm (and friends)? 24907.sjs Help needed with Color Pixmap Buttons !! 24908.sjs X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 24909.sjs Re: bypassing X server 24910.sjs GOOD (!!) GIF (or whatever XV reads) drawing program 24911.sjs Escape "key" on VAX 3520 24912.sjs Re: R6 Wraphelp.c file missing 24913.sjs X11 -> [E]PS[F|I] (or PICT, or ???) 24914.sjs Will core X11R6 contain the Type1 rasterizer? 24915.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks: 24916.sjs Request for X Terminal List 24917.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24918.sjs Re: font for "extended ASCII"/IBM PC character set? 24919.sjs Re: Using TrueColor (particulary on Sun SX 24920.sjs Trouble with XCreateColorMap 24921.sjs Re: Will core X11R6 contain the Type1 rasterizer? 24922.sjs Re: Taking a screenshot while popup menu grabs focus, HOW? 24923.sjs XBOING V2.0: Endless level fix :-) 24924.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 24925.sjs Re: Will core X11R6 contain the Type1 rasterizer? 24926.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24927.sjs Where to get C++ compiler 24928.sjs DDVT's for X/Motif 24929.sjs Building X11R6 on SunOs 4.1.3 with gcc2.3.3 and sparcComp 24930.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24931.sjs Re: X vs NT 24932.sjs Re: X vs NT 24933.sjs Re: Binaries for Fresco? 24934.sjs Re: Taking a screenshot while popup menu grabs focus, HOW? 24935.sjs Re: C++ and GUI Class Libraries for X/Motif 24936.sjs Re: Changing the mouse cursor. 24937.sjs Will there be a XFree release... 24938.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24939.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24940.sjs Re: pubic domain Motif builder?? 24941.sjs Re: pubic domain Motif builder?? 24942.sjs X11R6/xc/programs/Xserver/Xi/Imakefile: lacking "stubs.o" in OBJS 24943.sjs Re: Tgif-2.15 is available for anonymous ftp ... 24944.sjs Re: XCOMMs not transformed into # in client/contrib Makefiles by xmk 24945.sjs Toffler & Leary to speak at Xhibition 24946.sjs Re: Sun Type-4 Keyboard problems 24947.sjs Need help limiting Expose events 24948.sjs Re: Binaries for Fresco? 24949.sjs Re: Q: Conver X applic. to client-server applic 24950.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 24951.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24952.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 [and additional gripes] 24953.sjs Re: Binaries for Fresco? 24954.sjs Re: Xwindows & realtime data 24955.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 24956.sjs Re: How can I start OpenWin from the very beginning?? 24957.sjs X11R6 and XFree86 24958.sjs Re: Need help with Geometry with emacs. 24959.sjs UNSUSCRIB ME 24960.sjs Re: X vs NT 24961.sjs Re: Ghostview doesn't work? 24962.sjs Fresco 24963.sjs Xpinball 24964.sjs Project like S/W on X ? 24965.sjs Re: Missing characters in fonts 24966.sjs Re: Binaries for Fresco? 24967.sjs Re: diacritical marks 24968.sjs Re: diacritical marks 24969.sjs Sun Type-4 Keyboard problems 24970.sjs Re: GOOD (!!) GIF (or whatever XV reads) drawing program 24971.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 24972.sjs Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 24973.sjs xmail w/ XPM 24974.sjs Changing the mouse cursor. 24975.sjs Q: a program to plot xyz-data 24976.sjs Looking for VT-100 type terminal emulator 24977.sjs R6: Locale Support under Solaris 2.3 24978.sjs Re: Binaries for Fresco? 24979.sjs Re: R6: Locale Support under Solaris 2.3 24980.sjs Re: X vs NT 24981.sjs Tgif-2.15 is available for anonymous ftp ... 24982.sjs Re: Xwindows & realtime data 24983.sjs Re: Project like S/W on X ? 24984.sjs xanim 24985.sjs Help with GALAXY 24986.sjs Re: Will core X11R6 contain the Type1 rasterizer? 24987.sjs How to create a Pulldown Menu withOUT XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu 24988.sjs Re: splitting postscript files 24989.sjs Re: Changing the mouse cursor. 24990.sjs How can I get use multi-lingual environemnt in R6? 24991.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2/6 24992.sjs Undefined Symbols in SunOS4.1.3 24993.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 4/6 24994.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 24995.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 5/6 24996.sjs Help with Color 24997.sjs Non Horizontal text supposed to be in X11R6 ? 24998.sjs Re: Compiling X11R6 (on HP-UX): first impressions 24999.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25000: ============================================= 25000.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25001.sjs help: pull down menus using GUI 25002.sjs Re: R6 & SVR4 problems 25003.sjs FACES PROJECT: images request 25004.sjs REPLY for "Need help limiting Expose events" 25005.sjs ghostview 25006.sjs Re: Changing the mouse cursor. 25007.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 6/6 25008.sjs Re: Undefined Symbols in SunOS4.1.3 25009.sjs Re: X11R6 Availability 25010.sjs Re: Fresco rendering 25011.sjs Willing to set up X11R6 mirror site 25012.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25013.sjs Xfree For Paradise/WD90c33 ? 25014.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25015.sjs Re: Q: Conver X applic. to client-server applic 25016.sjs Binaries for Fresco? 25017.sjs Re: XtAddWorkProc ... Help in background processing .... 25018.sjs X11R6 build problem 25019.sjs Re: Binaries for Fresco? 25020.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25021.sjs Re: Change Cursor 25022.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25023.sjs ImageMagick 3.0 - Beta 25024.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 5/6 25025.sjs Question about authorization schemes 25026.sjs Re: OpenWindows window manager hangs 25027.sjs Re: Autorepeat in R6 25028.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 3/6 25029.sjs problems under sunos4.1.2 25030.sjs Re: ftp site for pixmaps 25031.sjs TRP POSTING TO YOUR BBS 25032.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 25033.sjs XtAddWorkProc ... Help in background processing .... 25034.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25035.sjs Re: Building LBX 25036.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1/6 25037.sjs FREE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION - 275+ POPULAR TITLES - YOUR CHOICE!!! 25038.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25039.sjs R6 Dec2100 Server/hw/dec/ws/init.c missing includes? 25040.sjs Re: AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25041.sjs X11R6untarred version, where? 25042.sjs Building LBX 25043.sjs Re: OpenWindows window manager hangs 25044.sjs Ghostview Widget information needed 25045.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25046.sjs X-server memory problem 25047.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 3/6 25048.sjs ACME Widgets 25049.sjs Adress of the company xtreme (provider of xappeal) 25050.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2/6 25051.sjs Need Xlib Ext. for inclined Ellipses/Splines 25052.sjs Re: X11R6untarred version, where? 25053.sjs Re: SGI graphics compatability with SUN? 25054.sjs Re: Meta key on MacX? 25055.sjs Re: AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25056.sjs ..recording and playing back "raw" events in X Windows.. 25057.sjs X printing solutions 25058.sjs Re: AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25059.sjs Re: Sun Type-4 Keyboard problems 25060.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 4/6 25061.sjs How do I stop console messages from screwing up my X session? (redir 25062.sjs X11R6 & xtank! 25063.sjs XView 3.2 under X11R6 ? 25064.sjs DECstations, R6 X server, and gcc 25065.sjs X11R6 Xhp performance decline 25066.sjs Re: Sun threaded server 25067.sjs Business opportunity 25068.sjs Re: X11R6 build problem 25069.sjs Re: AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25070.sjs Re: X11R6 Xhp performance decline 25071.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25072.sjs [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25073.sjs Re: Changing the mouse cursor. 25074.sjs Re: AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25075.sjs Re: [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25076.sjs Re: R6 Wraphelp.c file missing 25077.sjs Re: Need help limiting Expose events 25078.sjs Re: X-server memory problem 25079.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25080.sjs Athena Widgets documents? 25081.sjs Re: XmCreateMenuBar problem 25082.sjs X11R6 25083.sjs Looking for pumped-up X server 25084.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25085.sjs r6 on a/ux 25086.sjs Need help recognizing keypress 25087.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 25088.sjs Autorepeat in R6 25089.sjs Help needed fast, Motif problems 25090.sjs HELP NEEDED PLEASE. 25091.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25092.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1/6 25093.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25094.sjs Re: X vs NT 25095.sjs Re: X vs NT 25096.sjs detab 25097.sjs Re: X market research sources 25098.sjs XphoneAnswerMachine? 25099.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25100: ============================================= 25100.sjs Re: [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25101.sjs X11R6 on Ultrix4.2 - fp_offset (0) or end_offset (-4) is less than z 25102.sjs subscribe me 25103.sjs please could you subcribe me 25104.sjs Re: Project like S/W on X ? 25105.sjs Multiple Active Cursors. 25106.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25107.sjs PhotoCD software for X? 25108.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25109.sjs Compiling X11R6 (on HP-UX): first impressions 25110.sjs Re: Need help limiting Expose events 25111.sjs C++ and callbacks 25112.sjs Re: Need help limiting Expose events 25113.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25114.sjs X11R6 building on SunOS 4.1.3_U1 25115.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25116.sjs Re: Sun as a Xterminal 25117.sjs Re: xdm and olwm 25118.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25119.sjs Re: Building X11R6 on SunOs 4.1.3 with gcc2.3.3 and sparcComp 25120.sjs Re: xmail w/ XPM 25121.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25122.sjs XWD conversion 25123.sjs Re: Will there be a XFree release... 25124.sjs Re: Changing the mouse cursor. 25125.sjs How to start a prog by clicking on a file? 25126.sjs Re: xdm and olwm 25127.sjs Big documents in XV 25128.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25129.sjs No title in original 25130.sjs Xvfb on DEC Alpha OSF/1 V2.0 25131.sjs Re: xdm and olwm 25132.sjs Re: Changing the mouse cursor. 25133.sjs Re: X vs NT 25134.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25135.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25136.sjs R6 & SVR4 problems 25137.sjs Re: Undefined Symbols in SunOS4.1.3 25138.sjs Re: Problem with Ximint.h on Dynix 3.2.0 25139.sjs Re: Adress of the company xtreme (provider of xappeal) 25140.sjs Re: R6, xmodmap-problems, how does it work? 25141.sjs Re: X vs NT 25142.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25143.sjs Re: Solaris 2.3 and XView Question 25144.sjs Re: Problem with Ximint.h on Dynix 3.2.0 25145.sjs Re: X11R6 building on SunOS 4.1.3_U1 25146.sjs Solaris 2.3 and XView Question 25147.sjs unsubscribe 25148.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25149.sjs Xsun: using -ar1 and/or -ar2 breaks autorepeat (with XKB defined) 25150.sjs X over WAN 25151.sjs R6, xmodmap-problems, how does it work? 25152.sjs Fresco rendering 25153.sjs Re: [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25154.sjs Veeery disappointed... 25155.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25156.sjs Has anyone got X11R6 LBX to work on a Sparc10 SunOS 4.1.3? 25157.sjs Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25158.sjs Xlock Problem 25159.sjs Re: GOOD (!!) GIF (or whatever XV reads) drawi 25160.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25161.sjs Encapsulation problem(was Re: C++ and callbacks) 25162.sjs Performance Information for X11R6 vs. OpenWindows 3.0 25163.sjs Adding 2D graphics adapter card to the Sun. 25164.sjs Building Xnest and Fresco on HPUX-9.01 fails 25165.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25166.sjs A question about Depth, Visual, and Colormap 25167.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25168.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25169.sjs Re: How to create a Pulldown Menu withOUT XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMe 25170.sjs Re: Traversing the widget hierarchy 25171.sjs Display file descriptor 25172.sjs Help with buffering, Please !!! 25173.sjs Re: XKeysymDB 25174.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25175.sjs X11R6 and Sun3/60s 25176.sjs Sun as a Xterminal 25177.sjs Re: Autorepeat in R6 25178.sjs Re: X vs NT 25179.sjs Re: Looking for pumped-up X server 25180.sjs Re: R6, xmodmap-problems, how does it work? 25181.sjs Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25182.sjs help with xmodmap to get the meta key working on an HP keyboard 25183.sjs Re: X11R6 build problem 25184.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25185.sjs I need more control!!! 25186.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25187.sjs Q: How to increase line length XMAN uses on x11r4 system 25188.sjs i just don't know 25189.sjs Is there an HP users group for FREE 25190.sjs Re: [Q] Help: Cannot login through XDM 25191.sjs X11R6 library / tcsh probs 25192.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25193.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25194.sjs How do you add a Type1 font? 25195.sjs transparent background? 25196.sjs >>Building Xnest and Fresco on HPUX-9.01 fails 25197.sjs Re: Fresco 25198.sjs Need Xlib Ext. for inclined Ellipses/Splines 25199.sjs Is there a public domain 2-D graph widget available ? Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25200: ============================================= 25200.sjs WINNING THE GAME 25201.sjs Colormap allocations 25202.sjs X11R6: xdm vs. ENHANCED security under Ultrix 25203.sjs Sun3 X11R6 binaries for ftp 25204.sjs Re: X11R6 library and tcsh problems. 25205.sjs Please HELP, Stippled Bitmaps 25206.sjs Xdm & Xfs config files 25207.sjs Re: Trying to compile X11R5, Solaris 2, using gcc, but cc is invoked 25208.sjs large font for X11R5 (pcf) 25209.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25210.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25211.sjs Re: Building Xnest and Fresco on HPUX-9.01 fails 25212.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25213.sjs Best OpenLook to Motif Tools 25214.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25215.sjs Re: Sun as a Xterminal 25216.sjs Re: Compiling X11R6 (on HP-UX): first impressions 25217.sjs Re: Building Xnest and Fresco on HPUX-9.01 fails 25218.sjs Re: Encapsulation problem(was Re: C++ and callbacks) 25219.sjs Re: Encapsulation problem(was Re: C++ and callbacks) 25220.sjs Re: Encapsulation problem(was Re: C++ and callbacks) 25221.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25222.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25223.sjs Re: Sun threaded server 25224.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25225.sjs XBM/PPM to DEC XIMAGE or Sixel Format 25226.sjs Re: X11R6 building on SunOS 4.1.3_U1 25227.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25228.sjs Re: Building Xnest and Fresco on HPUX-9.01 fails 25229.sjs Re: X vs NT 25230.sjs Re: AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25231.sjs Re: Building Xnest and Fresco on HPUX-9.01 fails 25232.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25233.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25234.sjs AIX 3.2.5 & X11R6 - pthreads... 25235.sjs i just don't know0 25236.sjs xconq 25237.sjs Re: Xwindows & realtime data 25238.sjs Re: X11R6 library and tcsh problems. 25239.sjs Re: Traversing the widget hierarchy 25240.sjs Need sun type 5 key mappings 25241.sjs Re: Numeric keypad on X11R5 , sun OS doesn't work ! Help ! 25242.sjs Re: Looking for pumped-up X server 25243.sjs X11R6 man page placement and a couple of Sun 4.1.3 installation note 25244.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25245.sjs Re: X11R6 library and tcsh problems. 25246.sjs Spin Button Widget 25247.sjs Re: help with xmodmap to get the meta key working on an HP keyboard 25248.sjs REQUEST: Info on dual displays 25249.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25250.sjs Re: X11R6 library and tcsh problems. 25251.sjs Where is "_XReply()" defined on hpux? 25252.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25253.sjs Re: Whence XsunMono 25254.sjs Re: X11R6 build problem 25255.sjs Re: graphics library using Xlib 25256.sjs Re: PhotoCD software for X? 25257.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25258.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25259.sjs Tgif-2.15-patch1 is available for anonymous ftp ... 25260.sjs Re: Trouble with XCreateColorMap 25261.sjs Re: Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25262.sjs FVWM on Ultrix. HELP! 25263.sjs After Dark 25264.sjs Need X Font Creator/Editor 25265.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25266.sjs Q:Migration from R5 to R6 by rookie. 25267.sjs XmCreateMenuBar problem 25268.sjs Need a recommendation for an X Book 25269.sjs Re: X vs NT 25270.sjs Installing X -- why doesn't it run? 25271.sjs Re: Performance Information for X11R6 vs. OpenWindows 3.0 25272.sjs Re: Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25273.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25274.sjs Re: X vs NT 25275.sjs Re: Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25276.sjs SGI graphics compatability with SUN? 25277.sjs Re: Sun Type-4 Keyboard problems 25278.sjs Re: PhotoCD software for X? 25279.sjs Encapsulating XKeysymDB 25280.sjs Re: Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25281.sjs XDVI displays figures??? 25282.sjs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 6/6 25283.sjs Re: pubic domain Motif builder?? 25284.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25285.sjs X11R6 library and tcsh problems. 25286.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25287.sjs GNU C compiler 25288.sjs Re: Unknown None modifier 25289.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25290.sjs Re: X server software for MS-windows 25291.sjs R6 xprop: slow startup ... 25292.sjs Need a recommendation for an X windows Book 25293.sjs Logging in via XDM 25294.sjs Question Re: XFreeColors 25295.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25296.sjs Compilation Problem. 25297.sjs Re: X11R6 & xtank! 25298.sjs X11R5 binaries for Solaris-2.3 25299.sjs Re: Sun threaded server Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25300: ============================================= 25300.sjs Sun Type 5 Keyboard not work for R6 25301.sjs R6 on AIX 3.2.5 25302.sjs Re: Athena Widgets documents? 25303.sjs Re: Solaris 2.3 and XView Question 25304.sjs Re: After Dark 25305.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25306.sjs Listen up Xlib gurus, try and solve this: 25307.sjs Re: Traversing the widget hierarchy 25308.sjs Free86 on Next Step?? 25309.sjs Re: Sun Type-4 Keyboard problems 25310.sjs Line Style 25311.sjs Help with compiling Motif and C++ code. 25312.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25313.sjs Re: REQUEST: Info on dual displays 25314.sjs Re: X11R6 and Sun3/60s 25315.sjs Compiling XView on an HP700 series machine 25316.sjs Re: Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25317.sjs Re: PhotoCD software for X? 25318.sjs Problem with Ximint.h on Dynix 3.2.0 25319.sjs Re: keeping a shell a minimum size 25320.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25321.sjs Re: X11R6 build problem 25322.sjs X11R6 xdm & xfs config files 25323.sjs Need a recommendation for an X windows Book 25324.sjs X demo programs available? 25325.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25326.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25327.sjs Problems with MIT-SHM extension on Solaris 2.3 Openwindows 3.3 25328.sjs Re: I need more control!!! 25329.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25330.sjs X11R6 isn't going to make Motif obsolete, is it? 25331.sjs Re: X vs NT 25332.sjs X11R5 binaires/Ultrix 4.2 25333.sjs LBX over serial lines? 25334.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25335.sjs X11R6 built fine under SVR4.2 25336.sjs Re: X11R6 and Sun3/60s 25337.sjs Re: Compose Key on Sun Keyboard 25338.sjs Re: Help on login through XDM 25339.sjs R6 on Sun3/60... misconfigured kbd type? 25340.sjs Xmodmap question 25341.sjs problems with X11R6 build. 25342.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25343.sjs HELP! Screen Saver in X! 25344.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25345.sjs Re: X11R6 build problem 25346.sjs Help with minor xdm problem 25347.sjs Re: [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25348.sjs *** R6 Built Error Cause By Wrong Header ? *** 25349.sjs Re: Sun threaded server 25350.sjs Re: Q: Conver X applic. to client-server applic 25351.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25352.sjs Re: SGI graphics compatability with SUN? 25353.sjs Re: R6 on Sun3/60... misconfigured kbd type? 25354.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25355.sjs Re: SGI graphics compatability with SUN? 25356.sjs Sunview/X Palette Problems 25357.sjs Re: Solaris 2.3 and XView Question 25358.sjs Re: Building LBX 25359.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25360.sjs Xkernel 2.0 beta question 25361.sjs Re: Adress of the company xtreme (provider of xappeal) 25362.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25363.sjs R6 and DEC TX graphics board? 25364.sjs Re: SGI graphics compatability with SUN? 25365.sjs Auto-repeat keys for Xsun in X11R6 25366.sjs Re: I need more control!!! 25367.sjs Iconification 25368.sjs Help on login through XDM 25369.sjs Re: X11R6 build: solaris 2.3 25370.sjs splitting postscript files 25371.sjs How to start in TrueColor mode? 25372.sjs Re: A question about Depth, Visual, and Colormap 25373.sjs Image file formats 25374.sjs Re: X11R6 isn't going to make Motif obsolete, is it? 25375.sjs Re: Looking for pumped-up X server 25376.sjs anybody using x11r6 Xsun24? 25377.sjs Re: R6 on AIX 3.2.5 25378.sjs graphics library using Xlib 25379.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25380.sjs X11 Release 6 in 25381.sjs X11 Release 6 in 25382.sjs X11 Release 6 in 25383.sjs X11 Release 6 in 25384.sjs Re: Using TrueColor (particulary on Sun SX) 25385.sjs X11 Release 6 in 25386.sjs X11 Release 6 in 25387.sjs Re: anybody using x11r6 Xsun24? 25388.sjs Re: X11R6 xdm & xfs config files 25389.sjs Re: Problem with Ximint.h on Dynix 3.2.0 25390.sjs X Resources 25391.sjs 3d makes me sick - can I reverse the shadows? 25392.sjs Xview on X11R6? 25393.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25394.sjs Class of Motif Text Widgets 25395.sjs Re: X11R6 building on SunOS 4.1.3_U1 25396.sjs Q: Changing color of Motif Pixmap 25397.sjs Re: X11 -> [E]PS[F|I] (or PICT, or ???) 25398.sjs HELP NEEDED PLEASE. 25399.sjs Re: 3d makes me sick - can I reverse the shadows? Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25400: ============================================= 25400.sjs Re: X11R6 Font Server; Solaris 2.3 25401.sjs Re: X vs NT 25402.sjs Re: How can I setup linux xterm vt100 Fkeys ? 25403.sjs XIO Error - HEEEEEEEELP! 25404.sjs [Q] Help: Cannot login through XDM 25405.sjs Trying to compile X11R5, Solaris 2, using gcc, but cc is invoked? 25406.sjs unaligned acces - Bus error 25407.sjs Re: Iconification 25408.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25409.sjs REPLY for "Question Re: XFreeColors" 25410.sjs Re: Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25411.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME (OOPS!) 25412.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25413.sjs wanted: Sun's Fig for X or Xfree86. 25414.sjs xdbx under AIX 25415.sjs Re: SGI graphics compatability with SUN? 25416.sjs Re: XCopyPlane : pixmap --> bitmap . Problem . 25417.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25418.sjs keeping a shell a minimum size 25419.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25420.sjs How can I setup linux xterm vt100 Fkeys ? 25421.sjs Re: Need a recommendation for an X windows Book 25422.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25423.sjs Help in testing color in color xterm or kterm. 25424.sjs Source program for Young & Pew's Xt programming book 25425.sjs R6 : compose keys ? 25426.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25427.sjs How can I create a COLOR-bitmapped PushButton (again)! 25428.sjs Need help for unix progra 25429.sjs Re: Undefined Symbols in SunOS4.1.3 25430.sjs Re: R6 on Sun3/60... misconfigured kbd type? 25431.sjs Re: A question about Depth, Visual, and Colormap 25432.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25433.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25434.sjs Re: [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25435.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25436.sjs Re: R5vsR6 fonts: courR10 25437.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25438.sjs Re: Solaris 2.2: getpwnam_r undefined 25439.sjs imake utility for X11R5 (source) 25440.sjs Where can I get DRUID from ? 25441.sjs Font Aliases Under Openwindows 25442.sjs Whence XsunMono 25443.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25444.sjs Re: Line Style 25445.sjs Threaded libs vs threaded server 25446.sjs Solaris 2.2: getpwnam_r undefined 25447.sjs 2D graphics adapter card 25448.sjs Atom problem - XChangeProperty 25449.sjs Re: Window Manager Decorations 25450.sjs X11R6 Font Server; Solaris 2.3 25451.sjs Re: X11R6 Font Server; Solaris 2.3 25452.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25453.sjs Re: X-Appeal won't run. Please help. 25454.sjs RFD: moderated 25455.sjs Re: Question Re: XFreeColors 25456.sjs Help with fatal display error 25457.sjs Re: Sun Type-4 Keyboard problems 25458.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25459.sjs R6 libX11 on SPARC10 running SunOS 4.1.3 25460.sjs Re: Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25461.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25462.sjs X11R6 on SPARC question 25463.sjs XConfig question 25464.sjs (Pointer to FAQ) Portable GUI Development Kits 25465.sjs Re: 3d makes me sick - can I reverse the shadows? 25466.sjs Re: X11R6 building on SunOS 4.1.3_U1 25467.sjs Re: 3d makes me sick - can I reverse the shadows? 25468.sjs Re: Compiling X11R6 (on HP-UX): first impressions 25469.sjs Re: Wierd R6 Ultrix server 25470.sjs Re: Looking for pumped-up X server 25471.sjs xdm indirect mode 25472.sjs Re: Performance Information for X11R6 vs. 25473.sjs Re: Display file descriptor 25474.sjs font server 25475.sjs Re: Can I load X11R6 on my user account? 25476.sjs X11R6 compile problem ?? 25477.sjs Metro Link has moved! 25478.sjs CORRECTION! to XStoreColors post 25479.sjs Using XAllocColorCells 25480.sjs Bitmap file format 25481.sjs news group? 25482.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25483.sjs Re: R6 and Sun type 5 keyboard 25484.sjs Re: Looking for pumped-up X server 25485.sjs Re: Sun threaded server 25486.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25487.sjs MS Windows .bmp to X Windows .bm 25488.sjs Q: Display PostScript in R6? 25489.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25490.sjs Re: X11 -> [E]PS[F|I] (or PICT, or ???) (fwd) 25491.sjs Re: Undefined Symbols in SunOS4.1.3 25492.sjs Does my Tektronix X-terminal have a memory leak? 25493.sjs Prevent that double-click kills the window (Mwm) 25494.sjs Re: NCD X-Terminal query 25495.sjs Cursor Following Animal Program 25496.sjs X-Appeal won't run. Please help. 25497.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25498.sjs Re: How do you add a Type1 font? 25499.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25500: ============================================= 25500.sjs [Q] sharing colormaps 25501.sjs Re: X11R6::What is "XLIB_ILLEGAL_ACCESS" for? 25502.sjs Re: Left Keys Under X11R6 25503.sjs Metro Link has moved! 25504.sjs SunOS 4.1.1 /bin/ld core dumps while linking X11R6 25505.sjs Re: Solaris 2.2: getpwnam_r undefined 25506.sjs Failed attempt to use machine as Xterminal 25507.sjs How to convert xwd->tiff format? 25508.sjs Re: Q: Display PostScript in R6? 25509.sjs Re: AFM fonts -> X fonts??? 25510.sjs Window Manager Focus Policy 25511.sjs Re: X11 -> [E]PS[F|I] (or PICT, or ???) 25512.sjs X11R6::What is "XLIB_ILLEGAL_ACCESS" for? 25513.sjs openwindows checkOW 25514.sjs Re: Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25515.sjs special server for SPARCclassic? 25516.sjs Re: R6 on Sun3/60... misconfigured kbd type? 25517.sjs R5vsR6 fonts: courR10 25518.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25519.sjs Re: Using XAllocColorCells 25520.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25521.sjs Re: Left Keys Under X11R6 25522.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25523.sjs Listening to the keyboard 25524.sjs Question on Xinput Extension 25525.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25526.sjs HELP: XMail and using X_Face headers. 25527.sjs Re: X11R6, why -O2? 25528.sjs Re: Q: Display PostScript in R6? 25529.sjs Re: Help! My backspace key doesn't work! (FreeBSD/XFree) 25530.sjs Can I load X11R6 on my user account? 25531.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25532.sjs Re: Why does XTERM and GHOSTVIEW need the mouse in it's window? 25533.sjs Re: Keystroke generator! Anywhere? 25534.sjs X11R6, why -O2? 25535.sjs Re: special server for SPARCclassic? 25536.sjs Help! My backspace key doesn't work! (FreeBSD/XFree) 25537.sjs Re: X vs NT 25538.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25539.sjs Q: How the &%#^@ do I compile C calling UIL? 25540.sjs Re: Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25541.sjs Re: keeping a shell a minimum size 25542.sjs Re: Change Cursor 25543.sjs how to get the channel port number on wan? 25544.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25545.sjs X11 servers on PC under Windows 25546.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25547.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25548.sjs Re: Sun Server Size Problem (R4 and R5) 25549.sjs R6 & Sun3's: keyboard troubles 25550.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25551.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25552.sjs Xview field widths 25553.sjs (Question Repost): How to add/handle Motif windows in a pgm already 25554.sjs Re: kerberos V5 25555.sjs Re: X11R6 isn't going to make Motif obsolete, is it? 25556.sjs kerberos V5 25557.sjs Where it si ftp site for X11R6? 25558.sjs xwd and xwud 25559.sjs Re: WINNING THE GAME 25560.sjs Re: X11 picture viewers with SCROLLING facilities wanted 25561.sjs AIX and xdm 25562.sjs Re: Xview on X11R6? 25563.sjs Re: (Question Repost): How to add/handle Motif windows in a pgm alre 25564.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25565.sjs "Error: Couldn't find per display information" ???? 25566.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.03 and mailing list 25567.sjs Left Keys Under X11R6 25568.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25569.sjs all chars of a font 25570.sjs Re: R6 & Sun3's: keyboard troubles 25571.sjs X11R6 Features 25572.sjs Re: X11R6 keybd trouble on Sun4/110 25573.sjs What can make a window transparent? 25574.sjs Re: Chinese X-Term/fonts 25575.sjs Re: Sun Xview apps on SGI server? 25576.sjs What are your preferences for keyboard mapping in an xterm? 25577.sjs X11R6/Sol 2.3: Ocasionally losing input focus.. 25578.sjs Binding Icons to apps 25579.sjs Changing Default Icon for each invocation of Xterm 25580.sjs Can't install R6 under 2.3 (but compiles OK) 25581.sjs Re: kerberos V5 25582.sjs NCD X-Terminal query 25583.sjs Re: AFM fonts -> X fonts??? 25584.sjs X Abstraction for Overlay feature of Sun Graphics Accelerators 25585.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25586.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25587.sjs using R5 libX11.a under R6? 25588.sjs X11R6 build problems again. 25589.sjs Problem with Xkernel 2.0 25590.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25591.sjs Re: Does my Tektronix X-terminal have a memory leak? 25592.sjs Sun Server Size Problem (R4 and R5) 25593.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25594.sjs wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25595.sjs X news readers 25596.sjs WANTED: gnu-diff ported to MS-VisualC++ 25597.sjs [Q] Evaluating X Servers, how ? 25598.sjs How to launch an xterm from an application?(Q) 25599.sjs R6 and Sun type 5 keyboard Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25600: ============================================= 25600.sjs XStoreColors fails, XStoreColor works!?? 25601.sjs Re: Binding Icons to apps 25602.sjs R6 xmodmap/xinit problem on Sun SPARC 10 25603.sjs Re: Can't install R6 under 2.3 (but compiles OK) 25604.sjs Re: Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25605.sjs Re: Does my Tektronix X-terminal have a memory leak? 25606.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25607.sjs MacX setup? 25608.sjs Re: using R5 libX11.a under R6? 25609.sjs Postscript output 25610.sjs Re: X11R6 isn't going to make Motif obsolete, is it? 25611.sjs Re: Does my Tektronix X-terminal have a memory leak? 25612.sjs Mouse button translations in text widget 25613.sjs Re: X11 picture viewers with SCROLLING facilities wanted 25614.sjs XmTextSetSelection problem 25615.sjs Determining exact key pressed 25616.sjs console and screen control 25617.sjs Re: FIG -> XPM Converter 25618.sjs error with X11R6 and Motif 1.2.2 25619.sjs Need HELP with xgrabsc/colormap 25620.sjs Re: Where is "_XReply()" defined on hpux? 25621.sjs setup for oak vga card: help 25622.sjs Looking for XtGetResourceList() example 25623.sjs Re: X11 picture viewers with SCROLLING facilities wanted 25624.sjs Keystroke generator! Anywhere? 25625.sjs XView 3.2 compile problem on BSD/386 25626.sjs Re: X11 -> [E]PS[F|I] (or PICT, or ???) 25627.sjs Re: Looking for pumped-up X server 25628.sjs Why does XTERM and GHOSTVIEW need the mouse in it's window? 25629.sjs Re: all chars of a font 25630.sjs asciiDiskWidgetClass anyone? Help? 25631.sjs Repeating KeyPress/KeyRelease events 25632.sjs Dialog Placement 25633.sjs Sysadmin interfaces 25634.sjs Active grab/Send event problem 25635.sjs Screen blanker for RS6000 25636.sjs X11R6 - startx 25637.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25638.sjs X11R6 X server to support DEC PXG frame buffer and PEX5.1 protocol 25639.sjs Re: X Abstraction for Overlay feature of Sun Graphics Accelerators 25640.sjs Re: kerberos V5 25641.sjs Updating a list with unknown length 25642.sjs Re: C++ and callbacks 25643.sjs Re: After Dark 25644.sjs Re: X11R6 isn't going to make Motif obsolete, is it? 25645.sjs Font Problem with multiple Displays 25646.sjs Re: console and screen control 25647.sjs HELP: Window Manager border 25648.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25649.sjs Re: Dirt as a Motif Interface Builder 25650.sjs 2nd Call for X11 Release 6 Contrib 25651.sjs Looking for raster-window 25652.sjs XtOwnSelection core-dumps! 25653.sjs Re: Left Keys Under X11R6 25654.sjs X Windows Server Emulator Question 25655.sjs Re: X11 servers on PC under Windows 25656.sjs fvwm 25657.sjs X-PROGRAMMING ?? 25658.sjs OVERLAYS.TIMERS.EVENT.??? 25659.sjs Re: X11R6 on Apollo DM/OS 10.3? 25660.sjs Re: Chinese X-Term/fonts 25661.sjs patch to build xgopher under X11R6 25662.sjs [Q] stubborn xdm 25663.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25664.sjs R6: Full pathname in Name and Class.res_name?? 25665.sjs Re: problems under sunos4.1.2 25666.sjs Re: "Error: Couldn't find per display information" ???? 25667.sjs Re: R5vsR6 fonts: courR10 25668.sjs Need help on I18N 25669.sjs Fax SW for UNIX 25670.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25671.sjs Anybody got Xview Toolkit v3.2 compiled on RS6K??? 25672.sjs Xdec R5 server and DECStation 5000/25 25673.sjs Expose event ordering 25674.sjs A question 25675.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25676.sjs Re: error with X11R6 and Motif 1.2.2 25677.sjs 100dpi fonts 25678.sjs FIG -> XPM Converter 25679.sjs How to popup motif dialog in another screen 25680.sjs Built R5 on IRIX 3.1? 25681.sjs kerberos V5 25682.sjs How to tell if server is grabbed? 25683.sjs Re: Performance Information for X11R6 vs. OpenWindows 3.0 25684.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25685.sjs 100dpi fonts 25686.sjs Re: XView textsw QUESTION 25687.sjs XmacII: distinguish between left and right modifiers 25688.sjs Making a cursor 25689.sjs Re: XWindows? So is it like Windows 3.1? 25690.sjs Re: X11 picture viewers with SCROLLING facilities wanted 25691.sjs Re: Performance Information for X11R6 vs. OpenWindows 3.0 25692.sjs Never mind about keyb question 25693.sjs X11R6 keybd trouble on Sun4/110 25694.sjs Sun Xview apps on SGI server? 25695.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25696.sjs Re: Encapsulation problem(was Re: C++ and callbacks) 25697.sjs Tgif-2.15-patch2 is available for anonymous ftp ... 25698.sjs R6 xterm on Solaris 2.3 using gcc 2.5.8 doesn't compile 25699.sjs What's new in X11R6 ? Directory usenet/fj/mail_lst/x_window/v25700: ============================================= 25700.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25701.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25702.sjs Re: Threaded libs vs threaded server 25703.sjs Will X11R5 servers work with R6? 25704.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25705.sjs Re: Dialog Placement 25706.sjs Re: PhotoCD software for X? 25707.sjs R6: Solaris default flags 25708.sjs Adding Motif dialog windows to an application already written in pur 25709.sjs MFC Conversion for X 25710.sjs DPS in X11R6? 25711.sjs Chinese X-Term/fonts 25712.sjs ANNOUNCE: WWW at Integrated Computer Solutions 25713.sjs X11R6 and Xaw, problems compiling xgopher 25714.sjs Re: Q: Changing color of Motif Pixmap 25715.sjs X11R6 on Apollo DM/OS 10.3? 25716.sjs AFM fonts -> X fonts??? 25717.sjs Re: MS Windows .bmp to X Windows .bm 25718.sjs Re: R6 libX11 on SPARC10 running SunOS 4.1.3 25719.sjs XLIB: Odd Problem With XGetWindowProperty 25720.sjs Re: R6 on Sun3/60... misconfigured kbd type? 25721.sjs Re: SunOS 4.1.1 /bin/ld core dumps while linking X11R6 25722.sjs Re: R6 : compose keys ? 25723.sjs Re: Question on Xinput Extension 25724.sjs Re: R6 xterm on Solaris 2.3 using gcc 2.5.8 doesn't compile 25725.sjs Help!! 'pix' ?? 25726.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25727.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25728.sjs Spring Loaded Menus on DECwindows/Motif? 25729.sjs Re: Repeating KeyPress/KeyRelease events 25730.sjs FAQ's. Can some one e-mail a copy of FAQ's? 25731.sjs xcdplayer, R6 and SunOS 4.1.3, anyone? 25732.sjs CIA wdb II Map code 25733.sjs X11R6 books 25734.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25735.sjs X over IPX? 25736.sjs Re: SunOS 4.1.1 /bin/ld core dumps while linking X11R6 25737.sjs Can't install solaris on x86, help 25738.sjs compressed fonts for R6?? 25739.sjs X6530 Terminal Emulation 25740.sjs Re: X11R6 build problems again. 25741.sjs How do I change rootwindow while running Choser? 25742.sjs tvtwm & xpm 25743.sjs Help on mouse buttons 25744.sjs Re: Converting PostScript display fonts for X (.abf to .pcf or .bdf 25745.sjs Re: Missing libs in X11R6/Sun3? 25746.sjs Re: [Q]: Unix on PC - How much disk space ? 25747.sjs please help me... 25748.sjs Re: tvtwm & xpm 25749.sjs Re: Will there be a XFree release... 25750.sjs MailTool w/ XPM-Icons and shapes: where? 25751.sjs Getting more performance out of X. FAQ 25752.sjs Plotting pts of various intensities 25753.sjs SERVER BUG XFree v2.0 (MACH8) Under Linux 25754.sjs SERVER BUG XFree v2.0 (MACH8) Under Linux 25755.sjs Missing libs in X11R6/Sun3? 25756.sjs Re: MacX setup? 25757.sjs can't get wm focus 25758.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25759.sjs Re: r6 on a/ux 25760.sjs Re: Creating a 1 bit depth window... 25761.sjs Re: Screen blanker for RS6000 25762.sjs Re: R5vsR6 fonts: courR10 25763.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25764.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25765.sjs What is Window Underflow??? 25766.sjs Re: Missing libs in X11R6/Sun3? 25767.sjs Re: Missing characters in fonts 25768.sjs Re: Spring Loaded Menus on DECwindows/Motif? 25769.sjs Re: MacX setup? 25770.sjs stumped on dialog box 25771.sjs please help... 25772.sjs X11R6 : make world and make install ?? 25773.sjs AUIS Patch 6.2.1 25774.sjs AUIS Patch 6.2.2 25775.sjs announcing xearth version 0.9 25776.sjs xrgb: A program for displaying RGB colors 25777.sjs Re: What is Window Underflow??? 25778.sjs xdm: should I give up? 25779.sjs Re: wt news--version 0.02 - port to MSDOS 25780.sjs ImageMagick 3.0 -- Official Release 25781.sjs xcoral - problems in execution 25782.sjs Re: HELP: Looking 4 X-PROTOCOL MONITOR 25783.sjs XLIB: Odd Problem With XGetWindowProperty 25784.sjs Xserver or Xlib buffer overrun on HPPA 25785.sjs xdaliclock 2.00 25786.sjs The Andrew View, V3 No. 1 25787.sjs Announcing the release of XFree86 2.1.1 Directory usenet/fj/meetings: ============================= 789.sjs IPSJ/SIG-SLP CFP... 790.sjs RAMP monthly seminar (Reminder) 791.sjs UserTalk meeting on April 792.sjs Summer Programming Symposium 793.sjs PARALLEL CFD'94 794.sjs fj.meetings 795.sjs SIGARC @ Tokyo in June 796.sjs Seminar on Eng. Appl. of Qualitative Physics 797.sjs CFP IPSJ SIGSE July 798.sjs JCSS Lecture Series 799.sjs 45th NeXus Meeting (Tokyo) on 14 May 800.sjs CS symposium 801.sjs IPSJ FI meeting 802.sjs Alan Kay will come to Ritsumeikan UNIV. 803.sjs CFP [IPSJ - SIG on Human Interface] 804.sjs LAN & MAN conference, Kyoto, Japan 805.sjs a workshop 806.sjs Software Symposium 94 807.sjs AI Seminar 808.sjs Spoken Language Session at JSAI Annual Meeting 809.sjs X11 TOKAI KENKYU-KAI 810.sjs Seta Seminar 811.sjs The 4th International Dolphin & Whale Conference, in Osaka 812.sjs International Symposium for 20th anniversary of JACG 813.sjs The Third TRON EnableWare Research Group Meeting 814.sjs Infomation Media Workshop on 13 MAY 94 (In Japanese/Kanji) 815.sjs Ydoc on 4/28 816.sjs AI seminar 817.sjs Information Systems in Life 818.sjs Okinawa Internet Associates 6th Meeting / 1994/04/26 819.sjs CFP: IPSJ 7th-GW(with 55th SIG-HI) on 94/07/14,15 at Keio 820.sjs [CFP] RSSC'94 821.sjs Software Maintence Sympposium. 822.sjs Re: Okinawa Internet Associates 6th Meeting / 1994/04/26 823.sjs ORSJ RAMP monthly seminar 824.sjs Scheduling 5/19 825.sjs IPSJ SIGGroupware on the 28th of April 826.sjs 2nd CST meeting 827.sjs 3rd School (Lecture) on Crystal Growth 828.sjs network of european scientists and technologists (kansai) 829.sjs MVA'94 Final CFP 830.sjs Scheduling Symposium 94 831.sjs Cognitive Science Society Lecture Series: 2nd announcement 832.sjs 3D Image Conference '94 833.sjs Re: synapse'94 834.sjs SEA Seminar & Forum May (1994) 835.sjs Software Symposium 94 836.sjs 45th NeXus Meeting (Tokyo) on 14 May (Repost) 837.sjs Software Process. Symp. 838.sjs Re: Seta Seminar 839.sjs synapse'94 840.sjs ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou : Mailing List Server Start 841.sjs ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou 842.sjs jain consortium kenkyu-kai 843.sjs jain consortium soukai 3 844.sjs Re: synapse'94 845.sjs soft seminar 846.sjs Bone Marrow Transplantation Symposium at Sagamihara 847.sjs Seminar on Qualitative Physics 848.sjs [FYI: Program&Transportation] JSAI SIG-SLUD meeting on June 10 849.sjs Seminar on Qualitative Physics 850.sjs Re: ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou : Mailing List Server Start 851.sjs Symposium on Massively Parallel Machines 852.sjs Software Symposium 94 853.sjs SEA Seminar & Forum May 854.sjs SEA Wakate-no-Kai 94 855.sjs AVIRG Soukai & Special lectures 856.sjs JKAW94 857.sjs Dr. Tada's lecture on 5/14 (JCSS lecture series 1) 858.sjs ORSJ RAMP monthly seminar 859.sjs CORBA conforming HP Distributed Smalltalk demo. 860.sjs JCSS lecture series (1) 861.sjs SCHEDULING 5/19,6/23 862.sjs SEA Kansai May 863.sjs a conference 864.sjs SEA Forum in Nagoya 865.sjs [CFP] SIGSS Hokuriku 866.sjs 22th NeXus Kansai meeting on 28 May. 867.sjs ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou 868.sjs [CFP] JSAI SIG-KBS (1994/9/19 Tokyo) 869.sjs Call for Participation: IPSJ SIG-DPS/OS in Kagoshima 870.sjs SWoPP'94 [PROGRAM] 871.sjs jc kenkyuukai 3 872.sjs CFP SCHEDULING SYMPOSIUM 873.sjs [lecture] NLP system 874.sjs CFP of game programming workshop: latex version 875.sjs CFP of game programming workshop: plain version 876.sjs CFP: RIMS workshop on Theory of Concurrency and Its Applications 877.sjs UserTalk Meeting in May 878.sjs SEA Seminar & Forum (May 94) 879.sjs Software Symposium 94 in Hakodate 880.sjs 11th J2(Kansai) announce 881.sjs JSAI SIG-FAI 20th Meeting 882.sjs An International Symposium in China 883.sjs CFP: Announcement of image sensing symposium 884.sjs soft seminar 885.sjs IS SIG meeting in Fukuoka 886.sjs odins open house 887.sjs IS SIG in Oct. 18 888.sjs announce: Kyushu Network meeting May'94 Directory usenet/fj/misc: ========================= handicap\ Handicap 184.sjs [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 185.sjs computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 186.sjs Looking for contacts in Parallel programming 187.sjs "Cool" email adresses wanted 188.sjs Re: "Cool" email adresses wanted 189.sjs Re: "Cool" email adresses wanted 190.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 191.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 192.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 193.sjs Agents Wanted 194.sjs ==Today's Special= Portable Telephone 195.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 196.sjs Re: wecome JAIST Mailing List 197.sjs Re: Where is ENIAC ? 198.sjs Where is ENIAC ? 199.sjs wecome JAIST Mailing List 200.sjs Looking for partners... 201.sjs TokyoGreenWalk94 202.sjs Re: TokyoGreenWalk94 203.sjs Hearing Marathon 204.sjs Re: Hearing Marathon Directory usenet/fj/misc/handicap: ================================== 188.sjs Japan Association for Employment of the Disabled 189.sjs Q: (Paper)News related addresses in Japan 190.sjs a workshop 191.sjs The Third TRON EnableWare Research Group Meeting 192.sjs Re: Talk Report from PropStation 193.sjs Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 194.sjs Re: Japan Association for Employment of the Disabled 195.sjs Re: network for handicapped part1 196.sjs ĵ¥@«í¨¥ 197.sjs [help] email in Japanese 199.sjs STANDARD RULES 200.sjs Re: STANDARD RULES 201.sjs Re: STANDARD RULES 202.sjs Re: STANDARD RULES 203.sjs Re: STANDARD RULES Directory usenet/fj/net: ======================== im_net\ IM Net misc\ Misc Directory usenet/fj/net/im_net: =============================== 6.sjs Re: Inter Ministry Network Project Info. on Gopher. 7.sjs fj's AUP: ALL for ALL, but not illegal 8.sjs aist network Directory usenet/fj/net/misc: ============================= 78.sjs Gopher Frequently Asked Questions Supplement 82.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 83.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 84.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 85.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 86.sjs CERT Advisory: wuarchive ftpd Trojan Horse 87.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 88.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 89.sjs Okinawa Internet Associates 6th Meeting / 1994/04/26 90.sjs Re: Okinawa Internet Associates 6th Meeting / 1994/04/26 91.sjs Re: E-mail ? 92.sjs Re: E-mail ? 93.sjs Re: [Q]:A trouble at Nifty. 94.sjs Re: IP address for closed network 95.sjs Re: mime 96.sjs Re: DNS 97.sjs Re: E-mail ? 98.sjs Re: E-mail ? 99.sjs Re: Test Article 100.sjs Re: Test Article 101.sjs IPX/SPX 102.sjs IS SIG in Oct. 18 Directory usenet/fj/net_peop: ============================= 305.sjs ULTRA-Dousoukai in Tokyo 306.sjs Nagakute koukou kagakubu OBkai hossoku 307.sjs Toudai Orchestra 308.sjs Re: Toudai Orchestra 309.sjs Kunitachi High School Mailing List 310.sjs Tsuda-san at Kyoto-u 311.sjs MIZUNO 312.sjs OSU-ML 313.sjs OSU-ML 314.sjs kurasu kai(kenritu kawasaki) 315.sjs SUT_kisokou-ML 316.sjs looking for Mr.Hirami univercity of tukuba 317.sjs OSU-ML 318.sjs Re: looking for Mr.Hirami univercity of tukuba 319.sjs Agents Wanted 320.sjs Pen Pal 321.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 322.sjs komatou31 323.sjs UK-stayers' ML 324.sjs buntsuu shimasen ka? Directory usenet/fj/news: ========================= adm\ adm announce\ announce b\ b config\ config group\ group lists\ lists misc\ misc policy\ policy usage\ usage Directory usenet/fj/news/adm: ============================= 233.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 234.sjs List of Moderators for fj-Netnews 235.sjs What is ``moderated''? 238.sjs Re: a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 239.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 240.sjs What is ``moderated''? 241.sjs List of Moderators for fj-Netnews 242.sjs duplicated article (Re: I want 'rose'!!) 243.sjs Re: duplicated article (Re: I want 'rose'!!) 244.sjs Re: duplicated article (Re: I want 'rose'!!) Directory usenet/fj/news/announce: ================================== 78.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, Apr 16 80.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, Apr 22 81.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, Apr 27 82.sjs senkyo kanri iin 83.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, May 9 Directory usenet/fj/news/b: =========================== 640.sjs [INN] innd start problem. 641.sjs ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 642.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 643.sjs Re: JIS-KANJI character list 644.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 645.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 646.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 647.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 648.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 649.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 650.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 651.sjs [INN] nnrpd compatibility 652.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 653.sjs Re: [INN] innd start problem. 654.sjs Re: [INN] nnrpd compatibility 655.sjs Problem Inews? via NNTP 656.sjs Re: unified VM 657.sjs Lecture on Network 658.sjs mail and news link (Re: Lecture on Network) 659.sjs Re: Problem Inews? via NNTP 660.sjs Re: unified VM 661.sjs Re: Problem Inews? via NNTP 662.sjs Cnews & mnews 663.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 664.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 665.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 666.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 667.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 668.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 669.sjs Is INN on DG/UX 5.4R2.10? 670.sjs Re: Cnews & mnews 671.sjs INN recover from junk 672.sjs fj, fj.* 673.sjs junked articles recovery on INN (Re: INN recover from junk) 674.sjs Re: Is INN on DG/UX 5.4R2.10? 675.sjs Re: Is INN on DG/UX 5.4R2.10? 676.sjs Re: INN recover from junk 677.sjs Re: INN recover from junk Directory usenet/fj/news/config: ================================ 381.sjs fgw and fdm will be stopped 382.sjs will stop in GW 383.sjs will stop 384.sjs Amugw(Aichi Medical University) will stop at 24APR94. (In Jpnse/Kanj 385.sjs will soon become invalid. Please send mail for u 386.sjs Mail failed. 387.sjs and will stop 388.sjs hitachi ebina & kanagawa will be stopped (In Japanese/Kanji) 389.sjs (NTT Atsugi R&D Center) will go down in GW. 390.sjs will stay up and running during April 29 to May 9. 391.sjs FUJI FILM gateway's holiday 392.sjs will stop 393.sjs will be stopped in GW 394.sjs will be stopped 395.sjs Re: and will stop 396.sjs will stop 397.sjs G/W of will stop from May 13 to May 16 398.sjs stop 399.sjs downed. (In Japanese/Kanji) 400.sjs mail losted 401.sjs gateway trouble 402.sjs power outage 403.sjs test 404.sjs down 405.sjs will be unreachable (21 May - 22 May) 406.sjs will be unreachable (24 May) Directory usenet/fj/news/group: =============================== archives\ archives comp\ comp misc\ misc net\ net sci\ sci soc\ soc 2913.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 1/3) 2914.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 2/3) 2915.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 3/3) 2932.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 2933.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" =?ISO-2 2934.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 2935.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 2936.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 2937.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, Apr 16 2938.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 2939.sjs [Proposal] fj.*.infosystems.* 2940.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 2942.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 2943.sjs How about making "beginners" newsgroup? 2945.sjs Re: How about making "beginners" newsgroup? 2946.sjs "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to ... 2947.sjs How to Create a New fj Newsgroup 2948.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, Apr 22 2949.sjs Re: "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to 2950.sjs Re: "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to 2951.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 2952.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, Apr 27 2953.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2954.sjs Re: "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to 2955.sjs Re: "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to 2956.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2957.sjs Active Newsgroups List of fj 2958.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 2959.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2960.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2961.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2962.sjs Re: "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to 2963.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2964.sjs Status Report of fj Newsgroups, May 9 2965.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 3/3) 2966.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 1/3) 2967.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 2/3) 2968.sjs How to Create a New fj Newsgroup 2969.sjs Active Newsgroups List of fj 2970.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2971.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2972.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2973.sjs Visualized Active Newsgroups List of fj 2974.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2975.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 2976.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" Directory usenet/fj/news/group/archives: ======================================== 154.sjs guideline in fj.archives.answers (Ver. 1.1) 155.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 156.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 157.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 158.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 159.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 160.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 161.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 162.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 163.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 164.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 165.sjs Re: guideline in fj.archives.answers (Ver. 1.1) 166.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 167.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 168.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 169.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix 170.sjs Re: [CFD] fj.archives.programs.unix Directory usenet/fj/news/group/comp: ==================================== 240.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 241.sjs Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory 242.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 243.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 244.sjs Re: Should we mv fj.{lang.*,sys.*,os.*} fj.comp? 245.sjs Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory 246.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 252.sjs Re: Should we mv fj.{lang.*,sys.*,os.*} fj.comp? 253.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 254.sjs [Proposal] fj.*.infosystems.* 255.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 256.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 257.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 258.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 259.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 262.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 263.sjs [objection] fj.comp.theory 264.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 265.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 266.sjs Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory 267.sjs Re: [objection] fj.comp.theory 269.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 270.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 271.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 272.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 273.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 274.sjs [CFA] fj.comp.theory 275.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 276.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 277.sjs Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory 278.sjs Re: [objection] fj.comp.theory 279.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 280.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 281.sjs Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory 282.sjs informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 283.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 284.sjs Re: "fj.lang.c++"? 285.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 286.sjs Re: [objection] fj.comp.theory 287.sjs Re: CFA: fj.sci.informatics 288.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 289.sjs Naikara Tsukurou (was Re: How about fj.lang.cobol) 290.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 291.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 292.sjs [CFA] fj.comp.theory 293.sjs Re: [CFD call for discussion] fj.lang.c++ 294.sjs [CFD call for discussion] fj.lang.c++ 295.sjs Re: [CFD call for discussion] fj.lang.c++ 296.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 297.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 298.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 299.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 300.sjs [Approaved] fj.comp.theory 301.sjs fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 302.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 303.sjs Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory 304.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 305.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 306.sjs Re: [CFD call for discussion] fj.lang.c++ 307.sjs [CFA call for approval] fj.lang.c++ 308.sjs Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 309.sjs Re: How about fj.lang.cobol 310.sjs Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 311.sjs [Objection CFA] fj.lang.c++ Directory usenet/fj/news/group/misc: ==================================== 150.sjs Re: [Proposal]* ? 151.sjs [CFV],,, 152.sjs fj's AUP: ALL for ALL, but not illegal 153.sjs Success of [CFAV],,, 154.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 155.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 156.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 157.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 158.sjs Re: [CFV],,,fj.forsa 159.sjs was rejected 160.sjs Success of [CFA],,,f 161.sjs Re: Success of [CFA],, Directory usenet/fj/news/group/net: =================================== 181.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 182.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 183.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 184.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 185.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 186.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 187.sjs [Proposal] fj.*.infosystems.* 188.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 189.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 190.sjs "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to ... 191.sjs Re: [Proposal] fj.*.infosystems.* 192.sjs services vs. infosystems (Re: [Proposal]*) 193.sjs Re: [Timeout]{ip,programming,uucp,modems,phones, ...} 194.sjs [CFD]{ip,programming,uucp,phones,modems, ...} 195.sjs Re: [Proposal]* 196.sjs Applying CFS method to* 197.sjs About* Directory usenet/fj/news/group/sci: =================================== 161.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 162.sjs Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory 163.sjs Re: Theoretical Computer Science and Information Science 169.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 170.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 171.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 172.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 173.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 174.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 175.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 177.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 178.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 179.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 180.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 181.sjs Re: CFA: fj.sci.informatics 182.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 183.sjs Re: [enquiry] NG about Info.Sci. (Comp.Sci.) 184.sjs Re: CFA: fj.sci.informatics 185.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 186.sjs fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 187.sjs Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 188.sjs Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) Directory usenet/fj/news/group/soc: =================================== 663.sjs [CFA&CFAV] 664.sjs creation 665.sjs [CFA&CFAV] 666.sjs Re: [CFA&CFAV] 667.sjs CFA success Directory usenet/fj/news/lists: =============================== 268.sjs List of Moderators for fj-Netnews 278.sjs Newsgroup traffic in these days 279.sjs News posters in these days 280.sjs News subjects in these days 281.sjs News articles in these days 282.sjs News traffic in these days by byte 283.sjs News traffic in these days by byte 284.sjs Active Newsgroups List of fj 285.sjs News traffic in these days by byte 286.sjs List of Moderators for fj-Netnews 287.sjs News traffic in these days by byte 288.sjs Active Newsgroups List of fj 289.sjs Visualized Active Newsgroups List of fj Directory usenet/fj/news/misc: ============================== 531.sjs >>>>INTERACT: INTERFACES AND IMAGES Directory usenet/fj/news/policy: ================================ 4363.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 1/3) 4364.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 2/3) 4365.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 3/3) 4407.sjs Re: CFAV (Re: How to find good News Group Structure?) 4408.sjs Simple CFV vs Multiple CFS 4409.sjs Re: CFAV 4410.sjs Re: Simple CFV vs Multiple CFS 4411.sjs fj's AUP: ALL for ALL, but not illegal 4412.sjs Mailbombing from Immigration Attorneys 4413.sjs How to Create a New fj Newsgroup 4414.sjs Re: [Timeout]{ip,programming,uucp,modems,phones, ...} 4415.sjs Procedural NGMP 4416.sjs Applying CFS method to* 4417.sjs Re: CFAV (Re: How to find good News Group Structure?) 4418.sjs Re: CFAV (Re: How to find good News Group Structure?) 4419.sjs Proposal for Enquirely Form #1 4420.sjs senkyo kanri iin 4421.sjs Naikara Tsukurou (was Re: How about fj.lang.cobol) 4422.sjs Re: Proposal for Enquirely Form #1 4423.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 3/3) 4424.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 1/3) 4425.sjs News Group Management Protocol Rev. O (part 2/3) 4426.sjs How to Create a New fj Newsgroup Directory usenet/fj/news/usage: =============================== 1254.sjs What is ``moderated''? 1255.sjs "How to get around fj.*" (section 0.0) 1256.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 1.1) 1259.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 2.1) 1260.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.1) 1261.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.2) 1262.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.3) 1263.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.4) 1264.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 3.5) 1265.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.1) 1266.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.2) 1267.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.3) 1268.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.4) 1269.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.5) 1270.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 4.6) 1271.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.1) 1272.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.2) 1273.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.3) 1274.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.4) 1275.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.5) 1276.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 5.6) 1279.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.1) 1280.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.2) 1281.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.3) 1282.sjs "How to get around fj.* (1994 Apr)" (section 6.4) 1284.sjs "How to get around fj.*" (section 0.1) 1292.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 1293.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" =?ISO-2 1294.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1295.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" =?ISO-2 1296.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1297.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1298.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1299.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" =?ISO-2 1300.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1301.sjs How about making "beginners" newsgroup? 1302.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? / "misc" 1303.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1304.sjs Mailbombing from Immigration Attorneys 1305.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 1306.sjs "misc" and "others"/"xover" (Re: How about change name "misc" to ... 1307.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1308.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1309.sjs Re: Mailbombing from Immigration Attorneys 1310.sjs Re: Mailbombing from Immigration Attorneys 1311.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1312.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1313.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1314.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1315.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1316.sjs Re: How about change name "misc" to something else? 1317.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1318.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 1319.sjs Re: MeTa(Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco))) 1320.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1321.sjs Re: CFD newgroup "fj" 1322.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1323.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1324.sjs What is ``moderated''? 1325.sjs Re: Printer don't work correctly. 1326.sjs Komatta (Re: Printer don't work correctly.) 1327.sjs Summry of discussion about (for beginner) Directory usenet/fj/os: ======================= linux\ linux minix\ minix misc\ misc msdos\ msdos 386bsd\ 386bsd Directory usenet/fj/os/386bsd: ============================== 2104.sjs panic ifree 2105.sjs jtex1.7 install failed 2106.sjs INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2107.sjs pc98 RS232C device driver 2108.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2109.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 2110.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2111.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2112.sjs PCMCIA card question 2114.sjs Re: PCMCIA card question 2115.sjs Re: PCMCIA card question 2116.sjs installation of FreeBSD-1.0R or NetBSD-0.9 2117.sjs Re: PCMCIA card question 2118.sjs Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2119.sjs Re: PCMCIA card question 2120.sjs Re: XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2121.sjs Re: PCMCIA card question 2122.sjs Re: XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2123.sjs [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2124.sjs XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2125.sjs bootblock 2126.sjs LGY-98 on 386BSD(PC98c2) 2127.sjs Re: XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2128.sjs Re: XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2129.sjs PCI-bus SCSI card 2130.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2131.sjs Re: PCI-bus SCSI card 2132.sjs Re: 4.4bsd-lite will be available !!! 2133.sjs Re: BT-445S 2134.sjs Re: LGY-98 on 386BSD(PC98c2) 2135.sjs Re: [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2136.sjs Re: 4.4bsd-lite will be available !!! 2137.sjs Re: [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2138.sjs Re: bootblock 2139.sjs Re: bootblock 2140.sjs Re: bootblock 2141.sjs 4.4bsd-lite will be available !!! 2142.sjs Re: BT-445S 2143.sjs Re: 4.4bsd-lite will be available !!! 2144.sjs Re: BT-445S 2145.sjs Re: 4.4bsd-lite will be available !!! 2146.sjs PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 2147.sjs Re: PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 2148.sjs Re: [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2149.sjs Re: [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2150.sjs Re: XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2151.sjs Re: PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 2152.sjs Xconfig of XFree-2.0 2153.sjs [Thanx & Summary] [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2154.sjs Re: [Q] want X window on 98note (NS/T) 2155.sjs Re: XFree-2.0 on Sotec Winbook S. 2156.sjs Re: PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 2157.sjs Re: PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 2158.sjs Re: Xconfig of XFree-2.0 2159.sjs Re: PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 2160.sjs Question of how to use EXABYTE-8205 on PC 2161.sjs About dviout/prt 2.39. 2162.sjs Re: Question of how to use EXABYTE-8205 on PC 2163.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2164.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2165.sjs Public Access PC-UNIX again. 2166.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2167.sjs FreeBSD-1.1-GAMMA 2168.sjs Installation of FreeBSD 2169.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2170.sjs FreeBSD-1.1R sio ? 2171.sjs Re: FreeBSD-1.1R sio ? 2172.sjs Re: harddisk probrem on FreeBSD 2173.sjs Re: FreeBSD-1.1R sio ? 2174.sjs Re: harddisk probrem on FreeBSD 2175.sjs FreeBSD-1.1-GAMMA 2176.sjs FreeBSD(98) release announce 2177.sjs sic-at 2178.sjs Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2179.sjs Re: Xconfig of XFree-2.0 2180.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2181.sjs Re: FreeBSD-1.1R sio ? 2182.sjs harddisk probrem on FreeBSD 2183.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 2184.sjs [FreeBSD] PS/2 mouse, 3Com 3c503 & PS/V (Re: Xconfig of XFree-2.0) 2185.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2186.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2187.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2188.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2189.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2190.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2191.sjs Re: FreeBSD-1.1R sio ? 2192.sjs Re: Can NetBSD-0.9 recognize two ether card? 2193.sjs Re: INSTALLATION TROUBLE OF FreeBSD-1.0R 2194.sjs [Q][98]XFree86 on WAB-S 2195.sjs Re: FreeBSD(98) release announce 2196.sjs Re: FreeBSD(98) release announce 2197.sjs Re: FreeBSD(98) release announce Directory usenet/fj/os/linux: ============================= v900\ fj.comp.os.linux V900 v1000\ fj.comp.os.linux V1000 v1100\ fj.comp.os.linux V1100 Directory usenet/fj/os/linux/v1000: =================================== 1000.sjs [Q] apmd, suspend resume ? 1001.sjs CD-ROM(SB16I/F)_Support 1002.sjs JE-HOWTO.eucj(JE-0.9.3 based version) 1003.sjs IBM PS/55 1004.sjs [question]hostname 1005.sjs Re: [question]hostname 1006.sjs How to mount Sun Format MO 1007.sjs Re: [Summary] apmd, suspend/resume 1008.sjs Re: [question]hostname 1009.sjs ColorView ET4000W32i VLB 1010.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1011.sjs Re: How to mount Sun Format MO 1012.sjs [Summary] apmd, suspend/resume 1013.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1014.sjs Re: [question]hostname 1015.sjs Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1016.sjs Re: network interface 1017.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1018.sjs Re: ColorView ET4000W32i VLB 1019.sjs Re: MCA bus (Re: IBM PS/55) 1020.sjs Re: [question]hostname 1021.sjs 2 questions about kterm 1022.sjs Xfree86 Busmouse IRQ 1023.sjs Re: Linux on subnote 1024.sjs Nemacs 1025.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1027.sjs Re: MCA bus (Re: IBM PS/55) 1028.sjs Logitec Mouseman Xfree 1029.sjs Re: Linux on subnote 1030.sjs Re: ColorView ET4000W32i VLB 1031.sjs NE2000 card 1032.sjs Standard setup? 1033.sjs [question]dviprt,PCMCIA 1034.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1035.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1036.sjs Re: Nemacs 1037.sjs Re: IBM PS/55 1038.sjs where is template 1039.sjs Linux jouhou Memo (Apr. '94) 1040.sjs Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 1041.sjs How to setup external termi 1042.sjs [Q] format of FAQ 1043.sjs [Q] PCMCIA card 1044.sjs Re: Xfree86 Busmouse IRQ 1045.sjs Re: Standard setup? 1046.sjs MCA bus (Re: IBM PS/55) 1047.sjs Re: dviprt on Linux 1048.sjs Re: mouse 1049.sjs Re: [Q] format of FAQ 1050.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1051.sjs Re: Standard setup? 1052.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1053.sjs Re: How to setup external termi 1054.sjs dviprt on Linux 1055.sjs Re: double-0.2 1056.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1057.sjs SLS wolkman VolumeControl 1058.sjs PCI-bus SCSI card 1059.sjs Hang up on TTY COM1 1060.sjs Re: [Q] format of FAQ 1061.sjs Where can i buy D-Link DE600 PCMCIA ethernet card? 1062.sjs Re: Xfree86 Busmouse IRQ 1063.sjs color character 1064.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1065.sjs Re: [question]hostname 1066.sjs Re: How to setup external termi 1067.sjs Re: Where can i buy D-Link DE600 PCMCIA ethernet card? 1068.sjs Re: color character 1069.sjs Re: Where can i buy D-Link DE600 PCMCIA ethernet card? 1070.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 1071.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 1072.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 1073.sjs libc 1074.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 1075.sjs Thank you:color character 1076.sjs Re: libc 1077.sjs AD/DA on Linux 1078.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1079.sjs Re: 2 questions about kterm 1080.sjs Re: Probrem, XFree86-2.0 1081.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1082.sjs Re: How to use 106 keyboard ? 1083.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 1084.sjs Re: Probrem, XFree86-2.0 1085.sjs Re: Probrem, XFree86-2.0 1086.sjs Re: 2 questions about kterm 1087.sjs [Q]about JE(XFree86+JE,jlatex,MO disk format) 1088.sjs xconfig 1089.sjs Troubles in IP setting for Ethernet 1090.sjs Re: double-0.2 1091.sjs Probrem, XFree86-2.0 1092.sjs Re: color character 1093.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1094.sjs Re: [Q]about JE(XFree86+JE,jlatex,MO disk format) 1095.sjs Installation of Mosaic 1096.sjs Re: Installation of Mosaic 1097.sjs Re: Installation of Mosaic 1098.sjs Re: Installation of Mosaic 1099.sjs KanjiTrueTypeFont in Ghostscript 2.6.1-j (Re: Re: derived Directory usenet/fj/os/linux/v1100: =================================== 1100.sjs Where is net-010? 1101.sjs KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 1102.sjs Re: xconfig 1103.sjs one more ... 1104.sjs Re: KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 1105.sjs Re: How to use 106 keyboard ? 1106.sjs Question of how to use EXABYTE-8205 on PC 1107.sjs About dviout/prt 2.39. 1108.sjs Printer don't work correctly. 1109.sjs Q About SBPRO-CD 1110.sjs Re: Question of how to use EXABYTE-8205 on PC 1111.sjs Re: Printer don't work correctly. 1112.sjs Re: Printer don't work correctly. 1113.sjs Re: KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 1114.sjs Re: KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 1115.sjs Re: Printer don't work correctly. 1116.sjs [Q] Ethercard: RE-2005 1117.sjs Re: KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 1118.sjs Re: Troubles in IP setting for Ethernet 1119.sjs Re: KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 1120.sjs Thank you: Printer don't work correctly. 1121.sjs double-0.2 sonogo... 1122.sjs Xfree86/mouse/IRQ/config problem 1123.sjs Re: [XFree86] Cirrus Logic 5434 1124.sjs GRASS on Linux 1125.sjs [XFree86] Cirrus Logic 5434 1126.sjs Re: Xfree86/mouse/IRQ/config problem 1127.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard: RE-2005 1128.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1129.sjs Re: [XFree86] Cirrus Logic 5434 1130.sjs Re: GRASS on Linux 1131.sjs Re: [XFree86] Cirrus Logic 5434 1132.sjs a prouble of console display. 1133.sjs Q: hardware lists recommended for Linux wanted! 1134.sjs [Q] Swap partition setting miss. 1135.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1136.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1137.sjs about dosemulator 1138.sjs updating gcc 1139.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard: RE-2005 1140.sjs Re: about dosemulator 1141.sjs mouse problem 1142.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1143.sjs Re: Xfree86/mouse/IRQ/config problem 1144.sjs Re: [XFree86] Cirrus Logic 5434 1145.sjs Re: mouse problem 1146.sjs Re: Xfree86/mouse/IRQ/config problem 1147.sjs Re: [Q] Swap partition setting miss. 1148.sjs Re: [Q] double-0.2 1149.sjs Re: about dosemulator 1150.sjs JMETA-FAQ 1.29 Directory usenet/fj/os/linux/v900: ================================== 988.sjs Re: derived from gs 989.sjs Re: [Q] apmd, suspend resume ? 990.sjs Re: mouse 991.sjs [Summary] Slip & DNS ( Re: [Report] taiken dan ) 992.sjs Re: [Q] Slip/PPP 993.sjs network interface 994.sjs Re: Linux jouhou Memo (Apr. '94) 995.sjs xgraph on XFree86 2.1 996.sjs Linux-install.from_not_SCSI_CD-ROM(SB16I/F) 997.sjs Re: [Q] apmd, suspend resume ? 998.sjs Re: [Q] apmd, suspend resume ? 999.sjs Re: mouse Directory usenet/fj/os/minix: ============================= 192.sjs about 32bit-bcc 193.sjs Re: MINIX-386vm (In Japanese/Kanji) 194.sjs Re: MINIX-386vm (In Japanese/Kanji) 195.sjs HD on J31SS 196.sjs About dviout/prt 2.39. 197.sjs MINIX 1.5 for IBM/PC (Prentice Hall version) for sale 198.sjs asld (In Japanese/Kanji) Directory usenet/fj/os/misc: ============================ 296.sjs AdaPosix 297.sjs Apology for news 298.sjs Re: AdaPosix 299.sjs IPX/SPX 300.sjs Re: AdaPosix 301.sjs SWoPP'94 [PROGRAM] Directory usenet/fj/os/msdos: ============================= 482.sjs file bunkatu soft ... 483.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 484.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 485.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 486.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 487.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 488.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 489.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 490.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 491.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 492.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 493.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 494.sjs A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 495.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 496.sjs Re: file bunkatu soft ... 497.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 498.sjs FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 499.sjs Re: for command of *.bat file 500.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 501.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 502.sjs Re: [Q] use '=' as arguments of batch file? 503.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 504.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 505.sjs for command of *.bat file 506.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 507.sjs Re: for command of *.bat file 508.sjs Re: for command of *.bat file 509.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 510.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 511.sjs Re: for command of *.bat file 512.sjs Free FAX software 513.sjs Re: for command of *.bat file 514.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 515.sjs [VIRUS-Info.] UMBVIRUS-1271 Ver.1.43 516.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 517.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 518.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 519.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 520.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 521.sjs Screen Dump program (In Japanese/Kanji) 522.sjs Wanted Symlink? 523.sjs Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI C-86 3.30c 524.sjs Newest demacs 525.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 526.sjs Re: Wanted Symlink? 527.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 528.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 529.sjs [Q] Swap partition setting miss. 530.sjs Re: Wanted Symlink? 531.sjs Re: FCB (Re: A trouble about MS-DOS system-call 0x5a using LSI 533.sjs Re: Q. KEY-Table change 534.sjs Re: Q. KEY-Table change Directory usenet/fj/ptt: ======================== 25.sjs 197 kai PTT 26.sjs 196 PTT Memo 27.sjs 197 kai PTT(V1.1) Directory usenet/fj/questins: ============================= misc\ misc unix\ unix Directory usenet/fj/questins/misc: ================================== v2500\ fj.questions.misc v2500 v2600\ fj.questions.misc v2600 v2700\ fj.questions.misc v2700 Directory usenet/fj/questins/misc/v2500: ======================================== 2572.sjs Re: package 2573.sjs Re: 100meizan 2574.sjs Re: 100meizan 2575.sjs Re: package 2576.sjs Q:about VBU(vented backup) 2577.sjs Re: How many TOYSRUS in Japan ? 2578.sjs Re: How many TOYSRUS in Japan ? 2579.sjs Re: MPU 2580.sjs Re: package 2581.sjs 100meizan 2582.sjs Re: How many TOYSRUS in Japan ? 2583.sjs Re: 100meizan 2584.sjs Re: package 2585.sjs Re: MPU 2586.sjs [Alpine] Re: 100meizan 2587.sjs SeisakuTantouHisho nituite 2588.sjs Re: MPU 2589.sjs Re: package 2590.sjs [Q] Contacting Phone number for AT&T calling card 2591.sjs computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 2592.sjs Re: MPU 2593.sjs Re: How many TOYSRUS in Japan ? 2594.sjs Help with a word 2595.sjs Re: Help with a word 2596.sjs Questionnaire 2597.sjs Re: Help with a word 2598.sjs [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2599.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data Directory usenet/fj/questins/misc/v2600: ======================================== 2600.sjs Re: Help with a word 2601.sjs Re: 100meizan 2602.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2603.sjs Get digital data from DAT 2604.sjs Where is(are) about mobile communication newsgroup(s) 2605.sjs dog-store and cat-store 2606.sjs Re: Where is(are) about mobile communication newsgroup(s) 2607.sjs Re: dog-store and cat-store 2608.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2609.sjs Re: dog-store and cat-store 2610.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2611.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 2612.sjs ELM that works with JAPANESE wanted. 2613.sjs Re: dog-store and cat-store 2614.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 2615.sjs Q : FAX modem of PBX 2616.sjs gnuplot 2617.sjs Re: Where is(are) about mobile communication newsgroup(s) 2618.sjs Re: ELM that works with JAPANESE wanted. 2619.sjs Re: dog-store and cat-store 2620.sjs Re: dog-store and cat-store 2621.sjs Re: dog-store and cat-store 2622.sjs Re: gnuplot 2623.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 2624.sjs [Ques.]OS/2(CD-ROM) install 2625.sjs Re: D.M. of GENKIN-DONYA 2626.sjs Database Access 2627.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 2628.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 2629.sjs D.M. of GENKIN-DONYA 2630.sjs Re: Q : FAX modem of PBX 2631.sjs Re: gnuplot 2632.sjs Re: [Ques.]OS/2(CD-ROM) install 2633.sjs Re: [Ques.]OS/2(CD-ROM) install 2634.sjs [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 2635.sjs Re: Q : FAX modem of PBX 2636.sjs Re: library on internet 2637.sjs Administrative boundary data 2638.sjs Re: Registered Multibyte Character Sets for ISO2022 2639.sjs Re: Q : FAX modem of PBX 2640.sjs Re: Database Access 2641.sjs keitai-TV(mojihousou) 2642.sjs [thanks] tool for wood craft 2643.sjs Re: [thanks] tool for wood craft 2644.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 2645.sjs [Req. for Info]-BBQ ga dekiru SPOT 2646.sjs Re: Q : FAX modem of PBX 2647.sjs Re: D.M. of GENKIN-DONYA 2648.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 2649.sjs Re: Administrative boundary data 2650.sjs How can star tv be seen 2651.sjs Re: Administrative boundary data 2652.sjs Re: Database Access 2653.sjs Re: Administrative boundary data 2654.sjs Re: [Req. for Info]-BBQ ga dekiru SPOT 2655.sjs Re: link a faraway HD 2656.sjs Books on TEN-KAN (In Japanese/Kanji) 2657.sjs Re: link a faraway HD 2658.sjs Flow Chart ! 2659.sjs POWER Frequencies. 2660.sjs Re: [thanks] tool for wood craft 2661.sjs Re: Books on TEN-KAN (In Japanese/Kanji) 2662.sjs Re: link a faraway HD 2663.sjs Re: POWER Frequencies. 2664.sjs Media Kenkyuka 2665.sjs Re: Database Access 2666.sjs Re: Media Kenkyuka 2667.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 2668.sjs [Q]Wireless Ether-net 2669.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2670.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 2671.sjs Re: [Ques.]OS/2(CD-ROM) install 2672.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 2673.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 2674.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 2675.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 2676.sjs Re: [Q]Wireless Ether-net 2677.sjs Re: POWER Frequencies. 2678.sjs Re: POWER Frequencies. 2679.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 2680.sjs Re: link a faraway HD 2681.sjs education soft for mac 2682.sjs [Q]about Fuji Micro (DC motor) 2683.sjs Past Discussion Log 2684.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2685.sjs inline skate ( rollerblade ) 2686.sjs [Q]EPSON up grade note 2687.sjs lectures on how to use PCs: where? 2688.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2689.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2690.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log 2691.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log 2692.sjs Book stand 2693.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log 2694.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log 2695.sjs Re: Where is ENIAC ? 2696.sjs How do I connect to the net from Tokyo? (English) 2697.sjs Re: Direct mail 2698.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2699.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log Directory usenet/fj/questins/misc/v2700: ======================================== 2700.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 2701.sjs [DOUBT] Power SW 2702.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 2703.sjs Material of Pla-Ban 2704.sjs [DOUBT] Power SW ( human-factors ) 2705.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2706.sjs Re: library on internet 2707.sjs fortune 2708.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2709.sjs Where is ENIAC ? 2710.sjs Direct mail 2711.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2712.sjs Donataka modula-2 wo. 2713.sjs Re: inline skate ( rollerblade ) 2714.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 2715.sjs Re: Past Discussion Log 2716.sjs How about STEADICAM ? 2717.sjs Re: inline skate ( rollerblade ) 2718.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2719.sjs nanto iu chimei ? 2720.sjs Re: inline skate ( rollerblade ) 2721.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2722.sjs [Q] terminal soft & Windows,etc 2723.sjs Re: nanto iu chimei ? Directory usenet/fj/questins/unix: ================================== 1420.sjs Re: tcsh reedit (Re: which) 1421.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1422.sjs Re: libg++-2.5.2 1423.sjs Re: Q.about systemcall read 1424.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1425.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1426.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1427.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1428.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1429.sjs libg++-2.5.2 1430.sjs Re: tcsh reedit (Re: which) 1431.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1432.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1433.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1434.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1435.sjs Re: tcsh reedit (Re: which) 1436.sjs Re: Q.about systemcall read 1437.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1438.sjs Re: Q.about systemcall read 1439.sjs Re: Q.about systemcall read 1440.sjs Re: Q.about systemcall read 1441.sjs Questionnaire 1442.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1443.sjs xargs vulnerability (Re: panic) 1444.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1445.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1446.sjs Re: Q.about systemcall read 1447.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1448.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1449.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1450.sjs Upgrade of AIX - Duplicate 1451.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1452.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1453.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1454.sjs Apology & Gratitude 1455.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1456.sjs Re: screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 1457.sjs Help! Install INGRES 1458.sjs libg++-2.5.2 1459.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1460.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1461.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1462.sjs Re: Japanease on 'screen' 1463.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 1464.sjs Re: screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 1465.sjs gopher 1466.sjs magazine about UNIX (In Japanese/Kanji) 1467.sjs Looking for jshell. 1468.sjs Re: Looking for jshell. 1469.sjs Re: magazine about UNIX (In Japanese/Kanji) 1470.sjs find 1471.sjs Re: Looking for jshell. 1472.sjs Japanese patch for CWEB 1473.sjs q: How to install xtalk 1474.sjs Re: magazine about UNIX (In Japanese/Kanji) 1475.sjs Re: gopher 1476.sjs return value from read() at UDP socket 1477.sjs Re: magazine about UNIX (In Japanese/Kanji) 1478.sjs Re: Japanese patch for CWEB 1479.sjs can't connection talkd... 1480.sjs Re: return value from read() at UDP socket 1481.sjs Re: can't connection talkd... 1482.sjs Re: can't connection talkd... 1483.sjs Re: can't connection talkd... 1484.sjs Re: can't connection talkd... 1485.sjs a.out file format 1486.sjs Re: a.out file format 1487.sjs Re: a.out file format 1488.sjs Re: a.out file format 1489.sjs Re: a.out file format 1490.sjs Kill the idle user 1491.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1492.sjs Re: a.out file format 1493.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1494.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1495.sjs Re: a.out format 1496.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1497.sjs Re: a.out file format 1498.sjs Re: a.out file format 1499.sjs help: grep a term and display previous lines as well as followings. 1500.sjs Re: a.out file format 1501.sjs Question about termcap setting (LF -> CR/LF) 1502.sjs Re: a.out format 1503.sjs Re: Question about termcap setting (LF -> CR/LF) 1504.sjs [Q] search function in library. 1505.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1506.sjs Re: [Q] search function in library. 1507.sjs Re: [Q] search function in library. 1508.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1509.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1510.sjs Re: [Q] search function in library. 1511.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1512.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1513.sjs Re: a.out file format 1514.sjs Re: [Q] search function in library. 1515.sjs duplicated article (Re: I want 'rose'!!) 1516.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1517.sjs Re: Kill the idle user 1518.sjs Re: [Q] search function in library. 1519.sjs [Q] About Load Average Directory usenet/fj/rec: ======================== aerospce\ Aerospace animatin\ Animation autos\ Automobiles av\ Audio-Visual baseball\ Baseball bicycles\ Bicycles bus\ Busses comics\ Comic Books fine_art\ Fine Art fishing\ Fishing food\ Food games\ Games ham\ Ham idol\ Idols (Singers/Stars) marine\ Marine (Ocean/Sea) misc\ Miscellaneous models\ Models motorcyc\ Motorcycles movies\ Movies music\ Music mystery\ Mysteries pachinko\ Pachinko pets\ Pets photo\ Photography play\ Plays/Theater radio\ Radio rail\ Railroad sf\ Science Fiction sports\ Sports tokusats\ Special Effect Photography travel\ Travel tv\ Television Directory usenet/fj/rec/aerospce: ================================= 353.sjs Re: [Sale] Palaglider. 354.sjs What is X-31? 355.sjs Re: What is X-31? 356.sjs Re: What is X-31? 357.sjs Re: What is X-31? 358.sjs Re: What is X-31? 359.sjs Re: What is X-31? 360.sjs Re: F100-PW222 ? 361.sjs Re: What is X-31? 362.sjs Re: What is X-31? 363.sjs Re: What is X-31? 364.sjs Re: What is X-31? 365.sjs Re: What is X-31? 366.sjs Re: What is X-31? 367.sjs Re: What is X-31? 368.sjs Re: What is X-31? 369.sjs Re: What is X-31? 370.sjs Re: What is X-31? 371.sjs Re: What is X-31? 372.sjs Re: What is X-31? 373.sjs Re: What is X-31? 374.sjs Re: What is X-31? 375.sjs Open House at National Aerospace Laboratory 376.sjs Ms 263 377.sjs Re: Ms 263 378.sjs FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 379.sjs Re: Ms 263 380.sjs Re: Ms 263 381.sjs Re: Ms 263 382.sjs Open house of Atsugi air base. 383.sjs Re: Ms 263 384.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 385.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 386.sjs Re: Ms 263 387.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 388.sjs Re: Ms 263 389.sjs Re: Ms 263 390.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 391.sjs Loop by rotorcrafts (Re: Ms 263) 392.sjs Re: Ms 263 393.sjs Re: Ms 263 394.sjs Re: Ms 263 395.sjs Re: Ms 263 396.sjs Re: Ms 263 397.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 398.sjs Re: Ms 263 399.sjs Re: Ms 263 400.sjs Re: Ms 263 401.sjs Re: Ms 263 402.sjs Re: Loop by rotorcrafts 403.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 404.sjs Re: Loop by rotorcrafts (Re: Ms 263) 405.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 406.sjs Jet engine (Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?)) 407.sjs Re: Jet engine (Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?)) 408.sjs Re: Loop by rotorcrafts (Re: Ms 263) 409.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 410.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 411.sjs Re: Ms 263 412.sjs Re: Ms 263 413.sjs Re: Loop by rotorcrafts (Re: Ms 263) 414.sjs decision height 415.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 416.