SINOCODE - SINOCODE is a very simple and not very sofisticated programm for DOS. It is written in PASCAL. Whoever wants to use it, is free to use it and distribute it to whoever is interested in it. - It should not become part of any commercial distribution without prior discussion with the author. - SINOCODE allwos conversion between the tree most important codes for CJK scripts: GB-2312, BIG-5 and JIS (and IBM555). - In most cases there is no one-to-one conversion -- especially when the conversion starts from a simplified character code as GB-2312. So conversion from GB-2312 to BIG-5 allways implies some editing of the new version. - The JIS-characters are EUC-encoded, i.e. both code-bytes have set the highest bit (as in GB-2312). - The BIG-5 conversion table contains also the Hiragana and Katakana which in the ET-version of the BIG-5 code, and which seem not to be part of the original BIG-5-code. - If a character is not available in the target-code, the missing character is replaced by default by two stars (**). These characters might be changed in SETUP (maybe you prefer two blanks instead). - The codetables might not yet be satisfactory. If you find wrong or missing conversions, please notify me in order to update the tables. - The author of the programm assumes no responsability whatsoever for the functionality of the programm. - List of available conversions: 1 = GB-2312 --> BIG-5 2 = GB-2312 --> IBM-555 3 = GB-2312 --> JIS (EUC) 4 = BIG-5 --> GB-2312 5 = BIG-5 --> IBM-555 6 = BIG-5 --> JIS (EUC) 7 = JIS (EUC) --> GB-2312 8 = JIS (EUC) --> BIG-5 9 = IBM-555 --> BIG-5 10 = IBM-555 --> GB-2312 INSTALLLATION AND USE Use PKUNZIP to decompress the files into a directory of your choice on the harddisc. The ZIP-files need not to bee copied to the harddisc. When UNZIPing give as the last parameter the disk to which you want to copy the files. Example: on hardisk C: you create a subdirectory: c:\ C: md sinocode Suppose you have the ZIP-files on a disk on B: then you say: C: a:pkunzip -x a:*.zip c:\sinocode Now you are ready to use SINOCODE. To work properly you should change into the directory of SINOCODE. The files you want to convert might be in another disk (e.g. D: or F: etc.), but there is no space to have lenghty paths together with the filenames. First you chose the conversion type by a number. SINOCODE will read the necessary table an then prompt you for an input file. Since SINOCODE does not automatically give a new name to the outputfile, you should give also the name of the output file which must be different from the name of the input file. (Probably you will change the extension.) With SINOCODE you find three textfiles (TESTGUO.GUO, TESTBIG.BIG and TESTJIS.JIS). They list the characters in each of the three codes concerned. If you have a Japanese wordprocessor as JWP for WINDOWS by Stephen Chung, you might have a look at the file TESTJIS.JIS. You will see a table for the JIS-code. You then might convert this file with SINOCODE to BIG-5 (choose as target file name: TESTJIS.BIG). Start the ET-system and look at TESTJIS.BIG: you will see the same codetable but just missing the Japanese characters not contained in BIG-5. Such tables will help to locate errors in the coding tables. FINALLY Hope you enjoy the programm, and hopefully it will not destroy your data. I am interested to hear from you for ciriticism and suggestions. Urs Widmer tel.: (0049)421-218-3188 PC-Labor, MZH FAX: (0049)421-218-2720 University of Bremen email: D-2800 Bremen 33