software: HZcomm 1.5 for Way version : 1.5, Nov. 14, 1993. function: HZ coding supported communication program to accompanying Way software. Good for reading HZ coded E-mail and news(alt.chinese.text) on line in Windows 3.1 for PCs. ftp site:[]:/software/ms-win filename: wHZcomm15.exe. comments: Must have ch16.fon(wayfont.exe) and misc.dll(way3100.exe) in place. Thanks to Mr. Wang Wei for his contribution of Way software in the above ftp site. This program is fully functional as HZcomm15.exe independently. Please refer to HZcomm15.txt for further information. author : Nick Ke Ning ~{D~?I~} =========================================================================== 1. Installation wHZcomm15.exe is self-extractable to the following: whzcomm.exe ; main program whzcomm.hlp ; on-line help file for Windows hzcomm.ini ; initial setup file whzcomm.txt ; this file Above files should be kept in the same DOS directory all the time. You may modify hzcomm.ini file according to your PC's setup prior to your first run of whzcomm.exe. No other files should be modified. 2. Claimer This is a freeware release. Welcome any comment and suggestion! 3. Disclaimer The author of this software disclaims any warranties to the software and any damages that this software may cause.