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 417.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 418.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 419.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 420.sjs Re: Jet engine (Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?)) 421.sjs Re: Open house of Atsugi air base. 422.sjs Me263 (In Japanese/Kanji) 423.sjs [forsale]para-glider \30,000 424.sjs Re: Open house of Atsugi air base. 425.sjs Me263 426.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 427.sjs Re: Me263 428.sjs Re: Ms 263 429.sjs Re: Ms 263 430.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 431.sjs Re: decision height 432.sjs Re: decision height 433.sjs Re: Open house of Atsugi air base. 434.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 435.sjs Slow flight 436.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 437.sjs Re: Slow flight 438.sjs Re: decision height 439.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 440.sjs Re: FBW response (Was: What is X-31?) 441.sjs Re: Loop by rotorcrafts (Re: Ms 263) 442.sjs Re: Slow flight 443.sjs Re: Loop by rotorcrafts (Re: Ms 263) 444.sjs Re: Slow flight 445.sjs Re: decision height 446.sjs Re: F100-PW222 ? 447.sjs Re: Slow flight 448.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 449.sjs Simulator 450.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 451.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 452.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 453.sjs Re: [forsale]para-glider \30,000 454.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 455.sjs Me263 456.sjs Re: Helicopter model 457.sjs Re: Helicopter model 458.sjs Helicopter model 459.sjs Cobra movement of Su-35 460.sjs Licence 461.sjs Re: Cobra movement of Su-35 Directory usenet/fj/rec/animatin: ================================= v8800\ fj.rec.animation V8800 v8900\ fj.rec.animation V8900 v9000\ fj.rec.animation V9000 v9100\ fj.rec.animation V9100 v9200\ fj.rec.animation V9200 Directory usenet/fj/rec/animatin/v8800: ======================================= 8851.sjs Re: Lucky man 8852.sjs Re: Ryu-Knight 8853.sjs [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 8854.sjs Re: anime-radio 8855.sjs Re: anime-radio 8856.sjs Re: anime-radio 8857.sjs Jyunko Iwao 8858.sjs Re: utatte asobo 8859.sjs Re: anime-radio 8860.sjs Re: anime-quest 8861.sjs Re: anime-radio 8862.sjs Re: anime-radio 8863.sjs Re: [Q]V.G. 8864.sjs MEMORU 8865.sjs [WANTED] ANIME & COMIC TELECA 8866.sjs Re: anime-quest 8867.sjs Re: Jyunko Iwao 8868.sjs Re: Rai 8869.sjs anime-quest 8870.sjs Re: (4/8) Houdou Spacial (in kansai) 8871.sjs Re: anime-quest 8872.sjs Rai 8873.sjs Re: utatte asobo 8874.sjs Re: (4/8) Houdou Spacial (in kansai) 8875.sjs Friday Animation 8876.sjs Re: (4/8) Houdou Spacial (in kansai) 8877.sjs futatuno Radio 8878.sjs Re: CHACHA(4/8) 8879.sjs (4/8) Houdou Spacial (in kansai) 8880.sjs [Thank you for your Mail]BS2 soccer programs 8881.sjs Re: Chisa Yokoyama ga ryugaku? 8882.sjs Re: Tenchi Muyou! 8883.sjs Re: comiket 46 8884.sjs Re: anime-radio 8885.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 8886.sjs Re: Rai 8887.sjs Thanx_'bout_anime-quest 8888.sjs Re: anime-radio 8889.sjs Re: anime-quest 8890.sjs Re: anime-quest 8891.sjs mukamuka 8892.sjs Re: mukamuka 8893.sjs Re: anime-quest 8894.sjs Re: mukamuka 8895.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 8896.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 8897.sjs Re: mukamuka 8898.sjs Re: utatte asobo 8899.sjs Shimajiro Directory usenet/fj/rec/animatin/v8900: ======================================= 8900.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 8901.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 8902.sjs Re: comiket 46 8903.sjs Re: comiket 46 8904.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 8905.sjs Re: V.G. o furikaette! 8906.sjs Re: anime-radio 8907.sjs Re: V.G. o furikaette! 8908.sjs Re: utatte asobo 8909.sjs Victory 8910.sjs Re: Victory 8911.sjs Re: futatuno Radio 8912.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 8913.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 8914.sjs chacha! 8915.sjs Re: V.G. o furikaette! 8916.sjs GG (Re: Victory) 8917.sjs V.G. o furikaette! 8918.sjs Sailor Moon S 4/16 8919.sjs Re: futatuno Radio 8920.sjs Re: Victory 8921.sjs GG 8922.sjs Re: chacha! 8923.sjs Re: Sailor Moon S 4/16 8924.sjs Minna, Tasukette! 8925.sjs Re: Ryu-Knight 8926.sjs Re: GG 8927.sjs S-MOON-S 4/16 8928.sjs Re: Sailor Moon S 4/16 8929.sjs Re: S-MOON-S 4/16 8930.sjs Re: V.G. o furikaette! 8931.sjs Re: GG 8932.sjs Re: GG 8933.sjs Re: Shimajiro 8934.sjs [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8935.sjs Re: GG 8936.sjs Re: Sailor Moon S 4/16 8937.sjs Re: Shimajiro 8938.sjs Re: S-MOON-S 4/16 8939.sjs Re: Victory 8940.sjs Re: Sailor Moon S 4/16 8941.sjs Dokyuusei(R-shitei) 8942.sjs yamato takeru 8943.sjs Re: Minna, Tasukette! 8944.sjs stereo (Re: Shimajiro) 8945.sjs Re: stereo (Re: Shimajiro) 8946.sjs Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? (Re: GG) 8947.sjs Re: Minna, Tasukette! 8948.sjs Re: Victory 8949.sjs Re: Dokyuusei(R-shitei) 8950.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? 8951.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? (Re: GG) 8952.sjs Re: A political party was born and the name is 8953.sjs A political party was born and the name is 8954.sjs Re: Sailor Moon S 4/16 8955.sjs Re: Ryu-Knight 8956.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? (Re: GG) 8957.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8958.sjs RADAM calculation 8959.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8960.sjs [Q]gattaiga 8961.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8962.sjs Re:gattaiga 8963.sjs Re: Re:gattaiga 8964.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8965.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? (Re: GG) 8966.sjs Re: futatuno Radio 8967.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? (Re: GG) 8968.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? 8969.sjs Re: Victory 8970.sjs Re: A political party was born and the name is 8971.sjs Re: Minna, Tasukette! 8972.sjs Re: A political party was born and the name is 8973.sjs Re: yamato takeru 8974.sjs Re: Ryu-Knight 8975.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? 8976.sjs Re: Ryu-Knight 8977.sjs Re: gattaiga 8978.sjs Re: yamato takeru 8979.sjs Re: stereo (Re: Shimajiro) 8980.sjs Re: Which do you like better TV series or the Movies ? 8981.sjs Re: chacha! 8982.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8983.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 8984.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8985.sjs Re: Minna, Tasukette! 8986.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 8987.sjs Re: [Q]gattaiga 8988.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 8989.sjs karaoke 8990.sjs Taylor event admission ticket present 8991.sjs J-DECKER sound track 8992.sjs Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 8993.sjs Might Gine 8994.sjs Re: IL LD vol.2 & RAI CDS 8995.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 8996.sjs IL LD vol.2 & RAI CDS 8997.sjs Read/view 8998.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 8999.sjs G-Gundam Directory usenet/fj/rec/animatin/v9000: ======================================= 9000.sjs Re: IL LD vol.2 & RAI CDS 9001.sjs G Gundam (4/22) 9002.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9003.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 9004.sjs HERO ha nemuranai 9005.sjs Re: HERO ha nemuranai 9006.sjs Re: G-Gundam 9007.sjs Re: G Gundam (4/22) 9008.sjs Re: G Gundam (4/22) 9009.sjs G-Station 9010.sjs Re: GG 9011.sjs Re: IL LD vol.2 & RAI CDS 9012.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9013.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9014.sjs Re: Read/view 9015.sjs Re: [Q]gattaiga 9016.sjs Re: Might Gine 9017.sjs Jdecker 9018.sjs [Q]Mr.Flat Face 9019.sjs Re: [Q]Mr.Flat Face 9020.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura(Sorry!) 9021.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 9022.sjs Re: IL LD vol.2 & RAI CDS 9023.sjs Re: GG 9024.sjs Re: [Q]Mr.Flat Face 9025.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat) 9026.sjs Re: G-Gundam 9027.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9028.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9029.sjs G Gundam 9030.sjs Re: karaoke 9031.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9032.sjs AH! MY GODDESS 9033.sjs Muka Muka 9034.sjs Re: S-MOON-S 4/23 9035.sjs S-MOON-S 4/23 9036.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9037.sjs Re: S-MOON-S 4/23 9038.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9039.sjs GUNDAM,Wmm... 9040.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9041.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9042.sjs Re: karaoke 9043.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 9044.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 9045.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9046.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9047.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 9048.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9049.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 9050.sjs Re: G Gundam 9051.sjs [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9052.sjs Cyber Formula Zero 9053.sjs Re: S-MOON-S 4/23 9054.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 9055.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9056.sjs wanted 9057.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 9058.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9059.sjs [SMR]Hero Collection 1 Interchange 9060.sjs Re: GG 9061.sjs Ryu-Knight (O-tameshi video) 9062.sjs GG 9063.sjs Re: Voice-Actor 30 9064.sjs Voice-Actor 30 9065.sjs Re: J-Decker(4/30) 9066.sjs top 9067.sjs Lend me these program recorded, please. 9068.sjs S-moon (4/30) 9069.sjs Re: S-moon (4/30) 9070.sjs Re: S-moon (4/30) 9071.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9072.sjs Re: S-moon (4/30) 9073.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9074.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9075.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9076.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9077.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/23 9078.sjs Re: G-Station 9079.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 9080.sjs Re: koe no shutuen 9081.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9082.sjs Re: Ryu-Knight (O-tameshi video) 9083.sjs takahasi miki 9084.sjs J-Dekker 9085.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9086.sjs Re: J-Dekker 9087.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9088.sjs Re: J-Dekker 9089.sjs Re: [MD] UY: Dear my friends (Re: [Q] urusei-yatura) 9090.sjs MAMA4 this week 9091.sjs Re: J-Dekker 9092.sjs [MD] UY: Dear my friends (Re: [Q] urusei-yatura) 9093.sjs Re: [MD] UY: Dear my friends (Re: [Q] urusei-yatura) 9094.sjs Re: [Q] urusei-yatura 9095.sjs Re: MAMA4 this week 9096.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 9097.sjs R.Okiayu-3 9098.sjs [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9099.sjs ZILLION! Directory usenet/fj/rec/animatin/v9100: ======================================= 9100.sjs J-Dekker 9101.sjs marmaladeBoy(5/8) 9102.sjs [TOY] Shadow-maru 9103.sjs 5/1 shoot! 9104.sjs Re: marmaladeBoy(5/8) 9105.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9106.sjs Re: Patlabor 9107.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9108.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9109.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9110.sjs Hiro Yuki (Re: R.Okiayu-3) 9111.sjs Dontag 9112.sjs Re: [TOY] Shadow-maru 9113.sjs J-Decker(4/30) 9114.sjs Re: MAMA4 this week 9115.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9116.sjs Re: CD for SailorMoon 9117.sjs Illustration on MAMA4 LD 9118.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9119.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9120.sjs Re: [Q]Gundam 9121.sjs Re: Hiro Yuki (Re: R.Okiayu-3) 9122.sjs Re: [TOY] Shadow-maru 9123.sjs Chacha Kigurumi-Show 9124.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9125.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9126.sjs Re: marmaladeBoy(5/8) 9127.sjs Re: CD for SailorMoon 9128.sjs Tadano San (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07) 9129.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9130.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9131.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9132.sjs Re: MAMA4 this week 9133.sjs TADANO Kazuko (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07) 9134.sjs [wanted] DRAGON BALL Z video!! 9135.sjs Re: J-Dekker 9136.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9137.sjs [Q]Gundam 9138.sjs Re: Hiro Yuki (Re: R.Okiayu-3) 9139.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9140.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9141.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9142.sjs CHISA's songs 9143.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9144.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9145.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9146.sjs CD for SailorMoon 9147.sjs Re: [TOY] Shadow-maru 9148.sjs Re: CHISA's songs 9149.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9150.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9151.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9152.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9153.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9154.sjs Chiba TV (Re: ZILLION!) 9155.sjs Re: CHISA's songs 9156.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9157.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9158.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9159.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9160.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9161.sjs Re: CHISA's songs 9162.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9163.sjs Re: Illustration on MAMA4 LD 9164.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9165.sjs Re: CHISA's songs 9166.sjs FSS Mirage Mask 9167.sjs [S_MOON S] Venus-Conpany 9168.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9169.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9170.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9171.sjs Re: CHISA's songs 9172.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9173.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9174.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9175.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9176.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9177.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] Venus-Conpany 9178.sjs Re: CHISA's songs 9179.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9180.sjs Re: [MD] UY: Dear my friends 9181.sjs Re: Illustration on MAMA4 LD 9182.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9183.sjs Re: Illustration on MAMA4 LD 9184.sjs art of Haruhiko Mikimoto 9185.sjs DRAGNOR 9186.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9187.sjs Re: CD for SailorMoon 9188.sjs Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07 9189.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9190.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9191.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9192.sjs EMIT 9193.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9194.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9195.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9196.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9197.sjs Re: [TOY] Shadow-maru 9198.sjs SailorMoon in France 9199.sjs Re: takahasi miki Directory usenet/fj/rec/animatin/v9200: ======================================= 9200.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9201.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9202.sjs Re: MAMA4 this week 9203.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9204.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9205.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9206.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9207.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9208.sjs Re: Illustration on MAMA4 LD 9209.sjs [english] Is this any use? Shopping List 6/1+2 9210.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9211.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9212.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9213.sjs DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9214.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9215.sjs Re: DRAGONER (Re: ZILLION!) 9216.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9217.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9218.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9219.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9220.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9221.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9222.sjs Re: Source of mama4? 9223.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9224.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9225.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9226.sjs Source of mama4? 9227.sjs salem 9228.sjs DRAGONER (was Re: ZILLION!) 9229.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9230.sjs Re: TADANO Kazuko (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/05/07) 9231.sjs Re: ZILLION! 9232.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9233.sjs Re: Illustration on MAMA4 LD 9234.sjs S.Moon.S(5/14) 9235.sjs Correction of MAMA4 Bible 9236.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9237.sjs [Q] Mailing list 9238.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9239.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9240.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9241.sjs Re: MAMA4 this week 9242.sjs Re: SailorMoon in France 9243.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9244.sjs Ryu-knight wo miteiruto.... 9245.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9246.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9247.sjs Yumi Touma 9248.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9249.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9250.sjs Re: R.Okiayu-3 9251.sjs Re: [Q] Mailing list 9252.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9253.sjs [S_MOON S] '94/05/14 9254.sjs Re: Yumi Touma 9255.sjs Re: marmaladeBoy(5/8) 9256.sjs [S-MOONS]5-7_next 9257.sjs [AMG]FOR THE LOVE OF GODDESS (In Japanese/Kanji) 9258.sjs Re: takahasi miki 9259.sjs Re: SailorMoon in France 9260.sjs R knight 9261.sjs Voice actor 30. 9262.sjs Re: S.Moon.S(5/14) 9263.sjs Re: [AMG]FOR THE LOVE OF GODDESS (In Japanese/Kanji) Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos: ============================== sports\ Sports v7300\ V7300 v7400\ V7400 v7500\ V7500 v7600\ V7600 v7700\ V7700 v7800\ V7800 Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/sports: ===================================== v2200\ v2200 v2300\ v2300 Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/sports/v2200: =========================================== 2203.sjs [For SALE] Wheel for celica GT-four (ST185) 2204.sjs TAPE Pacific GP 2205.sjs Re: [F1](1)Brazil 2206.sjs Re: [F1](1)Brazil 2207.sjs Re: [F1] areji 2208.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2209.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2210.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2211.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2212.sjs Soukoukai.Report 2213.sjs Re: Verstappen drive in Pacific GP 2214.sjs Re: [WRC] Safari(4/3) 2215.sjs [F1] Jordan in TI 2216.sjs Re: [F1](1)Brazil 2217.sjs Re: [F3000] Round 2, Fuji 2218.sjs Aguri drives in Pacific GP. 2219.sjs [INDY] 2nd Race Result 2220.sjs Re: [F3000] Round 2, Fuji 2221.sjs Re: [INDY] 2nd Race Result 2222.sjs Re: [F1](1)Brazil 2223.sjs Re: [F3000] Round 2, Fuji 2224.sjs What is the tone of the start signal? 2225.sjs Re: Senna Spin!! 2226.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2227.sjs Re: [WRC] Safari(4/3) 2228.sjs [F3000] Round 2, Fuji 2229.sjs Re: [For SALE] Wheel for celica GT-four (ST185) 2230.sjs Re: J.Alesi cannot drive in San Marino GP. 2231.sjs Engine 2232.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2233.sjs Re: J.Alesi cannot drive in San Marino GP. 2234.sjs Re: [F1]PACIFIC GP 2235.sjs [F1] Pacific GP Result 2236.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2237.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2238.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2239.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2240.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2241.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2242.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2243.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2244.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2245.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2246.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2247.sjs [F1]PACIFIC GP 2248.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2249.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2250.sjs [F1]'94 result(1-2) 2251.sjs J.Alesi cannot drive in San Marino GP. 2252.sjs Re: [F1]'94 result(1-2) 2253.sjs Re: J.Alesi cannot drive in San Marino GP. 2254.sjs Re: Engine 2255.sjs Re: What is the tone of the start signal? 2256.sjs [INDY] 3rd race result ( top 10 ) 2257.sjs Re: [F1]PACIFIC GP 2258.sjs Jordan's driver 2259.sjs Re: Jordan's driver 2260.sjs Indy500 yomoyama 2261.sjs Re: [INDY] 3rd race result ( top 10 ) 2262.sjs [F1] Jordan 2263.sjs Re: [thanks] [Q]touring car race 2264.sjs Re: shoot down mark(Re: senna's name) 2265.sjs Re: senna's name 2266.sjs Re: [thanks] [Q]touring car race 2267.sjs Re: senna's name 2268.sjs Re: [INDY] 3rd race result ( top 10 ) 2269.sjs Re: senna's name 2270.sjs senna's name 2271.sjs Re: senna's name 2272.sjs Re: senna's name 2273.sjs Re: senna's name 2274.sjs Re: senna's name 2275.sjs Re: senna's name 2276.sjs the Red diamond(Re: senna's name) 2277.sjs Re: senna's name 2278.sjs Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2279.sjs Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2280.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2281.sjs terrible accident in San Marino 2282.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2284.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2285.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2286.sjs Re: shoot down mark(Re: senna's name) 2287.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2288.sjs Re: [thanks] [Q]touring car race 2289.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2290.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2291.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2292.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2293.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2294.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2295.sjs Missing you 2296.sjs [thanks] [Q]touring car race 2297.sjs SOKUHOU!! SanMarino GP 2298.sjs SENNA...... 2299.sjs non-title Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/sports/v2300: =========================================== 2300.sjs Re: senna's name 2301.sjs Re: non-title 2302.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2303.sjs Re: senna's name 2304.sjs Re: [thanks] [Q]touring car race 2305.sjs [f1] Forever 2306.sjs Re: non-title 2307.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2308.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2309.sjs Ahhh! 2310.sjs Re: Ahhh! 2311.sjs Re: Ahhh! 2312.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2313.sjs Re: non-title 2314.sjs Re: non-title 2315.sjs HONDA aoyama showroom 2316.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2317.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2318.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2319.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2320.sjs Re: non-title 2321.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2322.sjs Re: non-title 2323.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2324.sjs Re: non-title 2325.sjs Re: senna's name 2326.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2327.sjs Good-bye 2328.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2329.sjs Re: senna's name 2330.sjs Re: senna's name 2331.sjs news on the disaster in Imora 2332.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2333.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2334.sjs senna!!! 2335.sjs Re: senna!!! 2336.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2337.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2338.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2339.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2340.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2341.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2342.sjs Re: non-title 2343.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2344.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2345.sjs Re: Good-bye 2346.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2347.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2348.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2349.sjs probability (Re: news on the disaster in Imora) 2350.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2351.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2352.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2353.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2354.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2355.sjs Ayrton Senna forever 2356.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2357.sjs [F3000] Round 3, Mine 2358.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2359.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2360.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2361.sjs Re: news on the disaster in Imora 2362.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2363.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2364.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2365.sjs Monaco Grand Prix (Re: Berger) 2366.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix (Re: Berger) 2367.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix (Re: Berger) 2368.sjs MONAKO Trouble 2369.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix 2370.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix (Re: Berger) 2371.sjs Re: Good-bye 2372.sjs Re: Missing you 2373.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2374.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix (Re: Berger) 2375.sjs Re: Berger 2376.sjs [F1] San Marino GP Result 2377.sjs Re: Goodbye Senna!! (Re: Goodbye Heroes) 2378.sjs Re: terrible accident in San Marino 2379.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix (Re: Berger) 2380.sjs Re: Goodbye Heroes (F1 San Marino GrandPrix) 2381.sjs Re: Monaco Grand Prix 2382.sjs Re: slik cart 2383.sjs Re: the Red diamond(Re: senna's name) 2384.sjs Re: non-title 2385.sjs [F1]'94 result(1-4) 2386.sjs F1 on board camera 2387.sjs Re: [F1] Senna F1 Result 2388.sjs Re: [F1] Senna F1 Result 2389.sjs Re: F1 on board camera 2390.sjs Re: Nigel'll join the Williams?? 2391.sjs Re: [F1] Senna F1 Result Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/v7300: ==================================== 7355.sjs PRICE REDUCED, Jeep Cherokee (Laredo) for Sale 7397.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7398.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7399.sjs Re: MARCH Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/v7400: ==================================== 7400.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7401.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7402.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7403.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7404.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7405.sjs HONDA CITY 7406.sjs Re: ABS 7407.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7408.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7409.sjs New-DELICA(Space-Gear) 7410.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7411.sjs Re: MARCH 7412.sjs Re: hoken 7413.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7414.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7415.sjs Re: mini 7416.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7417.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7418.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7419.sjs Re: ABS 7420.sjs Re: Re: hoken & [Want]Mini mailing-list 7421.sjs Re: ABS 7422.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7423.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7424.sjs Re: hoken 7425.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7426.sjs [Q]No_puncture_tire 7427.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7428.sjs Re: ABS 7429.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7430.sjs Re: hoken 7431.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7432.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7433.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7434.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7435.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7436.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7437.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7438.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7439.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7440.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7441.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7442.sjs Frog-eye again! 7443.sjs Re: ABS 7444.sjs Re: HONDA CITY 7445.sjs Re: ABS 7446.sjs Re: ABS 7447.sjs Re: ABS 7448.sjs Re: HONDA CITY 7449.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7450.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7451.sjs Re: ABS 7452.sjs Re: ABS 7453.sjs Re: ABS 7454.sjs Re: ABS 7455.sjs Car Airconditioner 7456.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7457.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7458.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7459.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7460.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7461.sjs Re: mini 7462.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7463.sjs Re: Frog-eye again! 7464.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7465.sjs Re: HONDA CITY 7466.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7467.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7468.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7469.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7470.sjs Re: ABS 7471.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7472.sjs French Blue Meating 7473.sjs Re: hoken 7474.sjs musen 7475.sjs Re: Frog-eye again! 7476.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7477.sjs Long drive(Kanazawa <-> Fukuoka) 7478.sjs Re: HONDA CITY 7479.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7480.sjs [wanted] DT50 7481.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7482.sjs Re: Sho-nan number 7483.sjs [For SALE] Wheel for celica GT-four (ST185) 7484.sjs Re: ABS 7485.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7486.sjs Car Airconditioner 7487.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7488.sjs Re: ABS 7489.sjs Re: musen 7490.sjs Re: ABS 7491.sjs Re: ABS 7492.sjs Re: ABS 7493.sjs Re: Car Airconditioner 7494.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7495.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7496.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7497.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7498.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7499.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/v7500: ==================================== 7500.sjs Re: HONDA CITY 7501.sjs Re: Frog-eye again! 7502.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 7503.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7504.sjs Re: Frog-eye again! 7505.sjs Re: Macchina Italiana (Re: Electromagnetic fields of CRTs) 7506.sjs Re: ABS 7507.sjs [wanted]OPTION-4gatsu-gou 7508.sjs Re: [wanted]OPTION-4gatsu-gou 7509.sjs Car window film 7510.sjs Re: mini 7511.sjs [WANTED] MINI mailing list 7512.sjs Re: musen 7513.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7514.sjs Re: Female Drivers 7515.sjs mohan-untensya ?? 7516.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7517.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7518.sjs Re: Sport Mufflers for N/A Cars (Re: Minor car) 7519.sjs Re: French Blue Meating 7520.sjs Re: Female Drivers 7521.sjs Re: Female Drivers 7522.sjs Re: Car Airconditioner 7523.sjs mini 7524.sjs Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7525.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7526.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7527.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7528.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7529.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7530.sjs Q AE86head 7531.sjs Re: French Blue Meating 7532.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7533.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7534.sjs Re: hoken 7535.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7536.sjs Re: French Blue Meating 7537.sjs Maserati for sale 7538.sjs Re: musen 7539.sjs [forsale] Supra Nomal Comp. 7540.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7541.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7542.sjs Re: mini 7543.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7544.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7545.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7546.sjs Re: [For SALE] Wheel for celica GT-four (ST185) 7547.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7548.sjs MARCH SUPER TURBO no nenpi 7549.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7550.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7551.sjs Re: mini 7552.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7553.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7554.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7555.sjs Re: MARCH SUPER TURBO no nenpi 7556.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7557.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7558.sjs [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7559.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7560.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 7561.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7562.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7563.sjs Re: MARCH SUPER TURBO no nenpi 7564.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7565.sjs [result]OPTION-4gatsu-gou 7566.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7567.sjs Double Clutch. 7568.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7569.sjs Re: MARCH SUPER TURBO no nenpi 7570.sjs Douro Tokyo to Osaka 7571.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7572.sjs Which side a driver is in a car? 7573.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7574.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7575.sjs Re: steering 7576.sjs Re: Owner Change 7577.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7578.sjs Re: Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 7579.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7580.sjs Re: MARCH SUPER TURBO no nenpi 7581.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7582.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7583.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7584.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 7585.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7586.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7587.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7588.sjs [CAR]jimmny 7589.sjs Double Clutch How??? 7590.sjs Re: steering 7591.sjs Re: steering 7592.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7593.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7594.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7595.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7596.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7597.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7598.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7599.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/v7600: ==================================== 7600.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7601.sjs steering 7602.sjs Re: Owner Change 7603.sjs oil filter agemasu(ST165) 7604.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7605.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7606.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7607.sjs Owner Change 7608.sjs Re: oil filter agemasu(ST165) 7609.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7610.sjs Re: Owner Change 7611.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7612.sjs shako-shoumei 7613.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7614.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7615.sjs kuruma erabi 7616.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7617.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7618.sjs Re: steering 7619.sjs Re: long drive by MINI COOPER 7620.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7621.sjs [Q]SILVIA 7622.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7623.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7624.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7625.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7627.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7628.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7629.sjs Re: Q AE86head 7630.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 7631.sjs car sale 7632.sjs long drive by MINI COOPER 7633.sjs Re: [Q]MENKYO-TEISHI 7634.sjs Re: about insurance 7635.sjs Rear LSD 7636.sjs Re: Re about insurance 7637.sjs Re: Re: [Q]SILVIA 7638.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7639.sjs Re: [Q]SILVIA 7640.sjs Re about insurance 7641.sjs Re:about insurance 7642.sjs Re: Re: about insurance 7643.sjs Re: about insurance 7644.sjs Re: shako-shoumei 7645.sjs Re: long drive by MINI COOPER 7646.sjs Re: about insurance 7647.sjs Re: about insurance 7648.sjs [sale] EP71 7649.sjs Re: Re about insurance 7650.sjs Syako 7651.sjs AE86 7652.sjs [Q] Drivers and Riders 7653.sjs Re: Owner Change 7654.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7655.sjs Driver's license 7656.sjs Re: AE86 7657.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7658.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7659.sjs 55W ga 85W ?? 7660.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7661.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7662.sjs about insurance 7663.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7664.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7665.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7666.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7667.sjs Re: about insurance 7668.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7669.sjs For sales-1986 pontiac fiero GT- ""Must see this car"" 7670.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7671.sjs Re: [Q]SILVIA 7672.sjs Re: kogata 5 DOORS 7673.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7674.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7675.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7676.sjs Mizunuki 7677.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7678.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7679.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7680.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7681.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7682.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7683.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7684.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7685.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7686.sjs Re: Syako 7687.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7688.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7689.sjs peugeot 306 line up 7690.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7691.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7692.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7693.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7694.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7695.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7696.sjs Re: Owner Change 7697.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7698.sjs Re: AE86 7699.sjs Re: about insurance Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/v7700: ==================================== 7700.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7701.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7702.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7703.sjs Re: shako-shoumei 7704.sjs [Q] Cherokee Sports no Nenpi 7705.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7706.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7707.sjs thanks [AE86] 7708.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7709.sjs Re: Douro Tokyo to Osaka 7710.sjs New tires 7711.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7712.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7713.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7714.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7715.sjs Re: Driver's license 7716.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7717.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7718.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7719.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7720.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7722.sjs Re: chusha ihan 7723.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 7724.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7725.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7726.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7727.sjs [WANTED] SPRING GT-R! 7728.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7729.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7730.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7731.sjs Re: Owner Change 7732.sjs Re: shako-shoumei 7733.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7734.sjs Re: Driver's license 7735.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7736.sjs Re: about insurance 7737.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7738.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7739.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7740.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7741.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7742.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7743.sjs AE86 7744.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7745.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7746.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7747.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7748.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7749.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7750.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7751.sjs Re: teach me 7752.sjs teach me 7753.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7754.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7755.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7756.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7757.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7758.sjs Re: New tires 7759.sjs Re: Driver's license 7760.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7761.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7762.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7763.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7764.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7765.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7766.sjs Light (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 7767.sjs Re: about insurance 7768.sjs Re: Driver's license 7769.sjs Re: Owner Change 7770.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7771.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7772.sjs Sankyu-jiko (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 7773.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7774.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7775.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7776.sjs Re: New tires 7777.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7778.sjs Re: Driver's license 7779.sjs Re: shako-shoumei 7780.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7781.sjs Re: shako-shoumei 7782.sjs Re: about insurance 7783.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7784.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7785.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7786.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7787.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7788.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7789.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7790.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7791.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7792.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7793.sjs Re: New tires 7794.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7795.sjs Re: 55W ga 85W ?? 7796.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7797.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7798.sjs Re: shako-shoumei 7799.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders Directory usenet/fj/rec/autos/v7800: ==================================== 7800.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7801.sjs Re: Sankyu-jiko (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 7802.sjs chemical 7803.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7804.sjs Re: Driver's license 7805.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7806.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7807.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7808.sjs Re: New tires 7809.sjs Re: New tires 7810.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7811.sjs Re: New tires 7812.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7813.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7814.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7815.sjs Re: BIG CAR from USA 7816.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7817.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7818.sjs Re: New tires 7819.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7820.sjs About NOx 7821.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7822.sjs Re: BIG CAR from USA 7823.sjs Re: About NOx 7824.sjs Re: teach me 7825.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7826.sjs Re: about insurance 7827.sjs Re: Driver's license 7828.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7829.sjs Re: Driver's license 7830.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7831.sjs Re: AE86 7832.sjs BIG CAR from USA 7833.sjs Re: New tires 7834.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7835.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7836.sjs Glass cleaning 7837.sjs Re: Double Clutch How??? 7838.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7839.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7840.sjs Rear window (Rear LSD) 7841.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7842.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7843.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7844.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7845.sjs Re: peugeot 306 line up 7846.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7847.sjs Re: chemical 7848.sjs Fuel empty.. (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 7849.sjs Re: Driver's license 7850.sjs Re: About NOx 7851.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7852.sjs Re: chemical 7853.sjs Re: Glass cleaning 7854.sjs Re: About NOx 7855.sjs Re: About NOx 7856.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7857.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7858.sjs Re: [Q]SILVIA 7859.sjs Re: Douro Tokyo to Osaka 7860.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7861.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7862.sjs RAV4 7863.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7864.sjs Falken GR Beta RStune(Re: New tires) 7865.sjs Re: AE86 7866.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7867.sjs Re: BIG CAR from USA 7868.sjs Re: Driver's license 7869.sjs Window Film (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 7870.sjs Keep Left 7871.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7872.sjs Re: chemical 7873.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7874.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7875.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7876.sjs Re: full flat seat 7877.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7878.sjs Re: Keep Left 7879.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7880.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7881.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7882.sjs Re: Driver's license 7883.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders (Window Film) 7884.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7885.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7886.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7887.sjs GAS tank (Re: Mizunuki) 7888.sjs Re: full flat seat 7889.sjs Re: Mizunuki 7890.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7891.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7892.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7893.sjs Re: Falken GR Beta RStune(Re: New tires) 7894.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7895.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 7896.sjs full flat seat Directory usenet/fj/rec/av: =========================== 2595.sjs Re: U.K. made loud speakers 2596.sjs Re: digital videodisc (Re: 8mm/PCM) 2597.sjs Re: Which brand of 8mm VCR tape is good for Exabyte 8205? 2598.sjs Re: alpha wave 2599.sjs Re: U.K. made loud speakers 2600.sjs Re: digital videodisc (Re: 8mm/PCM) 2601.sjs Re: MD no fuchou 2602.sjs MD no fuchou 2603.sjs Re: Digital VTR(Re: 8mm/PCM) 2604.sjs Re: Digital VTR(Re: 8mm/PCM) 2605.sjs Re: CD (?) / Hidden defectof CD(?) 2606.sjs Re: Binaural TV Program 2607.sjs Re: Which brand of 8mm VCR tape is good for Exabyte 8205? 2608.sjs hand-made speaker 2609.sjs Re: Which brand of 8mm VCR tape is good for Exabyte 8205? 2610.sjs Good Amplifier or System-Compo 2611.sjs Re: Fine Speaker (Re: U.K. made loud speaker) 2612.sjs Re: Digital VTR(Re: 8mm/PCM) 2613.sjs U.K. made loud speaker 2614.sjs Re: Which brand of 8mm VCR tape is good for Exabyte 8205? 2615.sjs Re: "Wide" Television 2616.sjs Re: U.K. made loud speakers 2617.sjs Re: [Q] on article of 'RONDAN' in Asahi-shibun Mar 19 2618.sjs Re: Which brand of 8mm VCR tape is good for Exabyte 8205? 2619.sjs Re: Which brand of 8mm VCR tape is good for Exabyte 8205? 2620.sjs Re: U.K. made loud speakers 2621.sjs Re: alpha wave 2622.sjs Fine Speaker (Re: U.K. made loud speaker) 2623.sjs Re: MD no fuchou 2624.sjs Re: Digital VTR(Re: 8mm/PCM) 2625.sjs Q(Re: alpha wave) 2626.sjs Re: Q(Re: alpha wave) 2627.sjs Re: MD no fuchou 2628.sjs Re: Good Amplifier or System-Compo 2629.sjs Re: hand-made speaker 2630.sjs Re: hand-made speaker 2631.sjs Re: [Q] on article of 'RONDAN' in Asahi-shibun Mar 19 2632.sjs Re: Digital VTR(Re: 8mm/PCM) 2633.sjs Re: "Wide" Television 2634.sjs Re: Good Amplifier or System-Compo 2635.sjs LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 2636.sjs Re: hand-made speaker 2637.sjs Re: LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 2638.sjs Re: want MiniCompo 2639.sjs Re: hand-made speaker 2640.sjs Re: U.K. made loud speakers 2641.sjs Re: Fine Speaker (Re: U.K. made loud speaker) 2642.sjs WOWOW decorder 2643.sjs Re: WOWOW decorder 2644.sjs Re: VHS COPY 2645.sjs specifications about "Consumer Digital VCR" 2646.sjs Re: VHS COPY 2647.sjs Return of MD 2648.sjs Re: [MD] end of last number... 2649.sjs NEW DAT 2650.sjs Re: LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 2651.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2652.sjs Re: [MD] end of last number... 2653.sjs Re: Fine Speaker (Re: U.K. made loud speaker) 2654.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2655.sjs jisaku speakers (for car) 2656.sjs Re: VHS COPY 2657.sjs Re: LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 2658.sjs Re: LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 2659.sjs [MD] end of last number... 2660.sjs Re: LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 2661.sjs Re: [MD] end of last number... 2662.sjs Re: jisaku speakers (for car) 2663.sjs naze kaden maker ha kinou wo dasisiburunoka 2664.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2665.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2666.sjs Re: A digital VTR standard. 2667.sjs EgawaCut 2668.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2669.sjs Re: naze kaden maker ha kinou wo dasisiburunoka 2670.sjs Re: jisaku speakers (for car) 2671.sjs Re: WOWOW decorder 2672.sjs $BN%;62=$5$l$?%T%C%H(B=digital? (Re: LD is analog ...) 2673.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2674.sjs Re: jisaku speakers (for car) 2675.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2676.sjs Re: naze kaden maker ha kinou wo dasisiburunoka 2677.sjs [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 2678.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 2679.sjs Re: specifications about "Consumer Digital VCR" 2680.sjs Re: "Wide" Television 2681.sjs Re: EgawaCut 2682.sjs Digital/Digital Converter? 2683.sjs For Sale: Profess. Duping VTRs 2684.sjs Re: [MD] end of last number... 2685.sjs about MD 2686.sjs Re: about MD 2687.sjs Re: about MD 2688.sjs Re: about MD 2689.sjs Re: about MD 2690.sjs Re: about MD 2691.sjs Re: about MD 2692.sjs Re: about MD 2693.sjs Re: about MD 2694.sjs cd-pickup 2695.sjs wanted JBL 2696.sjs Re: Digital/Digital Converter? 2697.sjs Re: Digital/Digital Converter? 2698.sjs Re: about MD 2699.sjs Re: "Wide" Television 2700.sjs Re: Digital/Digital Converter? 2701.sjs Y/Pb/Pr -> R/G/B converter 2702.sjs Re: Y/Pb/Pr -> R/G/B converter 2703.sjs Re: Y/Pb/Pr -> R/G/B converter 2704.sjs Re: about MD 2705.sjs Re: Digital/Digital Converter? 2706.sjs Re: cd-pickup 2707.sjs Re: Digital/Digital Converter? 2708.sjs Re: cd-pickup 2709.sjs Re: Digital/Digital Converter? 2710.sjs DOS/V Magazine S-connecter 2711.sjs how to handle Vacuum-Tubes 2712.sjs Re: DOS/V Magazine S-connecter 2713.sjs Wanted 907 2714.sjs Re: how to handle Vacuum-Tubes 2715.sjs Re: Y/Pb/Pr -> R/G/B converter 2716.sjs Re: DOS/V Magazine S-connecter 2717.sjs Re: Wanted 907 2718.sjs Re: how to handle Vacuum-Tubes 2719.sjs Re: Wanted 907 2720.sjs How about STEADICAM ? 2721.sjs Re: DOS/V Magazine S-connecter 2722.sjs Re: How about STEADICAM ? 2723.sjs Re: How about STEADICAM ? 2724.sjs pickup 2725.sjs Legato Link Conv. 2726.sjs Re: how to handle Vacuum-Tubes 2727.sjs Hum when connecting TV to audio system 2728.sjs Re: how to handle Vacuum-Tubes 2729.sjs POP from appliances Directory usenet/fj/rec/baseball: ================================= 10.sjs Wanted: Result of Pro-baseball (Kanji) Directory usenet/fj/rec/bicycles: ================================= 781.sjs bicycle trainning 782.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 783.sjs Duathlon Race in Greenpia MIKI 784.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 785.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 786.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 787.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 788.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 789.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 790.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 791.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 792.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 793.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 794.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 795.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 796.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 797.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 798.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 799.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 800.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 801.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 802.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 803.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 804.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 805.sjs Bicycle Shop 806.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 807.sjs Re: Vuelta 808.sjs velta(?) 809.sjs Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 810.sjs Re: Vuelta 811.sjs Re: Vuelta 812.sjs Vuelta 813.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 814.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 815.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 816.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 817.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 818.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 819.sjs Re: Vuelta 820.sjs Re: Vuelta 821.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 822.sjs MTB vs RANDONNEE 823.sjs Re: Vuelta 824.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 825.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 826.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 827.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 828.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 829.sjs Re: Vuelta 830.sjs Re: bicycle trainning 831.sjs vuelta 832.sjs Re: Vuelta 833.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 834.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 835.sjs Re: Bicycle Shop..Japan/Korea..California(travel) 836.sjs California Road Trip 837.sjs Bike-a-thon 838.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 839.sjs vuelta, 11th stage 840.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 841.sjs sakamichi 842.sjs Re: sakamichi 843.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 844.sjs Re: sakamichi 845.sjs Re: sakamichi 846.sjs Re: sakamichi 847.sjs vuelta 14th stage 848.sjs Re: sakamichi 849.sjs Re: sakamichi 850.sjs Re: sakamichi 851.sjs Re: sakamichi 852.sjs vuelta 15th stage 853.sjs Re: sakamichi 854.sjs Delgado passed Zulle 855.sjs Re: sakamichi 856.sjs Re: sakamichi 857.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 858.sjs Re: sakamichi 859.sjs Re: vuelta 15th stage 860.sjs Re: sakamichi 861.sjs Re: sakamichi 862.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 863.sjs vuelta 18th stage 864.sjs Re: vuelta 15th stage 865.sjs Re: sakamichi 866.sjs Re: vuelta 18th stage 867.sjs Re: Delgado passed Zulle 868.sjs Re: vuelta 15th stage 869.sjs Vuelta & Dupont (Final) 870.sjs keirin 871.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 872.sjs maintenance 873.sjs Re: vuelta 18th stage 874.sjs Word Add On 875.sjs carrier 876.sjs Re: keirin 877.sjs Rominger 3-peats in Vuelta 878.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE 879.sjs Re: keirin 880.sjs Re: keirin 881.sjs Re: MTB vs RANDONNEE Directory usenet/fj/rec/bus: ============================ 145.sjs Female Drivers 146.sjs Re: Bus card of Nishitetsu 147.sjs Re: Female Drivers 148.sjs Re: Bus card of Nishitetsu 149.sjs Re: Female Drivers 150.sjs Re: Kyoto City Bus diagram alteration 151.sjs Dream Osaka 152.sjs Re: Female Drivers 153.sjs Re: Bus card of Nishitetsu 154.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 155.sjs Re: Female Drivers 156.sjs Re: Female Drivers 157.sjs Re: Female Drivers 158.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 159.sjs Re: Female Drivers 160.sjs Driver-Money 161.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 162.sjs Osaka City 163.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 164.sjs Re: Bus card of Nishitetsu 165.sjs Re: Female Drivers 166.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 167.sjs Re: Female Drivers 168.sjs Re: Bus between Umeda-Nara 169.sjs Re: Female Drivers 170.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 171.sjs Re: Bus between Umeda-Nara 172.sjs [Kyoto] Kyou Card new version 173.sjs Re: Bus between Umeda-Nara 174.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 175.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 176.sjs Re: Female Drivers 177.sjs Re: Female Drivers 178.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 179.sjs Re: Female Drivers 180.sjs Re: Female Drivers 181.sjs Re: Female Drivers 182.sjs clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 183.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 184.sjs Which side a driver is in a car? 185.sjs [Yokohama City bus] 186.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 187.sjs Re: Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 188.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 189.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 190.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 191.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 192.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 193.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 194.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 195.sjs [Kyoto] toku-42 196.sjs Tenjin bus center & Nishitestu Free Tickets 197.sjs Re: Tenjin bus center & Nishitestu Free Tickets 198.sjs Bus Terminals (was Re: Dream Osaka) 199.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 200.sjs Re: Tenjin bus center & Nishitestu Free Tickets 201.sjs Re: Bus Terminals (was Re: Dream Osaka) 202.sjs [Kyoto]Female Driver 203.sjs Benz Bus 204.sjs Re: Tenjin bus center & Nishitestu Free Tickets 205.sjs Re: [Kyoto]Female Driver 206.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 207.sjs Re: Dream Osaka 208.sjs Re: [Kyoto]Female Driver 209.sjs Re: [Kyoto]Female Driver Directory usenet/fj/rec/comics: =============================== v5800\ fj.rec.comics V5800 v5900\ fj.rec.comics V5900 v6000\ fj.rec.comics V6000 v6100\ fj.rec.comics V6100 v6200\ fj.rec.comics V6200 Directory usenet/fj/rec/comics/v5800: ===================================== 5873.sjs Re: Souryu-den 5874.sjs Souryu-den 5875.sjs [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 5876.sjs Re: Kiseijuu 5877.sjs comiket 46 5878.sjs Re: Kiseijuu 5879.sjs Twist of Okada Amin 5880.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5881.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5882.sjs seirei-tsukai-3(100%comic) 5883.sjs Soreike! Tizuru chan 5884.sjs Re: A-min 5885.sjs Re: [Q] Tetugaku_Manga 5886.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5887.sjs Re: Kiseijuu 5888.sjs Re: Urashiman at Champion 5889.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5890.sjs Re: Kiseijuu 5891.sjs [WANTED] ANIME & COMIC TELECA 5892.sjs Re: comiket 46 5893.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5894.sjs Re: [Q]SIN-WILD7 5895.sjs A-min 5896.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5897.sjs [Q]SIN-WILD7 5898.sjs Re: Urashiman at Champion 5899.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin Directory usenet/fj/rec/comics/v5900: ===================================== 5900.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5901.sjs [forsale] books 5902.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5903.sjs Re: Souryu-den 5904.sjs Re: Kiseijuu 5905.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 5906.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5907.sjs Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako 5908.sjs Re: comiket 46 5909.sjs Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako 5910.sjs Re: 4 gatsu no ComicList (part3) 5911.sjs Re: [Q] Comics based on Network Society 5912.sjs Re: ajima-Q 5913.sjs Re: [WANTED] Re: ajima-Q 5914.sjs Advice for fred 5915.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5916.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5917.sjs Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako 5918.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5919.sjs Re: Iku vs Tori (Re: Urashiman at Champion) 5920.sjs [WANTED] ajima-Q 5921.sjs Neko-Mon and Taniyama Hiroko (Re: Urashiman at Champion) 5922.sjs Re: ajima-Q 5923.sjs Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako 5924.sjs Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5925.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5926.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5927.sjs Re: Urashiman at Champion 5928.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5929.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5930.sjs Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako 5931.sjs Re: A-min 5932.sjs Re: Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5933.sjs The Bow and Arrow in AnimeCHACHA (Re: Twist of Okada Amin) 5934.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5935.sjs Re: [Q]SIN-WILD7 5936.sjs Re: Urashiman at Champion 5937.sjs Re: comiket 46 5938.sjs Re: Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5939.sjs Re: comiket 46 5940.sjs Re: [WANTED] Re: ajima-Q 5941.sjs Re: Neko-Mon and Taniyama Hiroko (Re: Urashiman at Champion) 5942.sjs Re: Urashiman at Champion 5943.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 5944.sjs YOMUZO-kun data (1994.4.3-1994.4.9) 5945.sjs Re: Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5946.sjs [Q] ajima (nota??) 5947.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5948.sjs Re: Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5949.sjs advice2 5950.sjs Re: [WANTED] Re: ajima-Q 5951.sjs Manga no Mori 5952.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5953.sjs Re: Iku vs Tori (Re: Urashiman at Champion) 5954.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5955.sjs Re: Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5956.sjs Re: Mahara List (was Re: [Q] Ogimaru Masako) 5957.sjs Re: [Q]SIN-WILD7 5958.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5959.sjs Re: [Q] ajima (nota??) 5960.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5961.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5962.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5963.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 5964.sjs Re: [Q] ajima (nota??) 5965.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 5966.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5967.sjs Re: Erotic comics(Re: Advice for fred) 5968.sjs Gendai-Manga Toshokan. 5969.sjs Erotic comics(Re: Advice for fred) 5970.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5971.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5972.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 5973.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 5974.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5975.sjs Re: Erotic comics(Re: Advice for fred) 5976.sjs Re: [Q] Tetugaku_Manga 5977.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5978.sjs MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 5979.sjs Re: [Q]SIN-WILD7 5980.sjs [Q]title 5981.sjs Re: [Q]title 5982.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5983.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5984.sjs Re: ALICIA.Y 5985.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5986.sjs Re: Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 5987.sjs Re: ajima reissue (In Japanese) 5988.sjs sentakubasami-kun 5989.sjs Re: ajima reissue (In Japanese) 5990.sjs Re: sentakubasami-kun 5991.sjs Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 5992.sjs Re: Advice for fred 5993.sjs Re: Gendai-Manga Toshokan. 5994.sjs Re: MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 5995.sjs [Q]Oka Yurie 5996.sjs Re: A-min 5997.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 5998.sjs Re: Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 5999.sjs Re: [Q]title Directory usenet/fj/rec/comics/v6000: ===================================== 6000.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6001.sjs Re: A-min 6002.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6003.sjs IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh 6004.sjs Otousanwa Shinpaishou the TV(Was: A-min) 6005.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6006.sjs Re: MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 6007.sjs Re: MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 6008.sjs Re: A-min 6009.sjs ajima reissue (In Japanese) 6010.sjs Re: [Q]title 6011.sjs You should not follow this 6012.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6013.sjs Re: ajima reissue (In Japanese) 6014.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 6015.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6016.sjs Re: Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 6017.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6018.sjs Re: Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 6019.sjs Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6020.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6021.sjs Re: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh 6022.sjs Re: MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 6023.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6024.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6025.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6026.sjs Re: sentakubasami-kun 6027.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6028.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6029.sjs Re: [Q] Distance of "Angels and Diamond" by Y. Nasu 6030.sjs Re: Twist of Okada Amin 6031.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6032.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6033.sjs Re: Erotic comics(Re: Advice for fred) 6034.sjs [Q] Distance of "Angels and Diamond" by Y. Nasu 6035.sjs Re: MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 6036.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6037.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6038.sjs YUZU again 6039.sjs Re: [Q] Distance of "Angels and Diamond" by Y. Nasu 6040.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6041.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6042.sjs Re: MIZUSHIMA Sinji (Re: [Q]titl) 6043.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6044.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6045.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6046.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6047.sjs Hobby Japan 6048.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6049.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6050.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6051.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6052.sjs old doujin shi 6053.sjs Black Comic List 6054.sjs Champion Fans 6055.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 6056.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6057.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6058.sjs Minor magazines (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 6059.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6060.sjs [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6061.sjs Re: Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 6062.sjs Re: YUZU again 6063.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6064.sjs YOMUZO-kun data on 1994.4.10-1994.4.16 6065.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6066.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6067.sjs Nakahira Masahiko 6068.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6069.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6070.sjs Sudoh Masumi (Re: YUZU again) 6071.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6072.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6073.sjs AH! MY GODDESS 6074.sjs Re: YUZU again 6075.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6076.sjs Re: Patlabor 6077.sjs Re: Nakahira Masahiko 6078.sjs Re: Gendai-Manga Toshokan. 6079.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6080.sjs Re: Dengeki Daioh (Was: IkutoYamashita in DengekiDaioh) 6081.sjs Re: YUZU again 6082.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6083.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6084.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6085.sjs Re: Advice for fred 6086.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6087.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6088.sjs Re: [Q] Distance of "Angels and Diamond" by Y. Nasu 6089.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6090.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6091.sjs azuma sensei irasuto 6092.sjs Patlabor 6093.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6094.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6095.sjs Re: Nakahira Masahiko 6096.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6097.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6098.sjs Re: Patlabor 6099.sjs Re: Modification of original works Directory usenet/fj/rec/comics/v6100: ===================================== 6100.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6101.sjs Re: Erotic comics(Re: Advice for fred) 6102.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 6103.sjs Re: YUZU again 6104.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6105.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 6106.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6107.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6108.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 6109.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6110.sjs Influence of manga (Re: Advice for fred) 6111.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6112.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6113.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6114.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6115.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6116.sjs Re: Patlabor 6117.sjs kurara 6118.sjs Re: YUZU again 6119.sjs Re: Erotic comics(Re: Advice for fred) 6120.sjs Re: YUZU again 6121.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6122.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6123.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6124.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6125.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6126.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6127.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6128.sjs Re: YUZU again 6129.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6130.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6131.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 6132.sjs Re: Kiseijuu 6133.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6134.sjs Re: YUZU again 6135.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6136.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6137.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6138.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6139.sjs Re: YUZU again 6140.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 6141.sjs Hot-Milk 4 6142.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6143.sjs Re: Sudoh Masumi (Re: YUZU again) 6144.sjs S.Moon(nakayosi) 6145.sjs Re: YUZU again 6146.sjs Re: YUZU again 6147.sjs Re: A bibliographer forgot the name of Chiba Tetsuya 6148.sjs YOMUZO-kun data on 1994.4.17-1994.4.23 6149.sjs salling used software (Re: old doujin shi) 6150.sjs Re: Sword (Re: [S_MOON S] '94/04/16(Sat)) 6151.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6152.sjs Re: Hot-Milk 4 6153.sjs Re: Patlabor 6154.sjs 5 gatsu no ComicList (part1) 6155.sjs 5 gatsu no ComicList (part2) 6156.sjs 5 gatsu no ComicList(part3) 6157.sjs Oshaberi na Jikanwari(Re: Advice for fred) 6158.sjs Kiseiju mis-printing 6159.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6160.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6161.sjs A bibliographer forgot the name of Chiba Tetsuya 6162.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6163.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6164.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6165.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6166.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6167.sjs Modification of original works 6168.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6169.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6170.sjs Re: Nakahira Masahiko 6171.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6172.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6173.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6174.sjs MASUMI SUDOU (Re: 5 gatsu no ComicList (part2)) 6175.sjs DASH MAN 6176.sjs Re: Patlabor 6177.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6178.sjs Snoopy's question 6179.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6180.sjs Re: MASUMI SUDOU (Re: 5 gatsu no ComicList (part2)) 6181.sjs Shoot! fan 6182.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6183.sjs Re: MASUMI SUDOU (Re: 5 gatsu no ComicList (part2)) 6184.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6185.sjs Re: Shoot! fan 6186.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6187.sjs Re: Hello! Uncle 6188.sjs Comitia 28 6189.sjs Re: YUZU again 6190.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6191.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6192.sjs Re: old doujin shi 6193.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6194.sjs Re: [Q] 'Oishinbo' ha omoshiroi?? 6195.sjs Shoujyo Friend 1994.6 6196.sjs CG on manga (Re: Shoujyo Friend 1994.6) 6197.sjs Re: AH! MY GODDESS 6198.sjs T.P.BON 6199.sjs Re: MASUMI SUDOU (Re: 5 gatsu no ComicList (part2)) Directory usenet/fj/rec/comics/v6200: ===================================== 6200.sjs Re: MASUMI SUDOU (Re: 5 gatsu no ComicList (part2)) 6201.sjs Re: YUZU again 6202.sjs Re: CG on manga (Re: Shoujyo Friend 1994.6) 6203.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 6204.sjs Kaizokuban Doujinshi 6205.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6206.sjs thanks shoot! 6207.sjs Re: Patlabor 6208.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6209.sjs Booking Tips(Re: UrushiharaSatoshi....) 6210.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6211.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6212.sjs Re: CG on manga (Re: Shoujyo Friend 1994.6) 6213.sjs Re: Snoopy's question 6214.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6215.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6216.sjs Re: CG on manga (Re: Shoujyo Friend 1994.6) 6217.sjs comic trade service news (5/10) 6218.sjs Re: Modification of original works 6219.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6220.sjs Super Comic City 6221.sjs Re: Oshaberi na Jikanwari 6222.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6223.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6224.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6225.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6226.sjs comic Shoot! 6227.sjs Re: Snoopy's question 6228.sjs Re: CG on manga (Re: Shoujyo Friend 1994.6) 6229.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6230.sjs Haruka Kamishiro 6231.sjs Action Lab 6232.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6233.sjs self follow nota?? 6234.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6235.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6236.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6237.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6238.sjs Re: self follow nota?? 6239.sjs FSS Mirage Mask 6240.sjs F.S.S this month--story 6241.sjs Re: T.P.BON 6242.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6243.sjs Re: Patlabor 6244.sjs Re: Patlabor 6245.sjs Super Comic City 6246.sjs Re: You should not follow this 6247.sjs Re: Patlabor 6248.sjs comic Shoot! 1-8 6249.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6250.sjs Re: Snoopy's question 6251.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6252.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6253.sjs Re: Haruka Kamishiro 6254.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6255.sjs Re: Snoopy's question 6256.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6257.sjs fujiko.F.fujio (Re: T.P.BON) 6258.sjs AKATSUKI (Re: Super Comic City) 6259.sjs Bikkuri(Re: Advice for fred) 6260.sjs about Izumi Takemoto 6261.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6262.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6263.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6264.sjs Re: fujiko.F.fujio (Re: T.P.BON) 6265.sjs JUAN Sensei 6266.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6267.sjs Okano Fumika dictionary Ver. 1.2 6268.sjs Re: Kiseiju mis-printing 6269.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6270.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6271.sjs takara_jima 6272.sjs GUNMU 6273.sjs Re: GUNMU 6274.sjs Re: GUNMU 6275.sjs Re: GUNMU 6276.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6277.sjs [NAUSICAA] Miyazaki Hayao Intv. on "yom" 6278.sjs [NAUSICAA] Miyazaki Hayao Intv. on "yom" 6279.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6280.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6281.sjs Re: Patlabor 6282.sjs [AJIMA] Shin-Kan 6283.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6284.sjs GUNNM (Re: GUNMU) 6285.sjs Re: fujiko fujio 6286.sjs Re: Action Lab 6287.sjs fujiko fujio 6288.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6289.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6290.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6291.sjs Rokuda Noboru 6292.sjs Re: GUNNM (Re: GUNMU) 6293.sjs old magazine & mook for sale. 6294.sjs Re: JUAN Sensei 6295.sjs Re: about Izumi Takemoto 6296.sjs Re: Super Comic City 6297.sjs Re: Patlabor 6298.sjs Re: fujiko fujio 6299.sjs Re: Patlabor Directory usenet/fj/rec/fine_art: ================================= 602.sjs [Q]Where is museum? 603.sjs Re: [Q]Where is museum? 604.sjs Re: [Q]Where is museum? 605.sjs Re: [Q]Where is museum? 606.sjs Re: [Q]Where is museum? 607.sjs At a Bar 608.sjs A Snapshot 609.sjs Birth 610.sjs why cant i read anything 611.sjs Re: why cant i read anything 612.sjs thanks 613.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCRVpNS0Z8JE4bKEI=?= Friday afternoon 614.sjs Keynes 615.sjs general equilibrium theory 616.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCPXcyMBsoQg==?= 617.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNzk4fkUqJEpMaxsoQg==?= 618.sjs Re: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNzk4fkUqJEpMaxsoQg==?= 619.sjs bijutsu zen-shu 620.sjs MEIWA-ELECTRIC Co. 621.sjs "Gendai PARIS no Gensou-Gaka tachi" (In Japanese) 622.sjs Re: bijutsu zen-shu 623.sjs Re: [PRESENT] Ticket Present (Mito Annual '94 -Open System-) 624.sjs Re: [PRESENT] Ticket Present (Mito Annual '94 -Open System-) 625.sjs Variations on the themes of Turing and Blum 626.sjs [LECTURE] Gendai-Bijutsu no ABC+D (at MITO) 627.sjs Re: [PRESENT] Ticket Present (Mito Annual '94 -Open System-) 628.sjs Re: [PRESENT] Ticket Present (Mito Annual '94 -Open System-) 629.sjs Re: [PRESENT] Ticket Present (Mito Annual '94 -Open System-) Directory usenet/fj/rec/fishing: ================================ 628.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 629.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 630.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 631.sjs [fune] Madai 632.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 633.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 634.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 635.sjs Re: [fune] Madai 636.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 637.sjs Re: [fune] Madai 638.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 639.sjs [BASS] Kitaura ? 640.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 641.sjs FOR SALE: Gregory Backpack 642.sjs fishing at awaji-shima 643.sjs Re: fishing at awaji-shima 644.sjs Re: [Sea] Megochi no nuru 645.sjs Re: ishimochi 646.sjs Re: ishimochi 647.sjs Re: ishimochi 648.sjs Re: [Sea] Megochi no nuru 649.sjs Re: ishimochi 650.sjs Re: ishimochi 651.sjs Bass Pro Shop address 652.sjs Re: [Sea] Megochi no nuru 653.sjs Re: [BASS] Kitaura ? 654.sjs [fune] Isaki 655.sjs Re: [BASS] Kitaura ? 656.sjs Re: ishimochi 657.sjs Re: fishing information at kanazawa 658.sjs fishing information at kanazawa 659.sjs Re: fishing information at kanazawa 660.sjs Re: fukko 661.sjs Re: [BASS] Kitaura ? 662.sjs Fish-a-thon 663.sjs [Bass] Kitaura 5/5 664.sjs [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 665.sjs Re: [Bass] Kitaura 5/5 666.sjs [offshore] Ika offline-meeting 667.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 668.sjs Re: [Bass] Kitaura 5/5 669.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 670.sjs Re: [Bass] Kitaura 5/5 671.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 672.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 673.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 674.sjs [offshore] Madai forehead 675.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi 676.sjs I want to give my fishing boat 677.sjs shinsozai line 678.sjs Re: [offshore] Madai forehead 679.sjs Re: [fune] aji,mebaru & hanabi Directory usenet/fj/rec/food: ============================= v4400\ V4400 v4500\ V4500 v4600\ V4600 Directory usenet/fj/rec/food/v4400: =================================== 4430.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4431.sjs Re: Udon 4432.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4433.sjs Re: Udon 4434.sjs Re: Udon 4435.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4436.sjs Re: Sansai 4437.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4438.sjs Arby's 4439.sjs Cheese(Re: S-car-go) 4440.sjs Re: Zohsui Udon 4441.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4442.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4443.sjs Re: Re: Sansai 4444.sjs Re: Masu sushi 4445.sjs TAIYAKI. 4447.sjs Re: Cheese(Re: S-car-go) 4448.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4449.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4450.sjs Re: Masu sushi 4451.sjs Re: DOI MASARU(Re: Udon) 4452.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4453.sjs Re: Cheese(Re: S-car-go) 4454.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4455.sjs Re: WINE 4456.sjs Re: Zohsui Udon 4457.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4458.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4459.sjs uogasi wine 4460.sjs Re: uogasi wine 4461.sjs Re: Zohsui Udon 4462.sjs Re: Udon 4464.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4465.sjs [Q] omisoshiru 4466.sjs Cho-mo-lung-ma wine 4467.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4468.sjs Re: WINE 4469.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4470.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4471.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4472.sjs Re: Udon vs Soba (was [Q]Okonomi-Teishoku) 4473.sjs natto tabetai 4474.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4475.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4476.sjs Re: natto tabetai 4477.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4478.sjs TOMATO JUICE 4479.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4480.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4481.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4482.sjs Re: Shin-Kame Shuzou 4483.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4484.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4485.sjs Re: Masu sushi 4486.sjs Re: Cho-mo-lung-ma wine 4487.sjs Monjayaki 4488.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4489.sjs Re: [Q] omisoshiru 4490.sjs Ingredients of Maabou toufu 4491.sjs Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4492.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4493.sjs true taste of RICE 4494.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4495.sjs Re: WINE 4496.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4497.sjs Re: Sakura-Mochi 4498.sjs Re: Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4499.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. Directory usenet/fj/rec/food/v4500: =================================== 4500.sjs Getemono 4501.sjs Re: Masu sushi 4502.sjs Re: Udon vs Soba (was [Q]Okonomi-Teishoku) 4503.sjs Re: Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4504.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4505.sjs mushipan 4506.sjs Re: Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4507.sjs Re: Monjayaki 4508.sjs Kabocha-ni 4509.sjs Re: Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4510.sjs Re: Monjayaki 4511.sjs Re: TOMATO JUICE 4512.sjs Re: Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4513.sjs Re: Kabocha-ni 4514.sjs McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4515.sjs Re: Ingredients of Maabotoufu 4516.sjs question about kanazawa 4517.sjs Re: WINE 4518.sjs Re: question about kanazawa 4519.sjs Re: shishi-niku 4520.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4521.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4522.sjs Re: uogasi wine 4523.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4524.sjs Re: Kabocha-ni 4525.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4526.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4527.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4528.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4529.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4530.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4531.sjs wine label 4532.sjs Re: shishi-niku 4533.sjs Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4534.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4535.sjs shishi-niku 4536.sjs Re: wine label 4537.sjs Re: shishi-niku 4538.sjs Re: wine label 4539.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4540.sjs Re: wine label 4541.sjs Re: wine label 4542.sjs Re: fastfood name 4543.sjs Re: Monjayaki 4544.sjs Re: shishi-niku 4545.sjs omisoshiru 4546.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4547.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4548.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4549.sjs Re: wine label 4550.sjs Re: wine label 4551.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4552.sjs Re: wine label 4553.sjs Re: TAIYAKI. 4554.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4555.sjs Re: wine label 4556.sjs Re: shishi-niku 4557.sjs Re: uogasi wine 4558.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4559.sjs Re: wine label 4560.sjs Re: wine label 4561.sjs party space. 4562.sjs Re: wine label 4563.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4564.sjs Re: shishi-niku 4565.sjs [Req. for Info]-BBQ ga dekiru SPOT 4566.sjs Re: wine label 4567.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4568.sjs Re: wine label 4569.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4570.sjs Re: wine label 4571.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4572.sjs Re: wine label 4573.sjs Re: wine label 4574.sjs Re: wine label 4575.sjs tea 4576.sjs Re: wine label 4577.sjs Re: party space. 4578.sjs Kuuki no Oishii Restaurant 4579.sjs Re: WINE 4580.sjs Re: wine label 4581.sjs Summary (2/2) 4582.sjs Summary (1/2) 4583.sjs ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou 4584.sjs Re: Summary (1/2) 4585.sjs Re: wine label 4586.sjs Re: wine label 4587.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4588.sjs Re: wine label 4589.sjs Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4590.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4591.sjs soft na katsuo 4592.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4593.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4594.sjs ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou : Mailing List Server Start 4595.sjs smoked salmon 4596.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4597.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4598.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4599.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. Directory usenet/fj/rec/food/v4600: =================================== 4600.sjs Michiba san no mise 4601.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4602.sjs Re: tea 4603.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4604.sjs re:BBQ ga dekiru SPOT 4605.sjs Re: smoked salmon 4606.sjs Re: smoked salmon 4607.sjs Re: Kuuki no Oishii Restaurant 4608.sjs Re: ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou : Mailing List Server Start 4609.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4610.sjs spaghetti 4611.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4612.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4613.sjs Re: McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4614.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4615.sjs [Summary] McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4616.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4617.sjs masunosusi, soba & more 4618.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4619.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4620.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4621.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4622.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4623.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4624.sjs Re: Michiba san no mise 4625.sjs ANNOUNCE: J2-10th in Kantou 4626.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4627.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4628.sjs Re: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows. 4629.sjs Re: smoked salmon 4630.sjs Hellow 4631.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4632.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4633.sjs Re: [Summary] McDonald Makku ? Makudo ? 4634.sjs Re: smoked salmon 4635.sjs 11th J2(Kansai) announce 4636.sjs Restaurant in Hawaii 4637.sjs Re: masunosusi, soba & more 4638.sjs Re: Michiba san no mise 4639.sjs Re: Restaurant in Hawaii 4640.sjs Re: smoked salmon 4641.sjs Re: Restaurant in Hawaii 4642.sjs Re: spaghetti 4643.sjs how to pronounce 4644.sjs Re: spaghetti 4645.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re:Sakura-mochi) 4646.sjs Czech Beer 4647.sjs Czech Beer 4648.sjs Re: Restaurant in Hawaii 4649.sjs Re: Restaurant in Hawaii 4650.sjs Re: Dohmyohji(Re: Sakura-mochi) Directory usenet/fj/rec/games: ============================== arcade\ Arcade Games video\ Video Games 1937.sjs Re: [mahjong] local rule, 3rd edition 1938.sjs Re: [mahjong] local rule, 2nd edition 1939.sjs Re: [mahjong] local rule, 3rd edition 1940.sjs Re: [mahjong] local rule, 2nd edition 1941.sjs Re: [Shogi] A-class Results etc. 1942.sjs Re: [GO] 0.5? 1943.sjs Re: [GO] 0.5? 1944.sjs [forsale] books 1945.sjs [GO] 0.5? 1946.sjs Re: [GO] 0.5? 1947.sjs [shogi] Meijin-sen 1948.sjs Mid-East Peace[CLOMBIA GAMES] 1949.sjs [IGO] Tsumego 1950.sjs Mine Sweeper rec. 1951.sjs Assassin (Re: Mid-East Peace[CLOMBIA GAMES]) 1952.sjs Re: Mine Sweeper rec. 1953.sjs assassin[AH] 1954.sjs Re: meijinsen second round 1955.sjs meijinsen second round 1956.sjs [shogi] Meijin-sen 1957.sjs [mahjong] rules 1958.sjs "page one" : UNO-like card game 1959.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1960.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1961.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1962.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1963.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1964.sjs [Q] where is T-RPG 1965.sjs Re: [Q] where is T-RPG 1966.sjs Re: [mahjong] rules 1967.sjs [marjong] Yakitori (Re: [mahjong] local rule, 3rd edition) 1968.sjs Re: [marjong] Yakitori (Re: [mahjong] local rule, 3rd edition) 1969.sjs Re: [marjong] Yakitori (Re: [mahjong] local rule, 3rd edition) 1970.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1971.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1972.sjs Re: [marjong] Yakitori (Re: [mahjong] local rule, 3rd edition) 1973.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1974.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1975.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1976.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1977.sjs Re: [mahjong] rules 1978.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1979.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1980.sjs daifugou (Re: "page one") 1981.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1982.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1983.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1984.sjs Re: [Q] where is T-RPG 1985.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1986.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1987.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1988.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1989.sjs Re: [mahjong] rules 1990.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1991.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1992.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1993.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1994.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1995.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1996.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 1997.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 1998.sjs Re: [mahjong] rules 1999.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2000.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2001.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 2002.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2003.sjs [IGO] Tsumego no kaitou (repost) 2004.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2005.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 2006.sjs Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game 2007.sjs Meijinsen 2008.sjs Re: Meijinsen 2009.sjs Re: Meijinsen 2010.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2011.sjs Re: Meijinsen 2012.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2013.sjs "UNO" local-rules (Re: "page one" : UNO-like card game) 2014.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2015.sjs Re: [mahjong] rules 2016.sjs CFP of game programming workshop: latex version 2017.sjs CFP of game programming workshop: plain version 2018.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 2019.sjs Re: Meijinsen 2020.sjs [shogi] Meijin-sen 2021.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 2022.sjs Re: Meijinsen 2023.sjs [marjong]how to win. 2024.sjs [IGO] Tsumego no kaitou 2025.sjs [mahjong] questionnaire on rules (Re: [mahjong] rules) 2026.sjs Re: [mahjong] rules 2027.sjs Re: [mahjong] questionnaire on rules (Re: [mahjong] rules) 2028.sjs Re: [marjong]how to win. 2029.sjs [mahjong] rules 2030.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 2031.sjs Re: daifugou (Re: "page one") 2033.sjs [RPG] Action ( Group 5-18 ) Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/arcade: ===================================== pinball\ Pinball Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/arcade/pinball: ============================================= 32.sjs Re: diary (sat, 26 Mar 1994) 33.sjs The Who's TOMMY 34.sjs Jurassic Park 35.sjs Re: The Who's TOMMY 36.sjs Re: The Who's TOMMY 37.sjs How to play pinball? 38.sjs The Who's TOMMY (Lyman Bonus) 39.sjs The Who's Tommy Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video: ==================================== arcade\ Arcade home\ Home pc\ PC 5566.sjs [MCD] Hevenly Symphony 5568.sjs VIDEO PROJECT ENGINEER (JAPAN) 5569.sjs Re: [MCD] Hevenly Symphony 5570.sjs [Question] The Screamer Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/arcade: =========================================== v600\ v600 v700\ v700 v800\ v800 Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/arcade/v600: ================================================ 665.sjs V.F.Sarah 666.sjs Re: [Q][NEOGEO] F.H.D 667.sjs Re: Q about S.R.D. 668.sjs Re: Q about S.R.D. 669.sjs Re: [Q][NEOGEO] F.H.D 670.sjs Re: [Q][NEOGEO] F.H.D 671.sjs Re: Q about S.R.D. 672.sjs V.F oshiete 673.sjs [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 674.sjs Re: Q about S.R.D. 675.sjs Re: Q about S.R.D. 676.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 677.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 678.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 679.sjs Re: [Q][NEOGEO] F.H.D 680.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 681.sjs [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 682.sjs daitona 683.sjs Re: daitona 684.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 685.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 686.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 687.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 688.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 689.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 690.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 691.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 692.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 693.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 694.sjs V.F.[Q] akira 695.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 696.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 697.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 698.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 699.sjs Re: Nintendo Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/arcade/v700: ================================================ 700.sjs V.F. Kage 701.sjs Re: V.F. Kage 702.sjs Re: V.F oshiete 703.sjs Re: [Q][NEOGEO] F.H.D 704.sjs Re: [Q][NEOGEO] F.H.D 705.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 706.sjs Re: V.F. Kage 707.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 708.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 709.sjs [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 710.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 711.sjs Re: Nintendo 712.sjs Re: garou special 713.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 714.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 715.sjs [V.F.] okiagari 716.sjs Re: [V.F.] okiagari 717.sjs Re: [V.F.] okiagari 718.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 719.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 720.sjs Re: [SSF2X] Ken no Ashiwaza 721.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 722.sjs ST2'TURBO KIBAN 723.sjs Re: V.F.osiete 724.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 725.sjs [Arcade] FHD 726.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 727.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 728.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 729.sjs V.F.oshiete 730.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 731.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 732.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 733.sjs Re: V.F. Kage 734.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 735.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 736.sjs Re: Nintendo 737.sjs [SSF2X] Ken no Ashiwaza 738.sjs RETURN of the GAME MUSEUM 739.sjs V.F.oshiete 740.sjs V.F.osiete 741.sjs Re: V.F help 742.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 743.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 744.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 745.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 746.sjs V.F help 747.sjs SlumDunk 748.sjs Re: garou special 749.sjs Re: [SSF2X] BARLOG, the scarlet terror! 750.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 751.sjs Re: [SSF2X] Ken no Ashiwaza 752.sjs Re: [SSF2X] Ken no Ashiwaza 753.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 754.sjs Re: garou special 755.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 756.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 757.sjs Re: [V.F.] LAU nage 758.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 759.sjs Re: SlumDunk 760.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 761.sjs Re: garou special 762.sjs shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 763.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 764.sjs [V.F.] LAU nage 765.sjs Re: V.F. Kage 766.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 767.sjs Re: [V.F.] LAU nage 768.sjs Re: V.F. Kage 769.sjs Re: V.F help 770.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 771.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 772.sjs Re: [SSF2X] Ken no Ashiwaza 773.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 774.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 775.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Help! 776.sjs [NEOGEO] F.H.D Help! 777.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 778.sjs [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 779.sjs SSFIIX_COLOR 780.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 781.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 782.sjs Re: [V.F.] LAU nage 783.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 784.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 785.sjs Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza 786.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 787.sjs Re: SlumDunk 788.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 789.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 790.sjs [Red Plannet] A vitural racing game 791.sjs Re: [V.F.] LAU nage 792.sjs Re: [Q][Arcade]Light Bringer 793.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Help! 794.sjs V.F 795.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 796.sjs Re: V.F 797.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 798.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 799.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Help! Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/arcade/v800: ================================================ 800.sjs Re: V.F 801.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 802.sjs Re: [SSF2X] Ken no Ashiwaza 803.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 804.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 805.sjs Where's G.F.? 806.sjs [VF]thanks and question 807.sjs Re: [VF]thanks and question 808.sjs Re: shoryu-reppa(Re: [SSF2X] oshiete ryu no waza) 809.sjs Re: Where's G.F.? 810.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 811.sjs Ridge Racer 812.sjs [SSF2X] Combo with Super Combo (Re: shoryu-reppa) 813.sjs Gyakusou da--! (Re: Ridge Racer) 814.sjs Re: Where's G.F.? 815.sjs Re: V.F help 816.sjs Re: V.F.Sarah 817.sjs SSFII 818.sjs SSF2X Rank 819.sjs blanka 820.sjs Re: V.F.[Q] akira 821.sjs NEBYURA 822.sjs SSF2X is last version of SF2 ?! 823.sjs [V.F.] Jacky 824.sjs Re: SlumDunk 825.sjs Re: Ridge Racer 826.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 827.sjs Re: SSF2X is last version of SF2 ?! 828.sjs Re: blanka 829.sjs ST2 X,Honda no nazo 830.sjs D&D , Hidden Room 831.sjs Re: SSF2X is last version of SF2 ?! 832.sjs Re: Ridge Racer 833.sjs [V.F.] Battle Royal System. 834.sjs [V.F.] wolf 835.sjs Re: [V.F.] Jacky 836.sjs Bingo party 837.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 838.sjs Re: ST2 X,Honda no nazo 839.sjs Re: Chun-Li 840.sjs Help! Rayforce 841.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 842.sjs Re: D&D , Hidden Room 843.sjs Re: Help! Rayforce 844.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 845.sjs [Q]V.F. knee-lift 846.sjs Re: [Q]V.F. knee-lift 847.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 848.sjs [NEO GEO]FHD about Death Blow 849.sjs Re: [Q]V.F. knee-lift 850.sjs ssf2x zangief 851.sjs Re: Where's G.F.? 852.sjs Chun-Li 853.sjs Re: SSF2X is last version of SF2 ?! 854.sjs Re: blanka 855.sjs Re: Chun-Li 856.sjs Re: Chun-Li 857.sjs Re: ssf2x zangief 858.sjs Re: Chun-Li 859.sjs Re: [V.F.] Jacky 860.sjs Re: [NEO GEO]FHD about Death Blow 861.sjs Re: [V.F.] Jacky 862.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 863.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 864.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 865.sjs Re: [NEOGEO] F.H.D Super Death Blow. 866.sjs Re: Help! Rayforce 867.sjs SST2 X zangief 868.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 869.sjs Next Kakutou Game (Re: SSF2X is last version of SF2 ?!) 870.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 871.sjs Re: SSF2X Rank 872.sjs Re: SST2 X zangief 873.sjs Re: [VF]thanks and question 874.sjs Re: [VF]thanks and question 875.sjs Chun-Li Returns 876.sjs Re: ssf2x zangief 877.sjs Re: [Q]V.F. knee-lift 878.sjs Re: [NEO GEO]FHD about Death Blow 879.sjs World Heroes 2 JET 880.sjs Re: [NEO GEO]FHD about Death Blow 881.sjs [V.F.] waza 882.sjs Re: World Heroes 2 JET Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home: ========================================= v1000\ v1000 v1100\ v1100 v1200\ v1200 v1300\ v1300 v1400\ v1400 v1500\ v1500 Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home/v1000: =============================================== 1053.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2] Bug 1054.sjs [SFC][DDS2] Bug 1055.sjs [MD] Virtua Racing, when three cups get... 1056.sjs [FF VI] Tougi jou 1057.sjs Re: [FFVI] where is Shadou? 1058.sjs Soreike! Tizuru chan 1059.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1060.sjs Re:FFVI question in Doma-castle 1061.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1062.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1063.sjs [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 3 1064.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1065.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1066.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1067.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1068.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1069.sjs [RomaSaga2] Last Messages of 7.. no, 6 Heroes and 1 Heroine. 1070.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1071.sjs Re: [FF VI] Tougi jou 1072.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1073.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1074.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaGa2(Re: [SFC]s-megaten2 majin etc) 1075.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1076.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1077.sjs [FFVI] where is Shadou? 1078.sjs Re: [MD]Phantasy Star Question 1079.sjs FFVI question in Doma-castle 1080.sjs Re: [MD] Bare Knuckle 3 1081.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1082.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1083.sjs Re: [SFC]Super Metroid 1084.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1085.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1086.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1087.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1088.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1089.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1090.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1091.sjs [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SHINKAI? 1092.sjs Shadow(Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP) 1093.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1094.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1095.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1096.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1097.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1098.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaGa2 namae-no-yurai 1099.sjs [DDS2]Ending Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home/v1100: =============================================== 1100.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1101.sjs [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1102.sjs [SFC] FFVI 1103.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1104.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaGa2 namae-no-yurai 1105.sjs Re: [FF VI] Tougi jou 1106.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1107.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1108.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1109.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1110.sjs [SFC] Re:Q. Final Fantasy VI 1111.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1112.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1113.sjs Re: [SFC] Re:Q. Final Fantasy VI 1114.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1115.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1116.sjs Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS. 1117.sjs Re: [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 3 1118.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1119.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1121.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 1122.sjs [SFC][FFVI] secret drama (was Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS.) 1123.sjs [SFC][AD&D] help Eye of The Beholder at Level 11 Floor (In Jpnse/Kan 1124.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1125.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1126.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1127.sjs Re: Shadow(Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP) 1128.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1129.sjs slot (Re: [SFC] FFVI) 1130.sjs Re: [DDS2]Ending 1131.sjs Re: [SFC][RPG] FFVI 1132.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1133.sjs Re: [DDS2]Ending 1134.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1135.sjs [SFC] FFVI 1136.sjs Re: [SFC] Re:Q. Final Fantasy VI 1137.sjs FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1138.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1139.sjs Re: [DDS2]Ending 1140.sjs Help! pawa-pro 1141.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1142.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1143.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1144.sjs Re: [DDS2]Ending 1145.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1146.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1147.sjs Re: [SFC](TDDS2) Sword & Gun 1148.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1149.sjs Re: [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 3 1150.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1151.sjs [SFC] FFVI 1152.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1153.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1154.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1155.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1156.sjs Re: [DDS2]Ending 1157.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SHINKAI? 1158.sjs [FC]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 1&2(Re: [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 3 1159.sjs Re: [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 3 1160.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1161.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1162.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1163.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1164.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1165.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1166.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1167.sjs [SFC]T-DDS2 Bug 1168.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1169.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaga2 HELP 1170.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1171.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1172.sjs Re: [FC]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 1&2(Re: [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire 1173.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1174.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1175.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1176.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1177.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1178.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1179.sjs [SFC] FFVI 1180.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 1181.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1182.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1183.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1184.sjs [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1185.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1186.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1187.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1188.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1189.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1190.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1191.sjs Re: Shadow(Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP) 1192.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1193.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 1194.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1195.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1196.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1197.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1198.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1199.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home/v1200: =============================================== 1200.sjs Re: ffVI 1201.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 1202.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1203.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1204.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1205.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1206.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1207.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1208.sjs [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1209.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1210.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1211.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1212.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1213.sjs Re: [SFC]T-DDS2 Bug 1214.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1215.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1216.sjs Re: FF VI question 1217.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1218.sjs Re: FFVI question in Doma-castle 1219.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1220.sjs Re: [SFC][RPG] FFVI 1221.sjs [SFC] RomaSaga2 HELP 1222.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1223.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaga2 HELP 1224.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1225.sjs Re: Powerful Baseball 1226.sjs [MD]fantersister 1227.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1228.sjs [FFV]item 1229.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 1230.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1231.sjs [SFC][DDS2] Gattai-Ken 1232.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1233.sjs Re: FF VI question 1234.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1235.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1236.sjs [FF6] How Many People Required to Clear? 1237.sjs [SFC][DDS2] help kongousinkai 1238.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1239.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaga2 HELP 1240.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1241.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1242.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1243.sjs [FFVI] machinery devices (was Re: [FFVI] About Music) 1244.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1245.sjs Re: FF VI question 1246.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1247.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1248.sjs Re: FF VI question 1249.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1250.sjs Re: Shadow(Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP) 1251.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1252.sjs [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1253.sjs FF VI question 1254.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? 1255.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1256.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2] Gattai-Ken 1257.sjs [MCD] Illusion City 1258.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1259.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1260.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1261.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1262.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1263.sjs Re: [SFC][Q]Super Robot War EX 1264.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1265.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaga2 HELP 1266.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1267.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1268.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1269.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaga2 HELP 1270.sjs TDDS2 comvine 1271.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1272.sjs Re: [SFC][FE]Tragedy in Fire Emblem 3 1273.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1274.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1275.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1276.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1277.sjs [SFC] FFVI Ending 1278.sjs Re: FF VI question 1279.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1280.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street <16th scene?> 1281.sjs [3DO] No User ??? 1282.sjs Re: [DDS2]Ending 1283.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SHINKAI? 1284.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1285.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaGa2 namae-no-yurai 1286.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1287.sjs [SFC][RPG] FFVI 1288.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1289.sjs Re: [SFC] RomaSaGa2 namae-no-yurai 1290.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1291.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI 1292.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1293.sjs [FFVI] About Music 1294.sjs ffVI 1295.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1296.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1297.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1298.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1299.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Magic only ? Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home/v1300: =============================================== 1300.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1301.sjs [FFV] 1302.sjs sekaihoukaigo 1303.sjs [SFC]Finished FF6!! 1304.sjs Re: [MCD] Illusion City 1305.sjs Re: FF VI question 1306.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Yukiotoko (In Japanese/Kanji) 1307.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1308.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1309.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1310.sjs [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1311.sjs Re: [SFC]Super Robot War EX 1312.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1313.sjs [SFC][FFVI] Yukiotoko (In Japanese/Kanji) 1314.sjs [SFC]Itadaki Street <16th scene?> 1315.sjs Re: FF VI question 1316.sjs Re: [SFC]Finished FF6!! 1317.sjs Re: [SFC]Finished FF6!! 1318.sjs [FFVI] osiete. 1319.sjs Re: [SFC]Super Robot War EX 1320.sjs [SFC][FFVI] bug?? 1321.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Yukiotoko (In Japanese/Kanji) 1322.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] "Danger, here!" 1323.sjs Re: [FF6] How Many People Required to Clear? 1324.sjs Re: FF VI question 1325.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street <16th scene?> 1326.sjs Re: [SFC]Finished FF6!! 1327.sjs [FFVI] a wonder picture (Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion) 1328.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1329.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1330.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1331.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1332.sjs Re: [SFC]Super Robot War EX 1333.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1334.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2]KONGOU-SINKAI(Was: Some Questions.) 1335.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] sekaihokaigo 1336.sjs Re: [FFVI] About Music 1337.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1338.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1339.sjs Re: [MCD] Illusion City 1340.sjs [SFC][FFVI] ICHIGEKI seriese bug ? 1341.sjs Re: [MCD] Illusion City 1342.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1343.sjs Re: FFVI unknown monster Sleeping Lion 1344.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1345.sjs Re: [FFV]item 1346.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1347.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1348.sjs Re: [SFC][DDS2] Some Questions. 1349.sjs Re: [FFVI] osiete. 1350.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] secret drama (was Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS 1351.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1352.sjs Re: [SFC]Super Robot War EX 1353.sjs [FFVI] [Q] Where is Tina? 1354.sjs Re: FF VI question 1355.sjs [3DO] idea for good sale 1356.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1357.sjs [FF6] Aomahou hamon 1358.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1359.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] Where is Tina? 1360.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] Where is Tina? 1361.sjs [SFC] [DDS2] gattai-ken 1362.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] Where is Tina? 1363.sjs [FFVI]name 1364.sjs Re: [3DO] idea for good sale 1365.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1366.sjs [sale] Games [SFC] & PC-E DUO 1367.sjs Re: [3DO] idea for good sale 1368.sjs Re: [FFVI]name 1369.sjs Re: [FFVI]name 1370.sjs Re: FF6 auto LEVEL UP 1371.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1372.sjs Re: [3DO] No User ??? 1373.sjs [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1374.sjs Re: [MD] UY: Dear my friends (Re: [Q] urusei-yatura) 1375.sjs [MD] UY: Dear my friends (Re: [Q] urusei-yatura) 1376.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1377.sjs Re: [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1378.sjs Re: [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1379.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1380.sjs Re: [FFVI]name 1381.sjs [FFVI] [Q] Some questions. 1382.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] Some questions. 1383.sjs [FFVI] [Q] MP1 1384.sjs [SFC]hiouden(The Legend of Crimson King) 1385.sjs [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1386.sjs [PCE]sell hard & soft 1387.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] MP1 1388.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] Some questions. 1389.sjs [SFC]Super Bomberman2 -- lucky password etc. 1390.sjs [SFC/RPG][FF`s] sekai no hirosa in FF 1391.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1392.sjs [SFC]FFVI question 1393.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1394.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1395.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1396.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1397.sjs [SFC] DQ V casino (Re: [SFC]FFVI question) 1398.sjs [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- Resque Datyora & Etekoon ? (Re: [SFC]Super Met 1399.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home/v1400: =============================================== 1400.sjs [GB] Q: Wizardry GAIDEN III 1401.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1402.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1403.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1404.sjs [SFC]Roma-SaGa2,Name no Yurai 1405.sjs Re: [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1406.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1407.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1408.sjs Re: [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1409.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1411.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1412.sjs Re: [SFC/RPG][FF`s] sekai no hirosa in FF 1413.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1414.sjs [GB] Wizardry GAIDEN III, Help me ! 1415.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1416.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1417.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1418.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1419.sjs [SFC] Q: Roma Saga 2 1420.sjs [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- Resque Datyora & Etekoon ? 1421.sjs Re: [GB] Q: Wizardry GAIDEN III 1422.sjs Re: [GB] Wizardry GAIDEN III, Help me ! 1423.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] MP1 1424.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Roma Saga 2 1425.sjs Re: [3DO] idea for good sale 1426.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Roma Saga 2 1427.sjs [MD] rand stoker 1428.sjs Re: [FFVI]name 1429.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1430.sjs [FFVI] Q:MOG 1431.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1432.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1433.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1434.sjs Re: [FFVI] Q:MOG 1435.sjs [SFC][FFVI] Sorry and Cancel my article. 1436.sjs [PCE]PASSWD of Ys4 1437.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1438.sjs Re: [FFVI] Q:MOG 1439.sjs Re: [FFVI]name 1440.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1441.sjs [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1442.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1443.sjs Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1444.sjs [SFC][RomaSaga2]namae no yurai (was Re: [FFVI]name) 1445.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1446.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1447.sjs [PCE] Memory Base 128 1448.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] Where is Tina? 1449.sjs [SFC] FFVI GOGO 1450.sjs [SFC]FFVI:about bloody shield? 1451.sjs Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1452.sjs Re: Re:land storker 1453.sjs Re: [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1454.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Roma Saga 2 1455.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1456.sjs [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1457.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Roma Saga 2 1458.sjs Re: [SFC] [Q] METAL MAX 2 1459.sjs Re: [SFC] DQ V casino (Re: [SFC]FFVI question) 1460.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1461.sjs Re: [GB] Q: Wizardry GAIDEN III 1462.sjs Re: [FFVI]name 1463.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1464.sjs Re: [FFVI] Q:MOG 1465.sjs Re: [FFVI] kaisyoku event 1466.sjs Re: [SFC]Seiken Densetsu 2 1467.sjs Re: [FFVI] Q:MOG 1468.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1469.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1470.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1471.sjs Re: [SFC][RomaSaga2]namae no yurai (1/2) 1472.sjs Re: [SFC][RomaSaga2]namae no yurai (2/2) 1473.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1474.sjs Re: [SFC]Seiken Densetsu 2 1475.sjs [FFVI] Tougi-jou List / =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCRi41Oz5sJWolOSVIGyhC?= 1476.sjs [FFVI] kaisyoku event 1477.sjs Re: [SFC]Seiken Densetsu 2 1478.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1479.sjs Re: [SFC]Seiken Densetsu 2 1480.sjs Re: [SFC][Question] FFVI TOUGI-JYO 1481.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI (In Japanese/Kanji) 1482.sjs Re: [SFC][Question] FFVI TOUGI-JYO 1483.sjs Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1484.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Sorry and Cancel my article. 1485.sjs Re: [FFVI] [Q] MP1 1486.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1487.sjs wiz5 1488.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Sorry and Cancel my article. 1489.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1490.sjs [SFC] Q: Fire Emblem 1491.sjs Re: [PCE]PASSWD of Ys4 1492.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Roma Saga 2 1493.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1494.sjs Re: Re:land storker 1495.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1496.sjs Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1497.sjs Re:land storker 1498.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1499.sjs [SFC] The ending of FF VI Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/home/v1500: =============================================== 1500.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1501.sjs Re: [PCE] Memory Base 128 1502.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1503.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1504.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1505.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1506.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1507.sjs Re: [FFVI] Tougi-jou List / =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCRi41Oz5sJWolOSVIGyhC 1508.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1509.sjs [SFC]SowrdWorld SFC 1510.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1511.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- Resque Datyora & Etekoon ? (Re: [SFC]Super 1512.sjs Re: [PCE] Memory Base 128 1513.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1514.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Fire Emblem 1515.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] secret drama (was Re: [FFVI] I'm disapoited at FOCUS 1516.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Fire Emblem 1517.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1518.sjs Re: [SFC][Question] FFVI TOUGI-JYO 1519.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1520.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- Resque Datyora & Etekoon ? (Re: [SFC]Super 1521.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1522.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1523.sjs Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1524.sjs [SFC]Seiken Densetsu 2 1525.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1526.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Sorry and Cancel my article. 1527.sjs Re: Re:land storker 1528.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1529.sjs [SFC] FFVI (In Japanese/Kanji) 1530.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI (In Japanese/Kanji) 1531.sjs [SFC][Question] FFVI TOUGI-JYO 1532.sjs [SFC] [Q] battle master 1533.sjs Re: [SFC][FFVI] Sorry and Cancel my article. 1534.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1535.sjs [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1536.sjs Roma Saga2 1537.sjs Re: [FFVI] Q:MOG 1538.sjs [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1539.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1540.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1541.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1542.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI:about bloody shield? 1543.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI (In Japanese/Kanji) 1544.sjs [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- opening 100 shot 1545.sjs Lockman X 1546.sjs Re: [SFC][Question] FFVI TOUGI-JYO 1547.sjs Re: [FFVI] Tougi-jou List / 1548.sjs Re: [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1549.sjs FF V 1550.sjs Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater 1551.sjs [FFVI] item. 1552.sjs Re: [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1553.sjs Re: Roma Saga2 1554.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1555.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1556.sjs [FFVI] Where is "Snow-man"?(Re: [FFVI] kaisyoku event) 1557.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1558.sjs Re: [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1559.sjs [SFC] FF VI 1560.sjs Re: [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1561.sjs Re: [SFC] The ending of FF VI 1562.sjs Re: [SFC] FF VI 1563.sjs Re: [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1564.sjs Re: [SFC] Q: Fire Emblem 1565.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1566.sjs Re: [SFC] FF VI 1567.sjs Re: [SFC] The ending of FF VI 1568.sjs WIZ V 1569.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1570.sjs mid-boss attack cheating :-) (was Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Ope 1571.sjs Re: [SFC] The ending of FF VI 1572.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- Resque Datyora & Etekoon ? (Re: [SFC]Super 1573.sjs [MD][Q] Compatibility of MD & GENESIS 1574.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1575.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- opening 100 shot 1576.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- opening 100 shot 1577.sjs FF6 Bug (Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater) 1578.sjs Re: [SFC]Itadaki Street tactics 1579.sjs Re: [SFC] The ending of FF VI 1580.sjs Re: Thanks. ([SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragus?) 1581.sjs Re: [SFC] [FFVI] Where is Stragos? 1582.sjs Re: FF V 1583.sjs Re: [SFC] FFVI GAU-GAU 1584.sjs Re: [SFC][(T)DDS2] Russian Roulette & misc. 1585.sjs Q:FF VI (TETSU NO KATAMARI) 1586.sjs Re: FF6 Bug (Re: [FF6] {Q} Tirano Saurus in Opera Theater) 1587.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- opening 100 shot 1588.sjs Re: Q:FF VI (TETSU NO KATAMARI) 1589.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- Resque Datyora & Etekoon ? (Re: [SFC]Super 1590.sjs Re: Q:FF VI (TETSU NO KATAMARI) 1591.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI kakushi-hissatuwaza 1592.sjs Re: [PCE]sell hard & soft 1593.sjs [FF6] Kemono ga hara (was Re: mid-boss attack cheating :-)) 1594.sjs Re: [SFC]FFVI question 1595.sjs Re: wiz5 1596.sjs Re: [SFC] The ending of FF VI 1597.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- opening 100 shot 1598.sjs Re: [FFVI] Where is "Snow-man"?(Re: [FFVI] kaisyoku event) 1599.sjs Re: [SFC][Q] Metroid 3 -- opening 100 shot Directory usenet/fj/rec/games/video/pc: ======================================= 839.sjs [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 840.sjs Re: [Help] About T&T 841.sjs [PC98]Sangokushi4-merits of shogun 842.sjs Re: [RPG] Q about Ultima Underworld 843.sjs Re: [RPG] Q about Ultima Underworld 844.sjs Re: [Help] About T&T 845.sjs Re: [Help] About T&T 846.sjs Sangokushi4 847.sjs [Q] BURAI GEKAN 848.sjs [SFC][AD&D] help Eye of The Beholder at Level 11 Floor (In Jpnse/Kan 849.sjs sangokushi4 850.sjs Re: Sangokushi4 851.sjs Re: [Q] Might & Magic II 852.sjs Re: [pc98]sangoku-shi 4 853.sjs Thank You (Re: [RPG] Q about Ultima Underworld) 854.sjs Re: [Q] BURAI GEKAN 855.sjs Re: [Help] About T&T 856.sjs [Q] BURAI GEKAN 857.sjs [pc98] Q of Ultima Underworld 858.sjs [Question] HYDLIDE3 859.sjs [Q] Eye of the Beholder 2 860.sjs Macintosh 861.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 862.sjs Re: Macintosh 863.sjs Re: Macintosh 864.sjs Re: [RPG] Q about Ultima Underworld 865.sjs Re: Sangokushi4 866.sjs Re: [Help] About T&T 867.sjs Re: Sangokushi4 868.sjs Re: Macintosh 869.sjs Re:[Q] alone in th dark 2 870.sjs Re: Macintosh 871.sjs Re: How to clear 'Kasaburanka ni aio' 872.sjs Re: [Q] BURAI GEKAN 873.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 874.sjs thanks (re:[Q]EYE OF THE BEHOLDER2) 875.sjs How to clear 'Kasaburanka ni aio' 876.sjs Re: [WANTED] The game of "AH! MEGAMI sama" 877.sjs SuperRealMahjangP4 878.sjs Re: Macintosh 879.sjs salling used software (Re: old doujin shi) 881.sjs SOUKOBAN (c)THINKING RABIT 882.sjs [Mac][98][IBM]Civilization 883.sjs Re: Macintosh 884.sjs [pc98][18kin]princess danger 885.sjs Re: How to clear 'Kasaburanka ni aio' 886.sjs Dungeon Master 887.sjs [PC98][18Kin]REIRA 888.sjs Re: How to clear 'Kasaburanka ni aio' 889.sjs Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2' 890.sjs Re: SuperRealMahjangP4 891.sjs How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2' 892.sjs Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2' 893.sjs Re: [Mac][98][IBM]Civilization 894.sjs Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2' 895.sjs Re: Dungeon Master 896.sjs Re: SuperRealMahjangP4 897.sjs question 898.sjs Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2' 899.sjs Re: [Question] HYDLIDE3 900.sjs Dynamix "Front Page Baseball" 901.sjs Re: [Mac][98][IBM]Civilization 902.sjs Master of Monsters Final 903.sjs How to clear 'Will'(Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2') 904.sjs Re: How to clear 'Will'(Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2') 905.sjs Re: [Question] HYDLIDE3 906.sjs Re: [Mac][98][IBM]Civilization 907.sjs Re: How to clear 'Will'(Re: How to clear 'Mugen no Sihinzou 2') 908.sjs Taikou Rissiden Directory usenet/fj/rec/ham: ============================ 978.sjs Re: need info on internet/PRUG 979.sjs Re: syoubou musenn 980.sjs about BO0K 981.sjs PRUG meeting in April 982.sjs Re: syoubou musenn 983.sjs '93 CQ WW CW JA entries 984.sjs osiete 985.sjs Re: osiete 986.sjs Re: about BO0K 987.sjs Wanted Call Sign (In Japanese/Kanji) 988.sjs Wanted (In Japanese/) 989.sjs Re: osiete 990.sjs PED Ver 4.11i CW Pileup Trainer has been released 991.sjs Strange Test Pattern on JOAB-TV (In Japanese/Kanji) 992.sjs Re: Wanted Call Sign (In Japanese/Kanji) 993.sjs Re: Wanted Call Sign (In Japanese/Kanji) 994.sjs QSL-info server 995.sjs Re: HAM 996.sjs ALINCO's Rigs 997.sjs WANTED : users' manual of C500 & FT805 998.sjs ham 999.sjs Re: ham 1000.sjs Re: ham 1001.sjs Re: ham 1002.sjs Re: ham 1003.sjs callsign(Re: ham) 1004.sjs callsign(Re: ham) 1005.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1006.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1007.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1008.sjs Wanted (In Japanese/Kanji) 1009.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1010.sjs Oshiete kudasai ! 1011.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1012.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1013.sjs Genesys-P meeting Jun. 1014.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1015.sjs How to change battery FT-73. 1016.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1017.sjs Re: Oshiete kudasai ! 1018.sjs Re: Oshiete kudasai ! 1019.sjs call sign 1020.sjs Re: Oshiete kudasai ! 1021.sjs Re: How to change battery FT-73. 1022.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1023.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1024.sjs Re: call sign 1025.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1026.sjs Re: Oshiete kudasai ! 1027.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1028.sjs Re: How to change battery FT-73. 1029.sjs Re: How to change battery FT-73. 1030.sjs mac 1031.sjs 30F1 (Re: ham) 1032.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) 1033.sjs Re: WANTED : users' manual of C500 & FT805 1034.sjs Re: WANTED : users' manual of C500 & FT805 1035.sjs thanks 1036.sjs Re: Oshiete kudasai ! 1037.sjs Re: callsign(Re: ham) Directory usenet/fj/rec/idol: ============================= 1026.sjs ML of Yumiko,T 1027.sjs Re: idol 1028.sjs Re: docchi? 1029.sjs i-auras (1994/04/13) 1030.sjs Re: Igo no jikan ashisutanto 1031.sjs idol 1032.sjs CoCo was CoCo made 1033.sjs Re: i-auras (1994/04/13) 1034.sjs breakup? CoCo 1035.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1036.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1037.sjs Re: i-auras (1994/04/13) 1038.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1039.sjs Re: i-auras (1994/04/13) 1040.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1041.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1042.sjs Re: ML of Yumiko,T 1043.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1044.sjs Good-p-ML no jouhou,kudasai. 1045.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1046.sjs idol to 24H (Re: breakup? CoCo) 1047.sjs Re: docchi? 1048.sjs Re: idol to 24H (Re: breakup? CoCo) 1049.sjs i-auras (1994/04/20) 1050.sjs Re: beer 1051.sjs CoCo at Usa 1052.sjs Re: breakup? CoCo 1053.sjs Re: CoCo at Usa 1054.sjs [Wanted] Melody on CX 1055.sjs i-auras (1994/04/27) 1056.sjs i-auras (1994/05/04) 1057.sjs Yuko Yamaguchi 1058.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 1059.sjs Re: idol to 24H (Re: breakup? CoCo) 1060.sjs Re: [Wanted] Melody on CX 1061.sjs [ribbon] on air schedule 1062.sjs [AM] Raspberry 1063.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 1064.sjs i-auras (1994/05/11) 1065.sjs i-auras (1994/05/11) 1066.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 1067.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 1068.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 1069.sjs [SUMMARY] Yuko Yamaguchi 1070.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 1071.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 1073.sjs akusyu-kai (Etsuko Nishio) 1074.sjs Re: [Wanted] Melody on CX 1075.sjs Re: [Wanted] Melody on CX 1076.sjs i-auras (1994/05/18) Directory usenet/fj/rec/marine: =============================== 267.sjs LifeSaving Champs 268.sjs MIZUUO 269.sjs Re: MIZUUO 270.sjs kerama no umi 271.sjs Self Diving 272.sjs Re: kerama no umi 273.sjs Re: Self Diving 274.sjs Re: Self Diving 275.sjs shiohigari 276.sjs Re: shiohigari 277.sjs Re: Self Diving 278.sjs Re: Self Diving 279.sjs Re: shiohigari 280.sjs Re: shiohigari 281.sjs [Diving] Iriomote 282.sjs Self Diving 283.sjs Re: shiohigari 284.sjs Re: [Diving] Iriomote Directory usenet/fj/rec/misc: ============================= 418.sjs Nazo no Kaeuta (Re: janken asobi) 419.sjs Re: kid's playing games 420.sjs ocharaka hoi 421.sjs [paper money] brown number issue 422.sjs Re: Nazo no Kaeuta (Re: janken asobi) 423.sjs Re: Nazo no Kaeuta (Re: janken asobi) 424.sjs Re: Nazo no Kaeuta (Re: janken asobi) 425.sjs Indo no yamaoku (Re: Nazo no Kaeuta) 426.sjs Re: Nazo no Kaeuta (Re: janken asobi) 427.sjs Re: Indo no yamaoku (Re: Nazo no Kaeuta) 428.sjs Re: Nazo no Kaeuta (Re: janken asobi) 429.sjs shiketan 430.sjs Re: shiketan 431.sjs Re: shiketan 432.sjs Re: shiketan 433.sjs Re: shiketan 434.sjs Re: shiketan 435.sjs Re: shiketan 436.sjs Re: shiketan 437.sjs Re: shiketan 438.sjs Re: shiketan 439.sjs Re: shiketan 440.sjs Re: shiketan 441.sjs Re: shiketan 442.sjs Re: shiketan 443.sjs Re: shiketan 444.sjs Re: shiketan 445.sjs Re: shiketan 446.sjs Re: shiketan 447.sjs Re: shiketan 448.sjs Re: shiketan 449.sjs shiketan Directory usenet/fj/rec/models: =============================== 2254.sjs FZ250 puramo agemasu 2255.sjs Re: Q:About Tool 2256.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 2257.sjs Re: My Kit [Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B] 2258.sjs Re: [Rail] easement curve 2259.sjs [Ship:1/700] Yamato and Musashi by Nichimo 2260.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 2261.sjs [Rail] layout (Re: [Rail] easement curve) 2262.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2263.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2264.sjs [Rail] hand-laid point 2265.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2266.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2267.sjs Flight Area (Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B) 2268.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2269.sjs [Char]1/60 V-Gundam! 2270.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 2271.sjs Re: motor 2272.sjs motor 2273.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2274.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2275.sjs Re: [Ship:1/700] Yamato and Musashi by Nichimo 2276.sjs [Rail] Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 2277.sjs [general] Adhesive for plastic. 2278.sjs Re: [Ship:1/700] Yamato and Musashi by Nichimo 2279.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 2280.sjs Please advice me :Heri flyer 2281.sjs Re: [Rail] Layout 2282.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2283.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2284.sjs Re: [Rail] layout 2285.sjs Re: Please advice me :Heri flyer 2286.sjs Re: [Rail] C&O (Re: [plane] old drawings) 2287.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2288.sjs Re: Hobby Japan 2289.sjs [Tank] T34/85? 2290.sjs Re: [Rail] Layout 2291.sjs Re: Please advice me :Heri flyer 2292.sjs Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B 2293.sjs Re: [Char]1/60 V-Gundam! 2294.sjs Pla-rail (Re: suichu-moter, kuuchu-moter, tiger rocketty A/B) 2295.sjs [general] lost wax (sp?) 2296.sjs Tkank you 2297.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2298.sjs [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2299.sjs Re: [Rail] Layout 2300.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2301.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2302.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2303.sjs Re: [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2304.sjs Re: [Tank] T34/85? 2305.sjs Re: [Tank] T34/85? 2306.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2307.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2308.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2309.sjs Re: [Tank] T34/85? 2310.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2311.sjs Re: [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2312.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2313.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2314.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2315.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2316.sjs Re: [Rail] C&O (Re: [plane] old drawings) 2317.sjs [Rail] Layout 2318.sjs Q.:72MHz propo. 2319.sjs Re: Tkank you 2320.sjs Re: [Rail] Layout 2321.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2322.sjs Re: [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2323.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2324.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2325.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2326.sjs Re: Q.:72MHz propo. 2327.sjs Re: [Rail] Kato 153 2328.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2329.sjs Re: [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2330.sjs Re: Pla-rail 2331.sjs Re: Helicopter model 2332.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2333.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2334.sjs [RC plane]thinner solvent 2335.sjs suichu-moter 2336.sjs Re: motor 2337.sjs Re: Pennsylvania (Re: [Rail] C&O (Re: [plane] old drawings)) 2338.sjs FSS Mirage Mask 2339.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2340.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2341.sjs [Rail] New Wheels 2342.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2343.sjs Pennsylvania (Re: [Rail] C&O (Re: [plane] old drawings)) 2344.sjs Re: motor 2345.sjs Re: motor 2346.sjs [Rail] GW & Isogo 2347.sjs Re: suichu-moter 2348.sjs Re: Q.:72MHz propo. 2349.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 2350.sjs Re: Material of Pla-Ban 2351.sjs Re: [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2352.sjs [Rail] point 2353.sjs Re: motor 2354.sjs Re:Re Thank you .OS32FH & 72MHzPropo 2355.sjs modeling in the room 2356.sjs Re: Q.:72MHz propo. 2357.sjs Re: modeling in the room 2359.sjs Re: [Rail] point (Re: [Rail] layout) 2360.sjs Re: [Rail] GW & Isogo 2361.sjs Re: [Rail] point 2362.sjs Re: motor 2363.sjs Re: [general] lost wax (sp?) 2364.sjs Re: [Rail] New Wheels 2365.sjs [RC plane]Stick Mode 2366.sjs Re: [Rail] GW & Isogo 2367.sjs Re: [Rail] GW & Isogo 2368.sjs Re: [Rail] New Wheels 2369.sjs Re: Thank you .OS32FH & 72MHzPropo Directory usenet/fj/rec/motorcyc: ================================= v4700\ V4700 v4800\ V4800 v4900\ V4900 v5000\ V5000 Directory usenet/fj/rec/motorcyc/v4700: ======================================= 4756.sjs FZ250 PURAMODEL agemasu 4757.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4758.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4759.sjs Brake pad. 4760.sjs Re: choke,accel info 4761.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4762.sjs Re: question 4763.sjs question 4764.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4765.sjs About gasoline 4766.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4767.sjs Re: 94WGP #1 4768.sjs Re: About gasoline 4769.sjs Re: About gasoline 4770.sjs Re: choke,accel info 4771.sjs [For sale] Bike (HONDA JADE/S) 4772.sjs Re: About gasoline 4773.sjs Re: About gasoline 4774.sjs Re: About gasoline 4775.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4776.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4777.sjs Re: About gasoline 4778.sjs Re: siro-bai (Re: WGP) 4779.sjs Re: About gasoline 4780.sjs Re: About gasoline 4781.sjs choke,accel info Doumo.. 4782.sjs Re: About gasoline 4783.sjs Re: TAKAZUMI [Re: 94WGP #1] 4784.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4785.sjs Shijou XJR1200 4786.sjs Re: WGP 4787.sjs Bike Data 4788.sjs Re:Re: About gasoline CM 4789.sjs Re: Re: About gasoline 4790.sjs Re: About gasoline 4791.sjs 3/4 vs. full Face Helmets 4792.sjs Re: TAKAZUMI [Re: 94WGP #1] 4793.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4794.sjs Re: faq -> gopher-data 4795.sjs Re: About gasoline 4796.sjs Re: choke,accel info Doumo.. 4797.sjs Re: Q of A.B.S 4798.sjs Re: About gasoline 4799.sjs Re: About gasoline CM Directory usenet/fj/rec/motorcyc/v4800: ======================================= 4800.sjs Q of A.B.S 4801.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4802.sjs Re: 3/4 vs. full Face Helmets 4803.sjs Re: Brake pad. 4804.sjs Re: Q of A.B.S 4805.sjs BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4806.sjs Re: About gasoline 4807.sjs Re: About gasoline 4808.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4809.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4810.sjs Clutch slip. 4811.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4812.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4813.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4814.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4815.sjs Re: 3/4 vs. full Face Helmets 4816.sjs exam. of free for licence-limit in CHIBA 4817.sjs plater 4818.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4819.sjs sijou [Re: Shijou XJR1200] 4820.sjs Re: exam. of free for licence-limit in CHIBA 4821.sjs Re: WGP 4822.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4823.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4824.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4825.sjs Re: Keep left. 4826.sjs Re: Keep left. 4827.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4828.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4829.sjs chacha! Re: Q: ? good plan for G.W.(4/29~5/8) ? & About gasoline CM 4830.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4831.sjs Re: WGP 4832.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4833.sjs Re: Clutch slip. 4834.sjs Bike comic. 4835.sjs Re: Keep left. 4836.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4837.sjs GENTEI KAIJYO! 4838.sjs Re: Keep left. 4839.sjs Re: Keep left. 4840.sjs Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4841.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4842.sjs Re: chacha! Re: Q: ? good plan for G.W.(4/29~5/8) ? & About gasoline 4843.sjs Re: Keep left. 4844.sjs Re: Bike comic. 4845.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4846.sjs Re: Keep left. 4847.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4848.sjs Re: Keep left. 4849.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4850.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4851.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4852.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4853.sjs Re: question 4854.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4855.sjs BIKE manga. 4856.sjs Re: Bike comic. 4857.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4858.sjs Re: Keep left. 4859.sjs Re: WGP 4860.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4861.sjs Re: GENTEI KAIJYO! 4862.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4863.sjs Re: Bike comic. 4864.sjs Re: BIKE manga. 4865.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4866.sjs Re: WGP 4867.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4868.sjs Re: About gasoline CM 4869.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4870.sjs Helmet in convenience store. 4871.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4872.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4873.sjs Re: BIKE manga. 4874.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4875.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4876.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4877.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4878.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4879.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4880.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4881.sjs Keep left. 4882.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4883.sjs Re: Keep left. 4884.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4885.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4886.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4887.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4888.sjs SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4889.sjs Futyuu [GENTEI KAIJYO] 4890.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4891.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4892.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4893.sjs Motorcycle Touring in Thailand 4894.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4895.sjs Re: Bike comic. 4896.sjs Re: 3/4 vs. full Face Helmets 4897.sjs Re: [WGP] Suzuka GP1 4898.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4899.sjs Re: How to drive in town? Directory usenet/fj/rec/motorcyc/v4900: ======================================= 4900.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4901.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4902.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4903.sjs sale : YAMAHA RZ250R '83 4904.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4905.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4906.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4907.sjs WGP SUZUKA 4908.sjs Re: exam. of free for licence-limit in CHIBA 4909.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4910.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4911.sjs Re: Futyuu [GENTEI KAIJYO] 4912.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4913.sjs Re: Clutch slip. 4914.sjs [WGP] Suzuka GP1 4915.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4916.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4917.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4918.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4919.sjs forsale bike VFR 4920.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4921.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4922.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4923.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4924.sjs Re: Z2 (Re: BIKE manga) 4925.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4926.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4927.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4928.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4929.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4930.sjs Re: SUZUKA W-GP(4/24) 4931.sjs Re: Clutch slip. 4932.sjs [sale]FZX750 4933.sjs Riding school (Re: Bike comic.) 4934.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4935.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4936.sjs neji 4937.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4938.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4939.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4940.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4941.sjs Re: WGP 4942.sjs Bike MANGA & other 4943.sjs Re: Credit cards of GS' (Re: About gasoline CM) 4944.sjs throttle wire 4945.sjs Re: throttle wire 4946.sjs Bike MANGA & other II 4947.sjs Re: throttle wire 4948.sjs Re: How to drive in town? 4949.sjs Re: throttle wire 4950.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4951.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4952.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4953.sjs Re: Clutch slip. 4954.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4955.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4956.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4957.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 4958.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4959.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4960.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4961.sjs Re: Clutch slip. 4962.sjs Re: BIKE manga (Re: About gasoline) 4963.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 4964.sjs Gas price. 4965.sjs Off road 250cc Honda 4966.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4967.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4968.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4969.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 4970.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4971.sjs Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 4972.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4973.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 4974.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4975.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4976.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4977.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4978.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 4979.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4980.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4981.sjs Re: VT-250F 4982.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4983.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4984.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4985.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4986.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4987.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4988.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4989.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4990.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4991.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4992.sjs Light (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 4993.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 4994.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 4995.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 4996.sjs Sankyu-jiko (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 4997.sjs Re: teach me about BIKE 4998.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 4999.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) Directory usenet/fj/rec/motorcyc/v5000: ======================================= 5000.sjs Re: VT-250F 5001.sjs Re: teach me about BIKE 5002.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5003.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5004.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5005.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5006.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5007.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5008.sjs VT-250F 5009.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5010.sjs Re: VT-250F 5011.sjs Re: VT-250F 5012.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5013.sjs Re: Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5014.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5015.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5016.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5017.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5018.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5019.sjs Re: Sankyu-jiko (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 5020.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5021.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5022.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5023.sjs teach me about BIKE 5024.sjs Re: VT-250F 5025.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5026.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 5027.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5028.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5029.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5030.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5031.sjs Re: VT-250F 5032.sjs Re: VT-250F 5033.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5034.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5035.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 5036.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 5037.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 5038.sjs Re: VT-250F 5039.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5040.sjs Re: VT-250F 5041.sjs menkyo II 5042.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5043.sjs Re: VT-250F 5044.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5045.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 5046.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5047.sjs Re: VT-250F 5048.sjs Re: VT-250F 5049.sjs Re: VT-250F 5050.sjs Re: menkyo II 5051.sjs [Q]tickets of Suzuka 8hours 5052.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5053.sjs Re: VT-250F 5054.sjs Re: VT-250F 5055.sjs Re: VT-250F 5056.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5057.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 5058.sjs Re: VT-250F 5059.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5060.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5061.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5062.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5063.sjs Re: VT-250F 5064.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other II 5065.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5066.sjs Fuel empty.. (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 5067.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5068.sjs Re: VT-250F 5069.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5070.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5071.sjs Re: Bike MANGA & other 5072.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5073.sjs GOLDWING-SE 5074.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5075.sjs Re: VT-250F 5076.sjs Bike MANGA & other III 5077.sjs Re: menkyo II 5078.sjs Re: menkyo II 5079.sjs Keep Left 5080.sjs 8hours 5081.sjs [Result] Re: Ticket World GP in Suzuka 5082.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5083.sjs Re: menkyo II 5084.sjs Re: Ducati 900SL '94model (In Japanese) 5085.sjs Re: about left hand 5086.sjs Re: GOLDWING-SE 5087.sjs about left hand 5088.sjs Re: VT-250F 5089.sjs Re: menkyo II 5090.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 5091.sjs Re: 8hours 5092.sjs Re: menkyo II 5093.sjs Re: teach me about BIKE 5094.sjs Re: Keep Left 5095.sjs Re: GOLDWING-SE 5096.sjs Re: GOLDWING-SE 5097.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders (Window Film) 5098.sjs Re: 8hours Directory usenet/fj/rec/movies: =============================== 1251.sjs Thank you. 1252.sjs Fritz Lang (Re: The Movies I Saw in March...) 1253.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1254.sjs Re: osietekudasai 1255.sjs Re: Fritz Lang (Re: The Movies I Saw in March...) 1256.sjs [Q] Major League II 1257.sjs Re: osietekudasai 1258.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1259.sjs Re: [Q] Japanese Monster Movies (old) 1260.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1261.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1262.sjs Re: Thank you. 1263.sjs haou bekki 1264.sjs Re: [Q] Japanese Monster Movies (old) 1265.sjs [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1267.sjs Re: Reference Book 1268.sjs Recommended Books on Movies (Revised) 1269.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1270.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1271.sjs Re: Fritz Lang (Re: The Movies I Saw in March...) 1273.sjs hi no nagori 1274.sjs kansou. 1275.sjs Re: hi no nagori 1276.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1277.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1278.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1279.sjs Re: Fritz Lang (Re: The Movies I Saw in March...) 1280.sjs [present] movie invitation ticket 1281.sjs [Q] Calkin's Movie 1282.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1283.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1284.sjs Re: [Q] Japanese Monster Movies (old) 1285.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1286.sjs Re: [Q] Calkin's Movie 1287.sjs highlander no nazo... 1288.sjs Re: [Q] Calkin's Movie 1289.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [1/2] 1290.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [2/3] 1291.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [3/3] 1292.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1293.sjs Re: What is hogehoge-SHITEI...? 1294.sjs [Thanks] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1295.sjs Living Daylights soundtrack (James Bond) 1296.sjs Re: BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [1/2] 1297.sjs Re: BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [1/2] 1298.sjs [Korean] GILSODOM 1299.sjs Re: TNG series started. 1300.sjs Re: BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [1/2] 1301.sjs Re: Film Guide (part II) [Re: please tell me the MGM Musicals title] 1302.sjs Re: [Thanks] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1303.sjs Re: [Q] Calkin's Movie 1304.sjs TNG series started. 1305.sjs Judy Garland [Re: please tell me the MGM Musicals title] 1306.sjs Re: book 1307.sjs Re: TNG series started. 1308.sjs book 1309.sjs Adult Movie Trade? 1310.sjs Re: [Q] Japanese Monster Movies (old) 1311.sjs Re: Athenee Francais schedule in May and June 1312.sjs Re: book 1313.sjs Reprint: Alchaeologie des Kinos 1314.sjs Re: book 1315.sjs Athenee Francais schedule in May and June 1316.sjs Re: BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [1/2] 1317.sjs Re: Athenee Francais schedule in May and June 1318.sjs Re: book 1319.sjs Re: Classics on Video 1320.sjs Re: [Question] "Shougun Tachi No Yoru" and "Satsujin Sousa" 1321.sjs Re: book 1322.sjs True Lies 1323.sjs Re: True Lies 1324.sjs Re: True Lies 1325.sjs Re: True Lies 1326.sjs Re: True Lies 1327.sjs Re: True Lies 1328.sjs Re: book 1329.sjs Re: True Lies 1330.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April... 1331.sjs Clarence Brown's "Smouldering Fires" (Re: Classics on Video) 1332.sjs Douglas Fairbanks (Re: Athenee Francais schedule in May and June) 1333.sjs TRUE LIES 1334.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April... 1335.sjs Re: True Lies 1336.sjs Re: True Lies 1337.sjs Re: TNG series started. 1338.sjs Re: True Lies 1339.sjs The Movies I Saw in April... 1340.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April... 1341.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April... 1342.sjs Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 1343.sjs Movies I Saw Recently (Mar 1994 - Apr 1994) 1344.sjs Re: Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 1345.sjs Re: Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 1346.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April... 1347.sjs The Movies I Saw in April,1994 1348.sjs Cinema World of OZU 1349.sjs The Final Friday 1350.sjs Re: book 1351.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April... 1352.sjs Re: Movies I Saw Recently (Mar 1994 - Apr 1994) 1353.sjs Re: Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 1354.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ Japanese version [1/3] 1355.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ Japanese version [2/3] 1356.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ Japanese version [3/3] 1358.sjs Re: Garasu no Tou 1359.sjs Misprint (Re: The Movies I Saw in April,1994) 1360.sjs Re: The Movies I Saw in April,1994 1361.sjs Sliver ( Re: Garasu no Tou ) 1362.sjs So we cannot hire the A-team anymore 1363.sjs NIGHT HEAD in cinema. 1364.sjs "Yaneura no sanpo-sha" 1365.sjs "Oshie to tabi suru otoko" 1366.sjs Three films on AIDS 1367.sjs Re: So we cannot hire the A-team anymore 1368.sjs Re:"Yaneura no sanpo-sha" 1369.sjs Cinema World of OZU 1370.sjs No More Breakfast at Tiffany's (Re: So we cannot hire the A-team any 1371.sjs Re: No More Breakfast at Tiffany's (Re: So we cannot hire the A-team 1372.sjs How about STEADICAM ? 1373.sjs Re: So we cannot hire the A-team anymore 1374.sjs Re: NIGHT HEAD in cinema. Directory usenet/fj/rec/music: ============================== classicl\ Classical Music progrssv\ Progressive Music v8100\ V8100 v8200\ V8200 v8300\ V8300 v8400\ V8400 Directory usenet/fj/rec/music/classicl: ======================================= 1621.sjs Imformation of concert 1622.sjs Re: Opera "TURANDOT" 1623.sjs KIT sym. Concert 1624.sjs Re: Nara Symphony Orchestra the 26th. regular concert. 1625.sjs cheap CD of classic music 1626.sjs cheap CD of classic music 1627.sjs "Gendai PARIS no Gensou-Gaka tachi" (In Japanese) 1628.sjs Re: Choral Music in 20th Century (10 CDs) 1629.sjs 2 Chorus Concerts in HAMAMATSU 1630.sjs Re: cheap CD of classic music 1631.sjs Overture KAMEN 1632.sjs Re: Opera "TURANDOT" 1633.sjs Re: Choral Music in 20th Century (10 CDs) 1634.sjs Re: Opera "TURANDOT" 1635.sjs Re: Overture KAMEN 1636.sjs NEC Tamagawa 13th CONCERT 1637.sjs Re: cheap CD of classic music 1638.sjs Re: cheap CD of classic music 1639.sjs uec.orch.ensoukai 1640.sjs [Re: Opera "TURANDOT"] 1641.sjs Shinakan Harukon 1642.sjs Flute concert 1643.sjs [Q] Maurice Ravel 1644.sjs Re: cheap CD of classic music 1645.sjs [Re: [Re: Choral Music in 20th Century (10CDs)]] 1646.sjs Re: Opera "TURANDOT" 1647.sjs Pamphlet 1648.sjs Kronos in Search of Chang Tuners 1649.sjs concert information 1650.sjs Re: Composer Holliger 1651.sjs Re: 20th century opera 1652.sjs Kamome Gassoudan CONCERT Directory usenet/fj/rec/music/progrssv: ======================================= 492.sjs Re: Out-of-Print Teru's Symphonia's CD's are back. 493.sjs can box 494.sjs Re: Out-of-Print Teru's Symphonia's CD's are back. 495.sjs "JAPAN WAX" 1994 edition 496.sjs Picchio Dal Pozzo/ABBIAMO TUTTI I SUOI PROBLEMI 497.sjs Renaissance reissue CDs 498.sjs [Q] AVIARY 499.sjs Frech Jazz in Blue Note 500.sjs Re: Out-of-Print Teru's Symphonia's CD's are back. 501.sjs Re: Renaissance reissue CDs 502.sjs Debora Seffer (Re: Frech Jazz in Blue Note) 503.sjs Re: Out-of-Print Teru's Symphonia's CD's are back. 504.sjs Re: Out-of-Print Teru's Symphonia's CD's are back. Directory usenet/fj/rec/music/v8100: ==================================== 8134.sjs Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) is dead! 8135.sjs Mike Oldfield - Just One Night (2 CD-Set) 8136.sjs The Street Sliders Tour '94 8137.sjs VAI (In Japanese) 8138.sjs Brazilian stuff 8139.sjs Re: Live_Impression 8140.sjs Re: FROID ROSE unbalance 8141.sjs Re: [SALE]The Circle Tour in NAGOYA 8142.sjs FROID ROSE unbalance 8143.sjs MAILING LIST : Kylie Minogue 8144.sjs Re: [FSB] Affect on your brain 8145.sjs ticket for sale [CANDY DULFER] 8146.sjs Re: Cornelius 8147.sjs DIP & TheGroovers at HOSEI Univ. 8148.sjs Request for Info. 8149.sjs Re: BBM 8150.sjs Request for Info.-BackNo. Magazine $@8(JPlayer$@8(J 8151.sjs Re: FROID ROSE unbalance 8152.sjs [WANTED] B'z Concert Ticket (4/27 Mito) 8153.sjs Re: Brazilian stuff 8154.sjs hand-made speaker 8155.sjs Re: FROID ROSE unbalance 8156.sjs Re: FROID ROSE unbalance 8157.sjs Re: [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl-Excuse 8158.sjs Nirvana 8159.sjs Thank you -FROID ROSE unbalance- 8160.sjs Re: FROID ROSE unbalance 8161.sjs Re: [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl 8162.sjs [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl Saegan's "Cosmos" 8163.sjs Re: VAI (In Japanese) 8164.sjs Re: Brazilian stuff 8165.sjs Ticket INFO '94.4.13 8166.sjs wonderful days (UNICORN & Akiko YANO) 8167.sjs BBM 8168.sjs [Q] Tell me the artist who play "CHA-CHA-CHA de toe"? 8169.sjs Tsutomu Yamashita (was Re: [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl) 8170.sjs Re: [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl Saegan's "Cosmos" 8171.sjs Re: FROID ROSE unbalance 8172.sjs Re: [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl 8173.sjs [Q] Ton-Nan-Sha-Pei 8174.sjs Re: The Street Sliders Tour '94 8175.sjs Re: VAI (In Japanese) 8176.sjs Re: Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) is dead! 8177.sjs Re: Request for Info.-BackNo. Magazine $@8(JPlayer$@8(J 8178.sjs [Exchange] DREAMS COME TRUE Concert Ticket 8179.sjs Thanx! Summary of[Q]BGM in Carl Saegan's "Cosmos" 8180.sjs Re: [Quest][Synse or Fusion]BGM in Carl Saegan's "Cosmos" 8181.sjs Susumu Hirasawa AURORA TOUR 1994 8182.sjs [Q]Title of Song 8183.sjs Re: wonderful days (UNICORN & Akiko YANO) 8184.sjs Re: Nirvana 8185.sjs [sale]E.Guitar 8186.sjs Re: [Q]Title of Song 8187.sjs Re: BBM 8188.sjs TOSQ concert (5/15) 8189.sjs SUNTORY ROYAL CM MUSIC (Re: Thanx! Summary of[Q]BGM in Carl Saegan's 8190.sjs Thanx again!(Re: SUNTORY ROYAL CM MUSIC ) 8191.sjs Living Daylights soundtrack (James Bond) 8192.sjs Re: BBM 8193.sjs Re: hand-made speaker 8194.sjs Re: [Q] Ton-Nan-Sha-Pei 8195.sjs Concert info. 8196.sjs Motoharu Sano Live in Osaka (4/16) 8197.sjs Re: Motoharu Sano Live in Osaka (4/16) 8198.sjs Roland Guitar Synth. 8199.sjs History of Billy Joel Directory usenet/fj/rec/music/v8200: ==================================== 8200.sjs The Spinanes, etc 8201.sjs Motoharu Sano in Osaka Jo-Hall 8202.sjs Re: History of Billy Joel 8203.sjs Re: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (tm) - Soundtrack 8204.sjs [Exchange] DREAMS COME TRUE Concert Ticket 8205.sjs Re: [Q] Tell me the artist who play "CHA-CHA-CHA de toe"? 8206.sjs Page & Plant 8207.sjs Re: TOSQ concert (5/15) 8208.sjs Zard New CD 8209.sjs Ticket INFO '94.4.20 8210.sjs Okamura Takako 8211.sjs Teach me, cover of 'Ain't no mountain high enough' 8212.sjs Re: Zard New CD 8213.sjs ISATO NAKAGAWA 8214.sjs Re: Motoharu Sano Live in Osaka (4/16) 8215.sjs Re: History of Billy Joel 8216.sjs [SALE] Gil Evans LP & LD 8217.sjs Re: Teach me, cover of 'Ain't no mountain high enough' 8218.sjs Re: History of Billy Joel 8219.sjs Peter Barakan DJ 8220.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8221.sjs EdogawaCut 8222.sjs Re: Okamura Takako 8223.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8224.sjs Re: Question 8225.sjs MIDI support 8226.sjs T-Square New Album 8227.sjs TMN Breaking Up! 8228.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8229.sjs [Q]: about SAVATAGE (In Japanese/Kanji) 8230.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8231.sjs Re: [Q] Ton-Nan-Sha-Pei 8232.sjs [Q] music of TOYOTA CROWN 8233.sjs Michiya Haruhata and TMN 8234.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8235.sjs do me baby arigato 8236.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8237.sjs Re: [Q] music of TOYOTA CROWN 8238.sjs [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8239.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8240.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8241.sjs Re: Peter Barakan DJ 8242.sjs Hall & Oates 8243.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8244.sjs Re: [WANTED] B'z Concert Ticket 8245.sjs Re: Michiya Haruhata and TMN 8246.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8247.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8248.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8249.sjs Aerosmith 8250.sjs Re: [Q] Ton-Nan-Sha-Pei 8251.sjs NANPAO 8252.sjs Tack and Patty 8253.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8254.sjs Re: Dave Weckl New Album 8255.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8256.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8257.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8258.sjs Request for Info.-Blues Wooley & The Camera Club 8259.sjs Re: about do me baby 8260.sjs Dave Weckl New Album 8261.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8262.sjs [Result] JT Super Producers '94 Tichet (David Foster) 8263.sjs [LIVE]MOTO'lion'SANO in NAGOYA 8264.sjs Re: KoToZa 8265.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8266.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8267.sjs Re: [SALE] Gil Evans LP & LD 8268.sjs Callings (Paul Winter) 8269.sjs [Q]Yoshitugu Imai(Terra Rosa) 8270.sjs Re: [SALE] Gil Evans LP & LD 8271.sjs [Techno] Orbital will play on 4/30 at Shibuya ON AIR 8272.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8273.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8274.sjs about do me baby 8275.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8276.sjs MOTHEREARTH 8277.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8278.sjs Re: [LIVE]SANOMOTOHARU 'The Circle'Tour'93-'94 8279.sjs ONE NIGHT GIG SPECIAL (Re: T-Square New Album) 8280.sjs Re: [WANTED] B'z Concert Ticket 8281.sjs THE ALFEE Concert Report. 8282.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8283.sjs Re: Hall & Oates 8284.sjs Japanese lyrics 8285.sjs Re: [Techno] Orbital will play on 4/30 at Shibuya ON AIR 8286.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8287.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8288.sjs FREE CD!! 8289.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8290.sjs FREE CD!!! 8291.sjs Re: Steve Marriot 8292.sjs Horror Train is Waiting for You... 8293.sjs Steve Marriot 8294.sjs tachibana-ml 8295.sjs Re: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (tm) - Soundtrack 8296.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8297.sjs OZAKI'S COOKTAIL BAR 8298.sjs Re: Teach me, cover of 'Ain't no mountain high enough' 8299.sjs Re: OZAKI'S COOKTAIL BAR Directory usenet/fj/rec/music/v8300: ==================================== 8300.sjs Re: Steve Marriot 8301.sjs [LIVE]SANOMOTOHARU at MITA-FES 8302.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8303.sjs Re: Re: [LIVE]SANOMOTOHARU 'The Circle'Tour'93-'94 8304.sjs [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets 8305.sjs [WANT] Info about Used LP Record 8306.sjs [ticket] TAMA @MANDALA 8307.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8308.sjs Re: [Techno] 8309.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8310.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8311.sjs Re: [LIVE]SANOMOTOHARU 'The Circle'Tour'93-'94 8312.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8313.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8314.sjs Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8315.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8316.sjs Re: [Q] You and I 8317.sjs Re: History of Billy Joel 8318.sjs Re: Beer CM BGM 8319.sjs who killed... 8320.sjs PUNK 8321.sjs Re: [Q] You and I 8322.sjs [Q]Hiroko Souma 8323.sjs [Q] You and I 8324.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8325.sjs *Billy Joel* Just the way you are 8326.sjs THE ALFEE Infomation 8327.sjs Aerosmith Concert 8328.sjs Re: [Techno] Orbital will play on 4/30 at Shibuya ON AIR 8329.sjs Re: [Q] Everytime You Go Away 8330.sjs T-SQUARE vs CASIOPEA 8331.sjs [R]Sohma Hiroko 8332.sjs Re: Zard New CD 8333.sjs [SHOGO HAMADA] ON THE ROAD '94 in Hamamatsu 8334.sjs Re: [SHOGO HAMADA] ON THE ROAD '94 in Hamamatsu 8335.sjs TOSQ concert (5/15) 8336.sjs David Foster 4/27,28 8337.sjs Re: *Billy Joel* Just the way you are 8338.sjs Re: Beer CM BGM 8339.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8340.sjs yardbirds first LP 8341.sjs My favorite 8342.sjs CD OF JEAN MICHEL JARRE 8343.sjs [wanted] 5/5 waratte iitomo 8344.sjs Re: CD OF JEAN MICHEL JARRE 8345.sjs can box 8346.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8347.sjs Re: tachibana-ml 8348.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8349.sjs Re: [Techno] Orbital will play on 4/30 at Shibuya ON AIR 8350.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8351.sjs Roy Hargrove 5/7 8352.sjs Re: T-Square New Album 8353.sjs Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets 8354.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8355.sjs Re: ISATO NAKAGAWA 8356.sjs Re: CD OF JEAN MICHEL JARRE 8357.sjs Kenjiro Sakiya 8358.sjs Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets 8359.sjs Re: EdogawaCut 8360.sjs Re: CD OF JEAN MICHEL JARRE 8361.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8362.sjs "JAPAN WAX" 1994 edition 8363.sjs Re: CD OF JEAN MICHEL JARRE 8364.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8365.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8366.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8367.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8368.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8369.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8370.sjs Help, "Heartbeat Drummers" 8371.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8372.sjs [SHOGO HAMADA] ON THE ROAD '94 in Fukuoka 8373.sjs Super trivia (only for the musical gurus) 8374.sjs [Q]Beer CM 8375.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8376.sjs Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets 8377.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8378.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8380.sjs Re: [Q]Hiroko Souma 8381.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8382.sjs Re: THE ALFEE Infomation 8383.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8384.sjs [Shogo Hamada] ON THE ROAD '94 8385.sjs Re: [sale]E.Guitar 8386.sjs Thanks! 8387.sjs Re: [SHOGO HAMADA] ON THE ROAD '94 in Hamamatsu 8388.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8389.sjs Sakiya Kenjiro & Saito Yuki(Re: Thanks!) 8390.sjs Anthony Lun (Re: Thanks!) 8391.sjs Kameda Seiji (Re: Kenjiro Sakiya) 8392.sjs Wands 8393.sjs [EXCHANGE and WANTED] DREAMS COME TRUE Concert Ticket 8394.sjs [Q]Atti ga Yokohama 8395.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8396.sjs Re: Free ticket ( CHEAP TRICK ) 8397.sjs Re: Wands 8398.sjs ROTTEN HATS (Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets) 8399.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert Directory usenet/fj/rec/music/v8400: ==================================== 8400.sjs Re: [Q] You and I 8401.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 8402.sjs kamisama no houseki.. 8403.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8404.sjs Re: David Foster 4/27,28 8405.sjs Re: Kameda Seiji (Re: Kenjiro Sakiya) 8406.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8407.sjs Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets 8408.sjs Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets 8409.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8410.sjs Re: Wands 8411.sjs Re: Wands 8412.sjs Re: Wands 8413.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 8414.sjs Re: Wands 8415.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8416.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8417.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8418.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 8419.sjs Would you help me drive my nightmare? 8420.sjs Ticket INFO '94.5.13 (Re: BBM) 8421.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 8422.sjs Re: What name is this music?? 8423.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8424.sjs [WANTED]:Singers:A Cappella(KANSAI) 8425.sjs Re: CD OF JEAN MICHEL JARRE 8426.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8427.sjs Re: What name is this music?? 8428.sjs Re: Wands 8429.sjs Wanted Info. 05/03 Zabadak 8430.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8431.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8432.sjs Re: What name is this music?? 8433.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8434.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8435.sjs "Weird Al" Slander 8436.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8437.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 8438.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8439.sjs BOSTON 8440.sjs Re: [Techno] Orbital will play on 4/30 at Shibuya ON AIR 8441.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8442.sjs What name is this music?? 8443.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8444.sjs Re: Ticket INFO '94.5.13 (Re: BBM) 8445.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8446.sjs Re: Yuko Yamaguchi 8447.sjs Re: [Techno] Orbital will play on 4/30 at Shibuya ON AIR 8448.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8449.sjs Debora Seffer (Re: Frech Jazz in Blue Note) 8450.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8451.sjs Re: Kenjiro Sakiya 8452.sjs [Q] Sting live CD (BOOT) 8453.sjs Q about G. Winston 8454.sjs DAVID BOWIE 8455.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8456.sjs Re: Q about G. Winston 8457.sjs CHEAP TRICK (Re: BOSTON) 8458.sjs ?score 8459.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8460.sjs Patricia Kaas 8461.sjs [Q] Aerosmith Set-List 8462.sjs Re: BOSTON 8463.sjs Re: [Q] Aerosmith Set-List 8464.sjs Re: Ultramarine (Re: [Techno]) 8465.sjs Re: Aerosmith Concert 8466.sjs Hello 8467.sjs Nightnoise 8468.sjs SO-FI 8469.sjs [EXCHANGE and WANTED] DREAMS COME TRUE Concert ticket 8470.sjs B'z 8471.sjs Re: [Shogo Hamada] ON THE ROAD '94 8472.sjs [Techno] alt.rave FAQ 8473.sjs [Q] Judy Collins 8474.sjs Re: History of Billy Joel 8475.sjs Shirai Takako 8476.sjs Re: SO-FI 8477.sjs Re: [WANTED] Ozawa Kenji Live Tickets Directory usenet/fj/rec/mystery: ================================ 406.sjs KINKAKUJINOSANGEKI 407.sjs [forsale] books 408.sjs Re: best mistery 409.sjs Re: Bookstore of Mystery 410.sjs Question 411.sjs Re: Question 412.sjs Re: Question 413.sjs FuruhataNinzaburoh 414.sjs Rampo Zenshu 415.sjs Re: Rampo Zenshu 416.sjs Re: Rampo Zenshu 417.sjs Re: Rampo Zenshu 418.sjs Re: Rampo Zenshu 419.sjs Re: KINKAKUJINOSANGEKI 420.sjs Re: FuruhataNinzaburoh 421.sjs Re: KINKAKUJINOSANGEKI 422.sjs Re: Bookstore of Mystery 423.sjs Ellery Queen Mystery Mag. 424.sjs Re: Rampo Zenshu 425.sjs "Yaneura no sanpo-sha" 426.sjs "Oshie to tabi suru otoko" 427.sjs Re: "Yaneura no sanpo-sha" Directory usenet/fj/rec/pachinko: ================================= 691.sjs tunatori monogatari 692.sjs tsunatori monogatari 693.sjs tunatori monogatari 694.sjs tsunatori monogatari 695.sjs Re: SORRY! This is test. Please Ignore. 696.sjs tets (In Japanese) 697.sjs Re: test (In Japanese) 698.sjs Re: test (In Japanese/Kanji) 699.sjs test (In Japanese/Kanji) 700.sjs 7-11 777 701.sjs dangan monogatari 702.sjs Re: dangan monogatari Directory usenet/fj/rec/pets: ============================= 637.sjs Re: Puppy 638.sjs dead or alive[dog] 639.sjs beginner question 640.sjs [aqua][breeding] angel fish 641.sjs Re: beginner question 642.sjs fish sato-oya 643.sjs Re: [aqua][breeding] angel fish 644.sjs Re: [CAT]keiren... 645.sjs Re: Re:EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori no Kanren 646.sjs My sickly guppies... 647.sjs Re: [AQUA]color-tetra 648.sjs [AQUA]color-tetra 649.sjs Re: [AQUA]color-tetra 650.sjs [Cat]cats like laver? 651.sjs wanted cat 652.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 653.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 654.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 655.sjs Re: My sickly guppies... 656.sjs Re: My sickly guppies... 657.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 658.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 659.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 660.sjs [AQUA] water plants 661.sjs [AQUA] Tanganica 662.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 663.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 664.sjs Re: [AQUA] Tanganica 665.sjs Re: [AQUA] water plants 666.sjs Re: [AQUA] water plants 667.sjs Re: [Cat]cats like laver? 668.sjs puppies Directory usenet/fj/rec/photo: ============================== 2137.sjs camera recommended 2138.sjs Re: quick shoe (Re: tripod) 2139.sjs [SALE] Photomic Finder for Nikon F2 2140.sjs Re: tripod 2141.sjs Re: tripod 2142.sjs Re: camera recommended 2143.sjs Re: camera recommended 2144.sjs Re: camera recommended 2145.sjs Re: camera recommended 2146.sjs a cross section 2147.sjs Re: camera recommended 2148.sjs Un-dai 2149.sjs Money 2150.sjs Re: tripod 2151.sjs Re.Un-dai 2152.sjs Re: camera recommended 2153.sjs Re: camera recommended 2154.sjs Re: camera recommended 2155.sjs Re: camera recommended 2156.sjs Re: camera recommended 2157.sjs Re: camera recommended 2158.sjs Re: camera recommended 2159.sjs Re: camera recommended 2160.sjs Re: camera recommended 2161.sjs Re: Un-dai 2162.sjs Re: tripod 2163.sjs Re: camera recommended 2164.sjs Re: camera recommended 2165.sjs Re: tripod 2166.sjs Re: tripod 2167.sjs Re: tripod 2168.sjs Re: tripod 2169.sjs Re: camera recommended 2170.sjs Re: camera recommended 2171.sjs Re: tripod 2172.sjs Re: tripod 2173.sjs eye touch 2174.sjs Re: tripod 2175.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2176.