software: SimpTerm Chinese communication program alternative font driver for using with WAY3100 or ChPad. version : 0.2.0 function: Display GB encoded Chinese Text in SimpTerm using WAY3100 Chinese system or ChPad. ftp site: ifcss.org129.107.1.155:/software/ms-win filename: sptermw2.exe (Size 22K byte, ZIP 2.0 self-extracting file) sptermw2.txt (Readme file) author : Jianqing Hu ~{:z=!G`~} comment : Freeware for using with SimpTerm About ===== sptermw2.exe contains an alternative Chinese font driver for SimpTerm Chinese communication program. It uses either WAY3100 Chinese system or ChPad to display GB encoded Chinese text under SimpTerm's GB and HZ mode. In this way, you don't have to keep separate GB font files for SimpTerm and as a result, save disk space. WAY3100 is a Chinese system for Windows written by WANG, Wei. ChPad is a GB/HZ viewer for Windows written by Tian Bogang. These two packages are available at under software/ms-win. How to use ========== 1 Run the sptermw1.exe to get the wkfmgr.dll. 2 Rename the orignal driver kfmgr.dll to another name, say kfmgr.old. 3 Copy wkfmgr.dll to SimpTerm's directory as kfmgr.dll. Before you start SimpTerm in HZ/GB mode, you should start either WAY3100 Chinese system or ChPad. Otherwise, the driver doesn't work. You should not quit ChPad while SimpTerm is in GB or HZ mode and the Use Bitmap Font option is checked in the View menu. If you use ChPad, Chinese font can be changed from ChPad between FanTi and JianTi. See ChPad's documentation for more information. It only works with 16X16 bitmap font. Font placement is handled in the same way as that in the orignal driver. But the speed is much slower. It only works in HZ/GB mode. There is no need to edit the kfmgr.ini file. Compatibility ============= The program has been tested under following environment/platform. However, the author can not afford to make any guarantee. MS-DOS 5, 6.0, 6.2 with MS-Windows 3.1 standard English edition and WAY3100 Chinese system ChPad version 1.2 and 1.3. Copyright and Terms =================== Copyright (c) Jianqing Hu, 1994 This software is freeware. It is provided "AS IS", without any warrany; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You, as a user, assume ALL RISK when using it. Contact the Author ================== I will be more than happy to hear from you for any suggestion, comment or bug report. I can be reached at JIANQING HU 254 W. 31st Street #3 Chicago, IL 60616 USA Telephone: (01) 312-326-0200 Internet: