PCXDRAW V1.0a README Zening Ge Department of Economics The University of Chicago (zg11@midway.uchicago.edu) March 24, 1993 0. Difference This is version 1.0a in which some changes have been made. Now PCXDRAW can use any square font, such as 16X16, 24X24, etc to make PCX files. The default font is "CCLIB.f24" found in IFCSS.ORG's font subdirectory. In general, the larger the font size, the better resolution the PCX file has. In the Sinological studies, some rarely used Chinese characters are often needed to insert into the text. Even though there are various Chinese systems supporting WordPerfect or Words, the problem is to print out these files, you need to have the Chinese system installed, so the file portability is much restricted. PCXDRAW can generate Chinese characters in the form of PCX file format which is known by WordPerfect or Word. Using the enclosed WP macro, one can insert PCX formated Chinese characters into anywhere in a WP file and since the characters are in graphic form, so long as you have the right printer driver, you can always preview and/or print out them. Obviously, this method is very ineffecient and slow, but it can serve the needs when only few Chinese characters are needed. You are recommended not to use it for writing all-Chinese text, in which case, NJSTAR, BYX, among others, should be used. 1). Files There are three files in WPHANZI.zip: pcxdraw.exe -- the executable for making PCX files; altc.wpm -- WordPerfect macro to input a Chinese PCX file; put it in the directory where you put the other WP macros. readme -- The file you are reading now. 2). PCXDRAW -- Usage Before inserting Chinese characters into the text, you should know the corresponding Qu1 Wei4 Ma3 of the required Chinese character (there is a document with NJSTAR release which lists all the GB coded Chinese characters with their corresponding Qu Wei Ma). Then use PCXDRAW to generate the PCX files for the required characters and finally, in WP press ALT-C to invoke the inputing macro to insert the PCX file. To use PCXDRAW, at a DOS prompt, type: C:\>pcxdraw /options where the options are /f: use designated font file; default is CCLIBF.24 at the current directory. You can use any square font to be found at IFCSS.ORG; /d: driver where output PCX files go; default is B:; you'd better use this default since the WP macro reads PCX files from B:, so if you use other drivers, you have to change the macro; /s#1: #1 is the starting Qu Wei Ma of the characters; /e#2: #2 is the ending Qu Wei Ma of the characters; /b#3: #3 is the font size; default 24; Examples: c:\>pcxdraw /s56 /e5694 This is to make the characters of the entire 56th Qu using CCLIBF.24. The output files have the name CXXXX.pcx where 'XXXX' is the corresponding Qu Wei Ma. c:\>pcxdraw /s7865 /e7856 /fsong16.fon /b16 Only one character whose Qu Wei Ma is 7856 will be made by using font song16.fon at the current directory. When you are going to make some Qu's characters at one run, you are suggested use '/dc:\' option and then copy the PCX files into B: this may be faster. The PCX files are organized according to the section codes (Qu). So in B:\, there are subdirectories like 56, 67, 74, etc. Each holds the corresponding PCX files for the characters in this section. Before you can really generate PCX files, you should first make these directories and then put the PCX files into the right directory. 3). Input Chinese characters in WP After you create the right PCX files, then in WP, press alt-c to call the macro ALTC.WPM. This will bring up a prompt at the bottom line, then input the Qu Wei Ma of the required character, the macro searches B: driver for the PCX file and sets the right parameters. You will see the character with the previewing function. Since each character is just a user-defined graphic box, so you can set different parameter to obtain the right effect, such as size, contrast, alignment, and so on, please refer to WP documents. 4). Legal Stuff This is a freeware, you are welcome to distribute it as you see appropriate, but please enclose this file. The auther does not assume any responsibility of using the program. Suggestions, questions and comments are directed to 'zg11@midway.uchicago.edu'.