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2177.sjs [FORSALE]Camera&Lens(Pentax SV & 55mm/F1.8) 2178.sjs Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2179.sjs question about Sokuryo 2180.sjs Film Format (Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data) 2181.sjs Re: [FORSALE]Camera&Lens(Pentax SV & 55mm/F1.8) 2182.sjs Re: Film Format (Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2183.sjs [RESULT]:[FORSALE]Camera&Lens(Pentax SV & 55mm/F1.8) 2184.sjs Re: Film Format (Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2185.sjs Worth of KALIMAR 35mm SLR Camera Outfit 2186.sjs Re: tripod 2187.sjs Re: [FORSALE]Camera&Lens(Pentax SV & 55mm/F1.8) 2188.sjs Re: [FORSALE]Camera&Lens(Pentax SV & 55mm/F1.8) 2189.sjs Nikon Camera Maintenance Inc. 2190.sjs undai(Re: tripod) 2191.sjs Re: [FORSALE]Camera&Lens(Pentax SV & 55mm/F1.8) 2192.sjs Q about Fuji NS160 Film 2193.sjs Re: Q about Fuji NS160 Film 2194.sjs Re: Q about Fuji NS160 Film 2195.sjs Re: tripod 2196.sjs Re: Film Format 2197.sjs Re: Film Format 2199.sjs Re: Q about Fuji NS160 Film 2200.sjs Re: tripod 2201.sjs Re: Film Format (Re: [Seeking] Convertor Posi-Film to computer data 2202.sjs Re: Q about Fuji NS160 Film 2203.sjs Re: Genkan(in Jap/Kaji) 2204.sjs C-PL etc 2205.sjs Re: C-PL etc 2206.sjs Re: Q about Fuji NS160 Film 2207.sjs Re: Genkan 2208.sjs Re: Genkan(in Jap/Kaji) Directory usenet/fj/rec/play: ============================= 330.sjs Re: Noda Hideki 331.sjs [Wanted] Annie 332.sjs Dai-rokkan jimusho 333.sjs Re: godo wo matinagara 334.sjs Re: godo wo matinagara 335.sjs Re: Noda Hideki 336.sjs Re: godo wo matinagara 337.sjs Re: godo wo matinagara 338.sjs Re: godo wo matinagara 339.sjs Re: info about sike 340.sjs Re: Caramel Box's Alone Again. 341.sjs [Sweet Home] please exchange... 342.sjs Re: [Sweet Home] please exchange... 343.sjs [CaramelBox] Kamikawa 344.sjs Nikkan tobikiri rakugokai 345.sjs Yu Mi-ri (Re: [Sweet Home] please exchange...) 346.sjs [zubanukete...]&[sho-ma]&[caramel] 347.sjs Re: [zubanukete...]&[sho-ma]&[caramel] 348.sjs Re: [zubanukete...]&[sho-ma]&[caramel] 349.sjs Re: [zubanukete...]&[sho-ma]&[caramel] 350.sjs [duel sisters] H C E 351.sjs [Sweet Home] ticket forsale (Re: Yu Mi-ri) 352.sjs Re: 3gatsu no kansou 353.sjs Re: [zubanukete...]&[sho-ma]&[caramel] 354.sjs Walking Stuff, Otona Keikaku etc. 355.sjs [Shinkansen][banzai_ichiza] 356.sjs Re: 3gatsu no kansou 357.sjs Katou Kenichi 358.sjs Re: [Sweet Home] ticket forsale 359.sjs Chihara-Kyoudai event 360.sjs Re: 1980 (Re: 3gatsu no kansou) 361.sjs Re: [zubanukete...]&[sho-ma]&[caramel] 362.sjs 1980 (Re: 3gatsu no kansou) 363.sjs [FOR SALE] project navi --- lost game 364.sjs Re: [FOR SALE] project navi --- lost game Directory usenet/fj/rec/radio: ============================== 246.sjs Re: anime-radio 247.sjs Re: anime-radio 248.sjs Re: anime-radio 249.sjs Re: anime-radio 250.sjs Re: anime-radio 251.sjs Re: anime-radio 252.sjs Re: Pack-In-Music 253.sjs futatuno Radio 254.sjs Re: anime-radio 255.sjs [Q] Tell me the artist who play "CHA-CHA-CHA de toe"? 256.sjs Re: anime-radio 257.sjs TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 258.sjs [wanted] DENKI GROOPU 259.sjs Re: anime-radio 260.sjs Re: TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshim 261.sjs Re: TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshim 262.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 263.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 264.sjs Re: futatuno Radio 265.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 266.sjs Re: futatuno Radio 267.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 268.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 269.sjs Re: TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshim 270.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 271.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 272.sjs Re: [Q] Tell me the artist who play "CHA-CHA-CHA de toe"? 273.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 274.sjs Re: J-WAVE(April 1) 275.sjs Re: futatuno Radio 276.sjs G-Station 277.sjs Re: POWER UP? HAMARAJI and FM SENDAI 278.sjs Re: G-Station 279.sjs April KAIHEN SOKUHOU-BAN 280.sjs anikin freedom No.5 yokoku / =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTT05cBsoQiA=?= 281.sjs Re: Overseas Schedule(Japanese) 282.sjs Overseas Schedule(Japanese) 283.sjs Equasions / program for designing Jpole antennas for VHF or UHF Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail: ============================= v10500\ fj.rec.rail V10500 v10600\ fj.rec.rail V10600 v10700\ fj.rec.rail V10700 v10800\ fj.rec.rail V10800 v10900\ fj.rec.rail V10900 v11000\ fj.rec.rail V11000 Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail/v10500: ==================================== 10593.sjs [Keikyu] Saturday & Holiday Time 10594.sjs Re: diagram 10595.sjs Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stock 10596.sjs Re: Kyoto Trum (was Re: Sharyou no Koukan) 10597.sjs Re: Q: Railway fare in Europe 10598.sjs Female Drivers 10599.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail/v10600: ==================================== 10600.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10601.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10602.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10603.sjs Re: LED displays 10604.sjs Re: LED 10605.sjs ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10606.sjs [KEIO] jaku reibou sha 10607.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B-shindai (Re: diagram) 10608.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10609.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10610.sjs TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10611.sjs Watashi no tabi STAMP 10612.sjs Re: The same station name (Re: LED displays) 10613.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10614.sjs [TRTA] jaku reibou sha (Re: [KEIO] jaku reibou sha) 10615.sjs Re: LED 10616.sjs Re: [KEIO] jaku reibou sha 10617.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10618.sjs Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stock 10619.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10620.sjs tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stock) 10621.sjs Re: Yokohama-line trouble ?? 10622.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10623.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10624.sjs Re: [KEIO] jaku reibou sha 10625.sjs [KEIO] 3/22 diagram Kaisei 10626.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10627.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10628.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10629.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10630.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10631.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10632.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10633.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B-shindai 10634.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B-shindai (Re: diagram) 10635.sjs Re: The same station name 10636.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10637.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10638.sjs [Diagram] Ueno/Tokyo -> Sapporo (Re: Reduction of dining cars) 10639.sjs Wo ist DB ? 10640.sjs [Result] Seisyun 18 kippu 10641.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10642.sjs [Q]tetsudo museum 10643.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10644.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10645.sjs Re: [Diagram] Ueno/Tokyo -> Sapporo (Re: Reduction of dining cars) 10646.sjs Re: [TRTA] jaku reibou sha (Re: [KEIO] jaku reibou sha) 10647.sjs Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stock 10648.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10649.sjs push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10650.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10651.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10652.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10653.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10654.sjs Re: Yokohama-line trouble ?? 10655.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10656.sjs Exp "HAMANASU" from MORIOKA to SAPPORO 10657.sjs Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stock 10658.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10659.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10660.sjs Re: [Q]tetsudo museum 10661.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10662.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10663.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10664.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10665.sjs power-concentrated trains 10666.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10667.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10668.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10669.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10670.sjs Re: Sharyou no Koukan 10671.sjs Re: [Diagram] Ueno/Tokyo -> Sapporo (Re: Reduction of dining cars) 10672.sjs Re: Exp "HAMANASU" from MORIOKA to SAPPORO 10673.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10674.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10675.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B-shindai (Re: diagram) 10676.sjs Re: Yokohama-line trouble ?? 10677.sjs [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10678.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10679.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10680.sjs Re: power-concentrated trains 10681.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10682.sjs Re: The same station name 10683.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10684.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10685.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10686.sjs keikyuu 600 10687.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10688.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10689.sjs Re: keikyuu 600 10690.sjs Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN] 10691.sjs TRTA (Re: TRTA 03) 10692.sjs Re: {TOKYO-Metro]ROSEN BANGO(Re: Shin-tamagawa line) 10693.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10694.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10695.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10696.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10697.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10698.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10699.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail/v10700: ==================================== 10700.sjs Exp. Aomori 10701.sjs JR-W's Platform Ticket 10702.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10703.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10704.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10705.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10706.sjs Kaisei Line 10707.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10708.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10709.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10710.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10711.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10712.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10713.sjs Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10714.sjs Re: diagram 10715.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10716.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10717.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10718.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10719.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10720.sjs Re: crossing 10721.sjs Re: Kaisei Line 10722.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10723.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10724.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10725.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B-shindai 10726.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10727.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10728.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10729.sjs Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10730.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10731.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10732.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10733.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10734.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10735.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10736.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10737.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10738.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10739.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10740.sjs Thank you [Q]tetsudo museum 10741.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10742.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10743.sjs Re: Reduction of dining cars(was Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN]) 10744.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10745.sjs Re: JR-W's Platform Ticket 10746.sjs Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN] 10747.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10748.sjs Re: Kaisei Line 10749.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10750.sjs Re: LED 10751.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10752.sjs Re: [Diagram] Ueno/Tokyo -> Sapporo (Re: Reduction of dining cars) 10753.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10754.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10755.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10756.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10757.sjs Re: tsurikawa 10758.sjs pushpull train 10759.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10760.sjs Re: yakushima 10761.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10762.sjs Asakaze dining car 10763.sjs Re: JR-W's Platform Ticket 10764.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10765.sjs Re: pushpull train 10766.sjs Re: Asakaze dining car 10767.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10768.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10769.sjs Diesel Car (Re: Female Drivers) 10770.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10771.sjs Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10772.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10773.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10774.sjs Tokyo sta 10775.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10776.sjs Re: [KEIO] 3/22 diagram Kaisei 10777.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10778.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10779.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10780.sjs Re: Female Drivers 10781.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10782.sjs Re: [Car] M-sya, T-sya ? (Re: power-concentrated trains) 10783.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10784.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10785.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10786.sjs Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10787.sjs Re: Tokyo sta 10788.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10789.sjs Re: tsurikawa (Re: Blue Ribbon & Laurel Prize nominated rolling stoc 10790.sjs Blue Train 10791.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10792.sjs Re: Blue Train 10793.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10794.sjs Double track in Europe (Re: ED 500) 10795.sjs Re: Blue Train 10796.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10797.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10798.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10799.sjs Seibu Line Question Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail/v10800: ==================================== 10800.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10801.sjs oikoshi-sen (Re: ED 500 /Re: diagram) 10802.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10803.sjs Re: Blue Train 10804.sjs Kintetsu 10805.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10806.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10807.sjs Re: Blue Train 10808.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10809.sjs Keihan 6014 10810.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10811.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10812.sjs Re: Blue Train 10813.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10814.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10815.sjs Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN] 10816.sjs Series 40DC (was Re: Series 120DC) 10817.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10818.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10819.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10820.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10821.sjs Takasaki Sta. 10822.sjs EC 207 Series (Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10823.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10824.sjs Re: Diesel Car (Re: Female Drivers) 10825.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10826.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10827.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10828.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10829.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10830.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10831.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10832.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10833.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10834.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10835.sjs Re: Keihan 6014 10836.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10837.sjs Re: pushpull train 10838.sjs Re: [KEIO] 3/22 diagram Kaisei 10839.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10840.sjs Re: Blue Train 10841.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10842.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10843.sjs Re: [KEIO] 3/22 diagram Kaisei 10844.sjs Re: Report[281DC & 183NNN] 10845.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10846.sjs Re: push-pull train ? (Re: ED 500) 10847.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10848.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10849.sjs Re: Keihan 6014 10850.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10851.sjs combo-single track 10852.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10853.sjs Re: oikoshi-sen (Re: ED 500 /Re: diagram) 10854.sjs Ginga (Re: Blue Train 10855.sjs Re: Blue Train 10856.sjs Re: tsurikawa 10857.sjs Re: pushpull train 10858.sjs Eidan norikae(Re: Kintetsu) 10859.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10860.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10861.sjs Re: combo-single track 10862.sjs [Rail] Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10863.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10864.sjs Re: combo-single track 10865.sjs Re: combo-single track 10866.sjs [Car] Shindai 20kei (Re: Exp. Aomori) 10867.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10868.sjs Re: tsurikawa 10869.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10870.sjs Re: Kintetsu 10871.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 10872.sjs Re: TRTA 03 (Re: LED) 10873.sjs [Car] push-pull train, 215-kei, ... 10874.sjs [Car] Densya B shindai : Upper or Middle 10875.sjs Re: Blue Train 10876.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10877.sjs Re: Asakaze dining car 10878.sjs Re: tsurikawa 10879.sjs Re: [Car] Shindai 20kei (Re: Exp. Aomori) 10880.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10881.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10882.sjs Re: Asakaze dining car 10883.sjs Re: [Car] Shindai 20kei (Re: Exp. Aomori) 10884.sjs France & U.K tunnel 10885.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10886.sjs Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10887.sjs Re: Series 120DC(was Re: Female Drivers) 10888.sjs Which side a driver is in a car? 10889.sjs Re: Which side a driver is in a car? 10890.sjs Re: BASHODAI?! 10891.sjs wireless IC card commuter removed 10892.sjs Re: Eidan norikae(Re: Kintetsu) 10893.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 10894.sjs [KEIO]'94 new car(s) 10895.sjs Re: Yokohama-line trouble ?? 10896.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10897.sjs Re: oikoshi-sen (Re: ED 500 /Re: diagram) 10898.sjs Re: [Car] Shindai 20kei (Re: Exp. Aomori) 10899.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B shindai : Upper or Middle Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail/v10900: ==================================== 10900.sjs Re: Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 10901.sjs Re: Double Clutch (Re: Female Drivers) 10902.sjs Re: Asakaze dining car 10903.sjs Re: ED 500 (Re: diagram) 10904.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10905.sjs Re: electro-steam loco. ??? 10906.sjs Re: Yokohama-line trouble ?? 10907.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10908.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 10909.sjs Re: combo-single track 10910.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B shindai : Upper or Middle 10911.sjs Re: [KEIO]7012F 10912.sjs Re: [KEIO]3029F etc. 10913.sjs Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10914.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10915.sjs Re: [KEIO]'94 new car(s) 10916.sjs Re: Blue Train 10917.sjs Shinagawa no kenbaiki 10918.sjs Re: wireless IC card commuter removed 10919.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10920.sjs Re: wireless IC card commuter removed 10921.sjs Re: combo-single track 10922.sjs electro-steam loco. ??? 10923.sjs Re: [Car] push-pull train, 215-kei, ... 10924.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10925.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10926.sjs High speed train (Re: ED 500) 10927.sjs Re: combo-single track 10928.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10929.sjs [KEIO]7012F 10930.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10931.sjs Re: Yokohama-line trouble ?? 10932.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10933.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10934.sjs Re: [Car] push-pull train, 215-kei, ... 10935.sjs Re: combo-single track 10936.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10937.sjs Re: combo-single track 10938.sjs Re: combo-single track 10939.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10940.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10941.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10942.sjs [KEIO] 8000 10943.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10944.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10945.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10946.sjs Re: combo-single track 10947.sjs comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 10948.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10949.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10950.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10951.sjs [KEIO]3029F etc. 10952.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10953.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10954.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10955.sjs Re: Temawarihin ticket (Re: Seibu line) 10956.sjs Re: Tansen Heiretsu 10957.sjs Re: comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 10958.sjs Re: comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 10959.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10960.sjs Re: clutch (was Re: Female Drivers) 10961.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 10962.sjs Re: [Car] push-pull train, 215-kei, ... 10963.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B shindai : Upper or Middle 10964.sjs Re: Beijin-Berlin 10965.sjs Re: comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 10966.sjs Re: comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 10967.sjs Re: wireless IC card commuter removed 10968.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10969.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10970.sjs Re: [KEIO]7012F 10971.sjs Re: Asakaze dining car 10972.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10973.sjs Re: [Car] Shindai 20kei (Re: Exp. Aomori) 10974.sjs Re: wireless IC card commuter removed 10975.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10976.sjs Kitaguni & Aomori (Re: Excursion ticket to... 10977.sjs Re: Kitaguni & Aomori (Re: Excursion ticket to... 10978.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10979.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 10980.sjs Green Counter 10981.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B shindai : Upper or Middle 10982.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10983.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10984.sjs Re: Mukou-gaoka yuuen monorail 10985.sjs Re: [KEIO] 8000 10986.sjs Re: [Car] Densya B shindai : Upper or Middle 10987.sjs Re: Beijin-Berlin 10988.sjs [US] narrow SL at Yosemite 10989.sjs Re: GW (Ginga & Kitaguni) Report 10990.sjs GW (Ginga & Kitaguni) Report 10991.sjs Re: [KEIO] 8000 10992.sjs Re: GW (Ginga & Kitaguni) Report 10993.sjs Re: wireless IC card commuter removed 10994.sjs Re: Seibu Line Question 10995.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 10996.sjs Re: comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 10997.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 10998.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 10999.sjs Re: Kintetsu Directory usenet/fj/rec/rail/v11000: ==================================== 11000.sjs Re: wireless IC card commuter removed 11001.sjs Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11002.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11003.sjs Re: GW (Ginga & Kitaguni) Report 11004.sjs TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11005.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11006.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11007.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11008.sjs Re: comparison between 2000DC and 281DC 11009.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11010.sjs Stopover (Re: Kintetsu 11011.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11012.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11013.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11014.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 11015.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11016.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11017.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11018.sjs Re: Excursion ticket to Kita_Kyushu. 11019.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11020.sjs Tyokutsu ressya (Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo) 11021.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11022.sjs Re: oikoshi-sen (Re: ED 500 /Re: diagram) 11023.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 11024.sjs Re: Stopover (Re: Kintetsu 11025.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11026.sjs Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11027.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11028.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11029.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11030.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11031.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11032.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11033.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11034.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11035.sjs Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket 11036.sjs sunagawa-line 11037.sjs Re: Tocyu Jyosya( Re: Go Yamagata by Sendai mini excursion ticket ) 11038.sjs Re: oikoshi-sen (Re: ED 500 /Re: diagram) 11039.sjs Re: Stopover (Re: Kintetsu 11040.sjs odakyu(hon-atsugi) - sotetsu (Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo) 11041.sjs questions about 'shinai-eki' 11042.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11043.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11044.sjs [hanshin] updated news 11045.sjs Re: sunagawa-line 11046.sjs Re: sunagawa-line 11047.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11048.sjs Re: TO-B<<-Isesaki->>Ryomo 11049.sjs Re: sunagawa-line 11050.sjs Re: sunagawa-line 11051.sjs RENRAKU KIPPU 11052.sjs Re: Seibu line (Re: tsurikawa) 11053.sjs Re: sunagawa-line 11054.sjs Re: RENRAKU KIPPU Directory usenet/fj/rec/sf: =========================== 1954.sjs Re: Whale in Space 1955.sjs Re: Book List Fix 1956.sjs Re: THE HACKER CRACKDOWN 1957.sjs Re: Book List Fix 1958.sjs Re: Book List Fix 1959.sjs Re: Whale in Space 1960.sjs Book List Fix 1961.sjs Frage (Re: Book List Fix) 1962.sjs Re: [WANTED] Re: ajima-Q 1963.sjs Re: Frage (Re: Book List Fix) 1964.sjs Re: New Galdeen(?) coming soon (??) 1965.sjs Re: Frage (Re: Book List Fix) 1966.sjs [WANTED] ajima-Q 1967.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1968.sjs Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1969.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1970.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1971.sjs Re: [WANTED] Re: ajima-Q 1972.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1973.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1974.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1975.sjs Re: [WANTED] Re: ajima-Q 1976.sjs Re: Ich wei\ss nicht (Re: Frage) 1977.sjs ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1978.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1979.sjs cyber space 1980.sjs Re: cyber space 1981.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1982.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1983.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1984.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1985.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1986.sjs Mospeada ROBOTECH toy available 1987.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1988.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1989.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1990.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1991.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1992.sjs Re: [Guin Saga] 43 1993.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1994.sjs Re: ST:TNG: Fuji's first broadcast 1995.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1996.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1997.sjs Re: I love TNG! 1998.sjs Deja Q (ST:TNG Episode-number: 161) 1999.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2000.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2001.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2002.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2003.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2004.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2005.sjs I love TNG! 2006.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2007.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2008.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2009.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2010.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2011.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2012.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2013.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2014.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2015.sjs ST:TNG shopping in US 2016.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2017.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2018.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2019.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2020.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2021.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2022.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2023.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2024.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2025.sjs Re: ST:TNG shopping in US 2026.sjs Re: ST:TNG shopping in US 2027.sjs Re: I love TNG! 2028.sjs Re: Galdeen "Daishusse." & Starlight Dandy (New) 2029.sjs Re: Modification of original works 2030.sjs Re: ST:TNG shopping in US 2031.sjs Re: Galdeen "Daishusse." & Starlight Dandy (New) 2032.sjs Galdeen "Daishusse." & Starlight Dandy (New) 2033.sjs Canadian TV Spring 94 2034.sjs Re: ST:TNG shopping in US 2035.sjs Star Trek: The Official Fan Club (Re: ST:TNG shopping in US) 2036.sjs FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2037.sjs (ST) to boldly go... 2038.sjs Re: FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2039.sjs Re: (ST) to boldly go... 2040.sjs Re: FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2041.sjs Re: FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2042.sjs Trekkie 2043.sjs The Garden of RAMA 2044.sjs Re: The Garden of RAMA 2045.sjs Re: The Garden of RAMA 2046.sjs Re: The Garden of RAMA 2047.sjs Re: The Garden of RAMA 2048.sjs Re: FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2049.sjs Re: FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2050.sjs Life 2051.sjs Re: The Garden of RAMA 2052.sjs ST:TNG:the newest LD 2053.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 2054.sjs Re: Life 2055.sjs Re: Life 2056.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 2057.sjs Re: Life 2058.sjs Re: Life 2059.sjs Re: Life 2060.sjs Re: Life 2061.sjs Re: Life 2062.sjs Re: Life 2063.sjs Re: Life 2064.sjs Re: Life 2065.sjs Re: Life 2066.sjs Re: Life 2067.sjs Re: Life 2068.sjs Re: FTP site of Perry Rhodan 2069.sjs Perry Rhodan 200 !! 2070.sjs Re: Life 2071.sjs Book List Fix 2072.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 2073.sjs Re: Life 2074.sjs Re: Perry Rhodan 200 !! 2075.sjs Re: Life 2076.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 2077.sjs Re: Life 2078.sjs Re: Life 2079.sjs Re: Life 2080.sjs Re: Life 2081.sjs Re: Life 2082.sjs Re: Perry Rhodan 200 !! Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports: =============================== american\ American Sports baseball\ Baseball basketb\ Basketball golf\ Golf keiba\ Horse Racing prowrest\ Pro Wrestling rugby\ Rugby ski\ Skiing soccer\ Soccer 1129.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1130.sjs [ORIENTEERING] Bee Bee Bee! 1131.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1132.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1133.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1134.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1135.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1136.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1137.sjs [Alpine] Re: 100meizan 1138.sjs [basketball] Player's Number 1139.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1140.sjs LifeSaving Champs 1141.sjs Re: [ORIENTEERING] Bee Bee Bee! 1142.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1143.sjs [SUMO] SUMO WORLD 1144.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1145.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1146.sjs Re: [Ice Hockey]World Championships 1147.sjs Hidarimawari 1148.sjs Re: Hidarimawari 1149.sjs Re: Hidarimawari 1150.sjs Re: Hidarimawari 1151.sjs [SUMO] Natsu Basho 1152.sjs Re: [ice hockey] icing 1153.sjs previous (Re: [Ice hockey] WC94) 1154.sjs Tell me Roller Hockey School 1155.sjs Re: [Ice hockey] WC94 1156.sjs Nikkan-sports(5/6) 1157.sjs [Ice hockey] WC94 1158.sjs [SUMO] Natsubasyo 5nichime 1159.sjs [SUMO] 8nichime on natsubasyo Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/american: ======================================== football\ Football Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/american/football: ================================================= 428.sjs Free-agent movement 429.sjs Re: Free-agent movement 430.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 431.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 432.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 433.sjs [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 434.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 435.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 436.sjs Coca-Cola Bowl Canceled? [NCAA] 437.sjs Re: Free-agent movement Part2 438.sjs Re: Free-agent movement Part2 439.sjs Re: Washington QB 440.sjs Re: Free-agent movement Part2 441.sjs Re: Free-agent movement Part2 442.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 443.sjs Re: Free-agent movement Part2 444.sjs Re: Free-agent movement Part2 445.sjs Draft, First 2 Rounds [NFL] 446.sjs Re: NFL on NTV 447.sjs Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9 448.sjs Draft [NFL] 449.sjs NFL Draft 1st round 450.sjs question 451.sjs Kan-Sen-Ki (Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9) 452.sjs [NFL] Draft 1st and 2nd round picks 453.sjs Re: NFL on NTV 454.sjs Re: NFL Draft 1st round 455.sjs Charlie Ward 456.sjs Re: Charlie Ward 457.sjs Re: Kan-Sen-Ki (Re: [Kansai Gakusei '94] Flush Bowl Series 4/9) 458.sjs NFL on NTV 459.sjs Re: [NFL] ready for 2-point conversion 460.sjs Re: Charlie Ward 461.sjs Bono to rejoin Montana at Kansas City 462.sjs [NFL] 1994 schedule 463.sjs Re: [NFL] 1994 schedule Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/baseball: ======================================== v2600\ v2600 v2700\ v2700 v2800\ v2800 v2900\ v2900 Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/baseball/v2600: ============================================== 2643.sjs [Scores] 4/9 Sat OPEN GAMES 2644.sjs fj MVP & RMVP 2646.sjs Re: [TV] L vs B 2647.sjs [Scores] 4/10 Sun 2648.sjs [TV] L vs B 2649.sjs Ichiro,Punch,Hata 2650.sjs Re: [Q] non-reserved seats in Tokyo Dome 2651.sjs SEISEKI [-04/12] 2652.sjs Re: [TV] L vs B 2653.sjs Re: [TV] L vs B 2654.sjs Re: [TV] L vs B 2655.sjs [Scores] 4/12 Tue = 3 Games = 2656.sjs Opening Game : G vs C (4/9,4/10) 2657.sjs Re: Kobayakawa's Home Run 2658.sjs hatsutoukou 2659.sjs Re: [TV] L vs B 2660.sjs Wanted: Result of Pro-baseball (Kanji) 2661.sjs hosatsu & shisatsu 2662.sjs Re: [Scores] 4/14 Thu 2663.sjs [Scores] 4/14 Thu 2664.sjs Re: [Scores] 4/14 Thu 2665.sjs Re: please tell me 2666.sjs [TV program] CARP : Tsuda --> Change!!(Re: [TV] CARP : Tsuda) 2667.sjs Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2668.sjs SEISEKI [-04/14] 2669.sjs Furuta(S) got injured (Re: SEISEKI [-04/14]) 2670.sjs Re: SEISEKI [-04/14] 2671.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2672.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2673.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2674.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2675.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2676.sjs 4mvp 2677.sjs Re: please tell me 2678.sjs TV (Re: [TV] L vs B) 2679.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2680.sjs [Scores] 4/16 Sat 2681.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2682.sjs [Scores] 4/15 Fri 2683.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2684.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2685.sjs Re: Opening Game : G vs C (4/9,4/10) 2686.sjs fuseji (Re: hosatsu & shisatsu) 2687.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2688.sjs 4/16 M vs H (Chiba Marine) 2689.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2690.sjs Last switch-hitting mvp 2691.sjs Last switch-hitting mvp 2692.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2693.sjs Re: Opening Game : G vs C (4/9,4/10) 2694.sjs Pitcher in Braves(Re: [4mvp] 150th win) 2695.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2696.sjs Yabu 2697.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2698.sjs SEISEKI [-04/20] 2699.sjs VR Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/baseball/v2700: ============================================== 2700.sjs Powerful Baseball 2701.sjs Re: Powerful Baseball 2702.sjs Re: Dou-age 2703.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2704.sjs Re: TV (Re: [TV] L vs B) 2705.sjs [4mvp] 150th win 2706.sjs Re: Back Number 109! 2707.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2708.sjs Re: Dou-age 2709.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2710.sjs [Scores] 4/21 Thu 2711.sjs Re: Pitcher in Braves(Re: [4mvp] 150th win) 2712.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2713.sjs Re: hara question 2714.sjs Re: TV (Re: [TV] L vs B) 2715.sjs Re: Pitcher in Braves(Re: [4mvp] 150th win) 2716.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2717.sjs Re: 4/16 M vs H (Chiba Marine) 2718.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2719.sjs Dou-age 2720.sjs Back Number 109! 2721.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2722.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2723.sjs Re: Pitcher in Braves(Re: [4mvp] 150th win) 2724.sjs Re: Back Number 109! 2725.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2726.sjs [Scores] 4/20 Wed 2727.sjs Re: hara question 2728.sjs [Scores] 4/22 Fri 2729.sjs hara question 2730.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2731.sjs Re: 4/16 M vs H (Chiba Marine) 2732.sjs [Scores] 4/19 Tue 2733.sjs Re: 4/16 M vs H (Chiba Marine) 2734.sjs Re: [Scores] 4/19 Tue 2735.sjs Re: Dou-age 2736.sjs [Scores] 4/13 Wed 2737.sjs please tell me 2738.sjs [Scores] 4/17 Sun 2739.sjs SEISEKI [-04/18] 2740.sjs Re: hosatsu & shisatsu 2741.sjs Re: [Scores] 4/21 Thu 2742.sjs Re: [4mvp] 150th win 2743.sjs Re: hara question 2744.sjs 4MVP+ (Re: [Scores] 4/21 Thu) 2745.sjs Re: [Scores] 4/23 Sat = 5 Games = 2746.sjs Re: Dou-age 2747.sjs Nittei(SEISEKI [-04/25]) 2748.sjs Re: Dou-age 2749.sjs [Scores] 4/23 Sat = 5 Games = 2750.sjs 4MVP+ 2751.sjs ML exist? 2752.sjs [4mvp] hirose 2753.sjs Re: baseball fan 2754.sjs SEISEKI [-04/27] 2755.sjs Re: C-G 4/26-4/28 2756.sjs [Scores] 4/26 Tue 2757.sjs 4MVP+ (Re: [Scores] 4/21 Thu) 2758.sjs [Scores] 4/24 Sun 2759.sjs Hit 0-0 2760.sjs Sasaoka reviive!? 2761.sjs Re: Hawks in Fukuoka ? 2762.sjs SEISEKI [-04/25] 2763.sjs Re: C-G 4/26-4/28 2764.sjs Re: C-G 4/26-4/28 2765.sjs Re: Dou-age 2766.sjs Hawks in Fukuoka ? 2767.sjs young T 2768.sjs [WANTED] Swallows-Tigers (5/28 CHIBA Marine) Ticket 2769.sjs [4MVP+]Sasaoka 2770.sjs Re: Furuta (Swallows) Kossetsu 2771.sjs baseball fan 2772.sjs Re: Dou-age 2773.sjs [Scores] 4/29 Fri 2774.sjs Re: Hit 0-0 2775.sjs [Scores] 4/28 Thu 2776.sjs Re: young T 2777.sjs Re: Hit 0-0 2778.sjs [SALE] Swallows-Carp (5/8 JINGU) Ticket 2779.sjs [Scores] 4/29 Fri (repost) 2780.sjs [Scores] 4/30 Sat 2781.sjs [Scores] 5/1 Sun 2782.sjs C-G 4/26-4/28 2783.sjs [Scores] 5/3 Tue 2784.sjs Re: [Scores] 4/26 Tue 2785.sjs 4MVP+ (Re: [Scores] 4/21 Thu) 2786.sjs [Scores] 5/4 Wed 2787.sjs three gaijins in a game 2788.sjs [Scores] 5/5 Thu 2789.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2790.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2791.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2792.sjs SEICHI[05/06-] 2793.sjs SEISEKI [-05/05] 2794.sjs NITTEI [05/06-05/16] 2795.sjs Re: Hit 0-0 2796.sjs Re: SEISEKI [-05/05] 2797.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2798.sjs 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2799.sjs [Scores] 5/6 Fri Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/baseball/v2800: ============================================== 2800.sjs [Scores] 5/7 Sat 2801.sjs Re: Dou-age 2802.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2803.sjs Go home dodgers! 2804.sjs MLB Standings 2805.sjs Re: SEISEKI [-05/09] 2806.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2807.sjs [Scores] 5/8 Sun 2808.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2809.sjs Ohshima [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/4 Wed) 2810.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2811.sjs G vs D on 5/8 [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/8 Sun) 2812.sjs Re: Ohshima [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/4 Wed) 2813.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2814.sjs Re: Ohshima [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/4 Wed) 2815.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2816.sjs Japanese sports 2817.sjs Re: Hit 0-0 2818.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2819.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2820.sjs Fighters [4mvp] (Re: [Scores] 4/27 Wed) 2821.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2822.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2823.sjs Re: SEISEKI [-05/09] 2824.sjs [TV] CARP Tsuda : On air 5/15 2825.sjs TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..) 2826.sjs [Scores] 5/10 Tue 2827.sjs Re: Ohshima [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/4 Wed) 2828.sjs Re: SEISEKI [-05/05] 2829.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2830.sjs Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..) 2831.sjs Re: Dead Ball 2832.sjs Re: Dead ball news 2833.sjs Re: Dead Ball 2834.sjs Re: Pacific(Re: SEISEKI... 2835.sjs Pacific(Re: SEISEKI... 2836.sjs Re: Dead Ball 2837.sjs [5MVP] Re: Dead Ball 2838.sjs Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..) 2839.sjs [5MVP] How stupid the fuck game is !! 2840.sjs Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..) 2841.sjs Re: [5MVP] Re: Dead Ball 2842.sjs SEISEKI [-05/10] 2843.sjs SEISEKI [-05/12] 2844.sjs [Scores] 5/12 Thu = 5 games = 2845.sjs Re: about CARP 2846.sjs Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..)) 2847.sjs Re: [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2848.sjs Re: Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..)) 2849.sjs Re: Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..)) 2850.sjs Re: about CARP 2851.sjs Re: [Scores] 5/12 Thu 2852.sjs Re: Dead ball news 2853.sjs Dangerous Ball (Re: [5MVP] ranto) 2854.sjs Players from Seiryo (Re: about CARP) 2855.sjs Re: [5MVP] How stupid the fuck game is !! 2856.sjs [5MVP+] Koi shikyu 2857.sjs about CARP 2858.sjs Re: Dead Ball 2859.sjs Re: Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..)) 2860.sjs Re: about CARP 2861.sjs Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..) 2862.sjs Re: [5MVP] Re: Dead Ball 2863.sjs [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2864.sjs Re: [5MVP] How stupid the fuck game is !!(Dead Ball) 2865.sjs Re: Dangerous Ball (Re: [5MVP] ranto) 2866.sjs Dead Ball 2867.sjs [Scores] 5/12 = 2 games = 2868.sjs Re: [5MVP] Re: Dead Ball 2869.sjs Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..) 2870.sjs [5MVP] Re: Dead Ball 2871.sjs Re: [5MVP] How stupid the fuck game is !!(Dead Ball) 2872.sjs Re: about CARP 2873.sjs [Scores] 5/13 Fri 2874.sjs [5MVP] ranto 2875.sjs [5MVP] How stupid the fuck game is !! 2876.sjs Re: [5MVP] Re: Dead Ball 2877.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2878.sjs [5MVP] 5/1 - 5/15 2879.sjs Fight! M! 2880.sjs MVP & R-MVP of Apr. 2881.sjs Re: Players from Seiryo (Re: about CARP) 2882.sjs cycle steal 2883.sjs SEISEKI [-05/16] 2884.sjs FOR SALE Baseball ground. 2885.sjs [5mvp] Shinjyo 2886.sjs Re: Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..)) 2887.sjs Re: Fight! M! 2888.sjs Re: Fight! M! 2889.sjs Re: Fight! M! 2890.sjs Re: Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..)) 2891.sjs Rookies [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/1 Sun) 2892.sjs Re: Dangerous Ball [5MVP] 2893.sjs Katori [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/3 Tue) 2894.sjs Re: Dangerous Ball (Re: [5MVP] ranto) 2895.sjs Re: Dangerous Ball (Re: [5MVP] ranto) 2896.sjs Re: G vs D on 5/8 [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/8 Sun) 2897.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2898.sjs Okabayashi [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/7 Sat) 2899.sjs Re: about CARP Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/baseball/v2900: ============================================== 2900.sjs Re: [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2901.sjs Re: Pacific(Re: SEISEKI... 2902.sjs [Scores] 5/14 Sat 2903.sjs [Scores] 5/15 Sun = 4 games = 2904.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2905.sjs Moeyo Dragons (Re: Ohshima [5mvp] (Re: [Scores] 5/4 Wed)) 2906.sjs Re: [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2907.sjs Re: [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2908.sjs Re: three gaijins in a game 2909.sjs ithink 2910.sjs Re: cycle steal 2911.sjs Re: cycle steal 2912.sjs Re: Dead ball news 2913.sjs Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura.. 2914.sjs Re: [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2915.sjs Ohsawa-Oyabun(Re: Uda (Re: TVS (Re: 5/7 BayStars 10kai ura..))) 2916.sjs Re: Players from Seiryo (Re: about CARP) 2917.sjs Re: [5mvp] 5-Renshou 2918.sjs 5MVP YABU(T) Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/basketb: ======================================= 1085.sjs NBA Results 4/6-10 1086.sjs Re: NBA Results 3/31-4/3 1087.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1088.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1089.sjs NBA Results 4/11 1090.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/11 1091.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1092.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1093.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/11 1094.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/11 1095.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1096.sjs Re: [basketball] Player's Number 1097.sjs NBA results 4/14-17 1098.sjs Re: NBA results 4/14-17 1099.sjs question 1100.sjs Re: NBA results 4/14-17 1101.sjs Magic Johnson Retired Again (Re: NBA results 4/14-17) 1102.sjs NBA Results 4/18, 19 1103.sjs Rose and Howard goes to NBA 1104.sjs Re: Rose and Howard goes to NBA 1105.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/18, 19 1106.sjs Re: Magic Johnson Retired Again (Re: NBA results 4/14-17) 1107.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/18, 19 1108.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/18, 19 1109.sjs Re: Rose and Howard goes to NBA 1110.sjs Re: Rose and Howard goes to NBA 1111.sjs plaese tell me -faq- 1112.sjs NBA Results 4/22, 23 1113.sjs NBA Playoffs 1114.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/18, 19 1115.sjs Re: question 1116.sjs NBA Results 4/12 1117.sjs NBA results 4/13 1118.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/18, 19 1119.sjs Re: Rose and Howard goes to NBA 1120.sjs NBA results 4/20,21 1121.sjs Re: Rose and Howard goes to NBA 1122.sjs Re: plaese tell me -faq- 1123.sjs NBA Results 4/24: Last day of the season 1124.sjs Re: NBA Results 4/24: Last day of the season 1125.sjs Re: Rick Pitino (Was Re: NBA Results 4/24: Last day of the season) 1126.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1127.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1128.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1129.sjs Rick Pitino (Was Re: NBA Results 4/24: Last day of the season) 1130.sjs Re: Magic's first game as Lakers' coach [NBA] 1131.sjs NBA Playoff : 1st Round Schedule 1132.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1133.sjs Re: NBA Playoff : 1st Round Schedule 1134.sjs Invitation to JEBBA -- Junet Enjoy BasketBall Association -- 1135.sjs Re: Rick Pitino (Was Re: NBA Results 4/24: Last day of the season) 1136.sjs NBA Playoffs 1st Round: as of 5/5 1137.sjs NBA tidbits 1138.sjs Re: Charlie Ward 1139.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st Round: as of 5/5 1140.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st Round: as of 5/5 1141.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1142.sjs Re: Rick Pitino (Was Re: NBA Results 4/24: Last day of the season) 1143.sjs NBA Playoffs 1st round 5/6, 7 1144.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st Round: as of 5/5 1145.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st round 5/6, 7 1146.sjs NBA Playoffs 1st Round: All Results 1147.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st round 5/6, 7 1148.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st Round: as of 5/5 1149.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st round 5/6, 7 1150.sjs NBA Playoffs Conf Semis: 5/8 & Schedule 1151.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs Conf Semis: 5/8 & Schedule 1152.sjs Re: NBA Playoff Conf. Semis: 5/10 1153.sjs NBA Playoffs Conf. Semifinals : as of 5/12 1154.sjs Bulls-Knicks Series 1155.sjs NBA Playoff Conf. Semis: 5/10 1156.sjs NBA All Defensive Teams 1157.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs Conf. Semifinals : as of 5/12 1158.sjs Re: NBA Playoff Conf. Semis: 5/10 1159.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs Conf. Semifinals : as of 5/12 1160.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs 1st round 5/6, 7 1161.sjs Stckton's Assist (was Re: NBA Playoffs Conf. Semifinals : asof 5/12) 1162.sjs NBA Playoffs Conf. Semis: as of 5/14 1163.sjs Re: Stckton's Assist 1164.sjs Re: NBA Playoffs Conf. Semis: as of 5/14 1165.sjs Re: Bulls-Knicks Series 1166.sjs Bulls 1167.sjs NBA Playoffs Conf. Semis: 5/15 1168.sjs Basket Ticket [MAGIC JOHNSON'S ALL STARS vs JAPAN NATIONAL TEAM] Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/golf: ==================================== 1179.sjs saiboshuu : dai2kai JUNET chanpionship (In J) 1180.sjs chotto ookii ball (In J) 1181.sjs [Precom] The Masters Result 1182.sjs Re: [Precom] The Masters Result 1183.sjs Re: chotto ookii ball (In J) 1184.sjs Re: chotto ookii ball (In J) 1185.sjs Re: [Precom] The Masters Result 1186.sjs Re: [Precom] The Masters Result 1187.sjs Re: chotto ookii ball (In J) 1188.sjs Re: [Precom] The Masters Result 1189.sjs Re: chotto ookii ball (In J) 1190.sjs Re: chotto ookii ball (In J) 1191.sjs How to exchange grip 1192.sjs JC local nishinishon KEKKA (In J) 1193.sjs Re: How to exchange grip 1194.sjs Re: How to exchange grip 1195.sjs Re: How to exchange grip 1196.sjs [Precom] JPGA Championship 1197.sjs Re: [Precom] JPGA Championship 1198.sjs yoshima shou (In J) 1199.sjs golf-ball wo sagasu kigu (In J) 1200.sjs Golf-a-thon 1201.sjs Benson and Hedges 1202.sjs Re: [Precom] JPGA Championship 1203.sjs Re: [Precom] JPGA Championship 1204.sjs Re: [Precom] JPGA Championship 1205.sjs Re: [Precom] JPGA Championship 1206.sjs [USPGA](17) Houston Open & (18) Bellsouth Classic 1207.sjs [Precom] JPGA Championship result 1208.sjs Re: [Precom] JPGA Championship result Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/keiba: ===================================== v1800\ fj.rec.sports.keiba v1800 v1900\ fj.rec.sports.keiba v1900 v2000\ fj.rec.sports.keiba v2000 Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/keiba/v1800: =========================================== 1835.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsguki-shou touhyou 1836.sjs [Morioka]4/10 1837.sjs Re: [Morioka]4/10 1838.sjs [JUNET DERBY]54th Satsuki-show Infomation 1839.sjs Re: [Morioka]4/10 1840.sjs [JUNET DERBY] satsuki shou 1841.sjs Teio Shou result (promptly) 1842.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-sho 1843.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tennnoushou touhyou 1844.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Satsuki-shou touhyou (teisei) 1845.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-sho 1846.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Satsuki-sho (In Japanese) 1847.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satukisho 1848.sjs [JUNET DERBY] by SATSUKI SYOU 1849.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SATSUKI 1850.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY]54th Satsuki-show Infomation 1851.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki_sho 1852.sjs [Junet Derby] Satuki-sho 1853.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY]54th Satsuki-show Infomation 1854.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-show touhyou 1855.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Satsuki-Sho (touhyo) 1856.sjs [JUNET DERBY]54th Satuki-shou (touhyou) 1857.sjs Re: Teio Shou result (promptly) 1858.sjs Re: Teio Shou result (promptly) 1859.sjs [JUNET DERBY]satuki 1860.sjs Paris Napoleon 1861.sjs [JUNET DERBY] satuki 1862.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SATUKI-SHO VOTE 1863.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-sho 1864.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-shou's touhyou 1865.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 1866.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki shou 1867.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SATUKI-SYOU touhyo 1868.sjs [JUNET DERBY]54th SATSUKI PRIZE 1869.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki Show Vote 1870.sjs [JUNET DERBY]satuki 1871.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Satsuki-shou touhyou 1872.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SaTsuKi Prize 1873.sjs [JUNET DERBY] G1_SATSUKIshow 1874.sjs [JUNET DERBY] new face 1875.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 54th Satsuki-show 1876.sjs [JUNET DERBY]satukisyou no touhyou 1877.sjs [JUNET DERBY]54th Satsuki-show TOUHYOU 1878.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-shou (Touhyou) 1879.sjs Re: [RESULT] OHKASHO 1880.sjs [RESULT] OHKASHO 1881.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Satsuki-shou Touhyou 1882.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SATUKI-SYOU 1883.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SATUKISHO 1884.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TENNOUSHOW HARU touhyou 1885.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1886.sjs [JUNET DERBY] SATUKI-SYOU touhyo 1887.sjs JUNET DERBY 1888.sjs Re: Teio Shou result (promptly) 1889.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Satsuki-show chuukan-report 1890.sjs KEIBA CATALOG 1891.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1892.sjs [JUNET DERBY]SATUKI-SHOU touhyou 1893.sjs Kossetsu 1894.sjs Re: [RESULT] OHKASHO 1895.sjs satuki-sho kansou 1896.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1897.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1898.sjs Re: Teio Shou result (promptly) & Satsuki Shou result 1899.sjs [JUNET DERBY]tennou-shou Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/keiba/v1900: =========================================== 1900.sjs [JUNET DERBY] OAKS & DERBY(Re: [JUNET DERBY]tennou-shou) 1901.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1902.sjs Hisi-Amazon 1903.sjs Result of Satsuki-shou 1904.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1905.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1906.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1907.sjs [JUNET DEBY] ten-noushou 1908.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1909.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1910.sjs [JUNET DERBY]TENNOUSYOU 1911.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 1912.sjs Re: [JUNET DEBY] ten-noushou 1913.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 1914.sjs Re: Kossetsu 1915.sjs Re: [JUNET DEBY] ten-noushou 1916.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-noushou 1917.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-noushou 1918.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Tennoushou 1919.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Tennou-Shou(haru) 1920.sjs [JUNET DERBY][BACHUU]Satsuki-show 1921.sjs [JUNET DERBY][RESULT]54th Satsuki-show 1922.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-noushou 1923.sjs [JUNET DERBY][TOTAL]Satsuki-show ma-de 1924.sjs [JUNET DERBY]miss-writings in Satsuki-show-votes 1925.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Ten'nou Show vote. 1926.sjs JUNET DERBY by TENNOUSHOU 1927.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TENNOUSYOU 1928.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY]Tennoushou 1929.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 1930.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tate-Haru's touhyou 1931.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TENNOUSHOW HARU touhyou 1932.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 1933.sjs [JUNET DERBY] tennousyou 1934.sjs [JUNET DERBY]tennoushou 1935.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 109th Tennou Show Touhyou 1936.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tennoushou Haru (touhyou) 1937.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TENNOSYOU 1938.sjs [Junet Derby]Tennou-shou 1939.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tennou-sho Haru 1940.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tennoushou 1941.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 1942.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Emperor's Prize 1943.sjs [J-Derby]tennousho- (In Japanese) 1944.sjs [JUNET DERBY] G1_TENNOUshow 1945.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TENNOUSYOU 1946.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tennou-syou touhyou 1947.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Tennou-shou touhyou 1948.sjs [JUNET DERBY] tennoshou-haru 1949.sjs [JUNET DERBY] announce from kanji 1950.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY] announce from kanji 1951.sjs [JUNET DERBY] tennoushou 1952.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY] TENNOSYOU 1953.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY] ten-noushou 1954.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-nou shou piller 1955.sjs [JUNET DERBY]tennoushou 1956.sjs [JUNET DERBY] tennousyou(haru) 1957.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-noushou 1958.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TENNOUSYOU 1959.sjs [JUNET DEBY] ten-noushou 1960.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tennousyou 1961.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Tenno Syo provisional vote 1962.sjs [JD8] Manager 1963.sjs SkiParadise 1964.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-nou shou total 1965.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-nou shou piller 1966.sjs [JUNET DERBY] ten-nou shou result 1967.sjs Re: [JU**T D*RBY] Tenno Syo provisional vote 1968.sjs Re: SkiParadise 1969.sjs Re: SkiParadise 1970.sjs [JUNET DERBY] tennou-syou 1971.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY] announce from kanji 1972.sjs Re: [JU**T D*RBY] Tenno Syo provisional vote 1973.sjs Re: SkiParadise 1974.sjs ro-bu montanto 1975.sjs Aoba-Syou 1976.sjs [JUNET DERBY]yasuda 1977.sjs Mr.Wada dead... 1978.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 1979.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasudakinen 1980.sjs [JUNET DERBY]yasuda-kinen 1981.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda-Kinen Yosou 1982.sjs [Junet Derby] Yasuda-Kinen 1983.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda-Kinen 1984.sjs [JU**T DE**Y] Yasuda kinen 1985.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Yasuda-kinen 1986.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 1987.sjs [JUNET DERBY] YaSuDa Memorial 1988.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 1989.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 1990.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasudakinen 1991.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda-Kinen. 1992.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasuda memorial 1993.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasuda kinen 1994.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 1995.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Yasuda-kinen touhyou 1996.sjs [sale] keiba zasshi 1997.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasuda kinen 1998.sjs [JUNET DERBY] =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMEJFRDUtRzAbKEI=?= 1999.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Yasuda_kinen Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/keiba/v2000: =========================================== 2000.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 44th Yasuda Kinen 2001.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasuda-kinen 2002.sjs JUNET DERBY Yasudakinen 2003.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2004.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 2005.sjs [JUNET DERBY] yasuda kinen 2006.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2007.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2008.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2009.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 2010.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda kinen 2011.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 2012.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 2013.sjs Yasuda-kinen 2014.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Yasuda-kinen 2015.sjs Re: [JUNET DERBY] yasuda kinen 2016.sjs Yasuda-kinen 2017.sjs [JUNET DERBY] 2018.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Yasuda Kinen 2019.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2020.sjs [JUNET DERBY]Yasuda Kinen 2021.sjs In Tokyo Race Course /$BEl5~6%GO>l$K$F(B 2022.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2023.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2024.sjs Re: In Tokyo Race Course /$@El5~6%GO>l$K$F(J 2025.sjs [Free] keiba books 2026.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2027.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2028.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2029.sjs [JUNET DERBY] TOTAL Yasuda-Kinen 2030.sjs Question 2031.sjs Yasuda Kinen Iiwake 2032.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen 2034.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Oaks 2035.sjs [JUNET DERBY] Oaks info. 2036.sjs Re: In Tokyo Race Course /$BEl5~6%GO>l$K$F(B 2037.sjs Re: [J**** D****] Yasuda Kinen Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/prowrest: ======================================== 1820.sjs Re: CHAMPS: As of 94/04/04 1821.sjs Re: CHAMPS: As of 94/04/04 1822.sjs Mr.Ishikawa(Re: TV housou) 1823.sjs [AllJapan] Champion Carnival 1824.sjs 5.6-card[U-inter] 1825.sjs 5.17-card[RINGS] 1826.sjs 5.1-card[New Japan] 1827.sjs Re: 5.5-card[FMW] 1828.sjs Re: TV housou 1829.sjs Re: Mr.Ishikawa(Re: TV housou) 1830.sjs Re: 5.17-card[RINGS] 1831.sjs Question Jcup 1832.sjs Re: Question Jcup 1833.sjs Re: Question Jcup 1834.sjs Re: 5.17-card[RINGS] 1835.sjs Re: Question Jcup 1836.sjs Re: Question Jcup 1837.sjs Re: Question Jcup 1838.sjs Oonita vs Tenryu 1839.sjs Kawada yusho!! 1840.sjs 5.1-card[New Japan] 1841.sjs Re: Oonita vs Tenryu 1842.sjs Kawada xxx 1843.sjs [NOW]4.16 osaka 1844.sjs Re: Kawada xxx 1845.sjs Re: Kawada xxx 1846.sjs Re: Kawada xxx 1847.sjs Re: Jcup Report 1848.sjs Jcup Report 1849.sjs Fujiwara VS Sayama 1850.sjs Hogan appears on WCW ? 1851.sjs Re: Hogan appears on WCW ? 1852.sjs Re: Hogan appears on WCW ? 1853.sjs Re: Hogan appears on WCW ? 1854.sjs Re: Nankai-ryuu & Tatami-kuni 1855.sjs 5.18-card[All Japan] 1856.sjs 5.21-card[All Japan] 1857.sjs god-hand 1858.sjs '94 Best of the Super Junior entry-member 1859.sjs 6.13-card[New Japan] 1860.sjs 6.15-card[New Japan] 1861.sjs 5.5-card[FMW] 1862.sjs Re: Nankai-ryuu & Tatami-kuni 1863.sjs TV [Ring no Tamashii] 1864.sjs Re: ring no tamasii 1865.sjs Re: god-hand 1866.sjs Re: ring no tamasii 1867.sjs 4.29=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJF8kQSROJC8bKEI=?= 1868.sjs Re: ring no tamasii 1869.sjs Re: ring no tamasii 1870.sjs Re: TV [Ring no Tamashii] 1871.sjs Re: TV [Ring no Tamashii] 1872.sjs [AJP] Shomei no Orei 1873.sjs [FMW]5.5 KAWASAKI 1874.sjs 5.31-card[pancrase] 1875.sjs on TV 1876.sjs O-nita 1877.sjs Re: Nankai-ryuu & Takami-kuni 1878.sjs satoru sayama(5/1 Fukuoka DOME) 1879.sjs Re: [FMW]5.5 KAWASAKI 1880.sjs Re: [AJP] Shomei no Orei 1881.sjs Re: Nankai-ryuu & Takami-kuni 1882.sjs 6.18-card[Rings] 1883.sjs Re: satoru sayama(5/1 Fukuoka DOME) 1884.sjs Re: satoru sayama(5/1 Fukuoka DOME) 1885.sjs Re: satoru sayama(5/1 Fukuoka DOME) 1886.sjs Re: satoru sayama(5/1 Fukuoka DOME) 1887.sjs Re: ring no tamasii 1888.sjs Re: on TV 1889.sjs [AWP]5.3 1890.sjs Maeda vs Andre (Re: ring no tamasii) 1891.sjs Hama-san 1892.sjs [WWF] Sumo Match Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/rugby: ===================================== 242.sjs Test (Japan v Fiji) tickets 243.sjs question steelers festival 244.sjs Women's World Cup 245.sjs Re: rugby www 246.sjs Re: question steelers festival 247.sjs question steelers festival 248.sjs JAPAN Sevens 249.sjs Re: rugby www 250.sjs Re: JAPAN Sevens 251.sjs Re: Women's World Cup 252.sjs Re: JAPAN Sevens 253.sjs Re: JAPAN Sevens 254.sjs about Japan vs Fuji... 255.sjs JAPAN vs FIJI 256.sjs Re: about Japan vs Fuji... 257.sjs about Japan vs Fuji. 258.sjs Hong Kong RU's Team coming to Japan 259.sjs Re: about Japan vs Fuji... 260.sjs Re: about Japan vs Fuji... 261.sjs JAPAN vs FIJI 262.sjs Re: about Japan vs Fuji... 263.sjs Re: JAPAN vs FIJI 264.sjs Re: about Japan vs Fuji... 265.sjs Re: JAPAN vs FIJI 266.sjs Re: JAPAN vs FIJI Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/ski: =================================== 2298.sjs Re: NAIGAI SKI 2299.sjs Re: NAIGAI SKI 2300.sjs [Report] Shiga Yakebitai & Okushiga 2301.sjs TOMBA in Japan 2302.sjs Re: NAIGAI SKI 2303.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2304.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2305.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2306.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2307.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2308.sjs '95 model shijou kai 2309.sjs Re: '95 model shijou kai 2310.sjs Re: '95 model shijou kai 2311.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2312.sjs Re: '95 model shijou kai 2313.sjs Help! 2314.sjs Re: TOMBA in Japan 2315.sjs Re: '95 model shijou kai 2316.sjs Ski Camp in NZ 2317.sjs Thanks!! 2318.sjs SKI in golden week 2319.sjs Re: Help! 2320.sjs Re: IMANO ??? 2321.sjs Re: IMANO ??? 2322.sjs IMANO ??? Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/soccer: ====================================== v1200\, v1200 v1300\, v1300 v1400\, v1400 Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/soccer/v1200: ============================================ 1229.sjs [J League] Gamba x Antlers (4/9) 1230.sjs J-League ticket [Bellmare x Antlars][Bellmare x S-pulse][Marinos x B 1231.sjs Grampus x Jubilo (4/27) many remaining tickets 1232.sjs Re: Grampus x Jubilo (4/27) many remaining tickets 1233.sjs come back 1234.sjs SPURS WILL NOT DROP!! 1235.sjs Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1236.sjs forsale satellite J-leage Ticket 1237.sjs Re: come back 1238.sjs Re: [J League] Gamba x Antlers (4/9) 1239.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1240.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1241.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1242.sjs Level of J-league soccer 1243.sjs Re: REDS gets German players. 1244.sjs Re: [J League] Gamba x Antlers (4/9) 1245.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1246.sjs Re: [Q] about national team 1247.sjs Re: [J League] Flugels x Antlers (4/13) 1248.sjs Re: [J League] Flugels x Antlers (4/13) 1249.sjs Re: Japan National Team 1250.sjs Ticket_katte 1251.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1252.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1253.sjs Re: Yellow card for undressing jubilation 1254.sjs Re: come back 1255.sjs [J League] Marinos x Grampas, 4/13 1256.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1257.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1258.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1259.sjs Re: Grampus x Jubilo (4/27) many remaining tickets 1260.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1261.sjs Japan National Team Selection 1262.sjs Japan National Team 1263.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1264.sjs Re: Japan National Team 1265.sjs Problems of Referee(Re: (3/5) Xerox Super Cup) 1266.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1267.sjs Re: [J League] Flugels x Antlers (4/13) 1268.sjs Level of J-league supporters (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1269.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1270.sjs Re: Yellow card for undressing jubilation 1271.sjs [J League] Scores of Round-9 1272.sjs Re: [J League] Flugels x Antlers (4/13) 1273.sjs Re: (3/5) Xerox Super Cup 1274.sjs Re: [J League] Scores of Round-8 1275.sjs [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1276.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1277.sjs Re: Level of J-league supporters (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1278.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1279.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1280.sjs Re: [J League] Flugels x Antlers (4/13) 1281.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1282.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1283.sjs Re: Level of J-league supporters (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1284.sjs Jo (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1285.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1286.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1287.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1288.sjs J-League Ticket [GrampusxJubilo(4/27)] for sale. 1289.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1290.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1291.sjs Re: Yellow card for undressing jubilation 1292.sjs Re: REDS gets German players. 1293.sjs [J League] Scores of Round-8 1294.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1295.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1296.sjs Schillaci to Jubilo 1297.sjs [J League] Scores of Round-7 1298.sjs Ogura 1299.sjs TV Coverage (Was Re: Level of J-league soccer) Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/soccer/v1300: ============================================ 1300.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1301.sjs Re: Japan National Team Selection 1302.sjs Re: Ogura 1303.sjs Re: Japan National Team Selection 1304.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1305.sjs Re: Level of J-league supporters (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1306.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1307.sjs JFL 1st 1308.sjs Re: [Q] about national team 1309.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1310.sjs Re: Level of J-league supporters (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1311.sjs Re: Jo (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1312.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1313.sjs Re: come back 1314.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1315.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1316.sjs Re: [Q] about national team 1317.sjs Re: Level of J-league supporters (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1318.sjs Re: come back 1319.sjs W cup 1320.sjs W cup 1321.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1322.sjs Re: REDS gets German players. 1323.sjs Re: Grampus Eight 1324.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1325.sjs Asian Team on FIFA Lanking 1326.sjs Re: [Q] about national team 1327.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1328.sjs Re: Verdy x AC.Milan (6/18) [EPSON CUP'94] 1329.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1330.sjs [J League] Scores of Round-10 1331.sjs Re: [J League] Antlers x Red Diamonds (4/16) 1332.sjs Re: Ogura 1333.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1334.sjs [wanted] jubilo ticket (In Japanese) 1335.sjs Some Comments on Refereeing 1336.sjs [J League] Bellmare x Antlers (4/23) 1337.sjs Re: JFL 1st 1338.sjs Re: Japan National Team Selection 1339.sjs Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1340.sjs 94 JFL 1st MATCH 1341.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1342.sjs Re: JFL 1st 1343.sjs J League Ticket [ Reds VS Grampus ] for sale 1344.sjs Re: 94 JFL 1st MATCH 1345.sjs [sale] J-league Ticket of 5/4 SPL vs ANT 1346.sjs Re: JFL 1st 1347.sjs Re: [sale] J-league Ticket of 5/4 SPL vs ANT 1348.sjs Re: J League Ticket [ Reds VS Grampus ] for sale 1349.sjs Re: come back 1350.sjs Re: Level of J-league soccer 1351.sjs [J League] Scores of Round-12 1352.sjs Re: JFL 1st 1353.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1354.sjs Antlers 1355.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1356.sjs Re: come back 1357.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1358.sjs Re: [Q] about national team 1359.sjs New rule in US soccer league 1360.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1361.sjs NAGOYA grampus 8 1362.sjs Re: [J League] Scores of Round-10 1363.sjs [J League] Scores of Round-11 1364.sjs Re: NAGOYA grampus 8 1365.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1366.sjs Re: [Q] about national team 1367.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1368.sjs Re: New rule in US soccer league 1369.sjs JFL score of 4th ROUND 1370.sjs Re: Reds supporter (Re: Level of J-league soccer) 1371.sjs Re: JFL 1st 1372.sjs Re: JFL score of 3rd ROUND 1373.sjs 5/7 reds vs grampus 1374.sjs Re: JFL score of 3rd ROUND 1375.sjs World Cup '94 Tix For Sale 1376.sjs Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale 1377.sjs '94JFL score of 5th ROUND 1378.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1379.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1380.sjs Re: World Cup '94 Ticket 1381.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1382.sjs Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1383.sjs World Cup '94 Ticket 1384.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1385.sjs JFL score of 2nd ROUND 1386.sjs JFL score of 3rd ROUND 1387.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1388.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1389.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1390.sjs Re: World Cup '94 Ticket 1391.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1392.sjs Re: '94JFL score of 5th ROUND 1393.sjs Re: Ogura 1394.sjs Re: 5/7 reds vs grampus 1395.sjs Re: JFL & Kyoto-Purple-Sanga 1396.sjs '94 YAMAZAKI NABISCO CUP kumiawase 1397.sjs Re: JFL & Kyoto-Purple-Sanga 1398.sjs Re: Don't cry for me, Jorgito (was :Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale) 1399.sjs JFL & Kyoto-Purple-Sanga Directory usenet/fj/rec/sports/soccer/v1400: ============================================ 1400.sjs Re: '94 YAMAZAKI NABISCO CUP kumiawase 1401.sjs Re: JFL & Kyoto-Purple-Sanga 1402.sjs '94JFL score of 6th ROUND 1403.sjs WC94 TIX 1404.sjs Re: WC94 TIX 1405.sjs JFL Ticket CEREZO vs REYSOL(5/15) 1406.sjs Re: 5/7 reds vs grampus 1407.sjs [Q] world lanking 1408.sjs teach me 1409.sjs J-LEAGUE ticket for sale (6/4: grampus vs. marinos) 1410.sjs Soccer Ticket [Antlars vs Flamengo(6/21)] [Verdy vs Flugels(6/8)] fo 1411.sjs Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale 1412.sjs Re: World Cup '94 Tix For Sale 1413.sjs Re: Soccer Ticket [Antlars vs Flamengo(6/21)] [Verdy vs Flugels(6/8) 1414.sjs '94JFL score of 7th ROUND 1415.sjs [J League] Round-16 1416.sjs Q about BIG Team Flag 1417.sjs Re: Q about BIG Team Flag 1418.sjs Re: J-LEAGUE ticket for sale (6/4: grampus vs. marinos) Directory usenet/fj/rec/tokusats: ================================= 459.sjs Re: "Kichigai" (Re: 7) 460.sjs Re: 7 461.sjs "Kichigai" (Re: 7) 462.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [1/2] 463.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [2/3] 464.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ in Japanese [3/3] 465.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 466.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 467.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 468.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 469.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 470.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 471.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 472.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 473.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 474.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 475.sjs Re: GORANGER 476.sjs Re: GORANGER 477.sjs NISHIMURA Kazuhiko (was Re: GORANGER) 478.sjs Re: GORANGER 479.sjs Re: GORANGER 480.sjs Re: GORANGER 481.sjs Re: GORANGER 482.sjs Re: GORANGER 483.sjs j&zo 484.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 485.sjs Re: The words which can't be broadcast (was Re: 7) 486.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 487.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 488.sjs Super Actor (was Re: NISHIMURA Kazuhiko) 489.sjs Re: GORANGER 490.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 491.sjs Fiveman (was Re: GORANGER) 492.sjs Re: Fiveman (was Re: GORANGER) 493.sjs & Maskman (was Re: GORANGER) 494.sjs Flashman & Maskman (was Re: GORANGER) 495.sjs Masked Rider J 496.sjs BlueSwat 497.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ Japanese version [1/3] 498.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ Japanese version [2/3] 499.sjs BLADE RUNNER FAQ Japanese version [3/3] 500.sjs Re: [TOY] Shadow-maru 501.sjs 7 502.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 503.sjs Special 504.sjs Re: The word which can't broadcast (was Re: 7) 505.sjs Re: Gozilla 506.sjs Kunoichi Team in Kakuranger 507.sjs Zyu & Dai & Kaku Ranger (was Re: GORANGER) 508.sjs Gozilla 509.sjs Zubatto 510.sjs Godzilla(Re: Gozilla) 511.sjs Re: Zubatto 512.sjs Re: Flashman & Maskman (was Re: GORANGER) 513.sjs Tarou 514.sjs Re: Tarou 515.sjs Re: Zubatto 516.sjs Re: Gozilla 517.sjs Re: Tarou 518.sjs Re: Zubatto 519.sjs Re: Special 520.sjs Dairanger 521.sjs Mura No Jikan In Kakuranger!? Directory usenet/fj/rec/travel: =============================== air\ Air Travel japan\ Travel in Japan world\ World Travel 1095.sjs car parking at NARITA airport 1096.sjs [FAQ] How to get foreign currency 1109.sjs Re: Q: Railway fare in Europe 1110.sjs IBM-PC shop at Singapore 1111.sjs SengokuMura 1112.sjs Re: SengokuMura 1113.sjs Re: IBM-PC shop at Singapore 1114.sjs Re: SengokuMura 1115.sjs UK-stayers' ML 1116.sjs UK-stayers' ML 1117.sjs Need English Speaking Driver in Italy 1118.sjs [FAQ] How to get foreign currency 1119.sjs car parking at NARITA airport 1120.sjs Vacation Membership for sale - DESPARATE! 1121.sjs Pasadena 1122.sjs Re: Pasadena 1123.sjs Re: Pasadena 1124.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1125.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1126.sjs Re: Pasadena 1127.sjs Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1128.sjs Re: Pasadena 1129.sjs Re: Pasadena 1130.sjs Re: Pasadena 1131.sjs Re: Pasadena 1132.sjs Re: Pasadena 1133.sjs Re: Pasadena 1134.sjs Re: Pasadena 1135.sjs Re: Pasadena 1136.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1137.sjs Re: Pasadena 1138.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1139.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1140.sjs UK-stayers' ML 1141.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 1142.sjs [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 1143.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 1144.sjs Re: Pasadena 1145.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 1146.sjs Lodging In Rome 1147.sjs Some impression of INDIA 1148.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. Directory usenet/fj/rec/travel/air: =================================== 2227.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 2228.sjs [FAQ] UA's Mileage Plus 2229.sjs [FAQ] How to buy "Discount Tickets" 2230.sjs [FAQ] How to buy "Discount Tickets" (abroad) 2251.sjs Re: Services for Normal fare Y-Class, JAL VS. ANA 2252.sjs Re: Please Teach me 2253.sjs Re: [Money] Service plus VISA 2254.sjs Re: [FSP-2.1] An introduction to Frequet Stayer Programs 2255.sjs Please Teach me 2256.sjs Osaka- FRA (LH) (Re: New Kansai Airport) 2257.sjs [Money] Service plus VISA 2258.sjs [FSP-2.1] An introduction to Frequet Stayer Programs 2259.sjs Re: New Kansai Airport 2260.sjs Re: Osaka- FRA (LH) (Re: New Kansai Airport) 2261.sjs Re: Please Teach me 2262.sjs Re: Osaka- FRA (LH) (Re: New Kansai Airport) 2263.sjs Re: visit USA, Sweden and Norway 2264.sjs visit USA, Sweden and Norway 2265.sjs visit USA, Sweden and Norway 2266.sjs Air fares(Kaigai Hakken update) 2267.sjs Re: Osaka- FRA (LH) (Re: New Kansai Airport) 2268.sjs amsterdam (In Japanese/Kanji) 2269.sjs Re: Amsterdam (In Japanese/Kanji) 2270.sjs Amsterdam (In Japanese/Kanji) 2271.sjs [FAQ] How to buy "Discount Tickets" 2272.sjs [FAQ] How to buy "Discount Tickets" (abroad) 2273.sjs [FAQ] UA's Mileage Plus 2274.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 2275.sjs Re: [FAQ] How to buy "Discount Tickets" (abroad) 2276.sjs Re: [FAQ] UA's Mileage Plus 2277.sjs RTW Stopover at Osaka ( Re: [FAQ] UA's Mileage Plus ) 2278.sjs [FSP] SCI & UA Red Carpet Club 2279.sjs Delta's new FFP 2280.sjs Miss cutting air ticket 2281.sjs [FSP] Holiday Inn: Priority Club 2282.sjs UA Mileage Plus 2283.sjs Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 2284.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 2285.sjs Re: UA Temporary Membership Card 2286.sjs Welcome to UA Mileage Plus. 2287.sjs Re: Welcome to UA Mileage Plus. 2288.sjs Re: [FAQ] How to buy "Discount Tickets" (abroad) 2289.sjs [Italy] Report of holiday in Venezia and Roma. 2290.sjs [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 2291.sjs Re: Welcome to UA Mileage Plus. 2292.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 2293.sjs 5000 miles bonus of United Airlines 2294.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 2295.sjs YOBIYOSE-BIN INFO 2296.sjs UA Mileage Plus. 2297.sjs Re: Welcome to UA Mileage Plus. 2298.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 2299.sjs [FSP] ITT Sheraton Club International 2300.sjs [FSP] ITT Sheraton Club International Directory usenet/fj/rec/travel/japan: ===================================== 1329.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 1335.sjs Re: yakushima 1336.sjs Re: SengokuMura 1337.sjs Re: SengokuMura 1338.sjs Re: Pedestrian suspension bridges 1339.sjs Re: Pedestrian suspension bridges 1340.sjs Re: Pedestrian suspension bridgesApproved: 1341.sjs Re: Pedestrian suspension bridges 1342.sjs Re: yakushima 1343.sjs Re: Pedestrian suspension bridges 1344.sjs Re: Pedestrian suspension bridgesApproved: 1345.sjs Pedestrian suspension bridges 1346.sjs Renaissance hotel okinawa 1347.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 1348.sjs Go Home To HAKATA 1349.sjs 1350.sjs kinugawa 1351.sjs Re: Go Home To HAKATA 1352.sjs TOHO 1353.sjs hamamatsu -> osaka 1354.sjs Re: Nozawa Onsen & Kanazawa dai 7 gyoza 1355.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1356.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1357.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1358.sjs [Q] Ibaraki 1359.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1360.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1361.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1362.sjs Re: [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 1363.sjs Nozawa Onsen & Kanazawa dai 7 gyoza 1364.sjs Re: kinugawa 1365.sjs Re: Nozawa Onsen & Kanazawa dai 7 gyoza 1366.sjs On reduced fare tickets. 1367.sjs Re: [Q] Ibaraki 1368.sjs Re: TOHO 1369.sjs Re: Nozawa Onsen & Kanazawa dai 7 gyoza 1370.sjs Re^2: [Q] Ibaraki 1371.sjs Re: hamamatsu -> osaka 1372.sjs Re: hamamatsu -> osaka Directory usenet/fj/rec/travel/world: ===================================== 2998.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 3001.sjs [FAQ] HongKong Freak 3036.sjs Re: Q: Railway fare in Europe 3037.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 3038.sjs Re: [REPORT] Indonesia 3039.sjs Re: [FSP-2.1] An introduction to Frequet Stayer Programs 3040.sjs [FSP-2.1] An introduction to Frequet Stayer Programs 3041.sjs Re: New Kansai Airport 3042.sjs Re: [REPORT] Indonesia 3043.sjs [Q] Contacting Phone number for AT&T calling card 3044.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 3045.sjs Q:Border between Jordan and Israel 3046.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 3047.sjs Re: Q:Border between Jordan and Israel 3048.sjs Re: Pleasant Planet No.1 3049.sjs Pleasant Planet No.0 3050.sjs Pleasant Planet No.1 3051.sjs Re: [REPORT] Fishing in Bali. 3052.sjs Re: Pleasant Planet No.1 3053.sjs PHUKET 3054.sjs rihiten 3055.sjs Liechtenstein (Re: rihiten) 3056.sjs Report of ROMA & PARIS 3057.sjs UK-stayers' ML 3058.sjs report ROMA & PARIS 3059.sjs UK-stayers' ML 3060.sjs magazine 3061.sjs Re: TC 3062.sjs TC 3063.sjs TC 3064.sjs TC 3065.sjs Re: TC 3066.sjs Tibet 3067.sjs Re: TC 3068.sjs Motorcycle Touring in Thailand 3069.sjs Re: Motorcycle Touring in Thailand 3070.sjs [REPORT]Boston 3071.sjs Re: Motorcycle Touring in Thailand 3072.sjs Re: Tibet 3073.sjs Visa(UK) 3074.sjs Beijin-Berlin 3075.sjs Re: Tibet 3076.sjs Re: Beijin-Berlin 3077.sjs Re: Visa(UK) 3078.sjs Oshiete Chodai!: Siberian Express 3079.sjs [FAQ] HongKong Freak 3080.sjs [REPOST] some suggestions to post travel News Groups 3081.sjs Re: Tibet 3082.sjs Re: Motorcycle Touring in Thailand 3083.sjs [FSP] SCI & UA Red Carpet Club 3084.sjs [Q] Norway : Oslo-Bergen 3085.sjs [FSP] Holiday Inn: Priority Club 3086.sjs Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 3087.sjs A Guide for Bus in Hongkong 3088.sjs Photo for Passport ! 3089.sjs FRANCE 3090.sjs Re: A Guide for Bus in Hongkong 3091.sjs Re: A Guide for Bus in Hongkong 3092.sjs Re: A Guide for Bus in Hongkong 3093.sjs Re: Welcome to Mileage Plus Membership 3094.sjs Re: [Q] Norway : Oslo-Bergen 3095.sjs Re: A Guide for Bus in Hongkong 3096.sjs Re: [Q] Norway : Oslo-Bergen 3097.sjs Re: Photo for Passport ! 3098.sjs Re: Tibet 3099.sjs UK-stayers' ML 3100.sjs Re: A Guide for Bus in Hongkong 3101.sjs [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 3102.sjs Traveling with children 3103.sjs Re: FRANCE 3104.sjs Re: FRANCE 3105.sjs Re: Photo for Passport ! 3106.sjs RE:Traveling with children 3107.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 3108.sjs Re: Photo for Passport ! 3109.sjs Re: Traveling with children 3110.sjs Re: Photo for Passport ! 3111.sjs Re: Traveling with children 3112.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 3113.sjs Re: Traveling with children 3114.sjs [SPAIN] 3115.sjs Re: [FFP] UA Mileage Plus Referral Program. 3116.sjs [FSP] ITT Sheraton Club International 3117.sjs [FSP] ITT Sheraton Club International 3118.sjs Re: Photo for Passport ! Directory usenet/fj/rec/tv: =========================== 3933.sjs Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima 3934.sjs FNN NEWS JAPAN wo dounikasiro! 3935.sjs Re: utatte asobo 3936.sjs Soreike! Tizuru chan 3937.sjs Re: FNN NEWS JAPAN wo dounikasiro! 3938.sjs TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3939.sjs Re: HITORIDE-DEKIRUMON! 3940.sjs Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima 3941.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3942.sjs Need info - Beavis and Butt-head 3943.sjs Papa is kachou 3944.sjs Re: utatte asobo 3945.sjs Video Exchange 3946.sjs Re: HITORIDE-DEKIRUMON! 3947.sjs [Wanted] Annie 3948.sjs Re: first TV station 3949.sjs first TV station 3950.sjs Re: first TV station 3951.sjs Re: Need info - Beavis and Butt-head 3952.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3953.sjs Re: first TV station 3954.sjs Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima 3955.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3956.sjs Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima 3957.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3958.sjs Re: Need info - Beavis and Butt-head 3959.sjs Re: utatte asobo 3960.sjs TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3961.sjs [present] movie invitation ticket 3962.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3963.sjs Re: first TV station 3964.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3965.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 3966.sjs Pocari Sweat 3967.sjs Re: utatte asobo 3968.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3969.sjs Re: TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshim 3970.sjs Re: TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshim 3971.sjs Re: first TV station 3972.sjs Re: first TV station 3973.sjs Re: [Q] Who is she ? 3974.sjs TAPE Pacific GP 3975.sjs Re: TV and RADIO Station List (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshim 3976.sjs Re: TV in Tokushima (Re: New TV station opened in Kagoshima) 3977.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 3978.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 3979.sjs kashite kudasai,"sora-mimi award3" no video tape 3980.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 3981.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 3982.sjs Re: Pocari Sweat 3983.sjs Re: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (tm) - Soundtrack 3984.sjs Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 3985.sjs Re: kashite kudasai,"sora-mimi award3" no video tape 3986.sjs Re: Chieko's Illness 3987.sjs Re: Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 3988.sjs Re: Pocari Sweat 3989.sjs Deja Q (ST:TNG Episode-number: 161) 3990.sjs Re: utatte asobo 3991.sjs Re: Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 3992.sjs Re: kashite kudasai,"sora-mimi award3" no video tape 3993.sjs Re: Soreike! Tizuru chan 3994.sjs Re: Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 3995.sjs ongaku no shoutai 3996.sjs Re: Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 3997.sjs Re: ongaku no shoutai 3998.sjs DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 3999.sjs giant impact 4000.sjs Re: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (tm) - Soundtrack 4001.sjs Re: ongaku no shoutai 4002.sjs How can star tv be seen 4003.sjs Re: ongaku no shoutai 4004.sjs Re: How can star tv be seen 4005.sjs Re: ongaku no shoutai 4006.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part I) 4007.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part II) 4008.sjs Ryo-ri no TETSUJIN (4/29) 4009.sjs [Wanted] Melody on CX 4010.sjs Re: giant impact 4011.sjs Re: Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 4012.sjs Yuurei to Kamioka ryu-taro 4013.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4014.sjs Canadian TV Spring 94 4015.sjs Correction to Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku" 4016.sjs Re: giant impact 4017.sjs Hata souri 4018.sjs Re: Hata souri 4019.sjs Re: Ryo-ri no TETSUJIN (4/29) 4020.sjs Cinema World of OZU 4021.sjs Re: ongaku no shoutai 4022.sjs Re: giant impact 4023.sjs [wanted] 5/5 waratte iitomo 4024.sjs Re: Ryouri no Tetsujin 4/29 4025.sjs Re: [Wanted] Melody on CX 4026.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4027.sjs So we cannot hire the A-team anymore 4028.sjs Re: CM no asobigokoro 4029.sjs [Q] SEIFUKU-O 4030.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 4031.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 4032.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4033.sjs Thank You for Video Tape (Soramimi-Award) 4034.sjs NIGHT HEAD in cinema. 4035.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4036.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4037.sjs Re: So we cannot hire the A-team anymore 4038.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4039.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4040.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4041.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4042.sjs Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4043.sjs Re: [Q] SEIFUKU-O 4044.sjs terahen 4045.sjs terauchi 4046.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4047.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4048.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4049.sjs Re: terauchi 4050.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4051.sjs Re: terauchi 4052.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4053.sjs Re: Hata souri 4054.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4055.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4056.sjs Re: ongaku no shoutai 4057.sjs Mura No Jikan In Kakuranger!? 4058.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4059.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4060.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4061.sjs Re: terauchi 4062.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4063.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4064.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4065.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4066.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4067.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4068.sjs DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4069.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 4070.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4071.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4072.sjs Re: DOWN-TOWN(NTV) Question 4073.sjs Re: Canadian TV Spring 94 4074.sjs Re: Q. about Huruhata-Ninsaburou 4075.sjs Re: So we cannot hire the A-team anymore 4077.sjs Re: [Wanted] Melody on CX 4078.sjs Re: NIGHT HEAD in cinema. 4079.sjs Re: [Wanted] Melody on CX 4080.sjs Re: terauchi Directory usenet/fj/sci: ======================== astro\ Astronomy bio\ Biology chem\ Chemistry geo\ Geology humn_fac\ Human Factors infrmtcs\ Informatics lang\ Languages math\ Mathematics medical\ Medical misc\ Miscellaneous physics\ Physics psych\ Psychology Directory usenet/fj/sci/astro: ============================== 408.sjs Reference about Astronomical Ladder 409.sjs Re: Mars 94 410.sjs Re: Reference about Astronomical Ladder 411.sjs Re: Reference about Astronomical Ladder 412.sjs question 413.sjs New Comet 1994f 414.sjs Re: SN 1994I in M51 ! 415.sjs One solution of Radiative Transfer 416.sjs Comet-Jupiter Collision FAQ (04/21) 417.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 418.sjs giant impact 419.sjs Re: giant impact 420.sjs Please teach me "Hidden Image". 421.sjs meteor came near earth 422.sjs Re: Please teach me "Hidden Image". 423.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 424.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 425.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 426.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 427.sjs Re: Please teach me "Hidden Image". 428.sjs Re: giant impact 429.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 430.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 431.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 432.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 433.sjs Re: giant impact 434.sjs Boice & Flight Recorder 435.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 436.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 437.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 438.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 439.sjs On the comet-Jupiter impacts predictions 440.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 441.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 442.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 443.sjs Re: meteor came near earth 444.sjs Reference about Distance Ladder 445.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 446.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 447.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 448.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 449.sjs Re: meteor came near earth Directory usenet/fj/sci/bio: ============================ 234.sjs Re: RE:Blunt Ligation 235.sjs Re: RE:Blunt Ligation 236.sjs Re: Blunt Ligation 237.sjs Re:Blunt Ligation 238.sjs Re: binding site search? 239.sjs TMU Seminar 240.sjs Re: Blunt Ligation 241.sjs Re: Blunt Ligation 242.sjs Re: RE:Blunt Ligation 243.sjs Re: Blunt Ligation 244.sjs Re: RE:Blunt Ligation 245.sjs Re: sex chromosemes in plants? 246.sjs Re: Blunt Ligation 247.sjs Re: Blunt Ligation 248.sjs RE:Blunt Ligation 249.sjs Re: binding site search? 250.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 251.sjs giant impact 252.sjs Re: [Q] Visual inputs 253.sjs unsubscribe 254.sjs [Q] Visual inputs 255.sjs Re: Stain for chromosome 256.sjs survey 257.sjs Re: giant impact 258.sjs Stain for chromosome 259.sjs Mol. Bio. GRE Subject Test 260.sjs Searching MAb's against hCG (a,b) 261.sjs Re: giant impact 262.sjs between human and ape. 263.sjs Re: Mol. Bio. GRE Subject Test 264.sjs Re: between human and ape. 265.sjs Re: between human and ape. 266.sjs Re: giant impact 267.sjs TMU Seminar 268.sjs Re: between human and ape. 269.sjs Re: between human and ape. 270.sjs Re: between human and ape. 271.sjs [Wanted] Hideaki Saito's address 272.sjs The Back Cover of Mol Bio Cell 3rd ed 273.sjs Software moving on SGI 274.sjs DNA -> RNA 275.sjs Re: The Back Cover of Mol Bio Cell 3rd ed 276.sjs Re: DNA -> RNA 277.sjs help me! 278.sjs Re: help me! 280.sjs Re: DNA -> RNA 281.sjs Biomedical Research Graduate Schools Directory usenet/fj/sci/chem: ============================= 271.sjs Re: molecular modeling soft 272.sjs Re: molecular modeling soft 273.sjs ISIS/Draw---->EPSF (In Japanese/Kanji) 274.sjs [Q] Draft Chamber Boro-boro! 275.sjs Molecule Renderer for MSDOS 276.sjs Re: Molecule Renderer for MSDOS 277.sjs International Symposium for 20th anniversary of JACG 278.sjs HCL sensor 279.sjs Re: Molecule Renderer for MSDOS 280.sjs Re: HCL sensor 281.sjs Molecule renderer for DOS 282.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 283.sjs 3rd School (Lecture) on Crystal Growth 284.sjs Re: molecular modeling soft 285.sjs survey 286.sjs Summer School 287.sjs Summer School for young chemists 288.sjs Modeling/Simulation Languages for Chemical Processing Plants? Directory usenet/fj/sci/geo: ============================ 121.sjs Re: [Q] Digital Terrain Elevation Database in Japan 122.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 123.sjs survey 124.sjs Polar research, Informatics, Conferences, in Japan 125.sjs Re: Polar research, Informatics, Conferences, in Japan 126.sjs Wanted!! GPS Recv. 127.sjs GRASS on Linux 128.sjs Re: GRASS on Linux Directory usenet/fj/sci/humn_fac: ================================= 110.sjs [keyboard] capslock&control 111.sjs CFP [IPSJ - SIG on Human Interface] 112.sjs Re: [keyboard] capslock&control 113.sjs Re: [keyboard] capslock&control 114.sjs Re: [keyboard] capslock&control 115.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 116.sjs Lecture recruit suspended 117.sjs survey 118.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 119.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 120.sjs [DOUBT] Power SW 121.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 122.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 123.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 124.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 125.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 126.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 127.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 128.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 129.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 130.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 131.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 132.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 133.sjs [DOUBT] Power SW ( human-factors ) 134.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW ( human-factors ) 135.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 136.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 137.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 138.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 139.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 140.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 141.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 142.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW 143.sjs kasei-ensi 144.sjs Re: [DOUBT] Power SW Directory usenet/fj/sci/infrmtcs: ================================= 1.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 2.sjs fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 3.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 4.sjs logic mailing list no oshirase 5.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 6.sjs Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 7.sjs jouhogau-kenkyu (Re: Nakajim's article) 8.sjs anti-classification (was Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory) 9.sjs "Chou" Seiri-Hou 10.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 11.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 12.sjs Re: fj.sci.informatics and fj.comp.theory (Re: [CFA] fj.comp.theory) 13.sjs Japanese (or Chinise) word for `monoid'? 14.sjs Magazine Arrival 1994-5-16 Directory usenet/fj/sci/lang: ============================= 1956.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1957.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1958.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1959.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1960.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1961.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1962.sjs signature form 1963.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1964.sjs Re: Help with a word 1965.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1966.sjs Re: signature form 1967.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1968.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1969.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1970.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1971.sjs Re: signature form 1972.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1973.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1974.sjs Re: signature form 1975.sjs Spoken Language Session at JSAI Annual Meeting 1976.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1977.sjs Re: signature form 1978.sjs Re: signature form 1979.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1980.sjs Re: signature form 1981.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1982.sjs Re: signature form 1983.sjs Re: signature form 1984.sjs Re: signature form 1985.sjs Re: signature form 1986.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1987.sjs [JAPANESE] dictionary program release announcement 1988.sjs [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 1989.sjs buying a computer 1990.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1991.sjs Re: shishi-niku 1992.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1993.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1994.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1995.sjs Re: signature form 1996.sjs informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 1997.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 1998.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 1999.sjs Re: buying a computer 2000.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 2001.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 2002.sjs Re: buying a computer 2003.sjs Re: 100 2004.sjs Re: signature form 2005.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 2006.sjs survey 2007.sjs TEI Guidelines P3 release --- Distribution in Japan 2008.sjs Re: 100 2009.sjs Re: Name << Re: Road 2010.sjs Re: FIAT PANDA 2011.sjs Re: 100 2012.sjs Re: 100 2013.sjs Re: 100 2014.sjs [FYI: Program&Transportation] JSAI SIG-SLUD meeting on June 10 2015.sjs FRANCE 2016.sjs Re: FRANCE 2017.sjs a questionnaire 2018.sjs Re: FRANCE 2019.sjs Re: FRANCE 2020.sjs Re: FRANCE 2021.sjs Re: FRANCE 2022.sjs Re: FRANCE 2023.sjs Re: FRANCE 2024.sjs Re: FRANCE 2025.sjs Re: FRANCE 2026.sjs fullerene 2027.sjs Re: FRANCE 2028.sjs Re: FRANCE 2029.sjs Re: FRANCE 2030.sjs Re: FRANCE 2031.sjs Re: FRANCE 2032.sjs Re: FRANCE 2033.sjs Re: FRANCE 2034.sjs Re: FRANCE 2035.sjs Basque/Georgian (Re: FRANCE) 2036.sjs Re: FRANCE 2037.sjs Re: FRANCE 2038.sjs Re: FRANCE 2039.sjs Sabir (Re: FRANCE) 2040.sjs Re: Basque/Georgian (Re: FRANCE) 2041.sjs Re: FRANCE 2042.sjs Re: FRANCE 2043.sjs Re: FRANCE 2044.sjs Re: Sabir (Re: FRANCE) Directory usenet/fj/sci/math: ============================= 2676.sjs counting by fingers 2677.sjs Counterexample of Fermat's last statement 2678.sjs Re: Counterexample of Fermat's last statement 2679.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2680.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2681.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2682.sjs Seta Seminar 2683.sjs Re: Math problem 2684.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2685.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2686.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 2687.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2688.sjs Re: Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TE 2689.sjs Re: Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TE 2690.sjs Inverse Problem 2691.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2692.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2693.sjs Re: [Numerical Analysis] term 2694.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 2695.sjs Re: [Numerical Analysis] term 2696.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 2697.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 2698.sjs [Numerical Analysis] term 2699.sjs Re: [Numerical Analysis] term 2700.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2701.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 2702.sjs Re: Keisan game 2703.sjs Re: Keisan game 2704.sjs Re: Inverse Problem 2705.sjs Re: [Numerical Analysis] term 2706.sjs Re: Keisan game 2707.sjs Re: Computer in junior high school 2708.sjs survey 2709.sjs Keisan game 2710.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part I) 2711.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part II) 2712.sjs Correction to Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku" 2713.sjs Re: Tohyama Hiraku's book 2714.sjs Re: Seta Seminar 2715.sjs kitaichi 2716.sjs Re: kitaichi 2717.sjs Re: kitaichi 2718.sjs Re: kitaichi 2719.sjs Re: kitaichi 2720.sjs Re Keisan game 2721.sjs The Data Compression Book 2722.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 2723.sjs Re: kitaichi 2724.sjs Re: kitaichi 2725.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2726.sjs Re: Any relationship between the name \TeX and a French book "TEF"? 2727.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 2728.sjs Re: kitaichi 2729.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 2730.sjs logic mailing list no oshirase 2731.sjs Re: kitaichi 2732.sjs Re: kitaichi 2733.sjs Variations on the themes of Turing and Blum 2734.sjs Re: kitaichi 2735.sjs Re: kitaichi 2736.sjs Re: kitaichi 2737.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 2738.sjs Mathematica Mailing List in Japan 2739.sjs Re: kitaichi 2740.sjs Chinese remainder theorem 2741.sjs Re: Chinese remainder theorem 2742.sjs Re: Chinese remainder theorem 2743.sjs Re: Chinese remainder theorem 2744.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 2745.sjs Japanese (or Chinise) word for `monoid'? 2746.sjs Re: Japanese (or Chinise) word for `monoid'? 2747.sjs Re: Japanese (or Chinise) word for `monoid'? 2748.sjs Re: Japanese (or Chinise) word for `monoid'? 2749.sjs Re: kitaichi Directory usenet/fj/sci/medical: ================================ 1388.sjs Re: Hospital Network 1389.sjs Pathy Gopher for Medical Information 1390.sjs itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1391.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1392.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1393.sjs hernia of baby 1394.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1395.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1396.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1397.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1398.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1399.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1400.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1401.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1402.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1403.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1404.sjs Allergy?(Re: Preferance) 1405.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1406.sjs tongue like a cracked strawberry 1407.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1408.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1409.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1410.sjs Cognitive Science Society Lecture Series 1411.sjs Re: medication & pregnancy 1412.sjs survey 1413.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1414.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1415.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1416.sjs Re:medication & pregnancy 1417.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1418.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1419.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1420.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1421.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1422.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/ =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMF9ESyRPJVQlbRsoQg==?= 1423.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1424.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1425.sjs Books on TEN-KAN (epilepsy) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1426.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1427.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1428.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1429.sjs Drug Information 1430.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1431.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1432.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1433.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1434.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1435.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1436.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1437.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1438.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1439.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1440.sjs Re: Drug Information 1441.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1442.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1443.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1444.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1445.sjs Re: dangerous sound 1446.sjs Re: tongue like a cracked strawberry 1447.sjs Help to very sick kid please !!! 1448.sjs please give me some information 1449.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1450.sjs Reduce Weight 1451.sjs dangerous sound 1452.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1453.sjs Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy 1454.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1455.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1456.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1457.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1458.sjs Re: Pathy-WWW System 1459.sjs Re: Pathy-WWW System 1460.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqGyhC?= 1461.sjs Re: Pathy-WWW System 1462.sjs Re: Pathy-WWW System 1463.sjs Pathy-WWW System 1464.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1465.sjs Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus 1466.sjs Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus 1467.sjs Re: Endoscope surgery (was Re: itsuu ha pirori?) 1468.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1469.sjs world 1470.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1471.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqGyhC?= 1472.sjs Re: sexuality 1473.sjs Soudan about ISya 1474.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1475.sjs The book about eyes 1476.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1477.sjs Re: The book about eyes 1478.sjs ? for doctor - memory loss 1479.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1480.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1481.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1482.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1483.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1484.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1485.sjs Re: Soudan about ISya 1486.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1487.sjs ishi no sai-kyouiku/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMGU7VSROOkY2NTBpGyhK?= 1488.sjs Re: itsuu ha pirori?/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMF9ESyRPJVQlbSVqISkbKEo=?= 1489.sjs Re: ishi no sai-kyouiku/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAMGU7VSROOkY2NTBpGyhK?= Directory usenet/fj/sci/misc: ============================= 538.sjs leap second 539.sjs Re: leap second 540.sjs [Q] Draft Chamber Boro-boro! 542.sjs Re: leap second 543.sjs International Symposium for 20th anniversary of JACG 544.sjs ML 545.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 546.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 547.sjs Re: leap second 548.sjs 3rd School (Lecture) on Crystal Growth 549.sjs informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 550.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 551.sjs survey 552.sjs TEI Guidelines P3 release --- Distribution in Japan 553.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 554.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 555.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 556.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 557.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 558.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 559.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 560.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 561.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 562.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 563.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 564.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 565.sjs announce of a meeting 566.sjs Re: informatics (Re: [CFD & CFA] fj.comp.theory) 567.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 568.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 569.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 570.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 571.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 572.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 573.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 574.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 575.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 576.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 577.sjs Review on Absurd Book 578.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 579.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 580.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 581.sjs logic mailing list no oshirase 582.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 583.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 584.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 585.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 586.sjs super heavy He 587.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 588.sjs ML 589.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 590.sjs The Back Cover of Mol Bio Cell 3rd ed 591.sjs Re: super heavy He 592.sjs Re: super heavy He 593.sjs Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) 594.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 595.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 596.sjs Re: Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) Directory usenet/fj/sci/physics: ================================ v1200\ fj.sci.physics v1200 v1300\ fj.sci.physics v1300 v1400\ fj.sci.physics v1400 Directory usenet/fj/sci/physics/v1200: ====================================== 1254.sjs What's New for Apr 08, 1994 1255.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE #172 (April 7, 1994) 1256.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE #173 (April 12, 1994) 1257.sjs Science Project 1259.sjs RIKEN Open House 1261.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE #174 (April 15, 1994) 1262.sjs What's New for Apr 15, 1994 1263.sjs International Symposium for 20th anniversary of JACG 1264.sjs Physics Education News, April 1994, No. 1 1265.sjs ML 1266.sjs Nishina's Memorial Review 1267.sjs One solution of Radiative Transfer 1268.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1270.sjs Re: Nishina's Memorial Review 1271.sjs Re: Nishina's Memorial Review 1272.sjs Re: Nishina's Memorial Review 1273.sjs 3rd School (Lecture) on Crystal Growth 1274.sjs Q: T1(C13) in diamond 1275.sjs Re: Top Quark was discovered (?) 1276.sjs Re: Top Quark was discovered (?) 1277.sjs What's New for Apr 22, 1994 1278.sjs Top Quark was discovered (?) 1279.sjs Re: Top Quark was discovered (?) 1280.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE #175 (April 25, 1994) 1281.sjs survey 1282.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1283.sjs announce of a meeting 1284.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1285.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE #176 (April 26, 1994) 1286.sjs Re: Top Quark was discovered (?) 1287.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1288.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1289.sjs What's New for Apr 29, 1994 1290.sjs 150th Anniversary of Boltzmann's Birthday 1291.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1292.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1293.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1294.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1295.sjs Re: Top Quark was discovered (?) 1296.sjs Physics Education News April 1994, No. 2 1297.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1298.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE #177 (May 3, 1994) 1299.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou Directory usenet/fj/sci/physics/v1300: ====================================== 1300.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1301.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1302.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1303.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1304.sjs Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1305.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1306.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1307.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1308.sjs Tojikome (Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou)) 1309.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1310.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1311.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1312.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1313.sjs Re: Top Quark was discovered (?) 1314.sjs Re: soryuushi no jumyou 1315.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1316.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1317.sjs EMC (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1318.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1319.sjs Re: Nishina's Memorial Review 1320.sjs What's New for May 06, 1994 1321.sjs Einstein had a mistake 1322.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1323.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1324.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1325.sjs Einstein had a mistake 1326.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1327.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1328.sjs Review on Absurd Book 1329.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1330.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1331.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1332.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1333.sjs Einstein had *NOT* made a mistake << Re: Einstein had a mistake 1334.sjs Re: Einstein had NOT make a mistake << Re: Einstein had a mistake 1335.sjs Re: Einstein had *NOT* made a mistake << Re: Einstein had a mistake 1336.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 1337.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1338.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 1339.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1340.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1341.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1342.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1343.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1344.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1345.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1346.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1347.sjs PHYSICS NEWS UPDAT #178 (May 10, 1994) 1348.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1349.sjs I diside to study the einstein 1350.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1351.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1352.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1353.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1354.sjs Time Machine [Re: Einstein had a mistake] 1355.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1356.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1357.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1358.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1359.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1360.sjs final question about einstein 1361.sjs ML 1362.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1363.sjs Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1364.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1365.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1366.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1367.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1368.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1369.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1370.sjs Re: I decide to study the einstein 1371.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1372.sjs Re: super heavy He 1373.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1374.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1375.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1376.sjs Physics Education News (PEN) May 1994, No. 1 1377.sjs Re: super heavy He 1378.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1379.sjs @_@ << Re: final question about einstein 1380.sjs Re: final question about einstein 1381.sjs owabi 1382.sjs Re: Kasokudo-undou (Re: Einstein ..... ) 1383.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1384.sjs Re: Is the Relativity natural? (Re: final question about einstein) 1385.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 1386.sjs Is the Relativity natural? (Re: final question about einstein) 1387.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1388.sjs FAQ 1389.sjs Re: FAQ 1390.sjs Mr.Axion's lecture 1 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (1/3) 1391.sjs Mr.Axion's lecture 1 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (2/3) 1392.sjs Mr.Axion's lecture 1 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (3/3) 1393.sjs Mr.Axion's lecture 2 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (1/3) 1394.sjs Mr.Axion's lecture 2 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (2/3) 1395.sjs Mr.Axion's lecture 2 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (3/3) 1396.sjs Re: Mr.Axion's lecture 1 (Re: Einstein had a mistake) (1/3) 1397.sjs RE: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1398.sjs What's New for May 13, 1994 1399.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake Directory usenet/fj/sci/physics/v1400: ====================================== 1400.sjs Re: FAQ 1401.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1402.sjs Re: FAQ 1403.sjs Re: Einstein had a mistake 1404.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1405.sjs Re: FAQ 1406.sjs Re: FAQ 1407.sjs Re: Spin-out (Re: soryuushi no jumyou) 1408.sjs Re: final question about einstein Directory usenet/fj/sci/psych: ============================== 528.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 529.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 530.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 531.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 532.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 533.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 534.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 535.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 536.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 537.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 538.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 539.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 540.sjs Re: Magic Number 7 541.sjs survey 542.sjs DAIGAKUIN 543.sjs Guidance of YPS 94 544.sjs test 545.sjs Posts at Information Processing Center, Chiba 546.sjs SOFT meeting 547.sjs Magic number.... Directory usenet/fj/soc: ======================== culture\ Culture envirnmt\ Environment history\ History law\ Law media\ Media men_womn\ Men and Women misc\ Miscellenous smoking\ Smoking tech\ Technical traffic\ Traffic Directory usenet/fj/soc/culture: ================================ chinese\ Chinese 986.sjs Look for Hui li, Ji Gong, Qizhi Sun, Xiaohua Hu 987.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 988.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 989.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 990.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 991.sjs tengu (Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ?) 992.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 993.sjs ==ASIAN SINGLES== 994.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 995.sjs counting by fingers 996.sjs International Celebration 997.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 998.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 999.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1000.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1001.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 1002.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 1003.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1004.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1005.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1006.sjs Looking for dialup connection in Japan 1007.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1008.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1009.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1010.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1011.sjs Re: Kagome Kagome = Pentagram ? 1012.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1013.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1014.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1015.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1016.sjs Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1017.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1018.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1019.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1020.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1021.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1022.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1023.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1024.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1025.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1026.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1027.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1028.sjs Mixed-Race anthology - submissions wanted 1029.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1030.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1031.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1032.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1033.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1034.sjs Re: ateji mo dame? 1035.sjs Yeah, "Emperor" Hirohito was guilty. So, what? 1036.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1037.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1038.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1039.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1040.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1041.sjs Re: Yeah, "Emperor" Hirohito was guilty. So, what? 1042.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1043.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1044.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1045.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1046.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1047.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1048.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1049.sjs Review on Absurd Book 1050.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 1051.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1052.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1053.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1054.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1055.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1056.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1057.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1058.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1059.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1060.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1061.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1062.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1063.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1064.sjs Re: Purchase Restriction 1065.sjs Re: Review on Absurd Book 1066.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1067.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 1068.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] Directory usenet/fj/soc/culture/chinese: ======================================== 211.sjs Re: Help 212.sjs Re: canji 213.sjs Re: Help 214.sjs Re: Help 215.sjs TEST ONLY FOR MY FRIEND! Don't read this 216.sjs Re: Help 217.sjs Re: Help 218.sjs Re: Help 219.sjs Re: canji 220.sjs Re: Help 221.sjs Re: How to say janken in Chinese? 222.sjs Re: Help 223.sjs [Wanted] Xin1 Xiang1 (Kokoro no Kaori) 224.sjs Re: Help 225.sjs Re: Help 226.sjs Re: Help 227.sjs Where is she? 228.sjs Re: canji 229.sjs ==ASIAN SINGLES== 230.sjs chinese rock group 231.sjs Re: chinese rock group 232.sjs Re: Help 233.sjs Re: chinese rock group 234.sjs Re: Where is she? 235.sjs Re: Help 236.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 237.sjs SOMEONE SPECIAL... 238.sjs Re: Help 239.sjs Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help) 240.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 241.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 242.sjs Re: Help 243.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 244.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 245.sjs Re: Help 246.sjs cheaper hotel in Hokkaido 247.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 248.sjs English grammar checker? 249.sjs Macintosh Chinese OS 7.0 250.sjs Re: cheaper hotel in Hokkaido 251.sjs Questions about Chinese Languages 252.sjs Re: English grammar checker? 253.sjs No subject 254.sjs Re: Help 255.sjs testing, testing! 256.sjs How to read this newsgroup? 257.sjs Re: Macintosh Chinese OS 7.0 258.sjs Looking for the alumni from Dept. of Math of Jilin University 259.sjs China-lized Japanese 260.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 261.sjs Re: Eng-Jpnse-Chnse Dictionary of Computer Technical Terms (Re: Help 262.sjs Re: Help 263.sjs Re: Help 264.sjs Re: How to say janken in Chinese? 265.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 266.sjs Re: Help 267.sjs Re: English grammar checker? 268.sjs Re: Help 269.sjs Re: Help 270.sjs Re: Questions about Chinese Languages 271.sjs Chines magazine information 272.sjs Re: Questions about Chinese Languages 273.sjs Re: Help 274.sjs Re: Help 275.sjs ZWDOS on PC9801, help 276.sjs Re: Help 277.sjs Re: Help 278.sjs Re: Cine City HongKong 279.sjs Re: Questions about Chinese Languages 280.sjs an improvement to sinocogj.cod(of sinocode) 281.sjs Re: Help 282.sjs help --part 2 283.sjs The names of Japanese cars in Chinese (Re: Help) 284.sjs Re: Help 285.sjs Re: Questions about Chinese Languages 286.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 287.sjs QianDaoHu 288.sjs Re: Help 289.sjs Re: Help 290.sjs a nightmare 291.sjs Re: Help 292.sjs Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 293.sjs Re: Help 294.sjs Re: Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 295.sjs Re: Help 296.sjs Re: Questions about Chinese Languages 297.sjs Re: Help 298.sjs Re: Help 299.sjs Re: The names of Japanese cars in Chinese (Re: Help) 300.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 301.sjs $@4AU!E*9pGr!J;09g0l!KA4K\(J 302.sjs Re: Chinese Cinema (Re: The Movies I Saw in April...) 303.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 304.sjs Children Refugees 305.sjs ==ASIAN SINGLES== 306.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 307.sjs Help me for chinese-DOS. 308.sjs Re: English grammar checker? 309.sjs Software introduction -- 98ViewGB 310.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 311.sjs Re: English grammar checker? 312.sjs Re: Help 313.sjs Re: Help 314.sjs Re: Help 315.sjs Re: Help 316.sjs Re: China-lized Japanese 317.sjs Re: The names of Japanese cars in Chinese (Re: Help) 318.sjs CNS 11643-1992 319.sjs Re: ~{W_~} vs ~{E\~} (Re: Help) 320.sjs Re: Help 321.sjs Re: The names of Japanese cars in Chinese (Re: Help) 322.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 323.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 324.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 325.sjs The 36th Scheme and ... 326.sjs CCLIB.16 for 98ViewGB (2/4) 327.sjs CCLIB.16 for 98ViewGB (3/4) 328.sjs CCLIB.16 for 98ViewGB (4/4) 329.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 330.sjs CCLIB.16F for 98ViewGB (1/4) 331.sjs CCLIB.16F for 98ViewGB (2/4) 332.sjs CCLIB.16F for 98ViewGB (3/4) 333.sjs CCLIB.16F for 98ViewGB (4/4) 334.sjs $@2;6A(J 335.sjs Re: Software introduction -- 98ViewGB 336.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 337.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 338.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 339.sjs CCLIB.16 for 98ViewGB (1/4) 340.sjs Names, Pronouns (Re: The names of Japanese cars in Chinese (Re: 341.sjs Re: ~{W_~} vs ~{E\~} (Re: Help) 342.sjs QUESTION : domestic flight in china 343.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 344.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 345.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 346.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 347.sjs need help!!!! 348.sjs need help!!!! 349.sjs need help!!!! 350.sjs gimon on TV 351.sjs Re: gimon on TV 352.sjs Re: gimon on TV 353.sjs Re: need help!!!! 354.sjs Re: QUESTION : domestic flight in china 355.sjs Re: need help!!!! 356.sjs Re: need help!!!! 357.sjs Re: The 36th Scheme and ... 358.sjs test for newsmail 777 Directory usenet/fj/soc/envirnmt: ================================= 943.sjs EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 944.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 945.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 946.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 947.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 948.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 949.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 950.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 951.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 952.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 953.sjs The 4th International Dolphin & Whale Conference, in Osaka 954.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 955.sjs Prevent or Remedy Lake Degradation 956.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 957.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 958.sjs recycle PET bottle 959.sjs Re:EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori no Kanren 960.sjs Re: Re:EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori no Kanren 961.sjs haikigasu ( douro tonneru kara ) 962.sjs Surfrider film producer wins Emmy 963.sjs Re: Re:EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori no Kanren 964.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 965.sjs Re: EM wo tukatta Nama Gomi Shori 966.sjs Re: recycle PET bottle 967.sjs Re:haikigasu ( douru tonneru kara ) Directory usenet/fj/soc/history: ================================ 183.sjs Re: Wakayama ken tobiti 184.sjs fusui(Re: Kyoto is hard to protect.) 185.sjs Re: [Summary] Kyoto is hard to protect 186.sjs Re: fusui(Re: Kyoto is hard to protect.) 187.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 188.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 189.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 190.sjs Re: Wakayama ken tobiti 191.sjs Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 192.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 193.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 194.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 195.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 196.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 197.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 198.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 199.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 200.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 201.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 202.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 203.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 204.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 205.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 206.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 207.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 208.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 209.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 210.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 211.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 212.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 213.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 214.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 215.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 216.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 217.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 218.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 219.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 220.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 221.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 222.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 223.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 224.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 225.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 226.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 227.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 228.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 229.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 230.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 231.sjs sannsyunojinngi 232.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 233.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 234.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 235.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 236.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] Directory usenet/fj/soc/law: ============================ 868.sjs Re: The Deputy Prime Minister 869.sjs Re: The Deputy Prime Minister 870.sjs Re: The Deputy Prime Minister 871.sjs Re: The Deputy Prime Minister 872.sjs Re: The Deputy Prime Minister 873.sjs Re: The Deputy Prime Minister 874.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 875.sjs Data base for a solicitor 876.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 877.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 878.sjs Re: NHK too 879.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 880.sjs [Q]:A trouble at Nifty. 881.sjs liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 882.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 883.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 884.sjs Re: [Q]:A trouble at Nifty. 885.sjs Re: [Q]:A trouble at Nifty. 886.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 887.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 888.sjs Re: NHK too 889.sjs Re: [Q]:A trouble at Nifty. 890.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 891.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 892.sjs Syako 893.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 894.sjs Re: NHK too 895.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 896.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 897.sjs Re: Syako 898.sjs Kaizokuban Doujinshi 899.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 900.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 901.sjs Re: Syako 902.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 903.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 904.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 905.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 906.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 907.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 908.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 909.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 910.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 911.sjs Re: Syako 912.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 913.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 914.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 915.sjs Copyright related law (part 4) 916.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 917.sjs Re: liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) Directory usenet/fj/soc/media: ============================== 284.sjs Re: yomiuri-sinbun 285.sjs Re: yomiuri-sinbun 286.sjs Infomation Media Workshop on 13 MAY 94 (In Japanese/Kanji) 287.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 288.sjs Re: NHK too 289.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 290.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 291.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 292.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 293.sjs Re: NHK too (In Japanese/Kanji) 294.sjs Re: NHK too 295.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 296.sjs Re: NHK too 297.sjs Re: NHK too 298.sjs Re: NHK too 299.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part I) 300.sjs Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku"(Part II) 301.sjs Re: network for handicapped part1 302.sjs Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 303.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 304.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 305.sjs Yuurei to Kamioka ryu-taro 306.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 307.sjs Report of CAL accident (Re: NHK too) 308.sjs Correction to Report on "Chuugakuseino Suugaku" 309.sjs Re: NHK too 310.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 311.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 312.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 313.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 314.sjs Re: Report of CAL accident (Re: NHK too) 315.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 316.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 317.sjs Re: NHK too 318.sjs Re: Report of CAL accident (Re: NHK too) 319.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 320.sjs Re: Tennnousei [ Japanese ] 321.sjs Re: NHK too 322.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 323.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 324.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 325.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 326.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 327.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 328.sjs Re: NHK too 329.sjs digital broadcasting 330.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 331.sjs Re: Airplane accident and media (Re: NHK too) 332.sjs Re: Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) 333.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 334.sjs Re: Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) Directory usenet/fj/soc/men_womn: ================================= v4300\ V4300 v4400\ V4400 v4500\ V4500 v4600\ V4600 Directory usenet/fj/soc/men_womn/v4300: ======================================= 4304.sjs Re: married->child? 4305.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4306.sjs Re: married->child? 4307.sjs titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4308.sjs Re: married->child? 4309.sjs Re: married->child? 4310.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4311.sjs soc for women (Re: married->child?) 4312.sjs Re: married->child? 4313.sjs Re: married->child? 4314.sjs Re: married->child? 4315.sjs Re: osekkai (Re: married->child?) 4316.sjs Re: married->child? 4317.sjs Re: married->child? 4318.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4319.sjs Re: married->child? 4320.sjs Re: married->child? 4321.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4322.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4323.sjs Re: married->child? 4324.sjs Re: married->child? 4325.sjs Re: married->child? 4326.sjs Re: married->child? 4327.sjs Re: married->child? 4328.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4329.sjs Re: married->child? 4330.sjs Re: married->child? 4331.sjs Re: married->child? 4332.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4333.sjs Re: married->child? 4334.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4335.sjs computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 4336.sjs Re: married->child? 4337.sjs Re: osekkai (Re: married->child?) 4338.sjs Re: married->child? 4339.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4340.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4341.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4342.sjs Re: osekkai (Re: married->child?) 4343.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4344.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4345.sjs Re: married->child? 4346.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4347.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4348.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 4349.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4350.sjs Re: married->child? 4351.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4352.sjs Re: married->child? 4353.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4354.sjs Re: married->child? 4355.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 4356.sjs Re: married->child? 4357.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 4358.sjs Re: married->child? 4359.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4360.sjs Re: married->child? 4361.sjs Re: married->child? 4362.sjs [CFA&CFAV] 4363.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4364.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4365.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4366.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4367.sjs Re: married->child? 4368.sjs Re: married->child? 4369.sjs Re: married->child? 4370.sjs Re: married->child? 4371.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 4372.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4373.sjs Re: married->child? 4374.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4375.sjs Re: married->child? 4376.sjs Re: married->child? 4377.sjs Re: computers as HANAYOME-DOGU 4378.sjs Re: married->child? 4379.sjs Re: married->child? 4380.sjs Re: married->child? 4381.sjs Re: married->child? 4382.sjs Re: married->child? 4383.sjs Re: married->child? 4384.sjs Re: married->child? 4385.sjs Re: married->child? 4386.sjs Re: married->child? 4387.sjs Re: married->child? 4388.sjs Re: married->child? 4389.sjs Re: married->child? 4390.sjs otto no tenkin (Re: married->child?) 4391.sjs Re: married->child? 4392.sjs [CFA&CFAV] 4393.sjs danjo sabetsu 4394.sjs Re: married->child? 4395.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4396.sjs Re: married->child? 4397.sjs Re: married->child? 4398.sjs Which have women been discriminated geting work,or geting money? 4399.sjs Re: married->child? Directory usenet/fj/soc/men_womn/v4400: ======================================= 4400.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4401.sjs feminism 4402.sjs Re: feminism 4403.sjs Re: feminism 4404.sjs Re: feminism 4405.sjs Re: married->child? 4406.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4407.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4408.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4409.sjs Re: married->child? 4410.sjs Re: feminism 4411.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4412.sjs Re: married->child? 4413.sjs Re: feminism 4414.sjs Re: married->child? 4415.sjs Re: married->child? 4416.sjs Re: married->child? 4417.sjs Re: married->child? 4418.sjs Re: married->child? 4419.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4420.sjs Re: married->child? 4421.sjs Re: married->child? 4422.sjs Re: married->child? 4423.sjs Re: titioya no hituyousei & ikuji 4424.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4425.sjs Re: married->child? 4426.sjs Re: married->child? 4427.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4428.sjs Re: married->child? 4429.sjs Re: married->child? 4430.sjs Re: married->child? 4431.sjs Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4432.sjs Re: married->child? 4433.sjs Re: married->child? 4434.sjs Re: married->child? 4435.sjs Re: feminism 4436.sjs Re: feminism 4437.sjs Re: married->child? 4438.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4439.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4440.sjs Re: married->child? 4441.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4442.sjs Re: married->child? 4443.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4444.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4445.sjs Re: married->child? 4446.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4447.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4448.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4449.sjs Re: feminism 4450.sjs Re: married->child? 4451.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4452.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4453.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4454.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4455.sjs Re: feminism 4456.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4457.sjs Re: feminism 4458.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4459.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4460.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4461.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4462.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4463.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4464.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4465.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4466.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4467.sjs Re: [CFA&CFAV] 4468.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4469.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4470.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4471.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4472.sjs Re: married->child? 4473.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4474.sjs Re: feminism 4475.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4476.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4477.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4478.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4479.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4480.sjs Re: married->child? 4481.sjs Re: married->child? 4482.sjs otoko no jikaku / $@CK$N<+3P(J 4483.sjs "sabetu da" toiu retteru / ($@!V:9JL$@!W$H$$$&%l%C%F%k(J) 4484.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4485.sjs seisa / $@@-:9(J 4486.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4487.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4488.sjs Re: married->child? 4489.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4490.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4491.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4492.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4493.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4494.sjs DAIGAKUIN 4495.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4496.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4497.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4498.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4499.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku Directory usenet/fj/soc/men_womn/v4500: ======================================= 4500.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4501.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4502.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4503.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4504.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4505.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4506.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4507.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4508.sjs Re: married->child? 4509.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4510.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4511.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4512.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4513.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4514.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4515.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4516.sjs DAIGAKUIN 4517.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4518.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4519.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4520.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4521.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4522.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4523.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4524.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4525.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4526.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4527.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4528.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4529.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4530.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4531.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku / $@CK$N<+3P(J 4532.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4533.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4534.sjs Re: married->child? 4535.sjs Re: married->child? 4536.sjs Re: married->child? 4537.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku / $@CK$N<+3P(J 4538.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4539.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4540.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4541.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4542.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4543.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4544.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4545.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4546.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4547.sjs Re: married->child? 4548.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4549.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4550.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4551.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4552.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4553.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4554.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4555.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4556.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4557.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4558.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4559.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4560.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4561.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4562.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4563.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4564.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4565.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4566.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4567.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4568.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4569.sjs Re: Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 4570.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4571.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4572.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4573.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4574.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4575.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4576.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4577.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4578.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4579.sjs Chikako Ogura / $@>.AR@i2C;R(J 4580.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4581.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4582.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4583.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4584.sjs Re: Chikako Ogura / $B>.AR@i2C;R(B 4585.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4586.sjs Re: An example of comics 4587.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4588.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4589.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4590.sjs Re: An example of comics 4591.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4592.sjs Re: married->child? 4593.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4594.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4595.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4596.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4597.sjs An example of comics 4598.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4599.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu Directory usenet/fj/soc/men_womn/v4600: ======================================= 4600.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4601.sjs Re: Chikako Ogura / $@>.AR@i2C;R(J 4602.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4603.sjs sexuality 4604.sjs Re: Chikako Ogura / $B>.AR@i2C;R(B 4605.sjs giron no susumekata / $@5DO@$N?J$aJ}(J (Re: danjo sabetsu) 4606.sjs [WANTED]:Singers:A Cappella 4607.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4608.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4609.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4610.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4611.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4612.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4613.sjs Re: otoko no jikaku 4614.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4615.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4616.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4617.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4618.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4619.sjs Chokkan (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 4620.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4621.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4622.sjs Re: married->child? 4623.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4624.sjs Re: married->child? 4625.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4626.sjs Re: Chikako Ogura / $@>.AR@i2C;R(J 4627.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4628.sjs Re: An example of comics 4629.sjs Re: An example of comics 4630.sjs Re: married->child? 4631.sjs Re: married->child? 4632.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4633.sjs Re: married->child? 4634.sjs Re: married->child? 4635.sjs Re: married->child? 4636.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4637.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4638.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4639.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4640.sjs Re: married->child? 4641.sjs Re: married->child? 4642.sjs Re: married->child? 4643.sjs Re: married->child? 4644.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4645.sjs Re: An example of comics 4646.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4647.sjs Re: An example of comics 4648.sjs re: danjo sabetu 4649.sjs re: danjo sabetu 4650.sjs Re: married->child? 4651.sjs Sekkusu Shinwa Kaitai Shinsho (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 4652.sjs Re: married->child? 4653.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4654.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4655.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4656.sjs Re: Sekkusu Shinwa Kaitai Shinsho (Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri) 4657.sjs Re: sexuality 4658.sjs Re: sexuality 4659.sjs Re: married->child? 4660.sjs Re: married->child? 4661.sjs Re: danjo sabetu 4662.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4663.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4664.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4665.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4666.sjs Re: on'na/otoko no Ronri (Re: Yome-Shuutome mondai) 4667.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu 4668.sjs Re: danjo sabetsu Directory usenet/fj/soc/misc: ============================= 2905.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2906.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2907.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2908.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2909.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2910.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2911.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2912.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2913.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2914.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2915.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2916.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2917.sjs Re: Economic Policies 2918.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2919.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2920.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2921.sjs creation 2922.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2923.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2924.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2925.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2926.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2927.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2928.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2929.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2930.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2931.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2932.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2933.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2934.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2935.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2936.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2937.sjs Rationality of government-enforced prostitution 2938.sjs liberty of contract ( Was Re: NHK too ) 2939.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2940.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2941.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2942.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2943.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2944.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2945.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2946.sjs salling used software (Re: old doujin shi) 2947.sjs Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 2948.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2949.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 2950.sjs Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 2951.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2952.sjs Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 2953.sjs Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 2954.sjs Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 2955.sjs Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 2956.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2957.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2958.sjs Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun) 2959.sjs Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign 2960.sjs Posting News (Re: Nagano Ministry of 'justice' resign) 2961.sjs Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) 2962.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 2963.sjs Re: Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) 2964.sjs Re: Anti NHK TV (Re: NHK too (Re: yomiuri-sinbun)) 2965.sjs Re: Kurimoto Shin'ichirou(Re: What is "scientific"?) Directory usenet/fj/soc/smoking: ================================ v1500\ fj.soc.smoking v1500 v1600\ fj.soc.smoking v1600 v1700\ fj.soc.smoking v1700 v1800\ fj.soc.smoking v1800 Directory usenet/fj/soc/smoking/v1500: ====================================== 1543.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1544.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1545.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1546.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1547.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1548.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1549.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1550.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1551.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1552.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1553.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1554.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1555.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1556.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1557.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1558.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1559.sjs Correction of Age limit 1560.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1561.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1562.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1563.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1564.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1565.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1566.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1567.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1568.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1569.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1570.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1571.sjs Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1572.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1573.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1574.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1575.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1576.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1577.sjs teenage's smoking 1578.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1579.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1580.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1581.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1582.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1583.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1584.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1585.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1586.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1587.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1588.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1589.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1590.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1591.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1592.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1593.sjs Re: fuuzoku eigyo hou 1594.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1595.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1596.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1597.sjs Re: fuuzoku eigyo hou 1598.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1599.sjs Re: teenage's smoking Directory usenet/fj/soc/smoking/v1600: ====================================== 1600.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1601.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1602.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1603.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1604.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1605.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1606.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1607.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1608.sjs Re: fuuzoku eigyo hou 1609.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1610.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1611.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1612.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1613.sjs Re: non-smoking education (Re: teenage's smoking) 1614.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1615.sjs Re: non-smoking education (Re: teenage's smoking) 1616.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1617.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1618.sjs non-smoking education (Re: teenage's smoking) 1619.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1620.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1621.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1622.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1623.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1624.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1625.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1626.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1627.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1628.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1629.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1630.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1631.sjs What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1632.sjs Re: non-smoking education (Re: teenage's smoking) 1633.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1634.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1635.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1636.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1637.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1638.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1639.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1640.sjs [BOOK]CIGARETTES:THE BATTLE OVER SMOKING 1641.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1642.sjs Re: [BOOK]CIGARETTES:THE BATTLE OVER SMOKING 1643.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1644.sjs Ken-en-sya no iibun ? (Re: Preferance) 1645.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1646.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1647.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1648.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1649.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1650.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1651.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1652.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1653.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1654.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1655.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1656.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1657.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1658.sjs Re: fuuzoku eigyo hou 1659.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1660.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1661.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1662.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1663.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1664.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1665.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1666.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1667.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1668.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1669.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1670.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1671.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1672.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1673.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1674.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1675.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1676.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1677.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1678.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1679.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1680.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1681.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1682.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1683.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1684.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1685.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1686.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1687.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1688.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1689.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1690.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1691.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1692.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1693.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1694.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1695.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1696.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1697.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1698.sjs Allergy?(Re: Preferance) 1699.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) Directory usenet/fj/soc/smoking/v1700: ====================================== 1700.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1701.sjs Re: Cigarette is harmful?(Re: F1-GP) 1702.sjs Re: non-smoking education (Re: teenage's smoking) 1703.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1704.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1705.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1706.sjs Re: fuuzoku eigyo hou 1707.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1708.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1709.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1710.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1711.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1712.sjs Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1713.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1714.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1715.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1716.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1717.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1718.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1719.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1720.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1721.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1722.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1723.sjs fuuzoku eigyo hou 1724.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1725.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1726.sjs Re: teenage's smoking 1727.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1728.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1729.sjs Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1730.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1731.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1732.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1733.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1734.sjs kouhei? hukouhei? 1735.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1736.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1737.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1738.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1739.sjs Re: MeTa(Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco))) 1740.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1741.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1742.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1743.sjs Chyotto kaeyou... 1744.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1745.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1746.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1747.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1748.sjs Re: Chyotto kaeyou... 1749.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1750.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1751.sjs Re: Chyotto kaeyou... 1752.sjs Re: Under 16? (Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1753.sjs Bun-en (Re: Preferance) 1754.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1755.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1756.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1757.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1758.sjs Re: MeTa(Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco))) 1759.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1760.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1761.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1762.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1763.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1764.sjs Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco) 1765.sjs Re: Bun-en (Re: Preferance) 1766.sjs Re: Chyotto kaeyou... 1767.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1768.sjs Re: Chyotto kaeyou... 1769.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1770.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1771.sjs Re: Bun-en (Re: Preferance) 1772.sjs Re: MeTa(Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco))) 1773.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1774.sjs Kuuki no Oishii Restaurant 1775.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1776.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1777.sjs Levels of Rights or Priviledges (Re: Shall we change topic?) 1778.sjs Re: Chyotto kaeyou... 1779.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1780.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1781.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1782.sjs Re: kouhei? hukouhei? 1783.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1784.sjs Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco)) 1785.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1786.sjs Re: Smoking Space on Platform (Re: Preferance) 1787.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1788.sjs Re: Kuuki no Oishii Restaurant 1789.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1790.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1791.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1792.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1793.sjs Levels of Rights or Priviledges (Re: Shall we change topic?) 1794.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1795.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1796.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1797.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1798.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1799.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) Directory usenet/fj/soc/smoking/v1800: ====================================== 1800.sjs Re: MeTa(Re: Preferance(Re: F1-GP(Re: Fire Free Tabacco))) 1801.sjs Re: Purchase Restriction 1802.sjs Re: Purchase Restriction 1803.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) 1804.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1805.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1806.sjs Re: What is "scientific"?(Re: Cigarette is harmful?) 1807.sjs Re: Shall we change topic?(Re: Preferance) Directory usenet/fj/soc/tech: ============================= 198.sjs Re: congratulation 199.sjs FBR (was Re: congratulation) 200.sjs Re: congratulation 201.sjs Re: congratulation 202.sjs Re: congratulation 203.sjs Re: congratulation 204.sjs Re: congratulation 205.sjs Re: congratulation 206.sjs Re: FBR (was Re: congratulation) 207.sjs Re: congratulation 208.sjs Re: congratulation 209.sjs Re: congratulation 210.sjs Re: congratulation 211.sjs Thermodynamics (Re: congratulation 212.sjs Re: congratulation 213.sjs Re: congratulation 214.sjs Re: congratulation 215.sjs Thermodynamics 216.sjs Thermodynamics 217.sjs Re: congratulation 218.sjs Re: congratulation 220.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 221.sjs Re: congratulation 222.sjs Re: congratulation 223.sjs Re: congratulation 224.sjs Re: congratulation 225.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 226.sjs Re: congratulation 227.sjs Atomic Reactor 228.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 229.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 230.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 231.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 232.sjs Re: congratulation 233.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 234.sjs Re: congratulation 235.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 236.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 237.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 238.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 239.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 240.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 241.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 242.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 243.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 244.sjs Re: congratulation 245.sjs Re: congratulation 246.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 247.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 248.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 249.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 250.sjs Re: congratulation 251.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 252.sjs Re: Congraturation. 253.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 254.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 255.sjs a workshop 256.sjs Thermodynamics 257.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 258.sjs Thermodynamics 259.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 260.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 261.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 262.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 263.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 264.sjs Re: congratulation 265.sjs Re: congratulation 266.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 267.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 268.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 269.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 270.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 271.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 272.sjs Re: congratulation 273.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 274.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 275.sjs Re: Atomic Reactor 276.sjs Re: congratulation 277.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 278.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 279.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 280.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 281.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 282.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 283.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 284.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 285.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 286.sjs Re: congratulation 287.sjs Re: Thermodynamics 288.sjs Re: Pb for Na 289.sjs Re: Pb for Na 290.sjs Re: Pb for Na 291.sjs Tape recorder 292.sjs Re: Tape recorder 293.sjs Re: Tape recorder 294.sjs fluorescent light bulb 295.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 296.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 297.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 298.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 299.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 300.sjs Re: Tape recorder 301.sjs light(was Re: Tape recorder) 302.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 303.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 304.sjs Pb for Na 305.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 306.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 307.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 308.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 309.sjs Re: Boice & Flight Recorder 310.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 311.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 312.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 313.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 314.sjs Re: Tape recorder 315.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 316.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 317.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 318.sjs globe box 319.sjs Re: fluorescent light bulb 320.sjs Re: globe box Directory usenet/fj/soc/traffic: ================================ 1814.sjs tanashi-yokohama ? 1815.sjs Re: [Question]Yokohama by-pass 1816.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1817.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1818.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1819.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1820.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1821.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1822.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1823.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1824.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1825.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1826.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1827.sjs Sanyou Highway 1828.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1829.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1830.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1831.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1832.sjs Which side a driver is in a car? 1833.sjs Re: Which side a driver is in a car? 1834.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1835.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1836.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1837.sjs Hanshin ExprWay and 2nd Shin-Mei (was Re: Sanyou Highway) 1838.sjs Re: Hanshin ExprWay and 2nd Shin-Mei (was Re: Sanyou Highway) 1839.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1840.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1841.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1842.sjs Re: Hanshin ExprWay and 2nd Shin-Mei (was Re: Sanyou Highway) 1843.sjs Re: Hanshin ExprWay and 2nd Shin-Mei (was Re: Sanyou Highway) 1844.sjs Re: Hanshin ExprWay and 2nd Shin-Mei (was Re: Sanyou Highway) 1845.sjs Re: tanashi-yokohama ? 1846.sjs haikigasu ( douro tonneru kara ) 1847.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1848.sjs Re: Hanshin ExprWay and 2nd Shin-Mei (was Re: Sanyou Highway) 1849.sjs Re:haikigasu ( douro tonneru kara ) 1850.sjs Re: Sanyou Highway 1851.sjs yasukuni-sudatyou 1852.sjs Re: menkyo II 1853.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 1854.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders 1855.sjs Window Film (Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders) 1856.sjs Re: menkyo II 1857.sjs Re: menkyo II 1858.sjs Re: [Q] Drivers and Riders Directory usenet/fj/sources: ============================ d\ Discussion 1011.sjs KoreanTeX-1.2.1 1012.sjs nml1.2 (NOROP's Mailing List Server) 1014.sjs Re: libmatrix --- C++ class library 2/2 1015.sjs tcsh 6.04 unofficial patch (set pausehist, like a "newcsh") 1016.sjs postgres RDBMS for SONY NEWS 1017.sjs help: patchkit for X11(solaris2.3) 1018.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.2 -> 1.5.3 patch (Part 01/01) 1019.sjs kanji code converter ack v1.3 1021.sjs vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with tiny-mime 1023.sjs Please give me "ctwm"! 1024.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 patch (Part 01/01 repost) 1025.sjs gb2jis Version 1.0 1026.sjs cdsh: interactive CD-ROM access tool 1027.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [0/13] 1028.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [25/25] 1029.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [1/25] 1030.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [2/25] 1031.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [3/25] 1032.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [4/25] 1033.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [5/25] 1034.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [6/25] 1035.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [7/25] 1036.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [8/25] 1037.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [9/25] 1038.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [10/25] 1039.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [11/25] 1040.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [12/25] 1041.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [13/25] 1042.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [14/25] 1043.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [15/25] 1044.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [16/25] 1045.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [17/25] 1046.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [18/25] 1047.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [19/25] 1048.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [20/25] 1049.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [21/25] 1050.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [22/25] 1051.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [23/25] 1052.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [24/25] 1053.sjs MML->SMF Converter "mml2mid" Ver4.2 1054.sjs Yet Another tin-1.22 patch 1055.sjs I want 'rose'!! 1056.sjs ish v2.01a3 for unix 1057.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 1058.sjs aish v1.08u ish converter (1/2) 1059.sjs aish v1.08u ish converter (2/2) 1060.sjs -- ident protocol library for perl (v1.1) 1061.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 1062.sjs face-part1 1063.sjs kanji code converter ack v1.30 -> v1.32 patch 1064.sjs FujiXerox keyboard patch for X11R6 1065.sjs Re: Re Keisan game 1066.sjs face-part2 [like H.R.Giger or M.C.Escher] 1067.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (1/12) 1068.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (5/12) 1069.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (6/12) 1070.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (7/12) 1071.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (2/12) 1072.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (3/12) 1073.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (4/12) 1074.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (11/12) 1075.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (8/12) 1076.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (9/12) 1077.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (10/12) 1078.sjs mnews 1.18 'g' command bug (was Re: mnews 1.18 posted) 1079.sjs Mini News Reader 1.18 (Full Set) (12/12) Directory usenet/fj/sources/d: ============================== 917.sjs Re: Do you accept gzip for compression of fj.sources article? 918.sjs Re: I want eljman.texinfo.gz 919.sjs will be closed 920.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 921.sjs Re: LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 922.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 924.sjs Re: I want eljman.texinfo.gz 925.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 927.sjs I want eljman.texinfo.gz 928.sjs Re: MH-p ---, v1.13 929.sjs Re: LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 930.sjs Re: I want eljman.texinfo.gz 931.sjs Re: LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 932.sjs Re: LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 933.sjs Re: nml1.2 UNOFFICIAL patch #1..#5 (Re: nml1.2 (NOROP's Mailing List 934.sjs Re: LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 935.sjs CERT Advisory: wuarchive ftpd Trojan Horse 936.sjs Re: LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 937.sjs Re: ktin & krn kanji coding (Re: JIS-KANJI character list) 938.sjs Re: help: patchkit for X11(solaris2.3) 939.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with 940.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with 941.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 942.sjs I want 'rose'!! 943.sjs [JAPANESE] dictionary program release announcement 944.sjs [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 945.sjs BUG or ???, gs261j10 + djgpp-patch, use of STDPRN in "" 946.sjs Re: will be closed 947.sjs mntdisk for ICM MO-4120 or others using Fujitsu M2511A 948.sjs Re: ish v2.01a3 for unix 949.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 950.sjs To (Iijima Akihiro). 951.sjs Re: ish v2.01a3 for unix 952.sjs Re: kanji code converter ack v1.3 953.sjs Re: ish v2.01a3 for unix 954.sjs Re: kanji code converter ack v1.3 955.sjs Re: To (Iijima Akihiro). 956.sjs Re: kanji code converter ack v1.3 957.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 958.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 959.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with 960.sjs Re: kanji code converter ack v1.3 961.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 962.sjs Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 963.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with 964.sjs Archives of mathematica ML is available 965.sjs Re: kanji code converter ack v1.3 966.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with tiny-m 967.sjs Re: kanji code converter ack v1.3 968.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 969.sjs Re: Yet Another tin-1.22 patch 970.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with tiny-m 971.sjs Re: vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with tiny-m 972.sjs Re: FujiXerox keyboard patch for X11R6 973.sjs Japanese LEDA manual 974.sjs duplicated article (Re: I want 'rose'!!) 975.sjs mnews 1.18 'g' command bug (was Re: mnews 1.18 posted) 976.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 977.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! 978.sjs mnews 1.18 posted Directory usenet/fj/sys: ======================== ews4800\ EWS4800 hp\ Hewlett Packard ibmpc\ IBM PC j3100\ J3100 luna\ Luna mac\ Macintosh misc\ Misc news\ News next\ NeXT pc98\ PC98 rs6000\ RS6000 sgi\ SGI sun\ Sun x68000\ x68000 x6800\ x6800 Directory usenet/fj/sys/ews4800: ================================ 53.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 54.sjs gcc for EWS4800 55.sjs Perl for Release9.1 Rev3 - EWS4800/30 56.sjs Re: gcc2.x for EWS4800/230 57.sjs Free Softwares on EWS4800 58.sjs gcc2.x for EWS4800/230 59.sjs Re: Free Softwares on EWS4800 60.sjs Re: Free Softwares on EWS4800 61.sjs Re: gcc2.x for EWS4800/230 62.sjs gcc 2.4.5 patch for EWS4800 63.sjs Re: gcc2.x for EWS4800/230 64.sjs Re: gcc 2.4.5 patch for EWS4800 65.sjs amd for EWS4800 66.sjs Re: gcc 2.4.5 patch for EWS4800 67.sjs map enough space 68.sjs Re: map enough space 69.sjs Re: map enough space Directory usenet/fj/sys/hp: =========================== 558.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 560.sjs Re: PaintJet XL-300 561.sjs Eudora with HP 562.sjs Re: Eudora with HP 563.sjs Best beginner's guide book of HP system 564.sjs Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 565.sjs kterm on HP-UX 566.sjs Get digital data from DAT 567.sjs Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 568.sjs Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 569.sjs Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 570.sjs Re: Best beginner's guide book of HP system 571.sjs Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 572.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 573.sjs WorkMan Doesn't work 574.sjs Re: Best beginner's guide book of HP system 575.sjs Re: WorkMan Doesn't work 576.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 577.sjs Re: Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 578.sjs Re: Eudora with HP 579.sjs Re: Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 580.sjs Re: Best beginner's guide book of HP system 581.sjs Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 582.sjs Re: Mail Configuration on HP machines (In Japanese/Kanji) 583.sjs Re: Eudora with HP 584.sjs Re: Z Shell 585.sjs Re: 5' Mo (1.3G) drive 586.sjs Z Shell 587.sjs Re: Z Shell 588.sjs Re: DAT drive capacity 589.sjs Re: kterm on HP-UX 590.sjs Re: [mule] Wnn4.109 on hpux9 591.sjs Re: [mule] Wnn4.109 on hpux9 592.sjs Re: [mule] Wnn4.109 on hpux9 593.sjs Aserver exits.. 594.sjs Localized Mosaic abnormally terminates 595.sjs [Wnn4.109] on hpux9 596.sjs r's command on hpux 597.sjs Re: I changed host name, something bad happens 598.sjs Re: r's command on hpux 599.sjs /dev/audio* (Re: Aserver exits..) 600.sjs Re: Localized Mosaic abnormally terminates 601.sjs Re: HP patch service 602.sjs Re: r's command on hpux 603.sjs HP CPU & MEM GRAPH 604.sjs Re: [Wnn4.109] on hpux9 605.sjs Re: r's command on hpux 606.sjs Re: Localized Mosaic abnormally terminates 607.sjs Re: Aserver exits.. 608.sjs jserver can't start 609.sjs Re: r's command on hpux 610.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 611.sjs optional "C/ANSI C" compiler (Re: [Wnn4.109] on hpux9) 612.sjs Re: HP CPU & MEM GRAPH 613.sjs Re: I changed host name, something bad happens 614.sjs timed for HP 615.sjs Re: timed for HP 616.sjs PaintJet XL300 Directory usenet/fj/sys/ibmpc: ============================== v2400\ fj.sys.ibmpc V2400 v2500\ fj.sys.ibmpc V2500 v2600\ fj.sys.ibmpc V2600 Directory usenet/fj/sys/ibmpc/v2400: ==================================== 2434.sjs Re: package 2435.sjs Re: Want! SVGA dev.driver 2437.sjs Re: package 2438.sjs Re: multiple X-server 2439.sjs Re: MPU 2440.sjs Re: package 2441.sjs Re: package 2442.sjs Re: MPU 2443.sjs Re: MPU 2444.sjs Re: package 2445.sjs can't recognize additional memory. 2446.sjs Re: What is No.1 ISA SVGA 2447.sjs video capture board 2448.sjs Re: can't recognize additional memory. 2449.sjs Re: can't recognize additional memory. 2450.sjs Re: MPU 2451.sjs Re: MPU 2452.sjs Re: can't recognize additional memory. 2453.sjs Re: [Q] multiple com-port 2454.sjs Borland c++ 4.0 does not run on sunpc. (In Japanese) 2455.sjs Backlit LCD for CRT 2456.sjs Re: can't recognize additional memory. 2457.sjs IBM-PC shop at Singapore 2458.sjs Re: IBM-PC shop at Singapore 2459.sjs WANTED: BJ-10v OS/2 printer driver 2460.sjs Re: [Q] multiple printer-port [ [Q] multiple com-port ] 2461.sjs Re: multiple X-server 2462.sjs [Q] multiple com-port 2463.sjs My Trouble 2464.sjs Re: My Trouble 2465.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 2466.sjs [Q] multiple printer-port [ [Q] multiple com-port ] 2467.sjs Re: multiple X-server 2468.sjs Re: [Q] 80x87 2469.sjs Re: multiple X-server 2470.sjs Re: [Q] 80x87 2471.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 2472.sjs Re: My Trouble 2473.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 2474.sjs Re: My Trouble 2475.sjs Re: My Trouble 2476.sjs My trouble continued ... 2477.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 2478.sjs [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2479.sjs Boot OS selection 2480.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2481.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2482.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2483.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2484.sjs Linux jouhou Memo (Apr. '94) 2485.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2486.sjs Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2487.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2488.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2489.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2490.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2491.sjs [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2492.sjs Re: ARCHIVE Co. 2493.sjs Re: Backlit LCD for CRT 2494.sjs Re: Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2495.sjs Re: My Trouble 2496.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2497.sjs ARCHIVE Co. 2498.sjs Re: Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2499.sjs Re: My Trouble Directory usenet/fj/sys/ibmpc/v2500: ==================================== 2500.sjs Re: multiple X-server 2501.sjs Re: My trouble continued ... 2502.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 2503.sjs Question about EthernetBoard (SIC-AT) 2504.sjs Re: Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2505.sjs can't read FD (Re: TeX for Mac) 2506.sjs Re: graphic library 2507.sjs Re: Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2508.sjs Re: Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2509.sjs Re: graphic library 2510.sjs Re: My Trouble 2511.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2512.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2513.sjs Re: Backlit LCD for CRT 2514.sjs Re: My Trouble 2515.sjs Re: My trouble continued ... 2516.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2517.sjs fj.sys.ibmpc 2518.sjs Re: My trouble continued ... 2519.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2520.sjs Re: My Trouble 2521.sjs Re: Backlit LCD for CRT 2522.sjs Gateway 2000 machines (was Re: fj.sys.ibmpc) 2523.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2524.sjs [sale][pc98][ibmpc][x68][soft] 2525.sjs Thanks for infos of shops in Singapore 2526.sjs Re: Adaptec SCSI (2742/2842) 2527.sjs Re: ARCHIVE Co. 2528.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2529.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2530.sjs SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2531.sjs AGC-4000(MicroStep Inc.) 2532.sjs PCI-bus SCSI card 2533.sjs Re: can't read FD 2534.sjs Re: My trouble continued ... 2535.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2536.sjs Re: [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2537.sjs Gateway and BT-445S 2538.sjs Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet 2539.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2540.sjs Re: Backlit LCD for CRT 2541.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2542.sjs Re: can't read FD (Re: TeX for Mac) 2543.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2544.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2545.sjs Re: Boot OS selection 2546.sjs Re: Like Mac draw 2547.sjs Re: Backlit LCD for CRT 2548.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2549.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2550.sjs Q. abut SIMM for PS2 2551.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2552.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 2553.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2554.sjs [Q] Ethercard 2555.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2556.sjs Re: [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2557.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 2558.sjs Gamen BIKA daisakusen (Re: Backlit LCD for CRT) 2559.sjs Re: [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2560.sjs Re: [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2561.sjs PC WAVE 2562.sjs Re: Backlit LCD for CRT 2563.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 2564.sjs Wanted Remote Diskcopy Tool 2565.sjs Re: SLS wolkman VolumeControl 2566.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2567.sjs Re: Gamen BIKA daisakusen (Re: Backlit LCD for CRT) 2568.sjs Re: Question about EthernetBoard (SIC-AT) 2569.sjs Re: Question about EthernetBoard (SIC-AT) 2570.sjs Re: Like Mac draw 2571.sjs Re: [sale][pc98][ibmpc][x68][soft] 2572.sjs Can I use Macintosh CD-ROM drive? 2573.sjs Re: Xserver on WINDOWS PC (Re: Like Mac draw) 2574.sjs Alpha date's CRT monitor 2575.sjs WinFaxLITE 2576.sjs Query: Mercury chip set? 2577.sjs Anyone, experience with WinNT please... 2578.sjs MotherBoard Problem?(Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet) 2579.sjs Re: MotherBoard Problem?(Re: [Q] How to make a PC quiet) 2580.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2581.sjs Re: [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2582.sjs Re: Xserver on WINDOWS PC (Re: Like Mac draw) 2583.sjs X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 2584.sjs Re: [For SALE] 8MByte SIMM 2585.sjs [Q]Swift(SSK)PCMCIA card 2586.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 2587.sjs Question of how to use EXABYTE-8205 on PC 2588.sjs Where can I buy VRAMs. 2589.sjs Re: [Q]Swift(SSK)PCMCIA card 2590.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2591.sjs [Re[Re]]: [Q]Swift(SSK)PCMCIA card 2592.sjs PS/55note inner HD 2593.sjs scroll 2594.sjs Re: Question of how to use EXABYTE-8205 on PC 2595.sjs OMNI key 2596.sjs PC WAVE 1993/01-1994/05 2597.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 2598.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2599.sjs Re: [Q] IBM DOS Directory usenet/fj/sys/ibmpc/v2600: ==================================== 2600.sjs add volume of pc speeker 2601.sjs Re: PS/55note inner HD 2602.sjs 800x600 on PS/55note N23sx 2603.sjs Re: Gamen BIKA daisakusen (Re: Backlit LCD for CRT) 2604.sjs pcmcia_ether&free_unix 2605.sjs [Wanted]PC-M/B(386) 2606.sjs How to read/write Function Key 2607.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 2608.sjs [Q] Ethercard: RE-2005 2609.sjs Re: [Re[Re]]: [Q]Swift(SSK)PCMCIA card 2610.sjs Re: [Q]Swift(SSK)PCMCIA card 2611.sjs Re: Gamen BIKA daisakusen (Re: Backlit LCD for CRT) 2612.sjs Re: OMNI key 2613.sjs Re: Query: Mercury chip set? 2614.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 2615.sjs XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 2616.sjs IBM PC Direct 2617.sjs Q: hardware lists recommended for Linux wanted! 2618.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 2619.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 2620.sjs Re: IBM PC Direct 2621.sjs Re: OMNI key 2622.sjs True Key Position (Re: OMNI key) 2623.sjs [Q] terminal soft & Windows,etc 2624.sjs ln for msdos. Directory usenet/fj/sys/j3100: ============================== 313.sjs Re: PS/2 mouse 315.sjs Re: PS/2 mouse 316.sjs Re: PS/2 mouse 317.sjs Re: [Q] 80x87 318.sjs Re: PS/2 mouse 319.sjs Re: PS/2 mouse 320.sjs Re: PS/2 mouse 321.sjs Re: (q) quote 322.sjs test 323.sjs Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC 324.sjs PCMCIA and APM (was: Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC) 325.sjs Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC 326.sjs Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC 327.sjs Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC 328.sjs [Wanted] Broken J3100SS001 329.sjs [wanted] NCSAtelnetJ for J3100 330.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 331.sjs KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 332.sjs Re: Toshiba America's Notebook PC 333.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 334.sjs Re: (q) quote 335.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 336.sjs Re: [Q] Ethercard 337.sjs Re: KD_GRAPHICS and KD_TEXT with kon in J3100SX. 338.sjs [wanted]Dyna Book memory Directory usenet/fj/sys/luna: ============================= 56.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac: ============================ v7200\ fj.sys.mac V7200 v7300\ fj.sys.mac V7300 v7400\ fj.sys.mac V7400 v7500\ fj.sys.mac V7500 v7600\ fj.sys.mac V7600 v7700\ fj.sys.mac V7700 Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac/v7200: ================================== 7245.sjs hankaku-kigo 7246.sjs Re: keyboard 7247.sjs Teach about ftp 7248.sjs Re: Ether-SCSI box 7249.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7250.sjs Where is "Heisei"? 7251.sjs Re: keyboard 7252.sjs Re: keyboard 7253.sjs Re: keyboard 7254.sjs Re: Apple 7255.sjs Re: keyboard 7256.sjs Re: Norton Speed Disk 7257.sjs Share HP LaserJet 4L 7258.sjs Re: keyboard 7259.sjs Re: hankaku-kigo 7261.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7262.sjs Re: Where is "Heisei"? 7263.sjs Apple 7264.sjs To:SoftwareHouse 7265.sjs Re: PB140 Battry Help! 7266.sjs Re: SweetJAM 7267.sjs Re: copy protection 7268.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 7269.sjs [PB180] Q: PBK1.44$B$r(BFaxSTF2.3.3$B$G;H$&$?$a$N@_Dj(B? 7270.sjs AVminiFAQ 7271.sjs Re: PB140 Battry Help! 7272.sjs [Q]SoftPC 7273.sjs Eudora with HP 7274.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7275.sjs Re: LocalTalkConnection 7276.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7277.sjs Re: copy protection 7278.sjs Re: keyboard 7279.sjs Re: copy protection 7280.sjs PowerBook Display Reverse 7281.sjs Re: TeX for Power Book 165 7282.sjs Re: SweetJAM 7283.sjs Re: Apple 7284.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7285.sjs Re: most recent version of Terminal-J 7286.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7287.sjs Re: Ether-SCSI box 7288.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7289.sjs Re: NEmacs on MacMiNT 7290.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7291.sjs Re: keyboard 7292.sjs Re: hankaku-kigo 7293.sjs cursor operation 7294.sjs Sorry, this is a test 7295.sjs Re: keyboard 7296.sjs Re: Where is "Heisei"? 7297.sjs Binhex (Re: Teach about ftp) 7298.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7299.sjs Re: Eudora and timer Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac/v7300: ================================== 7300.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7301.sjs Re: Virus "welcome datacomp" 7302.sjs Re: Virus "welcome datacomp" 7303.sjs Re: LocalTalkConnection 7304.sjs Re: PowerBook Display Reverse 7305.sjs Re: most recent version of Terminal-J 7306.sjs Re: keyboard 7307.sjs Re: Apple 7308.sjs Re: copy protection 7309.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7310.sjs Re: NEmacs on MacMiNT 7311.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7312.sjs Window arrangement of Think Project Manager 7.0 7313.sjs Re: copy protection 7314.sjs Radius Rocket33 7315.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7316.sjs Re: Where is "Heisei"? 7317.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7318.sjs Re: keyboard 7319.sjs Kankiri (Re: Teach about ftp) 7320.sjs Re: Apple 7321.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7322.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7323.sjs Re: Ether-SCSI box 7324.sjs Normality? My MO-Drive(yanoRV3.5) 7325.sjs Re: Please teach me. 7326.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7327.sjs Question[Gazou-shori] 7328.sjs Re: LocalTalkConnection 7329.sjs [Summary] calendar software 7330.sjs Re: LocalTalkConnection 7331.sjs [Mosaic]How can I preview TIFF image?(Re: Nihongo MOSAIC) 7332.sjs Re: keyboard 7333.sjs Re: keyboard 7334.sjs Re: Eudora and timer 7335.sjs PS level1 vs level2 7336.sjs Re: Eudora with HP 7337.sjs Re: keyboard 7338.sjs Re: [Q]SoftPC 7339.sjs [Q] NewsWatcher-J 7340.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7341.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7342.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7343.sjs Re: keyboard 7344.sjs Re: [Q]PB170 Speaker noize 7345.sjs [want] key touch 7346.sjs Re: hankaku-kigo 7347.sjs Virus "welcome datacomp" 7348.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7349.sjs [Q] How to use TrueType Font for MS-Windows. 7350.sjs Re: Apple 7351.sjs Re: PS level1 vs level2 7352.sjs Sally (Editor) & Fontpatchin 7353.sjs Re: LocalTalkConnection 7354.sjs NCSAtelnet2.5$@$K$D$$$F(J 7355.sjs keyboard 7356.sjs Re: Virus "welcome datacomp" 7357.sjs Centris 660AV connected to Unix 7358.sjs Re: Ether-SCSI box 7359.sjs RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7360.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7361.sjs ARA inconveniences? 7362.sjs AV Mac FD Tips 7363.sjs Re: [Mosaic]How can I preview TIFF image?(Re: Nihongo MOSAIC) 7364.sjs Re: hankaku-kigo 7365.sjs Re: RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7366.sjs Re: Window arrangement of Think Project Manager 7.0 7367.sjs PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7368.sjs Re: NCSAtelnet2.5$@$K$D$$$F(J 7369.sjs Re: keyboard 7370.sjs Re: Apple 7371.sjs Re: Eudora and timer 7372.sjs [Eudora-J Manual] Common Ground version is available 7373.sjs Re: Ether-SCSI box 7374.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7375.sjs Re: AV Mac FD Tips 7376.sjs AUX for 840AV 7377.sjs Re: Zaurus 7378.sjs PageMaker4.5J & QMS CS100-10J 7379.sjs Re: PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7380.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7381.sjs Re: [Mosaic]How can I preview TIFF image?(Re: Nihongo MOSAIC) 7382.sjs CCL file for PM14400FXMT (In Japanese/Kanji) 7383.sjs Re: RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7384.sjs Q about Newton Book 7385.sjs About Oscar the grouch 7386.sjs Re: [Q] How to use TrueType Font for MS-Windows. 7387.sjs AddMotion with HC2.2 7388.sjs Re: Zaurus 7389.sjs send brk from NCSA Telnet 7390.sjs Re: [want] key touch 7391.sjs Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7392.sjs Re: hankaku-kigo 7393.sjs Re: Sally (Editor) & Fontpatchin 7394.sjs Re: Zaurus 7395.sjs ISIS/Draw---->EPSF (In Japanese/Kanji) 7396.sjs Re: About Oscar the grouch 7397.sjs Re: RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7398.sjs About AppleShare4.0.1E 7399.sjs SE no RAM zousetu Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac/v7400: ================================== 7400.sjs Re: [want] key touch 7401.sjs Re: [Q]PB170 Speaker noize 7402.sjs Re: keyboard 7403.sjs Re: [want] key touch 7404.sjs Where is NewsWatcher-J? 7405.sjs Q FAX modem for PBX 7406.sjs Kanji Code Converter 7407.sjs Re: VRAM 7408.sjs Re: PS level1 vs level2 7409.sjs Re: Normality? My MO-Drive(yanoRV3.5) 7410.sjs Zaurus 7411.sjs Re: [Q]PB170 Speaker noize 7412.sjs Apple Keyboard II (forsale) 7413.sjs Re: Centris 660AV connected to Unix 7414.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7415.sjs Re: Norton Speed Disk 7416.sjs Re: Sally (Editor) & Fontpatchin 7417.sjs Re: [Mosaic]How can I preview TIFF image?(Re: Nihongo MOSAIC) 7418.sjs Re: AddMotion with HC2.2 7419.sjs Re: Zaurus 7420.sjs Re: NCSAtelnet2.5$@$K$D$$$F(J 7421.sjs Re: PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7422.sjs Re: Teach about ftp 7423.sjs 3 button mouse 7424.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7425.sjs Re: NCSAtelnet2.5$@$K$D$$$F(J 7426.sjs Re: RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7427.sjs Re: RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7428.sjs Re: PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7429.sjs Re: 3 button mouse 7430.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7431.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7432.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7433.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 7434.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7435.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7436.sjs Re: Where is NewsWatcher-J? 7437.sjs Systemsoft Editor. 7438.sjs Re: 3 button mouse 7439.sjs Re: SE no RAM zousetu Thanks! 7440.sjs Re: Norton Speed Disk 7441.sjs [Q]Other Format's MO 7442.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7443.sjs Re: RAM Doubler on Mac w/o floppy drive? 7444.sjs Re: [Q]Other Format's MO 7445.sjs Re: Zaurus 7446.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7447.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7448.sjs Re: PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7449.sjs mac TV ? 7450.sjs Re: Systemsoft Editor. 7451.sjs Re: PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7452.sjs Re: [Q]Other Format's MO 7453.sjs Re: Zaurus 7454.sjs I want Mac's vi editer. 7455.sjs Re: [Q]Other Format's MO 7456.sjs Re: Eudora with HP 7457.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7458.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7459.sjs Re: Kanji Code Converter 7460.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7461.sjs Can use "Tateoki" Quadra 650 ? 7462.sjs Re: Q about Newton Book 7463.sjs Re: I want Mac's vi editer. 7464.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7465.sjs Re: [Q]Other Format's MO 7466.sjs Re: [Q]Other Format's MO 7467.sjs Re: CCL file for PM14400FXMT (In Japanese/Kanji) 7468.sjs Re: [Q]Other Format's MO 7469.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7470.sjs Re: PowerMac 8100/80AV&Geoport 7471.sjs [Q] Where is RMO-S360's Cleanig kit? 7472.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7473.sjs Re: PageMaker4.5J & QMS CS100-10J 7474.sjs Re: PS level1 vs level2 7475.sjs Re: Can use "Tateoki" Quadra 650 ? 7476.sjs TeX for Mac 7477.sjs Re: [trouble]Mail Order to Apple U.S.A. 7478.sjs Re: [Q] How to use TrueType Font for MS-Windows. 7479.sjs Re: Can use "Tateoki" Quadra 650 ? 7480.sjs Re: [trouble]Mail Order to Apple U.S.A. 7481.sjs Outliner 7482.sjs Re: PageMaker4.5J & QMS CS100-10J 7483.sjs lwsrv of CAP 7484.sjs Re: Virus "welcome datacomp" 7485.sjs Re: Kanji Code Converter 7486.sjs [Q]serial connection of eudora 7487.sjs Re: Zaurus 7488.sjs [Summary] Free Screen Saver 7489.sjs Re: [Q]serial connection of eudora 7490.sjs Mao.PRN.spool 7491.sjs 660AV--->PowerMac6100/60AV 7492.sjs Re: [want] key touch 7493.sjs bug? of disk utility 7494.sjs Printing from Mac to unix printers 7495.sjs [Q]Kotoeri input window position 7496.sjs Re: bug? of disk utility 7497.sjs Re: quickdraw GX 7498.sjs Re: Mao.PRN.spool 7499.sjs Re: bug? of disk utility Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac/v7500: ================================== 7500.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7501.sjs Re: FAXstf 3.0; Jpanese 7502.sjs Re: quickdraw GX 7503.sjs Re: Outliner 7504.sjs HyperCard trouble 7505.sjs Re: Eudora with HP 7506.sjs quickdraw GX 7507.sjs Searching some XCMD/XFCN 7508.sjs MM Director LINGO/XObj 7509.sjs [trouble]Mail Order to Apple U.S.A. 7510.sjs Re: [want] key touch 7511.sjs How can I get Hangle fonts and input system? 7512.sjs Re: Kanji Code Converter 7513.sjs Re: Sally (Editor) & Fontpatchin 7514.sjs Re: PB140 Battry Help! 7515.sjs CAP no Fonts 7516.sjs Re: bug? of disk utility 7517.sjs Re: [Q]Kotoeri input window position 7518.sjs OCR software ? 7519.sjs Re: [Q]Kotoeri input window position 7520.sjs Re: HyperCard trouble 7521.sjs Re: HyperCard trouble 7522.sjs Re: Can use "Tateoki" Quadra 650 ? 7523.sjs Re: installation order of extensions 7524.sjs Re: bug? of disk utility 7525.sjs Is there guznip/gzip for mac? 7526.sjs LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7527.sjs Thanks: Other Format's MO 7528.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7529.sjs LCIII -> LC475 7530.sjs Numerical formula editor 7531.sjs Symantec C++ 6.x to 7.0 Updater 7532.sjs How to make Wnn4.109 on MachTen2.1 7533.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7534.sjs Re: Symantec C++ 6.x to 7.0 Updater 7535.sjs Re: Centris 660AV conncted to Unix 7536.sjs Re: Strange HYOJI font 7537.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7538.sjs Re: Q : How to delete locked file : THANK YOU 7539.sjs Re: OCR software ? 7540.sjs Re: Symantec C++ 6.x to 7.0 Updater 7541.sjs Re: lwsrv of CAP 7542.sjs Re: HyperCard trouble 7543.sjs QuickTime Movies freeeeeze!! 7544.sjs installation order of extensions 7545.sjs Symantec C++ Updater 7546.sjs Convert Sound Data File 7547.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7548.sjs Re: LocalTalkConnection 7549.sjs Re: copy protection 7550.sjs Re: copy protection 7551.sjs Re: Question[Gazou-shori] 7552.sjs Re: Is there guznip/gzip for mac? 7553.sjs Re: Is there guznip/gzip for mac? 7554.sjs Re: Outliner 7555.sjs Re: quickdraw GX 7556.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7557.sjs Re: installation order of extensions 7558.sjs Re: Numerical formula editor 7559.sjs Re: QuickTime Movies freeeeeze!! 7560.sjs Re: Strange HYOJI font 7561.sjs Apple-HSF minimal file size 7562.sjs Re: Q : How to delete locked file 7563.sjs Re: Numerical formula editor 7564.sjs Re: Symantec C++ Updater 7565.sjs Re: ASANTE EN/SC 7566.sjs Re: ASANTE EN/SC 7567.sjs Re: Strange HYOJI font 7568.sjs Re: Q : How to delete locked file 7569.sjs Re: Convert Sound Data File 7570.sjs Re: How can I get Hangle fonts and input system? 7571.sjs Re: Symantec C++ 6.x to 7.0 Updater 7572.sjs ASANTE EN/SC 7573.sjs Re: Numerical formula editor 7574.sjs Re: NEmacs on MacMiNT 7575.sjs LaserWriter IIsc 7576.sjs Re: Q : How to delete locked file 7577.sjs nslookup for mac 7578.sjs [sale] PB180 + EtherSCSI 7579.sjs Mac Clock-up. 7580.sjs Re: nslookup for mac 7581.sjs NewsWatcher-J UUCP 7582.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7583.sjs ConcertWare (In Japanese/Kanji) 7584.sjs Font menu trouble. 7585.sjs Re: Numerical formula editor 7586.sjs Summary: PS Level1 vs Level2 7587.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7588.sjs Re: ASANTE EN/SC 7589.sjs Kotoeri Tuner 7590.sjs UUPC 3.1 ( Re: NewsWatcher-J UUCP ) 7591.sjs [Q] mac --> psfile 7592.sjs Re: [Q] mac --> psfile 7593.sjs Re: UUPC 3.1 ( Re: NewsWatcher-J UUCP ) 7594.sjs Re: [Q] mac --> psfile 7595.sjs Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7596.sjs Re: UUPC 3.1 ( Re: NewsWatcher-J UUCP ) 7597.sjs NEED INFO: apple talk connection recording tool 7598.sjs Re: UUPC 3.1 ( Re: NewsWatcher-J UUCP ) 7599.sjs Re: Symantec C++ 6.x to 7.0 Updater Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac/v7600: ================================== 7600.sjs Re: Q : How to delete locked file 7601.sjs Re: Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7602.sjs Re: Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7603.sjs Re: Font menu trouble. 7604.sjs PGA Tour Golf II 7605.sjs Re: OCR software ? 7606.sjs Re: [sale] PB180 + EtherSCSI 7607.sjs Re: Strange HYOJI font 7608.sjs Re: Mac Clock-up. 7609.sjs Re: QuickTime Movies freeeeeze!! 7610.sjs Re: Strange HYOJI font 7611.sjs Re: Symantec C++ 6.x to 7.0 Updater 7612.sjs Re: Numerical formula editor 7613.sjs Data converter from Candy4 to Mac Draw or Canvas 7614.sjs q 7615.sjs Re: Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7616.sjs StyleWriter2+MacWORD2.0 7617.sjs Re: bug? of disk utility 7618.sjs Re: Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7619.sjs AUI Adapter 7620.sjs [Result] Strange HYOJI font 7621.sjs [Q] MacPPP + MacTCP 7622.sjs Re: AUI Adapter 7623.sjs Re: Strange HYOJI font 7624.sjs MacPPP & arnsrd 7625.sjs service parts 7626.sjs France-go no nyuryoku 7627.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7628.sjs Re: lwsrv of CAP 7629.sjs Re: Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7630.sjs [Q] 70ns SIMM for Plus 7631.sjs Re: [Q] MacPPP + MacTCP 7632.sjs Re: LocalTalk and EtherTalk 7633.sjs Re: ASANTE EN/SC 7634.sjs Re: [Q] 70ns SIMM for Plus 7635.sjs how to use wnn/canna (public dictionary) on KOTOERI? 7636.sjs Re: Need info : Editor: Box cut & paste 7637.sjs NewsRun0.15 (NewsWatcher-J-UUCP) 7638.sjs Re: NewsRun0.15 (NewsWatcher-J-UUCP) 7639.sjs NCSA Mosaic J on Mac ?? 7640.sjs Hardware Protect in SoloWriter. 7641.sjs [Q]MacBinary? 7642.sjs Re: Font menu trouble. 7643.sjs Re: Hardware Protect in SoloWriter. 7644.sjs File Sharing 7645.sjs VerUp NEmacs on MacMiNT 7646.sjs Re: [Q]MacBinary? 7647.sjs Re: Eudora Japanese-Manual 7648.sjs (Q) MacX vs. Openwindow 3.2 (help me) 7649.sjs Re: AUI Adapter 7650.sjs academic discount for Mac 7651.sjs [Q] Speeking Software 7652.sjs Re: [Q] Speeking Software 7653.sjs Re: [Q]MacBinary? 7654.sjs Re: academic discount for Mac 7655.sjs Re: nslookup for mac 7656.sjs Question: Help designing a Database with Filemaker Pro (or II) 7657.sjs LC475 vs LC575 part2 7658.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7659.sjs Re: [Q] Two HD -> One HD 7660.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575 part2 7661.sjs Re: [Q] 70ns SIMM for Plus - SUMMARY 7662.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7663.sjs Re: Font Trouble 7664.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7665.sjs Re: [Q] 70ns SIMM for Plus 7666.sjs Re: Font Trouble 7667.sjs Re: Font Trouble 7668.sjs Re: Dir for Mac (Re: [Q]MacBinary?) 7669.sjs BSD unix on OrangePC 7670.sjs RE: NCSA Mosaic J on Mac ?? ~ 5 (deguchi) 7671.sjs Re: Hardware Protect in SoloWriter. 7672.sjs [Q] Two HD -> One HD 7673.sjs Problem of alias and AUFS 7674.sjs PS =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJVclaiVzJT8kTkEqQnIbKEI=?= 7675.sjs Re: [Q] 70ns SIMM for Plus 7676.sjs Re: NewsRun0.15 (NewsWatcher-J-UUCP) 7677.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575 part2 7678.sjs Re: NCSA Mosaic J on Mac ?? ~ 5 (deguchi) 7679.sjs Re: [Q]MacBinary? 7680.sjs uucp on uupc3.x 7681.sjs Re: NCSA Mosaic J on Mac ?? ~ 5 (deguchi) 7682.sjs Dir for Mac (Re: [Q]MacBinary?) 7683.sjs LC475 vs LC575. 7684.sjs [Q] How to use bifMac 1.4 in fj.binaries.mac 7685.sjs Re: NCSA Mosaic J on Mac ?? ~ 5 (deguchi) 7686.sjs Re: NewsRun0.15 (NewsWatcher-J-UUCP) 7687.sjs [Result]MacBinary? 7688.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7689.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575 part2 7690.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575 part2 7691.sjs DTV ? 7692.sjs IRC? 7693.sjs Re: [Q]MacBinary? 7694.sjs GrowWindow() 7695.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7696.sjs Sound Manager Dev. Kit v.3.0 7697.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7698.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7699.sjs Re: NewsRun0.15 (NewsWatcher-J-UUCP) Directory usenet/fj/sys/mac/v7700: ================================== 7700.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7701.sjs Re: VerUp NEmacs on MacMiNT 7702.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7703.sjs Font Trouble 7704.sjs PowerKey 7705.sjs Re: [Q] Speeking Software 7706.sjs Re: how to use wnn/canna (public dictionary) on KOTOERI? 7707.sjs cable for ether talk 7708.sjs Re: cable for ether talk 7709.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7710.sjs Re: DTV ? 7711.sjs MB Stripper (Was: [Result]MacBinary?) 7712.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7713.sjs Re: Mac Clock-up. 7714.sjs Unix host access via Remote Access 7715.sjs [Result] HyperCard trouble 7716.sjs Color Card for SE/30 7717.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7718.sjs Re: [Q]MacBinary? 7719.sjs Printer for DOS 7720.sjs Teach me! Sending method of kanji code 7721.sjs Re: [Result]MacBinary? 7722.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7723.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7724.sjs DOS-Mounter 7725.sjs Re: VerUp NEmacs on MacMiNT 7726.sjs [Thanks] How can I get Hangle fonts and input system? 7727.sjs Re: Teach me! Sending method of kanji code 7728.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7729.sjs Re: DOS-Mounter 7730.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7731.sjs Re: Unix host access via Remote Access 7732.sjs [Q]How to modify original sounds 7733.sjs Re: DOS-Mounter 7734.sjs Re: Printer for DOS 7735.sjs Re: academic discount for Mac 7736.sjs Re: [Q] Speeking Software 7737.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575. 7738.sjs Re: LC475 vs LC575 part2 Directory usenet/fj/sys/misc: ============================= 531.sjs [keyboard] capslock&control 532.sjs A digital VTR standard. 533.sjs [WANTED] MSX-turboR 534.sjs LD is analog (Re: A digital VTR standard.) 535.sjs Re: A digital VTR standard. 536.sjs Re: A digital VTR standard. 537.sjs CRT manufacture in Japan. 538.sjs EXABYTE confusion 539.sjs COCOM 540.sjs Re: CRT manufacture in Japan. 541.sjs Re: CRT manufacture in Japan. 542.sjs Re: COCOM 543.sjs Re: A digital VTR standard. 544.sjs Re: A digital VTR standard. 545.sjs Temperature mesurement of CPU chip. 546.sjs Fujitsu's Vector Processing VLSI CPU. 547.sjs Re: Temperature mesurement of CPU chip. 548.sjs Query on DECpc AXP150. 549.sjs Large capacity HDD 550.sjs Re: Large capacity HDD 551.sjs Moving millions of micro-Mirrors for HDTV (Scientific American) 552.sjs Elm's problem. 553.sjs Re: Query on DECpc AXP150. 554.sjs Copy machine, book distribution system in the future 555.sjs Re: Query on DECpc AXP150. Directory usenet/fj/sys/news: ============================= 523.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 525.sjs Evergreen SCSI cable (Re: ``lost interrupt'' about SCSI on NWS-5000W 526.sjs [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 527.sjs screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 528.sjs Re: screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 529.sjs Re: screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 530.sjs Re: Green Card Lottery- Final One? 531.sjs Re: screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 532.sjs Get digital data from DAT 533.sjs How to Call Back 534.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 535.sjs Re: screen-3.5.2 on 4.2R 536.sjs Can't install flexfax 537.sjs Re: Can't install flexfax 538.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 539.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 540.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 541.sjs [Q] getopt command 542.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 543.sjs Re: clisp on NEWS5000 544.sjs Re: clisp on NEWS5000 545.sjs Re: clisp on NEWS5000 546.sjs Re: clisp on NEWS5000 547.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 548.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 549.sjs [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 550.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 551.sjs clisp on NEWS5000 552.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 553.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 554.sjs Re: [Question] Mac memory available on NWS-3260? 555.sjs Re: [Q] getopt command 556.sjs [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 557.sjs Termial Server (In Japanese) 558.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 559.sjs Re: Get digital data from DAT 560.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 561.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 562.sjs gprof for RISC-NEWS 563.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 564.sjs [Question] How to make Mule on NEWS. 565.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 566.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 567.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 568.sjs Re: [Question] How to make Mule on NEWS. 569.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 570.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 571.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 572.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 573.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 574.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 575.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 576.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 577.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 578.sjs Re: Termial Server (In Japanese) 579.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 580.sjs [Q] perl-4.036 581.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 582.sjs sendmail.8.6.9+2.4Wb 583.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 584.sjs Re: [Question] Serial speed of POP NEWS 585.sjs Re: [Q] perl-4.036 586.sjs Re: [Q] perl-4.036 587.sjs Re: [Q] perl-4.036 588.sjs Re: [Q] NWS-3460 MAX memory? 589.sjs Re: [Q] perl-4.036 Directory usenet/fj/sys/next: ============================= 617.sjs PRINTER on NEXTSTEP3.2J FIP 618.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 620.sjs Nextstep 3.1 for Intel 621.sjs previewer for jdvi (self-reply) 622.sjs NeXTstep3.1 for Intel Thanks 623.sjs Re: PRINTER on NEXTSTEP3.2J FIP 624.sjs Re: PRINTER on NEXTSTEP3.2J FIP 625.sjs I Need NetInfo Books 626.sjs Re: Help: Sony MO(5inch) formatting 627.sjs 45th NeXus Meeting (Tokyo) on 14 May 628.sjs OmniWeb (WWW browser) 629.sjs E-Mail Address for Absoft Fortran 630.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 631.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 632.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 633.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 634.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 635.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 636.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 637.sjs Re: OmniWeb (WWW browser) 638.sjs Japanese agency of some NeXT software 639.sjs Re: Japanese agency of some NeXT software 640.sjs Re: 2 Questions 641.sjs Re: 2 Questions 642.sjs 45th NeXus Meeting (Tokyo) on 14 May (Repost) 643.sjs Re: psfrag 644.sjs Re: 2 Questions 645.sjs Emacs 19 for NEXTSTEP on 646.sjs Re: Japanese agency of some NeXT software 647.sjs emacs19 for NS diff on srawgw 648.sjs Re: psfrag 649.sjs Re: Emacs 19 for NEXTSTEP on 650.sjs Re: Japanese agency of some NeXT software 651.sjs Help: Digital Ears? 652.sjs Re: Help: Digital Ears? 653.sjs Re: Help: Digital Ears? 654.sjs Books about NEXT Plograming 655.sjs Re: Books about NEXT Plograming 656.sjs Re: Books about NEXT Plograming 657.sjs Re: Help: Digital Ears? 658.sjs 22th NeXus Kansai meeting on 28 May. 659.sjs Re: file name completion 660.sjs Re: file name completion 661.sjs 22th NeXus Kansai meeting on 28 May. 662.sjs Re: file name completion 663.sjs Re: file name completion 664.sjs file name completion 665.sjs Problem with NeXTstation and Quantum PD1800S 666.sjs Re: Problem with NeXTstation and Quantum PD1800S 667.sjs Upper_CASE tools on NEXTSTEP Directory usenet/fj/sys/pc98: ============================= 3569.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 3570.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 3572.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 3573.sjs juushoroku/$B=;=jO?(B 3574.sjs Re: [Q]: Ichitaro to PS 3575.sjs Re: MPU 3576.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3577.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3578.sjs PC-98n RAM-Drive 3579.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3580.sjs Re: MPU 3581.sjs Re: Reset 3582.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3583.sjs Re: MPU 3584.sjs Re: Question about EPSON PC-286VE 3585.sjs Re: Question about EPSON PC-286VE 3586.sjs Re: PC-98n RAM-Drive 3587.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3588.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3589.sjs Please deliver these messages to the authors 3590.sjs Re: MPU 3591.sjs Re: Question about EPSON PC-286VE 3592.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 3593.sjs Re: 30BIOS 3594.sjs Re: PC-98n RAM-Drive 3595.sjs Re: Q: SASI Hard Disk 3596.sjs [Q] Hard disk for EPSON PC-386 NOTE A 3597.sjs Re: [Q] Hard disk for EPSON PC-386 NOTE A 3598.sjs Re: Question about EPSON PC-286VE 3599.sjs Q: Large HDD for PC98 3600.sjs Re: PC-98n RAM-Drive 3601.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 3602.sjs Re: Q: SASI Hard Disk 3603.sjs [Q] 80x87 3604.sjs Re: [Q] 80x87 3605.sjs Re: Q: Large HDD for PC98 3606.sjs Re: [Q] 80x87 3607.sjs Re: Q: Large HDD for PC98 3608.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 3609.sjs Re: PC-98n RAM-Drive 3610.sjs Re: PC-98n RAM-Drive 3611.sjs Re: Question about BGMLIB on PC98 (not BGILIB) 3612.sjs Re: 32bit sector format 3613.sjs Re: Question about BGMLIB on PC98 (not BGILIB) 3614.sjs Re: PC-98n RAM-Drive 3615.sjs [Q]:cylix-ODP-Err 3616.sjs Terminal Program Inquiry 3617.sjs Re: Terminal Program Inquiry 3618.sjs Q: BS2/U2 keyboard 3619.sjs Re: [Q]:cylix-ODP-Err 3620.sjs Re: Q: BS2/U2 keyboard 3621.sjs [sale][pc98][ibmpc][x68][soft] 3622.sjs Re: Q: BS2/U2 keyboard 3623.sjs Re: Terminal Program Inquiry 3624.sjs Re: Q: BS2/U2 keyboard 3625.sjs Re: Q: BS2/U2 keyboard 3626.sjs Re: Q: Terminal Software for PC98XA 3627.sjs Re: Q: Terminal Software for PC98XA 3628.sjs Re: [Q]:cylix-ODP-Err 3629.sjs PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) 3630.sjs Re: PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) 3631.sjs Re: Q: Terminal Software for PC98XA 3632.sjs Re: [sale][pc98][ibmpc][x68][soft] 3633.sjs Re: [Q]:cylix-ODP-Err 3634.sjs PC386noteW+80MHDD 3635.sjs How to set UMB partially? 3636.sjs Re: PC386noteW+80MHDD 3637.sjs AI-Simulator 3638.sjs [Question] help! 3639.sjs want the newest version uudx 3640.sjs PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3641.sjs Re: [Question] help! 3642.sjs ghostscript on PC9801 3643.sjs Re: PC-286V + MS-Kermit (MSVP98B1) 3644.sjs Re: [Question] help! 3645.sjs Free FAX software 3646.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3647.sjs Q: Terminal Software for PC98XA 3648.sjs Q:PC9821As line in 3649.sjs Re: How to set UMB partially? 3650.sjs Re: Free FAX software 3651.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3652.sjs HDD not work 3653.sjs [Q] Graphics 3654.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3655.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3656.sjs Re: [Q] Graphics 3657.sjs Re: How to set UMB partially? 3658.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3659.sjs coexsist IPX/SPX & TCP/IP 3660.sjs Re: Q:PC9821As line in 3661.sjs 98 bug fix? 3662.sjs Re: PC386noteW+80MHDD 3663.sjs Re: How to set UMB partially? 3664.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3665.sjs I want 16 color board 3666.sjs Re: [Q] Graphics 3667.sjs Re: [Question] help! 3668.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3669.sjs Re: I want 16 color board 3670.sjs Re: I want 16 color board 3671.sjs Re: Q:PC9821As line in 3672.sjs Re: ghostscript on PC9801 3673.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3674.sjs Re: AI-Simulator 3675.sjs Re: [Question] help! 3676.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3677.sjs [PC-98/PC-x86]marumoji 3678.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3679.sjs Re: Free FAX software 3680.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3681.sjs Question! 3682.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3683.sjs Re: Question! 3684.sjs Re: Free FAX software 3685.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3686.sjs Re: I want 16 color board 3687.sjs Re: Question! 3688.sjs Re: AI-Simulator 3689.sjs How to keep NoteFloppy running 3690.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3691.sjs Re: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3692.sjs Re: Free FAX software 3693.sjs Re: Free FAX software 3694.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running 3695.sjs Re: I want 16 color board 3696.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running 3697.sjs Re: Question! 3698.sjs Thanks: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3699.sjs Q:scsi-i/f to HDD 3700.sjs Re: ghostscript on PC9801 3701.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running 3702.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running 3703.sjs Summary 98 bug fix? 3704.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running 3705.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running 3706.sjs [Q] RAMDISK for PC-9801 3707.sjs [Q] drawing tool 3708.sjs Re: Thanks: PC98LT ni tsuite osietekudasai 3709.sjs Re: Summary 98 bug fix? 3710.sjs ln for msdos. 3711.sjs Re: How to set UMB partially? 3712.sjs Re: 98 bug fix? 3713.sjs Re: Q: Terminal Software for PC98XA 3714.sjs Re: How to keep NoteFloppy running Directory usenet/fj/sys/rs6000: =============================== 238.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 240.sjs Re: c-compiler 241.sjs aixterm control-space 242.sjs Re: c-compiler 243.sjs Re: c-compiler 244.sjs telnetX 245.sjs Re: HELP: ERROR MESSAGE PROBLEM. 246.sjs Free soft on RS6000 247.sjs HELP: ERROR MESSAGE PROBLEM. 248.sjs AIX'sWay 249.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 250.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 251.sjs Re: How to install tcsh ? 252.sjs Re: Where is the libXaw.a ? 253.sjs How to install tcsh ? 254.sjs Where is the libXaw.a ? 255.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 256.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 257.sjs Re: Where is the libXaw.a ? 258.sjs Re: How to install tcsh ? 259.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 260.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 261.sjs Re: Where is the libXaw.a ? 262.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 263.sjs Re: HELP: ERROR MESSAGE PROBLEM. 264.sjs Help 265.sjs Direct sales channel? 266.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 267.sjs C-compiler 268.sjs Re: HELP: ERROR MESSAGE PROBLEM. 269.sjs where are libpthreads.a libc_r.a pthread.h ? 270.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 271.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 272.sjs Re: Free soft on RS6000 Directory usenet/fj/sys/sgi: ============================ 193.sjs [Q] Remote Display 194.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 196.sjs Re: [Q] Remote Display 197.sjs How to configration of 198.sjs Re: [Q] Remote Display 199.sjs [keyboard] capslock&control 200.sjs Re: How to configration of 201.sjs Re: How to configration of 202.sjs Re: [Q] Remote Display 203.sjs Re: Install libg++-2.5.3 in Indy 204.sjs Re: How to configration of 205.sjs [Q] xv 206.sjs Re: Install libg++-2.5.3 in Indy 207.sjs Re: [Q] xv 208.sjs Re: [Q] xv 209.sjs Re: How to configration of 210.sjs Re: abekas format 211.sjs Re: [Q] xv 212.sjs gcc Install 213.sjs Serial Port Connection 214.sjs Re: Serial Port Connection 215.sjs abekas format 216.sjs Install libg++-2.5.3 in Indy 217.sjs Adding new HDD. 218.sjs Re: Adding new HDD. 219.sjs Re: third party memory for INDY 220.sjs Re: Serial Port Connection 221.sjs Re: Adding new HDD. 222.sjs third party memory for INDY 223.sjs Re: Adding new HDD. 224.sjs Re: Adding new HDD. 225.sjs Re: [Q] xv 226.sjs Re: gcc Install 227.sjs Re: gcc Install 228.sjs [Q] How to install gcc-2.5.8 on Indy-IRIX5.1.1.3 ? 229.sjs IRIX 230.sjs Re: IRIX 231.sjs Re: Serial Port Connection 232.sjs Re: IRIX 233.sjs [Q] GL & X programing(keepaspect) 234.sjs Re: [Q] GL & X programing(keepaspect) 235.sjs Re: IRIX 236.sjs Re: How to set up resolver. 237.sjs Re: How to set up resolver. 238.sjs Re: How to set up resolver. 239.sjs How to set up resolver. 240.sjs Re: [Q] How to install gcc-2.5.8 on Indy-IRIX5.1.1.3 ? 241.sjs Re: [Q] GL & X programing(keepaspect) 242.sjs Re: Cross-Compiler(gcc-2.5.8) 243.sjs Cross-Compiler(gcc-2.5.8) 244.sjs Re: How to set up resolver. 245.sjs Re: Cross-Compiler(gcc-2.5.8) 246.sjs Re: [Q] GL & X programing(keepaspect) 247.sjs Re: [Q] GL & X programing(keepaspect) 248.sjs Re: How to set up resolver. 249.sjs [Summary] Re: IRIX 250.sjs Re: Cross-Compiler(gcc-2.5.8) Directory usenet/fj/sys/sun: ============================ v2000\ fj.sys.sun V2000 v2100\ fj.sys.sun V2100 Directory usenet/fj/sys/sun/v2000: ================================== 2006.sjs sun3 monochromatic display 2007.sjs To:SoftwareHouse 2008.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2009.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2010.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2012.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2013.sjs Using X on Sparc Classic 2014.sjs Using X on Sparc Classic 2015.sjs [Q] TeX previewer on OpenWindows 2016.sjs scsi chip version 2017.sjs Re: Variable netmask on Sun 2018.sjs Re: Exabyte for sun 2019.sjs locking of mail drop (Decode MIME when spooling) 2020.sjs Pana 2200 2021.sjs Re: scsi chip version 2022.sjs Re: Exabyte for sun 2023.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2024.sjs Re: scsi chip version 2025.sjs Re: [Q] TeX previewer on OpenWindows 2026.sjs Re: [Q] TeX previewer on OpenWindows 2027.sjs Thank you (Re: Variable netmask on Sun) 2028.sjs Re: [Q] TeX previewer on OpenWindows 2029.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2030.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2031.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2032.sjs configuration of SS5 2033.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2034.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2035.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2036.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2037.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2038.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2039.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2040.sjs [Summary] TeX previewer on OpenWindows 2041.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2042.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2043.sjs Re: To:SoftwareHouse 2044.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2045.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2046.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2047.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2048.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2049.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2050.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2051.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2052.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2053.sjs Dynamic link?(Re: To:SoftwareHouse) 2054.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2055.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2056.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2057.sjs passwd 2058.sjs Re: help: patchkit for X11(solaris2.3) 2059.sjs [Q]BJC-printer setup 2060.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2061.sjs Re: stack overflow 2062.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 2063.sjs Assemble a sun WS (Re: configuration of SS5) 2064.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2065.sjs Please teach me DNS setup 2066.sjs Re: Please teach me DNS setup 2067.sjs mtools 2068.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2069.sjs Wanted! Postscript Filter / PS-$B%U%#%k%?!<$rC5$7$F$$$^$9(B 2070.sjs Re: mtools 2071.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2072.sjs Can SUN TCP/IP run over a packet switching network (i.e. X.25) 2073.sjs Re: Can SUN TCP/IP run over a packet switching network (i.e. X.25) 2074.sjs library not found 2075.sjs Re: Dynamic link?(Re: To:SoftwareHouse) 2076.sjs can i use SIMM for IBMPC on SPARCclassic/LX/IPX 2077.sjs Re: Dynamic link?(Re: To:SoftwareHouse) 2078.sjs Re: configuration of SS5 2079.sjs Re: can i use SIMM for IBMPC on SPARCclassic/LX/IPX 2080.sjs Re: Please teach me DNS setup 2081.sjs Shrink dir-size? (Re: a statistics about ....) / dir-size$B$N=L>.( 2082.sjs bw2 question 2083.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2084.sjs Re: Dynamic link?(Re: To:SoftwareHouse) 2085.sjs [Q]Wnn 2086.sjs mntdisk for ICM MO-4120 or others using Fujitsu M2511A 2087.sjs Re: can i use SIMM for IBMPC on SPARCclassic/LX/IPX 2088.sjs X11R5 on classic 2089.sjs Re: mtools 2090.sjs Re: Dynamic link?(Re: To:SoftwareHouse) 2091.sjs Re: CDROM for "DOS/V" 2092.sjs Re: X11R5 on classic 2093.sjs Re: DAT drive capacity 2094.sjs Re: [Q]Wnn 2095.sjs Re: bw2 question 2096.sjs can't connection talkd... 2097.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2098.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2099.sjs fcntl Directory usenet/fj/sys/sun/v2100: ================================== 2100.sjs Re: unified VM 2101.sjs Re: [Q]Wnn 2102.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2103.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2104.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2105.sjs unified VM (Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo) 2106.sjs rpc.yppasswdd 2107.sjs SunLink Does Not Work on Sun OS 4.1.3 JLE? 2108.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2109.sjs Re: rpc.yppasswdd 2110.sjs vipw 2111.sjs Thanks 2112.sjs gcc option for SS10 2113.sjs Re: X11R5 on classic 2114.sjs Re: unified VM 2115.sjs Re: gcc on SS1000 2116.sjs Re: gcc option for SS10 2117.sjs libg++ with SPARC C++ 2118.sjs Re: gcc option for SS10 2119.sjs Re: gcc option for SS10 2120.sjs Re: gcc option for SS10 2121.sjs Please tell me how to accout printer jobs 2122.sjs Re: libg++ with SPARC C++ 2123.sjs Re: libg++ with SPARC C++ 2124.sjs Re: DNS 2125.sjs How to get X event from Xt, Xlib while IO block, shuch as read(). 2126.sjs Re: How to get X event from Xt, Xlib while IO block, shuch as read() 2127.sjs xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 2128.sjs Re: [Q]Wnn 2129.sjs Re: X11R5 on classic 2130.sjs Re: How to get X event from Xt, Xlib while IO block, shuch as read() 2131.sjs Re: How to get X event from Xt, Xlib while IO block, shuch as read() 2132.sjs How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2133.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2134.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2135.sjs Re: Please tell me how to accout printer jobs 2136.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2137.sjs Re: X11R5 on classic 2138.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2139.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2140.sjs X11R6 on Xerox keybord 2141.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2142.sjs X11R6 on SunOS 4.1.1. 2143.sjs Multi-Thread 2144.sjs Video on Classic/cg3 2145.sjs Re: Q: How to connect CD-ROM 2146.sjs Re: Video on Classic/cg3 2147.sjs Re: SCSI cable (Re: Q: How to connect CD-ROM) 2148.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2149.sjs Re: Video on Classic/cg3 2150.sjs Q: How to connect CD-ROM 2151.sjs Re: X11R6 on SunOS 4.1.1. 2152.sjs Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2153.sjs SPARC classic X 2154.sjs Re: Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2155.sjs Q: Nepoch on Solaris 2.3 2156.sjs Re: Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2157.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2158.sjs Re: X11R5 on classic 2159.sjs SCSI cable (Re: Q: How to connect CD-ROM) 2160.sjs Re: Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2161.sjs [Want] A/D board 2162.sjs dlpi 2163.sjs Re: Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2164.sjs Re: dlpi 2165.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2166.sjs Re: Video on Classic/cg3 2167.sjs Re: dlpi 2168.sjs Re: SCSI cable (Re: Q: How to connect CD-ROM) 2169.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2170.sjs Re: [Want] A/D board 2171.sjs Re: How to connect Color CRT to SUN3/80. 2172.sjs Q: SCSI Disconnect Time Out on Solaris2.x 2173.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2174.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2175.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2176.sjs Island Write, Draw & Paint 2177.sjs Re: Island Write, Draw & Paint 2178.sjs Re: X11R6 on SunOS 4.1.1. 2179.sjs Re: dlpi 2180.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2181.sjs Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2182.sjs Re: Q:JCClassic to 3 devices(long) 2183.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2184.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2185.sjs Re: Island Write, Draw & Paint 2186.sjs Re: SPARC classic X 2187.sjs salesman 2188.sjs Re: Island Write, Draw & Paint 2189.sjs Re: [Want] A/D board 2190.sjs [Q] About Load Average 2191.sjs Re: dlpi 2192.sjs Sun raster to postscript Directory usenet/fj/sys/x6800: ============================== 3.sjs Re: Green Card Lottery- Final One? Directory usenet/fj/sys/x68000: =============================== 1450.sjs Re: [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 1452.sjs image unit s kaizou (In Japanese/Kanji) 1453.sjs Re:Where can I buy Xsimm10? (In Japanese/Kanji) 1454.sjs Re: Where can I buy Xsimm10? 1455.sjs Re: Where can I buy Xsimm10? 1456.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1457.sjs Re: [EXE Disk] 1458.sjs Re: large memory using(Re: Xsimm10 or TSUKUMO Original Memory?) 1459.sjs PICT loader 1460.sjs Re: [EXE Disk] 1461.sjs Re: [EXE Disk] 1462.sjs IOCS bug? 1463.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1464.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1465.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1466.sjs about_display 1467.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1468.sjs Re: Where can I buy Xsimm10? 1469.sjs Re: about_display 1470.sjs [2nd announce] FAQ-PRO68K mailing list 1471.sjs [announce] HUMAN-BFD mailing list open 1472.sjs [Summary] Where can I buy Xsimm10? 1473.sjs Re: about_display 1474.sjs SX Version Up 1475.sjs Re: [Summary] Where can I buy Xsimm10? 1476.sjs SX Ver up 1477.sjs [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1478.sjs I want 'rose'!! 1479.sjs Re: PICT loader 1480.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1481.sjs Please give me v002i0138 1482.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1483.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1484.sjs Re: Where can I buy Xsimm10? 1485.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1486.sjs Re: Please give me v002i0138 1487.sjs small FU-YU-KA-I (N.C.S.) 1488.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1489.sjs [faq-pro68k] mail error 1490.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1491.sjs SX-WINDOW 3.1 and new SX apps - Re: SX Version Up 1492.sjs Re: small FU-YU-KA-I (N.C.S.) 1493.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1494.sjs Re: about_display 1495.sjs Re: about_display 1496.sjs Re: SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1497.sjs Re: RED_ZONE 1498.sjs SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1499.sjs [Q] ADPCM PUCH NOISE 1500.sjs Re: SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1501.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1502.sjs Re: IOCS bug? 1503.sjs Re: [Q] ADPCM PUCH NOISE 1504.sjs Re: about_display 1505.sjs Re: LaTeX question 1506.sjs Re: about_display 1507.sjs Re: [Q] How to convert X68's PCM to Mac's snd 1508.sjs RED_ZONE 1509.sjs Re: [Q] ADPCM PUCH NOISE 1510.sjs Re: SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1511.sjs Re: about_display 1512.sjs Re: LaTeX question 1513.sjs Re: SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1514.sjs about BJ-220JC 1515.sjs Re: small FU-YU-KA-I (N.C.S.) 1516.sjs Block device driver. What is command 5-9 ? 1517.sjs Re: SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1518.sjs Re: about_display 1519.sjs Re: X68000 to X68020? 1520.sjs Sxsi4_BRPfile_Help 1521.sjs Re: SX-WINDOW 3.1 and new SX apps - Re: SX Version Up 1522.sjs Re: SX-WINDOW 3.1 and new SX apps - Re: SX Version Up 1523.sjs [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1524.sjs Re: Sxsi4_BRPfile_Help 1525.sjs Re: [Q] ADPCM PUCH NOISE 1526.sjs Re: Block device driver. What is command 5-9 ? 1527.sjs Re: What's this group for? 1528.sjs SX-WINDOW version-up service 1529.sjs What's this group for? 1530.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1531.sjs Re: Block device driver. What is command 5-9 ? 1532.sjs Re: SX-WINDOW version-up service 1533.sjs Re: about BJ-220JC 1534.sjs Re: SX-WINDOW 3.1 and new SX apps - Re: SX Version Up 1535.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1536.sjs VIP-240CX report 1537.sjs condrv.sys's Bug? 1538.sjs MSX & X680x0 1539.sjs Sorry.(Re: Block device driver. What is command 5-9 ?) 1540.sjs Re: MSX & X680x0 1541.sjs Re: SCSI chain super & RED ZONE 1542.sjs Re: SX-WINDOW version-up service 1543.sjs Re: Sxsi4_BRPfile_Help 1544.sjs Z80 assembler 1545.sjs Re: Sxsi4_BRPfile_Help 1546.sjs SxSI4_help_NEC_HDD 1547.sjs Re: VIP-240CX report 1548.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1549.sjs Re: Sxsi4_BRPfile_Help 1550.sjs Re: MSX & X680x0 1551.sjs DOSCALL S_MFREE 1552.sjs Re: Sorry.(Re: Block device driver. What is command 5-9 ?) 1553.sjs Please tell me About speed_up 1554.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1555.sjs Re: SX-WINDOW version-up service 1556.sjs Re: X Windows V11.5 1557.sjs Help about TeX!! 1558.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1559.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1560.sjs uupc for X68000. 1561.sjs what's the SCSI-2 ? 1562.sjs Help about TeX!! 1563.sjs Re: Help about TeX!! 1564.sjs Re: what's the SCSI-2 ? 1565.sjs Re: [18kin-game] ambivalentz 1566.sjs re:re:Help about TeX 1567.sjs [wanted] X68K XVI 1568.sjs FM Directory usenet/fj/unix: ========================= 432.sjs a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 433.sjs Re: a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 434.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 435.sjs [Q]BJC-printer setup 436.sjs [CFV call for vote]{tape,scsi,pcmcia,cdrom} 437.sjs Wanted! Postscript Filter / PS-$B%U%#%k%?!<$rC5$7$F$$$^$9(B 438.sjs Re: a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 439.sjs c-flow 440.sjs Keyboard Input Capture 441.sjs Shrink dir-size? (Re: a statistics about ....) / dir-size$B$N=L>.( 442.sjs Re: a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 443.sjs Re: a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 444.sjs Re: xy ga memory wo kuu nazo 445.sjs Re: a statistics about monotonic growth of directories on FFS 446.sjs Please tell me!! 447.sjs PLease teach me tcsh-man 448.sjs Re: PLease teach me tcsh-man 449.sjs Re: PLease teach me tcsh-man Directory usenet/fj/windows: ============================ misc\ Misc ms\ MS-Windows x\ X-Windows Directory usenet/fj/windows/misc: ================================= 25.sjs O'Ledger for Windows new locations 26.sjs about Ngraph Directory usenet/fj/windows/ms: =============================== 1250.sjs Emacs on NT 1251.sjs Re: Emacs on NT 1252.sjs Demacs’¤ÏWindowsNT’¾å’¤Ç’Æ°’¤­’¤Þ’¤¹’¤«? 1253.sjs O'Ledger for Windows new locations 1254.sjs Word5-Layout 1255.sjs Re: Q: ATI Graphics Ultra Pro 1256.sjs Re: MELCO 486 board 1257.sjs Q: ATI Graphics Ultra Pro 1258.sjs $B%a%k%3(Bon EPSON's 1259.sjs Want! SVGA driver for Cirrus Logic 1260.sjs Re: Q: ATI Graphics Ultra Pro 1261.sjs EPS file for MS-WORD 1262.sjs [WANTED]THE WINDOWS 1263.sjs BUG or ???, gs261j10 + djgpp-patch, use of STDPRN in "" 1264.sjs Can Windows 3.1 be a client of NT 1265.sjs Can I input kana-kanji to English version software? 1266.sjs Re: Can Windows 3.1 be a client of NT 1267.sjs thank you 1268.sjs MS-Windows interface Guide-line 1269.sjs Re: Video Capture Board 1270.sjs Re: Multi Media Player 1271.sjs E-Mail for Windows 1272.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1273.sjs Re: Can Windows 3.1 be a client of NT 1274.sjs Re: MS-Windows interface Guide-line 1275.sjs Re: Can Windows 3.1 be a client of NT 1276.sjs Re: MS-Windows interface Guide-line 1277.sjs VT-100 1278.sjs Re: VT-100 1279.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1280.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1281.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1282.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1283.sjs TeX for Windows 1284.sjs Re: [question] WINSOCK.LIB file 1285.sjs Re: [question] WINSOCK.LIB file 1286.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1287.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1288.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1289.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1290.sjs Re: [question] compiler for Windows 1291.sjs Re: [question] compiler for Windows 1292.sjs WFWG 3.11 Problem 1293.sjs Re: [question] compiler for Windows 1294.sjs Re: EPS file for MS-WORD 1295.sjs [thanks] Re: MELCO 486 board 1296.sjs Re: [question] compiler for Windows 1297.sjs Re: EPS file for MS-WORD 1298.sjs [sammary]hard copy of display 1299.sjs [question] WINSOCK.LIB file 1300.sjs WinFaxLITE 1301.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1302.sjs Re: Win3.1 Update 1303.sjs Re: [question] WINSOCK.LIB file 1304.sjs Win3.1 Update 1305.sjs Re: TeX for Windows 1306.sjs X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1307.sjs test for submission 1308.sjs Q on Windows & Ichitaro 1309.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1310.sjs Communication Trouble. 1311.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1312.sjs Re: "Win32s" for FMR-50NB ? 1313.sjs Mule compiling on ALPHA AXP 1314.sjs RIFF & AVI Spec. on WindowsMultiMediaExtensions 1315.sjs Re: How to change attribute of window 1316.sjs Extra.How to change attribute of window 1317.sjs Can NT share PRT connected UNIX 1318.sjs manual 1319.sjs Windows API 1320.sjs Re: Windows API 1321.sjs How to change attribute of window 1322.sjs ODBC for ORACLE7 ( was Re: Can Windows 3.1 be a client of NT ) 1323.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1324.sjs XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1325.sjs Re: "Win32s" for FMR-50NB ? 1326.sjs Re: "Win32s" for FMR-50NB ? 1327.sjs Re: RIFF & AVI Spec. on WindowsMultiMediaExtensions 1328.sjs Is the Tex for Windows really? 1329.sjs Re: Windows API 1330.sjs Re: Is the Tex for Windows really? 1331.sjs Re: Is the Tex for Windows really? 1332.sjs Canon BJ10V -- Driver 1333.sjs Re: Is the Tex for Windows really? 1334.sjs Re: RIFF & AVI Spec. on WindowsMultiMediaExtensions 1335.sjs Re: "Win32s" for FMR-50NB ? 1336.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1337.sjs Thanks-I can change attribute of window 1338.sjs Re: Extra.How to change attribute of window 1339.sjs Re: Extra.How to change attribute of window 1340.sjs Driver of Windows Directory usenet/fj/windows/x: ============================== 997.sjs Re: resize 998.sjs Re: Connect to double server 1000.sjs xgraph on XFree86 2.1 1001.sjs Re: resize 1002.sjs resize 1003.sjs Connect to double server 1004.sjs Re: Connect to double server 1005.sjs Re: multiple X-server 1006.sjs Help! 1007.sjs Re: Connect to double server 1008.sjs Re: Connect to double server 1009.sjs How can I usr binary kit on Sparc Classic 1010.sjs [4th eXcursion] X11R6 1011.sjs Re: multiple X-server 1012.sjs Re: Linux+JE2 with Stealth pro 1013.sjs Re: multiple X-server 1014.sjs Re: multiple X-server 1015.sjs Re: IXI MOTIF ICON 1016.sjs Re: Connect to double server 1017.sjs X11 TOKAI KENKYU-KAI 1018.sjs X copyright moved !! 1019.sjs 32bit kanji font 1020.sjs Re: 32bit kanji font 1021.sjs [Q] Motif text editor 1022.sjs Re: Map & system problem 1023.sjs Re: multiple X-server 1024.sjs Map & system problem 1025.sjs Re: [Q] Motif text editor 1026.sjs Re: Map & system problem 1027.sjs Re: Map & system problem 1028.sjs Re: [Q] Motif text editor 1029.sjs Kanji & Katakana Fonts 1030.sjs Re: Kanji & Katakana Fonts 1031.sjs Xlib color map 1032.sjs Re:32bit kanji font (In Japanese/Kanji) 1033.sjs Re: xdm 1034.sjs Re: Re: 32bit kanji font (In Japanese/Kanji) 1035.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1036.sjs Re: Xlib color map 1037.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1038.sjs Re: Xlib color map 1039.sjs Re: Xlib color map 1040.sjs xdm 1041.sjs Re: xdm 1042.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1043.sjs How to speed up key repeat time? 1044.sjs Re: How to speed up key repeat time? 1045.sjs X11R6 1046.sjs FYI: Release of X11R6 1047.sjs Re: X11R6 1048.sjs How to get X event from Xt, Xlib while IO block, shuch as read(). 1049.sjs Motif text widget with Japanese input 1050.sjs X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1051.sjs Re: FYI: Release of X11R6 1052.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1053.sjs Re: Motif text widget with Japanese input 1054.sjs Re: Motif text widget with Japanese input 1055.sjs Re: Motif text widget with Japanese input 1056.sjs X11R6 on Xerox keybord 1057.sjs Re: X server for MS Windows [was Re: TeX for Windows] 1058.sjs X11R6 on SunOS 4.1.1. 1059.sjs Re: X11R6 on Solaris 2.3 + JFP 1060.sjs Re: X11R6 on Solaris 2.3 + JFP 1061.sjs Re: X11R6 on SunOS 4.1.1. 1062.sjs How to use i18n AsciiText in X11R6? 1063.sjs XmTrackingLocate 1064.sjs Re: X11R6 on Solaris 2.3 + JFP 1065.sjs Re: How to speed up key repeat time? 1066.sjs Re: X11R6 on Solaris 2.3 + JFP 1067.sjs X11R6 on Solaris 2.3 + JFP 1068.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1069.sjs XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1070.sjs [Summary] How to speed up key repeat time? 1071.sjs xfig on SPARCclassic 1072.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1073.sjs Re: X11R6 on SunOS 4.1.1. 1074.sjs How to fork process 1075.sjs Re: XFree86-2.1.1 [Re: X server for MS Windows ] 1076.sjs Re: X11R6 on Solaris 2.3 + JFP 1077.sjs color map 1078.sjs help ! X11R5 on Sol 2.2 1079.sjs [WANTED] xmodmap.tbl for ASCII KEYBOARD (JIS KEYBOARD) 1080.sjs Re: [WANTED] xmodmap.tbl for ASCII KEYBOARD (JIS KEYBOARD) 1081.sjs Re: help ! X11R5 on Sol 2.2 Directory usenet/fj_src: ======================== v10\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 10 v11\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 11 v12\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 12 v13\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 13 v14\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 14 v15\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 15 v16\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 16 v17\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 17 v18\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 18 v19\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 19 v20\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 20 v21\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 21 v22\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 22 v23\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 23 v24\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 24 v25\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 25 v26\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 26 v27\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 27 v28\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 28 v29\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 29 v30\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 30 v31\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 31 v32\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 32 v33\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 33 v34\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 34 v35\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 35 v36\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 36 v37\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 37 v38\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 38 v39\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 39 v40\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 40 v41\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 41 v42\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 42 v43\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 43 v44\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 44 v45\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 45 v46\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 46 v47\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 47 v48\ fj.sources newsgroup archive, volume 48 Directory usenet/fj_src/v10: ============================ 1000.sjs ptree V1.35 (sps-like displayer of processes) 1001.sjs hterm2.2 (2.5/4) terminal emulator for PC98/IBM-PC 1002.sjs Mar-jongg game PATCH #2. 1003.sjs dvi to KanjiPS (1/3) 1004.sjs dvi to KanjiPS (2/3) 1005.sjs dvi to KanjiPS (3/3) 1006.sjs New-JIS <-> Old-JIS filter. 1007.sjs Mar-jongg game PATCH #3. 1008.sjs Mar-jongg game PATCH #4. 1009.sjs Kanji filter for sendmail (in Japanese) 1010.sjs Mah-jongg game PATCH #5. 1011.sjs Mah-jongg game PATCH #6. 1013.sjs Kanji filter for sendmail patch #1 -- BSD Version (in Japanese) 1014.sjs Kanji filter for sendmail patch #1 -- UTS Version (in Japanese) 1015.sjs xmodem 3.6 for SysV/BSD (0/4) 1016.sjs xmodem 3.6 for SysV/BSD (1/4) 1017.sjs xmodem 3.6 for SysV/BSD (2/4) 1018.sjs xmodem 3.6 for SysV/BSD (3/4) 1019.sjs xmodem 3.6 for SysV/BSD (4/4) 1020.sjs PostScript font print out program (In Japanese) 1021.sjs sps for SunOs4.0 (version 0 ?) 1022.sjs setcrt for PC9801 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1023.sjs Patch for send requests to NACSIS 1024.sjs texdraw for X Version 11 (patch#3) 1025.sjs Re: Patch for send requests to NACSIS 1026.sjs Mah-jongg game for EUC-Kanji code user. 1027.sjs Zmodem(May 1989) source 1/4 (In Japanese/kanji) 1028.sjs Zmodem(May 1989) source 2/4 (In Japanese/kanji) 1029.sjs Zmodem(May 1989) source 2/4 (In Japanese/kanji) 1030.sjs Zmodem(May 1989) source 4/4 (In Japanese/kanji) 1031.sjs patch for sps for SunOs4.0 (version 0 ?) 1032.sjs sendnews.c patch (In Japanese/Kanji) 1033.sjs Mah-jongg game. For EUC code user PATCH. 1034.sjs Mah-jongg game PATCH #7. 1035.sjs Mah-jongg game PATCH #8. 1036.sjs Mah-jongg game PATCH #9. 1037.sjs Mah-jongg game PATCH #10. 1038.sjs miplot for graph draw ( 1 / 5 ) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1039.sjs miplot for graph draw ( 4 / 5 ) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1040.sjs miplot for graph draw ( 3 / 5 ) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1041.sjs miplot for graph draw ( 5 / 5 ) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1042.sjs miplot for graph draw ( 2 / 5 ) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1043.sjs ~/calendar generator from ~/Calendar of xcalendar 1044.sjs portseld: Connecting sendmail-less machine with UUCP on TCP/IP 1045.sjs Patch for HP widgets 1046.sjs SVMAIL Beta release sample data file (In Japanese/Kanji) 1047.sjs SVMAIL Beta release source 1/3 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1048.sjs SVMAIL Beta release source 3/3 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1049.sjs SVMAIL Beta release source 2/3 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1050.sjs calendar on X10 1051.sjs Gnu emacs key binding word star(1/2) 1052.sjs Gnu emacs key binding word star(2/2) 1053.sjs texx 2.9 part 09/09 1054.sjs texx 2.9 part 07/09 1055.sjs texx 2.9 part 05/09 1056.sjs texx 2.9 part 08/09 1057.sjs texx 2.9 part 04/09 1058.sjs texx 2.9 part 03/09 1059.sjs texx 2.9 part 01/09 1060.sjs texx 2.9 part 02/09 1061.sjs texx 2.9 part 06/09 1062.sjs Print out Ichitaro's documents to nwp-533 of NEWS 1063.sjs SVMAIL Beta release documents (In Japanese/Kanji) 1064.sjs Public Domain Mahjong Bitmaps on X 1065.sjs Hardcopy filter for nwp533 (light version) 1067.sjs mailconf 6.4J Rel1 Patch #5 1068.sjs Patch for Hardcopy filter for nwp533 (light version) 1069.sjs vn for nntp (part 1 of 4) 1070.sjs vn for nntp (part 2 of 4) 1071.sjs vn for nntp (part 3 of 4) 1072.sjs vn for nntp (part 4 of 4) 1073.sjs texx 2.9 for JTeX, Part 01/01 1074.sjs LHarc Ver 0.03a -- BETA Version (1/1) 1075.sjs xtacho - cpu load tachometer for X part 01/01 1076.sjs Grayscale hardcopy filter for NWP533 1077.sjs XWD format/version converters 1078.sjs patch#1 for grayscale hardcopy filter for NWP533 (In Japanese) 1079.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 7/18 1080.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 6/18 1081.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 5/18 1082.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 8/18 1083.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 1/18 1084.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 3/18 1085.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 4/18 1086.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 2/18 1087.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 12/18 1088.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 10/18 1089.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 9/18 1090.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 11/18 1091.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 0/18 1092.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 18/18 1093.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 15/18 1094.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 16/18 1095.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 13/18 1096.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 17/18 1097.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version) 14/18 1098.sjs bdf2evf - BDF to EVfont format 1099.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System Version) patch No.1 Directory usenet/fj_src/v11: ============================ 1100.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System Version) patch No.2 1101.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System Version) patch No.3 1102.sjs vn for nntp (patch1) 1103.sjs Japanese manual of vn (4/88) 1104.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System Version) patch No.4 1105.sjs X server for CG6 1106.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 bug fix #1 1107.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 bug fix #2 1108.sjs Patch #1 for xwdcbw (In Japanese) 1109.sjs GNU emacs 18.54->18.55 part (1/3) 1110.sjs GNU emacs 18.54->18.55 part (2/3) 1111.sjs GNU emacs 18.54->18.55 part (3/3) 1112.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 bug fix #3 1113.sjs MML compiler for LUNA (In Japanese) 1114.sjs SVMAIL Beta Release 1.0 -> 1.1 patch 3/3 1116.sjs SVMAIL Beta Release 1.0 -> 1.1 patch 2/3 1117.sjs SVMAIL Beta Release 1.0 -> 1.1 patch 1/3 1118.sjs xtachos - triple cpu load tachometer (revise xtacho) 1119.sjs Label Kit Version 2.0 1120.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 bug fix #4 1121.sjs dosf -- r/w msdos 3.5"FD on NEWS #1 of 3 1122.sjs dosf -- r/w msdos 3.5"FD on NEWS #2 of 3 1123.sjs dosf -- r/w msdos 3.5"FD on NEWS #3 of 3 1124.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 bug fix #5 1125.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (5/12) 1127.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (9/12) 1128.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (10/12) 1129.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (2/12) 1130.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (3/12) 1132.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (4/12) 1135.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (12/12) 1136.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (11/12) 1137.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (+1) 1138.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (6/12 repost) 1139.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (7/12 repost) 1140.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (8/12 repost) 1141.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (1/12 repost) 1142.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (+2 3/3) 1143.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (+2 1/3) 1144.sjs hterm2.3 Terminal Emulater for IBMPC/AX/PC98 (+2 2/3) 1145.sjs vn for nntp (patch2) 1146.sjs texout bug.fixed (In Japanese/Kanji) 1147.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System Version) patch No.5 1149.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 Bug Fix #6 (repost) 1150.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.0 Bug Fix #7 1151.sjs gmw font -> bdf font converter 1152.sjs Open Look Window Manager Part04/05 1153.sjs Open Look Window Manager Part02/05 1154.sjs Open Look Window Manager Part05/05 1155.sjs Open Look Window Manager Part03/05 1156.sjs Open Look Window Manager Part01/05 1157.sjs jdvi2kps 1.1 (for PK/GF/PXL font) (1/4) 1158.sjs jdvi2kps 1.1 (for PK/GF/PXL font) (2/4) 1159.sjs Open Look Window Manager Part06/05 :-) 1160.sjs jdvi2kps 1.1 (for PK/GF/PXL font) (3/4) 1161.sjs jdvi2kps 1.1 (for PK/GF/PXL font) (4/4) 1162.sjs Algorithm of calculating easter and etc. 1163.sjs plot filters (In Japanese/Kanji) 1164.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 userman.doc Part 01/04 1165.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 userman.doc Part 02/04 1166.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 userman.doc Part 03/04 1167.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 userman.doc Part 04/04 1168.sjs Kanjishelltool Ver.2.3 (Part01/02) 1169.sjs Kanjishelltool Ver.2.3 (Part02/02) 1170.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 01/25 1171.sjs jrogue1.3a part01/01 (In Japanese) 1172.sjs jrogue1.3a part02/09 (In Japanese) 1173.sjs jrogue1.3a part03/09 (In Japanese) 1174.sjs Patch for xtachos (CPU time reduction) 1175.sjs jrogue1.3a part04/09 (In Japanese) 1176.sjs jrogue1.3a part05/09 (In Japanese) 1177.sjs jrogue1.3a part06/09 (In Japanese) 1178.sjs jrogue1.3a part07/09 (In Japanese) 1179.sjs jrogue1.3a part08/09 (In Japanese) 1180.sjs jrogue1.3a part09/09 (In Japanese) 1181.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 02/25 1182.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 03/25 1183.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 04/25 1184.sjs patch #1 for plc (MML compiler for LUNA) 1185.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 05/25 1186.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 06/25 1187.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 07/25 1188.sjs for nameless clients 1189.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 08/25 1190.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 11/25 1191.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 12/25 1192.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 13/25 1193.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 09/25 1194.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 10/25 1195.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 14/25 1196.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 15/25 1197.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 16/25 1198.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 17/25 1199.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 18/25 Directory usenet/fj_src/v12: ============================ 1200.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 19/25 1201.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 20/25 1202.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 21/25 1203.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 22/25 1204.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 23/25 1205.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 24/25 1206.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources Part 25/25 1207.sjs LUNA MML pitch adjuster 1208.sjs I-dic (part 1/4) 1209.sjs I-dic (part 2/4) 1210.sjs I-dic (part 3/4) 1211.sjs I-dic (part 4/4) 1212.sjs texx 2.9 for JTeX patch (pxlfont) (1/1) 1213.sjs texx 2.9 for JTeX patch (NOTFREEFONT) (1/1) 1214.sjs I-dic (part 5/4) 1215.sjs NULPRN.SYS (In Japanese/Kanji) 1216.sjs MS-DOS pager 1217.sjs Re: World time. 1218.sjs get_newfiles & tell_newdirectory for ftp 1219.sjs X Window Score Viewer (In Japanese) 1220.sjs texi2roff (texinfo -> ?roff converter) part 1/2 1221.sjs texi2roff (texinfo -> ?roff converter) part 2/2 1222.sjs I-dic Patch #1 1223.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 01/26) 1224.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 05/26) 1225.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 08/26) 1226.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 04/26) 1227.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 06/26) 1228.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 02/26) 1229.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 03/26) 1230.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 07/26) 1231.sjs Patch #1 for X Score Viewer (In Japanese) 1232.sjs jrogue patch for System V (In Japanese) 1233.sjs Kanjishelltool Ver2.3, patch #1. 1234.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 13/26) 1235.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 14/26) 1236.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 15/26) 1237.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 10/26) 1238.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 16/26) 1239.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 12/26) 1240.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 11/26) 1241.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 09/26) 1242.sjs Filter for Sun rasterfile to LASER SHOT (In Japanese/Kanji) 1243.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 20/26) 1244.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 26/26) 1245.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 17/26) 1246.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 24/26) 1247.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 18/26) 1248.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 23/26) 1249.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 19/26) 1250.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 25/26) 1251.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 22/26) 1252.sjs Micro Emacs 3.10 (Part 21/26) 1253.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part01/11) (In Japanese) 1254.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part02/11) (In Japanese) 1255.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part03/11) (In Japanese) 1256.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part04/11) (In Japanese) 1257.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part05/11) (In Japanese) 1258.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part06/11) (In Japanese) 1259.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part07/11) (In Japanese) 1260.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part08/11) (In Japanese) 1261.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part09/11) (In Japanese) 1262.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part10/11) (In Japanese) 1263.sjs jstevie1.0 sources (part11/11) (In Japanese) 1264.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (3/19) 1265.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (1/19) 1266.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (9/19) 1267.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (5/19) 1268.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (6/19) 1269.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (7/19) 1270.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (4/19) 1271.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (8/19) 1272.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (11/19) 1273.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (10/19) 1274.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (13/19) 1275.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (14/19) 1276.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (12/19) 1277.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (15/19) 1278.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (16/19) 1279.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (18/19) 1280.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (19/19) 1281.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (2/19) 1282.sjs gcc-1.35-1.36.diff (17/19) 1283.sjs protoize-1.04 (1/2) 1284.sjs protoize-1.04 (2/2) 1285.sjs MicroEmacs3.10 part 18/26 Repost 1286.sjs nwinfo - News Header Tracer (in Japanese) 1288.sjs patch for landscape on jxdvi/dvi2nwp [1/1] (In Japanese/Kanji) 1289.sjs Re: MicroEmacs3.10 Repost 1290.sjs Fugue by Bach (MML data) (1/1) 1291.sjs Four seasons by Vivaldi (MML data) (1/2) 1292.sjs Four seasons by Vivaldi (MML data) (2/2) 1293.sjs Flute sonata BWV1034 (MML data) (1/1) 1294.sjs Solo violin by Bach (MML data) (1/3) 1295.sjs Solo violin by Bach (MML data) (2/3) 1296.sjs Solo violin by Bach (MML data) (3/3) 1297.sjs Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart (MML data) (1/1) 1298.sjs Invention by Bach (MML data) (1/1) 1299.sjs ETC. (MML data) (1/1) Directory usenet/fj_src/v13: ============================ 1300.sjs Patch #2 for plc ( MML compiler ) 1301.sjs xpclock - Pendulum clock for X11 1302.sjs Gmicro GCC (5/5) 1303.sjs Gmicro GCC (1/5) 1304.sjs Gmicro GCC (2/5) 1305.sjs Gmicro GCC (4/5) 1306.sjs Gmicro GCC 1307.sjs Image Scanner Program for SunWS (1/2) 1308.sjs Image Scanner Program for SunWS (2/2) 1309.sjs Patch #3 for plc (MML compiler for LUNA) 1310.sjs popup-menu.el - menu interface utilities (In Japanese/Kanji) 1311.sjs Gichitaro (jxw.el) - a clone of the famous word processor 1312.sjs alive: an enhanced ruptime/rwho (1/1) 1313.sjs xalive: Network load display (1/2) 1314.sjs xalive: Network load display (2/2) 1315.sjs vn for nntp (patch3) 1316.sjs Patch #1 for xalive 1317.sjs Patch #1 for alive 1318.sjs Sps patch for Sun3x 1319.sjs kc (kanji code converter). 1320.sjs vn for nntp (patch4) 1321.sjs NCSA Softwares 1322.sjs Re: Most Recent Xw. 1323.sjs EGG System 1.09-1.14 diff 1324.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#1 1325.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#2 1326.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#3 1327.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#4 1328.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#5 1329.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#6 1330.sjs nntp-1.5 patch#7 1331.sjs patch for kc. (In Japanese/Kanji) 1332.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (2/24) 1333.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (3/24) 1334.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (1/24) 1335.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (4/24) 1336.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (5/24) 1337.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (6/24) 1338.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (7/24) 1339.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (8/24) 1340.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (9/24) 1341.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (10/24) 1342.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (12/24) 1343.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (14/24) 1344.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (24/24) 1345.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (11/24) 1346.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (13/24) 1347.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (15/24) 1348.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (16/24) 1349.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (17/24) 1350.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (18/24) 1351.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (19/24) 1352.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (20/24) 1353.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (21/24) 1354.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (22/24) 1355.sjs Nemacs 3.2 + Egg 2.1 (23/24) 1356.sjs Kanji PostScript Calendar Generator. 1357.sjs New sps (0/4) .. announcement 1358.sjs New sps (1/4) 1359.sjs New sps (2/4) 1360.sjs New sps (3/4) 1361.sjs New sps (4/4) 1362.sjs New sps (5/4) .. patch 1363.sjs xmole (mole hitting game on X-Window) 1364.sjs fm: File-wo-Miru tool (1/3) 1365.sjs fm: File-wo-Miru tool (2/3) 1366.sjs fm: File-wo-Miru tool (3/3) 1367.sjs MS-DOS disk tools for Sparc Station I (patch) 1368.sjs fm: File-wo-Miru tool (patch#1) 1369.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.1 (patch form) (1/3) 1370.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.1 (patch form) (2/5) 1371.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.1 (patch form) (5/5) 1372.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.1 (patch form) (3/5) 1373.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.1 (patch form) (4/5) 1374.sjs dvi2ps 1.1j (1/5) 1375.sjs dvi2ps 1.1j (2/5) 1376.sjs dvi2ps 1.1j (3/5) 1377.sjs dvi2ps 1.1j (4/5) 1378.sjs dvi2ps 1.1j (5/5) 1379.sjs Nemacs 3.2.1A (patch form) (2/2) 1380.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.1A (patch form) (1/2) 1381.sjs 4.3BSD tahoe /usr/src/etc/rmt/* (In Japanese/Kanji) 1382.sjs ermt 1.1 : fast rmt replacement (In Japanese/Kanji) 1383.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #1 1384.sjs Hironobu's LaTeX tut 1385.sjs dvi2ps patch #1 1386.sjs Patch for popup-menu and Gichitaro (In Japanese/Kanji) 1387.sjs SVMAIL 1.2 ( 1/5) 1388.sjs SVMAIL 1.2 ( 3/5) 1389.sjs SVMAIL 1.2 ( 4/5) 1390.sjs SVMAIL 1.2 ( 2/5) 1391.sjs SVMAIL 1.2 ( 5/5) 1392.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.3 (YUMENO-AWAYUKI version) [4/4] 1393.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.3 (YUMENO-AWAYUKI version) [1/4] 1394.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.3 (YUMENO-AWAYUKI version) [2/4] 1395.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.2.3 (YUMENO-AWAYUKI version) [3/4] 1396.sjs JIS code patch for ASCII-JTeX 2.95-j1.3 1397.sjs dvi2ps addendum 1398.sjs TILE FORTH RELEASE (from alt.sources) 1399.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE (0/7) Directory usenet/fj_src/v14: ============================ 1400.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(1/7) 1401.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(2/7) 1402.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(3/7) 1403.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(4/7) 1404.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(5/7) 1405.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(6/7) 1406.sjs TILE FORTH PACKAGE(7/7) 1407.sjs crossword.el 1408.sjs Re: JIS code patch for ASCII-JTeX 2.95-j1.3 1409.sjs Re: crossword.el 1410.sjs patch #1 [Re: crossword.el] 1411.sjs Postscript Kanji String Filter 1412.sjs SVMAIL1.2 -> 1.3 patch (In Japanese/Kanji) 1413.sjs Re: dvi2ps addendum 1414.sjs Kanji text widget & FEP widget[1/2] 1415.sjs Kanji text widget & FEP widget[2/2] 1416.sjs Help needed! 1417.sjs edd ver2.0 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1418.sjs Re: edd ver2.0 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1419.sjs Re: OSAKA (In Japanese/Kanji) 1420.sjs showtime -- show time of news history in readable form 1421.sjs uudecode filter 1422.sjs Kanji PostScript Calendar (ver 2.0) 1423.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (1/15) 1424.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (2/15) 1425.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (3/15) 1426.sjs dvi2ps (j-version) patch #2 1427.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (4/15) 1428.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (5/15) 1429.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (6/15) 1430.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (7/15) 1431.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (7/15) 1432.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (8/15) 1433.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (9/15) 1434.sjs Xmw Widget Set [8/12] 1435.sjs Xmw Widget Set [11/12] 1436.sjs Xmw Widget Set (Announcement) [0/12] 1437.sjs Xmw Widget Set [1/12] 1438.sjs Xmw Widget Set [3/12] 1439.sjs Xmw Widget Set [4/12] 1440.sjs Xmw Widget Set [5/12] 1441.sjs Xmw Widget Set [2/12] 1442.sjs Xmw Widget Set [6/12] 1443.sjs Xmw Widget Set [7/12] 1444.sjs Xmw Widget Set [9/12] 1445.sjs Xmw Widget Set [10/12] 1446.sjs Xmw Widget Set [12/12] 1448.sjs Re: archive number of fj.sources (Re: spellcheck of TeX) 1449.sjs Xmw Widget Set (I made mistake) 1450.sjs Re: archive number of fj.sources (Re: spellcheck of TeX) 1452.sjs Xmw Widget Set [7/12] (shar version) 1453.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (10/15) 1454.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (11/15) 1455.sjs Sony Widget for X11 R3 (12/15) 1456.sjs Re: Xmw Widget Set (I made mistake) 1457.sjs Re: archive number of fj.sources (Re: spellcheck of TeX) 1458.sjs enscript like program on Sony NEWS LBP 1472.sjs japanese xmh 1473.sjs jstevie1.1 (part01/13) (In Japanese) 1474.sjs jstevie1.1 (part02/13) (In Japanese) 1475.sjs jstevie1.1 (part03/13) (In Japanese) 1476.sjs jstevie1.1 (part04/13) (In Japanese) 1477.sjs jstevie1.1 (part05/13) (In Japanese) 1478.sjs jstevie1.1 (part06/13) (In Japanese) 1479.sjs jstevie1.1 (part07/13) (In Japanese) 1480.sjs jstevie1.1 (part08/13) (In Japanese) 1481.sjs jstevie1.1 (part09/13) (In Japanese) 1482.sjs jstevie1.1 (part10/13) (In Japanese) 1483.sjs jstevie1.1 (part11/13) (In Japanese) 1484.sjs jstevie1.1 (part12/13) (In Japanese) 1485.sjs jstevie1.1 (part13/13) (In Japanese) 1486.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #2 1487.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #3 1488.sjs lbppl new relese 1489.sjs Texi2roff 2.0 1490.sjs jstevie + PC9801_mouse (In Japanese/Kanji) 1491.sjs Sound data (Nihuo) 1492.sjs fin V1.18 (part01/03) 1493.sjs fin V1.18 (part02/03) 1494.sjs fin V1.18 (part03/03) 1495.sjs Sound data (ByeBye) 1496.sjs Sound data (Konnnichiha) 1497.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (0/21) 1498.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (1/21) 1499.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (2/21) Directory usenet/fj_src/v15: ============================ 1500.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (3/21) 1501.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (4/21) 1502.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (5/21) 1503.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (6/21) 1504.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (7/21) 1505.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (8/21) 1506.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (9/21) 1507.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (10/21) 1508.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (11/21) 1509.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (12/21) 1510.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (13/21) 1511.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (14/21) 1512.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (15/21) 1513.sjs Ng (Micro Memacs) (16/21) 1514.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (17/21) 1515.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (18/21) 1516.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (19/21) 1517.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (20/21) 1518.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) (21/21) 1519.sjs Patch for NetHack -- NON OFFICIAL!! 1520.sjs multicol.sty (1/3) 1521.sjs multicol.sty (2/3) 1522.sjs multicol.sty (3/3) 1523.sjs jstevie1.1 -> 1.2 verup kit (part1/2) (In Japanese) 1524.sjs jstevie1.1 -> 1.2 verup kit (part2/2) (In Japanese) 1525.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #4 1526.sjs lbppl v1.1->v1.2 patch kit 1527.sjs cmpf ver2 1528.sjs cmpf patch 1529.sjs EUC version for GNU BASH 1.04 1550.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #5 1551.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 19/19' 1552.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 1/19' 1553.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 4/19' 1554.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 3/19' 1555.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 6/19' 1556.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 7/19' 1557.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 5/19' 1558.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 10/19' 1559.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 18/19' 1560.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 2/19' 1561.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 8/19' 1562.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 14/19' 1563.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 9/19' 1564.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 13/19' 1565.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 15/19' 1566.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 16/19' 1567.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 12/19' 1568.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 11/19' 1569.sjs 'Nemacs Ver.3.3.1 repost Part 17/19' 1570.sjs mailsplit 2.6 + unofficial modifications 1571.sjs mailsplit 2.6 patch#1 1572.sjs VTR Barcode Printer 1573.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.0 -> 1.1 (1/2) 1574.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.0 -> 1.1 (2/2) 1575.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.0 -> 1.1 (3/2) 1576.sjs Re-Post: Patch for Wnn4.03 (was, Re: xwnmo not running) 1577.sjs kinput patch1 1578.sjs SuperCite 2.0 [part1 of 2] 1579.sjs SuperCite 2.0 [part2 of 2] 1580.sjs lharc 1.02 (part1/3) (In Japanese) 1581.sjs lharc 1.02 (part2/3) (In Japanese) 1582.sjs lharc 1.02 (part3/3) (In Japanese) 1583.sjs interactive test of "socket" features 1584.sjs mailsplit 2.6 patch#2 1585.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (01/11) 1586.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (02/11) 1587.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (03/11) 1588.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (04/11) 1589.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (05/11) 1590.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (06/11) 1591.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (07/11) 1592.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (08/11) 1593.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (09/11) 1594.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (10/11) 1595.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 (11/11) 1596.sjs GNU Emacs newsreader: GNUS 3.13 1597.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (1/20) 1598.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (2/20) 1599.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (3/20) Directory usenet/fj_src/v16: ============================ 1600.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (4/20) 1601.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (5/20) 1602.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (6/20) 1603.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (7/20) 1604.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (8/20) 1605.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (9/20) 1606.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (10/20) 1607.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (11/20) 1608.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (12/20) 1609.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (13/20) 1610.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (14/20) 1611.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (15/20) 1612.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (16/20) 1613.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (17/20) 1614.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (18/20) 1615.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (19/20) 1616.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (20/20) 1617.sjs Drawing Tool "key3" (X Window System version 2) (0/20) 1618.sjs vn for nntp (patch5) 1619.sjs Dai-Nippon K-font in dvi2nwp ( patch ) 1620.sjs kanji vnews (1/2) 1621.sjs kanji vnews (2/2) 1622.sjs jc -- japanese code converter (Re: rn problem) 1623.sjs wterm version 4.2 (part 1/5) 1624.sjs wterm version 4.2 (part 2/5) 1625.sjs wterm version 4.2 (part 3/5) 1626.sjs wterm version 4.2 (part 4/5) 1627.sjs wterm version 4.2 (part 5/5) 1628.sjs vn for nntp (patch6) 1629.sjs skk3.45 (part 1 of 13) 1630.sjs skk3.45 (part 2 of 13) 1631.sjs skk3.45 (part 3 of 13) 1632.sjs skk3.45 (part 4 of 13) 1633.sjs skk3.45 (part 5 of 13) 1634.sjs skk3.45 (part 6 of 13) 1635.sjs skk3.45 (part 7 of 13) 1636.sjs skk3.45 (part 8 of 13) 1637.sjs skk3.45 (part 9 of 13) 1638.sjs skk3.45 (part 10 of 13) 1639.sjs skk3.45 (part 11 of 13) 1640.sjs skk3.45 (part 12 of 13) 1641.sjs skk3.45 (part 13 of 13) 1642.sjs Nepoch (part 1 of 7) 1643.sjs Nepoch (part 2 of 7) 1644.sjs Nepoch (part 3 of 7) 1645.sjs Nepoch (part 4 of 7) 1646.sjs Nepoch (part 5 of 7) 1647.sjs Nepoch (part 6 of 7) 1648.sjs Nepoch (part 7 of 7) 1649.sjs tcsh-5.18 (1/6) 1650.sjs tcsh-5.18 (2/6) 1651.sjs tcsh-5.18 (3/6) 1652.sjs tcsh-5.18 (4/6) 1653.sjs tcsh-5.18 (5/6) 1654.sjs tcsh-5.18 (6/6) 1655.sjs GNUS Japanese doc (part 1/6) 1656.sjs btoa Japanese doc (part 2/6) 1657.sjs japanese xfig [1/13] 1658.sjs japanese xfig [2/13] 1659.sjs japanese xfig [3/13] 1660.sjs japanese xfig [4/13] 1661.sjs japanese xfig [5/13] 1662.sjs japanese xfig (announcement) 1663.sjs japanese xfig [6/13] 1664.sjs japanese xfig [7/13] 1665.sjs japanese xfig [8/13] 1666.sjs japanese xfig [9/13] 1667.sjs japanese xfig [10/13] 1668.sjs japanese xfig [11/13] 1669.sjs japanese xfig [12/13] 1670.sjs japanese xfig [13/13] 1671.sjs fig2latex patch (for japanese xfig) 1672.sjs japanese xfig document [1/2] 1673.sjs japanese xfig document [2/2] 1674.sjs PATCH to GNUtar ver. 1.08 adding +lzhuf option (^ ^) 1675.sjs kemacs patch #10 (Re: VLIW != RISC?; SuperScalar != VLIW?) 1676.sjs skk 3.46 1677.sjs enhanced proxyarpd 1678.sjs Tcsh Japanese man page. (1/2: man) 1679.sjs Tcsh Japanese man page. (2/2: cat) 1680.sjs jxfig README. (Sorry for unreadable README) 1681.sjs fig2latex patch (Sorry I made mistake in fig2latex.c) 1682.sjs Re: enhanced proxyarpd 1683.sjs skk3.47 1684.sjs skk3.47 (correction) 1685.sjs The Constitution of Japan (in Kanji) 1686.sjs The Constitution of the U.S.A. 1687.sjs Re: skk3.47 1688.sjs Xmw Widget Set 1689.sjs Xmw Widget Set [1/6] 1690.sjs Xmw Widget Set [2/6] 1691.sjs Xmw Widget Set [3/6] 1692.sjs Xmw Widget Set [4/6] 1693.sjs Xmw Widget Set [5/6] 1694.sjs Xmw Widget Set [6/6] 1695.sjs Kanji patch for MH-6.7 1696.sjs Japanese doc (part 3/6) 1697.sjs mh-e Japanese doc (part 4/6) 1698.sjs x3eyes 1699.sjs patch Japanese doc (part 5/6) Directory usenet/fj_src/v17: ============================ 1700.sjs shar Japanese doc (part 6/6) 1701.sjs jdvi2tty (patch to dvi2tty) 1703.sjs xufo - Unidentified Flying Object for X 1704.sjs xneko -- X11 neko 1705.sjs MC68020 & MC68881 disassembler 1/3 (in Japanese/Kanji) 1706.sjs MC68020 & MC68881 disassembler 2/3 1707.sjs MC68020 & MC68881 disassembler 3/3 1708.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (0/7) 1709.sjs GCC on OS-9/68000 (1/7) doc in Japanease 1710.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [6/9] 1711.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [1/9] 1712.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [2/9] 1713.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [3/9] 1714.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [4/9] 1715.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [5/9] 1716.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [7/9] 1717.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [8/9] 1718.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) [9/9] 1719.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (2/7) doc in English 1720.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (3/7) diff (1/5) 1721.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (4/7) diff (2/5) 1722.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (5/7) diff (3/5) 1723.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (6/7) diff (4/5) 1724.sjs GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000 (7/7) diff (5/5) 1725.sjs xufo Patch1 1726.sjs Patch #3 for xalive :-) 1727.sjs dvi2vdu (JTeX Previewer for Tek etc.) patch#1 1728.sjs nn6.4.2 kanji patch (in Kanji) 1729.sjs xufo Patch2 1730.sjs Word-Star like macros for NEmacs (repost 1/2) 1731.sjs Word-Star like macros for NEmacs (repost 2/2) 1732.sjs Patch #2 for xalive (^_^;) 1733.sjs enhanced proxyarpd (bug fixed) 1734.sjs Rn patchlevel 47 kanji kit Part01/02 1735.sjs Rn patchlevel 47 kanji kit Part02/02 1736.sjs NNTP 1.5.8 unofficial patch Part01/02 1737.sjs NNTP 1.5.8 unofficial patch Part02/02 1747.sjs jdvi2kps2.1 [1/3] 1748.sjs jdvi2kps2.1 [2/3] 1749.sjs jdvi2kps2.1 [3/3] 1750.sjs pstex [1/2] 1751.sjs pstex [2/2] 1753.sjs Re: How to patch MS-C to recognize SWITCHAR??? 1754.sjs Tiny PASOCON terminal (In Japanese/Kanji) 1755.sjs hexl-mode for GNU Emacs (Version Jan. 89) 1756.sjs hexl-mode for GNU Emacs (Version May 89) 1757.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.3.2 (FUJIMUSUME version) Part 0/3 1761.sjs kinput(wterm) patch2 1765.sjs X11R4 + JLE Keyboard + Kana 1767.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.3.2 (FUJIMUSUME version) Part 3/3 re-repost X-( 1768.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.3.2 (FUJIMUSUME version) Part 1/3 re-repost X-( 1769.sjs Nemacs Ver.3.3.2 (FUJIMUSUME version) Part 2/3 re-repost X-( 1770.sjs Tiny PASOKON terminal patch1 1771.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part01/18) 1772.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part02/18) 1773.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part03/18) 1774.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part04/18) 1775.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part05/18) 1776.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part06/18) 1777.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part07/18) 1778.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part08/18) 1779.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part09/18) 1781.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part11/18) 1782.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part12/18) 1783.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part13/18) 1784.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part14/18) 1785.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part15/18) 1786.sjs RN with Nihongo help & menu (Part1/2) 1788.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part16/18) 1789.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part17/18) 1790.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part18/18) 1791.sjs RN Patchlevel #47 (Part10/18 repost) 1792.sjs RN with Nihongo help & menu (Part2/2 repost) 1794.sjs sokoban source (1/2) 1795.sjs sokoban source (2/2) 1796.sjs sokoban screen etc-file 1798.sjs patch for nntp 1.5.8 inews 1799.sjs 8 bit kanji patch for MH-6.7 Directory usenet/fj_src/v18: ============================ 1800.sjs PD make kit for Turbo C 1801.sjs Full-color Scanning Driver for GT-4000 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1802.sjs PD make power up kit(1/1) 1803.sjs utime.c(v1.1)(PD make kit for Turbo C) 1804.sjs IRC-II (1/1) 1805.sjs IRC-II (2/7) 1806.sjs IRC-II (3/7) 1807.sjs IRC-II (4/7) 1808.sjs IRC-II (5/7) 1809.sjs IRC-II (6/7) 1810.sjs IRC-II (7/7) 1811.sjs jstevie1.3 (part01/17) (In Japanese) 1812.sjs jstevie1.3 (part02/17) (In Japanese) 1813.sjs jstevie1.3 (part03/17) (In Japanese) 1814.sjs jstevie1.3 (part05/17) (In Japanese) 1815.sjs jstevie1.3 (part06/17) (In Japanese) 1816.sjs jstevie1.3 (part07/17) (In Japanese) 1817.sjs jstevie1.3 (part08/17) (In Japanese) 1818.sjs jstevie1.3 (part09/17) (In Japanese) 1819.sjs jstevie1.3 (part10/17) (In Japanese) 1820.sjs jstevie1.3 (part11/17) (In Japanese) 1821.sjs jstevie1.3 (part12/17) (In Japanese) 1822.sjs jstevie1.3 (part13/17) (In Japanese) 1823.sjs jstevie1.3 (part14/17) (In Japanese) 1824.sjs jstevie1.3 (part15/17) (In Japanese) 1825.sjs jstevie1.3 (part16/17) (In Japanese) 1826.sjs jstevie1.3 (part17/17) (In Japanese) 1827.sjs jstevie1.3 (part04/17) (In Japanese) 1829.sjs nn6.4.5 kanji patch (in Kanji) 1830.sjs jvirtterm.c bug fix (In Japanese/Kanji) 1831.sjs irchat.el with Japanese Patch 1832.sjs PD make (V1.6) bugfix patch 1833.sjs remote FEP control from jstevie1.3 on unix (part1/1) (In Japanese) 1836.sjs manuals (fig2latex, texx, sc) 1837.sjs jxpic (1/4) 1838.sjs jxpic (2/4) 1839.sjs jxpic (3/4) 1840.sjs jxpic (4/4) 1841.sjs kterm-4.1.0 (part00/03) 1842.sjs kterm-4.1.0 (part01/03) 1843.sjs kterm-4.1.0 (part02/03) 1844.sjs kterm-4.1.0 (part03/03) 1845.sjs prolog.el -- with rich indenting facility 1846.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.42 (1/4) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1847.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.42 (2/4) (In Japanese/Romaji) 1848.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.42 (3/4) (In Japanese/Romaji) 1849.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.42 (4/4) (In Japanese/Romaji) 1850.sjs Patch for tempnam()(PD make kit for Turbo C) 1851.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.1 -> 1.2 (1/2) 1852.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.1 -> 1.2 (2/2) 1853.sjs KA9Q>890421.1 sources patch (for NEWS) 1854.sjs Xfig2.8 kanji patch 1855.sjs xgraph-11.3.2 (1/6) 1856.sjs xgraph-11.3.2 (2/6) 1857.sjs xgraph-11.3.2 (3/6) 1858.sjs xgraph-11.3.2 (4/6) 1859.sjs xgraph-11.3.2 (5/6) 1860.sjs xgraph-11.3.2 (6/6) 1861.sjs Nemacs 3.3.2 patches to support Hitachi 2050/32 1862.sjs unnews, automatic news unarchiver (1/1) 1863.sjs xplayer for SS1 + X11 1864.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (2/11) 1865.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (3/11) 1866.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (0/11) 1867.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (1/11) 1868.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (5/11) 1869.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (6/11) 1870.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (4/11) 1871.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (8/11) 1872.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (7/11) 1873.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (10/11) 1874.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (9/11) 1875.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA (11/11) 1876.sjs DDX for Omron LUNA: patch (1/1) 1877.sjs Ng 1.2 patch #1 1878.sjs kterm with colored text (patch for kterm[X11R4]) 1879.sjs edd ver 2.6 1880.sjs SVMAIL 1.4 (1/5) 1881.sjs SVMAIL 1.4 (2/5) 1882.sjs SVMAIL 1.4 (3/5) 1883.sjs SVMAIL 1.4 (4/5) 1884.sjs SVMAIL 1.4 (5/5) 1885.sjs (Multi logical PostScript pages on each physical page) 1886.sjs mainz tools (1/4) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1887.sjs mainz tools (2/4) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1888.sjs mainz tools (3/4) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1889.sjs mainz tools (4/4) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1890.sjs unnews1.2, news automatic un-archiver (1/1) 1891.sjs EUCsetup for bigtex in ASCII-jTeX, part1/4 1892.sjs EUCsetup for bigex in ASCII-jTeX, part3/4 1893.sjs EUCsetup for bigtex in ASCII-jTeX, part4/4 1894.sjs EUCsetup for bigtex in ASCII-jTeX, part2/4 1895.sjs Key3 v2.4 patch (1/3) 1896.sjs Key3 v2.4 patch (2/3) 1897.sjs Key3 v2.4 patch (3/3) 1898.sjs jstevie 1.3 for OS-9/68000 patch (1 of 1) Directory usenet/fj_src/v19: ============================ 1900.sjs epsf.sty (1/2) 1901.sjs epsf.sty (2/2) 1902.sjs enet.shar part 1/2 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1903.sjs enet.shar part 2/2 1904.sjs Patch for unnews 1.2 -> 1.3 (1/1) 1905.sjs Re: ltugboat.sty wanted. 1906.sjs Xsun for CG8/CG9 (part 1/1) 1907.sjs xalarm Part01/02 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1908.sjs xalarm Part02/02 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1909.sjs a16.bdf & a16rk.bdf for X11 (part 1/1) 1910.sjs a18.bdf & a18rk.bdf for X11 (part 1/1) 1911.sjs Re: roff to Latex converter +scribe2latex 1912.sjs Patch for unnews 1.3 -> 1.4 (1/1) 1913.sjs NNTP 1.5.9 -> 1.5.10 patch kit #1 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1914.sjs NNTP 1.5.9 -> 1.5.10 patch kit #2 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1915.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 0/8) 1916.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 1/8) 1917.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 2/8) 1918.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 3/8) 1919.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 4/8) 1920.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 5/8) 1921.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 6/8) 1922.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 7/8) 1923.sjs kanji18.bdf -- 18pt kanji font for X11 (part 8/8) 1925.sjs xengine - 2 stroke engine for X :-) (part 1/1) 1926.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 1/15) 1927.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 2/15) 1928.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 3/15) 1929.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 4/15) 1930.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 5/15) 1931.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 6/15) 1932.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 7/15) 1933.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 8/15) 1934.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 9/15) 1935.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 10/15) 1936.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 11/15) 1937.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 12/15) 1938.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 13/15) 1939.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 14/15) 1940.sjs AMD-5.2 -- an automounter (Part 15/15) 1941.sjs function timelocal 1942.sjs PostScript to Sun Raster File (1/1) 1943.sjs Patch: timelocal 1944.sjs ish-unix v2.01, supports -sn SHIFT-JIS/nonKANA (In English) 1945.sjs kinput patch3 & wterm patch1 (part 1/2) 1946.sjs kinput patch3 & wterm patch1 (part 2/2) 1947.sjs ps2ras 1.4, PostScript to Sun Raster file (1/1) 1948.sjs vision.el 1949.sjs hankaku-zenkaku conversion 1950.sjs sed script for misc. 1951.sjs new Xsun for CG8/CG9 1952.sjs lp3320 printer driver for ASCII jtex (1/2) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1953.sjs ricoh lp3320 printer driver for ASCII jtex (2/2) (In Japanese/Kanji) 1954.sjs unnews 1.6, automatic news extractor (1/2) 1955.sjs unnews 1.6, automatic news extractor (2/2) 1956.sjs sed script for ro-maji to hiragana henkan. 1957.sjs I-dic Ver.2 (1/6) 1958.sjs I-dic Ver.2 (2/6) 1959.sjs I-dic Ver.2 (3/6) 1960.sjs I-dic Ver.2 (4/6) 1961.sjs I-dic Ver.2 (5/6) 1962.sjs I-dic Ver.2 (6/6) 1963.sjs texout for CANON laser shot B406 S 1964.sjs xengine patch1 (part 1/1) 1965.sjs Kokumin no Kyuujitsu for Calendar/Diary Package on GNU Emacs 1967.sjs Patch for dvi2lp3320, dvi2lp3320_r98 (In Japanese/Kanji) 1968.sjs TeX DVI layout viewer for HTERM (In Japanese/Kanji) 1969.sjs patch for terminal.el with EGG (part 1/1) 1970.sjs dvihterm patch1 1971.sjs xcolumns - Game 'colums' on X11R4, Part01/01 1972.sjs xalarm patch for color disp (In Japanese/Kanji) 1973.sjs xalarm patch for monochrome disp (In Japanese/Kanji) 1974.sjs twm + keycontrol patch (part 01/01) (In Japanese) 1975.sjs p-dic ver.1.00 (1/3) 1976.sjs p-dic ver.1.00 (2/3) 1977.sjs p-dic ver.1.00 (3/3) 1978.sjs xpbiff - Popup biff for X (part 01/01) 1979.sjs lwfont.sty 1980.sjs xalarm correct patch for monochrome disp (In Japanese/Kanji) 1981.sjs xalarm correct patch for color disp (In Japanese/Kanji) 1982.sjs xneko on root window 1983.sjs xpbiff - Popup biff for X Patch1 (part 01/01) 1984.sjs proof figure macros 1985.sjs IDIS - I-dic Information Server Ver. 1.0 (1/1) 1986.sjs I-dic Ver.2 patch #1 (1/1) 1987.sjs lwfont.sty patch #1 (part 01/01) 1988.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (2/8) 1989.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (3/8) 1990.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (4/8) 1991.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (5/8) 1992.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (6/8) 1993.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (7/8) 1994.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (8/8) 1995.sjs Readline-J -- Version 0.1 (1/8) 1996.sjs maru18 & maru16 kit -- Marumoji font for X11 (part 1/1) 1997.sjs tcsh 5.19 jman & jcat (1/3). 1998.sjs tcsh 5.19 jman & jcat (2/3). 1999.sjs tcsh 5.19 jman & jcat (3/3). Directory usenet/fj_src/v20: ============================ 2000.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (0/12) 2001.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (1/12) 2002.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (2/12) 2003.sjs X-Widow Kanji Screen Lock Program [xklock] PART 1/2 2004.sjs X-Widow Kanji Screen Lock Program [xklock] PART 2/2 2005.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (1/10) 2006.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (2/10) 2007.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (3/10) 2008.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (4/10) 2009.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (5/10) 2010.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (6/10) 2011.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (7/10) 2012.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (8/10) 2013.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (9/10) 2014.sjs tcsh-5.19(tahoe version) (10/10) 2015.sjs Nemacs3.3.2 overwrite mode Bug fix 2016.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (3/12) 2017.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (4/12) 2018.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (5/12) 2019.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (6/12) 2020.sjs oneko - Neko runs over the windows (Part01/05) 2021.sjs oneko - Neko runs over the windows (Part02/05) 2022.sjs oneko - Neko runs over the windows (Part03/05) 2023.sjs oneko - Neko runs over the windows (Part04/05) 2024.sjs oneko - Neko runs over the windows (Part05/05) 2025.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (7/12) 2026.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (8/12) 2027.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (9/12) 2028.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (10/12) 2029.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (11/12) 2030.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (12/12) 2031.sjs dvi2nwp for ASCII-jTeX J1.6 [1/4] 2032.sjs dvi2nwp for ASCII-jTeX J1.6 [2/4] 2033.sjs dvi2nwp for ASCII-jTeX J1.6 [3/4] 2034.sjs dvi2nwp for ASCII-jTeX J1.6 [4/4] 2035.sjs zip-dic 90a (1/3) 2036.sjs zip-dic 90a (2/3) 2037.sjs zip-dic 90a (3/3) 2038.sjs epsf.sty patch (1/1) 2039.sjs DX1 control program (1/2) (In Japanese) 2040.sjs DX1 control program (2/2) (In Japanese) 2041.sjs MuTeX (Part01/13) 2042.sjs MuTeX (part02/13) 2043.sjs MuTeX (Part03/13) 2044.sjs MuTeX (Part04/13) 2045.sjs MuTeX (Part05/13) 2046.sjs MuTeX (Part06/13) 2047.sjs MuTeX (Part07/13) 2048.sjs MuTeX (Part08/13) 2049.sjs MuTeX (Part09/13) 2050.sjs MuTeX (Part10/13) 2051.sjs MuTeX (Part11/13) 2052.sjs MuTeX (Part12/13) 2053.sjs MuTeX (Part13/13) 2054.sjs hpgl2ps v3.5 (HPGL to PostScript translator) [1 of 5] 2055.sjs hpgl2ps v3.5 (HPGL to PostScript translator) [2 of 5] 2056.sjs hpgl2ps v3.5 (HPGL to PostScript translator) [3 of 5] 2057.sjs hpgl2ps v3.5 (HPGL to PostScript translator) [4 of 5] 2058.sjs hpgl2ps v3.5 (HPGL to PostScript translator) [5 of 5] 2059.sjs unnews 1.6 -> 1.7 patch (1/1) 2060.sjs jdvipage (DVI previewer for SunView) [1/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 2061.sjs jdvipage (DVI previewer for SunView) [2/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 2062.sjs jdvipage (DVI previewer for SunView) [3/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 2063.sjs jdvipage (DVI previewer for SunView) [4/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 2064.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (00/40, Intro) 2065.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (01/40) 2066.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (02/40) 2067.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (03/40) 2068.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (04/40) 2069.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (05/40) 2070.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (06/40) 2071.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (07/40) 2072.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (08/40) 2073.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (09/40) 2074.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (10/40) 2075.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (11/40) 2076.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (12/40) 2077.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (14/40) 2078.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (15/40) 2079.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (16/40) 2080.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (17/40) 2081.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (18/40) 2082.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (19/40) 2083.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (20/40) 2084.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (21/40) 2085.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (22/40) 2086.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (23/40) 2087.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (24/40) 2088.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (25/40) 2089.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (26/40) 2090.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (27/40) 2091.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (28/40) 2092.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (29/40) 2093.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (30/40) 2094.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (13/40) 2095.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (31/40) 2096.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (32/40) 2097.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (33/40) 2098.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (35/40) 2099.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (36/40) Directory usenet/fj_src/v21: ============================ 2100.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (37/40) 2101.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (34/40) 2102.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (38/40) 2103.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (39/40) 2104.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (40/40) 2105.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160)->5a(162) patch (1/1) 2106.sjs Re: C-Kermit 5A(160)->5a(162) patch (1/1) 2107.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (0/12): repost+version1.1 2108.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (1/12) repost 2109.sjs Graphics & CAD bib database (2/12) repost 2110.sjs pTeX patch#1 (In Japanese/Kanji) 2111.sjs kbanner (1/1) 2112.sjs pTeX for JIS encoded file 2113.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (00/21) 2114.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (01/21) 2115.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (02/21) 2116.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (03/21) 2117.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (04/21) 2118.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (05/21) 2119.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (06/21) 2120.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (07/21) 2121.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (08/21) 2122.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (09/21) 2123.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (10/21) 2124.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (11/21) 2125.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (12/21) 2126.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (13/21) 2127.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (14/21) 2128.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (16/21) 2129.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (17/21) 2130.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (15/21) 2131.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (20/21) 2132.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (21/21) 2133.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (18/21) 2134.sjs VAX/VMS Kermit-32 3.3.126 (19/21) 2135.sjs C-Kermit 5A(160) (02/40, repost) 2136.sjs bitmap in TeX (In Japanese/Kanji) 2137.sjs Bitmap cut & paste tools (in Japanese/Kanji) 2138.sjs server/client library for Perl3.0@37 (1/1) 2139.sjs perl texinfo in japanese 3.37 (part 1/4) 2140.sjs perl texinfo in japanese 3.37 (part 2/4) 2141.sjs perl texinfo in japanese 3.37 (part 3/4) 2142.sjs perl texinfo in japanese 3.37 (part 4/4) 2143.sjs epsbox.sty ... macros to include EPS files into LaTeX document (1/1) 2144.sjs texpr for ASCII pTeX 2145.sjs patch for sdtojt (in Japanese tpscript) 2146.sjs lpd patch (In Japanese/kanji) 2147.sjs Patch for bmp-tools (in Japanese/Kanji) 2148.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 0/14) 2149.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 1/14) 2150.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 2/14) 2151.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 3/14) 2152.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 4/14) 2153.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 5/14) 2154.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 6/14) 2155.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 7/14) 2156.sjs Re: junk no kiji wo ... (In Japanese/Kanji) 2157.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 8/14) 2158.sjs xklock Ver 2.7 -- screen lock program [PART 01/02] 2159.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part08 2160.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part09 2161.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part10 2162.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part00 2163.sjs xklock Ver 2.7 -- screen lock program [PART 02/02] 2164.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part01 2165.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part02 2166.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part03 2167.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part04 2168.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part05 2169.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part06 2170.sjs kterm-4.1.1/part07 2171.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 9/14) 2172.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 10/14) 2173.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 11/14) 2174.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 12/14) 2175.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 13/14) 2176.sjs kanji26.bdf -- 26pt kanji font for X11 (part 14/14) 2177.sjs Patch of Rutgers CAP Release 2 from [Oct] to [Nov] version 2178.sjs Patch 1 for kterm 4.1.1 2179.sjs patch for unnews 1.7 -> 1.8 (1/1) 2180.sjs 13x26.bdf & 13x26rk.bdf for X11 (part 1/1) 2181.sjs Patch of Rutgers CAP Release 2 from [Nov 18] to [Nov 20] version 2182.sjs zip-dic 91A (0/3) 2183.sjs zip-dic 91A (1/3) 2184.sjs zip-dic 91A (2/3) 2185.sjs zip-dic 91A (3/3) 2186.sjs kterm 4.1.1 patch 2 2187.sjs Unofficial Patch for jxdvi of ASCII-jTeX1.6 for Xmint 2188.sjs word-select patch for kterm4.1.0 2189.sjs kinput patch for EUC encoded fonts 2190.sjs xpbiff patch2 (part 01/01) 2191.sjs hml1.3: mailing list server 2192.sjs idraw kanji version (part 01/02) 2193.sjs idraw kanji version (part02/02) 2194.sjs hml1.3: mailing list server (ADDENDUM 1) 2195.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.62 (1/4) (In Japanese) 2196.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.62 (3/4) (In Romaji) 2197.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.62 (4/4) (In Romaji) 2198.sjs xscript - X Window script tool and Xaw kanji patch (1/3) 2199.sjs xscript - X Window script tool and Xaw kanji patch (2/3) Directory usenet/fj_src/v22: ============================ 2200.sjs xscript - X Window script tool and Xaw kanji patch (3/3) 2201.sjs jdvi2kps patch (part 01/01) 2202.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.62 (2/4) re_post (In Japanese) 2203.sjs rmailsort.el, timezone.el: Rmail message sorter 2204.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (01/18) 2205.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (02/18) 2206.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (03/18) 2207.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (04/18) 2208.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (05/18) 2209.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (06/18) 2210.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (07/18) 2211.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (08/18) 2212.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (09/18) 2213.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (10/18) 2214.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (11/18) 2215.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (12/18) 2216.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (13/18) 2217.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (15/18) 2218.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (14/18) 2219.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (17/18) 2220.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (16/18) 2221.sjs xkey3(V3.0)-- a drawing tool on X (18/18) 2222.sjs xkey3(V3.0 -> V3.1) patch01 (1/1) 2223.sjs kanji ghostscript 2224.sjs Setting up of NNTP. 2225.sjs C-Kermit 5A(162) -> 5A(163) patch (0/4) 2226.sjs C-Kermit 5A(162) -> 5A(163) patch (1/4) 2227.sjs C-Kermit 5A(162) -> 5A(163) patch (2/4) 2228.sjs C-Kermit 5A(162) -> 5A(163) patch (3/4) 2229.sjs C-Kermit 5A(162) -> 5A(163) patch (4/4) 2230.sjs Re: C-Kermit 5A(162) -> 5A(163) patch (1/4) 2231.sjs bash-1.05 cwru patch + japanese patch (part 1/2) 2232.sjs bash-1.05 cwru patch + japanese patch (part 2/2) 2233.sjs Re: bash-1.05 cwru patch + japanese patch (part 1/2) 2234.sjs texout for B406S 2235.sjs ps2ras 1.7, PostScript -> Sun Rasterfile converter (1/1) 2236.sjs Kanji Idraw 2237.sjs JIS.C version 1.7 2238.sjs Kanji version of GNU awk(jgawk2.11.1+2.6) (2/2) 2239.sjs Kanji version of GNU awk(jgawk2.11.1+2.6) (1/2) 2240.sjs jgawk2.11.1+2.7 (Re: Kanji version of GNU awk(jgawk2.11.1+2.6)) 2241.sjs GhostScript-2.1 Kanji package (1/2) 2242.sjs GhostScript-2.1 Kanji package (2/2) 2243.sjs Ghostscript 2.1/2.1.1 Kanji package (1/2) 2244.sjs Ghostscript 2.1/2.1.1 Kanji package (2/2) 2245.sjs Patch for AMD-5.2 on MIPS-RS3230 (1/1) 2246.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (0/22) 2247.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (1/22) 2248.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (2/22) 2249.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (3/22) 2250.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (4/22) 2251.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (5/22) 2252.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (6/22) 2253.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (7/22) 2254.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (8/22) 2255.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (9/22) 2256.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (10/22) 2257.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (11/22) 2258.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (12/22) 2259.sjs perl.texinfo in japanese v3.44.1 (part01/03) 2260.sjs perl.texinfo in japanese v3.44.1 (part02/03) 2261.sjs perl.texinfo in japanese v3.44.1 (part03/03) 2262.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (13/22) 2263.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (14/22) 2264.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (15/22) 2265.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (16/22) 2266.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (17/22) 2267.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (18/22) 2268.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (19/22) 2269.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (20/22) 2270.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (21/22) 2271.sjs Ng (Micro Nemacs) 1.3 (22/22) 2272.sjs xkey3(V3.1 -> V3.2) patch02 (1/1) 2273.sjs perl.texinfo v3.44.1 -> v3.44.2 patch (2byte char -> 1byte) 2274.sjs patch for unnews 1.8 -> 1.9 (1/1) 2275.sjs patch for resize (In Japanese/Kanji) 2276.sjs jsupercite 2277.sjs supercite 2.1 (1/1) 2278.sjs Xsun24 version 1.1 (part 01/02) 2279.sjs Xsun24 version 1.1 (part 02/02) 2280.sjs grapxy - Draw x-y graph with roff 1/3 2281.sjs grapxy - Draw x-y graph with roff 2/3 2282.sjs grapxy - Draw x-y graph with roff 3/3 2283.sjs Another uuq 3.1 2284.sjs Ng 1.3 -> 1.3.1 patch (1/1). 2285.sjs grapxy - patch from 2-4-1 to 2-4-2 2287.sjs Kanji version for NN 2288.sjs Kanji version for NN Patch 1 2289.sjs fcall 2290.sjs xpbiff 1.24 - Popup biff for X (part 01/01) 2291.sjs bdftools/part00 2292.sjs bdftools/part01 2293.sjs bdftools/part02 2294.sjs xjan (janken game on X-Window)(0/5) 2295.sjs xjan (janken game on X-window)(1/5) 2296.sjs xjan (janken game on X-window)(2/5) 2297.sjs xjan (janken game on X-window)(3/5) 2298.sjs xjan (janken game on X-window)(4/5) 2299.sjs xjan (janken game on X-window)(5/5) Directory usenet/fj_src/v23: ============================ 2300.sjs xpbiff1.25 - Popup biff for X (Part 01/01) 2301.sjs Customize your JLE ! (In Japanese/Kanji) 2302.sjs A Patch of AMD for LUNA & LUNA-88K 2303.sjs Japanese Keyboard for X11R4 on SunOS 4.1* 2304.sjs Kanji Idraw: Patch level 3 (part 01/01) 2305.sjs xloadface: network load display (0/3) 2306.sjs xloadface: network load display (1/3) 2307.sjs xloadface: network load display (2/3) 2308.sjs xloadface: network load display (3/3) 2309.sjs Kanji version for NN Patch 2 2310.sjs 24-bit DirectColor X server for CG8/9 (1/2) 2311.sjs 24-bit DirectColor X server for CG8/9 (2/2) 2312.sjs Patch #1 for xloadface 2314.sjs Xsun24 version 1.2 (part 01/01) 2315.sjs Patch #2 for xloadface 2316.sjs bm2mf: TeX kanji-font generator (0/1) 2317.sjs bm2mf: TeX kanji-font generator (1/3) 2318.sjs bm2mf: TeX kanji-font generator (2/3) 2319.sjs bm2mf: TeX kanji-font generator (3/3) 2320.sjs ydic[Japanese-English dictionary(CD-ROM) look up prog.](1/2) 2321.sjs ydic[Japanese-English dictionary(CD-ROM) look up prog.](2/2) 2322.sjs Unofficial patch for ISODE 6.8. 2323.sjs unofficial patch for gnuspost.el ( GNUS v3.13 ) 2324.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (0/8) 2325.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (1/8) 2326.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (2/8) 2327.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (8/8) 2328.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (3/8) 2329.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (4/8) 2330.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (5/8) 2331.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (6/8) 2332.sjs I-dic Ver. 3.0.0 (7/8) 2333.sjs Jintori Ver2.01 for PC9801-TurboC, X11-XView, X11-Xlib (01/03) 2334.sjs Jintori Ver2.01 for PC9801-TurboC, X11-XView, X11-Xlib (02/03) 2335.sjs Jintori Ver2.01 for PC9801-TurboC, X11-XView, X11-Xlib (03/03) 2336.sjs MyTurbo (0/2) (In Japanese/Kanji) 2337.sjs MyTurbo (1/2) 2338.sjs MyTurbo (2/2) 2339.sjs Patch #3 for xloadface 2340.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10: text source (yaa 1/5) 2341.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 (yab 2/5) 2342.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 (yac 3/5) 2343.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 (yad 4/5) 2344.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 Info (xaa 1/2) 2345.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 Info (xab 2/2) 2346.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 (yad 5/5) 2347.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 Order Form (zaa 1/1) 2348.sjs Drawing Trees in LaTeX (2/2) 2349.sjs Drawing Trees in LaTeX (1/2) 2350.sjs Re: GNU -- GNU Digest No.10 (yad 5/5) 2351.sjs Macro for Vz editor & Turbo-pascal command line compiler (In J/Kanji 2352.sjs Self-compilable Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON (in J/Kanji) 1/ 2353.sjs Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON (in J/Kanji) 3/7 (source-2/3) 2354.sjs Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON (in J/Kanji) 4/7 (source-3/3) 2355.sjs Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON 5/7 (library-source 1/1) 2356.sjs Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON 6/7 (executable 1/2) 2357.sjs Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON 7/7 (executable 2/2) 2358.sjs Pascal-compiler for MS-DOS, CABEZON (in J/Kanji) 2/7 (source-1/3) 2359.sjs GNU -- GNU Digest No. 10 (yae 5/5): correction 2360.sjs Patch #4 for xloadface (1/1) 2361.sjs oneko - neko runs over the windows, patch1 (part01/01) 2362.sjs Re: Japanese keyboard patch for Xsun (Re: Xsun for Sun3/80 cgsix) 2363.sjs uab patch for Sony NEWS 2364.sjs Ignore previous "Jis Less123 patch.<>" 2365.sjs Patch #1 for Jintori Ver2.01 2366.sjs Sorry. [Re: Ignore previous.....] 2367.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (1/7) 2368.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (2/7) 2369.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (3/7) 2370.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (4/7) 2371.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (5/7) 2372.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (6/7) 2373.sjs SC 6.14 spread sheet (7/7) 2374.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (0/6) 2375.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (1/6) 2376.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (2/6) 2377.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (3/6) 2378.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (4/6) 2379.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (5/6) 2380.sjs Rie 1.0 : a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (6/6) 2381.sjs Rie 1.0 patch for Bison 1.14 (0/3) 2382.sjs Rie 1.0 patch for Bison 1.14 (1/3) 2383.sjs Rie 1.0 patch for Bison 1.14 (2/3) 2384.sjs Rie 1.0 patch for Bison 1.14 (3/3) 2385.sjs Kanji patch for Tass 3.2 2386.sjs less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS).[1/6] 2387.sjs less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS).[2/6] 2388.sjs less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS).[3/6] 2389.sjs less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS).[4/6] 2390.sjs less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS).[5/6] 2391.sjs less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS).[6/6] 2392.sjs JisKit for "less123 + 6 (MSDOS, SJIS)". 2393.sjs SKK4.30 part 1 of 26 2394.sjs SKK4.30 part 2 of 26 2395.sjs SKK4.30 part 3 of 26 2396.sjs SKK4.30 part 4 of 26 2397.sjs SKK4.30 part 5 of 26 2398.sjs SKK4.30 part 6 of 26 2399.sjs SKK4.30 part 7 of 26 Directory usenet/fj_src/v24: ============================ 2400.sjs SKK4.30 part 8 of 26 2401.sjs SKK4.30 part 9 of 26 2402.sjs SKK4.30 part 10 of 26 2403.sjs SKK4.30 part 11 of 26 2404.sjs SKK4.30 part 12 of 26 2405.sjs SKK4.30 part 13 of 26 2407.sjs SKK4.30 part 15 of 26 2408.sjs SKK4.30 part 16 of 26 2409.sjs SKK4.30 part 17 of 26 2410.sjs SKK4.30 part 18 of 26 2411.sjs SKK4.30 part 19 of 26 2412.sjs SKK4.30 part 20 of 26 2413.sjs SKK4.30 part 21 of 26 2414.sjs SKK4.30 part 22 of 26 2415.sjs SKK4.30 part 23 of 26 2416.sjs SKK4.30 PART 14 OF 26 2417.sjs SKK4.30 part 24 of 26 2418.sjs SKK4.30 part 26 of 26 2419.sjs SKK4.30 part 25 of 26 2420.sjs xmscirc ver.1.00 part 1 of 1 2421.sjs SKK4.31 - part 1 of 2 2422.sjs SKK4.31 - part 2 of 2 2423.sjs hml1.6: a powerful mailing list server 2424.sjs Accessibility Guide Line 2425.sjs SKK4.32 2426.sjs xkey3(V3.2 -> V3.3) patch03 (1/1) 2427.sjs P-dic Ver.2 (4/5) 2428.sjs p-dic Ver.2 (1/5) 2429.sjs p-dic Ver.2 (2/5) 2430.sjs p-dic Ver.2 (3/5) 2431.sjs P-dic Ver.2 (5/5) 2432.sjs Numbered GO game board in LaTeX and METAFONT 2433.sjs jperl - japanese version of perl 4.003 + 1.1 (part 01/02) 2434.sjs jperl - japanese version of perl 4.003 + 1.1 (part 02/02) 2435.sjs xdiff by Athena Widgets (1/1) 2436.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.82 (1/4) (In Japanese) 2437.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.82 (2/4) (In Japanese) 2438.sjs BBS hoat program annbbs Ver3.82 (4/4) (In Japanese) 2439.sjs BBS host program annbbs Ver3.82 (3/4) (In Japanese) 2440.sjs Re: xkey3(V3.2 -> V3.3) patch03 (1/1) 2441.sjs xskyroot: realtime sky drawer for color X display (part1/1) 2442.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest No.10 text correction 2443.sjs GNU --- GNU Public License on Japanese version 2444.sjs patch for p-dic (V.2->V.21) 2445.sjs AIXV3 X11R4(with contrib) Part 01/04 2446.sjs AIXV3 X11R4(with contrib) Part 02/04 2447.sjs AIXV3 X11R4 (with contrib) Part 03/04 2448.sjs AIXV3 X11R4 (with contrib) Part 04/04 2449.sjs mg: multi-line grep 2450.sjs kbanner2 (1of5) 2451.sjs kbanner2 (2of5) 2452.sjs kbanner2 (3of5) 2453.sjs kbanner2 (4of5) 2454.sjs kbanner2 (5of5) 2455.sjs psrefile 2456.sjs XLoadPic ver.1.03 -- PIC File Loader on X-Window 2457.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (1/20) 2458.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (2/20) 2459.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (3/20) 2460.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (5/20) 2461.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (4/20) 2462.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (6/20) 2463.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (7/20) 2464.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (8/20) 2465.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (10/20) 2466.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (11/20) 2467.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (12/20) 2468.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (13/20) 2469.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (14/20) 2470.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (9/20) 2471.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (15/20) 2472.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (16/20) 2473.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (17/20) 2474.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (18/20) 2475.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (19/20) 2476.sjs tgif+2.2.4 (20/20) 2477.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (1/20) 2478.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (2/20) 2479.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (3/20) 2480.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (4/20) 2482.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (5/20) 2484.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (6/20) 2486.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (7/20) 2488.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (9/20) 2489.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (10/20) 2490.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (11/20) 2491.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (12/20) 2492.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (13/20) 2493.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (14/20) 2494.sjs SKK4.33 part 1 of 4 2495.sjs SKK4.33 part 2 of 4 2496.sjs SKK4.33 part 3 of 4 2497.sjs SKK4.33 part 4 of 4 2498.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (15/20) 2499.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (16/20) Directory usenet/fj_src/v25: ============================ 2500.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (17/20) 2501.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (18/20) 2502.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (19/20) 2503.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (20/20) 2504.sjs tgif+2.2.4 manual (8/20) 2505.sjs patch for ASCII TEX (Re: tgif+2.2.4 manua) 2506.sjs xbomb - bomb game for X (part 01/01) 2507.sjs Re: patch for ASCII TEX (Re: tgif+2.2.4 manua) 2508.sjs plain2 part (1/4) 2509.sjs plain2 part (2/4) 2510.sjs plain2 part (3/4) 2511.sjs plain2 part (4/4) 2512.sjs gcc 1.39 patch for UniOS-B 2513.sjs patch to zsh2.00.03 (In Japanese/Kanji) 2514.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.00 (1/3) 2515.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.00 (2/3) 2516.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.00 (3/3) 2517.sjs GO style file patch to put A to Z 2518.sjs fansyheadings.sty 2519.sjs addmail 1.6.2: Japanese mailer (1/4) 2520.sjs addmail 1.6.2: Japanese mailer (2/4) 2521.sjs addmail 1.6.2: Japanese mailer (3/4) 2522.sjs addmail 1.6.2: Japanese mailer (4/4) 2523.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (1/8) 2524.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (2/8) 2525.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (3/8) 2526.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (4/8) 2527.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (5/8) 2528.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (6/8) 2529.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (7/8) 2530.sjs Nepoch-1.1 (8/8) 2531.sjs gs22 and kanji 2532.sjs NetHack Guidebook Japanese Edition (1/3) (In Japanese/Kanji) 2533.sjs NetHack Guidebook Japanese Edition (2/3) (In Japanese/Kanji) 2534.sjs NetHack Guidebook Japanese Edition (3/3) (In Japanese/Kanji) 2535.sjs Patch for addmail: 1.6.2->1.6.6 (1/1) 2536.sjs new version xalarm (alarm clock for X-Window) PART1/1 2537.sjs mg (multi-line grep) with paragraph mode 2538.sjs gnuplot 2.0 patch for hterm (in Japanese/Kanji) 2539.sjs less-171 patch for Japanese 2540.sjs patch for tgif+2.2.4 (patch 01) 2541.sjs gdb-j.texinfo (Part03/03) 2542.sjs gdb-j.texinfo (Part01/03) 2543.sjs gdb-j.texinfo (Part02/03) 2544.sjs Less 170 Japanese man (nroff). 2545.sjs Less 170 Japanese man (cat). 2546.sjs Ghostscript-2.2 Kanji Package 2547.sjs sj3-egg 1.01 beta (1/3) 2548.sjs sj3-egg 1.01 beta (2/3) 2549.sjs sj3-egg 1.01 beta (3/3) 2550.sjs auto-refile Ver. 1.11 2551.sjs Xsun24 ver.2.0 (part 0/5) 2552.sjs Xsun24 ver.2.0 (part 1/5) 2553.sjs Xsun24 ver.2.0 (part 2/5) 2554.sjs Xsun24 ver.2.0 (part 3/5) 2555.sjs Xsun24 ver.2.0 (part 4/5) 2556.sjs Xsun24 ver.2.0 (part 5/5) 2557.sjs Label Kit (1/4) 2558.sjs Label Kit (2/4) 2559.sjs Label Kit (3/4) 2560.sjs Label Kit (4/4) 2561.sjs Rie 1.0.1 (rie-diff-1.0-1.0.1) (1/1) 2562.sjs Re: Label Kit (1/4) 2563.sjs sdif: sdiff clone 2564.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.0 patch kit for un*x (1/4) 2565.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.0 patch kit for un*x (2/4) 2566.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.0 patch kit for un*x (3/4) 2567.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.0 patch kit for un*x (4/4) 2568.sjs elvis 1.4 + j1.0 -> j1.0suspend patch (1/1) 2569.sjs less-177 patch for Japanese 2570.sjs gdb-j.texinfo Patch01 (Part01/01) 2571.sjs uudecode in MSDOS 2572.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.23 (3/4) 2573.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.23 (4/4) 2574.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.23 (1/4) 2575.sjs r-dic Ver. 1.23 (2/4) 2576.sjs Patch for addmail 1.6.6 -> 1.6.8 (1/1) 2577.sjs General-Purpose Fuzzy Inference Library Ver. 3.0 (1/1) 2578.sjs vkf2type1 (Sony VectorFont => gs220 kanjiFont Converter) 2579.sjs pstwm [Pseudo Screen twm]. (1/4) 2580.sjs pstwm [Pseudo Screen twm]. (2/4) 2581.sjs pstwm [Pseudo Screen twm]. (3/4) 2582.sjs pstwm [Pseudo Screen twm]. (4/4) 2583.sjs Nemacs on NeXT 2.0 (1/1) 2584.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (1/9) Sorry for the delay. 2585.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (2/9) 2586.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (3/9) 2587.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (4/9) 2588.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (5/9) 2589.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (6/9) 2590.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (7/9) 2591.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (8/9) 2592.sjs GNU --- GNU Digest #11 (9/9) 2593.sjs Patch for disasm 2594.sjs Re: pstwm [Pseudo Screen twm]. (1/4) 2595.sjs vkf2type1 Ver 1.1 (Sony VectorFont => gs220 kanjiFont Converter) (2/ 2596.sjs vkf2type1 Ver 1.1 (Sony VectorFont => gs220 kanjiFont Converter) (1/ 2597.sjs pstwm patch1. 2598.sjs dserver/Electronic Book Dictionary server & clients (1/2) 2599.sjs dserver/Electronic Book Dictionary server & clients (2/2) Directory usenet/fj_src/v26: ============================ 2600.sjs bmxc (X Bitmap Cross Converter 2.0) 2601.sjs patch#2 for M68000 disassembler (in Japanese/Kanji) 2602.sjs me-dic 91.09.05 (1/3) 2603.sjs me-dic 91.09.05 (2/3) 2604.sjs me-dic 91.09.05 (3/3) 2605.sjs M68000 series disassembler [newest] 1/2 2606.sjs M68000 series disassembler [newest] 2/2 2607.sjs Japanese version of perl 4.010 (+1.2) part 01/02 2608.sjs Japanese version of perl 4.010 (+1.2) part 02/02 2609.sjs Sun Type4 Japanese Keyboard patch for X11R5 2610.sjs Kanji rn patch for rn version 4.4 (Part0/4) 2611.sjs Re: Kanji rn patch for rn version 4.4 (Part1/4) 2612.sjs Re: Kanji rn patch for rn version 4.4 (Part3/4) 2613.sjs Re: Kanji rn patch for rn version 4.4 (Part0/4) 2614.sjs Re: Kanji rn patch for rn version 4.4 (Part4/4) 2615.sjs bitmap.bas -- bitmap editor on N88-BASIC(86) [MS-DOS] (1/1) 2616.sjs kc version 1.5 (1.3 -> 1.5 patch file). 2617.sjs Japanese manuals for rn version 4.4 (Part01/5) 2618.sjs Japanese manuals for rn version 4.4 (Part02/5) 2619.sjs Re: Japanese manuals for rn version 4.4 (Part03/5) 2620.sjs Re: Japanese manuals for rn version 4.4 (Part04/5) 2621.sjs Re: Japanese manuals for rn version 4.4 (Part05/5) 2622.sjs Kanji rn patch 3.4.0 -> 3.4.1 2623.sjs dserver/Electronic Book Dictionary server & clients (unofficial patc 2624.sjs sc 6.18 Japanese patch for PFU/Fujitsu A/Sigma series (1/2) 2625.sjs sc 6.18 Japanese patch for PFU/Fujitsu A/Sigma series (2/2) 2626.sjs electronic parts for tgif+ 2627.sjs Patch for addmail 1.6.8 -> 1.6.11 (1/1) 2628.sjs xtea 1.03 X11 tea timer (1/1) 2629.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j (1/6) 2630.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j (2/6) 2631.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j (3/6) 2632.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j (4/6) 2633.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j (5/6) 2634.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j (6/6) 2635.sjs Kanji rn patch 3.4.1 -> 3.4.2 2636.sjs xtea 1.03 > 1.03a patch (support X11R4/R5) 2637.sjs sc 6.18 Japanese patch for SunOS4.1+JLE 2638.sjs ONEW: Wnn + (jstevie | kdraw) 2639.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (0/7) 2640.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (1/7) 2641.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (2/7) 2642.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (3/7) 2643.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (4/7) 2644.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (5/7) 2645.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (6/7) 2646.sjs i-dic Ver.3.1.0 (7/7) 2647.sjs i-tools Ver.3.1.0 (1/1) 2648.sjs sc 6.18 Japanese patch No.2 for SunOS4.1+JLE 2649.sjs Kanji Patch for Tin 1.0 (PL 3) 2650.sjs gs23j10 (1/5) 2651.sjs gs23j10 (2/5) 2652.sjs gs23j10 (3/5) 2653.sjs gs23j10 (4/5) 2654.sjs gs23j10 (5/5) 2655.sjs Kanji Patch for Tin 1.0 (PL 3) to (PL 4) 2656.sjs OhShow Kit Ver.0.9 (alpha) (1/3) 2657.sjs OhShow Kit Ver.0.9 (alpha) (2/3) 2658.sjs OhShow Kit Ver.0.9 (alpha) (3/3) 2659.sjs jcawf -- Japanese cawf 1.02 ( nroff like text formatter ) 2660.sjs Bug fix and update of texout for NTT jTeX 2661.sjs vdf Ver. 1.00 (perl script) 2662.sjs dvi2ps 1.5j -> 1.6j patch 2663.sjs Kanji Patch for Tin 1.0 (PL 5) 2664.sjs vTeX-E -- NTT "vertical" jTeX (part 1 of 1) 2665.sjs patch for xdvi (Re: vTeX-E -- NTT "vertical" jTeX (part 1 of 1)) 2666.sjs Unoficial patch for xpostit(X11R5) 2667.sjs patch for contributed clients(X11R5) 2668.sjs patch for contributed Xaw(X11R5) 2669.sjs patch for Xsi(X11R5) 2670.sjs kinput2 patch #1 (part 1/2) 2671.sjs kinput2 patch #1 (part 2/2) 2672.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #4 2673.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #5 (1/2) 2674.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #5 (2/2) 2675.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #6 2676.sjs patch for contributed Xwchar 2677.sjs Kanji Patch v1.0 for Tin 1.0 (PL 5) (part 1/2) 2678.sjs Kanji Patch v1.0 for Tin 1.0 (PL 5) (part 2/2) 2679.sjs killpost v 2.0.4 2680.sjs killpost Patch1 2681.sjs xgload (X Graphics LOADer) (part 1/1) 2682.sjs NNTP 1.5.11 unofficial patch2. (part01/02) 2683.sjs NNTP 1.5.11 unofficial patch2. (part02/02) 2684.sjs NNTP 1.5.11 unofficial patch2. (part03/02) 2685.sjs xgload's missig file (gload.h) sorry!! 2686.sjs xocha : xload + xbiff + something (xocha part 1/2) 2687.sjs xocha : xload + xbiff + something (xocha part 2/2) 2688.sjs cnn 1.11 & xcnn 1.10 2689.sjs Japanese version of perl 4.019 (+1.3) part 01/02 2690.sjs Japanese version of perl 4.019 (+1.3) part 02/02 2691.sjs X4D 1.10 [X-Window 4-Dimensional Graphics] (1/2) 2692.sjs X4D 1.10 [X-Window 4-Dimensional Graphics] (2/2) 2693.sjs AMS-LaTeX 1.1 on ASCII JTeX 1.6 2694.sjs pstwm version 2.0 for X11R5.(1/3) 2695.sjs pstwm version 2.0 for X11R5.(2/3) 2696.sjs pstwm version 2.0 for X11R5.(3/3) 2697.sjs X4D 1.10->1.11 patch [X-Window 4-Dimensional Graphics] (1/1) 2698.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #7 2699.sjs X11R5 Public Patch sunGX.uu (with fix-07) Directory usenet/fj_src/v27: ============================ 2700.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #7 2701.sjs X11R5 Public Patch sunGX.uu (with fix-07) 2702.sjs newPSfont.sty 2703.sjs perl texinfo in Japanese v4.0.19.2 (part 1 of 5) 2704.sjs perl texinfo in Japanese v4.0.19.2 (part 2 of 5) 2705.sjs psfonts.sty for dvi2ps-j (part 1 of 5) 2706.sjs psfonts.sty for dvi2ps-j (part 2 of 5) 2707.sjs psfonts.sty for dvi2ps-j (part 3 of 5) 2708.sjs psfonts.sty for dvi2ps-j (part 4 of 5) 2709.sjs psfonts.sty for dvi2ps-j (part 5 of 5) 2710.sjs perl texinfo in Japanese v4.0.19.2 (part 3 of 5) 2711.sjs perl texinfo in Japanese v4.0.19.2 (part 4 of 5) 2712.sjs perl texinfo in Japanese v4.0.19.2 (part 5 of 5) 2713.sjs Japanese manual page for kc ver 1.5 2714.sjs gofer-2.21(0/4) 2715.sjs gofer-2.21 (1/4) 2716.sjs gofer-2.21 (2/4) 2717.sjs gofer-2.21 (3/4) 2718.sjs gofer-2.21 (4/4) 2719.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (01/14) 2720.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (02/14) 2721.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (03/14) 2722.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (07/14) 2723.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (08/14) 2724.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (10/14) 2725.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (09/14) 2726.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (11/14) 2727.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (12/14) 2728.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (04/14) 2729.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (05/14) 2730.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (06/14) 2731.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (13/14) 2732.sjs JPEG image compressor & decompressor rel. 1a (14/14) 2733.sjs Nepoch-1.1 patch#1 2734.sjs pbmtolips3 (In Japanese/Kanji) 2735.sjs Stub file generator for uil. 2736.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #8 2737.sjs fontconv (fontfile conveter from PC9801 to X11) 2738.sjs xip023 - image previewer on X V0.23(imazone TIFF) (1/1) 2739.sjs dvi2ps 1.6j -> 1.7j patch 2740.sjs JPEG v1a->v2 patch (1/3) 2741.sjs JPEG v1a->v2 patch (2/3) 2742.sjs JPEG v1a->v2 patch (3/3) 2743.sjs dserver version 2 (1/4) 2744.sjs dserver version 2 (2/4) 2745.sjs dserver version 2 (3/4) 2746.sjs dserver version 2 (4/4) 2747.sjs Re: dserver version 2 2748.sjs xcname -- an Athena Widget tool 2749.sjs X11R5 contrib clients patch2 (1/2) 2750.sjs X11R5 contrib clients patch2 (2/2) 2751.sjs X11R5 contrib lib/Xaw patch2 (1/1) 2752.sjs multicol.sty v1.3c (1/2) 2753.sjs multicol.sty v1.3c (2/2) 2754.sjs unbin Ver1.00R (1/1) 2755.sjs Nepoch-1.1 patch#2 2756.sjs Japanese translation of Cnews doc ( Part1 / 2 ) 2757.sjs Japanese translation of Cnews doc ( Part2 / 2 ) 2758.sjs (Perl base Serial Comunication Tool) 2759.sjs Chord Name Analyze Program 2760.sjs revised xcname 2761.sjs xgload - Now support ST4 and KT4 2762.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.0 (part 0/4) 2763.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.0 (part 1/4) 2764.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.0 (part 2/4) 2765.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.0 (part 3/4) 2766.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.0 (part 4/4) 2767.sjs Patches for ASCII Japanese/Publishing TeX 2768.sjs marumoji 8x16 & 9x18 for X11 (In Japanese/Kanji) 2769.sjs ChordName Analyze Program V1.3L00 2770.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #9 2771.sjs Xsi/Xaw with kinput2 2772.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (0/34) README 2773.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (4/34) 2774.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (5/34) 2775.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (2/34) 2776.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (6/34) 2777.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (9/34) 2778.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (10/34) 2779.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (13/34) 2780.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (14/34) 2781.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (15/34) 2782.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (16/34) 2783.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (17/34) 2784.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (18/34) 2785.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (19/34) 2786.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (20/34) 2787.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (21/34) 2788.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (22/34) 2789.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (23/34) 2790.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (25/34) 2791.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (26/34) 2792.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (27/34) 2793.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (28/34) 2794.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (29/34) 2795.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (31/34) 2796.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (1/34) 2797.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (3/34) 2798.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (7/34) 2799.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (8/34) Directory usenet/fj_src/v28: ============================ 2800.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (11/34) 2801.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (12/34) 2802.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (24/34) 2803.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (30/34) 2804.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (32/34) 2805.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (33/34) 2806.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 2 (E/34) 2807.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #6 (2/2) 2808.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #6 (1/2) 2809.sjs document, `SYLK file format' 2810.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 3 2811.sjs Copyright law 2812.sjs NTT JTeX official patch #7 2813.sjs xdbx ( front end of Sun dbx for X Window) 4/5 2814.sjs xdbx ( front end of Sun dbx for X Window) 1/5 2815.sjs xdbx ( front end of Sun dbx for X Window) 5/5 2816.sjs xdbx ( front end of Sun dbx for X Window) 2/5 2817.sjs xdbx ( front end of Sun dbx for X Window) 3/5 2818.sjs Japanese olvwm (0/8) 2819.sjs Japanese olvwm (1/8) 2820.sjs Japanese olvwm (2/8) 2821.sjs Japanese olvwm (3/8) 2822.sjs Japanese olvwm (4/8) 2823.sjs Japanese olvwm (5/8) 2824.sjs Japanese olvwm (6/8) 2825.sjs Japanese olvwm (7/8) 2826.sjs Japanese olvwm (8/8) 2827.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 1/7) 2828.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 2/7) 2829.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 5/7) 2830.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 6/7) 2831.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 7/7) 2832.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 4/7) 2833.sjs kinput2 patch #2 (part 3/7) 2834.sjs ASCII jTeX/pTeX official patch 2835.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 1 of 8) 2836.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 2 of 8) 2837.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 4 of 8) 2838.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 3 of 8) 2839.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 5 of 8) 2840.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 6 of 8) 2841.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 7 of 8) 2842.sjs lips3dvi V2.09 -- Jpnse TeX printer driver for LIPS3 (Pt 8 of 8) 2843.sjs kinput2 patch #2 -- corrupted file 2844.sjs Manual of Tin 1.0 (PL 7) 2845.sjs emacs patch for HP9000s700 2846.sjs Re: Japanese olvwm (0/8) 2847.sjs Re: emacs patch for HP9000s700 2848.sjs patch #1 for lips3dvi V2.09 (to V2.09a) 2849.sjs Ghostscript driver for Canon LBP 2850.sjs sending mail 2851.sjs kterm graphic patch (part 1/2) 2852.sjs kterm graphic patch (part 2/2) 2853.sjs ChordName Analyze Program V1.4L00 2854.sjs patch for plain2 2855.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 4 2856.sjs Patch #5 for xloadface (1/1) 2857.sjs Patch #6 for xloadface (1/1) 2858.sjs Chord banner Version 1.0 2859.sjs C60 data for ico(1) 2860.sjs eclcolor.sty (1/2) 2861.sjs eclcolor.sty (2/2) 2862.sjs compress for VAX/VMS Part 01/02 2863.sjs compress for VAX/VMS Part 02/02 2864.sjs ndtpClient, ndtp client on NeXT 2865.sjs ndtpServer, Front-End interface for dserver on NeXTSTEP 2866.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (01/17) 2867.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (02/17) 2868.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (03/17) 2869.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (07/17) 2870.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (08/17) 2871.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (09/17) 2872.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (10/17) 2873.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (11/17) 2874.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (12/17) 2875.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (04/17) 2876.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (05/17) 2877.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (06/17) 2878.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (13/17) 2879.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (14/17) 2880.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (15/17) 2881.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (17/17) 2882.sjs jpegsrc.v2b JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.2b (16/17) 2883.sjs dvi2bm & bm2ht, TeX output for Hitachi 2050/HT-2311-51 2884.sjs XDBX : X Window oriented user interface for Sun dbx (2/5) 2885.sjs XDBX : X Window oriented user interface for Sun dbx (5/5) 2886.sjs XDBX : X Window oriented user interface for Sun dbx (4/5) 2887.sjs XDBX : X Window oriented user interface for Sun dbx (1/5) 2888.sjs XDBX : X Window oriented user interface for Sun dbx (3/5) 2889.sjs Re: dvi2bm & bm2ht, TeX output for Hitachi 2050/HT-2311-51 2890.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (01/17) 2891.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (02/17) 2892.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (03/17) 2893.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (04/17) 2894.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (05/17) 2895.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (06/17) 2896.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (07/17) 2897.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (08/17) 2898.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (09/17) 2899.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (10/17) Directory usenet/fj_src/v29: ============================ 2900.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (11/17) 2901.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (12/17) 2902.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (14/17) 2903.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (15/17) 2904.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (13/17) 2905.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (16/17) 2906.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] (17/17) 2907.sjs MeiJ0.37 [smalltalk class libraries] patch 2908.sjs zip91a zip-dic (1/3) 2909.sjs zip91a zip-dic (2/3) 2910.sjs zip91a zip-dic (3/3) 2911.sjs tel91a tel-dic (1/2) 2912.sjs tel91a tel-dic (2/2) 2913.sjs kanjidic kanji-dic (2/2) 2914.sjs kanjidic kanji-dic (1/2) 2915.sjs crc - 32bit ANSI X3.66 CRC checksum 2916.sjs xskyroot - realtime sky drawer, version 920319 (part1/1) 2917.sjs REPOST: zip91a zip-dic (3/3) 2918.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #10 2919.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (01/19) 2920.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (02/19) 2921.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (03/19) 2922.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (04/19) 2923.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (05/19) 2924.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (06/19) 2925.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (08/19) 2926.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (07/19) 2927.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (10/19) 2928.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (09/19) 2929.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (11/19) 2930.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (12/19) 2931.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (14/19) 2932.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (13/19) 2933.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (15/19) 2934.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (16/19) 2935.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (17/19) 2936.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (19/19) 2937.sjs jpegsrc.v3 JPEG<->PPM,GIF converter ver.3 (18/19) 2938.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (1/7) 2939.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (2/7) 2940.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (3/7) 2941.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (4/7) 2942.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (5/7) 2943.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (6/7) 2944.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 (7/7) 2945.sjs dvi2tty unofficial patch for ntt jtex 2946.sjs long long pi 2947.sjs jelvis 1.4+j1.2 patch for SonyNEWS (by kobachan) 2948.sjs Re: dvi2bm & bm2ht, TeX output for Hitachi 2050/HT-2311-51 2949.sjs GNU digest(Japanese version of GNU's bull) 1/8 2950.sjs GNU digest 2/8 2951.sjs GNU digest 4/8 2952.sjs GNU digest 2/8 2953.sjs GNU digest 8/8 2954.sjs GNU digest 7/8 2955.sjs GNU digest 5/8 2956.sjs GNU digest 6/8 2957.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 01/13) 2958.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 02/13) 2959.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 03/13) 2960.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 08/13) 2961.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 05/13) 2962.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 06/13) 2963.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 07/13) 2964.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 04/13) 2965.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 09/13) 2966.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 10/13) 2967.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 12/13) 2968.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 13/13) 2969.sjs NETLIB INDEX (part 11/13) 2970.sjs [Unofficial patch] JisKanjiSubject patch for elm2.3(PL11). 2971.sjs s-dic Ver. 1.0 (1/3) 2972.sjs s-dic Ver. 1.0 (2/3) 2973.sjs s-dic Ver. 1.0 (3/3) 2974.sjs MH Interface for NeXT Mail 2975.sjs xcname version 3 2976.sjs k2rom, a simple kanji -> romaji converter. 2977.sjs Bnews/expire enhancements. 2978.sjs LHa for UNIX version 1.00 (1/5) 2979.sjs LHa for UNIX version 1.00 (2/5) 2980.sjs LHa for UNIX version 1.00 (3/5) 2981.sjs LHa for UNIX version 1.00 (4/5) 2982.sjs LHa for UNIX version 1.00 (5/5) 2983.sjs X pbm data -> MS-Win bmp data 2984.sjs gdb-4.4 patch for OMRON LUNA & LUNA-II (Part 1/2) 2985.sjs gdb-4.4 patch for OMRON LUNA & LUNA-II (Part 2/2) 2986.sjs V3totex.awk Ver.2.01 2987.sjs patch of gcc-2.1 on luna 2988.sjs 'mLh' an input method for Nemacs (1/2) 2989.sjs 'mLh' an input method for Nemacs (2/2) 2990.sjs wuftpd (1/6) 2991.sjs wuftpd (3/6) 2992.sjs wuftpd (2/6) 2993.sjs wuftpd (4/6) 2994.sjs wuftpd (5/6) 2995.sjs wuftpd (6/6) 2996.sjs sortnewsrc (.newsrc file sorting tool) 2997.sjs vertical and color patch for xdvi patchlevel 13 2998.sjs unofficial patch for Ghostscript 2.4 2999.sjs Patch of amd5.3-beta for NEWS-OS 4.x Directory usenet/fj_src/v30: ============================ 3000.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n) patch part 3 (1/6) 3001.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n) patch part 3 (2/6) 3002.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n) patch part 3 (3/6) 3003.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n) patch part 3 (4/6) 3004.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n) patch part 3 (5/6) 3005.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n) patch part 3 (End/6) 3006.sjs X11R5 contrib/lib/Xaw(i18n-Xaw) patch part 3 3007.sjs Patch for addmail 1.6.11 -> 1.7.2 (1/3) 3008.sjs Patch for addmail 1.6.11 -> 1.7.2 (2/3) 3009.sjs Patch for addmail 1.6.11 -> 1.7.2 (3/3) 3010.sjs ari, Japanese fat ae with mock SKK, version 1.00 (part 1/3) 3011.sjs ari, Japanese fat ae with mock SKK, version 1.00 (part 2/3) 3012.sjs ari, Japanese fat ae with mock SKK, version 1.00 (part 3/3) 3013.sjs xsendmsg (Sending a message tool) 3014.sjs cnn (1/2) 3015.sjs cnn (2/2) 3016.sjs xnslookup (1/1) 3017.sjs mtools for NEC EWS siries patch. 3018.sjs xskyroot: realtime sky drawer for X, version 920415 (part1/1) 3019.sjs [NeXT] ndtpServer (1/1) 3020.sjs [NeXT] ndtpClient (1/1) 3021.sjs (unofficial *)JisKanjiSearchPatch for jless177. 3022.sjs diclookup.el 3023.sjs xsendmsg patch1 (1/1) 3024.sjs skk5.29 (1/44) 3025.sjs skk5.29 (2/44) 3026.sjs skk5.29 (4/44) 3027.sjs skk5.29 (5/44) 3028.sjs skk5.29 (6/44) 3029.sjs skk5.29 (7/44) 3030.sjs skk5.29 (9/44) 3031.sjs skk5.29 (8/44) 3032.sjs skk5.29 (10/44) 3033.sjs skk5.29 (11/44) 3034.sjs skk5.29 (3/44) 3035.sjs skk5.29 (12/44) 3036.sjs skk5.29 (13/44) 3037.sjs skk5.29 (14/44) 3038.sjs skk5.29 (15/44) 3039.sjs skk5.29 (16/44) 3040.sjs skk5.29 (17/44) 3041.sjs skk5.29 (18/44) 3042.sjs skk5.29 (19/44) 3043.sjs skk5.29 (20/44) 3044.sjs skk5.29 (21/44) 3045.sjs Xsi/Xaw with kinput2 NewVersion (2/2) 3046.sjs Xsi/Xaw with kinput2 NewVersion (1/2) 3047.sjs skk5.29 (22/44) 3048.sjs skk5.29 (23/44) 3049.sjs skk5.29 (24/44) 3050.sjs skk5.29 (25/44) 3051.sjs skk5.29 (26/44) 3052.sjs skk5.29 (27/44) 3053.sjs skk5.29 (28/44) 3054.sjs skk5.29 (29/44) 3055.sjs skk5.29 (30/44) 3056.sjs skk5.29 (31/44) 3057.sjs skk5.29 (32/44) 3058.sjs skk5.29 (33/44) 3059.sjs skk5.29 (34/44) 3060.sjs skk5.29 (35/44) 3061.sjs skk5.29 (36/44) 3062.sjs skk5.29 (37/44) 3063.sjs skk5.29 (38/44) 3064.sjs skk5.29 (39/44) 3065.sjs skk5.29 (40/44) 3066.sjs skk5.29 (41/44) 3067.sjs skk5.29 (42/44) 3068.sjs skk5.29 (43/44) 3069.sjs skk5.29 (44/44) 3070.sjs xskyroot (ver.920428): realtime sky drawer for X 3071.sjs xdic (dserver client on X.) 3072.sjs cdif -- word context diff (v1.5) 3073.sjs mg -- multi-line grep (v2.0) 3074.sjs sdif -- sdiff clone (v1.11) 3075.sjs X11R5 fix-11 3076.sjs skk5.30 (1/3) 3077.sjs skk5.30 (2/3) 3078.sjs skk5.30 (3/3) 3079.sjs xdic (dserver client on X) fix-1. 3080.sjs jxman-R5 3081.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (1/6) 3082.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (2/6) 3083.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (3/6) 3084.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (4/6) 3085.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (5/6) 3086.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (E/6) 3087.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (2/6) 3088.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (3/6) 3089.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (1/6) 3090.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (4/6) 3091.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (5/6) 3092.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 5 (E/6) 3093.sjs gs24j10 (1/7) 3094.sjs gs24j10 (2/7) 3095.sjs gs24j10 (3/7) 3096.sjs gs24j10 (4/7) 3097.sjs gs24j10 (5/7) 3098.sjs gs24j10 (6/7) 3099.sjs gs24j10 (7/7) Directory usenet/fj_src/v31: ============================ 3100.sjs PSco Tiny (1/1) 3101.sjs nxedit (1/4) 3102.sjs nxedit (2/4) 3103.sjs nxedit (3/4) 3104.sjs nxedit (4/4) 3105.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #12 (1/2) 3106.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #12 (2/2) 3107.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 01/19) 3108.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 02/19) 3109.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 03/19) 3110.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 04/19) 3111.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 05/19) 3112.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 06/19) 3113.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 07/19) 3114.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 08/19) 3115.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 09/19) 3116.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 10/19) 3117.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 11/19) 3118.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 12/19) 3119.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 13/19) 3120.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 14/19) 3121.sjs ari, Jpnse fat ae with mock SKK, ver 1.00a -- patch (Pt 1/1) 3122.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 15/19) 3123.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 16/19) 3124.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 17/19) 3125.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 18/19) 3126.sjs MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] (part 19/19) 3127.sjs Re: Japanese version of perl 4.019 (+1.3) part 01/02 3128.sjs Re: MeiJ0.42 [smalltalk class libraries] 3129.sjs InterViews3.0.1 japanese patch (part1/5) 3130.sjs InterViews3.0.1 japanese patch (part5/5) 3131.sjs InterViews3.0.1 japanese patch (part2/5) 3132.sjs InterViews3.0.1 japanese patch (part3/5) 3133.sjs InterViews3.0.1 japanese patch (part4/5) 3134.sjs xwd2shot ( xpr for Canon Laser shot ) 3135.sjs A Typewriting trainer for GNU Emacs 3136.sjs patch for ari README1.00a (was Re: ari, Jpnse fat ae with mock SKK, 3137.sjs xfkey - virtual function key utility for X. 3138.sjs xdic (dserver client on X) fix-2. 3139.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (1/7) 3140.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (2/7) 3141.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (3/7) 3142.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (4/7) 3143.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (5/7) 3144.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (6/7) 3145.sjs HP/9000 pa-gdb-4.5 (7/7) 3146.sjs xsendmsg patch2 3147.sjs vn for c language(1/1) 3148.sjs vn.diff 3149.sjs nxedit version up 3150.sjs control selector for bnews (1/1) 3151.sjs Rename vn to ce and Bug fix 3152.sjs xdvi for ASCII-jTeX (pl14) 3153.sjs KAKASI 1.1 -- Kanji Kana Simple Inverter ( Part 01/02 ) 3154.sjs KAKASI 1.1 -- Kanji Kana Simple Inverter ( Part 02/02 ) 3155.sjs KAKASI 1.2 -- Kanji Kana Simple Inverter ( Part 01/01 ) 3156.sjs Okinawa dic. 1992.June.16 3157.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.1 (part 01/01) 3158.sjs KAKASI 1.2 Patch 1 3159.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (01/14) 3160.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (02/14) 3161.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (03/14) 3162.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (04/14) 3163.sjs Xsun24 ver.3.1 [reposted] (part 01/01) 3164.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (07/14) 3165.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (05/14) 3166.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (06/14) 3167.sjs jnroff 3168.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (08/14) 3169.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (09/14) 3170.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (10/14) 3171.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (11/14) 3172.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (12/14) 3173.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (14/14) 3174.sjs r-dic Ver. 2.00 (13/14) 3175.sjs xsetcursor (1/1) 3176.sjs ftplog 1.1 3177.sjs rose -- audio format translator (1/1) 3178.sjs kinput2 patch #3 (part 1/2) 3179.sjs kinput2 patch #3 (part 2/2) 3180.sjs (Re: RFC1247(PS) demasuka NTX-J he) 3181.sjs xsetcursor patch #1 3182.sjs cnn142 (1/2) 3183.sjs cnn142 (2/2) 3184.sjs RITS r-dic information tool set Ver. 1.00 3185.sjs nxedit Bug fix 3186.sjs [PatchKit] Sample impl. of vn with Nihongo subject. 3187.sjs Bnews patch for "Sample impl. ...." 3188.sjs Nihongo-subject INSTANT extension kit for GNUS (Re: [CallForUse] Sam 3189.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (1/8) 3190.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (2/8) 3191.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (3/8) 3192.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (4/8) 3193.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (5/8) 3194.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (6/8) 3195.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (7/8) 3196.sjs Ghostscript Kanji Package (8/8) 3197.sjs i-tools Ver.4.0.0 (2/2) 3198.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (1/13) 3199.sjs i-tools Ver.4.0.0 (1/2) Directory usenet/fj_src/v32: ============================ 3200.sjs I-dic Ver.4.0.0 3201.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (2/13) 3202.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (4/13) 3203.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (3/13) 3204.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (5/13) 3205.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (6/13) 3206.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (7/13) 3207.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (8/13) 3208.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (9/13) 3209.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (10/13) 3210.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (11/13) 3211.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (12/13) 3212.sjs i-dic Ver.4.0.0 (13/13) 3213.sjs dvi2bm & bm2ht, TeX output for Hitachi HT-2311-51 3214.sjs IDIS Ver.1.1 for I-dic Ver.4.0.0 3215.sjs xgload version 2.0 (1/3) 3216.sjs xgload version 2.0 (2/3) 3217.sjs xgload version 2.0 (3/3) 3218.sjs Ghostscript driver for L-880S (1/1) 3219.sjs jdvi2kps3.0 (1/6) 3220.sjs jdvi2kps3.0 (2/6) 3221.sjs jdvi2kps3.0 (3/6) 3222.sjs jdvi2kps3.0 (4/6) 3223.sjs jdvi2kps3.0 (5/6) 3224.sjs jdvi2kps3.0 (6/6) 3225.sjs jnroff ver 1.2 3226.sjs xjokes 3227.sjs Miscellaneous style files for LaTeX 3228.sjs Miscellaneous style files for LaTeX (2/3) 3229.sjs Miscellaneous style files for LaTeX (3/3) 3230.sjs patch for xgload 2.0 3231.sjs inews patch for rejecting article 3232.sjs mtools patch for NEC EWS series. (bug fix) 3233.sjs IMAGEN device for gs241j11 3234.sjs texinfo.tex 2.72-j1.05 (1/2) 3235.sjs texinfo.tex 2.72-j1.05 (2/2) 3236.sjs New Xjokes 3237.sjs patch01 for jdvi2kps3.0 3238.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #13 (part 1 of 2) 3239.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #13 (part 2 of 2) 3240.sjs KANJI patch for GNU readline. 3241.sjs fuma ver.0.3 (1/1) 3242.sjs japanized readline for bash 1.12 3243.sjs Re: japanized readline for bash 1.12 3244.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (0/1 3245.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (1/1 3246.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (2/1 3247.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (3/1 3248.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (4/1 3249.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (5/1 3250.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (6/1 3251.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (7/1 3252.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (8/1 3253.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (9/1 3254.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (10/ 3255.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (11/ 3256.sjs Rie 1.0.2 :a compiler compiler based on ECLR-attributed grammar (12/ 3257.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #14 3258.sjs Ignoring ctl mess for C News. 3259.sjs patch02 for jdvi2kps3.0 3260.sjs jj.lzh (part 1 of 5) 3261.sjs jj.lzh (part 3 of 5) 3262.sjs jj.lzh (part 4 of 5) 3263.sjs jj.lzh (part 5 of 5) 3264.sjs problem.lzh (part 1 of 3) 3265.sjs problem.lzh (part 2 of 3) 3266.sjs problem.lzh (part 3 of 3) 3267.sjs jj.lzh (part 2 of 5) 3268.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #15 3269.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #16(1/2) 3270.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #16(2/2) 3271.sjs Ignoring controll message from FAKED managers for Bnews and Cnews 3272.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 program, kanji kana simple inverter (01/03) 3273.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 program, kanji kana simple inverter (02/03) 3274.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 program, kanji kana simple inverter (03/03) 3275.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (01/17) 3276.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (02/17) 3277.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (03/17) 3278.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (04/17) 3279.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (05/17) 3280.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (06/17) 3281.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (07/17) 3282.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (08/17) 3283.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (09/17) 3284.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (10/17) 3285.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (11/17) 3286.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (12/17) 3287.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (13/17) 3288.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (14/17) 3289.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (15/17) 3290.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (16/17) 3291.sjs KAKASI 2.2.3 dictionary, kanji kana simple inverter (17/17) 3292.sjs r-dic (Ver. 2.00 -> Ver. 2.22) Patch (1/5) 3293.sjs r-dic (Ver. 2.00 -> Ver. 2.22) Patch (2/5) 3294.sjs r-dic (Ver. 2.00 -> Ver. 2.22) Patch (3/5) 3295.sjs r-dic (Ver. 2.00 -> Ver. 2.22) Patch (4/5) 3296.sjs r-dic (Ver. 2.00 -> Ver. 2.22) Patch (5/5) 3297.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 6 (1/3) 3298.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 6 (2/3) 3299.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 6 (E/3) Directory usenet/fj_src/v33: ============================ 3300.sjs X11R5 contrib/lib/Xaw patch part 4 3301.sjs X11R5 contrib/lib/Xwchar patch part 2 3302.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (1/13) 3303.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (2/13) 3304.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (3/13) 3305.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (4/13) 3306.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (5/13) 3307.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (6/13) 3308.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (7/13) 3309.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (8/13) 3310.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (9/13) 3311.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (10/13) 3312.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (11/13) 3313.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (12/13) 3314.sjs X11R5 contrib/clients(i18n-clients) patch part 4 (E/13) 3315.sjs CPM Emulater (2/2) 3316.sjs CPM Emulater (1/2) 3317.sjs minix-V displays Jpnse Kanji on PC-AT/clones 1/7 Docs (Eng) 3318.sjs minix-V displays Jpnse Kanji on PC-AT/clones 0/7 Docs (Jpnse) 3319.sjs minix-V package 2/7 (SRCs/CDIFFs 1/6) 3320.sjs minix-V package 3/7 (SRCs/CDIFFs 2/6) 3321.sjs minix-V package 5/7 (SRCs/CDIFFs 4/6) 3322.sjs minix-V package 7/7 (SRCs/CDIFFs 6/6) 3323.sjs minix-V package 6/7 (SRCs/CDIFFs 5/6) 3324.sjs Move-To-Junk for Illegal Control on NetNews [Bnews] 3325.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 1/7 Docs (English) & tools 3326.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 0/7 Docs (Japanese) 3327.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 3/7 (public-fonts 2/6) 3328.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 4/7 (public-fonts 3/6) 3329.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 5/7 (public-fonts 4/6) 3330.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 6/7 (public-fonts 5/6) 3331.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 7/7 (public-fonts 6/6) 3332.sjs Font-package for Minix-V 2/7 (public-fonts 1/6) 3333.sjs MXbootPC-2.01, Official-REPOST (3RD-times, DOCs-only) 3334.sjs minix-V package 4/7 (SRCs/CDIFFs 3/6) 3335.sjs Kanji TIN 1.2 (patch for tin v 1.1.5) (02/03) 3336.sjs Kanji TIN 1.2 (patch for tin v 1.1.5) (03/03) 3337.sjs Kanji TIN 1.2 (patch for tin v 1.1.5) (01/03) 3338.sjs [ nihongo Subj. ] Filter ConvInews 3339.sjs Inside of MXboot/minix-V: Part-1....booting processes (English) 3340.sjs Inside of MXboot/minix-V: Part-1....booting processes (Japanese) 3341.sjs fj.sources,snet.sources 3342.sjs xjokes III ( Re Post ) 3343.sjs Cnews-9205-JP patch for LUNA/UniOS-U 3344.sjs Foreign ML list (mainly computer related.) 3345.sjs GNU tar-1.10 +multi-volume patch for SONY NEWS 3346.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #17 3347.sjs du2ps 3348.sjs xsols (1/3) 3349.sjs xsols (2/3) 3350.sjs xsols (3/3) 3351.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 1/9 3352.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 2/9 3353.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 3/9 3354.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 4/9 3355.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 6/9 3356.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 5/9 3357.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 7/9 3358.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 8/9 3359.sjs GNU Digest #13 (1992/6) 9/9 3360.sjs tcsh 6.02 Japanese Manual(part01/04) 3361.sjs tcsh 6.02 Japanese Manual(part03/04) 3362.sjs tcsh 6.02 Japanese Manual(part04/04) 3363.sjs tcsh 6.02 Japanese Manual(part02/04) 3364.sjs pstwm version 2.1 (1/4) 3365.sjs pstwm version 2.1 (2/4) 3366.sjs pstwm version 2.1 (3/4) 3367.sjs pstwm version 2.1 (4/4) 3368.sjs pstwm version 2.2 3369.sjs News reader 'gn' V 1.04 (1/3) 3370.sjs News reader 'gn' V 1.04 (3/3) 3371.sjs News reader 'gn' V 1.04 (2/3) 3372.sjs splatter, a filter to support the multi-volume read/write. 3373.sjs ish201 append multi-volume restore. 3374.sjs minix-V minor change for QIC-related portion: minix-V09a 3375.sjs [NeXTSTEP2.1J] MachOMan 3376.sjs xdvi-14jgs:patch to preview PS figures. 3377.sjs Re: xdvi-14jgs:patch to preview PS figures. 3378.sjs xjokes4 (Re Post) 3379.sjs Message separated Rogue-clone II (1/6) 3380.sjs Message separated Rogue-clone II (2/6) 3381.sjs Message separated Rogue-clone II (3/6) 3382.sjs Message separated Rogue-clone II (4/6) 3383.sjs Message separated Rogue-clone II (6/6) 3384.sjs Message separated Rogue-clone II (5/6) 3385.sjs Re: Message separated Rogue-clone II (1/6) 3386.sjs unoffical patch for popper-1.831beta 3387.sjs REPOST: unoffical patch for popper-1.831beta 3388.sjs unoffical patch for pauthd-1.2 (for SUMISTATION) 3389.sjs GO jisho G-dic 3390.sjs gnuplot 3.2.2 Japanese document (1/2) 3391.sjs gnuplot 3.2.2 Japanese document (2/2) 3392.sjs Re: xdvi-14jgs:patch to preview PS figures. 3393.sjs Re: xdvi-14jgs: patch to preview PS figures. 3394.sjs Re: xdvi-14jgs:patch to preview PS figures. 3395.sjs Re: xdvi-14jgs:patch to preview PS figures. 3396.sjs Re: xdvi-14jgs:patch to preview PS figures. 3397.sjs rogue 5.3-clone for X rogue font 3398.sjs Patch for Message separated Rogue-clone II 3399.sjs Elisp programs to draw `keisen' (1/1) Directory usenet/fj_src/v34: ============================ 3400.sjs xdvi for ASCII-jTeX (pl16) 3401.sjs tcsh 6.02 Japanese Manual Patch #1 (part01/01) 3402.sjs experimental patch for xdm - choose local server with menu 3403.sjs xdvi-14jgs 3404.sjs Recover JIS codes from broken file (Part 01/02) 3405.sjs Recover JIS codes from broken file (Part 02/02) 3406.sjs Svmail 1.4 bugfix - error on making without -DJUNET63 flag 3407.sjs xdvi-16jgs(0) (Re: xdvi-14jgs) 3408.sjs Patch 2 for Message separated Rogue-clone II 3409.sjs boiled-egg 3.6 3410.sjs Patch 3 for Message separated Rogue-clone II 3411.sjs japanese patch for screen 3.2 3412.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (1/7) 3413.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (2/7) 3414.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (4/7) 3415.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (3/7) 3416.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (6/7) 3417.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (7/7) 3418.sjs jelvis 1.6+j1.0 source code diff kit (5/7) 3419.sjs mced for X11(xmced) 3420.sjs dict -- dserver client 3421.sjs Re: dict -- dserver client 3422.sjs Emacs Lisp Manual Version 18 2nd DRAFT - japanease version (2/6) 3423.sjs Emacs Lisp Manual Version 18 2nd DRAFT - japanease version (3/6) 3424.sjs Emacs Lisp Manual Version 18 2nd DRAFT - japanease version (4/6) 3425.sjs Emacs Lisp Manual Version 18 2nd DRAFT - japanease version (5/6) 3426.sjs Emacs Lisp Manual Version 18 2nd DRAFT - japanease version (6/6) 3427.sjs Emacs Lisp Manual Version 18 2nd DRAFT - japanease version (1/6) 3428.sjs Patch 4 for Message separated Rogue-clone II 3429.sjs News Reader 'gn' gn-1.04-1.05.diff (1/1) 3430.sjs Follow-up Multiple Articles (fuma v.0.4) 3431.sjs KAKENHI TeX Macro 1992 (1/2) 3432.sjs KAKENHI TeX Macro 1992 (2/2) 3433.sjs iplAID to bootup PC from any partitions/drives 1/1 3434.sjs Unofficial patch for message separated Rogue Clone II (1/3) 3435.sjs Unofficial patch for message separated Rogue Clone II (2/3) 3436.sjs Unofficial patch for message separated Rogue Clone II (3/3) 3437.sjs ASCII keyboard patch for 386BSD(98) 3438.sjs KanjiHand Ver.1.0, Kanji Handling Enhancement to 386BSD (1/2) 3439.sjs KanjiHand Ver.1.0, Kanji Handling Enhancement to 386BSD (2/2) 3440.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.2.1@1.1.6 (1/6) 3441.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.2.1@1.1.6 (2/6) 3442.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.2.1@1.1.6 (4/6) 3443.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.2.1@1.1.6 (5/6) 3444.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.2.1@1.1.6 (3/6) 3445.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.2.1@1.1.6 (6/6) 3446.sjs Special printer filter: AutoCAD prp -> NWP-533 3447.sjs Move-To-Junk for Illegal Control on NetNews [Bnews 2.11.19J] 3448.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(1/23) 3449.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(2/23) 3450.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(3/23) 3451.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(4/23) 3452.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(5/23) 3453.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(6/23) 3454.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(7/23) 3455.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(8/23) 3456.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(9/23) 3457.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(10/23) 3458.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(11/23) 3459.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(12/23) 3460.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(13/23) 3461.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(14/23) 3462.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(16/23) 3463.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(15/23) 3464.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(17/23) 3465.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(18/23) 3466.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(19/23) 3467.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(20/23) 3468.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(21/23) 3469.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(22/23) 3470.sjs CLU2C Version 1.1(23/23) 3471.sjs Re: ASCII keyboard patch for 386BSD(98) 3472.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (1/10) 3473.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (2/10) 3474.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (3/10) 3475.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (4/10) 3476.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (5/10) 3477.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (6/10) 3478.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (7/10) 3479.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (8/10) 3480.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (9/10) 3481.sjs MXboot for Linux (was Re:Re: iplAID to bootup PC...) 3482.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 (10/10) 3483.sjs Wnn-4.106 386BSD(98) patch 3484.sjs Nemacs-3.3.2 386BSD(98) patch 3485.sjs Wnn-4.106 386BSD(98) patch 3486.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 7 (1/4) 3487.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 7 (2/4) 3488.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 7 (3/4) 3489.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 7 (E/4) 3490.sjs Cnews on SunOS-JLE 3491.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10 for NewsOS (patch data 1/1) 3492.sjs [unofficial] Get Org. from file patch for mnews110 3493.sjs X11R5 contrib/im/Xsi patch part 8 3494.sjs Sample impl. of vn with Nihongo subject(II) 3495.sjs sendmail 5.67+1.6W unoffical patch for HP-UX and HI-UX/WE2 3496.sjs Patch for addmail 1.7.2 -> 1.7.6 (1/1) 3497.sjs boiled-egg 3.9 3498.sjs patch to [Re: Sample impl. of vn with Nihongo subject(II)] 3499.sjs BJ-10v driver for GhostScript Directory usenet/fj_src/v35: ============================ 3500.sjs kinput2 patch #4 3501.sjs newsb v1.00 --- biff for news --- 3502.sjs xsols patch #1 3503.sjs Message file for rogue_s 3504.sjs XWD2SHOT ( xpr for Canon Laser Shot ) 3505.sjs Shift JIS patch for gcc-2.2.2 3506.sjs BASH 1.12 - Kanji patch 3507.sjs Mah Jong 3508.sjs minix-V OFFCIAL Update: minix-V1.00 0/6 Document in Japanese 3509.sjs minix-V OFFCIAL Update: minix-V1.00 1/6 SRCs/CDIFFs 3510.sjs minix-V OFFCIAL Update: minix-V1.00 2/6 SRCs/CDIFFs 3511.sjs minix-V OFFCIAL Update: minix-V1.00 3/6 SRCs/CDIFFs 3512.sjs minix-V OFFCIAL Update: minix-V1.00 4/6 SRCs/CDIFFs 3513.sjs minix-V OFFCIAL Update: minix-V1.00 5/6 SRCs/CDIFFs 3514.sjs X11 Release 5 Public Patch #18 3515.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 2/8) 3516.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 1/8) 3517.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 3/8) 3518.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 4/8) 3519.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 6/8) 3520.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 5/8) 3521.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 7/8) 3522.sjs X 11 Release 5 Public Patch (PEXlib part 8/8) 3523.sjs X11 Release 5 Public Patch #19 3524.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [01/10] 3525.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [02/10] 3526.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [03/10] 3527.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [04/10] 3528.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [05/10] 3529.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [06/10] 3530.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [07/10] 3531.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [08/10] 3532.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [09/10] 3533.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0 (original) source [10/10] 3534.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0J(EUC/SJIS) patch [01/03] 3535.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0J(EUC/SJIS) patch [02/03] 3536.sjs SGML parser: sgmls 1.0J(EUC/SJIS) patch [03/03] 3537.sjs minix-V OFFICIAL Update 6/6 English-Document 3538.sjs DNAS ver 1.1 3539.sjs 4up source 3540.sjs XDigfil - digtal filter CAD (1/2) 3541.sjs XDigfil - digtal filter CAD (2/2) 3542.sjs cvs-1.3 japanese manual 3543.sjs A Typewriting trainer for Nemacs 3544.sjs A Typewriting trainer for Nemacs 3545.sjs 2 way SHOGI 3546.sjs gdevlips.shar: LIPS printer driver for Ghostscript-2.4.1 ver1.2 3547.sjs bash1.12 Kanji patch 2 3548.sjs [386BSD] Ethernet driver for MELCO's EGY-98/EGY-note 3549.sjs 2way SHOGI with a state-keeping function 3550.sjs Sinocode Ver.0.1 (0/4) 3551.sjs Sinocode Ver.0.1 (1/4) 3552.sjs Sinocode Ver.0.1 (2/4) 3553.sjs Sinocode Ver.0.1 (3/4) 3554.sjs Sinocode Ver.0.1 (4/4) 3555.sjs Re: [386BSD] Ethernet driver for MELCO's EGY-98/EGY-note 3556.sjs xpbiff 1.26 - Popup biff for X 3557.sjs Multicolumn ls for SystemV 3558.sjs Public Domain Song by RMS 3559.sjs [TRR] Patch for demacs (Re: A Typewriting trainer for Nemacs) 3560.sjs minix-V1.01b from V1.00 3561.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3.1@1.1.7 (2/4) 3562.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3.1@1.1.7 (1/4) 3563.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3.1@1.1.7 (3/4) 3564.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3.1@1.1.7 (4/4) 3565.sjs Re: Unofficial patch for tinman 1.1.7 (1/1) 3566.sjs Sinocode Ver.0.11 Patch (1/1) 3567.sjs kterm-5.1.1 (patch from kterm-5.1.0) 3568.sjs ratfor on HITACHI VOS3 3569.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3.1@1.1.7 (5/4) 3570.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3.1@1.1.7 (6/4) 3571.sjs force adding Approved header [Bnews 2.11.19J] 3572.sjs sgmls10j patch for the bug on strchr() 3573.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #20 3574.sjs yacnn 0.0: yet another CNN 3575.sjs Color Chart Program for Color PostScript Printers 3576.sjs slocal.c unofficial patch for MH-6.8 3577.sjs Kanji patch for MH-6.8 3578.sjs Vz-TRR: A Typewriting trainer for Vz editor 3579.sjs unofficial Japanization Patch for MH-6.8 3580.sjs a New `2way SHOGI' as a `x2shogi' 3581.sjs a New `2way SHOGI' as a `x2shogi' 3582.sjs X11R5 public fix #21 3583.sjs Re: gdevlips.shar: LIPS printer driver for Ghostscript-2.4.1 ver1.2 3584.sjs minix-V 1.01c from 1.01b 3585.sjs edd 3.3 alpha 3586.sjs UNIFIED unofficial Japanization Patch for MH-6.8 (JP1) 3587.sjs jam-zcat.el-1.40 3588.sjs xplay (Sound tool for SPARCstation) 3589.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (1/11) 3590.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (2/11) 3591.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (3/11) 3592.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (4/11) 3593.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (5/11) 3594.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (6/11) 3595.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (7/11) 3596.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (8/11) 3597.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (9/11) 3598.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (10/11) 3599.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.10->1.13 patch (11/11) Directory usenet/fj_src/v36: ============================ 3600.sjs tsipa [1/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 3601.sjs tsipa [2/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 3602.sjs tsipa [3/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 3603.sjs tsipa [4/4] (In Japanese/Kanji) 3604.sjs X11R5 contrib/lib/Xwchar patch part 3 3605.sjs jam-zcat.el-1.41 patch (Re: jam-zcat.el-1.40) 3606.sjs jam-zcat.el-1.42 patch (Re: jam-zcat.el-1.41 patch) 3607.sjs ELK documents in texinfo (1/5) 3608.sjs ELK documents in texinfo (2/5) 3609.sjs ELK documents in texinfo (3/5) 3610.sjs ELK documents in texinfo (4/5) 3611.sjs ELK documents in texinfo (5/5) 3612.sjs The Free Software Song from Richard Stallman, again 3613.sjs ISO 8859-1,2,3,4,5,7,9 fonts in 7x14,8x16,12x24 dot (part 01/03) 3614.sjs ISO 8859-1,2,3,4,5,7,9 fonts in 7x14,8x16,12x24 dot (part 02/03) 3615.sjs ISO 8859-1,2,3,4,5,7,9 fonts in 7x14,8x16,12x24 dot (part 03/03) 3616.sjs UNIX LHa improve; archive from stdin 3617.sjs Follow-Up Multiple Articles (fuma ver.0.5) 3618.sjs BBS Host program annbbs Ver4.20 (1/6) (In Japanese) 3619.sjs BBS Host program annbbs Ver4.20 (3/6) (In Japanese) 3620.sjs BBS Host program annbbs Ver4.20 (4/6) (In Japanese) 3621.sjs BBS Host program annbbs Ver4.20 (6/6) (In Japanese) 3622.sjs BBS Host program annbbs Ver4.20 (2/6) (In Japanese) 3623.sjs BBS Host program annbbs Ver4.20 (5/6) (In Japanese) 3624.sjs Math. Olympiad 1993 Domestic first round 3625.sjs DNAS ver1.2 3626.sjs [K2C-1.0] Kanji Kit for GNU C, version 1.0 3627.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3@1.1.8 (1/3) 3628.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3@1.1.9 (2/3) 3629.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3@1.1.8 (3/3) 3630.sjs Tpic 2.2 patch for xdvi 3631.sjs Unofficial patch for ng.1.3.1 (Ng 1.3L) 3632.sjs board on gnu emacs 2/5 3633.sjs board on gnu emacs 5/5 3634.sjs board on gnu emacs 1/5 3635.sjs board on gnu emacs 3/5 3636.sjs board on gnu emacs 4/5 3637.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (01/24) 3638.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (02/24) 3639.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (03/24) 3640.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (04/24) 3641.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (05/24) 3642.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (06/24) 3643.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (07/24) 3644.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (08/24) 3645.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (09/24) 3646.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (10/24) 3647.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (11/24) 3648.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (12/24) 3649.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (13/24) 3650.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (14/24) 3651.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (15/24) 3652.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (16/24) 3653.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (17/24) 3654.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (18/24) 3655.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (19/24) 3656.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (20/24) 3657.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (21/24) 3658.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (22/24) 3659.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (23/24) 3660.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] (24/24) 3661.sjs 386BSD 286->Cx486SLC hlt2nop (Re: [(98)] VX+MELCO trouble) 3662.sjs cmutex (1/5) (In Japanese/Kanji) 3663.sjs cmutex (2/5) (In Japanese/Kanji) 3664.sjs cmutex (4/5) (In Japanese/Kanji) 3665.sjs cmutex (3/5) (In Japanese/Kanji) 3666.sjs cmutex (5/5) (In Japanese/Kanji) 3667.sjs Re: Math. Olympiad 1993 Domestic first round 3668.sjs kinput2 patch #5 (part 1/2) 3669.sjs kinput2 patch #5 (part 2/2) 3670.sjs skkfep 0.43 beta (1/3) 3671.sjs skkfep 0.43 beta (2/3) 3672.sjs skkfep 0.43 beta (3/3) 3673.sjs skkfep patch 0.43 -> 0.50 (1/1) 3674.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (1/7) 3675.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (2/7) 3676.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (3/7) 3677.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (4/7) 3678.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (5/7) 3679.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (6/7) 3680.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #22 (7/7) 3681.sjs xplay new version (1/2) 3682.sjs xplay new version (2/2) 3683.sjs xwatch223 3684.sjs News Reader `gn' version 1.06 (1/4) 3685.sjs News Reader `gn' version 1.06 (2/4) 3686.sjs News Reader `gn' version 1.06 (4/4) 3687.sjs News Reader `gn' version 1.06 (3/4) 3688.sjs termfix (was Re: TERMCAP(5) vs CURSES(3X)) 3689.sjs Math. Olympiad 1993 Domestic second round 3690.sjs sc-register-2.3 for sc-2.3 [1 of 1] 3691.sjs unofficial Japanization Patch #2 for MH-6.8 (JP2) 3692.sjs unofficial patch for cmutex (CMU process modes 2.03) 3693.sjs Yet Another LaTeX mode (Re: help emacs) 3694.sjs [fixed] unofficial patch for cmutex (CMU process modes 2.03) 3695.sjs AUC-TeX's tex-dbg.el translated into Japanese 3696.sjs MH-6.8-JP2 bug fix (JP2a) 3697.sjs Re: MIME (Re: UK-stayers' ML <== Re: Hello again from Bristol) 3698.sjs sc-register-2.3.1 for sc-2.3 [1 of 1] 3699.sjs GNU tar-1.11.1 SONY NEWS patch Directory usenet/fj_src/v37: ============================ 3700.sjs [elisp] X-Nsubject no Esc wo ume ru elisp- gun 3701.sjs Re: Yet Another LaTeX mode. 3702.sjs ASCII nihongo TeX patch 1.0 3703.sjs kenjiro -- dserver client -- 3704.sjs xwho-1.0 (Who for X 1/2) 3705.sjs xwho-1.0 (Who for X 2/2) 3706.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] patch (1/2) 3707.sjs Mei0.50 [smalltalk class libraries] patch (2/2) 3708.sjs skkfep patch 0.50 -> 0.60 (1/1) 3709.sjs MH-6.8-JP2 bug fix (JP2b) 3710.sjs Sun Type5 Japanese Keyboard patch for X11R5 3711.sjs London diary 3712.sjs X11 Release5 Public Patch #23 (1/7) 3713.sjs X11 Release5 Public Patch #23 (2/7) 3714.sjs X11 Release5 Public Patch #23 (3/7) 3715.sjs X11 Release5 Public Patch #23 (4/7) 3716.sjs X11 Release5 Public Patch #23 (5/7) 3717.sjs X11 R5 Public Patch #23 (6/7) 3718.sjs [REPOST] X11 Release5 Public Patch #23 (7/7) 3719.sjs sps3 patch for Sony NEWS 3720.sjs day C subroutine 3721.sjs Re: day C subroutine 3722.sjs Gnyaclock -- A funny clock. 3723.sjs Re: Gnyaclock -- A funny clock. 3724.sjs s-dic/for-kanakan (1/2) 3725.sjs Subject: s-dic/for-kanakan (2/2) 3726.sjs xwd2shot - xpr for Canon LaserSHot 3727.sjs Re: day C subroutine 3728.sjs ngnp930119.tex (Part 1/1) 3729.sjs [unofficial] patch for elm2.3 to use X-Nsubject 3730.sjs [unofficial] patch for LIPS printer driver for Ghostscript-2.4.1 ver 3731.sjs xwd2shot ver 1.21 BUG fix 3732.sjs kanji-bdf fontkit (Part01/03) 3733.sjs kanji-bdf fontkit (Part02/03) 3734.sjs kanji-bdf fontkit (Part03/03) 3735.sjs Kanji patch for Tass 3.4 3736.sjs Unofficial patch for nkf 1.4 (1/5) 3737.sjs Unofficial Patch for nkf 1.4 (4/5) 3738.sjs Unofficial Patch for nkf 1.4 (5/5) 3739.sjs nkf 1.4 3740.sjs Unofficial Patch for nkf 1.4 (2/5) 3741.sjs Unofficial Patch for nkf 1.4 (3/5) 3742.sjs wuftpd beta patch for HI-UX/WE2 and HPUX 3743.sjs dvi2ps for OKI Microline 800PSII LT 3744.sjs dshar manual in roff format 3745.sjs Kenjiro Patch 3746.sjs Re: nkf 1.4 3747.sjs additional for wuftpd patch 3748.sjs Final? x2shogi (1/2) 3749.sjs Final? x2shogi (2/2) 3750.sjs Perl Reference guide 4.035 -- Japanese edition (part 00/02) 3751.sjs Perl Reference guide 4.035 -- Japanese edition (part 01/02) 3752.sjs Perl Reference guide 4.035 -- Japanese edition (part 02/02) 3753.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (1/12) 3754.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (2/12) 3755.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (4/12) 3756.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (5/12) 3757.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (6/12) 3758.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (7/12) 3759.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (9/12) 3760.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (10/12) 3761.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (11/12) 3762.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (12/12) 3763.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (3/12) 3764.sjs Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (8/12) 3765.sjs Happy Networking 01/23 3766.sjs Happy Networking 02/23 3767.sjs Happy Networking 03/23 3768.sjs Happy Networking 04/23 3769.sjs Happy Networking 05/23 3770.sjs Happy Networking 06/23 3771.sjs Happy Networking 07/23 3772.sjs Happy Networking 08/23 3773.sjs Happy Networking 09/23 3774.sjs Happy Networking 10/23 3775.sjs Happy Networking 11/23 3776.sjs Happy Networking 12/23 3777.sjs Happy Networking 13/23 3778.sjs Happy Networking 14/23 3779.sjs Happy Networking 15/23 3780.sjs Happy Networking 16/23 3781.sjs Happy Networking 17/23 3782.sjs Happy Networking 18/23 3783.sjs Happy Networking 19/23 3784.sjs Happy Networking 20/23 3785.sjs Happy Networking 21/23 3786.sjs Happy Networking 22/23 3787.sjs Happy Networking 23/23 3788.sjs sgmls 1.1(J0.1) patch (part 1/3) 3789.sjs sgmls 1.1(J0.1) patch (part 2/3) 3790.sjs sgmls 1.1(J0.1) patch (part 3/3) 3791.sjs [Repost] Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (1/12) 3792.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (3/9) 3793.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (1/9) 3794.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (2/9) 3795.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (5/9) 3796.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (4/9) 3797.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (6/9) 3798.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (7/9) 3799.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (8/9) Directory usenet/fj_src/v38: ============================ 3800.sjs XIMP IM Server "Htt" version 2.2.0 (9/9) 3801.sjs [Repost] Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (2/12) 3802.sjs [Repost] Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (4/12) 3803.sjs [Repost] Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (5/12) 3804.sjs [Repost] Mini News Reader 1.13->1.14R3 patch (10/12) 3805.sjs Unofficial patch to UNIX LHa 1.00 3806.sjs Nemacs-3.3.2 patch for Solaris 2.x 3807.sjs kterm 5.1.1 patch for Solaris 2 3808.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3@1.1.9 (1/3) 3809.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3@1.1.9 (2/3) 3810.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.3@1.1.9 (3/3) 3811.sjs Nemacs (18.59 base) Patch for Solaris2.X 3812.sjs mtools 2.0.7 2dd 8 sector suport 3813.sjs xmisav version 1.11 (part 01/01) 3814.sjs Ng-1.3.1 patch for Solaris2.x 3815.sjs elmalias, e-mail alias-expanding filter using elm. 3816.sjs ConvInews2.1a -- Filter for Kanji-subject 3817.sjs misauru.lzh (part 01/01) 3818.sjs msasamp1.lzh (part 01/02) 3819.sjs msasamp1.lzh (part 02/02) 3820.sjs gdb-4.8 patch for SONY risc-news 3821.sjs skk6.32 (13/53) 3822.sjs skk6.32 (15/53) 3823.sjs skk6.32 (14/53) 3824.sjs skk6.32 (03/53) 3825.sjs skk6.32 (17/53) 3826.sjs skk6.32 (18/53) 3827.sjs skk6.32 (16/53) 3828.sjs skk6.32 (19/53) 3829.sjs skk6.32 (04/53) 3830.sjs skk6.32 (20/53) 3831.sjs skk6.32 (21/53) 3832.sjs skk6.32 (23/53) 3833.sjs skk6.32 (05/53) 3834.sjs skk6.32 (22/53) 3835.sjs skk6.32 (24/53) 3836.sjs skk6.32 (25/53) 3837.sjs skk6.32 (06/53) 3838.sjs skk6.32 (01/53) 3839.sjs skk6.32 (26/53) 3840.sjs skk6.32 (28/53) 3841.sjs skk6.32 (27/53) 3842.sjs skk6.32 (07/53) 3843.sjs skk6.32 (29/53) 3844.sjs skk6.32 (08/53) 3845.sjs skk6.32 (30/53) 3846.sjs skk6.32 (31/53) 3847.sjs skk6.32 (32/53) 3848.sjs skk6.32 (33/53) 3849.sjs skk6.32 (09/53) 3850.sjs skk6.32 (34/53) 3851.sjs skk6.32 (35/53) 3852.sjs skk6.32 (02/53) 3853.sjs skk6.32 (36/53) 3854.sjs skk6.32 (10/53) 3855.sjs skk6.32 (37/53) 3856.sjs skk6.32 (38/53) 3857.sjs skk6.32 (11/53) 3858.sjs skk6.32 (40/53) 3859.sjs skk6.32 (39/53) 3860.sjs skk6.32 (41/53) 3861.sjs skk6.32 (12/53) 3862.sjs skk6.32 (42/53) 3863.sjs skk6.32 (43/53) 3864.sjs skk6.32 (44/53) 3865.sjs skk6.32 (45/53) 3866.sjs skk6.32 (46/53) 3867.sjs skk6.32 (47/53) 3868.sjs skk6.32 (48/53) 3869.sjs skk6.32 (49/53) 3870.sjs skk6.32 (50/53) 3871.sjs skk6.32 (51/53) 3872.sjs skk6.32 (53/53) 3873.sjs skk6.32 (52/53) 3874.sjs xfkey - virtual function key utility for X (Ver. 3.1). 3875.sjs GPL version 2.0 in Japanese 3876.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (TeX file) (2/3) 3877.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (TeX file) (3/3) 3878.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (TeX file) (1/3) 3879.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (modified...) (1/3) 3880.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (modified...) (3/3) 3881.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (modified...) (2/3) 3882.sjs nemacs (18.59 base) patch No.2 3883.sjs nemacs (18.59 base) patch No.3 3884.sjs ktass0.9-EUC-SunOS4 unofficial patch 3885.sjs nemacs (18.59 base) patch No.4 3886.sjs Notice on compuscript submission from JJAP (1/4) 3887.sjs Notice on compuscript submission from JJAP (2/4) 3888.sjs Notice on compuscript submission from JJAP (3/4) 3889.sjs Notice on compuscript submission from JJAP (4/4) 3890.sjs Notice on compuscript submission from JJAP (0/4) 3891.sjs patch for jtgrind 3892.sjs XBSD8514-0.1 k14 speed-up patch. 3893.sjs okinawa dic version 2.0 3894.sjs Cosmic Shooter(shoot) Ver0.92. Shooting Game for X Window (1/2) 3895.sjs Cosmic Shooter(shoot) Ver0.92. Shooting Game for X Window (2/2) 3896.sjs skk6.32.1 (1/4) 3897.sjs skk6.32.1 (3/4) 3898.sjs skk6.32.1 (4/4) 3899.sjs skk6.32.1 (2/4) Directory usenet/fj_src/v39: ============================ 3900.sjs nntp-1.5.11-auth 3901.sjs dnasd patch for nntp-1.5.11-auth 3902.sjs Re: nntp-1.5.11-auth 3903.sjs dc-1.00 working on GNU bc 3904.sjs xdvi-zeit for 386BSD 3905.sjs dc-1.01 working on GNU bc 3906.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (02/11) 3907.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (01/11) 3908.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (03/11) 3909.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (04/11) 3910.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (05/11) 3911.sjs xdvi-zeit for Sun (additional patch) 3912.sjs Canna22 09/40 3913.sjs Canna22 10/40 3914.sjs Canna22 12/40 3915.sjs Canna22 11/40 3916.sjs Canna22 15/40 3917.sjs Canna22 16/40 3918.sjs Canna22 13/40 3919.sjs Canna22 14/40 3920.sjs Canna22 18/40 3921.sjs Canna22 17/40 3922.sjs Canna22 01/40 3923.sjs Canna22 19/40 3924.sjs Canna22 20/40 3925.sjs Canna22 21/40 3926.sjs Canna22 22/40 3927.sjs Canna22 23/40 3928.sjs Canna22 24/40 3929.sjs Canna22 25/40 3930.sjs Canna22 26/40 3931.sjs Canna22 27/40 3932.sjs Canna22 28/40 3933.sjs Canna22 02/40 3934.sjs Canna22 29/40 3935.sjs Canna22 30/40 3936.sjs Canna22 31/40 3937.sjs Canna22 32/40 3938.sjs Canna22 33/40 3939.sjs Canna22 34/40 3940.sjs Canna22 35/40 3941.sjs Canna22 36/40 3942.sjs Canna22 37/40 3943.sjs Canna22 38/40 3944.sjs Canna22 03/40 3945.sjs Canna22 39/40 3946.sjs Canna22 40/40 3947.sjs Application Dock MODOKI for NeXT Computer. (In Jpnse/Kan 3948.sjs Canna22 04/40 3949.sjs Canna22 05/40 3950.sjs Canna22 06/40 3951.sjs Canna22 07/40 3952.sjs Canna22 08/40 3953.sjs Irchat Adaptor (emacs lisp) 3954.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (06/11) 3955.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (07/11) 3956.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (08/11) 3957.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (09/11) 3958.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (10/11) 3959.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (11/11) 3960.sjs dvi2nwp.lsz [1/5] 3961.sjs dvi2nwp.lsz [2/5] 3962.sjs dvi2nwp.lsz [3/5] 3963.sjs dvi2nwp.lsz [4/5] 3964.sjs dvi2nwp.lsz [5/5] 3965.sjs VFlib [1/1] 3966.sjs X11 Release 5 Public Patch #24 3967.sjs dc-1.00 working on GNU bc 3968.sjs nntp-1.5.11-auth 3969.sjs dnasd patch for nntp-1.5.11-auth 3970.sjs xdvi-zeit for 386BSD 3971.sjs Re: nntp-1.5.11-auth 3972.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (modified 2nd...) (2/3) 3973.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (modified 2nd...) (3/3) 3974.sjs GNUS Japanese manual (modified 2nd...) (1/3) 3975.sjs dc-1.01 working on GNU bc 3976.sjs dc-1.02 working on GNU bc 3977.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (01/11) 3978.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (02/11) 3979.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (03/11) 3980.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (04/11) 3981.sjs [elvis 1.7] manual translated to Japanese (05/11) 3982.sjs Re: Application Dock MODOKI for NeXT Computer. (In Jpnse 3983.sjs pstwm version 2.2 -> 2.3 patch. (1/2) 3984.sjs pstwm version 2.2 -> 2.3 patch. (2/2) 3985.sjs user access limit for inn-1.4 3986.sjs X11R5 Public Patch #25 3987.sjs X11 Release 5 Public Patch #25 3988.sjs GNU sed/awk/grep MB extension v0.02 (1/2) 3989.sjs GNU sed/awk/grep MB extension v0.02 (2/2) 3990.sjs for NeXT , Error & Warning Fixed ver. (In Jpnse/Kanji) 3991.sjs pstwm 2.3 patch (for mit/clients/twm version). (1/3) 3992.sjs diclookup.el patch for Canna22. 3993.sjs Re: `SHIFT' key could not work. 3994.sjs pstwm 2.3 patch (for mit/clients/twm version). (2/3) 3995.sjs pstwm 2.3 patch (for mit/clients/twm version). (3/3) 3996.sjs Re: diclookup.el patch for Canna22. 3997.sjs REPOST: pstwm version 2.2 -> 2.3 patch. (1/2) 3998.sjs REPOST: pstwm version 2.2 -> 2.3 patch. (2/2) 3999.sjs edd ver 3.3alpha -> 3.5 patch Directory usenet/fj_src/v40: ============================ 4000.sjs MB extension v0.03 for GNU sed-1.17 (1/1) 4001.sjs MB extension v0.03 for GNU awk-2.15.2 (1/1) 4002.sjs LaTeX symbols 4003.sjs xpnbiff 1.1 - Popup NNTP news BIFF for X 4004.sjs XV-3.00 MAG,PIC patch 4005.sjs jdvi2kps patch for OKI MICROLINE800PSII LT 4006.sjs xdvi-16jgs bugfix 4007.sjs ghostscript font driver for ZEIT JG3 font (Re: ps to lips by gs) 4008.sjs xwho version 1.5 (1/2) 4009.sjs xwho version 1.5 (2/2) 4010.sjs dvi2ps-1.7j patch for OKI Microline 800PSII LT 4011.sjs GNU digest(Japanization of GNU bulltein no. 14('93 Jan.)) 1/6 4012.sjs GNU digest(Japanization of GNU bulltein no. 14('93 Jan.)) 2/6 4013.sjs GNU digest(Japanization of GNU bulltein no. 14('93 Jan.)) 3/6 4014.sjs GNU digest(Japanization of GNU bulltein no. 14('93 Jan.)) 4/6 4015.sjs GNU digest(Japanization of GNU bulltein no. 14('93 Jan.)) 5/6 4016.sjs GNU digest(Japanization of GNU bulltein no. 14('93 Jan.)) 6/6 4017.sjs IV-3.1 RPC classes with g++ (patch) 4018.sjs Cosmic Shooter(shoot) Ver0.92 -> Ver0.94 Patch (1/1) 4019.sjs Cosmic Shooter(shoot) Ver0.94. Makefile.std (1/1) 4020.sjs irchat-adaptor 4021.sjs inn-1.4 nnrpd-auth-1.0-1.2.1.patch 4022.sjs Re: LaTeX symbols 4023.sjs dviout-2383-386bsd epsbox patch 4024.sjs gdevp150 for gs241. 4025.sjs dvihterm-bsd98 gs241 patch. 4026.sjs patch for less-178 (3/3) 4027.sjs patch for less-178 (1/3) 4028.sjs patch for less-178 (2/3) 4029.sjs yamsweeper 4030.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Source [1/4] 4031.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Source [0/4] 4032.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Source [2/4] 4033.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Source [3/4] 4034.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Source [4/4] 4035.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Utility [0/5] 4036.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Utility [1/5] 4037.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Utility [2/5] 4038.sjs Unofficial patch of xdm. 4039.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Utility [3/5] 4040.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Utility [4/5] 4041.sjs dviout 2.38.3b/386bsd(98) Utility [5/5] 4042.sjs gs252 + gs241j 4043.sjs Yet another xterm (2/5) 4044.sjs Yet another xterm (3/5) 4045.sjs Yet another xterm (4/5) 4046.sjs Yet another xterm (1/5) 4047.sjs Yet another xterm (5/5) 4048.sjs kmdes 1.00 -- data encryption/decryption filter (2/2) 4049.sjs kmdes 1.00 -- data encryption/decryption filter (1/2) 4050.sjs lips3dvi ghostscript support patch (1/3) 4051.sjs MB extension for GNU sed-1.18 (1/1) 4052.sjs HML unofficial Patch from MailingList Server's Club-ML (1/2) 4053.sjs HML unofficial Patch from MailingList Server's Club-ML (2/2) 4054.sjs lips3dvi ghostscript support patch (2/3) 4055.sjs lips3dvi ghostscript support patch (3/3) 4056.sjs lips3dvi gs support patch p1 4057.sjs Kanji TIN (1/9) 4058.sjs Kanji TIN (2/9) 4059.sjs Kanji TIN (3/9) 4060.sjs Kanji TIN (4/9) 4061.sjs Kanji TIN (7/9) 4062.sjs Kanji TIN (6/9) 4063.sjs Kanji TIN (5/9) 4064.sjs Kanji TIN (8/9) 4065.sjs Kanji TIN (9/9) 4066.sjs SONY NEWS Kanji input programs Wanted 4067.sjs Wanted: Sony NEWS Kanji input programs 4068.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.4@1.2 (1/2) 4069.sjs Unofficial patch for ktin 1.4@1.2 (2/2) 4070.sjs small news system -- nike-1.1 -- (1/2) 4071.sjs small news system -- nike-1.1 -- (2/2) 4072.sjs Unofficial patch to kemacs2.1i 4073.sjs kemacs official patch #11 4074.sjs kemacs official patch #12 4075.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (1/14) 4076.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [1/16] 4077.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [2/16] 4078.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [3/16] 4079.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [4/16] 4080.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [5/16] 4081.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [6/16] 4082.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [7/16] 4083.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [8/16] 4084.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [9/16] 4085.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [10/16] 4086.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (2/14) 4087.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [11/16] 4088.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [12/16] 4089.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [13/16] 4090.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [14/16] 4091.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [15/16] 4092.sjs NGSCM 1.07 - the scheme system SCM under Ng editor [16/16] 4093.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (3/14) 4094.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (4/14) 4095.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (5/14) 4096.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (6/14) 4097.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (7/14) 4098.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (8/14) 4099.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (9/14) Directory usenet/fj_src/v41: ============================ 4100.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (10/14) 4101.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (11/14) 4102.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (12/14) 4103.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (13/14) 4104.sjs Mini News Reader Ver1.16(full set) (14/14) 4105.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (1/23) 4106.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (2/23) 4107.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (3/23) 4108.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (4/23) 4109.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (5/23) 4110.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (6/23) 4111.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (0/23) 4112.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (7/23) 4113.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (9/23) 4114.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (8/23) 4115.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (10/23) 4116.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (11/23) 4117.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (12/23) 4118.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (13/23) 4119.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (14/23) 4120.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (15/23) 4121.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (16/23) 4122.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (17/23) 4123.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (18/23) 4124.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (19/23) 4125.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (20/23) 4126.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (21/23) 4127.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (22/23) 4128.sjs X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 (23/23) 4129.sjs MB extension v1.01 for GNU awk-2.15.2 (1/1) 4130.sjs patch for k14.bdf (JIS X 0208-1990) 4131.sjs Japanese Math. Olympic first and final round 4132.sjs patch for X11R5/contrib/im/Xsi patch-level-9 4133.sjs seimei.el (seimei handan for Nemacs) 4134.sjs xcal-3.3.1-i18n with unoffcial pscal.j (1/4) 4135.sjs xcal-3.3.1-i18n with unoffcial pscal.j (2/4) 4136.sjs xcal-3.3.1-i18n with unoffcial pscal.j (3/4) 4137.sjs xcal-3.3.1-i18n with unoffcial pscal.j (4/4) 4138.sjs Japanese extention for texindex 4139.sjs MB extension v1.02 for GNU grep-2.0 (1/1) 4140.sjs seimei.el for mule 4141.sjs xpbiff shape extension patch 4142.sjs ieice.sty - LaTeX style file for IEICE Eng Transactions. Part01/02 4143.sjs ieice.sty - LaTeX style file for IEICE Eng Transactions. Part02/02 4144.sjs sendmail.5.67+1.6W patch for IRIX 4.0 4145.sjs Re: xpbiff shape extension patch 4146.sjs Re: xcal-3.3.1-i18n with unoffcial pscal.j (1/4) 4147.sjs Re: xcal-3.3.1-i18n with unoffcial pscal.j (1/4) 4148.sjs [386bsd] ISOFS with Rock Ridge Ext. (1/3) 4149.sjs [386bsd] ISOFS with Rock Ridge Ext. (2/3) 4150.sjs [386bsd] ISOFS with Rock Ridge Ext. (3/3) 4151.sjs Vz-trr 1.5 - Type trainer for Vz-editor (1/1) 4152.sjs [386bsd] ISOFS with Rock Ridge Ext. (1/3) 4153.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 (0/5) 4154.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 (1/5) 4155.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 (2/5) 4156.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 (3/5) 4157.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 (5/5) 4158.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 (4/5) 4159.sjs xpnbiff 1.2 patch 4160.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n pl5 (1/5) 4161.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n pl5 (2/5) 4162.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n pl5 (3/5) 4163.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n pl5 (0/5) 4164.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n pl5 (4/5) 4165.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n pl5 (5/5) 4166.sjs Re: xcal-3.3.1 + i18n patchlevel 5 4167.sjs Bourne Shell self-studying text 1/2 (In Japanese/Kanji) 4168.sjs Bourne Shell self-studying text 2/2 (In Japanese/Kanji) 4169.sjs patch seimei.el version 1.02e -> version 1.03em 4170.sjs [386bsd][Patch] ISOFS with Rock Ridge Ext. (1/1) 4171.sjs BJ10V driver for GhostScript 2.4.1j11 (Update) 4172.sjs How to recover files from post 4173.sjs DNASD3 4174.sjs Bourne Shell self-studying text (in shar) 4175.sjs wot (game) for X11 4176.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 6 (1/1) 4177.sjs Re: We're glad to release DNASD3 4178.sjs [REPOST] DNASD 3.0 4179.sjs P-dic Ver. 3.0 (3/5) 4180.sjs P-dic Ver. 3.0 (4/5) 4181.sjs P-dic Ver. 3.0 (5/5) 4182.sjs P-dic Ver. 3.0 (1/5) 4183.sjs P-dic Ver. 3.0 (2/5) 4184.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 7 (1/1) 4185.sjs seimei.el ver 1.04em 4186.sjs xcal.el 4187.sjs an unofficial patch of dviprt- for BSD/386 1 4188.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 8 (1/1) 4189.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 9 (1/1) 4190.sjs 34th International Math. Oylmpiad (Japanese Version) 4191.sjs 34th International Math. Oylmpiad (English Version) 4192.sjs 34th International Math. Oylmpiad (French Version) 4193.sjs 34th International Math. Oylmpiad (German Version) 4194.sjs 34th International Math. Oylmpiad (Spanish Version) 4195.sjs unix-faq.part1 4196.sjs unix-faq.part2 4197.sjs unix-faq.part3 4198.sjs unix-faq.part4 4199.sjs unix-faq.part5 Directory usenet/fj_src/v42: ============================ 4200.sjs unix-faq.part6 4201.sjs unix-faq.part7 4202.sjs xdclock & 7seg [0-9] font 4203.sjs [REPOST] wot for X11 (game) - cc Version - (1/1) 4204.sjs What are these? 4205.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 10 (1/1) 4206.sjs TeXindex's patch for Out Core Sort. 4207.sjs file2-v1.1 (1/1) 4208.sjs MH-6.8-JP2 bug fix (JP2c) 4209.sjs nba.c (preliminary version) for printing out NBA schedules 4210.sjs Improved Emacs MIME tools: metamail.el 4211.sjs Improved Emacs MIME tools: rmailmime.el 4212.sjs Improved Emacs MIME tools: mime.el (part 1/2) 4213.sjs Improved Emacs MIME tools: mime.el (part 2/2) 4214.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 11 (1/1) 4215.sjs NIS patch for sendmail 5.67+1.6W 4216.sjs MB extension v1.02 for sed-1.18 (1/1) 4217.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 12 (1/1) 4218.sjs [repost] NIS patch for sendmail 5.67+1.6W 4219.sjs xdvi-zeit (2/2) 4220.sjs xdvi-zeit (1/2) 4221.sjs password battler (shar) 4222.sjs ghostscript ESC/Page driver (1/1) 4223.sjs Re: password battler (shar) 4224.sjs Re: password battler (shar) 4225.sjs News reader 'gn' Version 1.10 (part 1/4) 4226.sjs News reader 'gn' Version 1.10 (part 2/4) 4227.sjs News reader 'gn' Version 1.10 (part 3/4) 4228.sjs News reader 'gn' Version 1.10 (part 4/4) 4229.sjs Canna v22 patch1 1/12 4230.sjs Canna v22 patch1 2/12 4231.sjs mlh-0.3: unofficial patch for sj3-egg 4232.sjs Canna v22 patch1 3/12 4233.sjs Canna v22 patch1 4/12 4234.sjs Canna v22 patch1 5/12 4235.sjs Canna v22 patch1 6/12 4236.sjs Canna v22 patch1 7/12 4237.sjs Canna v22 patch1 8/12 4238.sjs Canna v22 patch1 9/12 4239.sjs Canna v22 patch1 10/12 4240.sjs gdevlips 1.4 for gs261(gs261j01b) 4241.sjs Canna v22 patch1 11/12 4242.sjs Canna v22 patch1 12/12 4243.sjs xcal-3.3.1 + i18n Patch 13 (1/1) 4244.sjs elm2.4 no wayaku (1/2) 4245.sjs Re: elm2.4 no wayaku (2/2) 4246.sjs Sinocode Version 0.1 1 part of 4 4247.sjs Sinocode Ver. 0.1 3d part of 4th. 4248.sjs Sinocode Ver. 0.1 4th part of 4th. 4249.sjs Sinocode Ver. 0.1 2nd part of 4th. 4250.sjs gdevlips-1.4-1.4.1.diff (LIPS driver for gs261) 4251.sjs xdvi-17+markring+toc+printdvi patch 4252.sjs xdvi-17miyu.patch-beta6 (0/5) 4253.sjs xdvi-17miyu.patch-beta6 (1/5) 4254.sjs xdvi-17miyu.patch-beta6 (2/5) 4255.sjs xdvi-17miyu.patch-beta6 (3/5) 4256.sjs xdvi-17miyu.patch-beta6 (4/5) 4257.sjs xdvi-17miyu.patch-beta6 (5/5) 4258.sjs xdvi-17+markpage+toc+printdvi patch fix-2 4259.sjs [REPOST] nkf patch about JIS output 4260.sjs xdic version 1.3 4261.sjs Re: USAGI program (1/1) 4262.sjs VFlib 1.33, vector font library 4263.sjs au2sony 4264.sjs PS Font Sample Printout Program 4265.sjs copydir creates symbolic links to files on cdrom. 4266.sjs kinput2 patch #6 4267.sjs Symbol-menu 1.2 4268.sjs battle suit patch2 4269.sjs i-dic-4.1 (01/15) 4270.sjs i-dic-4.1 (02/15) 4271.sjs i-dic-4.1 (03/15) 4272.sjs i-dic & i-tools Ver.4.1 4273.sjs i-dic-4.1 (12/15) 4274.sjs i-dic-4.1 (14/15) 4275.sjs i-dic-4.1 (13/15) 4276.sjs i-dic-4.1 (15/15) 4277.sjs i-tools-4.1 (1/2) 4278.sjs i-dic-4.1 (08/15) 4279.sjs i-dic-4.1 (09/15) 4280.sjs i-tools-4.1 (2/2) 4281.sjs i-dic-4.1 (10/15) 4282.sjs i-dic-4.1 (11/15) 4283.sjs i-dic-4.1 (04/15) 4284.sjs i-dic-4.1 (07/15) 4285.sjs i-dic-4.1 (05/15) 4286.sjs i-dic-4.1 (06/15) 4287.sjs youbin-1.0 part 1 of 4 4288.sjs youbin-1.0 part 2 of 4 4289.sjs youbin-1.0 part 3 of 4 4290.sjs youbin-1.0 part 4 of 4 4291.sjs xcdplayer-2.2 NEWS patch 4292.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (1/7) 4293.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (2/7) 4294.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (3/7) 4295.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (4/7) 4296.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (5/7) 4297.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (6/7) 4298.sjs Mini News Reader 1.16 -> 1.16PL4 patch (7/7) 4299.sjs VM-5.35W: MIME and POP supporting patch for VM-5.35 Directory usenet/fj_src/v43: ============================ 4300.sjs chain-mail 2.22 - NEmacs mailer(1/4) 4301.sjs chain-mail 2.22 - NEmacs mailer(2/4) 4302.sjs chain-mail 2.22 - Emacs mailer(3/4) 4303.sjs chain-mail 2.22 - Emacs mailer(4/4) 4304.sjs chain-mail 2.23(patch) 4305.sjs tiny-mime.el version 1.12 (A MIME header decoder) [1/3] 4306.sjs tiny-mime.el version 1.12 (A MIME header decoder) [2/3] 4307.sjs tiny-mime.el version 1.12 (A MIME header decoder) [3/3] 4308.sjs KAKENHI 1993 TeX Macro 4309.sjs mercury.el 4310.sjs med-editor 4311.sjs med-editor1 4312.sjs med-editor2 4313.sjs med-editor3 4314.sjs med-editor4 4315.sjs med-editor5 4316.sjs med-editor.doc 4317.sjs Re: tiny-mime.el version 1.12 (A MIME header decoder) [3/3] 4318.sjs KAKENHI 93 2nd release 4319.sjs med-editor-tuika 4320.sjs Re: tiny-mime.el version 1.12 (A MIME header decoder) [3/3] 4321.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (1/9) 4322.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (2/9) 4323.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (3/9) 4324.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (5/9) 4325.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (4/9) 4326.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (6/9) 4327.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (7/9) 4328.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (8/9) 4329.sjs addmail 1.9.3 (9/9) 4330.sjs KAKENHI Macro 3rd release 4331.sjs mime2xn, MIME Subj. -> X-N Subj. converter 4332.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.22 (1/2) 4333.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.22 (2/2) 4334.sjs kbanner2.1 (1of6) 4335.sjs kbanner2.1 (2of6) 4336.sjs kbanner2.1 (3of6) 4337.sjs kbanner2.1 (4of6) 4338.sjs kbanner2.1 (5of6) 4339.sjs kbanner2.1 (6of6) 4340.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.3 4341.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.3 (2/2) 4342.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.21 4343.sjs med-editor.mnt 4344.sjs chain-mail 2.23-2.27 patch 4345.sjs rmailpage.el 2.0 4346.sjs KAKENHI tips 4347.sjs KAKENHI Macro 6th up (1/3) 4348.sjs KAKENHI Macto 6th up (2/3) 4349.sjs KAKENHI Macro 6th up (3/3) 4350.sjs med-editor.mnt2 4351.sjs chain-mail-2.27-2.28.patch 4352.sjs KAKENHI Macro Info 4353.sjs KAKENHI Macro info 4354.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.42 4355.sjs med963-1 med-editor 4356.sjs med963-2 med-editor 4357.sjs med963-3 med-editor 4358.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.43 4359.sjs med963-6 med-editor 4360.sjs med963-5 med-editor 4361.sjs med963-4 med-editor 4362.sjs '92 baseball card 4363.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.5 (1/3) 4364.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.5 (2/3) 4365.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.5 (3/3) 4366.sjs KAKENHI Macro 1.51 4367.sjs unoffical patch for Mule-1.0-01 MachTen #1 4368.sjs unoffical patch for Mule-1.0-01 MachTen #2 4369.sjs,, v1.05 4370.sjs VT100 Emulater for Win or MS-DOS 4371.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.53 (1/3) 4372.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.53 (3/3) 4373.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.53 (2/3) 4374.sjs pnmseamless (1/1) 4375.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.54 (1/3) 4376.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.54 (2/3) 4377.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.54 (3/3) 4378.sjs Re: VT100 Emulater for Win or MS-DOS 4379.sjs Re: VT100 Emulater for Win or MS-DOS 4380.sjs KAKENHI Macro v1.56 4381.sjs xpbiff 1.27 - Popup biff for X (01/01) 4382.sjs Re: VT100 Emulater for Win or MS-DOS 4383.sjs Re: KAKENHI tips [zu no ire kata] 4384.sjs PPP Driver Kit for NEWS-OS4.2C (port 1/2) 4385.sjs PPP Driver Kit for NEWS-OS4.2C (port 2/2) 4386.sjs med970-2 med-editor 2/6 4387.sjs med970-3 med-editor 3/6 4388.sjs med970-1 med-editor 1/6 4389.sjs med970-4 med-editor 4/6 4390.sjs med970-6 med-editor 6/6 4391.sjs med970-5 med-editor 5/6 4392.sjs ktrn 4393.sjs Newsreader 'gn' Version 1.11 (5/5) 4394.sjs Newsreader 'gn' Version 1.11 (4/5) 4395.sjs Newsreader 'gn' Version 1.11 (1/5) 4396.sjs Newsreader 'gn' Version 1.11 (2/5) 4397.sjs Newsreader 'gn' Version 1.11 (3/5) 4398.sjs Re: VT100 Emulater for Win or MS-DOS 4399.sjs sl -- a curses based animation program Directory usenet/fj_src/v44: ============================ 4400.sjs KAKENHI Macro v2.0 (1/3) 4401.sjs KAKENHI Macro v2.0 (2/3) 4402.sjs KAKENHI Macro v2.0 (3/3) 4403.sjs med971 med-editor (patch med970 to med971 1/1) 4404.sjs kstrn based on strn-0.9.1 (preliminary alpha :-) 4405.sjs mars 4406.sjs, v1.06 4407.sjs mh-e.el 3.8 4408.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 2 (1/6) 4409.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 3 (1/1) 4410.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 2 (2/6) 4411.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4412.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4413.sjs xtwins game based X11 and Motif part00/03 4414.sjs xtwins game based X11 and Motif part02/03 4415.sjs xtwins game based X11 and Motif part03/03 4416.sjs xtwins game based X11 and Motif part01/03 4417.sjs yet another sl (Re: sl -- a curses based animation program) 4418.sjs Re: patches for tiny-mime version 2.2: VM 4.41, sendmail.el 4419.sjs tiny-mime =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRAJE48QUxkGyhK?= (Re: tiny-mime.el 4420.sjs Re: xtwins game based X11 and Motif part00/03 4421.sjs patches for tiny-mime version 2.2: VM 4.41, sendmail.el 4422.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 2 (3/6) 4423.sjs KAKENHI Macro v2.1 (1/3) 4424.sjs KAKENHI Macro v2.1 (2/3) 4425.sjs KAKENHI Macro v2.1 (3/3) 4426.sjs Re: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4427.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 2 (4/6) 4428.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 2 (5/6) 4429.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 2 (6/6) 4430.sjs Re: xtwins game based X11 and Motif part00/03 4431.sjs VM-thread-1.02 4432.sjs News reader 'gn' unofficial patches 4433.sjs Re: patches for tiny-mime version 2.2: VM 4.41, sendmail.el 4434.sjs, v1.07 4435.sjs [X11] Release 5 Public Patch #26 4436.sjs tiny-mime.el ver 2.4 =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIUokNCRhJHMkSiQ1GyhC?= 4437.sjs an unofficial security patch for kterm 5.1.1 4438.sjs Re: xtwins game based X11 and Motif part00/03 4439.sjs mhn.el.shar (mh-e MIME support tool) 4440.sjs comma-completion.el and gnus-ng-completion.el 4441.sjs Xdvi-17 pagenumber patch fix 4442.sjs gzip-1.2.4 for MS-DOS unofficial patch 4443.sjs mars.el(v1.1) 4444.sjs sshell.el 4445.sjs kterm-5.2.0 (patch from kterm-5.1.1) 4446.sjs add rpop comd to popper-1.831 for Solaris 4447.sjs jupiter.el 4448.sjs NTT jTeX 1.44 for DEC OSF/1 AXP 4449.sjs IOI91 and IOI92 problems 4450.sjs inn-1.4 authd-patch-1.3 (1/2) 4451.sjs inn-1.4 authd-patch-1.3 (2/2) 4452.sjs dnasd-3.01 authd-patch 4453.sjs pkf + 4454.sjs dnasd-3.01 authd-patch (REPOST) 4455.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4456.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4457.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4458.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4459.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEowVxsoQg==?= MIME header encoder/decoder: 4460.sjs KanjiHand Version 1.2 for NetBSD 4461.sjs mime2xn, MIME+base64-encoded field xchanger / field$BJQ49%W%m%0%i%` 4462.sjs mh-6.8.1-JP.2c folded comment patch (unofficial) 4463.sjs BJ-10v driver for Ghostscript (update) 4464.sjs INN 1.4 unofficial patch. 4465.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(1/9) 4466.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(2/9) 4467.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(3/9) 4468.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(4/9) 4469.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(5/9) 4470.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(7/9) 4471.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(8/9) 4472.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(9/9) 4473.sjs metal-dic ver 3.55(6/9) 4474.sjs Canna version 2.2 patch 4 (1/1) 4475.sjs IOI93 problems 4476.sjs NA-DIC (Netherlands Artist Dictionary) 4477.sjs harmony0.1 CD-DA analyzer 4478.sjs xpnbiff 1.3 - Popup NNTP news biff for X (1/2) 4479.sjs xpnbiff 1.3 - Popup NNTP news biff for X (2/2) 4480.sjs, v1.10 4481.sjs k-dic ver.0.4 4482.sjs externtion for tgif-2.13pj 4483.sjs Select signature e-lisp program. 4484.sjs KoreanTeX-1.0 4485.sjs NEW mhn.el package 4486.sjs I post mhn.el and newsmime 4487.sjs Re: Select signature e-lisp program. 4488.sjs [K2C] Kanji Kit for GNU C Compiler; unofficial multibyte handling 4489.sjs calendar for calendar 4490.sjs VFlib 2.00 --- Vector Font Library 4491.sjs NGSCM 2.22 (the Scheme System) Announce 4492.sjs pscal - Nihongo PostScript Calendar Generator compatible with xcal 4493.sjs bash-1.13.5 unofficial patch for Kanji Handling 4494.sjs bash-1.13.5 unofficial patch for ignoreeof modification 4495.sjs mtools-2.0.7 patch for Japanese 2HD (1232KB) format 4496.sjs ppack, punpack v1.11 4497.sjs unix-faq.part2 4498.sjs unix-faq.part3 4499.sjs unix-faq.part1 Directory usenet/fj_src/v45: ============================ 4500.sjs unix-faq.part4 4501.sjs unix-faq.part5 4502.sjs unix-faq.part6 4503.sjs unix-faq.part7 4504.sjs Ghostscript 2.6.1 Kanji Package (1/5) 4505.sjs Ghostscript 2.6.1 Kanji Package (2/5) 4506.sjs Ghostscript 2.6.1 Kanji Package (3/5) 4507.sjs Ghostscript 2.6.1 Kanji Package (4/5) 4508.sjs Ghostscript 2.6.1 Kanji Package (5/5) 4509.sjs Re: Ghostscript 2.6.1 Kanji Package (1/5) 4510.sjs Patch xpnbiff 1.4 - Popup NNTP news biff for X 4511.sjs The Law of Copyright Act in Japan (1993-06-01 version) (0/2) 4512.sjs The Law of Copyright Act in Japan (1993-06-01 version) (1/2) 4513.sjs The Law of Copyright Act in Japan (1993-06-01 version) (2/2) 4514.sjs XPlay version 2.0 4515.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part1) 4516.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part2) 4517.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part3) 4518.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part4) 4519.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part5) 4520.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part6) 4521.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (last) 4522.sjs xtpanel japanese tutorial (part7) 4523.sjs Math. Olympiad 1994 Domestic first round 4524.sjs Informatics Olympaid 1994 Domestic first round 4525.sjs SINOCODE a program to convert GB code to JIS code 4526.sjs Re: SINOCODE a program to convert GB code to JIS code (1/3) 4527.sjs Re: SINOCODE a program to convert GB code to JIS code (2/3) 4528.sjs Re: SINOCODE a program to convert GB code to JIS code (3/3) 4529.sjs Tile Banner [tbanner] 4530.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (2/4) 4531.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (3/4) 4532.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (4/4) 4533.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (1/4) 4534.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (2/4) 4535.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (3/4) 4536.sjs XPlay version 2.1 (4/4) 4537.sjs gdevpc98 for 386bsd(98)c2. 4538.sjs dvihterm for 386bsd(98)c2. 4539.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (1/7) 4540.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (2/7). 4541.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (3/7). 4542.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (4/7). 4543.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (5/7). 4544.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (6/7). 4545.sjs dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2 (7/7). 4546.sjs epsbox patch for dvi2.39 for 386bsd(98)c2. 4547.sjs eljman.texinfo.gz (0/5) (Re: GNU Emacs Lisp Manual) 4548.sjs eljman.texinfo.gz (1/5) 4549.sjs venus.el 4550.sjs eljman.texinfo.gz (2/5) 4551.sjs eljman.texinfo.gz (3/5) 4552.sjs eljman.texinfo.gz (4/5) 4553.sjs eljman.texinfo.gz (5/5) 4554.sjs [missing files] MH-p v1.12 --- Mail tools like MH by Perl 4555.sjs MH-p v1.12 --- Mail tools like MH by Perl 4556.sjs XLpq version 1.0 4557.sjs ppack, punpack v1.24 4558.sjs ppack, punpack v1.25 from v1.24 patch (Re: ppack, punpack v1.23) 4559.sjs screen-3.5.2 patch for JIS code (Re: "screen" KANJI patch) 4560.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (16/17) 4561.sjs buturi gakkai kouen gaiyou TeX macro 4562.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (12/17) 4563.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (13/17) 4564.sjs ppack, punpack v1.26 from v1.24 patch 4565.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (14/17) 4566.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (15/17) 4567.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (17/17) 4568.sjs ps2text (Ver. 0.1) -- extract & arrange text strings in PS program 4569.sjs ppack v1.26a from v1.26 patch 4570.sjs Re: XLpq version 1.0 4571.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (1/17) 4572.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (2/17) 4573.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (3/17) 4574.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (5/17) 4575.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (4/17) 4576.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (7/17) 4577.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (6/17) 4578.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (8/17) 4579.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (9/17) 4580.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (10/17) 4581.sjs Mini News Reader Ver 1.17 (11/17) 4582.sjs punpack v1.26a from v1.26 patch 4583.sjs World21 -- KanjiHand the World Version 21 R1.0 for NetBSD 4584.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (0/7) 4585.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (2/7) 4586.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (1/7) 4587.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (3/7) 4588.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (4/7) 4589.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (5/7) 4590.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (6/7) 4591.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (7/7) 4592.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (6/6) 4593.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (2/6) 4594.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (4/6) 4595.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (3/6) 4596.sjs Re: EmacsApp 3.1 (0/6) 4597.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (1/6) 4598.sjs EmacsApp 3.1 (5/6) 4599.sjs pstwm version 2.3 -> 2.4 patch. Directory usenet/fj_src/v46: ============================ 4600.sjs Distribution of styleuse.lzh 4601.sjs xslideshow (1/2) 4602.sjs xslideshow (2/2) 4603.sjs & Ver.1.00 -- MIME header encode/decode perl libra 4604.sjs MH-p v1.12.1 from v1.12 patch 4605.sjs textfmt(FlexFax-v2.2.1) KANJI patch 4606.sjs fire emblem 4607.sjs Slot Machine 4608.sjs rectangular image format converter 'r2r' v1.2 (part01/02) 4609.sjs rectangular image format converter 'r2r' v1.2 (part02/02) 4610.sjs Re: textfmt(FlexFax-v2.2.1) KANJI patch 4611.sjs A screen lock program for X11 4612.sjs patch for mnews 1.17 on Solaris 2.2 4613.sjs Slot Machine 2 4614.sjs [patch] ewhod for 386bsd 4615.sjs ppack/punpack v1.26b from v1.26a patch 4616.sjs Slot Machine 2 4617.sjs Re: Distribution of MUSICJDC.LZH(Music TeX J Manual) part II 4618.sjs Re: Distribution of MUSICJDC.LZH(Music TeX J Manual) part III 4619.sjs scsi (like scsiping) for NEWS-OS (1 of 1) 4620.sjs scsi (like scsiping) for NEWS-OS (0 of 1) 4621.sjs Distribution of MUSICJDC.LZH(Music TeX J Manual) part I 4622.sjs Math. Olympiad 1994 Domestic final round 4623.sjs Informatics Olympaid 1994 Domestic final round 4624.sjs Re: Math. Olympiad 1994 Domestic final round 4625.sjs WTELNET japanese patch (very alpha version) 4626.sjs mf2t: MidiFile<=>Text 1/4 4627.sjs mf2t: MidiFile<=>Text 2/4 4628.sjs mf2t: MidiFile<=>Text 3/4 4629.sjs mf2t: MidiFile<=>Text 4/4(last) 4630.sjs bomb - a game for X11 4631.sjs ONEW-2.2 (1/2) 4632.sjs ONEW-2.2 (2/2) 4633.sjs JVim2.0 - Vim2.0 (1/4) 4634.sjs JVim2.0 - Vim2.0 (4/4) 4635.sjs JVim2.0 - Vim2.0 (2/4) 4636.sjs JVim2.0 - Vim2.0 (3/4) 4637.sjs DJ505J driver for GhostScript-2.6.1 (patch) 4638.sjs xelem-1.10 unoffical patch for BLT-1.5 4639.sjs gs261d12.tgz 1/7 4640.sjs gs261d12.tgz 2/7 4641.sjs gs261d12.tgz 3/7 4642.sjs gs261d12.tgz 4/7 4643.sjs gs261d12.tgz 5/7 4644.sjs gs261d12.tgz 6/7 4645.sjs gs261d12.tgz 7/7 4646.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 01/18) 4647.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 02/18) 4648.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 03/18) 4649.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 04/18) 4650.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 06/18) 4651.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 07/18) 4652.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 08/18) 4653.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 05/18) 4654.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 09/18) 4655.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 10/18) 4656.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 11/18) 4657.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 12/18) 4658.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 16/18) 4659.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 17/18) 4660.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 18/18) 4661.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 15/18) 4662.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 13/18) 4663.sjs Net News Reader Kanji TRN 3.7.0 (Part 14/18) 4664.sjs Mthreads 3.1 for trn (Part 01/04) 4665.sjs Mthreads 3.1 for trn (Part 04/04) 4666.sjs Mthreads 3.1 for trn (Part 02/04) 4667.sjs Mthreads 3.1 for trn (Part 03/04) 4668.sjs nemcas (18.59 base) patch No.5 4669.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 02 of 10) 4670.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 01 of 10) 4671.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 03 of 10) 4672.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 05 of 10) 4673.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 04 of 10) 4674.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 06 of 10) 4675.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 07 of 10) 4676.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 08 of 10) 4677.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 09 of 10) 4678.sjs BNR/2 derived BSD for PCs Japanese FAQ (Part 10 of 10) 4679.sjs coerce -- a graphic format converter 4680.sjs pgp japanese messages 4681.sjs xslideshow-v2.0 4682.sjs xslideshow-v2.0 part2 4683.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQj84QDhsGyhCIA==?= MIME header encoder/decoder 4684.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQj84QDhsGyhC?= MIME header encoder/decoder 4685.sjs ol2 4686.sjs tm-misc.el,v 1.7 4687.sjs =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQj84QDhsGyhC?= MIME header encoder/decoder 4688.sjs MML->SMF Converter Ver4.0A 4689.sjs Re: MML->SMF Converter Ver4.0A 4690.sjs JVim2.0e - JVim2.0 patch (1/1) 4691.sjs [UPDATE] pgp Japanese messages Feb/27 4692.sjs nkf, Network Kanji Filter Ver.1.4, patch level 14 (1/1) 4693.sjs Newsreader gn Version 1.20 (1/3) 4694.sjs Newsreader gn Version 1.20 (2/3) 4695.sjs Newsreader gn Version 1.20 (3/3) 4696.sjs F command for UNIX 4697.sjs xelem-1.10 unoffical patch for BLT-1.5 4698.sjs $BB?8@8l(B MIME header encoder/decoder tiny-mime.el ver 3.2 4699.sjs nkf, Network Kanji Filter Ver.1.4, patch level 15 Directory usenet/fj_src/v47: ============================ 4700.sjs GNU Digest #15 (2/9) 4701.sjs GNU Digest #15 (3/9) 4702.sjs GNU Digest #15 (6/9) 4703.sjs GNU Digest #15 (7/9) 4704.sjs GNU Digest #15 (8/9) 4705.sjs GNU Digest #15 (9/9) 4706.sjs GNU Digest #15 (1/9) 4707.sjs GNU Digest #15 (4/9) 4708.sjs GNU Digest #15 (5/9) 4709.sjs xslideshow-v2.0.1 (1/1) 4710.sjs the latest GNU Digest #16 (1/10) release info. 4711.sjs GNU Digest #16 (2/10) 4712.sjs GNU Digest #16 (3/10) 4713.sjs GNU Digest #16 (4/10) 4714.sjs GNU Digest #16 (5/10) 4715.sjs GNU Digest #16 (6/10) 4716.sjs GNU Digest #16 (7/10) 4717.sjs GNU Digest #16 (8/10) 4718.sjs GNU Digest #16 (9/10) 4719.sjs GNU Digest #16 (10/10) 4720.sjs fvwm-users-jp-patchkit.94Mar01 4721.sjs Re: DJ505J driver for GhostScript-2.6.1 (patch) 4722.sjs tm-gnus.el ver 1.10 4723.sjs tm-mh-e.el ver 1.3 4724.sjs Patch for GNU Digest #15 4725.sjs PatchPatch for GNU Digest #15 4726.sjs 1.2 4727.sjs Patches for gnushogi.exe on MS-DOS from gnushogi-1.1p02 (01/01) 4728.sjs xslideshow-v2.1 (1/1) 4729.sjs XV auto-extract patch 4730.sjs Denshi Kokuban (Text Package) 4731.sjs Kanji cover sheet for FlexFax (1/2) 4732.sjs Kanji cover sheet for FlexFax (2/2) 4733.sjs xtypo - Let's practice keyboard typing :-) 4734.sjs out2tex test version. 4735.sjs emls-0.5 - mailing-list server test release 4736.sjs fml 1.2 Mailing List Server(upper compatible with hml 1.6) 4737.sjs HitoriPoker 4738.sjs fml 1.2 Mailing List Server(upper compatible with hml 1.6) 4739.sjs HitoriPoker 4740.sjs Same Game 4741.sjs mail-expand Beta1 (1/1) 4742.sjs Follow-Up Multiple Articles - fuma version 0.6e (1/1) 4743.sjs Re: fml 1.2 Mailing List Server(upper compatible with hml 1.6) 4744.sjs youbin client on NeXT (1/5) 4745.sjs youbin client on NeXT (2/5) 4746.sjs youbin client on NeXT (3/5) 4747.sjs youbin client on NeXT (5/5) 4748.sjs youbin client on NeXT (4/5) 4749.sjs xslideshow-v2.1.1 (1/1) 4750.sjs du2ps-2.1 4751.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part01/09 ) 4752.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part02/09 ) 4753.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part03/09 ) 4754.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part04/09 ) 4755.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part05/09 ) 4756.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part06/09 ) 4757.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part07/09 ) 4758.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part08/09 ) 4759.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part09/09 ) 4760.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) Kanji Threaded News Reader ( Part10/09 ) 4761.sjs RootMail For Perl 4762.sjs MML->SMF Converter "mml2mid" Ver4.1 4763.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5 -> 1.5.1 patch (Part 01/01) 4764.sjs Kanji TRN 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1 (Part 01/01) 4765.sjs Unofficial Patch for ktin 1.5.1@1.2.2 (1/5) 4766.sjs Unofficial Patch for ktin 1.5.1@1.2.2 (2/5) 4767.sjs Unofficial Patch for ktin 1.5.1@1.2.2 (3/5) 4768.sjs Unofficial Patch for ktin 1.5.1@1.2.2 (4/5) 4769.sjs Unofficial Patch for ktin 1.5.1@1.2.2 (5/5) 4770.sjs emls-0.6 - mailing-list server 2nd release 4771.sjs an unofficial patch of ktin 1.5-1.22 for BSD/386 1.0 4772.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 patch (Part 01/01) 4773.sjs Re: ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 patch (Part 01/01) 4774.sjs jdvi2kps4.0 (part01) 4775.sjs jdvi2kps4.0 (part03) 4776.sjs jdvi2kps4.0 (part02) 4777.sjs jdvi2kps4.0 (part04) 4778.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (1/7) 4779.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (2/7) 4780.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (3/7) 4781.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (4/7) 4782.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (5/7) 4783.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (6/7) 4784.sjs addmail 1.10.3 (7/7) 4785.sjs ewhod on Solaris2.x, SunOS4.x, NEWS-OS4.x 4786.sjs Re: emls-0.6 - mailing-list server 2nd release 4787.sjs LaTeX simple macro for Russian text - sscyr.sty 4788.sjs Canon BJC-600J printer driver for GS 4789.sjs a patch for using tiny-mime.el with VM-5.66beta 4790.sjs Patch for fuma version 0.6e -> 0.6f 4791.sjs ahiru-kun 4792.sjs slot machine light 4793.sjs kanji patch for xvt (Part 02/02) 4794.sjs kanji patch fot xvt (Part 01/02) 4795.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (01/13) 4796.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (02/13) 4797.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (03/13) 4798.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (04/13) 4799.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (05/13) Directory usenet/fj_src/v48: ============================ 4800.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (06/13) 4801.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (07/13) 4802.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (08/13) 4803.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (09/13) 4804.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (10/13) 4805.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (11/13) 4806.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (12/13) 4807.sjs Mei0.60 [Smalltalk class library] (13/13) 4808.sjs '93 baseball card 4809.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 patch (Part 01/01) 4810.sjs PPACK --- ppack, punpack v1.27 4811.sjs MH-p ---, v1.13 4812.sjs [REPOST] PPACK --- ppack, punpack v1.27 4813.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 01/19) 4814.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 02/19) 4815.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 03/19) 4816.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 04/19) 4817.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 05/19) 4818.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 06/19) 4819.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 08/19) 4820.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 09/19) 4821.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 07/19) 4822.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 10/19) 4823.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 11/19) 4824.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 12/19) 4825.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 13/19) 4826.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 14/19) 4827.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 15/19) 4828.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 16/19) 4829.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 17/19) 4830.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 18/19) 4831.sjs Kanji STRN 3.7.1 (Part 19/19) 4832.sjs libmatrix --- C++ class library 1/2 4833.sjs libmatrix --- C++ class library 2/2 4834.sjs fml 1.2.1 Mailing List Server (1/2) 4835.sjs fml 1.2.1 Mailing List Server (2/2) 4836.sjs KoreanTeX-1.2.1 4837.sjs nml1.2 (NOROP's Mailing List Server) 4838.sjs nml1.2 UNOFFICIAL patch #1..#5 (Re: nml1.2 (NOROP's Mailing List Ser 4839.sjs Re: libmatrix --- C++ class library 2/2 4840.sjs tcsh 6.04 unofficial patch (set pausehist, like a "newcsh") 4841.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.2 -> 1.5.3 patch (Part 01/01) 4842.sjs postgres RDBMS for SONY NEWS 4843.sjs help: patchkit for X11(solaris2.3) 4844.sjs kanji code converter ack v1.3 4845.sjs vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with tiny-mime 4846.sjs vm-5.68beta patch for MIME header decoding/encoding with tiny-mime 4847.sjs Please give me "ctwm"! 4848.sjs ktin (Kanji TIN) 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 patch (Part 01/01 repost) 4849.sjs gb2jis Version 1.0 4850.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [0/13] 4851.sjs cdsh: interactive CD-ROM access tool 4852.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [1/25] 4853.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [2/25] 4854.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [3/25] 4855.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [4/25] 4856.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [5/25] 4857.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [6/25] 4858.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [7/25] 4859.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [8/25] 4860.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [9/25] 4861.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [10/25] 4862.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [11/25] 4863.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [12/25] 4864.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [13/25] 4865.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [14/25] 4866.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [15/25] 4867.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [16/25] 4868.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [17/25] 4869.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [18/25] 4870.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [19/25] 4871.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [20/25] 4872.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [21/25] 4873.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [22/25] 4874.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [23/25] 4875.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [24/25] 4876.sjs CV literatures database Vol.6 [25/25] 4877.sjs MML->SMF Converter "mml2mid" Ver4.2 4878.sjs I want 'rose'!! 4879.sjs Yet Another tin-1.22 patch 4880.sjs Re: I want 'rose'!! Directory usenet/sci_l_jp: ========================== v15200\ sci.lang.japan V15200 v15300\ sci.lang.japan V15300 v15400\ sci.lang.japan V15400 v15500\ sci.lang.japan V15500 v15600\ sci.lang.japan V15600 Directory usenet/sci_l_jp/v15200: ================================= 15273 How to view Kterm Docs... 15274 How can I write and read Kanji-texts ? 15275 Nihon-no-kotowaza#32 15276 Project Manager Job In Tokyo 15277 Japanese language position ; Jorden text ; katakana ; etc. 15278 Mizutani. 15279 Re: Searching for Japanese University to study Computer Science 15280 Re: anomatapaeia words 15281 Re: anomatapaeia words 15282 Re: [?] Variations of "You" in Japanese 15283 Japanese language teaching positions 15284 Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15285 Re: Cost of living in Tokyo? 15286 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15287 Seeking a job in japan --- Shuushoku-katusdoh... =( 15288 JORDEN TEXT ; RE: KATAKAN 15289 Re: JIS codes for TAB, RETURN...? 15290 tetsuo revisited 15291 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15292 Saiou ga uma ; kanji for Next Computer? ; pen pals ; etc. 15293 Re: tetsuo revisited 15294 Re: Jorden text 15295 Info on Kansai-ben needed 15296 Re: Jorden text 15297 Re: help w dosv 6.2 config 15298 Re: Laser Printer Problem 15299 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet Directory usenet/sci_l_jp/v15300: ================================= 15300 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15301 Little question 15302 Re: anomatapaeia words 15303 Re: Jorden text 15304 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15305 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15306 KANSAIBEN LESSONS (KL) (was Re: Info on Kansai-ben needed) 15307 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15308 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15309 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15310 German Word for Windows and Kanji 15311 Japanese Software 15312 English -> Japanese Business cards 15313 Re: Jorden text 15314 Project / Team Leader Tokyo 15315 Nihon-no-kotowaza#33 15316 Re: iroha ; computer question ; etc. 15317 Is there a FAQ? 15318 US Windows Apps and Windows-J? 15319 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15320 [JAPANESE] dictionary program release announcement 15321 [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 15322 trans / nemacs / mule 15323 Japanese for MS-DOS (US) 15324 Laser Printer Problem 15325 Japanese language positio 15326 Japanese language positio 15327 Japanese for MS-DOS (US) 15328 shokuatari 15329 Super 15330 buying a computer 15331 Re: iroha ; computer question ; etc. 15332 ##JAPAN/ACCOUNTING related job WANTED## 15333 Re: Learning Kanji (from 15334 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15335 Re: Learning Kanji (from Chinese) 15336 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15337 JWP vs KanjiWORD 15338 non-Japanese names in Japanese phonemes 15339 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15340 Re: Learning Kanji (from Chinese) 15341 Japanese Biomedical Translation 15342 Re: Jorden text 15343 Re: anomatapaeia words 15344 Re: Jorden text 15345 Help: How to install Kterm ??? 15346 Wanted: Kanji word pro for Macintosh 15347 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15348 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15349 Ken Lunde's files available for DOS? 15350 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15351 Power Japanese on Power Mac? 15352 WANTED:JAPANESE/ACCOUNTING related JOB 15353 culture question ; kotowaza ; iroha 15354 Re: Japanese names in Rom 15355 Re: JIS FAQ 15356 Nihon-no-kotowaza#32 15357 Re: KANSAIBEN LESSONS (KL) (was Re: Info on Kansai-ben needed) 15358 Hterm and Kterm 15359 Going rate for technical translation 15360 Q:How to send/mail Kanji (again?) 15361 survey 15362 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15363 Japanese Language Tutor: Progress Report #2 15364 7 Gods of Japan (?) 15365 Learn China with your own eyes 15366 Re: Jorden text 15367 RE: Q:How to send/mail Kanji (again?) 15368 Re: Jorden text 15369 Re: Jorden text 15370 Re: 7 Gods of Japan (?) 15371 Re: 7 Gods of Japan (?) 15372 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15373 Re: Jorden text 15374 (Paper)News related addresses in Japan 15375 Re: Jorden text 15376 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15377 Re: non-Japanese names in Japanese phonemes 15378 Re: Nihon-no-kotowaza#32 15379 [HELP]MAC printer recommendation wanted 15380 Re: non-Japanese names in Japanese phonemes 15381 Re: [HELP]MAC printer recommendation wanted 15382 Re: Jorden text 15383 Re: Ken Lunde's files available for DOS? 15384 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15385 Re: Jorden text 15386 Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 15387 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15388 NEC Bungo Mini 5G 15389 Navigation program for nifty? 15390 What's that h for? 15391 (Paper)News related addresses in Japan 15392 Re: buying a computer 15393 Re: Jorden text 15394 Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 15395 Software Release: CNPRINT V2.40/2.41 15396 Re: Jorden text 15397 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15398 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet, and name schemes 15399 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet Directory usenet/sci_l_jp/v15400: ================================= 15400 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet, and name schemes 15401 Re: [ENGLISH] dictionary program release announcement 15402 Re: Jorden text 15403 Re: 7 Gods of Japan (?) 15404 Re: buying a computer 15405 Re: 7 Gods of Japan (?) 15406 JWP's JIS codes 15407 Change to KANJIDIC format 15408 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15409 INFO NEEDED URGENTLY: Details about "Software AG" required... 15410 Re: non-Japanese names in Japanese phonemes 15411 Re: 7 Gods of Japan (?) 15412 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet, and name schemes 15413 Re: Japanese Language Tutor: Progress Report #2 15414 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet, and name schemes 15415 Re: Japanese language position ; Jorden text ; katakana ; etc. 15416 Re: What's that h for? 15417 Re: Jorden text 15418 KANJI in X Windows FAQ ?? 15419 Re: non-Japanese names in Japanese phonemes 15420 Unger & the Ideographic Myth (Was: Jorden text) 15421 Re: JWP's JIS codes 15422 KANSAIBEN LESSONS 15423 Re: Jorden text 15424 Displaying Kanjis. 15425 JWP status info 15426 Re: Jorden text 15427 Re: Jorden text 15428 Colorado Springs Nihongo Gakuen??? 15429 Japanese News/Discussion Letter 15430 STANDARD RULES 15431 [help] email in Japanese 15435 ¡¥°¢­x¡¦¨t¦CºZ¾P®Ñ 15436 Re: network for handicapped part1 15437 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15438 Japan Association for Employment of the Disabled 15439 Q: (Paper)News related addresses in Japan 15440 Re: fj.* via e@mail, how ? 15441 Re: Jorden text 15442 Nihon-no-kotowaza#34 15443 Re: non-Japanese names in Japanese phonemes 15444 ftp site ; F sound ; tea ceremony ; etc. 15445 Re: Jorden text 15446 Re: Jorden text 15447 Re: Jorden text 15448 Re: Colorado Springs Nihongo Gakuen??? 15449 Re: Jorden text 15450 Re: [HELP]MAC printer recommendation wanted 15451 Re: Jorden text 15452 Re: Jorden text 15453 Re: Jorden text 15454 Re: English -> Japanese Business cards 15455 177 15456 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet, and name schemes 15457 Re: Jorden text 15458 Cabinet 15459 Wanted - Software Position in Japan 15460 Re: Software Release: CNPRINT V2.40/2.41 15461 Re: Jorden text 15462 chinese newsgroup ? 15463 Re: Japanese names in Rom 15464 Re: chinese newsgroup ? 15465 Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15466 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet, and name schemes 15467 [?] Adding Kana->Kanji User Conversion Dictionary in JWP 1.1 15468 214 Radicals ??? 15469 Re: [?] Adding Kana->Kanji User Conversion Dictionary in JWP 1.1 15470 Kanji & Kana under Windows 15471 Need translation for "Happy Mother's Day" 15472 Kotowaza by FTP ; software for learning kanji ; tea ceremony 15473 Japanese stores in the US 15474 Re: INFO NEEDED URGENTLY: Details about "Software AG" required... 15475 Re: German Word for Windows and Kanji 15476 Re: Software Release: CNPRINT V2.40/2.41 15477 Re: Jorden text 15478 JAPAN RELATED JOBS 15479 reading japanese characters in e-mail 15480 Re: German Word for Windo 15481 Re: INFO NEEDED URGENTLY: Details about "Software AG" required... 15482 Net resources for Japanese 15483 Comments on the KEN School of Japanese Language 15484 Translation Software E <> J (G <> J) 15485 Re: Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15486 Jobs for Japanese nationals with PhD or eqivalent 15487 Help In Learning Japanese 15488 Re: Japanese names in Rom 15489 Advanced Class: Boston 15490 JLK going native for PPC? 15491 Japanese Postscript Printers 15492 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15493 Re: Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15494 Book Question: Kanji Pict-O-Graphix 15495 Re: Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15496 Re: Book Question: Kanji Pict-O-Graphix 15497 Japanese fonts usable with cnprint 15498 Internet access to DIET library? 15499 Re: Japanese fonts usable with cnprint Directory usenet/sci_l_jp/v15500: ================================= 15500 Re: Book Question: Kanji Pict-O-Graphix 15501 Re: Book Question: Kanji Pict-O-Graphix 15502 Re: Jorden text 15503 Opinions on Heisig Method 15504 Re: Opinions on Heisig Method 15505 Re: Jorden text 15506 Version 0.8 of WinJDIC available 15507 EDICT (V94-003) available 15508 Oosakaben Kouza 15509 Job needed in Japan 15510 Re: Unger & the Ideographic Myth (Was: Jorden text) 15511 Japanese Emacs? 15512 Re: need royalty free japanese font (mac) 15513 Re: Japanese Emacs? 15514 Pen Pals? 15515 Help w/Mac JLK (Japanese Lang Kit) 15516 Re: Japanese Emacs? 15517 -- 15518 Japanese Multimedia Position Los Angeles 15519 Re: Help w/Mac JLK (Japanese Lang Kit) 15520 Tokyo location-Engineers-Temic/Mercedes Benz-Design/Applications 15521 WHERE IS ANIL BHATIA?? 15522 Re: Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15523 Re: Opinions on Heisig Method 15524 Re: Opinions on Heisig Method 15525 "Practice makes perfect" 15526 Nihon-no-kotowaza#35 15527 Re: Opinions on Heisig Method 15528 4th Annual NTIS/JICST Conference 15529 Re: Japanese Multimedia Position Los Angeles 15530 Software piracy in Japan 15531 Re: Software piracy in Japan 15532 Re: Software piracy in Japan 15533 Japanese Speaking RF Design Engineer 15534 8-bit Japanese fonts 15535 Re: "Practice makes perfect" 15536 Japanese student in SW Louisiana 15537 Re: Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15538 Fonts 15539 Re: Unger & the Ideographic Myth (Was: Jorden text) 15540 Announcement: beta Flashcard drilling program for Emacs/Mule 15541 language software for translation? 15542 JAPAN RELATED JOBS 15543 Dos/v and Win/J Problems on Net 15544 Re: Help In Learning Japanese 15545 how to enter? 15546 Re: Help In Learning Japanese 15547 kotowaza ; kanji software ; dictionary ; mangajin 15548 DOS in Japanese!? 15549 Berlitz Japanese courses 15550 Wash. DC nihonjin o sagasite iru yo 15551 Re: DOS in Japanese!? 15552 Re: DOS in Japanese!? 15553 Summer Institute of Linguistics? 15554 Obirin/Oberland Univ. 15555 Wanted: Official Kanji List 15556 Re: German Word for Windows and Kanji 15557 Re: Wanted: Official Kanji List 15558 Re: language software for translation? 15559 Re: Fonts 15560 Japanese for Everyone CD 15561 Re: German Word for Windows and Kanji 15562 Re: Berlitz Japanese courses 15563 Re: Net resources for Japanese 15564 Word Processor (ichi-taro) 15565 Re: Net resources for Japanese 15566 WP 6 for Win hiragana gone??? 15567 Re: EDICT (V94-003) available 15568 Release of MacJDic 1.2 15569 Re: Help In Learning Japanese 15570 Re: Oosakaben Kouza 15571 X Window JPN software 15572 Re: 8-bit Japanese fonts 15573 Re: Homonyms and vocabulary acquisition 15574 Re: "Practice makes perfect" 15575 CD-ROM instructional software--Berlitz or Power Japanese? 15576 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15577 WANTED: JOB IN JAPAN (TECH.WRITER)-HAVE NO JAP.LANG 15578 1st/2nd year Japanese student looking for penpal 15579 print japanese text on PS printer 15580 Running Across America 15581 Running Across America 15582 Translator position 15583 JET question ; RE: Mangajin ; RE: Mac software 15584 Re: print japanese text on PS printer 15585 Nihon-no-kotowaza#36 15586 Re: "Practice makes perfect" 15587 Japanese Soldiers Forced Mother & Son To Have Sex In Pub. 15588 Suggestion of "CURRENT-EVENT.JAPAN.WARCRIME.DENIAL" 15589 Japanese Soldiers Forced Mother & Son To Have.. Continue 15590 Re: Japanese names in Roman alphabet 15591 Opinions on Waseda Hoshien 15592 Re: print japanese text on PS printer 15593 Latest version of EDICT 15594 Nan. Massacre Was a Hoax * Pearl Ha. Was a Defensive Move 15595 Printing JIS in Unix --- alternative to kanjips? 15596 Re: Nan. Massacre Was a Hoax * Pearl Ha. Was a Defensive Move 15597 Re: Nan. Massacre Was a Hoax * Pearl Ha. Was a Defensive Move 15598 Re: Nan. Massacre Was a Hoax 15599 Re: Japanese Soldiers Forced Mother & Son To Have.. Continue Directory usenet/sci_l_jp/v15600: ================================= 15600 KanjiTalk6.0.7 via FTP? 15601 Re: Wanted: Official Kanji List 15602 Re: Japanese Multimedia Position Los Angeles 15603 Re: Japanese-Finnish connection 15604 re: cnprint problems 15605 Telnet to NIFTY-SERVE!!! 15606 Re: Japanese-Finnish connection 15607 Re: 8-bit Japanese fonts 15608 Re: X Window JPN software 15609 SALE: Kanji TrueType Kit for Mac 15610 self-study ; RE: JET Program ; Mac Kojien 15611 kanji truetype fonts 15612 Thanks! 15613 Re: Japanese for Everyone 15614 Re: Suggestion of "CURRENT-EVENT.JAPAN.WARCRIME.DENIAL" 15615 Re: Telnet to NIFTY-SERVE!!! 15616 Re: Software piracy in Japan 15617 Contracting Companies in Japan??? 15618 Re: Telnet to NIFTY-SERVE!!! 15619 Re: Software piracy in Japan 15620 Re: Suggestion of "CURRENT-EVENT.JAPAN.WARCRIME.DENIAL" 15621 Re: Software piracy in Japan 15622 MAQ-Net -- Mac based Japanese/American BBS 15623 Re: "Practice makes perfect" 15624 Desperately Seeking Double-Bit Fonts! 15625 Running Across America 15626 Re: Printing JIS in Unix --- alternative to kanjips? 15627 Re: Latest version of EDICT 15628 Kterm Problem (?) katakana only 15629 Japanese language software 15630 Re: print japanese text on PS printer 15631 Re: Printing JIS in Unix --- alternative to kanjips? 15632 RUNNING ACROSS AMERICA 15633 Re: Wanted: Official Kanji List 15634 Kterm Problem (?) katakana only 15635 Re: Suggestion of "CURRENT-EVENT.JAPAN.WARCRIME.DENIAL" 15636 Re: Software piracy in Japan 15637 Kingyo speaks Japanese -translation? 15638 Re: Kingyo speaks Japanese -translation? 15639 Japanese and English names for Japanese companies 15640 JAPAN RELATED JOBS 15641 Re: Word Processor (ichi-taro) 15642 Re: Latest version of EDICT 15643 Re: Net resources for Japanese 15644 Re: CD-ROM instructional software--Berlitz or Power Japanese? 15645 When the Internet meets religious traditions 15646 xjdic comments (Was: Kterm Problem (?) katakana only) 15647 RUNNING ACROSS AMERICA 15648 help with GomTalk 15649 help with GomTalk II 15650 Re: Japanese stores in the US 15651 Help for dictionary!!! Directory utils: ================ cnview\ Chinese text viewer jreader\ Japanese text viewer ask.asm ask.doc ask.rme killdir.doc killdir.exe lha.exe makefile pkunpak.exe unzip.exe zoo.exe Directory vietnmse: =================== systems\ Programs and Utilities for Vietnamese texts\ Vietnamese Texts Directory vietnmse/systems: =========================== msdos\ Programs/Utilities for MSDOS Directory vietnmse/systems/msdos: ================================= index.txt Long index of all of the files in this directory Vietnamese editor--most graphics cards + mouse Displays random proverbs, customizable, Win3.1 Hoi?/Nga~ Look Up Table for Windows 3.1 Poems by Ho Xuan Huong, Win3.1 hypertext + MIDI Teaching/testing tool in Vietnamese, with src Gregorian/Lunar calendar converter (1990-2000) WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol1-VerA3 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol2-VerA3 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol3-VerA3 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol4-VerA3 Allows users to play 20 Vietnamese MIDI Songs WIN3 PC-Karaoke: Record and play Karaoke songs 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS 5 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS 5 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts 7 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts Memory-resident Vietnamese text viewer for DOS Poems by Quang Dung, uses VN TrueType fonts Poems by Nguyen Binh, uses VN TrueType fonts Chinh Phu Ngam poem, Win3.1 hypertext+art+MIDI Vietnamese Old Poems, hypertext style, Vol1 TriChlor Multimedia Player for Windows 3.1 Animal Names Teacher, in Vietnamese Convert between VIET 1.x and VISCII formats VIETDOS: Vietnamese keyboard and screen filters Vietnamese word proc, supports dot-matrix and LaserJets Multi-font dot-matrix formatting & printing VN keyboard/clipboard filter for Windows 3.1 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in PostScript VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in VISCII Multi-font Laserjet printing for Vietnamese VISCII-compliant VI/EX-clone text editor 4VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor 3VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor VISCII TienGiang TT fonts -donated by GIGISOFT Vietnamese song lyrics (with cliparts), Win3.1 Geography of Vietnam, in English Geography of Vietnam, in Vietnamese WIN3: View Vietnamese text of various formats Printing utility for Vietnamese VISCII files Add diacritic marks to plain Vietnamese text Sorts VISCII text alphabetically, customizable Vietnamese keyboard and fonts for Windows 3.1 Directory vietnmse/texts: ========================= 6.tex 7.tex 8.tex ages_of_dreams.tex book.tex cay_da.tex crow.tex day_di.tex de_lay_quan.tex do_dua.tex dreams.tex duongvn_amy.tex header.tex hoang.tex hoi_trang.tex hom_nay.tex horse.tex index.tex innocent.tex intro.tex ky_vat.tex ly_ngua_o.tex manysongs.tex mat_troi_amy.tex moon.tex nghin_trung.tex nghin_trung_trung.tex ngua_o_trung.tex qc_vn.tex qua_cau.tex qua_keu.tex quoc_ca.tex s10.tex s11.tex s12.tex s13.tex s14.tex s15.tex s16.tex s17.tex tex2vnt.l text.vnt trong_com.tex tuoi-tre.vnt tuoi_hong.tex tuoi_mo.tex van-hoa-vn.vnt viet-macro.tex vietnam.tex vn_que_huong.tex vntex.c vong_tay.tex